
kamome sano - future gazer (kmsn_UKHC_remix) [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年10月28日 at 19:28:25

Artist: kamome sano
Title: future gazer (kmsn_UKHC_remix)
Source: To Aru Kagaku no Railgun
Tags: fripSide OVA とある科学の超電磁砲 misaka mikoto shirai kuroko uiharu kazari saten ruiko taiko_maniac1811
BPM: 174
Filesize: 9464kb
Play Time: 05:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. Inner Oni (5.15 stars, 2206 notes)
Download: kamome sano - future gazer (kmsn_UKHC_remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Inner Oni by Charlotte & taiko_maniac1811 For App

Collab part↓.

00:00:007 - 01:06:213 - by taiko_maniac1811
01:06:386 - 02:57:938 - by Charlotte
02:58:196 - 05:10:351 - by taiko_maniac1811

Hihi~ :3
my part done

Hi, Charlotte.

  1. Artistが英語なんですが…
  1. 00:20:955 (108) - k following music? 2 2 3 3 pattern would be not bad imo.
  2. 03:13:110 (45) - k? this is similar sound as 03:13:627 imo.
  3. 03:29:662 - k for consistency with 03:28:282?
  4. 03:36:041 - It would be better feeling to add note imo.
  5. 03:44:920 (25) - Remove this for emphasizing vocal?
  6. 03:55:955 (116) - Same as above.
  7. 04:14:231 (276) - Move to 04:14:403. actually this part is a bit different.
  8. 04:36:472 - Add note. there is strong sound.
  1. 01:16:731 (264,265,266) - kkd? 今までの流れを見ればこれが合ってる気がします。
  2. 01:26:127 - ボーカルに合わせてnote追加?
  3. 01:28:282 - このパート結構強い音があるのになんでmapしないんですか?
will Modding tomorrow lel. dem where my earphone.. `L_`
a. lol long time not modding, lel hope cant modding1!1

  1. 00:20:696 - like this? lol *is look nice to hear + hit Imo, so try this or other pattern.. the most important.. 00:20:955 (108,111,114,117,119) - must k bcus high pitch, imo*
  2. 00:49:403 - aa idk how to ekszzplain, 00:45:093 (9,10,11,12) - this pattern, try to place 00:49:231 - in here, and 00:46:472 (20,21,22,23) - this, make to same 00:47:851 - in here *kddk kdkk kdkk kddk, is bad? just suggest.. EDIT: but with this, flow looks better lol
  3. 00:50:351 (52,53) - ctrl g EDIT: yeah this high pitch.. must k and 00:50:438 - this don. so syncron to hit.. *when i test play.. i forcing to follow this pattern ;w;* * 00:53:110 - here too* *and other like this lol XD*
  4. 00:53:541 - k *lol nice, no reason ;w; ~reason in before my wurd rip engliz~
  5. 00:54:231 - try kdkk or kkkd
  6. 00:57:248 - reverse, 00:58:627 - this too
  7. 01:01:386 - like before too...
  8. 01:40:352 (72,73,74,75) - change this kkkk, not ddkk. yeah bcus same pitch choco `L,,,`
  9. 02:51:386 - don, `L_`
  10. 03:43:369 - kat? lol ignore this s1r..
  11. 03:48:972 - ^? lol this follow voice pitch.. ahh `L,,,`
  12. okay just it, in next length.. look in my mod before..

01:05:869 (182) - d,,,,,,To follow Synthesizer

01:12:507 (232,233) - delete...結構早い段階で偶数使っているので、ここは消したほうがいいです。弾む感じも出るので譜面の印象を付けやすくなると思います。
01:12:679 (232,233) - ^を良しとするならこの配色はおまかせ

01:41:472 - ノート追加。ノートラインの構成がここら辺1/1で区切っているんで、一貫性見せていくなら1/1からまる5連、または3連を主として使っていくことがいいのではないのでしょうか。

01:56:559 (191,192,193,194) - この4連、01:52:420 (158,159,160,161) - この時と配色変えてもいいですね。4連に当該する箇所でなってるシンセの音は徐々に下がっています。問題というならいいですが、dkddくっらいに変えてもいいのではないでしょうか。もちろんそれに伴った間にもある4連の配色変更もお勧めします。

02:12:594 (331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344) - この偶数のつなぎは非常にたたきにくかったです。最後の02:12:594 (331,332) - は3連にして、間奏の終了を知らせるための変化として含ませるべきかと。02:12:852 (333) - を1/4左でいいんじゃないでしょうか

(いつだって)02:20:093 (391) - 削除、02:20:179 (391) - 1/4右、02:20:438 (393) - の三連コンボ~。理由は上記に書いたのとほぼ同じ。

02:33:972 (499) - と02:34:231 (501) - 1/4左に動かせば、1/1スタートの2連ですが、ボーカルと相まっていい感じに聞こえました・。・

02:41:989 (567) - を02:42:162 - いどうまたは削除

03:24:144 (98,99,100,101,102) -  I disagree rhythm :( 03:20:007 (70) - ~03:23:800 (96) - follow vocal, so difficult to play. you should follow vocal :P
03:35:696 (172,173,174,175,176) - ^

03:56:386 (120) - move to 03:56:472 - to make add variation 1/4 note

04:21:386 (339) - k.....considering back music
04:21:472 (340) - move to04:21:558 -
04:22:852 (354) - 04:24:231 (368) - umm,,,All note 1/4 tempo late,,,,I sound extra note :?

でも期待を込めて☆1つ :D

I love this map, TOO MUCH!
So, I don't understand why in this part
03:24:144 (98,99,100,101,102,103) - is a little confuse, my suggestion is delete this combos and make like this

03:24:144 (98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105) -

03:35:869 - add k?
03:42:075 (2) - D?
03:47:593 (48) - D?
03:53:110 (91) - D?

try to add more big notes -w- and... TAKE MY STAR *W*
Topic Starter

Ploenar wrote:

Hi, Charlotte.

