2015-08-10 19:47 Hiyori: Hey Frey! Are u free to mod?
2015-08-10 19:47 Frey: which map
2015-08-10 19:47 Hiyori: ACTION is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/749383 Tuxedo - Do It]
2015-08-10 19:47 Hiyori: that one
2015-08-10 19:52 Frey: k
2015-08-10 19:52 Frey: need it now?
2015-08-10 19:52 Hiyori: not really
2015-08-10 19:52 Hiyori: you can mod it anytime you want : )
2015-08-10 19:52 Frey: alright
2015-08-10 19:53 Hiyori: thanks Frey <3
2015-08-10 19:53 Frey: np
2015-08-10 19:54 Frey: I can do irc mod now if you don't mind
2015-08-10 19:55 Hiyori: okay
2015-08-10 19:55 Hiyori: ACTION is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/749382 Tuxedo - Do It [Normal]]
2015-08-10 19:56 Hiyori: oh btw dont mind the hitsounds yet
2015-08-10 19:56 Frey: oh...ok
2015-08-10 19:56 Frey: I was about to mod that... :\
2015-08-10 19:56 Hiyori: lol yeah sorry about that
2015-08-10 19:57 Hiyori: im fixing it next couple days i think
2015-08-10 19:57 Hiyori: lol
2015-08-10 19:57 Frey: 00:12:653 (1,2) - better if they are parallel
2015-08-10 19:58 Hiyori: aight
2015-08-10 19:58 Frey: btw, curved sliders are fine too
2015-08-10 19:58 Hiyori: hmm
2015-08-10 19:59 Hiyori: okay
2015-08-10 19:59 Frey: 00:36:753 (1,2) - unify the ds
2015-08-10 19:59 Frey: 00:37:255 (2) -
2015-08-10 19:59 Hiyori: is this fine?
http://puu.sh/jwb8Y/044466b2b4.jpg2015-08-10 20:00 Frey: nice
2015-08-10 20:00 Frey: 00:42:778 (3) - 208|168
2015-08-10 20:01 Frey: 01:02:862 (4) - 288|48
2015-08-10 20:02 Frey: 01:10:895 (4,1) - well, the blanket seems not good
2015-08-10 20:02 Hiyori: ahh im having a hard time finding that
2015-08-10 20:02 Hiyori: lol
2015-08-10 20:04 Frey: 01:20:435 (1,2) - it's risky to stack the reverse arrow about a half more
2015-08-10 20:04 Hiyori: fixed
2015-08-10 20:05 Hiyori: what do u mean?
2015-08-10 20:05 Frey: the area of reverse arrow
2015-08-10 20:06 Hiyori: oh what do u suggest?
2015-08-10 20:07 Frey: 01:21:439 (2) - don't use reverse slider, use 3 circles instead
2015-08-10 20:08 Hiyori: okay done
2015-08-10 20:08 Frey: 01:21:439 (2) - the area of reverse arrow can't be hidden more than a half
2015-08-10 20:09 Hiyori: oh i already changed that to 3 circles
2015-08-10 20:09 Frey: 01:26:962 (5) - parallel with 01:28:469 (1) - would be better
2015-08-10 20:10 Frey: and you have to unify the ds too
2015-08-10 20:10 Hiyori: okay
2015-08-10 20:11 Frey: ACTION is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/749383 Tuxedo - Do It [Hard]]
2015-08-10 20:12 Frey: 00:32:234 (1) - you missed a beat
2015-08-10 20:13 Hiyori: oh theres a circle there
2015-08-10 20:13 Frey: yep, you didn't miss it in Normal
2015-08-10 20:14 Hiyori: i added a circle
2015-08-10 20:14 Frey: 01:18:929 (5,6) -
2015-08-10 20:14 Hiyori: ACTION is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/749383 Tuxedo - Do It [Hard]]
2015-08-10 20:15 Frey: never stack a circle on the reverse arrow
2015-08-10 20:15 Frey: it's unrankable
2015-08-10 20:15 Hiyori: oh alight
2015-08-10 20:15 Frey: players can't know if there is a reverse, cuz you hide it by the hitmark
2015-08-10 20:16 Hiyori: but i can stack it on the head right?
2015-08-10 20:16 Frey: yes
2015-08-10 20:16 Hiyori: aight
2015-08-10 20:16 Frey: 01:33:741 (3,4) - this one too
2015-08-10 20:17 Frey: however, this one is qualified 01:36:251 (7,8) -
2015-08-10 20:17 Hiyori: ohh i see
2015-08-10 20:17 Hiyori: ill keep that in mind
2015-08-10 20:19 Hiyori: lol my hitsounds sucks hahaa
2015-08-10 20:19 Frey: umm, not that bad though
2015-08-10 20:19 Hiyori: im really bad at it
2015-08-10 20:19 Frey: sounds fine to me
2015-08-10 20:20 Hiyori: :O
2015-08-10 20:20 Hiyori: youre so nice
2015-08-10 20:21 Frey: casual hitsound fits this song
2015-08-10 20:21 Hiyori: casual?
2015-08-10 20:23 Frey: well, making hitsound of this song freely is fine too
2015-08-10 20:23 Hiyori: hmm aight