
TAG - Alstroemeria [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 12:13:31 AM

Artist: TAG
Title: Alstroemeria
Source: jubeat copius
Tags: piano bloom fusion plus beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA jukebeat pack konami 05 23 19 pop'n music sunny park REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring- ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom Ver.2 ポップンリズミン
BPM: 144
Filesize: 5809kb
Play Time: 02:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.49 stars, 253 notes)
  2. Inner Oni (5.1 stars, 769 notes)
  3. Kantan (1.27 stars, 147 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (3.2 stars, 377 notes)
  5. Oni (3.41 stars, 492 notes)
  6. Sur's Inner Oni (4.62 stars, 762 notes)
Download: TAG - Alstroemeria
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
pretty flowers

intro streams are annoying to map!

Sur's Inner Oni by Surono
can me mod this dem niceu mappu/?/??/???

[Inner Oni]
00:26:407 (169) - kat, sound nice and same with 00:26:616 (171) -
00:32:970 (195) - kat, for different this 00:33:074 (196) -
00:35:366 (210) - move to 00:35:261 - here
00:46:616 (268) - kat?
00:50:366 - wat dem!!!11! i like thizz!!!11!!
00:55:157 (47) - kat, for feel this pitch
01:25:157 (246) - ^
01:46:824 (436,437,438,439) - dddk? fit with music XD *down pitch and 01:47:032 (439) - kat for piano
01:52:866 - 01:53:282 - add don?
01:56:199 - kat?
01:58:282 - don? *eh is fast sv.. u can reject dats all. ww
01:58:907 (456) - kat?
~w~ uhh luv it diff

00:46:616 (198) - kat, and 00:46:928 - delete this?
01:15:053 (123) - ahh this delete, feel weird and for same other like this pitch too XD
01:41:720 (274,275) - ctrl g? for variants..
01:43:491 (287) - change kat? ^
`_J` weh

00:32:032 - don? fill4fell.jgp

01:58:595 -
XD i look this still WIP bcuz still have 3plet muzu ww


hehe hope helpful.. but i see like WIP? or blah, sry if me Mod not tell first to u.. but it maybe help u X'D ganbatea~ *luv ur pattern dem son
why not the Gitadora version? XD
Topic Starter

Coro wrote:

why not the Gitadora version? XD
:O I just found this on one of the jubeat OSTs and I picked it ;o;

Surono mod was dem good son `L_` applied some stuffzzz
wtf tag song

wut de hel nis map
[ General]

  1. No preview point?
  2. Audio bitrate top cake change it to 192kbps or lower
  3. Lol at HPOD. Readjust them >:c
  4. BG has weird resolution find one with 1366*768 or 1280*720
[ Kantan]

I know you used main snap because of SR, but it just sounds plain bad...
  1. Notes like 00:02:032 (3) - 00:03:282 (4,5) - oh my god... they should be on the 1/4 tick
  2. Also consider using more finishers at the beginning as the song is really loud: 00:00:366 (1) - ; 00:02:032 (3) - after you moved; 00:03:699 (5) - ; 00:04:532 (6,7) - ; you catch my drift
  3. 00:13:699 (8) - Clear finisher sound here
  4. 00:20:366 (1) - ^
  5. 00:24:532 (2) - ^
  6. 00:27:032 (5) - ^
  7. 00:31:199 (2) - ^ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. 00:33:699 (5) - ^
  9. 00:47:449 - 00:49:949 - can add a long slider or something
  10. The kiai could use more finishers in notes like 00:50:366 (22,24,26) - and so on
  11. 01:03:699 (39) - Finisher to emphasize kiai end?
  12. Same for second kiai, more finishers
  13. And after the second kiai and until the end, the same issue than the beginning. Fook star rating dude, putting it on the 1/1s make this sound BAD.
[ Futsuu]

  1. Same finisher suggestions as in Kantan nevermind you used finishers here?
  2. 00:24:324 (47) - Maybe remove to help differentiate from muzu?
  3. 01:20:366 (175) - could use finisher
  4. 01:32:866 (204) - Move to the 1/2 tick before? 01:32:657 -
[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:00:782 (2,3,4,5,6) - These look too dense compared to futsuu, wouldn't that break the spread a bit? Same for almost all quints
  2. 00:06:720 (27) - Consider removing this or any of the notes in this pattern to give a break?
  3. 00:48:699 - 00:49:949 - Same as in Kantan, you can use a slider or something here
  4. 01:09:844 (230) - Turn to k? I think it has higher pitch than previous ones
  5. 01:45:574 (48) - While it does fit, I think it'd be better if you removed, spread-wise
  6. Those 4 consecutive triplets at the end :^)