  1. Artistが英語なんですが…fixed
  1. 01:16:731 (264,265,266) - kkd? 今までの流れを見ればこれが合ってる気がします。fixed
  2. 01:26:127 - ボーカルに合わせてnote追加?うーん悩みましたが、no changeで。この前に1/4の3連打入れてるので、1/2のが良いと思いました。
  3. 01:28:282 - このパート結構強い音があるのになんでmapしないんですか 考え中です。

EdamaMe411 wrote:


01:12:507 (232,233) - delete...結構早い段階で偶数使っているので、ここは消したほうがいいです。弾む感じも出るので譜面の印象を付けやすくなると思います。
01:12:679 (232,233) - ^を良しとするならこの配色はおまかせ


01:41:472 - ノート追加。ノートラインの構成がここら辺1/1で区切っているんで、一貫性見せていくなら1/1からまる5連、または3連を主として使っていくことがいいのではないのでしょうか。

2回目の同様のパートは5連にしています。一応徐々に難しくしていくというスタイルなのでno changeで。

01:56:559 (191,192,193,194) - この4連、01:52:420 (158,159,160,161) - この時と配色変えてもいいですね。4連に当該する箇所でなってるシンセの音は徐々に下がっています。問題というならいいですが、dkddくっらいに変えてもいいのではないでしょうか。もちろんそれに伴った間にもある4連の配色変更もお勧めします。


02:12:594 (331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344) - この偶数のつなぎは非常にたたきにくかったです。最後の02:12:594 (331,332) - は3連にして、間奏の終了を知らせるための変化として含ませるべきかと。02:12:852 (333) - を1/4左でいいんじゃないでしょうか

kddkddk ddkkkkdの奇数配置に変えてみました。

(いつだって)02:20:093 (391) - 削除、02:20:179 (391) - 1/4右、02:20:438 (393) - の三連コンボ~。理由は上記に書いたのとほぼ同じ。

こちらは現状no changeで。

02:33:972 (499) - と02:34:231 (501) - 1/4左に動かせば、1/1スタートの2連ですが、ボーカルと相まっていい感じに聞こえました・。・

02:33:800 - 独立させてボーカルの重点を置いたほうがいいのかなと思ってるのでno changeで

02:41:989 (567) - を02:42:162 - いどうまたは削除

no changeで。

でも期待を込めて☆1つ :D

Thank you mod :)
Hey Charlotte! Mod as requested through PM :3

If you need any help with my mod, write to me ingame anytime!
EDIT: I didn't notice it was a collab, sorry if it is confusing :(

  1. Remove this 00:20:438 and add k here 00:20:610
  2. 01:12:679 - d
  3. 01:34:058(36,37) - k d
  4. 01:41:213(79,80) - k d
  5. 01:41:558(81,82,83,84,85,86) - kkd k dk
  6. 02:45:610 - add k
  7. 03:43:455 - k
  8. 03:47:593 - k
  9. 03:48:972 - k
  10. 03:54:489 - k

Good luck! 8-)
Topic Starter

Jona wrote:

Hey Charlotte! Mod as requested through PM :3

If you need any help with my mod, write to me ingame anytime!
EDIT: I didn't notice it was a collab, sorry if it is confusing :(

  1. 01:12:679 - d fixed
  2. 01:34:058(36,37) - k d I think dk is good.
  3. 01:41:213(79,80) - k d ^
  4. 01:41:558(81,82,83,84,85,86) - kkd k dk nope.because,for consistency with sencond kiai time.
  5. 02:45:610 - add k felt a bit long & I think no need.

Good luck! 8-)
Thank you mod :)
Hello, from PM o7

d - Small don (red note)
D - Big don (red note with a finish)
k - Small kat (blue note)
K - Big kat (blue note with a finish)

Black means something that I think needs changed
Orange is just a suggestion
Blue is a comment


00:00:007 (1) - Add a finish on this note, the music starts off with a crash so this note will benefit from the same kind of emphasis (Like you have done on 00:11:041 (33) - )
00:26:213 (136) - Assuming you are following the synth here, change this note to a k. The synth where this note lands is a noticeably higher tone and the vocals that are where this note lands are also stressed
00:31:731 (156,157) - Assuming you are following the synth here, ctrl +g these notes. The synth at 00:31:731 - is a higher pitch than the synth at 00:31:989 - so swapping these two notes around will help follow that cadence
02:59:317 (701,702) - Ctrl+g these two notes for the same reason as above
03:02:075 (5) - Change this note to a k. The synth pitch where this note lands is noticeably higher than the pitch of the note next to it
03:07:593 (25,26) - Ctrl+g these two notes for the same reason as the suggestions above
03:13:110 (45) - Change this note to a k for the same reason suggested above
03:24:920 (101) - Move this note to 03:24:834 - ? I think the vocals are a bit more prominent than the synth at this point so moving the note here will still map parts of the synth (03:24:403 (99,100) - and 03:25:179 (102) - ) and also map the vocals neatly

Oooo I really like this map, good job on the collab and making it so fun to play! Best of luck with rank and here is a star to help you on your way (∩`-´)⊃━.*・。゚
One long mod reply incoming lol

Ploenar wrote:

  1. 00:20:955 (108) - k following music? 2 2 3 3 pattern would be not bad imo. d still plays fine for me here, no change :3
  2. 03:13:110 (45) - k? this is similar sound as 03:13:627 imo. fixed
  3. 03:29:662 - k for consistency with 03:28:282? prefer d here, no change for now
  4. 03:36:041 - It would be better feeling to add note imo. changed this part a bit that follows both vocals and synth nicely for now
  5. 03:44:920 (25) - Remove this for emphasizing vocal? No remove, it follows the vocals nicely for me :3
  6. 03:55:955 (116) - Same as above. ^
  7. 04:14:231 (276) - Move to 04:14:403. actually this part is a bit different. added d at 04:14:403 instead
  8. 04:36:472 - Add note. there is strong sound. Added

EdamaMe411 wrote:

01:05:869 (182) - d,,,,,,To follow Synthesizer I prefer k though xD no change for now

03:24:144 (98,99,100,101,102) -  I disagree rhythm :( 03:20:007 (70) - ~03:23:800 (96) - follow vocal, so difficult to play. you should follow vocal :P
03:35:696 (172,173,174,175,176) - ^

^ Have changed this part a bit, follows both synth and vocals nicely now :3

03:56:386 (120) - move to 03:56:472 - to make add variation 1/4 note umm, no move for now, still prefer current pattern as it plays fine :3

04:21:386 (339) - k.....considering back music
04:21:472 (340) - move to04:21:558 -
04:22:852 (354) - 04:24:231 (368) - umm,,,All note 1/4 tempo late,,,,I sound extra note :?

