
Black Sun Empire & Noisia - Feed The Machine

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M4M :D

[Feed The Machine]

Bring the volume down a bit more for these parts from 00:08:660 (1) and 00:19:823 (3) to 00:22:613 (7) (suggestion)

00:15:288 (2) - curve too deep looks ugly Try something like this maybe

00:16:683 (2) - ^

00:19:823 (3) from here to here 00:22:613 (7) bring volume down to 5

00:31:683 (1) here to 00:33:776 (6) I don't it's not having that nice blend to it the crashes over powering a bit

00:42:061 (2) - Try something like this that one doesn't look nice

00:48:079 (4) - Shift over 2 unites on the x-axis

01:13:544 (1) - that slider looks weird try to make the curve look better it looks deformed xD

01:40:579 (6) - you hear this hit sound effect needs more of this in the streams

02:09:009 (4) - fix that curve so I can compliment this slider better 02:09:358 (1)

Topic Starter
Thx for mods, guys.
I made a big update, which got rid of (or tried to escape) from ALL OVERMAPPINGat the beginning of the map. I hope this will help the development of maps for the better!

Hi (•ω•) From my queue. Sorry for modding this map so late, but I had stuffs to do. So, here's the mod.


  1. First at all, I'd suggest to increase the stack latency because I didn't find the reason to set it in 2, even knowing the BPM is a bit high. Setting it between 3 or 5 is good.
  2. Unckeck the Letterbox during breaks because this is an option used wehn you have storyboard. As you don't have it, there's no reason to put it.
  3. Don't you think the colors are so colorful with that dark background? I think they don't fit on it. What about this ones?
  4. HP + 0.5. Becase of the flow and the patters are hard to set HP 5.5.
  5. This is a minor suggestion, but I'd reduce the OD -1 because of the short spinners.


  1. I don't know, but what about choosing an epic name for the map and no just marathon? Maybe Disaster, storm or dik.Be creative! 8^)
  2. 00:02:381 (3) Add NC for consistency in patterns in (1,2) (1,2) in NC combing.
  3. 00:03:079 (1) Remove NC.
  4. 00:03:776 (2) Add NC.
  5. 00:04:474 (1) Remove NC.
  6. 00:05:869 (3) Put it somewhere else. º3º)/
  7. 00:13:893 (2,3) Ctrl +G and Ctrl +H, to avoid overlapping and make an intuite pattern.
  8. 00:17:730 (1) Move a bit to up to avoid a mini-overlap with this object 00:17:206 (3)
  9. 00:25:055 (2) Remove the finish and replace for a clap, but just in the head and the tail of that slider. Not in the reverse,
  10. 00:40:055 (1,2,3) I know you wanted to make a blanket here but the overlap between the slider (1) and the circle (3) isn't good. Try something else.
  11. 01:00:986 (1) Stack this circle at this slider 01:00:201 (2) 's head.
  12. 01:14:154 (2) Stack this slider tail over this slider's head 01:13:544 (1) .
  13. 01:27:497 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) This streams goes too fast for me. Idk if it is intentional.
  14. 02:09:009 (4,1) This looks ugly. :> Try some blanketing between them maybe.
  15. 02:28:369 (9) NC.
  16. 02:35:520 (5,1) This is not properly blanket. Set the circle here x=228 | y=52 to fix it.

My mod ends here because I don't know how to mod those streams because I can't even pass them.

Good luck with your map. ◕‿↼ Here a star!

Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:


Hi (•ω•) From my queue. Sorry for modding this map so late, but I had stuffs to do. So, here's the mod.


  1. First at all, I'd suggest to increase the stack latency because I didn't find the reason to set it in 2, even knowing the BPM is a bit high. Setting it between 3 or 5 is good. fixed
  2. Unckeck the Letterbox during breaks because this is an option used wehn you have storyboard. As you don't have it, there's no reason to put it. fixed
  3. Don't you think the colors are so colorful with that dark background? I think they don't fit on it. What about this ones?
  4. HP + 0.5. Becase of the flow and the patters are hard to set HP 5.5. fixed
  5. This is a minor suggestion, but I'd reduce the OD -1 because of the short spinners.


  1. I don't know, but what about choosing an epic name for the map and no just marathon? Maybe Disaster, storm or dik.Be creative! 8^) fixed
  2. 00:02:381 (3) Add NC for consistency in patterns in (1,2) (1,2) in NC combing. fixed, but a little differently
  3. 00:03:079 (1) Remove NC.
  4. 00:03:776 (2) Add NC.
  5. 00:04:474 (1) Remove NC.
  6. 00:05:869 (3) Put it somewhere else. º3º)/
  7. 00:13:893 (2,3) Ctrl +G and Ctrl +H, to avoid overlapping and make an intuite pattern. Why?
  8. 00:17:730 (1) Move a bit to up to avoid a mini-overlap with this object 00:17:206 (3) fixed
  9. 00:25:055 (2) Remove the finish and replace for a clap, but just in the head and the tail of that slider. Not in the reverse, fixed
  10. 00:40:055 (1,2,3) I know you wanted to make a blanket here but the overlap between the slider (1) and the circle (3) isn't good. Try something else. fixed
  11. 01:00:986 (1) Stack this circle at this slider 01:00:201 (2) 's head. fixed
  12. 01:14:154 (2) Stack this slider tail over this slider's head 01:13:544 (1) . fixed
  13. 01:27:497 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) This streams goes too fast for me. Idk if it is intentional. this is intentional
  14. 02:09:009 (4,1) This looks ugly. :> Try some blanketing between them maybe. fixed
  15. 02:28:369 (9) NC. fixed
  16. 02:35:520 (5,1) This is not properly blanket. Set the circle here x=228 | y=52 to fix it.

My mod ends here because I don't know how to mod those streams because I can't even pass them.

Good luck with your map. ◕‿↼ Here a star!

