
Demetori - Kagayaku Hari no Kobito-zoku ~ Counter-Attack of

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 9:39:28 PM

Artist: Demetori
Title: Kagayaku Hari no Kobito-zoku ~ Counter-Attack of the Weak
Source: 東方Project
Tags: Shinmyoumaru Sukuna Inchlings of the Shining Needle 輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character Little Princess Stage 06 愧人贖悪 ~ Evil People as the True Object of Salvation ~ Touhou th14 C88 Power Metal ZUN Team Shanghai Alice
BPM: 184
Filesize: 9635kb
Play Time: 06:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Tatsujin (5.86 stars, 3221 notes)
Download: Demetori - Kagayaku Hari no Kobito-zoku ~ Counter-Attack of the Weak
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
GoldenWolf's standard set:

Stamina/Accuracy map.

Thanks to Raiden, lolcubes, OzzyOzrock, newyams99 and DakeDekaane.
Just posting my score because why not

ˢᵖᶦᶰᶰᵉʳ ᵖᶫᵉᵃˢᵉ
I have no idea with my brains... okay
This better be going for rank
Hi. Not much to say. Awesome streams.


  1. 00:50:455 (455,458) - Change both to kats to keep following guitar until the end?
  2. 01:24:858 (780) - Kat? Would reflect better the ddddk inmediately after
  3. 01:32:765 (865) - Kat? Would work better as a snare hit and guitar sound
  4. 02:34:070 (1469,1471) - CTRL+G? 1471 is a snare hit
  5. 02:56:324 (1689) - Move to 02:56:487 - to avoid losing the final note emphasis at 02:56:243 (1688) - also wouldn't alter the downbeat rhythm
  6. 03:04:150 (1763) - Similar to above, move to 03:04:313 - ?
  7. 03:53:143 (2193) - Change to don? This way the guitar up and down wubs are better represented imo lol
Aside from that nazi stuff I have nothing else to say lol

Call me after SP 12
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

Hi. Not much to say. Awesome streams.


  1. 00:50:455 (455,458) - Change both to kats to keep following guitar until the end? I did it like that at first but it seemed kinda boring because the initial stream is so straight forward. So changing it up near the end with a little variation made the stream have more impact as it ends, imo.
  2. 01:24:858 (780) - Kat? Would reflect better the ddddk inmediately after Cool.
  3. 01:32:765 (865) - Kat? Would work better as a snare hit and guitar sound I really don't like the flow leading into the d k d k type patterns.
  4. 02:34:070 (1469,1471) - CTRL+G? 1471 is a snare hit Yeah this works better. (Complains about messy flow above, messes up flow here, gj me)
  5. 02:56:324 (1689) - Move to 02:56:487 - to avoid losing the final note emphasis at 02:56:243 (1688) - also wouldn't alter the downbeat rhythm Makes sense but it just doesn't work when the guitar starts the measure off so heavy.
  6. 03:04:150 (1763) - Similar to above, move to 03:04:313 - ? ^ :^)
  7. 03:53:143 (2193) - Change to don? This way the guitar up and down wubs are better represented imo lol. Don't really like the way it leads into the rest of the stream.
Aside from that nazi stuff I have nothing else to say lol

Call me after SP 12
Thanks bud.
in Tags change "Inchlings of the Shining Needle" to "Kagayaku Hari no Kobito-zoku"

no kudosu
have fun

16:59 Raiden: 00:53:553 (487) - 
17:00 Raiden: i remember having suggested you to turn another pattern like this and looks like i missed this one
17:01 MMzz: what you want that a kat?
17:01 Raiden: ya
17:01 Raiden: it's the only pattern with 5 consecutive dons
17:05 MMzz: 04:38:632 (2676) -
17:05 MMzz: changing this too
17:05 MMzz: suggested it before in the other kiai
17:05 Raiden: so the stream starts as ddddk?
17:05 MMzz: yeah
17:05 MMzz: well
17:05 MMzz: ddkdk like before
17:05 Raiden: o
17:06 MMzz: lemme upload
17:06 MMzz: you'll have to redl
17:06 Raiden: o
17:06 Raiden: right medtadata
17:06 MMzz: name change
17:07 *MMzz is listening to [ Demetori - Kagayaku Hari no Kobito-zoku ~ Counter-Attack of the Weak]
17:08 MMzz: gotta move to thread to pending
17:08 MMzz: fucking approval
17:08 Raiden: wut
17:08 Raiden: no need
17:08 Raiden: it goes directly to qualified after approval
17:08 MMzz: it wont let me upload to pending
17:08 MMzz: oh
17:08 MMzz: well i did it anyway
17:10 Raiden: streaming heart?
17:10 Raiden: chromoxx bothered you
17:10 Raiden: lel
17:10 MMzz: he wants a gd
17:10 MMzz: and i kinda like the song
17:11 Raiden: o

LigerZero wrote:

in Tags change "Inchlings of the Shining Needle" to "Kagayaku Hari no Kobito-zoku"

no kudosu
lol'd because that's literally in the song title
unpredictable changes. Ooo dem, go go qualifih!1!!
lol only two mods and already have bubble *rip

Ppus wrote:

lol only two mods and already have bubble *rip
Happens when you're a good mapper.