^ Didn't change any sorry ;w; plays fine for me imo


Alepat wrote:

I love this map, TOO MUCH!
So, I don't understand why in this part
03:24:144 (98,99,100,101,102,103) - is a little confuse, my suggestion is delete this combos and make like this

03:24:144 (98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105) -

^ Have changed this part, but didn't use your suggestion though sorry ;w; thanks for pointing it out :3

03:35:869 - add k? ^
03:42:075 (2) - D? added finish
03:47:593 (48) - D? no for this one, coz doesn't have much "impact" from the music like above ^
03:53:110 (91) - D? added

try to add more big notes -w- and... TAKE MY STAR *W*

Jona wrote:

  1. 03:43:455 - k I prefer this to be a monotonous stream, no change for now ><
  2. 03:47:593 - k d plays fine here imo no change
  3. 03:48:972 - k same as 03:43:455
  4. 03:54:489 - k ^

Good luck! 8-) Didn't change any but thank you :3

Grimbow wrote:


00:00:007 (1) - Add a finish on this note, the music starts off with a crash so this note will benefit from the same kind of emphasis (Like you have done on 00:11:041 (33) - )

oops my bad, added the finisher

00:26:213 (136) - Assuming you are following the synth here, change this note to a k. The synth where this note lands is a noticeably higher tone and the vocals that are where this note lands are also stressed
00:31:731 (156,157) - Assuming you are following the synth here, ctrl +g these notes. The synth at 00:31:731 - is a higher pitch than the synth at 00:31:989 - so swapping these two notes around will help follow that cadence
02:59:317 (701,702) - Ctrl+g these two notes for the same reason as above
03:02:075 (5) - Change this note to a k. The synth pitch where this note lands is noticeably higher than the pitch of the note next to it
03:07:593 (25,26) - Ctrl+g these two notes for the same reason as the suggestions above
03:13:110 (45) - Change this note to a k for the same reason suggested above

^ Fixed all of 'em, follows the synths nicely now lol tq

03:24:920 (101) - Move this note to 03:24:834 - ? I think the vocals are a bit more prominent than the synth at this point so moving the note here will still map parts of the synth (03:24:403 (99,100) - and 03:25:179 (102) - ) and also map the vocals neatly

I've changed the patterns for this part ww

Oooo I really like this map, good job on the collab and making it so fun to play! Best of luck with rank and here is a star to help you on your way (∩`-´)⊃━.*・。゚
Thanks for modding everyone :3

~update part~
Hey!!~ From forum PM request~ :3

<1811's Part>

  1. 00:21:386 (113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121) - The drum sounds are 1/6 here~ maybe change to 1/6?? owo
  2. 00:54:403 - hmm you can hear the high sound here~ how about move 00:54:489 (88) - to here and add a don / kat at 00:54:575 -
  3. 01:05:438 (180) - Change to k to follow the high sound?? ww
  4. 03:18:627 (76) - k here??
  5. 03:31:041 (155) - add finish for the Cymbal?? :3
  6. 03:31:213 - Add a kat here maybe because I hear the drum sound~ But it's ok to keep for a short break!!
  7. 03:36:731 - ^
  8. 03:43:455 (13) - k to follow the vocal?? dddd sounds a bit weird to me~~ :/
  9. 03:48:972 (59) - ^
  10. 03:54:489 (103) - ^ (I find you have a kat at 04:00:007 (152) - lol) If it is intentional feel free to keep ^ dddd~~~
  11. 04:14:403 (278) - k~ Same reason as I said~
  12. 04:25:438 (381) - ^
  13. 04:36:472 (474) - ^
  14. 04:47:507 (567) - ^
<Your Part>

  1. 01:24:834 (324,325,326,327,328) - Hmm kkdkk sounds better to me~
  2. 01:29:662 (2) - finish~ as a head for the kiai time and it would folow the Cymbal~~
  3. 01:38:455 (60,61,62,63,64,65) - how about change all note's color here??? Follow the vocal nicely~ (d-k-dk , d-k...)
  4. 01:49:490 (136,137,138,139,140,141) - ^
  5. 02:13:024 (335) - k to follow the high sound??
  6. 02:35:782 (519) - Maybe you can delete it and then add finish on 02:35:868 (520) - www
  7. 02:57:162 - I can hear the sounds here~ hmm move 02:57:334 (692) - to here and change to k~ then change 02:57:421 (693) - to d??
That's all~ owo

Good luck Charlotte!!~ ;) :D
Topic Starter

Dino99 wrote:

Hey!!~ From forum PM request~ :3

<Your Part>

  1. 01:24:834 (324,325,326,327,328) - Hmm kkdkk sounds better to me~ fixed
  2. 01:29:662 (2) - finish~ as a head for the kiai time and it would folow the Cymbal~~ ^
  3. 01:38:455 (60,61,62,63,64,65) - how about change all note's color here??? Follow the vocal nicely~ (d-k-dk , d-k...) hmm...If other modder said this suggestion,I'll change it?
  4. 01:49:490 (136,137,138,139,140,141) - ^ ^
  5. 02:13:024 (335) - k to follow the high sound?? fixed
  6. 02:35:782 (519) - Maybe you can delete it and then add finish on 02:35:868 (520) - www ^
  7. 02:57:162 - I can hear the sounds here~ hmm move 02:57:334 (692) - to here and change to k~ then change 02:57:421 (693) - to d?? ^
That's all~ owo

Thank you mod :)

Good luck Charlotte!!~ ;) :D

Dino99 wrote:

Hey!!~ From forum PM request~ :3

<1811's Part>

  1. 00:21:386 (113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121) - The drum sounds are 1/6 here~ maybe change to 1/6?? owo
    Do want to make it a 1/6 stream here but it's kinda harsh for me lolol, a 1/4 stream is good enough.

