
Demetori - The Grimoire of Alice ~ Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, November 6, 2017 at 4:25:37 PM

Artist: Demetori
Title: The Grimoire of Alice ~ Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu
Source: 東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square
Tags: Touhou Kaikidan アリス・マーガトロイド Margatroid in Wonderland le Grimoire De reve ZUN Comiket c85 徳南 Tokunan 九宝時 Kyuuhouji Extra Stage DECD-0009 TH05 Doll
BPM: 175
Filesize: 8990kb
Play Time: 05:08
Difficulties Available:
  1. Inner Oni (5.98 stars, 2927 notes)
Download: Demetori - The Grimoire of Alice ~ Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Beatmap #1 for Rank!

* The Grimoire of Alice ~ Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu *

*Inner Oni by JarHed*
*Updated Breaks in Streams*

Thanks for the mods guys:
- 404 AccNotFound
- davidminh0111
- Hitsu
- [-Yuno-]
- Voyage (Very useful mod thank you <3)
from your queue (its m4m)
Romanised Title : The Grimoire of Alice ~ Fushigi no Kuni no Arisu
Source : 東方Project
Tags : Touhou アリス・マーガトロイド Alice Margatroid in Wonderland le Grimoire De reve 東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square ZUN Comiket c85

Kiai is unsnapped
and many notes are unsnapped (cant pick out in AiMod but actually unsnapped)

Delete First timing in 00:00:068 - here, it is unnecessary
inner oni
00:11:295 - add d, drum sound here

00:16:781 - add k

00:27:152 (256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263) - maybe dddk dddk (1/6)

00:32:468 (305) - change to d and add k in 00:32:552 - here

00:38:124 (351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358) - dddk dddk (1/6)

00:42:152 - add k
00:42:667 - add d
00:42:752 (392) - change to k
00:42:838 - add d

01:11:038 (661,662,663,664,665,666,667,668) - dddk dddk (1/6)

01:15:067 - add k
01:15:410 - add d
01:15:581 - add k
01:15:752 - add d

01:53:210 ~ 02:02:352 - to many finishers, try to use finisher at cymbals sounds.

02:35:124 (244) - delete

02:52:953 (42) - k
02:53:125 (44) - d

03:42:667 (85) - delete
I don't want to touch deathstream xd sorry
( ´ ▽ ` )ノツ hi~
nm from my queue~
im a noob modder, so please just refer this modding xD

[ General ]

d = don
k = kat
D = Big don
K = Bog kat

[ Inner Oni ]

01:21:667 (756,757,758,759,760,761) - kkkdddk. better match to follow drum imo.

01:51:495 (133) - .cause of 1/4 -> 1/6 -> 1/3,
little hard reading notes, especially 01:52:181 (141,142,143,144,145,146).

01:53:210 (147) ~ 02:02:352 (188) - so many BIG NOTES xp

03:08:353 (2,3) - delete? no drum sound in here. let's make 1/6 dddddd easier xD

04:43:952 (439,440,441,442,443,444) - kkkddd?

05:04:867 (671) - my poor opinion ;w;

fun stream!!!
sorry for short, but map is perfect to me xD
Good luck~
Hello from M4M queue:

01:07:781: Change to k
01:18:238: ddkkd to fit the pitch
01:20:124: Change to d
02:53:381: Change to d
03:12:238: Change to d
04:01:267: kkddk to fit the picth

Sorry for short mod but good map
good luck on approving
Snowy Heat
hi there
M4M from my queue
sorry for being so late but i explained that in my pm for you

most of the map is deeply checked on 25-50% playback rate to find deep mistakes that ruin the map and the song itself or that somehow just don't match the flow and plays or feels strange
parts i didn't check or that playback rate seemed to be fine yet maybe i'll recheck them in the future since i'm still improving in the modding so i may be able to find something else


I guess as metadata was checked by the previous modder it should be ok when you'll apply it.
But i should say about the bg. It would be much better to put bg related to the source of the song if possible. Even if the Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" is kind of origin of Alice Margatroid (both young and older; young is from the mystic square that is source) still the second one is the original character of touhou project with her own theme that's been arranged by demetori that you've mapped. I strongly suggest to put source related bg.
There was even a situation when map was dq'ed due to the reason of just the wrong touhou character. So i can almost insure you that somebody else will tell you the same as i did.
About the map itself in general. Actually drum-kick system you've followed in this map is actually messed up since you're emphasizing kicks with kats and drums with dons. But it actually works since you're also emphasizing guitar that has even more value in this track.