Thx for mod, thx for star!!! ;)
Really like the song~ GL getting it ranked ~
Topic Starter

ZenithAnnul wrote:

Really like the song~ GL getting it ranked ~
Thanks, bratan!
Hi~ From my modding queue~ (M4M)

[From the shadow]
  1. I'm not sure if your difficulty title is related to the song or not but maybe a single-word name would give a much better impact. ^^
  2. I think you should use a higher SV than 1.0. :s
  3. 00:42:061 (2) - This slider looks ugly and out of place. ><
  4. 00:47:381 (2,3) - Make this symmetrical maybe?
  5. 00:49:561 (4,1,2,3) - Instead of going back and forth why not make it loop? Like this:
  6. 01:39:183 (6) - There's a triple beat here so I suggest changing this to fit with it.
  7. 02:02:904 (4) - Why is this one a reverse instead of the last one? It feels abrupt and it sort of messes up the flow...
  8. 02:05:695 (4) - Same here.
  9. 02:07:962 (1,2,3,4) - You've mapped similar parts of the song densely so why suddenly change it to simpler notes?
  10. 03:00:986 - 03:03:602 - Insert a small breaks on these parts. (If you do, I suggest you disable letterboxing in your meta.)
  11. 04:02:991 (6,7,8,9) - Move this slightly up so that it matches the rest of the stream.
  12. 04:50:869 (6) - Ctrl G
It's a bit rough but it's a good start. ^^ I hoped my mod helped~ ^^
Topic Starter

Victorica wrote:

Hi~ From my modding queue~ (M4M)

[From the shadow]
  1. I'm not sure if your difficulty title is related to the song or not but maybe a single-word name would give a much better impact. ^^ okaaay
  2. I think you should use a higher SV than 1.0. :s but i use SV higher 1.0
  3. 00:42:061 (2) - This slider looks ugly and out of place. >< fixed
  4. 00:47:381 (2,3) - Make this symmetrical maybe? These patterns are good and without symmetry, I think
  5. 00:49:561 (4,1,2,3) - Instead of going back and forth why not make it loop? Like this: I changed to something like
  6. 01:39:183 (6) - There's a triple beat here so I suggest changing this to fit with it. fixed
  7. 02:02:904 (4) - Why is this one a reverse instead of the last one? It feels abrupt and it sort of messes up the flow... fixed
  8. 02:05:695 (4) - Same here.
  9. 02:07:962 (1,2,3,4) - You've mapped similar parts of the song densely so why suddenly change it to simpler notes? It looks like you're right
  10. 03:00:986 - 03:03:602 - Insert a small breaks on these parts. (If you do, I suggest you disable letterboxing in your meta.) ok
  11. 04:02:991 (6,7,8,9) - Move this slightly up so that it matches the rest of the stream. fixed
  12. 04:50:869 (6) - Ctrl G fixed
It's a bit rough but it's a good start. ^^ I hoped my mod helped~ ^^ ofc
Thanks for mod ;)

yo, from my queue

First of all, listen to AImod, she has some useful things to say, then I dont have to repeat them :P
00:45:986 (1,2,3) - spacing is terrible here, try moving the 2 a bit up so that there is at least some kind of constant spacing.
Some green lines are not used, consider removing them so that the BN's don't have something messy to check.
05:13:892 (1,3) - these are mapped to nearly nothing, so try placing the (current) 2 and 4 in the middle of the map and remove these two. A lot of players will rage if they can't ss just because of these two notes.
Lower od to 8, it's way too hard to get any accuracy
00:24:445 (4,1) - put the first note on the white tick before the blue, not the blue tick itself.
00:25:840 (3,1) - ^
00:27:236 (3,1) - ^
00:29:939 (4) - white tick, not blue tick.
And so on, you get my point. (why white tick: there is no real sound on either ticks, so to make an insane diff, you overmapped this a little bit. Overmapping is, in this case, making a new rhythm that isn't in the song. Players don't like to play on blue ticks because the main notes are never on blue ticks, that's why most people will hit these too early/late, hence placing them on white ticks)
01:51:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - please, don't do this :o It messes with everyone's reading. With this pattern and some other ones in this map, it might be better to rename the difficulty to 'illusion' to warn the player a bit :P

There are many things that I haven't mentioned yet, but if you take what I told you as an example and go trough the map with those in mind, you will have fixed a lot of those. I hope this was helpful somehow. This map still needs a lot of work, but I'm sure that you can do it!
Topic Starter

inspectorscout wrote:

yo, from my queue

First of all, listen to AImod, she has some useful things to say, then I dont have to repeat them :P
00:45:986 (1,2,3) - spacing is terrible here, try moving the 2 a bit up so that there is at least some kind of constant spacing.
Some green lines are not used, consider removing them so that the BN's don't have something messy to check. Fixed
05:13:892 (1,3) - these are mapped to nearly nothing, so try placing the (current) 2 and 4 in the middle of the map and remove these two. A lot of players will rage if they can't ss just because of these two notes. replaced spinner
Lower od to 8, it's way too hard to get any accuracy I made OD 7.5
00:24:445 (4,1) - put the first note on the white tick before the blue, not the blue tick itself. Yes you are right
00:25:840 (3,1) - ^
00:27:236 (3,1) - ^
00:29:939 (4) - white tick, not blue tick.
And so on, you get my point. (why white tick: there is no real sound on either ticks, so to make an insane diff, you overmapped this a little bit. Overmapping is, in this case, making a new rhythm that isn't in the song. Players don't like to play on blue ticks because the main notes are never on blue ticks, that's why most people will hit these too early/late, hence placing them on white ticks)
01:51:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - please, don't do this :o It messes with everyone's reading. With this pattern and some other ones in this map, it might be better to rename the difficulty to 'illusion' to warn the player a bit :P I do not see anything wrong with these patterns. The opportunity to change them later

There are many things that I haven't mentioned yet, but if you take what I told you as an example and go trough the map with those in mind, you will have fixed a lot of those. I hope this was helpful somehow. This map still needs a lot of work, but I'm sure that you can do it!
Thanks for mod!
Shohei Ohtani
I was told that if I ever wanted to re-join the BN, that I'd have to mod like a robot and speak in proper, full sentences, without any sort of enjoyment of the process.

But I prefer enjoying what I do. I'm a human being, not a machine

So have fun with this CDFA-styled mod.