  2. 00:54:403 - hmm you can hear the high sound here~ how about move 00:54:489 (88) - to here and add a don / kat at 00:54:575 -
    ^Added d here instead

  3. 01:05:438 (180) - Change to k to follow the high sound?? ww d plays fine for me ww no change for now
  4. 03:18:627 (76) - k here?? ^
  5. 03:31:041 (155) - add finish for the Cymbal?? :3 Added

  6. 03:31:213 - Add a kat here maybe because I hear the drum sound~ But it's ok to keep for a short break!!
  7. 03:36:731 - ^
    ^ Prefer to keep it as it is coz it plays fine with the drumming part here ww

  8. 03:43:455 (13) - k to follow the vocal?? dddd sounds a bit weird to me~~ :/
  9. 03:48:972 (59) - ^
    ^ Keeping this for now ><, I really like it to be a monotonous dddd though lolol (will change afterwards if many modders prefer it ddkd)

  10. 03:54:489 (103) - ^ (I find you have a kat at 04:00:007 (152) - lol) If it is intentional feel free to keep ^ dddd~~~
  11. 04:14:403 (278) - k~ Same reason as I said~ d plays fine for me, no change for now
  12. 04:25:438 (381) - ^ ^
  13. 04:36:472 (474) - ^ ^
  14. 04:47:507 (567) - ^ ^
Thanks for the mod :3

>update part<
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

will Modding tomorrow lel. dem where my earphone.. `L_`
a. lol long time not modding, lel hope cant modding1!1

  1. 01:40:352 (72,73,74,75) - change this kkkk, not ddkk. yeah bcus same pitch choco `L,,,` fixed.
  2. okay just it, in next length.. look in my mod before..
Thank you mod :)

Surono wrote:

  1. 00:20:696 - like this? lol *is look nice to hear + hit Imo, so try this or other pattern.. the most important.. 00:20:955 (108,111,114,117,119) - must k bcus high pitch, imo*
    ^ I only swapped (107,108) into dk, didn't follow the rest at the back though, plays fine as it is for me

  2. 00:49:403 - aa idk how to ekszzplain, 00:45:093 (9,10,11,12) - this pattern, try to place 00:49:231 - in here, and 00:46:472 (20,21,22,23) - this, make to same 00:47:851 - in here *kddk kdkk kdkk kddk, is bad? just suggest.. EDIT: but with this, flow looks better lol
    ^ Fixed this for most of my part patterns

  3. 00:50:351 (52,53) - ctrl g EDIT: yeah this high pitch.. must k and 00:50:438 - this don. so syncron to hit.. *when i test play.. i forcing to follow this pattern ;w;* * 00:53:110 - here too* *and other like this lol XD*
    ^ No fix for this though coz I want consistency in my patterns [00:50:007 (48,49,50,51,52,53) - is basically 00:44:489 (4,5,6,7,8) - with d added at 00:50:265 (51) lol

  4. 00:53:541 - k *lol nice, no reason ;w; ~reason in before my wurd rip engliz~ Applied
  5. 00:54:231 - try kdkk or kkkd Changed to kdkk
  6. 00:57:248 - reverse, 00:58:627 - this too No swap for this one, still plays fine as dk for me
  7. 01:01:386 - like before too... No change like before too .w.
  8. 03:43:369 - kat? lol ignore this s1r..
  9. 03:48:972 - ^? lol this follow voice pitch.. ahh `L,,,`

    ^ Ok ignored, lolol, did change some patterns at the kiai part
Thanks for the mod :3
>update part<
Mame ga nyaa
Hi ~ from in-game chat

・add tag
UK Hardcore

Hit sound volume

・00:00:000 ~ - volume 60%
・00:16:558 ~ - volume 70%
・00:17:938 ~ - volume 80%
・00:19:317 ~ - volume 90%
・00:20:696 ~ - volume 100%

・01:06:213 ~ - volume 85%

・02:13:800 ~ - volume 85%

・03:20:007 ~ - volume 70%
・03:31:041 ~ - volume 80%
・03:36:558 ~ - volume 90%
・03:39:317 ~ - volume 100%

・04:26:213 ~ - volume 90%
・04:37:248 ~ - volume 80%
・04:48:282 ~ - volume 70%

taiko_maniac part
・00:40:007(197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212) - Ctrl + G ?
・03:08:110(38,39) - Ctrl + G ?
・04:02:765(174,175,176,177,178) - ddkkd → kkddk ?

Charlotte part
・01:24:920 - change d
・02:02:075 - ここの部分のdkkdkdkkd を dkddkkkkd にしてはどうでしょうか?↓

good luck ! :)

Mame ga nyaa wrote:

taiko_maniac part
・00:40:007(197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212) - Ctrl + G ?
^ Fixed

・03:08:110(38,39) - Ctrl + G ? Done
・04:02:765(174,175,176,177,178) - ddkkd → kkddk ? Keeping this as ddkkd, plays fine as it is for me :3
Thanks for the mod :3
>update part<
hello :3 from in game chat 8-)

[Railgun taiko_maniac1811's Part]
  1. 00:20:007 (99,100,101,102,103,104) - I suggest it, to keep consistency before part.
    00:20:007 (99,100) - swap , 00:20:179 - change d , 00:20:265 add k , 00:20:438 - remove , 00:20:524 - change k ??
  2. 00:42:765 - end this spinner at 00:42:593 and 00:42:765 ~ 00:43:627 add note, because there is a sound. Reference↓
  3. 03:45:696 - add d and 03:45:782 - change k
  4. 03:56:558 - ^
  5. 03:58:627 - change k  so it has consistency with next 04:00:007 etc...
[Railgun Charlotte's Part]
  1. 01:28:282 ~ 01:29:144 - add note. 音があるのでノーツを追加してみてはどうでしょうか。参考までに↓
  2. 02:26:903 (443,444,445,446,447) - Vo followならば、ここの5連符はkdddkのほうがしっくりすると思います。
Good Luck Charlotte san!! taiko_maniac san!! ;)