[ Oni]

  1. 00:01:303 (7) - Move to 00:01:407 - ? I think it sounds good as well
  2. 00:10:886 (70) - Would fit better as contrast if you changed to d (Inner applies to this too)
  3. 00:13:386 - You can add a d here without altering much the spread I think
  4. 00:46:928 (201) - I think there is a contrastable sound here, change to d?
  5. The first kiai looks a bit too dense compared to Muzu, maybe shorten some patterns?
  6. 01:20:574 - 01:24:949 - Same, looks a bit too dense compared to Muzu
  7. 01:27:032 - 01:32:866 - ^
  8. The second part of the last kiai, the same (?)
[ Inner Oni]

Loved this diff. Not much to add, buuuuuuuut:

  1. 00:05:157 - Missed mappable sound here
  2. 00:06:928 - ^
  3. 00:08:282 - ^
  4. 00:09:949 - ^ and all like this, you should map all notes of the piano, as long as it's the opposite color of the finisher it's rankable
  5. 00:20:261 - Missed a mappable sound
  6. aaaaaand overall any mappable sound that you might have missed. You must overmap more. top cake

Topic Starter
ignored all you insufferable noob

Raiden wrote:

wtf tag song

wut de hel nis map
  1. Audio bitrate top cake change it to 192kbps or lower later
[ Kantan]

  1. 00:13:699 (8) - Clear finisher sound here don't like
  2. 00:20:366 (1) - ^
  3. 00:24:532 (2) - ^
  4. 00:27:032 (5) - ^
  5. 00:31:199 (2) - ^ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6. 00:33:699 (5) - ^
  7. 00:47:449 - 00:49:949 - can add a long slider or something something else

[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:48:699 - 00:49:949 - Same as in Kantan, you can use a slider or something here keep
  2. 01:09:844 (230) - Turn to k? I think it has higher pitch than previous ones that's why it's d (weird)
[ Oni]

  1. 00:10:886 (70) - Would fit better as contrast if you changed to d (Inner applies to this too) erh
  2. 00:13:386 - You can add a d here without altering much the spread I think no need
  3. 00:46:928 (201) - I think there is a contrastable sound here, change to d? mtmmt
[ Inner Oni]

Loved this diff. Not much to add, buuuuuuuut:

  1. 00:05:157 - Missed mappable sound here eat dirt for suggesting this
  2. 00:06:928 - ^
  3. 00:08:282 - ^
  4. 00:09:949 - ^ and all like this, you should map all notes of the piano, as long as it's the opposite color of the finisher it's rankable
  5. 00:20:261 - Missed a mappable sound
  6. aaaaaand overall any mappable sound that you might have missed. You must overmap more. top cake
I tried to map it in standard, but these blue tick finishes or whatever it was are SO dumb
Hey, m4m

d=don k=kat D=big don K=big kat


Keep the HP between 5 and 6, HP 8 in a kantan feels waay too high lol
(Like you did with Riot of color for example)
Disable widescreen support
Get a 192 kbps mp3 please :<


00:17:866 (13) - Maybe a kat? I hear some finishes there
00:24:532 (2) - ^
You have 2 options here, change 00:39:532 (12) - to kat OR 00:46:199 (20) - this to kat too, both works for me
01:18:699 (59) - k?
01:46:199 (98) - ^


00:15:574 (25,26,27) - How about d d d, then add a kat in 00:16:511 - , and remove the note of 00:16:824 - ?
00:18:907 - Do something similar here
00:50:366 - Finish?
01:09:845 (149) - k
01:18:907 - 01:19:532 - I was thinking on a slider there, then a don in 01:19:949


00:15:574 (53,54) - d d
00:18:907 (61,62) - ^
I think there's a serious lack of breaks between 01:03:699 and 01:19:949
01:19:532 (260) - change to don?
01:36:303 (11,12) - kk
01:41:823 (31,32,33) - I know that feeling of ddk but idk if this is rankable .w. Maybe remove the middle note
01:43:491 (38,39,40) - kkk
01:45:261 - Delete
01:46:616 (50) - k?
02:00:157 (1,2,3) - Remove and extend the spinner until 02:00:366


00:09:115 (39,40,41,42,43) - ddkdk
01:32:553 (69,70,71,72) - dkdk?
01:46:616 (77) - I suggest changing that slider with a kkd triplet

Pretty good diff

[Inner Oni]

pp map pls

I feel HR players will be mad about this, try lowering the intensity of the SV changes a bit?
01:53:282 (450) - K, same tone as the previous note
01:58:282 (458) - idk about this note, remove finish or delete the note
02:00:366 (474,475,476) - ddk?

That's all, good luck :D
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