Inner Oni

00:07:353 (68) - pitch of this note is the same as the previous and is also affected by the long and high pitched guitar sound. However on this note 00:07:611 (71) pitch is lowering, that's why it better fits with the don instead of kat.
00:08:468 (81) - i don't think that this note emphasizes that sound well. Pitch doesn't grow that high to make this kat. You can't even notice that change on the 100% playback rate at first.
00:12:753 (123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134) - this amount of triplets kind of breaks rhythm of the song. Try at least put these 00:13:782 (132,133,134,135) together to make a 5plet. Or even join these 00:13:439 (129,130,131,132,133,134,135) together to make a stream. Music allows that and it's much more fun instead of four boring triplets.
You are missing such an important sound at this point 00:14:724. Try k there to extend the stream, looks good to me.
Missed an important sound here 00:15:410 too. Put k there to extend the stream and emphasize that sound that has same pitch as the previous note.
I understand the structure of this stream 00:15:496 (148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164). But why is 00:16:182 (155) a don? It has higher pitch even that those four notes before it and it even has a cymbals sound that you can emphasize with kat. I strongly suggest that.
It's also better to switch 00:16:096 (154) to d because pitch there is lowering and it will let 00:16:182 (155) emphasize it's pitch better too.
Try k on 00:16:525 (159) to follow guitar better. I don't see any sign to put k on 00:24:839 (240). Pitch is low there and drum sound doesn't appear.
00:27:324 (261,265) - you've missed drum sound there, kat should be in there. At least it's audible on the 50% playback rate.
00:32:552 - you've missed pretty audible sound in there. Put k there to follow the pitch and extend the stream. Pitch is also lowering on 00:36:068 (336) this note, don will follow the flow better in my opinion. 00:37:439 (347) - same for this one.
00:38:295 (355,359) - these are the same as 00:27:324 (261,265).
Maybe try to fill the gaps in these 00:42:068 (388,389,390,391,392,393,394)? You've missed plenty of sounds in there. But if you don't want do extend the stream by uniting it with the stream at the right (00:42:925 (395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,411)) that's ok.
As you are following the guitar at this part mostly, you should switch 00:43:439 (401,406,411) to kat. Otherwise it breaks the structure of this whole part beginning from 00:27:839 (266).
00:45:839 (424) - this should probably be kat considering pitch of the guitar and drum sound that is pretty audible. Also pitch on 00:48:411 (446) is lowering and it doesn't seem that the cymbals are that strong to make it k finisher. Try d finisher in there. It will also make good and very fitting the flow k D k pattern.
00:51:839 (476,478) - switch these notes (ctrl+g) kat will fit better on that note because of the drum sound as you've started to follow mostly drums in this part because guitar there is kind of lowering it's pressure. Ctrl+g 00:52:353 (481,482) these for the same reason. Also make the new don finisher as it is placed where the cymbals appear and they're pretty audible to follow + you were following cymbals throughout all the map till this point and because of that it breaks the structure you've built.
00:52:696 (483,484,485,486,487) - this one is messed up too. It's literally ruining the structure of drum following that you were doing. Switch 00:52:868 (485) to d and 00:52:696 (483,487) to k to follow that structure again.
00:53:381 (491,495) - these are the same i've mentioned before 00:38:295 (355,359),; 00:27:324 (261,265).
00:58:524 (541) - as you've started to follow guitar to switch this to k to emphasize it better. It's really controversial when i listen to this part on 50% and 25% playback rate but you can give it a shot and just try k in there i suppose.
