
P*Light - TRIGGER*HAPPY [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 10:14:23 AM

Artist: P*Light
BPM: 185
Filesize: 3141kb
Play Time: 01:50
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.25 stars, 301 notes)
  2. INNER*ONI (5.28 stars, 831 notes)
  3. Kantan (1.66 stars, 184 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (3.37 stars, 484 notes)
  5. Oni (4.23 stars, 644 notes)
Download: P*Light - TRIGGER*HAPPY
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
~ ~ H A P P Y ~ ~
Hey~ M4M~ ^^/


  1. Remove Countdown o.o
  2. Remove Letterbox <w>a
  3. Remove Widescreen?? lol
  4. Preview time maybe move to.... 00:11:379 - to follow the "GO!" xDDD


  1. Consider to change the SV to 1.2?? I don't know but everyone seems always use 1.2/1.4/1.6
  2. Maybe don't change Speed as a Kantan?? :3
  3. 00:07:811 (12) - add finish here??
  4. 00:11:703 (19) - ^
  5. 00:22:081 (39) - ^
  6. 00:32:460 (59) - k to follow the high sound
  7. 00:44:784 (79) - Move it to 00:44:622 - Don't follow the vocal here?? sounds better to me~ and then make 00:44:135 (78,79) - k
    There are too many d here~ so change some to k will fit the music better IMO~~
  8. 00:46:730 (82,83,84) - k-k-k are better?? (If you accept^ then here would be (d--d k--k d--d k-k-k)
  9. 01:08:784 (15) - d~~ but it may be a bit hard here.. :3
  10. 01:25:000 (44,45) - k-k fit the sound which is get higher gradually here~
  11. 01:26:946 (46) - finish
  12. 01:34:730 (62) - d here? Because you make k-k-d at the same part before!! o3o
  13. 01:37:324 (66) - finish plzzzzz~
  14. 01:45:757 (83,84) - k-k same reason as I said~~


  1. 00:32:135 (99) - add finish??
  2. 00:37:324 - Add a K here??
  3. 00:42:189 (128) - k to follow "come on~ man!" lol
  4. 00:46:892 - Add a d sounds better and won't be too Hard~~
  5. 00:52:568 (157,158,159) - kkd?? becasue it sounds different from 00:49:973 (149,150,151) -
    So I think you should try to make it a bit different here~ w
  6. 00:52:568 (157,158,159) - hmm maybe kdd..
  7. 01:21:433 (30) - finish maybe


  1. 00:01:325 (1,2) - finish
  2. 00:03:919 (10,11) - ^
  3. 00:32:784 (154) - k to folow the high sound
  4. 00:42:352 (42) - d fits the music better
  5. 00:55:730 - Add a k here tob make a 4-hit stream?? Fits the electronic sounds and won't be too hard...?? lol
  6. 01:00:433 - Add a d here plz~ Because the drum is really a heavy sound!
  7. 01:31:568 - Add a k?? Make it a bit diffrerent from previous same part as a last Kiai Time!! :3
  8. 01:45:838 - ^


  1. 00:01:325 (1,2) - finish
  2. 00:03:757 (12) - d?? Sounds better to me~
  3. 00:03:919 (13,14) - finish
  4. 00:29:135 - add a k here?? The vocal is a triplet here :3
  5. 00:32:784 (3,4) - Reverse this two notes?? Because I think it should be kd here! owoa
  6. 01:04:243 (21,22,23) - k-k-k to make different with 01:01:649 (8,9,10) -
    Also ir sounds a bit hgher than 01:01:649 (8,9,10) - ..It fits the music better IMO~
  7. 01:29:378 (40) - k to follow the high sound~ w
  8. 01:34:486 (81) - If you agree with^ then k here sounds better!!~


  1. 00:32:784 (3,4) - Reverse these two :3
  2. 00:38:541 (31) - d sounds better to me~
  3. 00:39:352 (40) - ^ (If you don't like ^ just ignore this)
  4. 00:42:352 (71) - Maybe you can remove this note to emphasize the sound at 00:42:514 (72) -
  5. 00:51:189 (141) - k to make a bit different from the first time?? Also it fits the music pretty good IMO owo
  6. 00:51:703 (147) - If you agree with ^ then maybe change this to k~~
  7. 01:00:352 (1,2,3) - Maybe change to kdk?? Sounds better to me~ @@
  8. 01:01:811 - add a d here plzzz~ (This part I strongly recommend~ Sounds really cool to me lol)
  9. 01:02:054 - ^
  10. 01:03:108 - ^
  11. 01:03:352 - ^
  12. 01:04:406 - ^
  13. 01:04:649 - ^
  14. 01:05:703 - ^
  15. 01:05:946 - ^
  16. 01:27:351 (5) - k to follow the high sound and make a bit different as a last Kiai Time~ lol
  17. 01:29:946 (30) - ^
  18. 01:32:541 (56) - ^
That's all~~ Hope it's helpful!! owo""

Nice map~ Have my Star :3

Good Luck MM~ ;) 8-)
Topic Starter

12BARRY21 wrote:

Hey~ M4M~ ^^/


  1. Remove Countdown o.o
  2. Remove Letterbox <w>a
  3. Remove Widescreen?? lol


  1. 00:44:784 (79) - Move it to 00:44:622 - Don't follow the vocal here?? sounds better to me~ and then make 00:44:135 (78,79) - k
  2. 01:34:730 (62) - d here? Because you make k-k-d at the same part before!! o3o