Topic Starter

Labyr wrote:

hello :3 from in game chat 8-)

[Railgun Charlotte's Part]
  1. 01:28:282 ~ 01:29:144 - add note. 音があるのでノーツを追加してみてはどうでしょうか。参考までに↓

    音はあるのですが、ここで少し眺長めの休憩を入れても悪くない気がしたので、今のところはno chnageで。
  2. 02:26:903 (443,444,445,446,447) - Vo followならば、ここの5連符はkdddkのほうがしっくりすると思います。 fixed.
Good Luck Charlotte san!! taiko_maniac san!! ;)
Thank you mod :)

  • ■ 00:22:075 (121,122,123,124,125) - k d k k k
    ■ 00:24:834 (131,132,133,134,135) - k d k k k
    ■ 00:27:593 (141,142,143,144,145) - k d k k k
    ■ 00:28:972 (146,147,148,149,150) - k d d k d
    ■ 00:30:351 (151,152,153,154,155) - k d k k k
    ■ 00:32:248 (158) - d
    ■ 01:21:386 (300,301,302,303) - kd dk
    ■ 01:38:455 (60,61,62,63) - d k kd
    ■ 01:49:490 (136,137,138,139) - d k kd
    ■ 02:28:972 (462,463,464,465) - kd dk
    ■ 02:57:938 ~ 03:19:662 - use the same pattern as the first part (00:22:075~00:32:765)
    ■ 03:24:920 (115) - move to 03:24:834. Vocal sound "me" is not 03:24:920
    ■ 03:40:696 (1) - I think slider can make this part more better. If you accept my suggestion, you may delete 03:40:610
Charlotteさんはkamome sanoさんのファンですか。(笑)


00:00:007 - 01:06:213 - by taiko_maniac1811
Hi, nice to meet you. I'm huepike. Please forgive me my lousy English><;

・00:05:524 ~ 00:11:041 - it is too simple, i think that you should mix 1/2.
:arrow: for example, d kdd k dkk etc...

01:06:386 - 02:57:938 - by Charlotte
・00:16:300 - dを追加, 00:16:472 - k を追加。
:arrow: アクセントになります。dかkかはお好みで。

・01:18:800 - kd kd に変更。
:arrow: 直前にdk dkがあるのでそれに合わせました。

・02:43:541 - クソどうでも良いんですけどここだけずれてるの気になりました

02:58:196 - 05:10:351 - by taiko_maniac1811
・03:24:317 - add d.

・03:35:351 - ^

・04:25:610 - add k, 04:25:782 - add d
:arrow: because it is last, i added longish stream.

偶数って結構奥の難しいと思うんですけど、指摘する箇所が殆どありませんでした。それぐらい完成度高いと思います :)
ランクド頑張ってください :D :D

Labyr wrote:

[Railgun taiko_maniac1811's Part]
  1. 00:20:007 (99,100,101,102,103,104) - I suggest it, to keep consistency before part.
    00:20:007 (99,100) - swap , 00:20:179 - change d , 00:20:265 add k , 00:20:438 - remove , 00:20:524 - change k ??
    ^ Tried it, but I still prefer current pattern more, follows the drumming nicely for me, no change

  2. 00:42:765 - end this spinner at 00:42:593 and 00:42:765 ~ 00:43:627 add note, because there is a sound. Reference↓

    ^ Umm, didn't add any coz I want to emphasize more on the K at 00:43:800 (1) no add for now.

  3. 03:45:696 - add d and 03:45:782 - change k
  4. 03:56:558 - ^
    ^ Keeping as kd dk for now, plays nicely for me :3

  5. 03:58:627 - change k  so it has consistency with next 04:00:007 etc... Fixed

[Ni-Sokkususu] wrote:

  • ■ 00:22:075 (121,122,123,124,125) - k d k k k
    ■ 00:24:834 (131,132,133,134,135) - k d k k k
    ■ 00:27:593 (141,142,143,144,145) - k d k k k
    ■ 00:28:972 (146,147,148,149,150) - k d d k d
    ■ 00:30:351 (151,152,153,154,155) - k d k k k
    ^ Tried it, but I still prefer current pattern more :3 no change for now

    ■ 00:32:248 (158) - d Fixed this though
    ■ 02:57:938 ~ 03:19:662 - use the same pattern as the first part (00:22:075~00:32:765)
    ^ Same reason as above, but I did change some notes.

    ■ 03:24:920 (115) - move to 03:24:834. Vocal sound "me" is not 03:24:920 No move for now, still plays well with the synthesizers
    ■ 03:40:696 (1) - I think slider can make this part more better. If you accept my suggestion, you may delete 03:40:610 I prefer spinner better :3 no change for now

huepike wrote:



00:00:007 - 01:06:213 - by taiko_maniac1811
Hi, nice to meet you. I'm huepike. Please forgive me my lousy English><; :3c

・00:05:524 ~ 00:11:041 - it is too simple, i think that you should mix 1/2.
:arrow: for example, d kdd k dkk etc...

^ I think it's ok to have simple pattens here, since it is the start of the song. And it follows the drumming nicely :3

02:58:196 - 05:10:351 - by taiko_maniac1811
・03:24:317 - add d.
・03:35:351 - ^
^ No add for now, follows the synthesizers nicely for me

・04:25:610 - add k, 04:25:782 - add d
:arrow: because it is last, i added longish stream. Fixed but changed it a bit
Thank you for the mods :3

>update part<
Topic Starter

[Ni-Sokkususu] wrote:

  • ■ 01:21:386 (300,301,302,303) - kd dk
    ■ 01:38:455 (60,61,62,63) - d k kd
    ■ 01:49:490 (136,137,138,139) - d k kd
    ■ 02:28:972 (462,463,464,465) - kd dk

    All fixed.
Charlotteさんはkamome sanoさんのファンですか。(笑) ファンです :)

huepike wrote:


HRでやりました! 強い!