00:05:172 (2) - So you're probably going to want to have your hitsounds be consistent. A clap here sounds REALLY out of place when you have no change in the music, and the previous two patterns have used whistles
00:19:474 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - You're gonna need an NC somewhere in this pattern, since it goes on for a LONG time.
00:34:474 (1) - Silent hitsounds like this on the repeat are unrankable. Please don't do that :*
00:45:637 - For this section in particular, your hitsound is SUPER bland. Even though your hitsounding is minimal in the other diffs, its consistent, while this section is not. Consider thinking of a primary idea for this section and putting that throughout. The fun thing is that since this approval, you don't have to worry about doing it to other diffs >w<
00:52:613 (1,2,3) - If you're gonna have jump, then have jumps. But have a jump every time. This is really awkward to play.
00:56:451 (2,3,1) - Overlaps are no good. Overlaps make me cry. Don't do them :( It makes the map look super cramped and no fun to play.
01:14:590 (3,1,2) - Anti-jumps are no fun. People will hit it early, everyone's gonna be mad, and it's not good.
01:28:892 (1) - There's a quote that I heard from somewhere. I think it was from a jazz improv class I was taking (or. . . Was sitting in on, since I'm awful at improv). The guy used the phrase "Silence is music. Don't be afraid of silence, don't feel like you always have to play." This is especially true here. You don't need to have hitsounds at every second, and you don't need to add your own hitsounds when the music has nothing to offer. You're stepping on the musical choice to have silence and emptiness there, to give a bigger impact to the impact of the song. tl;dr remove the finish.
01:45:637 (1,2,3) - This is awkward because I don't really know the grouping of this melody, so I don't know if this is wrong or not. Just be aware that repeats like this work if the notes are grouped in that way. Otherwise, it's awkward to play. Get some testplays and see if players naturally will get this correct.
03:02:991 (1,2) - let people enjoy the break. Let them rest.
03:05:869 (2) - apply the quote about silence to this and every other similar pattern in the map.
03:23:311 - try hitnormals instead of softclaps?
04:00:462 (1) - Slider velocity changes need reason and purpose. Otherwise they're confusing. If you cannot have a legitimate reason to put a slider velocity change, then don't. There is nothing wrong with maps with consistent slider velocities.

It's ballsy pulling off a song like this because it's not super rhythmic. You have drum drones in the back and then you have these other effects that have rhythm but not something that is naturally tapped. But you definitely are up to a good start. I think just some fine tuning and this map will be on its way.
Topic Starter
Thanks, all remade!
  1. 00:01:596 (1,1,1 and so on) - I think their tails are noisy, I guess you use reverse for make gap between these slider to the note to be 1/1 which is great, I agreed but it's kinda noisy (don't know if it just me though) I mean add green line and decrease volume, not remove.
  2. 00:35:520 (3) - is this circle muted? it's unrankable.
  3. 00:43:456 (2,3) - I think these finish are out of place, remove or change to other hitsound is better imo.
  4. 01:07:090 (1) - remove whistle on tail and add note on 01:07:439 sounds better imo. or use 1/1 slider instead would work as well.
  5. 01:07:613 (3) - remove clap on tail?
  6. 01:07:875 (1) - since strong note start on big white tick so move this spinner to big white tick would works better. oh and please end it on 01:09:009
  7. 01:23:398 (1) - I'm not sure if this spinner is really fit with music.. I think use circle or slider instead would be better to play. nah I just heard the beat that make you use spinner. but i think it's really weak and.. not that fit the song but it's fit to be the beginner of that spam pattern though.
  8. 01:24:706 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - if you don't mind maybe you can make it more symmetry. this is what I mean.
  9. I don't know why you skip most of beat like 01:31:160 and 01:32:555 and so on. it's your choice though but I think if you add note on those section would be more playable. recently it's like stream pause and slider, stream pause and slider. but it's not wrong though. someone might like it.
  10. I think change to circle stream is more enjoyable. like 01:34:474 (1,2,3) and 01:33:079 (1,2,3) and so on.
  11. 02:02:381 (1,2,3,4,5) - you need some pattern, here is the example if you ask me. (just an example)
  12. 03:44:241 - this part your whistle are kinda out of place imo. better don't have them.
  13. 03:50:259 (3) - remove this note and add on 03:50:084 or 03:50:433 instead. apply to all of similar case.
  14. overall your rhythm is kinda good but still need to work on pattern to make them beautiful and neat. you still use the wrong tool to emphasis the beat. here is the example:
    03:57:846 (8,9) - 8 supposed to be 1/2 slider and 9 to be circle. why? because 9's tail is strong beat which tail can't emphasis properly because player no need to click it and head of 9 is downbeat so if you changed to the thing I said, it will emphasis the beat better.
GL with this :)
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

  1. 00:01:596 (1,1,1 and so on) - I think their tails are noisy, I guess you use reverse for make gap between these slider to the note to be 1/1 which is great, I agreed but it's kinda noisy (don't know if it just me though) I mean add green line and decrease volume, not remove. ok, fix
  2. 00:35:520 (3) - is this circle muted? it's unrankable. fix
  3. 00:43:456 (2,3) - I think these finish are out of place, remove or change to other hitsound is better imo. fix
  4. 01:07:090 (1) - remove whistle on tail and add note on 01:07:439 sounds better imo. or use 1/1 slider instead would work as well. ok, added circle
  5. 01:07:613 (3) - remove clap on tail? fix
  6. 01:07:875 (1) - since strong note start on big white tick so move this spinner to big white tick would works better. oh and please end it on 01:09:009 fix
  7. 01:23:398 (1) - I'm not sure if this spinner is really fit with music.. I think use circle or slider instead would be better to play. nah I just heard the beat that make you use spinner. but i think it's really weak and.. not that fit the song but it's fit to be the beginner of that spam pattern though. yet I leave
  8. 01:24:706 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - if you don't mind maybe you can make it more symmetry. this is what I mean. fix
  9. I don't know why you skip most of beat like 01:31:160 and 01:32:555 and so on. it's your choice though but I think if you add note on those section would be more playable. recently it's like stream pause and slider, stream pause and slider. but it's not wrong though. someone might like it.oh really, fixed
  10. I think change to circle stream is more enjoyable. like 01:34:474 (1,2,3) and 01:33:079 (1,2,3) and so on. fix
  11. 02:02:381 (1,2,3,4,5) - you need some pattern, here is the example if you ask me. (just an example) nice patterns, i take it
  12. 03:44:241 - this part your whistle are kinda out of place imo. better don't have them. fixed
  13. 03:50:259 (3) - remove this note and add on 03:50:084 or 03:50:433 instead. apply to all of similar case.
  14. overall your rhythm is kinda good but still need to work on pattern to make them beautiful and neat. you still use the wrong tool to emphasis the beat. here is the example: I will work on this
    03:57:846 (8,9) - 8 supposed to be 1/2 slider and 9 to be circle. why? because 9's tail is strong beat which tail can't emphasis properly because player no need to click it and head of 9 is downbeat so if you changed to the thing I said, it will emphasis the beat better.
GL with this :)
Great mod, thanks!