  1. 00:42:189 (128) - k to follow "come on~ man!" lol
  2. 00:46:892 - Add a d sounds better and won't be too Hard~~
  3. 00:52:568 (157,158,159) - kkd?? becasue it sounds different from 00:49:973 (149,150,151) -
    So I think you should try to make it a bit different here~ w


  1. 00:32:784 (154) - k to folow the high sound


  1. 00:32:784 (3,4) - Reverse this two notes?? Because I think it should be kd here! owoa
Changed/Added all of this. Thank you!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah wow such good fried eggs as chesties lmaooo. Don't ask me how I discovered. Seriously.

fancy box mod
[ General]

fix these things in AiMod haha

[ Kantan]

  1. First part deserves some more emphasis in my opinion. What about putting finishers in:
    00:01:325 (1,2) -
    00:03:919 (5,6) -
    00:10:406 (18) -
  2. Kiai also needs some more OPness! Same than above, merely Finisher usage suggestions:
    00:11:703 (19) -
    00:16:892 (30) -
    00:22:081 (39) -
    00:27:270 (49) -
    00:31:162 (56) -
  3. Can add notes to 00:21:108 - and 00:21:433 - , to keep the momentum. It's a kiai after all
  4. 00:26:946 - Should add a note here to cohere with 00:15:595 - 00:16:892 -
  5. 00:34:892 - 00:36:027 - Can add a shaker here I think
  6. 00:37:649 (64) - Can use a finisher I think
  7. 00:42:838 - 00:45:919 - This part can also use some spice up in my opinion! Finishers in:
    00:42:838 (74) -
    00:44:135 (76) -
    00:45:433 (78) -
    for example sound good to me
  8. 00:54:838 (97) - Move to 00:55:162 - instead, to keep the 2-note 1/1s?
  9. 01:01:000 (2) - I think this note has an emphasizable sound. Finisher?
  10. 01:00:352 - Also I think this part should have a bit lower volume, don't you think?
  11. 01:11:379 (19) - This one also has some emphasizable sound.
  12. 01:13:324 (22) - Move to 01:13:162 - to cohere with previous pattern?
  13. You could even remove 01:22:406 (39,41) - and use finisher in 01:21:757 (38,40) - so they got more emphasize in the crashes
  14. OD4 HP4 like Futsuu? Reduce OD maybe to differentiate? Also I suggest to increase HP by a bit.
For the second kiai, I'm giving you the same suggestions than the first.

On a side note: if you choose to apply any of my suggestions regarding finisher usage or colour swap, they should be changed in other diffs as well to maintain the consistency (might sound obvious but I like to state it)

[ Futsuu]

  1. Hmmmmm, isn't the first part of the kiai, a bit repetitive :p ? The rhythm fits, but I think you can variate a bit without destroying it
  2. 00:15:595 - 00:16:892 - This part has the exact same density than Kantan. Is it intentional?
  3. 00:24:514 - You can add a k here, to maintain the momentum
  4. 00:29:865 - 00:31:162 - Again, same density than Kantan. I guess you had your reasons due to the colour changes, but still...
  5. 00:41:054 - Can add a k to cohere with the previous parts
  6. 00:42:352 - Same ^
  7. 01:21:757 - 01:25:324 - Again, same density than Kantan.
  8. 01:45:108 - 01:46:081 - Can add some notes in between, to give a more epic ending (and also help differentiating from Kantan)
[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:08:460 - 00:10:406 - Don't you think this part has too much density compared to Futsuu?
  2. Kiai looks splendid to me (even if I disagree with using ddk in Muzu :PPP)
  3. 00:38:946 - 00:40:243 - Same than the first suggestion. Looks too dense compared to Futsuu, maybe delete some notes?
  4. 01:14:784 - 01:16:568 - Same than above ^

    Other than that, splendid difficulty.
[ Oni]

  1. 00:45:433 (80,83) - Can use finishers in my opinion
  2. 00:46:730 (88,89,90,91,92) - ^
  3. 00:55:973 (145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154) - ^
  4. Hmmm I think you should reconsider the rhythm you use at 01:06:027 - 01:09:919 - . Maybe try moving 01:07:000 (37) - to 01:07:081 - and 01:07:162 (38) - to 01:07:324 - , and the same at the end of every pattern. Sounds soooo much better in my opinion
No more complaints about the diff :P

[ Inner Oni]

  1. I'm no expert at 1/6s but 00:06:189 (27,28,29,30,31,32) - I don't hear any 1/6 sound at all lol
  2. 00:10:081 (65,66,67,68,69,70) - This one is acceptable due to the buildup with everything combined (vocal+instruments)
  3. 00:21:757 (95,96,97,98,99,100) - This one, too! It clearly has 1/6 (or even more) sounding
  4. 00:29:541 (174,175,176,177,178,179) - I can't agree with this one though, I can't seem to relate the 1/6s with anything
  5. 00:41:703 (63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70) - These 2 also, I can't match them with any sound... If anything, remove the 1/6 and extend the 1/4 stream of 00:41:622 - since there's a mappable sound here
  6. 01:01:811 - 01:02:054 - Missed mappable sounds?
  7. 01:03:108 - 01:03:270 - ^
  8. 01:04:406 - 01:04:649 - ^
  9. 01:05:703 - 01:05:865 - ^
  10. Same suggestions regarding the 1/6s in the second kiai
Apart from those picky 1/6 suggestions, I found this difficulty entertaining (even tho I barely passed it lolol)
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