This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2015 at 20:57:03
Artist: John Kelham
Title: Opening Theme Song
Source: the Brollys
Tags: Trevor Bond Weatherhouse Productions MCMXC children cartoon weather BBC Barleycorn Kelham Island Voices
BPM: 143,6
Filesize: 7522kb
Play Time: 01:08
Difficulties Available:
Download: John Kelham - Opening Theme Song (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
"Rainbows climb, clouds drift by,
Brollys fly through a magic sky.
Is this real? All beauty dreams,
Nothing appears to be what it seems.
Then far away I can hear a voice,
In the weatherhouse call out a name:
'Mr Brolly? It's time for the rain.'
Then, it came, pouring from the sky
Until the earth was fresh again.
Then, the sun, the magic in the air ♫
The Brollys make the weather for you and me."
A 1990 childish cartoon from what its opening song enchanted me fully and made up my will inside to map it ♥
Avaliable info →
A E/N/N+/H mapset. Not including any Insane, because it don't fit.
(A N+ included to fix mapset diff gaps).
The mapset feels playable on Taiko and CtB too :3
"Tul sos na, perfeiti sos ey."
Artist: John Kelham
Title: Opening Theme Song
Source: the Brollys
Tags: Trevor Bond Weatherhouse Productions MCMXC children cartoon weather BBC Barleycorn Kelham Island Voices
BPM: 143,6
Filesize: 7522kb
Play Time: 01:08
Difficulties Available:
- Easy (1,17 stars, 48 notes)
- Hard (2,69 stars, 121 notes)
- Normal (1,57 stars, 70 notes)
- Normal+ (2,16 stars, 110 notes)
Download: John Kelham - Opening Theme Song (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
"Rainbows climb, clouds drift by,
Brollys fly through a magic sky.
Is this real? All beauty dreams,
Nothing appears to be what it seems.
Then far away I can hear a voice,
In the weatherhouse call out a name:
'Mr Brolly? It's time for the rain.'
Then, it came, pouring from the sky
Until the earth was fresh again.
Then, the sun, the magic in the air ♫
The Brollys make the weather for you and me."
A 1990 childish cartoon from what its opening song enchanted me fully and made up my will inside to map it ♥
Avaliable info →
A E/N/N+/H mapset. Not including any Insane, because it don't fit.
(A N+ included to fix mapset diff gaps).
The mapset feels playable on Taiko and CtB too :3
"Tul sos na, perfeiti sos ey."