00:01:509 (1) - Ctrl+G
00:03:079 (1) - Ctrl+G
00:07:962 (2,2) - Fix overlap or stack?
00:12:497 (2) - Ctrl+G
00:13:020 (3) - Ctrl+G
00:13:893 (2) - Ctrl+G
00:14:416 (3) - Ctrl+G
01:31:334 (8) - Ctrl+G
01:39:532 (9,5) - Fix overlap

Focus on flow, you need to consider it strongly while mapping. If your cursor is moving towards the top-right from the last note, why would you make them stop, reverse, and move towards the bottom left? I hope you see my logic here, if not, feel free to message me whenever i'm online and I can help you out 8-)

You dón't have an SB (unless I'm mistaken), so remove the .osb file, as that is for storyboards (and can give bugs sometimes)

  1. 00:10:753 (4) - Ctrl G to increase flow and movement
  2. 00:15:811 (3) - Sliderwhistle makes absolutely no sense at all, it's loud and noisy (and painful to everyones ears if they don't have a silenced sliderwhistle)
  3. 00:17:206 (3) - ^^
  4. 00:18:602 (3) - ^^
  5. 00:28:369 (4,1) - I'm no fan of overlaps, try stacking them
  6. 00:55:927 (1) - Again a sliderwhistle, please remove ALL sliderwhistles unless they really fit as they are a pain in the ass to listen to, especially in calm parts like this. I will not list them from now on
  7. 00:57:846 (3,1) - Blanket feels better here
  8. 01:16:160 (4) - It's a really weird slider, and on the edge of unrankable (if not already unrankable) It's path is nigh invisible, and the wiggle slows it down to such extent players will most likely miss. Please make it a straight slider
  9. 01:17:555 (4) - ^^
  10. 01:27:497 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This applies to all your streams: The stream here is not really aesthetically appealing. It looks rather sloppy and hand made. Streams should be made by making a slider, selecting it and pressing ctrl shift f. This way, they'll look much nicer, and have perfect distance
  11. 01:34:648 (3,4) - Huge distance makes no sense here. It''s only for difficulty. Please space it evenly so people can see it's 1/4
  12. 01:51:218 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is almost unreadable
  13. 02:13:892 (5,6) - Again a distance issue, please space close to the previous circles
  14. 03:00:113 - Add a circle, best is at 316:260, at the same place as 03:00:288 (1) -
  15. 03:10:753 (1,2,3,4) - SPace evenly for aesthetics
  16. 03:13:544 (1,2,3,4) - ^^
  17. 03:21:916 - Normal sampleset is like the last thing I'd use here, I'd recommend soft sampleset
  18. 04:06:218 (6) - 10% is too low, actually, this whole stream is too soft in volume, really inaudible (unrankable)
  19. 04:49:125 (5) - It's a really weird slider, and on the edge of unrankable (if not already unrankable) It's path is nigh invisible, and the wiggle slows it down to such extent players will most likely miss. Please make it a straight slider
This map, honestly, needs much more work. It's not close to being ready for rank. This however mostly applies due to the "bad streams" as most of them are really ugly, sorry to say
I advise you to completely recheck all streams and redo with the Ctrl Shift F
You'll see it'll look much and much better, and making it better to play :3
Good luck!
Topic Starter

baraatje123 wrote:

This map, honestly, needs much more work. It's not close to being ready for rank. This however mostly applies due to the "bad streams" as most of them are really ugly, sorry to say
I advise you to completely recheck all streams and redo with the Ctrl Shift F
You'll see it'll look much and much better, and making it better to play :3
Good luck!
okay, thanks! :)
Hello there~

00:41:451 (1) - Make a blanket slider?
00:51:567 (2) - This small spacing can be hard to understand because players can probably hit earlier because they thought it's a next 1/2 timing, I mean red tick. How about stack or move further away?
01:17:904 (5,6,7,8,1) - I don't think this stream is following the music... any reason why?
01:22:962 (1,2) - Move further away each other, because players confuse which one is a head slider
01:44:677 (4,5,6,7) - How about make a curve a bit?
02:26:102 (1) - These slider shape looks awkward because the head slider is overlap to sliderbody... change the slider shape
02:35:695 (1) - Make sure the sliderbody isn't overlapped by circle so it doesn't make hard to read for players
02:57:846 (2) - Move further away from stream pattern to make readable

I guess this streams would be boring for experience players... making jump is good is possible
good luck
Topic Starter
Thx, updated!
Hello. From my M4M queue.

I don't think I can mod this. So have 2 stars as compensation.
Sorry for delay ;(

  1. Your volume adjustment is too odd, because it's kinda inaudible in some parts as we can see on here So please consider to readjust the volume higher, so players have enough feedback on what they clicked
  2. You can delete Black Sun Empire & Noisia - Feed The Machine (FCL).osb, since this mapset is no storyboard
  1. 00:13:892 (2,3) - The polarity on them kinda hard to read imo as (2) is ended on blue tick then (3) is start on red tick, furthermore I think there's no strong beat here 00:14:590 - imo. So how about change the rhythm into something like this
  2. 00:15:288 (2,3) - 00:16:683 (2,3) - 00:18:079 (2,3) - Same as above
  3. 00:27:846 (2,3,4) - Why not have same clap sound as 00:25:055 (2,3) - and 00:26:451 (2,3) - to make it more consistent
  4. 00:29:241 (2,3,4) - 00:30:637 (2,3) - Same as above
  5. 01:28:892 (1) - Imo, better make that one closer a bit, because it's kinda too sudden after the stream we have big jump on slow slider. So maybe move to x:304 y:304 might good?
  6. 01:34:474 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Those stream and how it turn kinda too sharp imo and kinda make the next flow doesn't feels good, while the song itself doesn't change significant
  7. 01:40:840 - How about add circle there? based on song kinda fit while a pipe being hitted there imo
  8. 01:56:799 (1,2,3,4) - Those stream (2,3,4) under the slider end doesn't flows good tbh, it's hard to read and may misleading to next stream on
  9. 01:57:323 (5,6,7,8,9) - . Maybe make them more visible is a good choice imo
  10. 02:23:486 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above, make the stream more visible might play better here
  11. 02:24:532 (7) - The rhythm choice kinda bad there imo, as we skip strong beat on this downbeat 02:24:706 - make it to 1/2 slider with circle might good here
  12. 03:40:055 (7,8,9,1,2) - Honestly that (9) 1/4 slider with reverse kinda make the whole circles stream before distrupted imo, it's out of no where that (9) suddenly appear make the stream's flow kinda bad imo
  13. 03:41:538 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Imo how the stream turn too sharp kinda out of place, while the rest before can flow fluently
The mapset is playable, but if you aim to make it ranked or approved it's kinda hard on curent state, as most of the stream is sloopy and maybe will make most players confused and miss while playing

Good luck for now, hope it help~

Yoges wrote:

Hello. From my M4M queue.

I don't think I can mod this. So have 2 stars as compensation.
Do not give kudosu unless they mod your map. I didn't mod it. Why are you giving me kudosu?
Topic Starter

Yoges wrote:

Yoges wrote:

Hello. From my M4M queue.

