This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Thank you so much.. It's correctOniJAM wrote:
Hi from your request here p/3568226. Then timing is as following:Good luck!
- 1. Offset: 25ms BPM: 170.00
2. Offset: 28,260ms BPM: 175.00
Thank you Raika o(`ω´ )oLordRaika wrote:
Hitsound Mod request from my Modding Queue
Here is my mod as request :Mod[Hitsound]
- delete the unused soft-hitwhistle2-old1.wav
im not sure about finish2 and whistle2 since u cut it directly from the song... but if u like it ^^
then its fine.... lol, i know it.. Removed ^^- 00:21:907 - here is the place you use the whistle but i dont see why and how is this related to the song.. Hmm, after wearing Headphone.. Well you're right
i suggest replace this with kick sound like this(rename and replace your hitwhistle), so u can hitsound most of kick sound here >>> 00:29:117 - , 00:29:631 - and so on... Applied- and finally add some hihat sound.... into hitnormal.... since this fits so much to the song...
try to dig my Hihat Sound Set , use one of them, it fits the song. no kidding! Open the link, then confused which sound i must choose ><- That's all thou, since you've request a GD to me for this as well... i will add more hitsound , use it if u want later on....
That's all~
nice piano ^^b....
:3Genocide wrote:
4k: |0|1|2|3|
-Kousei- wrote:
- 00:34:602 (34602|0) - I'm not really sure of this
Maybe you are mistaking something here....
try to check it again to knw what i mapped there ^^- 01:57:402 (117402|1,117402|2) - Same as Normal
NOPE, i hitsound it , it even should be start earlier... but this really starts on the right one....
RuberusuScarlet wrote:
[LordRaika's Hard]
00:47:202 - to 00:47:374 - add 1/4
Sorry im mapping the main piano only and to be consistent on my stream ^^
01:55:345 - to 01:56:031 - ^1/8
i knw, but this is HD, i tried it a lot.... the acc hurts so much for HD orz
sry no change ^^'
good luck
Harbyter wrote:
LordRaika's Hardnice one Raika o/
but this 01:55:345 (115345|0,115402|3,115460|2,115517|1,115574|0,115631|3,115688|2,115745|1,115802|0,115860|3,115917|2,115974|1,116031|0) - was really fun ,covering the 1/8 with 1/6 stream hitsounded xD
i understand that the 1/8 is really hard for a HD so i think it's fine too... xD
Hehe ^^/
yea, so... umm no changed.... intend for easier in HD hehe
well,nice song hope i'll be helpfull~here a star~
Thanks everyone for the mod...HOST wrote:
[LordRaika's Hard]
nice diff. :3
HI _S u w a k o_ errr wait, Hi HOST ^^/
good luck
thx for request
-Kousei- wrote:
Hi! From My Queue.Layout
4k: |0|1|2|3|Easy
- 00:05:319 - Add note in 0 ok
- 01:57:402 (117402|1) - Start this here 01:57:745 - no
- 00:33:574 - Adding another bichord here seems not bad no, it makes NM look harder
- 01:57:402 (117402|1) - Same as Easy no
- 02:02:717 (122717|1) - Move to 1 ^
- 02:02:717 (122717|2) - Add a note ^
- 02:26:202 (146202|3) - Move to 1wat ? No too
RuberusuScarlet wrote:
hi ~
mod request from my queue
good luck thank's
Thank's for moddingHOST wrote:
hi kazamastar~ mod from queue
column 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
01:27:917 - add 2 no
01:41:631 (101631|2) - move 4 you're right
01:41:888 (101888|3) - move 3 ^
01:52:602 (112602|2) - move 4 ^
01:52:860 (112860|3) - move 3 ^
01:57:402 (117402|1) - this LN starts 01:57:745 no
02:08:202 - add 3 ^
good luck
thx for request
THANK YOU ><!!!Julie wrote: here you go Kazamastar11, all thanks to LordRaika I have motivation :3
Thank's for moddingKruzon wrote:
Hello, sorry for late modding..