01:06:386 - 02:57:938 - by Charlotte
・00:16:300 - dを追加, 00:16:472 - k を追加。
:arrow: アクセントになります。dかkかはお好みで。ここは自分のパートでないのでmaniacに任せたいと思います。

・01:18:800 - kd kd に変更。
:arrow: 直前にdk dkがあるのでそれに合わせました。 01:19:144 - ここの音が少し高い気がするのでno changeで。

・02:43:541 - クソどうでも良いんですけどここだけずれてるの気になりました fixed

偶数って結構奥の難しいと思うんですけど、指摘する箇所が殆どありませんでした。それぐらい完成度高いと思います :)
ランクド頑張ってください :D :D
Thank you mod :)
Hello there. from my queue.
[ Inner Oni]

  1. 00:21:300 (112) - d? 12 is lower pitch synth than 11.
  2. 00:21:386 (113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120) - dkdkkdkk would more fit to synth imo.
  3. 00:41:386 (1) - i recommend to change to normal notes (kkkkkkkk), since spinner is the same hit way as the previous kdkdkdkd part.
  4. 00:54:403 (88) - change to k, so 88 is higher pitch than 86-87.
  5. 04:04:317 (186,187) -, 04:07:075 (210,211) - change to dk? to make various patterns.
  6. 04:15:352 (286,287) -, 04:18:110 (310,311) - ^
  1. 01:14:748 - add d, or delete 01:07:162 (194) -. パターンにまとまりを持たせるために。自分は前者のパターンの方が面白み出るかなと思います。
  2. 01:20:179 (290) - delete. この周辺のパートがかなり詰まり気味+単調気味なので。消せば両方かなり拭えると思います。
  3. 01:28:282 - この小説は見せ場に出来る音が鳴ってる場所なのでbreakにしてしまうのは非常に勿体ない。休憩が欲しいのならここに作るより別のパートの密度を下げる方が緩急もつくので良いと思います。
  4. 01:39:145 (64,65) - 01:37:766 (56,57) -, 01:38:455 (60,61) - との一貫性を考えるとdkがベターです。
  5. 01:49:835 (138,139) - vocalをフォローするならdkが妥当では。
  6. 01:50:180 (140,141,142,143,144,145) - 140, 141はd-k、142~145は適当なパターンに変更。理由は上記参照、自分はkkddkが好きです。この場合kkddkが2回連続になるので、01:50:869 (146,147,148,149,150) - をkkdkd等に変更すると良いと思います。
  7. 01:51:904 (154,155) -, 01:54:662 (176,177) -, 単調さを拭うためにdkに変更してみてはどうでしょう。この後のパートも同様
  8. 02:27:765 (451) - delete. see above.
Good luck. :D
Topic Starter

tasuke912 wrote:

Hello there. from my queue.
[ Inner Oni]

  1. 01:14:748 - add d, or delete 01:07:162 (194) -. パターンにまとまりを持たせるために。自分は前者のパターンの方が面白み出るかなと思います。 added.
  2. 01:20:179 (290) - delete. この周辺のパートがかなり詰まり気味+単調気味なので。消せば両方かなり拭えると思います。少し詰まってるかなとは思いましたが、曲の流れを考慮すると削除しなくて良い気がしたので今のところはno changeで。
  3. 01:28:282 - この小説は見せ場に出来る音が鳴ってる場所なのでbreakにしてしまうのは非常に勿体ない。休憩が欲しいのならここに作るより別のパートの密度を下げる方が緩急もつくので良いと思います。他の人にも言われてたのでここで追加しました。
  4. 01:39:145 (64,65) - 01:37:766 (56,57) -, 01:38:455 (60,61) - との一貫性を考えるとdkがベターです。fixed
  5. 01:49:835 (138,139) - vocalをフォローするならdkが妥当では。^
  6. 01:50:180 (140,141,142,143,144,145) - 140, 141はd-k、142~145は適当なパターンに変更。理由は上記参照、自分はkkddkが好きです。この場合kkddkが2回連続になるので、01:50:869 (146,147,148,149,150) - をkkdkd等に変更すると良いと思います。 kkdkdという配置を自分はなかなか組み込まないのですが、kkddkからのkkdkd良かったです。
  7. 01:51:904 (154,155) -, 01:54:662 (176,177) -, 単調さを拭うためにdkに変更してみてはどうでしょう。この後のパートも同様 確かに長ったらしくkd kd続きますね。dk kdにしてみました。!
  8. 02:27:765 (451) - delete. see above. same as above.
Good luck. :D
Thank you mod :)

tasuke912 wrote:

Hello there. from my queue.
[ Inner Oni]

  1. 00:21:300 (112) - d? 12 is lower pitch synth than 11.
  2. 00:21:386 (113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120) - dkdkkdkk would more fit to synth imo.
    ^ Fixed

  3. 00:41:386 (1) - i recommend to change to normal notes (kkkkkkkk), since spinner is the same hit way as the previous kdkdkdkd part.
    ^ Umm, I still like the spinner better ><" for now keeping it

  4. 00:54:403 (88) - change to k, so 88 is higher pitch than 86-87. Fixed

  5. 04:04:317 (186,187) -, 04:07:075 (210,211) - change to dk? to make various patterns.
  6. 04:15:352 (286,287) -, 04:18:110 (310,311) - ^
    ^ I've made some minor changes here
Thanks for the mod :3

>update part<
Hi , maniac and Charlotte :3/
Here's a Taiko mod from TNA queue, and sorry to late :?
Symbol meaning
:?: >> Questionable.
big >> Strong suggestion.
:!: >>> Needs to improve some.

No comment suggestion >>simple (you can notice easy: just hits on drums or simple beats) , or already explained on the other place.
[1811's part]
  1. 00:00:007 – turn down to 55%?
  2. 00:11:041 – and add green line, turn up to 60%?
  3. 04:48:282 – turn down to 60%. Same as Intro.
  4. 04:59:317 – add green line and turn down to 55%?