01:11:210 (667,671) - i don't think i need to point this to you anymore but still xD
01:11:895 (673,674,675,676,677,678) - what's about joining these together? I think i've mentioned it at the beginning :thinking: If you will then switch 01:12:410 (678) to k to follow the guitar. And also 01:13:010 (683,684) ctrl+g them for the same reason. 683 is affected by the long pitch note but 684 has more audible change in pitch that is getting higher in there.
01:15:152 (702,703,704,705,706,707) - this really seems to be empty and needs to be joined in one stream. Avoiding those sounds really breaks the structure you've been following since it does not emphasize a full amount of guitar sounds there.
01:16:867 (719,720) - i really don't understand the purpose of these kats. This 01:16:867 (719) sounds is deep drum sound so it doesn't feel right to emphasize it with kat, the next one just don't have any of high-pitched note or drum so these kats are just random placed. Though this 01:17:038 (721) - really could be emphasized with kat because pitch increases a bit on it.
01:20:295 (748) - no need to emphasize this with kat too even if you hear the long mid-pitched note that has its beginning on 01:19:952 (746) because it's not affecting it that much at all. This 01:20:124 (747) one is okay with kat because of the drum sound it has.
01:29:467 (16,17) - ctrl+g these to follow the pitch there. Since the guitar has leading role in those streams it should be emphasized more careful.
01:34:781 (69) - if i were you i'd actually placed it at 01:34:610. That will emphasize guitar much better.
01:35:038 (71) - also this could be switched to d finisher and it will be emphasized with these 01:34:867 (70,72) kats much more better then if it would be as kat.
01:35:724 (77) - this kat seems to be random since there is no drum or high pitch in there. 01:37:867 (98) - same for this; also this pattern breaks the consistency of all map because you didn't use any of these anywhere. And it shouldn't be used because it doesn't fit to this part.
01:38:552 (104,105) - ctrl+g to replace that random kat. You use a lot of them tbh and it's bad. You need to build something consistent and flow-following and not put random things that just ruin the map you're trying to make good.
01:39:495 (113) - this seems to be in need to emphasize it with k due to the increasing of pitch there. kdkdk will fit okay in there imo.
01:39:838 (116) - make this d to keep consistency with 01:35:724 (77,78,79). It's still a random kat.
01:44:724 (54,55,56) - it's not necessary to emphasize long note with a bunch of notes in map. Same for 01:44:981 (57,58,59,60). Use variation in here please.
01:45:152 (59) - put k here to follow the drum sound.
01:45:324 (61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70) - this part is really boring, you could really use more color in there. For example switch this 01:45:410 (62) - to d to emphasize the lowering pitch in there and ctrl+g these 01:45:752 (66,67) notes to emphasize the pitch better.
01:49:438 (109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125) - since this part is similar as the situations i've written about, you can change them as i told and then recheck for the pitch-correct sounds.
01:50:981 (127,129) - ctrl+g these two since first is a random kat again and second is actually a drum sound so this change will emphasize sounds better.
01:51:752 (137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146) - i think that all of these should be dons. Changing notes that are kick sounds to kats is wrong there since this part doesn't even have changes in pitch.