My 4K Column Format: 1 l 2 l 3 l 4
4K EZSPOILERI think this will be a lot fun and meaningful if it's a 7k map instead, moving along- >i know, but i'm bad on 7k
I recommend put this 00:09:201 (9201|3) - to column 3 instead, and obviously 00:09:201 (9201|2,9907|2) - moved away to 4 >nice idea
00:10:083 (10083|1) - move to 3 >yes
00:10:260 (10260|0) - move to 2 >yes
00:10:436 (10436|1) - move to 3 >ok
00:40:945 (40945|3,41631|3) - move to column 1 >nice idea
00:42:317 (42317|0,43002|0) - move to column 3 >k
00:45:745 (45745|1,47117|1) - move to column 4 (spice it up a bit, avoid boring pattern c:) >well, applied
00:59:802 (59802|1) - move to 1 for better flow >ok
01:04:602 (64602|2) - move to 4 for pitch >woah i forgot
01:07:002 (67002|0) - move to 2 >no, it has low pitch
01:07:345 (67345|1) - move to 4 >no,, if moved to 4, it means this part has a high pitch
01:08:031 (68031|0) - move to 3 >i have another choice
01:08:717 (68717|2) - move to 4 >ok
01:09:060 (69060|1) - move to 1 >applied
01:09:745 (69745|2) - move to 1 >i move it to 2
4K NMSPOILER00:05:319 (5319|0) - move to 3 >no, pitch lower than 00:05:495
00:10:613 (10613|0) - move to 4 for hand balance >ok
00:12:730 (12730|3,12730|0) - 2 notes? then this density 00:11:319 (11319|2) - deserve 2 notes as well. therefore add note to 1 here 00:11:319 (11319|0) -
>oh ok
between 01:45:745 (105745|3,109860|3) - , column 4 is very very lonely, bring me to tears. i suggest you put some on column 4.. then umm, how about this 01:49:174 (109174|2) - move to 4 >applied ^^
mod ends
Good luck with your map!
Makasiih mod nyaaPharos21 wrote:
Hi Ho..
MOD from (see my Signature) here!
Whaa... Deemo..... MUST RANKED cuz WE NEED MORE DEEMO, yeah!!! >HARUSSSS @'v'@
General's Fine. so let's Skip it
Column OD = 7 >ok ^^
No Problem FoundNM00:42:145 (42145|0,42488|2,42660|0,43002|2,43174|0,43517|2,43688|0,44031|2,44202|0,44545|2) - Ctrl G >hmm.. Ok
00:46:602 (46602|3) - Move to 2. >ok, beberapa diganti juga
00:46:774 (46774|1) - ^ 1 >ok
00:46:945 (46945|0) - ^ 2 >^
00:47:117 (47117|1) - ^ 4 >^
00:50:031 (50031|2) - ^ 2 >enggak deh, pitch nya lebih tinggi
Rest seems Fine
___ ___ ___ ___
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | (4K)
Thanks for modPharos21 wrote:
[LordRaika's HD]
Hallo Boss ^.^
00:10:613 (10613|3) - Jadiin Note
00:44:717 (44717|3,45060|3) - Note aja , nyebelin kalo habis stream di kasih Mini LN, ato di LN aja dari 00:44:717 (44717|3) - sampe 00:45:145 (45145|2) -
Sip ^^b
00:21:201 (21201|0,22260|3,22436|2,24730|2,25436|3,25436|0) - Potongan nya kok ehh.. nyebelin ya?
00:48:831 (48831|1) - Note pliss
00:50:202 (50202|0) - ^
Nah, yg pertama tu gmpg... yg sisanya, lebih SUSAH chord di antara stream tuk cymbal, drpd 1 short LN ini ^^
jadi no change
Seperti biasa HS nya pesti bagus baget... (please HS in Punya ku dong TT-TT)
PS.. Untuk Mini LN yang di pasang setelah Stream mending di jadiin note aja..
Thanks >w< , hmm ntr req HM aja biar w cek... trus w sndiri ad repattern sikit sih...
Thanks for the mod Stawwy~ >w<Starry- wrote:
00:05:495 (5495|0) - Move to 3
00:05:672 (5672|1) - Move to 0
00:06:024 (6024|2) - Keep, or move to 1, helps with pitch and balance more.
no, but i do repattern this part, i got ur pitch point, but u lacks of hand balance XD
i repattern it with mine >w<
00:10:613 (10613|3) - Make this a normal note, since I see you're prioritising snares over the piano in terms of pitch. The piano sustain should be up to the white tick, so it's best to just make this a normal note.