  5. 03:21:213 - , 03:22:593 - , remove or change to k? drums sounds cut, It still seems to sound like calm part yet.
  6. 03:30:524 – change to k? It sounds more smooth cuz of no bass drums imo.
  7. 03:24:144 (107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115) – kk-dd-kk-dd-k? same as 03:13:110 (56,57,58,59,60) - , and making a gap from 03:35:179 (183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191) – drums.
  8. 03:36:731 – add note… d ? here. Drums sounds built up for last Chorus part from here.
  9. 03:47:420 (47) – remove, same as splash 03:41:731 - .
  10. 03:52:248 (84,85,86,87,88,89,90) – just my opinion, how about ddk-k-dkk? Emphasized to variate the backsounds (from 03:52:765 – , low-tone bass sounds cut).
  11. nice kiai ヾ(๑>◡<)ノ”

[Charlotte's part]

  • :?: 01:17:938 (274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283) – 1-2-2-1-2-2 change to something 2-2-1-2-2-1 or 1-3-1-2-2 or 1-3-1-3. ここまでで用いた土台のリズムが完全に逆転してます(比較対象 01:06:903 (193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202) -)、ここは特に偶数のリズムが変に感じました…01:17:765 (272,273,274) – との折り合いともあると思うので01:17:851 –は変更したリズムによっては消すのもいいかもしれません

    :?: 02:25:351 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) – same.
  1. 01:19:403 (285,286) –, and 01:19:920 (289) - remove? チョット長い気がする ドラムかボーカルどっちかに焦点当てるための休憩を入れた方がいいと思いますが、この提案はボーカルの場合です
  2. 01:19:662 – change to k? and 上記の提案で01:19:403 (285,286) –をremoveしなかった場合, 01:19:489 – change to d 01:17:765 (272,273,274) –との完全一致を避けることでボーカルにより焦点あてるため
  3. 01:26:127 – add note? ボーカルに加え気合いに向けたビルドアップがより増すと思います,ただ2番の方だけ(02:33:713 –)入れるというのも手だとは思います
  4. 02:33:713 – same, already explained.
  5. 01:37:248 (54,55) – ddddkと詰めてみては? ここのボーカルのノビは1回目との同様の部分よりも非常にロングトーンにエフェクトがかかっているのでパワー与えた方がいいと思います
    また01:38:197 (62,63) – で気休め程度にブレイクができているのでそことの差異もより確かなものとなります
    ddddkの配色は01:36:041 –から見た場合で01:39:489 –からと反転でリンクできるため
  6. 01:48:283 (133,134) – same as above. kkddk?
    1. ただ、5連が大量に続くので 上記のkkddkの提案は3連の代用でも可 それか01:50:438 –をremoveしてもよいかと, 手前のリズム一貫性で
  7. 01:51:558 - remove. be a consistency with 01:29:317 -.
  8. 02:57:765 – same.
  9. 02:17:507 – remove. 少し多い...
  10. 02:20:438 – move to 02:20:782 (52) – and 02:21:472 – remove , 02:21:558 – change to d? って変化の方が5連のタイミングとしてはしっくりきますimo.
  11. 02:28:713 – remove. too over powered. Or move to 02:28:886 – or 02:29:403 -.
  12. 02:38:886 – move to 02:39:231 -? 02:38:369 –ここのノーツがリズム逆転させてるのでなんとも…02:36:904 (9,10,11,12) –こことボーカルとの勢いの時間差をつけるなら動かした方がよいかなと
  13. 02:49:920 – same
  14. 02:44:058 – add k, 02:41:904 (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56) –こことのgapが大きすぎるので差を縮めるため
  15. Aメロの疾走感によりうまく流れを作れていると思います , good ( ・∀・)b

Good Luck (¦3[___]
Topic Starter


Hi , maniac and Charlotte :3/
Here's a Taiko mod from TNA queue, and sorry to late :?
Symbol meaning
:?: >> Questionable.
big >> Strong suggestion.
:!: >>> Needs to improve some.

No comment suggestion >>simple (you can notice easy: just hits on drums or simple beats) , or already explained on the other place.

[Charlotte's part]

  • :?: 01:17:938 (274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283) – 1-2-2-1-2-2 change to something 2-2-1-2-2-1 or 1-3-1-2-2 or 1-3-1-3. ここまでで用いた土台のリズムが完全に逆転してます(比較対象 01:06:903 (193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202) -)、ここは特に偶数のリズムが変に感じました…01:17:765 (272,273,274) – との折り合いともあると思うので01:17:851 –は変更したリズムによっては消すのもいいかもしれません

    :?: 02:25:351 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) – same. 1-3-1-2-2で統一しました。
  1. 01:19:403 (285,286) –, and 01:19:920 (289) - remove? チョット長い気がする ドラムかボーカルどっちかに焦点当てるための休憩を入れた方がいいと思いますが、この提案はボーカルの場合です fixed.
  2. 01:19:662 – change to k? and 上記の提案で01:19:403 (285,286) –をremoveしなかった場合, 01:19:489 – change to d 01:17:765 (272,273,274) –との完全一致を避けることでボーカルにより焦点あてるため I chnaged k.
  3. 01:26:127 – add note? ボーカルに加え気合いに向けたビルドアップがより増すと思います,ただ2番の方だけ(02:33:713 –)入れるというのも手だとは思います
  4. 02:33:713 – same, already explained. 2番のみの変更にしました。
  5. 01:37:248 (54,55) – ddddkと詰めてみては? ここのボーカルのノビは1回目との同様の部分よりも非常にロングトーンにエフェクトがかかっているのでパワー与えた方がいいと思います
    また01:38:197 (62,63) – で気休め程度にブレイクができているのでそことの差異もより確かなものとなります
    ddddkの配色は01:36:041 –から見た場合で01:39:489 –からと反転でリンクできるため nicee suggestion! fixed.
  6. 01:48:283 (133,134) – same as above. kkddk?
    1. ただ、5連が大量に続くので 上記のkkddkの提案は3連の代用でも可 それか01:50:438 –をremoveしてもよいかと, 手前のリズム一貫性で kkddkで3連の代用は今のところなしで。
  7. 01:51:558 - remove. be a consistency with 01:29:317 -. fixed
  8. 02:57:765 – same. ^
  9. 02:17:507 – remove. 少し多い... 減らします...
  10. 02:20:438 – move to 02:20:782 (52) – and 02:21:472 – remove , 02:21:558 – change to d? って変化の方が5連のタイミングとしてはしっくりきますimo. fixed
  11. 02:28:713 – remove. too over powered. Or move to 02:28:886 – or 02:29:403 -. removed.
  12. 02:38:886 – move to 02:39:231 -? 02:38:369 –ここのノーツがリズム逆転させてるのでなんとも…02:36:904 (9,10,11,12) –こことボーカルとの勢いの時間差をつけるなら動かした方がよいかなと fixed
  13. 02:49:920 – same ^
  14. 02:44:058 – add k, 02:41:904 (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56) –こことのgapが大きすぎるので差を縮めるため fixed
  15. Aメロの疾走感によりうまく流れを作れていると思います , good ( ・∀・)b (。≜益≜。)Thanks!