Also only 1 mod (mine)
Despite getting your bubble, I decided to check the map anyway because I did remember that something felt out of place. And that is ...

03:13:851 - This definitely is not 4/4. This is actually 13/8 for what it's worth. To express the downbeats better, it's probably best to use 6/4+7/4 instead. So:
  1. 03:13:851 - Remove
  2. 03:15:808 - Add a 7/4
  3. 03:18:090 - Change to 6/4
  4. 03:20:046 - 7/4
  5. 03:24:611 - 6/4
  6. 03:26:567 - 7/4
  7. 03:28:850 - 6/4
And to throw a couple of suggestions:

  1. Hitsound volume 85~90%? 100% is a bit loud.
  1. I just absolutely love when you have multiple finishers on several downbeats that change colors. Like, 02:30:156 (1434) - could be a K. But that would require some minor adjustments around for better flow, so it's completely optional. I don't really have much to add anyway. This goes for pretty much all kiais when you have a finisher every several downbeats, as that would create little bigger impact in the guitar riff pitch change.
Great map btw.
[MMzz's Difficulty Name Do Not Steal]
  1. I have to agree with ~90% volume, the song is pretty quiet compared to hitsounds.
  2. 03:05:210 (1772) - k? Since the guitar has a noticeable change in melody, similar to the change at 03:07:493 (1790,1791,1792,1793,1794) - .
  3. 03:09:857 (1814) - Though deleting this would look ugly, I just wanna point out that it'd be nice if the stream started at 03:09:938 where the song actually starts shredding.
  4. Add 'Ozzy is God' to tags (unrankable issue)
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Fixed the timing and volume from lolcube's post.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

[MMzz's Difficulty Name Do Not Steal]
  1. I have to agree with ~90% volume, the song is pretty quiet compared to hitsounds.
  2. 03:05:210 (1772) - k? Since the guitar has a noticeable change in melody, similar to the change at 03:07:493 (1790,1791,1792,1793,1794) - . Not a fan. I think the dons bring out the guitar more tbh.
  3. 03:09:857 (1814) - Though deleting this would look ugly, I just wanna point out that it'd be nice if the stream started at 03:09:938 where the song actually starts shredding. Added.
  4. Add 'Ozzy is God' to tags (unrankable issue)
Ty Ozzy and lolcubes.
Please quit your day job!

Since timing was boobed we gonna restart.

Bubble #1!
╭( ・ㅂ・)و

Basically perfect, so only small suggestions.

00:29:260 (248) - Perhaps you could delete this and make 00:29:342 (249) into a D or something. Personally thought that 00:29:179 (247,248,249) was unnecessarily placed when there's quite a strong sound on 00:29:342.

02:46:896 (1599) - Maybe change to k? The way the pitch changes at 02:46:135 (1592,1593,1594) 02:47:439 (1604,1605,1606) 02:48:091 (1610,1611,1612) sound similar to me.

03:41:893 (2062,2063,2064,2065,2066,2067) - I think this whole thing could be 1/6, idk. I suppose this was just for structural purposes with the previous 1/6.

04:29:501 - This kiai is really enjoyable to listen on auto <3

Cool :D
I need to pop this until I get my mod :/_______________________________________________________________________
Topic Starter

newyams99 wrote:


Basically perfect, so only small suggestions.

00:29:260 (248) - Perhaps you could delete this and make 00:29:342 (249) into a D or something. Personally thought that 00:29:179 (247,248,249) was unnecessarily placed when there's quite a strong sound on 00:29:342. Personally I don't feel like there is enough impact for a finisher here. I think the stream leading into the break feels quite nice for the song.

02:46:896 (1599) - Maybe change to k? The way the pitch changes at 02:46:135 (1592,1593,1594) 02:47:439 (1604,1605,1606) 02:48:091 (1610,1611,1612) sound similar to me. Made 02:48:200 (1611) - a don instead to have consistency because I like the switching between batters here.

03:41:893 (2062,2063,2064,2065,2066,2067) - I think this whole thing could be 1/6, idk. I suppose this was just for structural purposes with the previous 1/6. This follows the drums perfectly from what I hear. I also think a full 1/6 roll doesn't play very well without notes right before it. Also it takes the impact away from the following stream.

04:29:501 - This kiai is really enjoyable to listen on auto <3

Cool :D
Awesome map.

Almost missed AiMod stuff xDD


Congrats :D
wrong icon? :V

Ascendance wrote:

wrong icon? :V
Lol xD

Fixed :D
05:32:273 (1) - Really feel like the volume on this should be toned down if you're going to have this spinner go the entire duration of the drone from the guitar / bass. Cutting volume in half at 45% is enough to make this more reasonable. I know this is more of a nitpick, but I feel at the volume it's at right now it's too overpowering for 300+ note spinner, especially when the drone gets quieter.
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