Fixed by previous mod
00:29:717 (29717|1) - No sound, remove
00:31:088 (31088|2) - ^, these are kinda like echo sounds or sample cut sounds which shouldn't really be mapped.
They're just inaudible or really quiet compared to rest of sounds / drums in that section.
00:38:974 (38974|0) - ^
Rest are slightly a bit more audible.
Sure, remove this 1 blue line note
00:44:717 (44717|3) - Extend to red tick, since piano is sustained a lot longer.
00:47:117 (47117|0,47460|0) - Why a gap?
actually i barely hear it when 100% playrate, but sure >w< added
01:09:060 (69060|0,69060|3) - CTRL+H for pitch
rearrange this part
01:17:974 (77974|0,78060|1,78145|2) - Why is this stream ascending?
rearrange them as well >w<
01:35:031 (95031|2) - Move to 3
01:35:288 (95288|3) - Move to 2
01:35:460 (95460|2) - Move to 1, pitch and balance.
01:46:002 (106002|2) - Move to 0 for pitch
key >w<
nice song. goodluck <3
Thank you so much !Starry- wrote:
Hi~! From: Sta☆R's HQ Modding Team
Timing: ☑
Audio: ☑BG: ☑
- I really suggest finding a new normal-hitnormal99.wav. On harder diffs like Billium's, it provides no player feedback since it's really too quiet. I'd prefer a more sharp hard sort of sound.
Metadata: ☑Preview Point: ☑
- Remove '3' from tags since 1 letter searches don't work. >ok
AiMod: ☑
MX ODHP -> ODHP8 or OD8HP8.5
Reality ODHP -> ODHP8.5, OD8HP8.5 or OD8HP9.
[] ___ ___ ___ ___
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | (4K)
00:10:613 (10613|2) - Move to 0, for pitch (following 1 note piano 1 note extra snare) >ok
00:33:745 (33745|0) - The 0-3 chords get very repetitive so adding them again on the new section makes inconsistent. Move this note to 1, >ok
00:34:088 (34088|1) - Move to 0 >ok
etc. I'm sure you can mix this second part of this section up a little more to not include many 0-3 chords.
00:37:860 (37860|0,37860|3) - Remove and make in consistent with rest of the pattern. Or if you want, you can remove 1 LN, keep the other, and map the missing part. This is because
00:39:231 (39231|1) - Should have 2 notes. >ok, i change it in differeny way
00:51:917 (51917|1) - Move to 2, feels less awkward / balance. >ok
00:52:945 (52945|2) - Move to 1 >no
00:53:288 (53288|1) - Move to 0, feels a bit nicer in this part and more balanced. >no
00:55:688 (55688|2,56031|1) - Same^, but perhaps you can rearrange. It seems you really want to avoid any 1/1 jack in these sections so I'm trying to suggest in terms of this mapping style >YES >< idk why but i don't like hammer
00:58:431 (58431|2) - Move to 1 for balance. >ok
01:02:374 (62374|0) - Move to 2 >you're right (:
01:02:545 (62545|2) - Move to 1, pitch and playability >ok
01:07:345 (67345|1,67517|1) - I think these are inconsistent with rest of song so far, in slow sections you don't use these type of jacks. > V
01:10:088 (70088|1,70260|2) - And you don't use a jack here, even if its same sound. >ah i forgot
I'd prefer to use a pattern like this:
01:07:345 (67345|1) - Start >thank you !
01:12:145 (72145|2) - Move to 1 for playability >it has a same pitch with the next one
01:14:888 (74888|1) - Move to 3 for playability >ok
01:30:317 (90317|3) - Move to 0 for playability >it has a high pitch
01:31:002 (91002|0) - Move to 1 for playability >what ?
02:02:460 (122460|3) - Why blue tick, there's still piano sound on red tick. >i add LN on white-red tick
02:08:031 (128031|1) - Move to 2 >ok
02:08:202 (128202|1) - Add at 1. >ok
nice song. goodluck <3
Thank's Yumika, no kudosu because Starry has mention all of themREDYUMiKA wrote:
From Sta☆R's HQ Modding Team
- Overview : Our team gives you a double check to make chart's metadata more accurate.