Good Luck (¦3[___]
Thank you mod :)


Hi , maniac and Charlotte :3/
Here's a Taiko mod from TNA queue, and sorry to late :?
Symbol meaning
:?: >> Questionable.
big >> Strong suggestion.
:!: >>> Needs to improve some.

No comment suggestion >>simple (you can notice easy: just hits on drums or simple beats) , or already explained on the other place.
[1811's part]
  1. 00:00:007 – turn down to 55%?
  2. 00:11:041 – and add green line, turn up to 60%?
  3. 04:48:282 – turn down to 60%. Same as Intro.
  4. 04:59:317 – add green line and turn down to 55%?
    ^ Fixed all

  5. 03:21:213 - , 03:22:593 - , remove or change to k? drums sounds cut, It still seems to sound like calm part yet.
    ^ Removed them

  6. 03:30:524 – change to k? It sounds more smooth cuz of no bass drums imo. Fixed

  7. 03:24:144 (107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115) – kk-dd-kk-dd-k? same as 03:13:110 (56,57,58,59,60) - , and making a gap from 03:35:179 (183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191) – drums. Fixed these as well

  8. 03:36:731 – add note… d ? here. Drums sounds built up for last Chorus part from here.
    ^ Hmm, I still prefer no note here, want to keep the jumpy flow start :3

  9. 03:47:420 (47) – remove, same as splash 03:41:731 - .
    ^ Plays kinda empty for me without a note .w." Keeping it since for me it flows well

  10. 03:52:248 (84,85,86,87,88,89,90) – just my opinion, how about ddk-k-dkk? Emphasized to variate the backsounds (from 03:52:765 – , low-tone bass sounds cut).
    ^ I've changed it to (ddkdddk) instead

  11. nice kiai ヾ(๑>◡<)ノ” arigato >w<!!

Good Luck (¦3[___]
Thanks for modding :3

>update part<
  1. 00:44:834 (7,8) - Hm... the high pitch is on 7, but you put kat on 8... ;; lol. It's no problem (since you did it many times ww), I just like k dkd kd kddk more.
  2. 03:53:972 (99) - k? For a song like this, dkddddk doesn't really fit (seems as if this is a heavy guitar song or something w). With k here, it seems to follow the upbeat rhythm much nicer.
  3. 03:55:351 (112) - Here it would be nice too, but less necessary.
  4. 03:59:489 (148,161) - ^

    so many doubles at the end... my hands cry
  1. 02:23:282 (418) - k? dkdddkd here feels weird.
  2. 02:28:799 (459) - d? Follows pitch (た^ がv) a bit and flows nice.
I like this map, but it seems I am bad at modding all "kmsn_UKHC_remix" songs xD
But good job to both!

OzzyOzrock wrote:

  1. 00:44:834 (7,8) - Hm... the high pitch is on 7, but you put kat on 8... ;; lol. It's no problem (since you did it many times ww), I just like k dkd kd kddk more.
    ^ ;; I still like it as dkd dk kddk xD

  2. 03:53:972 (99) - k? For a song like this, dkddddk doesn't really fit (seems as if this is a heavy guitar song or something w). With k here, it seems to follow the upbeat rhythm much nicer.
  3. 03:55:351 (112) - Here it would be nice too, but less necessary.
  4. 03:59:489 (148,161) - ^
    ^ Fixed all of them ww

    so many doubles at the end... my hands cry huehue :3c
I like this map, but it seems I am bad at modding all "kmsn_UKHC_remix" songs xD
But good job to both! Thank you :3
Thanks for the mod ww

>update part<
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

  1. 02:23:282 (418) - k? dkdddkd here feels weird. fixed
  2. 02:28:799 (459) - d? Follows pitch (た^ がv) a bit and flows nice. nope.I think k is fit..
I like this map, but it seems I am bad at modding all "kmsn_UKHC_remix" songs xD
But good job to both!
Thank you mod :)
Bubble #1!
  1. 02:27:507 - remove?
    1回目の部分同様に緩急差をつけてよい部分でしょう 詰まっているのでボーカルに関与しない1/4を1つ消去で
  2. 02:45:697 (592,593,594,595,596,597,598) - バックがブッチされてるので気持ち抑えていいかも?
    1. 02:45:955 - remove?
    2. 02:45:783 (594,595,596) - swap? 色反転? 場合によっては597,598も変えてもいいと思います バックの変化、バスドラが消えた分の変化をフォロー
Topic Starter


  1. 02:27:507 - remove? fixed
    1回目の部分同様に緩急差をつけてよい部分でしょう 詰まっているのでボーカルに関与しない1/4を1つ消去で
  2. 02:45:697 (592,593,594,595,596,597,598) - バックがブッチされてるので気持ち抑えていいかも?
    1. 02:45:955 - remove? 1回目のkiai timeと同じにしました。
    2. 02:45:783 (594,595,596) - swap? 色反転? 場合によっては597,598も変えてもいいと思います バックの変化、バスドラが消えた分の変化をフォロー 1回目のkiai同様でno changeにします。
Thank you check
Good Luck and please wait for more time .....(¦3[___]
I asked Loctav.
Guest mapper made longer part than uploader, so this map is unrankable.

I will pop this after talking with uploader.
Good luck.

please call me back after solving this issue.
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