I don't think I can mod this. So have 2 stars as compensation.
Do not give kudosu unless they mod your map. I didn't mod it. Why are you giving me kudosu?
It is my habit, I thought that there will be mod
Topic Starter
Thanks for mod, thanks for stars guys. Updated!!!

NM from my Queue~
Remember, I'm just expressing my opinion, so please don't take critism as offense, thanks~ c:


● I don't really find the combo colours fitting to neither the background or the song.


● 00:09:358 (2) - CTRL + G for better flow.
● 00:15:288 (2,3,2,3) - You could blanket these.
● 01:36:741 (9,2) - How about stacking these?
● 01:42:497 (9,1) - Improve this blanket please.
● 01:52:264 (5,7) - Stack these?
● 01:54:706 (7) - Moving this to X184 Y300 would stack the end of the slider with - 01:53:834 (8)
● 02:02:381 (1) - You'd have a perfect star shape, if you'd copy the first slider and rotate it by 72°, copy the copied one and do the same and so on. Because 72x5=360.
● 02:25:404 (4) - CTRL G for better flow~
● 02:27:148 (7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This overlapping pattern does look strange.
● 02:34:212 (9) - X297 Y173 for perfect stack
● 03:12:148 (3) - X200 Y120 and 03:12:846 (4) - X220 Y84 for symmetry and copy that pattern to the next one~
● 03:24:619 (1) - Using the hitsound clap only on those kicksliders doesn't really sound nice, it'd be better if it fits the song.
● 03:44:939 (4) - X460 Y215 for perfect stack.
● 03:54:706 (7) - X471 Y348 for perfect stack.
● 04:01:509 (4,7) - These sliders in the stream are really annoying and I don't really like to play these. That's just my opinion tho.
● 04:11:974 (12,1) - How about a blanket?
● 04:16:683 (2,3,4,6) - This overlap looks wrong~

That's it with my mod, good luck ranking this~ c:

Error osu file in BG.

//Background and Video events

now BG file name is "maxresdefault_1366x768.png" please Fixed please.


01:37:439 - The notes required because the rhythm is present here as well. Illustrated 01:35:869 (1,2,3,4,5) - This
01:45:637 (1,2,3) - 01:47:032 (1,2,3) - And flow over time is correct, but awkward. Please change to a different pattern

03:03:078 (1,2) - 03:05:869 (1,2) - 03:08:660 (3,4) - Not sure this patten. do delete better imo
03:08:660 (3,4) - Delete NC
03:51:741 - Note.
Topic Starter
Thanks for mods. Updated again
ill mod depend on what mod you gave to me


00:08:660 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - too loud,dont use clap

00:25:055 (2,3) - blanket

00:50:433 (3,4) - ^

00:52:265 (4,1) - fix overlap

00:56:451 (3,1) - should be parallel

01:37:526 (4,5) - feels uncomfortable

01:47:032 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - hard to read,suggest nc

02:12:584 (2) - pls keep the same ds with 02:12:671 (3,4) -

02:13:892 (5,6) - overlap makes it hard to read

03:29:503 (3,5) - avoid overlap

03:58:631 (3,4,5,6) - should be straight line

04:30:462 (3) - you dont need the red dot

04:49:125 (4) - just do a 3 dot slider its much better
good luck
Hi there, as requested.
Poke me if you have any other questions, good luck!


  • 00:01:509 (1) - I don't like how much it curves , might be too much.
    00:05:869 (1,1) - Should be the same angle , no point in changing it
    00:14:241 - Shouldn't skip this beat , try to map it out !
    00:15:288 (2,3) - Too close , feels clumped
    00:16:683 (2,3) - ^
    00:20:869 - Don't skip again !
    00:23:922 (3,2) - If you wan't your map to look a lot cleaner , I would suggest you have these two with the same shape
    00:31:160 (3) - Should use two notes instead of this slider , you did it at 00:29:241 (2,3,4) -
    00:44:067 - and 00:44:241 - Recommend you to map it out , and then use a long low SV slider to cover it up
    00:49:038 (2,3,4) - Visually it looks like they have same distance , but they have different distance. Please try fixing this , its super confusing for people first playing this map
    00:50:172 (2,3) - ^
    00:52:265 (4,1) - You can do a better job at this
    00:55:404 (1,2,3,4,1) - The distance should be larger here 00:55:753 (4,1) - instead of 00:55:404 (1,2) -
    00:59:241 (3,1) - Same with the covering up thing
    01:05:172 (1) - Starting here , I would gradually increase the distance because theres this buildup in the music.
    01:07:962 - Don't skip this beat please , its super important. Also theres a finish hitsound on it so you probably should map it out
    01:18:079 - Drum beat
    01:23:398 (1) - Map this out like what you did before
    01:27:497 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Stream feels super sloppy , heres a tip use the slider --> stream tool by pressing Shift + CTRL + F for smoother streams
    01:32:206 (6) - Curve other way for flow
    01:34:300 (10) - Why is this distance so low going to the next stream? Should be more compared to 01:34:125 (9,10) -
    01:39:183 (6,7,8,9,10) - Try to have a up and down motion , flows a lot better
    01:44:503 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Either go full straight stream or curve don't half ass it
    01:46:334 (9) - Missing whistle
    01:49:038 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Jerky flow and feels clumped together
    01:52:962 - Should make something clickable here because of drum sound
    02:00:026 (6,7,8,9) - Same thing with the jerky stream
    02:00:986 (1) - Lower it , I think it hits the HP bar I'm not sure
    02:01:596 (4) - Don't clump anchor points together , super messy looking
    02:05:869 (9) - ^
    02:06:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same thing with the clumping , its super weird and forced. 02:07:613 (8,9) - Then it drops down after , try to spread them out to the left side
    02:18:340 - Beat here you missed
    02:19:474 (5,6) - Anchor problems

    Uhh I'm not gonna continue my mod because its going to get repetitive. Try to go over your map and look at the flow and spacing problems.

    edit : please reply to the mods
Topic Starter
I'm very lazy, and recently stopped responding to mods, but since you asked, be sure to answer

Aerous wrote:


  • 00:01:509 (1) - I don't like how much it curves , might be too much. changed to a straight slider
    00:05:869 (1,1) - Should be the same angle , no point in changing it yea, fixed
    00:14:241 - Shouldn't skip this beat , try to map it out ! I map this beat, looks good
    00:15:288 (2,3) - Too close , feels clumped c
    00:16:683 (2,3) - ^
    00:20:869 - Don't skip again !
    00:23:922 (3,2) - If you wan't your map to look a lot cleaner , I would suggest you have these two with the same shape fixed
    00:31:160 (3) - Should use two notes instead of this slider , you did it at 00:29:241 (2,3,4) - nice suggestion, fixed
    00:44:067 - and 00:44:241 - Recommend you to map it out , and then use a long low SV slider to cover it up sry, but I think it is better to leave the spinner
    00:49:038 (2,3,4) - Visually it looks like they have same distance , but they have different distance. Please try fixing this , its super confusing for people first playing this map Yes you are right
    00:50:172 (2,3) - ^ everything's in order with the DS
    00:52:265 (4,1) - You can do a better job at this yea
    00:55:404 (1,2,3,4,1) - The distance should be larger here 00:55:753 (4,1) - instead of 00:55:404 (1,2) - decrease the distance between the first and second circled second circle
    00:59:241 (3,1) - Same with the covering up thing
    01:05:172 (1) - Starting here , I would gradually increase the distance because theres this buildup in the music. I will do this laterl do this later
    01:07:962 - Don't skip this beat please , its super important. Also theres a finish hitsound on it so you probably should map it out okay
    01:18:079 - Drum beat
    01:23:398 (1) - Map this out like what you did before deleted spinner
    01:27:497 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Stream feels super sloppy , heres a tip use the slider --> stream tool by pressing Shift + CTRL + F for smoother streams but this stream, I did it by this method, lol
    01:32:206 (6) - Curve other way for flow fixed
    01:34:300 (10) - Why is this distance so low going to the next stream? Should be more compared to 01:34:125 (9,10) - fixed
    01:39:183 (6,7,8,9,10) - Try to have a up and down motion , flows a lot better I changed the flow from the 5 circles
    01:44:503 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Either go full straight stream or curve don't half ass it I did direct flow
    01:46:334 (9) - Missing whistle fixed
    01:49:038 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Jerky flow and feels clumped together fixed
    01:52:962 - Should make something clickable here because of drum sound put there сircle
    02:00:026 (6,7,8,9) - Same thing with the jerky stream fixed
    02:00:986 (1) - Lower it , I think it hits the HP bar I'm not sure fixed
    02:01:596 (4) - Don't clump anchor points together , super messy looking okay
    02:05:869 (9) - ^
    02:06:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same thing with the clumping , its super weird and forced. 02:07:613 (8,9) - Then it drops down after , try to spread them out to the left side yet I leave as is
    02:18:340 - Beat here you missed I like those patterns, so, too, is leave
    02:19:474 (5,6) - Anchor problems

    Uhh I'm not gonna continue my mod because its going to get repetitive. Try to go over your map and look at the flow and spacing problems.

    edit : please reply to the mods
Thanks for this great mod :)
think when i looked at this yesterday im p sre it wont rank from the state it's in, bUT U GOT GUD SONG TASTE

anyway ill mod later today ok dad
Sorry I'm late ;w;


  1. 00:18:079 (2) - Why claps there when the other notes didn't use it ? Just remove it
  2. 00:28:369 (4,1) - How about put the circle near the slider's tail and make it visible rather than make it stacked with slider's head ? I think it will more enjoyable.
  3. 01:13:020 (3) - Stack it properly with 01:13:544 (1) - 's red dot. It's looks really bad.
  4. 01:24:358 - It feels so weird if you suddenly ignore the kick here when you didn't ignore it before. I suggest to add a circle here.
  5. 01:27:322 (2) - This circle doesn't refer to anything in the song. My suggestion is just remove it.
  6. 01:27:497 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Don't really sure if the spread here is good. A calm one beat notes suddenly change into the high spacing streams when the effect in the song looks similar feels so weird when we play it. You can keep the stream, but at least reduce the space between the notes in the streams.
  7. 01:40:666 - I'm not really sure if it's good to ignore the drum here since it sounded so clear.
  8. 01:54:619 - , 01:56:015 - , 01:58:805 - same as above
  9. 02:02:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - It's really weird. It's not fit to anything in the song. It's okay if you want to put some mapping style in the song, but if it's really fit to the song.
  10. 02:07:177 - same as 01:40:666 -
  11. 02:38:660 (1,2,3) - This pattern is something similar with 02:02:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - If I can say. The unreasonable clicks make it weird to play. When you put a note, see where's the point that deserve a click ;) (Generally the point that have a bigger effect).
  12. 03:00:288 (2) - Both the head and the tail of this slider's doesn't refer to anything in the song I hear the sound in the music was on 03:00:375 - . I suggest to remove the slider and change 03:00:113 (1) - into a slider ended at 03:00:375 - =>
  13. 05:07:090 (3) - The reverse point was hided by 05:06:392 (12,13,1) - it's unrankable issue. Ranking Criteria was the one who said that (General Rules point 2).

That's all for now....
There's so many problems that I found in this mapset, So I just point out the some big problems :3
And I didn't point out some problem that I have said it on the previous point that have a similar effect in the song :3
Maybe I will take a look on this mapset again when it has enough to meet the standard ranking ;)
Maybe what I said above heard a bit harsh, I apologize for that ;w;
Anyway nice song :3 Good luck for this mapset >w< >w<
The Veldt


>I'm not going to spam NC issues here (probably) but rather mod it according to my own understanding of the song.
>There are some inconsistencies on spacing.
>I saw some pretty ugly sliders.
>Small playability issues.
>Inconsistencies on the streams.
>I think you should drop this own to OD7 because the map is not that hard.
>I just though about changing the diff name to something more unique... something more intense.


00:01:509 (1) - Remove NC.
00:02:381 (2) - Add NC.
00:03:079 (1) - The spacing is inconsistent here given the same space with a less interval for 00:01:509 (1). Try ctrl+Ging it.
00:03:079 (1) - Remove NC also.
00:03:776 (2) - NC here.
00:04:474 (1) - Remove NC.
00:05:172 (2) - Add NC.
00:05:869 (1) - Remove NC.
00:06:567 (2) - Add NC.
00:07:265 (1) - Remove NC O.o.
00:07:962 (2) - Last, add NC.
00:15:811 (3) - Circle is too near from the slider.
00:17:206 (3) - ^
00:31:858 (2) - Remove clap. Sounds inappropriate.
00:32:556 (4) - ^
00:33:079 (5) and 00:33:776 (6) - Remove the end claps. Sounds inappropriate.
00:36:218 (2) - AiMod says this object's end is not snapped. Try moving it in the timeline then returning it back to its place.
00:39:706 (4) - Weird overlap with 00:39:009 (2).
00:52:613 (1) - Too near from previous object.
02:34:125 (8,9) - I think you should make this a stream instead.
03:42:410 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Curve looks awkward.
04:21:916 (1,2,3,4) - Playability issue. A player might seem to misread this pattern.
Topic Starter

forbiddenplayer wrote:


>I'm not going to spam NC issues here (probably) but rather mod it according to my own understanding of the song.
>There are some inconsistencies on spacing. possible, but they are not critical
>I saw some pretty ugly sliders. ^
>Small playability issues.
>Inconsistencies on the streams. yes, I'm working on it
>I think you should drop this own to OD7 because the map is not that hard. OD 7.5 it's okay
>I just though about changing the diff name to something more unique... something more intense. maybe, but I would like to hear your suggestions


00:01:509 (1) - Remove NC. fixed
00:02:381 (2) - Add NC.
00:03:079 (1) - The spacing is inconsistent here given the same space with a less interval for 00:01:509 (1). Try ctrl+Ging it. fixed
00:03:079 (1) - Remove NC also.
00:03:776 (2) - NC here.
00:04:474 (1) - Remove NC.
00:05:172 (2) - Add NC.
00:05:869 (1) - Remove NC.
00:06:567 (2) - Add NC.
00:07:265 (1) - Remove NC O.o.
00:07:962 (2) - Last, add NC.
00:15:811 (3) - Circle is too near from the slider. fixed
00:17:206 (3) - ^
00:31:858 (2) - Remove clap. Sounds inappropriate. fixed
00:32:556 (4) - ^
00:33:079 (5) and 00:33:776 (6) - Remove the end claps. Sounds inappropriate.
00:36:218 (2) - AiMod says this object's end is not snapped. Try moving it in the timeline then returning it back to its place. wow, yea
00:39:706 (4) - Weird overlap with 00:39:009 (2). I left this overlap specially
00:52:613 (1) - Too near from previous object. ^
02:34:125 (8,9) - I think you should make this a stream instead. yea, fixed
03:42:410 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Curve looks awkward. fixed too
04:21:916 (1,2,3,4) - Playability issue. A player might seem to misread this pattern. fixed
Thanks for mod


  1. first to all, the main thing that did bother me in this map is the lack of hitsounds, don't get me wrong map is fun, but there are alot of sections where hitsounds are basically inaudibles, for example 04:32:032 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you can add claps every 2 and 4 white tick in all that section + use whistles at the calm ones, if the defaul hitsounds doesn't work then you can search for some custom ones, well just saying that the full diff need a rework with hitsounds
  2. OD 8 is better, but up to you
  3. 00:12:497 (2) - isn't better if you use this rhythm so you can cover the music at 00:12:846 - (apply to similar parts as well)
  4. 00:13:108 - 00:14:503 - 00:15:898 - etc unused green line, cflean them if you can
  5. 00:15:288 (2,3) - basically same as 00:12:497 - apply to other similar parts as well
  6. 00:23:922 (3) - claps in this slider doesn't fit the song, in any case the clap should be at 00:23:660 -
  7. 00:25:753 (3) - I cant hear anything here, better remove this circle, there are some similar ones
  8. 00:39:009 (2,4) - ugly overlap
  9. 00:58:195 (1,2) - there are some blankets that need some rework too, not just this one, but more around the whole diff
  10. 01:18:253 (1) - add a repeat on this slider to fit the special sound at the music
  11. 01:24:358 (1) - remove this NC you don't need it
  12. 01:28:892 (9) - in my first play I did think this was a 1/4 slider when is 1/2, personally I prefer if you change the SV here, but if you really like this then use a NC atleast
  13. 01:31:683 in all the kiai will be nice if you find a nice clap and use it every 2 and 4 white lines
  14. 01:37:700 (6) - there are some streams that have some overmaped beat, for example 01:37:700 (6) -
  15. 01:41:451 (1,2) - spacing?
  16. 01:55:404 (1,3) - can you avoid this overlap, maybe just move 1 a bit tothe left, doesn't looks cool in game tbh
  17. 02:08:487 (6,1) - swap NC
  18. 02:13:195 (6,2) - Ttry to avoid overlap
  19. 02:16:073 (5) - there is nothing in the music at the head of this slider
  20. 02:18:079 (2,3,4) - reove claps from slider body, just keep them at the head
  21. 02:29:590 (4) - normal whistle sounds random, since you don't have a whistle pattern
  22. 02:58:718 (6,1) - swap NC
  23. 03:39:967 (4,5) - This plays really bad, also players are used to not have this kind of 1/4 jumps, I suggest you to use a normal spacing here and use your 1/4 jumps just in slider to slider cases
  24. 03:54:009 (7,1) - swap NC
  25. 04:02:991 (6,7,8,9) - stream shape seems a bit random, maybe rework it
  26. 04:05:956 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - music just calm down there, use a repeat slider, or use less spacing between the stream
  27. try to rework hitsounds and some rhythms that can be better, I guess this need some more work anyways GL with this
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:



  1. first to all, the main thing that did bother me in this map is the lack of hitsounds, don't get me wrong map is fun, but there are alot of sections where hitsounds are basically inaudibles, for example 04:32:032 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you can add claps every 2 and 4 white tick in all that section + use whistles at the calm ones, if the defaul hitsounds doesn't work then you can search for some custom ones, well just saying that the full diff need a rework with hitsounds okay
  2. OD 8 is better, but up to you OD suits me
  3. 00:12:497 (2) - isn't better if you use this rhythm so you can cover the music at 00:12:846 - (apply to similar parts as well)
    You're the second person who spoke to me about it. At first I was skeptical and decided to leave everything as is. But now I'm fully convinced that this bit is not to be missed. thanks
  4. 00:13:108 - 00:14:503 - 00:15:898 - etc unused green line, cflean them if you can fixed
  5. 00:15:288 (2,3) - basically same as 00:12:497 - apply to other similar parts as well
  6. 00:23:922 (3) - claps in this slider doesn't fit the song, in any case the clap should be at 00:23:660 - fixed
  7. 00:25:753 (3) - I cant hear anything here, better remove this circle, there are some similar ones
  8. 00:39:009 (2,4) - ugly overlap
  9. 00:58:195 (1,2) - there are some blankets that need some rework too, not just this one, but more around the whole diff
  10. 01:18:253 (1) - add a repeat on this slider to fit the special sound at the music okay
  11. 01:24:358 (1) - remove this NC you don't need it fixed
  12. 01:28:892 (9) - in my first play I did think this was a 1/4 slider when is 1/2, personally I prefer if you change the SV here, but if you really like this then use a NC atleast add NC
  13. 01:31:683 in all the kiai will be nice if you find a nice clap and use it every 2 and 4 white lines ok
  14. 01:37:700 (6) - there are some streams that have some overmaped beat, for example 01:37:700 (6) - I am working on it
  15. 01:41:451 (1,2) - spacing? fixed
  16. 01:55:404 (1,3) - can you avoid this overlap, maybe just move 1 a bit tothe left, doesn't looks cool in game tbh ok
  17. 02:08:487 (6,1) - swap NC okay
  18. 02:13:195 (6,2) - Ttry to avoid overlap fixed
  19. 02:16:073 (5) - there is nothing in the music at the head of this slider Here I disagree. I guess everything is 3 bits are quite suitable
  20. 02:18:079 (2,3,4) - reove claps from slider body, just keep them at the head fixed
  21. 02:29:590 (4) - normal whistle sounds random, since you don't have a whistle pattern
  22. 02:58:718 (6,1) - swap NC fixed
  23. 03:39:967 (4,5) - This plays really bad, also players are used to not have this kind of 1/4 jumps, I suggest you to use a normal spacing here and use your 1/4 jumps just in slider to slider cases fixed too
  24. 03:54:009 (7,1) - swap NC okay
  25. 04:02:991 (6,7,8,9) - stream shape seems a bit random, maybe rework it reworked
  26. 04:05:956 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - music just calm down there, use a repeat slider, or use less spacing between the stream
  27. try to rework hitsounds and some rhythms that can be better, I guess this need some more work anyways GL with this
    thank you for this good mod
from my queue