- [list:1337]Timing : ☑
Audio : ☑Metadata : ☑
- wav files : ☑ & mp3 file : ☑
- I'm sure that your metadata is correct based on a fragment of several informations I got.
Eggu starru- thanks for the mods :3Starry- wrote:
Hi~! From: Sta☆R's HQ Modding Team
Timing: ☑
Audio: ☑BG: ☑
- I really suggest finding a new normal-hitnormal99.wav. On harder diffs like Billium's, it provides no player feedback since it's really too quiet. I'd prefer a more sharp hard sort of sound.
Metadata: ☑Preview Point: ☑
- Remove '3' from tags since 1 letter searches don't work.
AiMod: ☑
MX ODHP -> ODHP8 or OD8HP8.5
Reality ODHP -> ODHP8.5, OD8HP8.5 or OD8HP9.
[] ___ ___ ___ ___
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | (4K)
Only modding a few diffs~
00:05:672 (5672|1,5672|2,5672|0,5672|3) - I don't see the need for 4 note chords like this. It limits what you can map, and I can only hear 2/3 notes on the piano anyways. For a slow section like this, remove at least 1 note.
00:08:495 (8495|1,8495|2,8495|0,8495|3) - ^
00:11:319 (11319|2,11319|0,11319|1,11319|3) - ^
00:14:142 (14142|3,14142|2,14142|0,14142|1) - ^ etc.
I think after you do that, you can spread your notes out a lot more.???
Look at col.1 for a moment -
Definitely way too many notes here.
00:27:024 (27024|1,27113|2,27201|1,27289|2,27377|1,27466|2,27554|1,27642|2,27730|1,27819|2,27907|1,27995|2,28083|1) - Perhaps you can turn this into a more interesting pattern, since the sound isn't consistent (volume rises), so the notes shouldn't be consistent. I'd go for a kinda cutting stream like this: Well is not overmap, and rigth now, really want to make something different through the whole pattern song
00:27:024 (27024|1) - Start here
00:30:188 (30188|2) - Go into 1/16 and place at 00:30:210 (30210) - Fix
00:31:517 (31517|0,31560|1) - Similar ^ Fix
00:34:260 (34260|0,34302|1) - ^ etc. Fix
00:40:088 (40088|3,40088|1) - Different drum noise to 00:40:260 (40260|1,40260|3) - , so should be different chords. I know that's why I put different hitsound, lacking space 4k ;w;
00:40:174 (40174|0) - Move to 2 00:39:917 (39917|3,40002|2,40088|1,40174|0) - these should form stair together
00:40:260 (40260|3) - Move to 0 00:40:260 (40260|3,40345|2,40431|1,40517|0) - ^
00:40:602 (40602|3,40602|1,40945|1,40945|3) - Same here, and further onwards.
00:49:774 (49774|3) - Move to 1. 00:49:517 (49517|0,49602|1,49688|2,49774|3) - stairs pitch o.o
00:49:860 (49860|0) - Move to 3.00:49:517 (49517|0,49602|1,49688|2,49774|3) - ^
00:52:602 (52602|1) - Move to 3, snare, different kinda noise. Fix
01:13:002 (73002|1,73002|3,73174|3,73174|1) - These other streams have the same issues as i mentioned at 00:40:088 (40088|3,40088|1) - Fix
01:19:560 (79560|0) - 1/16 yellow I don't hear that ><
01:19:860 (79860|1,79902|0) - ^ Ok, the one above more fast
01:51:060 (111060|1,111060|0,111231|0,111231|1,111402|1,111402|0) - Etc. You want to kill players ;w; Evil julue
I suggest spreading this out more appropriately as this can get very tiring. Will consider but might switch hand instead
01:53:288 (113288|0,113374|1,113460|0,113545|1,113631|0,113717|1) - Turn this into a normal stream haha to difference them to the piano one, will consider
01:56:031 (116031|2,117402|1) - CTRL+H, easier to finish the 1/8 on a different hand.Lets them continue the stair, easier to get good timing
Thank's for modding!therevenant wrote:
(*your profile pic disturbs) requested a mod on my queue...