01:53:552,01:54:238,01:56:295,01:56:981,01:59:038,02:01:781,02:02:467 - this bunch of time points i've pointed have snare sounds in the music. I think that you've never actually checked the song itself for the hidden sounds on lower playback rate that the 100%. Such an approach for the mapping is really amateur. I don't want to hurt you with this words but i know it for myself. I was mapping in such "style" for a long time but when i started modding 3 months ago i realized that i was making so many mistakes that were ruining my maps. So i just want you to know about this stuff not to come this road for yourself. For this situation i simple suggest you to put dons since those sounds are not that audible on 100% but they do exist. And emphasizing them with kats is totally wrong.
01:55:267,01:57:324,01:58:010,02:00:067,02:00:752,02:02:810 - at these points you've missed a lot of kats. So place them in there please.
02:03:267 (194,197,198) - these could be as kats because pitch is increasing a bit at that point so you can emphasize that change with blue-colored notes.
02:12:752 (1,2,3,4) - emphasizing a slightly increasing pitch with finishes is strange. It's better to misplace them with kats. Otherwise it doesn't have much sense.
02:14:124 (13,14) - ctrl+g these to follow the pitch correctly.
02:14:552 (18,20) - change these to kats so you can make a finisher on this 02:14:810 (21) note. It will emphasize the cymbals at the end of the stream and also it's good for the beginning of the kiai to have a finisher.
02:19:524 - it would be nice to put a kat here since you're following guitar in your map mostly. Also place a don on 02:19:352 to emphasize the kick sound. These changes will make a stream in there but it is okay since it will follow the song correctly.
02:20:981 (79) - you've missed high-pitched sound in there, make it k. Same for this one 02:25:867 (136). And for this 02:31:095 (197). And for this too 02:32:467 (213). This have a bit increased pitch but it works better with kat too 02:33:152 (221).
I think that the part that has it's beginning on 02:36:838 is empty. Actually there should be a spinner since the sound is long in there. Put it from the point i've mentioned to 02:38:467 to cover that gap.
02:57:839 (90) - it's better to emphasize this with kat since the pitch is increasing from there.
03:12:410 (43) - it's not necessary to emphasize this finisher. It's actually better to make that a triplet adding don at 03:12:324.
03:16:352 (77) - make this k since it has the same pitch as 03:12:410 (43). Also this will help to keep consistency.
03:17:810 - you're missing a guitar sound on there, place a don there.
03:20:981 (123) - make this k since of the drum sound. Also it will make a variation in that d part of the stream. Same for 03:22:352 (137).
03:26:038 (176) - make this k to emphasize the change of the pitch since it's the first note when it starts it's increasing.
03:26:467 (181) - make this k to keep consistency with 03:22:352 (137) and 03:20:981 (123). Same for 03:27:838 (195).
03:36:238 (24) - this note is ok since it's drum but 03:36:152 (23) shouldn't be kat. Pitch or drum sound don't affect this note. Same for this note 03:42:667 (85). Also ctrl+g these two 03:43:352 (91,92) - for the same reason.
04:21:581 (205,206) - ctrl+g these to follow the pitch correctly in there. Also make this 04:29:038 (279) k to emphasize the change in pitch.
04:36:324 (356,357) - ctrl+g these due to the same as above.
04:41:981 (422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431) - this part is not 1/4. This should be mapped on 1/3. Make it something like this.
04:44:724 (448,449) - ctrl+g these to follow the pitch correctly. This 04:45:581 (458) can also be good as kat to emphasize the beginning of pitch change.
04:54:495 (562) - pitch is getting lower on this note, make this d.
04:58:610 - place a note here since you've missed a pretty solid sound there. Same for this 04:59:295. Actually i've pointed that in the beginning. It will make a good change and keep consistency with the thing i've pointed on 00:14:724.