  1. 00:19:125 (1,2,1) - the music here is totally the same as 00:17:730 (1,2,3) - , so i think you'd better copy the pattern of 00:17:730 (1,2,3) - and use Ctrl+H as you did in the part before. And thus, you can move 00:19:823 (1,2,3,4) - to 00:20:520 - , and delete 00:22:613 (5) - . in that way this part will be prefectly symmetrical and regular.
  2. 00:40:404 - missed clap here
  3. 00:41:799 - 00:43:195 - 00:43:544 (3,4) - ^
  4. 00:50:433 - ^
  5. 01:29:939 (2) - speed up. a higher sv here would be cool
  6. 01:46:422 - missed beat here. maybe change 01:46:334 (9,10) - into a short slider with a reverser?
  7. 01:57:759 - ^, change 01:57:671 (10,11) - into slider
  8. 02:28:718 (7,8,1) - it's wierd to place slidertail on a beat. better to change 02:28:718 (7) - to two notes.
  9. 02:36:916 (3) - use a higher sv. and.. you didn't add any sound effect to 01:29:416 (1,2) - but finish here. better to unify them!
  10. 03:30:898 - missed beat here. you can lengthen 03:30:637 (1) - to 03:30:898 - , or just add a note here.
  11. 03:34:736 - ^, change 03:34:648 (2) - into a short slider starting at 03:34:736 - , as you did in 03:33:079 (1,2) -
  12. 03:37:439 (2) - ^
  13. 03:40:055 (5,6) - it's impossible to read. you SHOULD end the first slider at 03:40:317 - , and let the second slider start at 03:40:404 - and end at 03:40:666 - . fill 03:40:753 - and 03:40:840 - with notes.
  14. 03:57:410 - add note here
  15. 04:06:829 - 04:09:619 - 04:23:573 - 05:11:015 - ^
Topic Starter

buhei wrote:

from my queue


  1. 00:19:125 (1,2,1) - the music here is totally the same as 00:17:730 (1,2,3) - , so i think you'd better copy the pattern of 00:17:730 (1,2,3) - and use Ctrl+H as you did in the part before. And thus, you can move 00:19:823 (1,2,3,4) - to 00:20:520 - , and delete 00:22:613 (5) - . in that way this part will be prefectly symmetrical and regular. good idea, I did so
  2. 00:40:404 - missed clap here fixed
  3. 00:41:799 - 00:43:195 - 00:43:544 (3,4) - ^
  4. 00:50:433 - ^
  5. 01:29:939 (2) - speed up. a higher sv here would be cool I do not think so
  6. 01:46:422 - missed beat here. maybe change 01:46:334 (9,10) - into a short slider with a reverser? fixed
  7. 01:57:759 - ^, change 01:57:671 (10,11) - into slider
  8. 02:28:718 (7,8,1) - it's wierd to place slidertail on a beat. better to change 02:28:718 (7) - to two notes. fixed
  9. 02:36:916 (3) - use a higher sv. and.. you didn't add any sound effect to 01:29:416 (1,2) - but finish here. better to unify them! I am satisfied with the SV
  10. 03:30:898 - missed beat here. you can lengthen 03:30:637 (1) - to 03:30:898 - , or just add a note here. fixed
  11. 03:34:736 - ^, change 03:34:648 (2) - into a short slider starting at 03:34:736 - , as you did in 03:33:079 (1,2) -
  12. 03:37:439 (2) - ^
  13. 03:40:055 (5,6) - it's impossible to read. you SHOULD end the first slider at 03:40:317 - , and let the second slider start at 03:40:404 - and end at 03:40:666 - . fill 03:40:753 - and 03:40:840 - with notes. oh lol, idk how it happened. fixed
  14. 03:57:410 - add note here okay
  15. 04:06:829 - 04:09:619 - 04:23:573 - 05:11:015 - ^
Thanks for mod!
Hello! M4M on queue

  • Shadow

    00:35:869 (1) - Stack on 00:35:172 (3) - because it feels a bit random where it is now
    00:53:224 (2,3) - Move a bit up to fix overlap
    00:56:799 (1,2) - Improve blanket
    00:58:195 (1,3) - ^
    00:59:590 (1) - Move down a bit to prevent overlap with 00:58:892 (3) -
    01:00:986 (1) - fail stack
    01:34:474 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you can perfect this shape
    01:35:869 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make it slightly curved to make it look better
    02:06:567 (1,2,3,4) - Keep constant spacing
    02:07:613 (8) - Move down a bit to fix overlap
    02:56:799 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 02:58:195 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) -Don't shorten DS here
    03:08:573 - Such a loud song omg
    03:40:753 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Try to improve this part, the rest of this stream is fine
    04:10:753 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Please make a curve here properly
    04:58:020 (7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - Move this stream a bit to the right to fix overlap
    05:12:148 - I suggest a stream here to finish the song with style heh

    The map itself is not bad, but need a lot of improvement. Unfortunantly, I can't link every issue since I'm not a mod machine '-', but imo these are the main problems, but some other problems like flow, DS inconsistente and odd shapes are also found through the song (Flow and DS are the worst problems here).
Good Luck! And call me if you have any question
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