00:29:202 - and 00:29:631 - add 1 ? if you do, add this pattern to the whole song, i dont know if it would kill a newbie to play the bassdrum.
+ you do part of it a the end of the song so you have to add 1 in the middle >no
01:21:745 (81745|0) - 01:23:117 (83117|1) - you need to add something in there, feels empty >ok ^^
01:27:231 (87231|3) - you know what's up >^
02:02:202 (122202|3) - a 1 time occurrence in the song, get rif of that long note >i'm following the piano
and yay... that's it. g..gambaru ! >Thank you !
Thanks for the modtherevenant wrote:
00:48:831 (48831|1) - 00:50:202 (50202|0) - 00:59:802 (59802|3) - 01:21:745 (81745|0) - 01:54:660 (114660|3) - i dont think these are necessary, make them simple notes (or maybe extend them so they're worth something).
no, this is like pressing the normal single notes
02:19:945 (139945|1) - move 2 if possible, or rearrange around.
02:26:202 (146202|1) - looking to how you used triple notes in the rest of the song, you should add 1 here
ok then
and yay... that's it. g..gambaru !
Yes, self modding ^^puxtu wrote:
00:09:201 (9201|3) - move to 2
00:38:202 - you shouldn't add a break here
00:56:374 (56374|2,56717|1) - same pitch, not in the same pitch 00:56:717 (56717|1,57060|1) - understand?
i'm not really sure about your pattern here :/
do a self modding ok?
00:38:202 - same case with EZ
01:00:660 - add note. a kick sound here
01:11:802 (71802|3) - add, strong beat
02:13:431 (133431|3) - nope, this is not how to layering piano sound
Thank's arviearviejhay wrote:
M4M req
00:05:319 (5319|1,5672|0) - move to 1 (LN) and 2 (normal note) >nice idea ^^
00:18:024 (18024|2) - move to 2? if possible? >no
00:22:613 (22613|1) - move to 1? > ^
00:33:745 (33745|2) - move to 2 >Ok
00:39:574 (39574|1,40088|0) - move to 1(LN) and 3 (normal note), ( dont apply this if the column 2 feels empty to you >Ok no problem
01:35:717 (95717|1) - move to 1 >eh ? i think i'm following the pitch
01:43:260 (103260|1,103517|2) - move 1 column to the left >well
01:46:688 (106688|1) - move to 1 >no
02:16:431 (136431|1) - move to 2 >you're right
02:17:802 (137802|1,139002|2) - ctrl + J > ^
02:23:288 (143288|0) - move to 2 > ^
Thank's for modding ^^[-AKiTOSHi-] wrote:
Just Ignore and Don't give me kudosu if my mod is poor =w=)
It's okay to remove the "OsuMania" in the song title because it's not really the song title itself, or we already know that this map is for o!m >it's automatically added
00:45:917 (45917|3) - remove if possible?? >woah, thank's for reminding me.. Instead of removing, i move it to 0..
01:23:460 (83460|1) - how abt Finish hitsound instead?? >no ):
01:31:860 (91860|2,92031|1) - Swap their column >swapped
01:59:117 (119117|2,119288|1) - Swap them too, looks better. >i'm following the pitch
My mod is ended. I can't mod other harder maps because I'm not good at o!m![]()
Good luck! and I'm very sorry if my mod is poor ;w; >not bad! keep trying
Thank you so much Frim!Frim4503 wrote:
col:1,2,3,4,5,6,7General1. hs too lod in several dif 2.
change col. from 85% to 40/50% No problemNM00:02:848 (2848|0,2848|3,2848|1) - hs too loud. why all note use hs ? Removed hs on hold note
00:14:848 (14848|3,14848|0) - why you use double in here ? prev. note with same sound just use 1 note It sounds deeper, lower pitch
00:17:672 (17672|3) - remove hs. not suit with song No
00:32:717 (32717|1) - change hs with finish Doubled the hs
01:08:545 (68545|0) - ^(remove not suit) No
01:08:717 (68717|1,68888|2) - move 1 col. to left Self-arrange
01:30:831 - add note No
01:39:060 - add note ^
01:45:402 - ^ ^
02:31:688 - should end in here. (compared with Julie dif) It depends to the mapper, but i prefer my version