Everything else seems to be fine.
Good luck with this map.
M4M Request

Hey I'm finally not being lazy and decided to finally mod this.

Don't expect too much as I'm still kinda busy and what not so this mod will be rather short. Just a few things here and there.

Also keep in mind these are OPINIONS.

Try and always check AiMod for little things here and there, cause a lot of your stuff isn't properly snapped which could cause issues. Always double check with AiMod.

Inner Oni
00:27:152 (258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265) - I would recommend changed these from 1/6th to 1/4th. These 1/6ths kinda feel forced as there is no CLEAR 1/6th sound here and there's no need for making it seem forced.
00:38:124 (350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357) - ^ Same reason as above.
00:41:210 (378,379,380,381) - ^
00:42:152 - Considering adding a d here since the stream starts after the k sound
00:42:667 - Again add a d to follow through on the pattern
00:42:752 - Change to k to keep consistency with the streams patterns
00:42:838 - Add a d to complete the stream
00:49:781 - Change to a K finisher, since you have most of the crashes being mapped as finishers, try to stay consistent with them.
00:52:524 - ^ same reason
00:53:210 (486,487,488,489,490,491,492,493) - Recommend changing from kddd kddd to dddk dddk. You can hear the snare being hit at the k sections with my suggestion and fits better imo
01:11:038 (662,663,664,665,666,667,668,669) - Same reason as the first 2 1/6ths (If you feel that it still fits even though imo it doesn't feel free to change them to dddk instead of removing, fits a little better than what you have).
03:59:039 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19) - This doens't fit at all imo, there's a clear drum sound that you can map too. This just feels really forced and overmapped for no reason, consider changing to 1/4 patterns if possible.
04:43:438 (433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443,444,445,446,447,448,449,450) - I see why you mapped this the way you did, I don't necessarily disagree with how you mapped it, however I do feel that it could cause problems for some people. That 1/6th 1/4th pattern isn't typically seen in taiko however since it fits the song it's your call. My recommendation is maybe try changing to just a 4 note 1/6th pattern somewhere there to make it slightly easier for people to hit. But again, your call.
05:04:867 (671,672,673,674,675,676,677,678,679,680,681,682,683,684) - Not a huge fan of this section tbh. Kinda feels forced and weird to play. Suggest remapping this section a little differently if possible.
05:06:238 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33) - Now this is 100% a SUGGESTION, so please only add if you THINK it's good. My suggestion is at every white tick starting at the first note, add an SV increase. You can tell why I'm suggesting this cause of how the song plays at the end. Now nothing super ridiculous but maybe a +.03 SV at each white tick? maybe .05 increase would be nice. Just to make it scale with the song. Up to you.

Anyways that's it from me. I like the song and the streams were done well imo. Just a few things here and there need to be changed and it's good imo. Good luck with the map in the future!
Ladies Night


M4M Request | ✶ | Taiko

Opening Statement

  1. Hi, Demetori songs are always nice.

Metadata Check

  • Source
  1. Change the current Source to "東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square.", would be a better Source compared to 東方Project since it's more specific and pertains to the actual game. The weird spacing with the hyphen is intentional and so is the period.
  2. Replace Touhou with Touhou Kaikidan or 東方Project in tags, if you choose to apply the above suggestion about Source; this would also be more apt, since it specifies the game's title in Romaji or if you choose to use the other suggestion, it relates to Touhou in a general sense and would be more suitable as a Tag.
  3. Remove 東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square in tags, if you choose to follow my suggestion about the Source, it wouldn't make sense to have a duplicate in the Tags.
  4. Remove Alice in tags, another duplicate since it appears in the Song Title
  5. Add Heavy Metal or Metal in tags, genre of the song is a subgenre of Rock.
  6. Add Team Shanghai Alice in tags, if you have ZUN in your tags, it would make sense to have this tag as well since the Doujin circle is related to ZUN even though, the game was published under Amusement Makers.
  7. Add 徳南 and Tokunan in tags, Japanese and Romaji name of the member of Demetori, who does all the Guitar, Bass and Synth for this song.
  8. Add 九宝時 and Kyuuhouji in tags, Japanese and Romaji name of another member of Demetori, does all the Drums and Percussion as well as the Programming, Mastering, Mixing of the song.
  9. Add Extra Stage in tags, the rearrangement of this song is based on Alice Margatroid's Extra Stage in Mystic Square as her boss theme.
  10. Add DECD-0009 in tags, catalog number of the album "le Grimoire De reve". (Optional)
  11. Add TH5 or TH05 in tags, to indicate it's the fifth installment in 東方Project. (Optional)
  12. Add Doll in tags, related to Alice Margatroid, since it's one of her main abilities and she can control dolls as a magician. (Optional)
Source(s) used: Demetori's Discography, Demetori, le Grimoire De reve, 東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square, アリス・マーガトロイド, Team Shanghai Alice, ZUN, VGMdb.
Footnote(s): Couldn't find a more official source for the game "東方怪綺談 ~ Mystic Square" since it was published under Amusement Makers and not ZUN's Team Shanghai Alice, where they usually post information about their games on the official website.
Special Website for Demetori's album "le Grimoire De reve" is down, so I don't have an extra official Source and in-depth information about the song.

