
DJ THT feat. Angel Lyne - Dreams (Radio Edit) [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, February 16, 2015 at 6:55:02 PM

Artist: DJ THT feat. Angel Lyne
Title: Dreams (Radio Edit)
Tags: katy-xd _reanimated katy reanimated dream dreams trance dance radio tht angel lyne ctb catch the beat platter
BPM: 143.46
Filesize: 1911kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. _Re's Platter (2.89 stars, 229 notes)
  2. Cup (1.47 stars, 122 notes)
  3. Rain (3.34 stars, 291 notes)
  4. Salad (2.08 stars, 156 notes)
Download: DJ THT feat. Angel Lyne - Dreams (Radio Edit)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
All Difficulties: Ready for Mod~ Looking for ranked now :D

Katy-xD [Cup, Salad, Rain]
_Reanimated [Platter]

Riari - thanks :)
Kurokami - big thanks :D

Cup: OK
Salad: OK
Platter: OK
Rain: OK

First map :D
_Reanimated's first map too :D
Quick mod via request.

  1. Since you said you don't plan on mapping any further, cutting down the MP3 to an appropriate size would be the better course of action, this would reduce file size greatly. Though I would suggest mapping it all out.
  2. Offset seems to be around 2,550.
  3. Background should be 1366 x 768, you have 1365 x 768.
  4. You have lots of NC problems here, you use them randomly and it's very awkward due to how NCs work in CtB.

Your difficulties are really similar, just a lot of different patterns so I'm going to suggest you follow my suggestions below that are based on the RAIN and apply them to the other difficulties where you see fit, but remember to keep the density lower as the difficulty goes down.
Your rhythm is too simple and off at points here, instead of focusing on patterns I'm going to help with your timeline. Only small suggestions and examples, lots of these problems repeat themselves so you can look out for them.
  1. 00:08:820 - 00:09:029 - You're missing out beats here, singular circles on each tick would fit well enough.
  2. 00:12:166 - ^^
  3. 00:18:440 (1,2) - 00:18:440 (1) - fits as a slider whilst 00:18:858 (2) - is an empty beat, remove it.
  4. 00:19:486 (2,1,2) - Feel a bit odd here, suggesting you remove these.
  5. 00:20:531 (2) - ^^
  6. 00:23:459 (1,1) - Same as 00:18:440 (1,2) -
  7. 00:25:132 (1,2) - ^^
  8. 00:27:224 (1) - Remove.
  9. 00:39:562 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Replace these triplets with 1/4 repeating sliders? You lack slider usage and I think sliders would be a nice appropriate use for distancing reasons too. It would also add some variation in here.
  10. 00:41:863 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - This is way off and overmapped, it follows nothing and is really horrible to look at. Take a better look at this section and map it more thoroughly.
  11. 00:43:954 (1) - Awkward spinner, it doesn't feel right at all. Remove.
  12. 00:46:882 (1) - From here on it feels like awkward 1/1 slider spam that uses hitsounds to cover up its awkward flow, map to the backing beat.
    E.g. - 00:47:719 (1) - Could be 2 1/2 sliders, a 1/2 repeater and a circle etc.
    00:49:392 (1) - This could be a 1/4 pattern like
  13. 00:58:593 (2) - This is a hold, not a single. Replace with a slider.
  14. 00:59:012 (1,1,1) - These could all be 1/2 sliders.
    01:00:267 (1) - Suggesting the same as ]00:46:882 (1) - for these.
  15. 01:05:286 (1,1) - Really empty here, Your density is poor and needs to be fixed. Something like:
  16. 01:13:651 (1,2) - Both 1/2 sliders.
  17. 01:15:324 (1,2) - 1/2 sliders.
  18. 01:16:161 (1,2,3) - Maybe
  19. 01:24:944 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Never do this. This follows nothing and is just a heavily packed wonky stream that follows nothing. Take note of my previous suggestions and create a good flow for this.

Thats all for now, once you've sorted out some timeline problem's I'll take another look into the map and its patterns.

Call be back later!

Good luck with your map~
Let's get started. I'm not planning to mod this as of now since there is too many problems with it now. Since the mapset is not yet complete its better to tell you know what is wrong and should be changed at this early stage. (Some things maybe already mentioned by Riari.)

