
Zeami - Seija no Kodou [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年9月20日 at 下午 09:22:58

Artist: Zeami
Title: Seija no Kodou
Source: Groove Coaster
Tags: tatsh
BPM: 84.42
Filesize: 3188kb
Play Time: 02:02
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (1.88 stars, 284 notes)
  2. Hell Oni (7.68 stars, 815 notes)
  3. Inner Oni (4.65 stars, 714 notes)
  4. Kantan (1.44 stars, 149 notes)
  5. Muzukashii (3.27 stars, 492 notes)
  6. Oni (4.34 stars, 611 notes)
Download: Zeami - Seija no Kodou
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Needs a better BG image i think.
Hi, KerryShen, from my queue
Write me, when u add Inner Oni and I will mod it
Now, others diff's

  1. 01:09:150 (66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82) - On one 1/2 tick to the left. Dont use 1/2 in Kantan
  2. 01:18:745 (83) - Start slider here 01:18:567
  3. 01:44:507 (127) - Remove finisher
  4. 01:45:929 (128,129) - ^
  5. 01:50:193 (134,135,136) - ^
  6. 01:54:457 (140,141,142,143) - ^
  1. 00:45:520 (49,50,51) - kkk
  2. 00:57:602 (89) - Finisher
  3. 01:09:150 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149) - On one 1/2 tick to the left
  4. 01:18:745 (150) - Start slider here 01:18:567
  5. 01:43:796 (229,230,231,232,233) - Remove finisher
  6. 01:49:482 (241,242,243,244,245,246,247) - ^
  7. 01:54:457 (254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261) - ^
  • I don't know what happened, but during the play in ur muzu I have a lot of 100. Maybe u have problems with timing?
  1. 01:43:796 (433,434,435,436,437) - Remove finisher
  2. 01:48:771 (446,447,448,449,450,451,452,453) - ^
  3. 01:54:457 (463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470) - ^
  • Oni also played rly bad
  1. 00:37:436 (78) to 00:37:258
  2. 00:45:431 (142) to 00:45:342
  3. 01:46:284 (578,579,580) - Remove finisher
  4. 01:49:837 (597,598,599) - ^
  5. 01:53:657 (614,621) - Swap
Hell Oni
  1. 01:34:024 (584,585) - First/last note of 1/6 must be a different color first/last note 1/4. 01:33:847 (581,582,583,584,585) - here: kkdd k
  2. Others 1/6 in stream ^
  3. 01:43:086 (705) - Remove finisher or 01:42:997 (704) - k
  4. 01:54:279 (766) - d

Now it's finished. Bye
Topic Starter

Skeuddy wrote:

Hi, KerryShen, from my queue
Write me, when u add Inner Oni and I will mod it
Now, others diff's

  1. 01:09:150 (66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82) - On one 1/2 tick to the left. Dont use 1/2 in Kantan
  2. 01:18:745 (83) - Start slider here 01:18:567
  3. 01:44:507 (127) - Remove finisher
  4. 01:45:929 (128,129) - ^
  5. 01:50:193 (134,135,136) - ^
  6. 01:54:457 (140,141,142,143) - ^
Changed everything in this part.
  1. 00:45:520 (49,50,51) - kkk
  2. 00:57:602 (89) - Finisher
  3. 01:09:150 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149) - On one 1/2 tick to the left
  4. 01:18:745 (150) - Start slider here 01:18:567
  5. 01:43:796 (229,230,231,232,233) - Remove finisher
  6. 01:49:482 (241,242,243,244,245,246,247) - ^
  7. 01:54:457 (254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261) - ^
Changed everything in this part.
  • I don't know what happened, but during the play in ur muzu I have a lot of 100. Maybe u have problems with timing?
I'll see if someone says about this. call that A LOT!?
  1. 01:43:796 (433,434,435,436,437) - Remove finisher
  2. 01:48:771 (446,447,448,449,450,451,452,453) - ^
  3. 01:54:457 (463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470) - ^
Changed everything in this part.
  • Oni also played rly bad
  1. 00:37:436 (78) to 00:37:258
  2. 00:45:431 (142) to 00:45:342
  3. 01:46:284 (578,579,580) - Remove finisher
  4. 01:49:837 (597,598,599) - ^
  5. 01:53:657 (614,621) - Swap
This part...well, I'm actually making this diff easier to make Inner Oni. I would appreciate if you can check it again along with Inner Oni~
Hell Oni
  1. 01:34:024 (584,585) - First/last note of 1/6 must be a different color first/last note 1/4. 01:33:847 (581,582,583,584,585) - here: kkdd k
  2. Others 1/6 in stream ^
  3. 01:43:086 (705) - Remove finisher or 01:42:997 (704) - k
  4. 01:54:279 (766) - d
Changed everything in this part.

Now it's finished. Bye
Thank you very much~
I'll upload the changes when I finish Inner Oni.
Hi again. I will check Oni and Inner Oni

  1. 00:49:073 (155) - k (on thythm)
  2. 01:00:444 (236) - ^
  3. 01:08:262 (19,20,21) - kdk
  4. 01:40:954 - This
  5. 01:50:193 (277) - U can add finisher here, If want
Inner Oni
  1. 00:46:231 - Not necessary add so much finisher's
  2. 01:08:528 (345,346,347,348) - kddk
  3. 01:42:908 (610) - k
  4. 01:48:594 (638) - ^
  5. 01:41:664 (596,597,598,599,600,601,602,603,604,605,606,607,608,609,610) - ddddkdddkddkddk

Now it's finished. Diff's looks good. Great job
Topic Starter

Skeuddy wrote:

Hi again. I will check Oni and Inner Oni

  1. 00:49:073 (155) - k (on thythm)
  2. 01:00:444 (236) - ^
  3. 01:08:262 (19,20,21) - kdk
  4. 01:40:954 - This
  5. 01:50:193 (277) - U can add finisher here, If want
Inner Oni
  1. 00:46:231 - Not necessary add so much finisher's
  2. 01:08:528 (345,346,347,348) - kddk
  3. 01:42:908 (610) - k
  4. 01:48:594 (638) - ^
  5. 01:41:664 (596,597,598,599,600,601,602,603,604,605,606,607,608,609,610) - ddddkdddkddkddk

Now it's finished. Diff's looks good. Great job
All changed.
Hi, from my queue~

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

[ Kantan]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

00:12:118 - Change to k to follow the consistency with 00:00:747 - and 00:06:433 -
00:17:804 - ^
00:45:875 - Remove this note and here 00:46:231 - Change to D to follow the drums and in this part is great a Finish.
00:56:891 - Remove this note to follow the consistency with 00:46:231 -
01:08:617 - Remive this note to have a break, and here 01:08:973 - Change to K because in this part a finish is very nice.
01:25:674 - Delete this note for the consistency with the patter before and you need to have a break in this part.
01:41:309 - Delete this note for the consistency with the pattern before.
01:41:664 - Change to k and here 01:42:375 - Change to k to follow the drums.

[ Futsuu]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

00:10:697 - Change to k to follow the consistency with 00:05:012 -
00:36:636 - Remove this note to put a break.
00:39:479 - ^
00:42:322 - ^
00:49:429 - ^
00:54:226 - Remove this to follow the drums.
00:55:114 - Remove this note to put a break and to follow the consistency with the pattern before.
01:00:800 - ^
01:05:597 - Remove this to follow the drums and the consistency with the pattern before.
01:06:485 - Remove this note to put a break.
01:23:542 - ^
01:25:141 - Remove this to follow the drums.
01:30:471 - Add a d and remove this 01:30:826 - To follow the consistency with the pattern before.

I recommend you do short patterns that the difficulty is more playable and adds breaks for the player to rest 1 second.

[ Muzukashii]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

01:08:528 - Remove this note because ddd is better for this difficulty.
01:20:077 (287,288) - Remove this note to follow the drums.
01:36:778 - Add a k and remove this 01:36:956 - and this 01:37:223 - to put a break and not to make a long pattern.

[ Oni]

00:37:347 - Change to k to follow the rhythm.
00:51:738 - Remove this to put a break.
00:57:424 - ^
01:03:109 - ^
01:31:271 - Remove this note to have a better pattern.
01:31:537 - Remove this to put a break.

[ Inner Oni]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

00:37:347 - Change to k to follow the consistency with 00:25:621 (13,14,15,16,17) -

[ Hell Oni]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

00:37:347 - Ctrl G with 00:37:436 - to follow the rhythm in this part.
00:56:624 - Change to k to follow the drums.
01:22:476 - Change to k to follow the consistency with 01:29:405 -

Nice Beatmap, I hope my mod has been helpful you :3, Good luck~ ~
Topic Starter

game rock wrote:

Hi, from my queue~

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

[ Kantan]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

00:12:118 - Change to k to follow the consistency with 00:00:747 - and 00:06:433 -
00:17:804 - ^
00:45:875 - Remove this note and here 00:46:231 - Change to D to follow the drums and in this part is great a Finish.
00:56:891 - Remove this note to follow the consistency with 00:46:231 -
01:08:617 - Remive this note to have a break, and here 01:08:973 - Change to K because in this part a finish is very nice.
01:25:674 - Delete this note for the consistency with the patter before and you need to have a break in this part.
01:41:309 - Delete this note for the consistency with the pattern before.
01:41:664 - Change to k and here 01:42:375 - Change to k to follow the drums.

[ Futsuu]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

00:10:697 - Change to k to follow the consistency with 00:05:012 -
00:36:636 - Remove this note to put a break.
00:39:479 - ^
00:42:322 - ^
00:49:429 - ^
00:54:226 - Remove this to follow the drums.
00:55:114 - Remove this note to put a break and to follow the consistency with the pattern before.
01:00:800 - ^
01:05:597 - Remove this to follow the drums and the consistency with the pattern before.
01:06:485 - Remove this note to put a break.
01:23:542 - ^
01:25:141 - Remove this to follow the drums.
01:30:471 - Add a d and remove this 01:30:826 - To follow the consistency with the pattern before.

I recommend you do short patterns that the difficulty is more playable and adds breaks for the player to rest 1 second.

[ Muzukashii]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

01:08:528 - Remove this note because ddd is better for this difficulty.
01:20:077 (287,288) - Remove this note to follow the drums.
01:36:778 - Add a k and remove this 01:36:956 - and this 01:37:223 - to put a break and not to make a long pattern.

[ Oni]

00:37:347 - Change to k to follow the rhythm.
00:51:738 - Remove this to put a break.
00:57:424 - ^
01:03:109 - ^
01:31:271 - Remove this note to have a better pattern.
01:31:537 - Remove this to put a break.

[ Inner Oni]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

00:37:347 - Change to k to follow the consistency with 00:25:621 (13,14,15,16,17) -

[ Hell Oni]

You forgot remove the Widescreen Support.

00:37:347 - Ctrl G with 00:37:436 - to follow the rhythm in this part.
00:56:624 - Change to k to follow the drums.
01:22:476 - Change to k to follow the consistency with 01:29:405 -

Nice Beatmap, I hope my mod has been helpful you :3, Good luck~ ~
All changed.
Thank you very much!!
Topic Starter

game rock wrote:

[ Hell Oni]

00:37:347 - Ctrl G with 00:37:436 - to follow the rhythm in this part.
I decided to change to this back.
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