General Suggestions

  • Inconsistent Values
  1. The green Inherited Timing points or the Kiai sections are unsnapped by 1ms later, compared to the offset of the song. Doesn't matter too much, since it doesn't affect the map in any major way that would make it unrankable but, it's worth a fix if you have the time. The Preview Point is also affected by this aswell. (Trivial)
    Hitsound Volume
  2. I feel like 100% hitsound volume for all of your Inherited Timing Points is a bit too much since the song's rhythm and beat is overpowered by the loud hitsounding. How about 80% for the non-Kiai sections and either 90% or 95% for the Kiai sections? It sounds just as good compared to 100% hitsound volume and the song's rhythm is easier on the ears with the reduced hitsound volume, the Kiai sections also isn't a lot louder compared to the non-Kiai parts to warrant 100% as the hitsound volume, so I feel 90% or 95% is more justified.
    Background Image
  3. I found a higher resolution image of the background that's 1920 x 1080 and also takes up a lot less space compared to the current background image you have. Here's the link for it, also make sure to credit the source of the image in the map's description. While the current BG pertains to Alice in Wonderland, how about having a BG that relates to Alice Margatroid herself? The song is based on her and it wouldn't hurt to have a BG that relates to the specific character and 東方Project in general. Make sure to delete any extra BG images left in your Song Folder when replacing it.
Reference used: General Ranking Criteria.

[Inner Oni]

  1. 00:05:553 (51) - Any reason why you decided to make this snare here not a Kat? Unless you were trying to indicate the guitar shifting here or the 1/4 alternation between Kat and Don sounded weird.
  2. 00:29:553 (281,282,283) - This triple sounds a bit weird since you don't emphasize the snare with a Kat like you did for the most part of this section in the song. How about a (d,d,k) triple? It would represent the guitar riff and snare here accordingly.
  3. 00:42:667 - Add a d, the guitar here supports an extra note and would make the pattern a bit more streamy.
  4. 00:42:753 (394) - Change to k, if you choose to do the above suggestion, this would add onto it and completes the pattern. It also represents the snare drum here aswell.
  5. 00:42:925 (395) - Change to d, it sounds a lot better than a Kat, since it contrasts and emphasizes the next three Kats at 00:43:011 (396,397,398) that are more prominent due to the drums. It would also flow well with the above two suggestions.
  6. 01:15:495 (705,706,707) - ^, same as the three suggested reasons shown above. Also this little part sounds a bit empty and I feel you could add in some more notes here that would emphasize the guitar at this part, like you did earlier at 00:42:239 (389,390,391,392,393).
  7. 01:28:181 (1) - Change to d, would help emphasize the next three Kats by contrasting them with the Don note there.
  8. 01:43:352 (38) - Change to k, would indicate the guitar here and also, you used a Kat for a similar sound later on at 01:43:867 (44).
  9. 01:55:038 (155) - 1/3 finishers are fine but, the two K Finishers here sounds a bit overkill by themselves, how about making it a 1/3 (K,D) pattern? Sounds alot better than the two K Finishers next to each other.
  10. 02:01:552 (184) - Change to D Finisher, sounds a lot better with the D Finisher mixed in compared to just 1/3 (K,K,K).
  11. 02:14:124 (13) - Change to k, sounds off since the guitar riff here is really noticeable. Showing that with a Kat wouldn't hurt.
Reference used: Taiko Ranking Criteria.

Overall Summary

  1. Not much to suggest, the stream patterns were well structured and the progression in the patterns are clearly noticeable. Loved the usage of the 1/8 triples and the 1/3 finishers aswell.
Best of endeavors with this marathon.
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