- The correct offset is 3385. Having notes before the first timeline is fine. Do not trust anyone who says other way ever.

- Delete the unused part of the mp3 please. Ask me if you can't do it.

- Even in CTB the new combo is useful ! Don't put a new combo every note.

- The Slider Velocity is really useful in CtB to create a nice spread. Please to not use the same (1,4) on all difficulties! Make some variation for example 1,0/1,2/1,4/1,6 for different levels.

- The usage of HP8 is not recommended even on the hardest difficulties. Please use 7 only if possible.

- First of all, you mostly only used circles which makes the it boring playwise. Seeing just fruits and catching them can't be called entertainment. I mean yes, this is a fruit catching game mode but still you have two different tool to work with, circle and slider tool. Its highly recommended to constantly change them when the rhythm allow it. As for an example 00:09:447 (1,2,3,1,1,2,3) here you can leave (1,2,3) as a circle but you can change (1,1,2,3) to 2 1/2 slider to add some difference and make the player see the difference in the rhythm. And two circle or one slider plays really differently, some mapper just don't want to admit it but this is the truth. The distance between the head of the slider and the tail is predictable, you know how to move to catch both by just looking at it however if you see two circle without knowing the music itself you need to guess how the timeline looks like. Until the distance between the two note becomes HDash you can't know what is the real distance between them without looking at them in the editor. Thats why putting just circles is a bad idea. Of course they are really important sometimes. When at (for example 1/2) distance both tick has a really strong beat, the usage of two circle is better since you can't add jump to catch the slider's tail and it has a little add-on to the rhythm itself as you just catch it casually while on the other hand you can add nice jumps to two circle or slider head. So then again whenever you place two note you need to decide which tool would fit better there, two circle or maybe an 1/2 slider would be better? Please, go through on both difficulty once again, and correct the timeline a little.

- The second problem is the usage of 1/8s on both difficulty. While they are fit nicely to the song I'm not recommend to use them under Rain, well even on Rain is questionable. Its really hard to add some pattern to them as its really easy to miss just one fruit just by a little mistake. Therefore in these cases 1/8 repeat slider is currently the only acceptable note since that can be called "hold" note. Although as the song is the same, I recommend you to just use spinner on all difficulty as it makes them consistent a little more. Using 1/8 under Rain is not even allowed.

- Your slider usage is questionable as well as they goes through on important beats and leaves them unmapped, which in CtB plays really awkward. The section after 00:46:882 or 01:00:267 on Rain for example. I'm not saying you should remove them, but having constant 1/1 horizontal sliders on harder levels is just weird. As for a deeper example, 01:00:267 (1) at here there are two strong drums at 01:00:685 and 01:01:521 which plays a bit weird as a tick in a slider or I can mention 00:47:719 (1) as both red tick is really important in the music. Please do not use sliders which skips important beats ever.

- Now a little about the used patterns. Well, I can't really say anything about it as you mostly just used circles BUT do not use the same patterns over and over. Its really annoying and boring to play it. We are not living in 2007 where kirby's maps were so nice to play with. We also have high variety of usable patterns in CtB though we have the limit of heights as it doesn't matter. There is a beatmap which isn't ranked because of the same pattern usage on ALL difficulty. Please do not do this ever. However its fine if the song is for example 3-4 minutes long, but on a short one you can vary them.

I think you should re-do your difficulties from scratch to make them even better than before. You need to make the timeline consistent and not just throwing circles/sliders here and there. They should be a clean and somehow predictable. You need to make patterns here and there as well since mapping ctb is not just about having vertical and horizontal slider/circle mixes. You already used a lot of pattern but they needs to be organized and you can also vary the distances between two identical pattern.

If you keep these in mind, this map can be ranked sooner than you think. Good luck for now.
Topic Starter
Remapping. Moved to WIP for now.
Topic Starter
Riari's Mod (Rain)

Riari wrote:

Quick mod via request.

  1. Since you said you don't plan on mapping any further, cutting down the MP3 to an appropriate size would be the better course of action, this would reduce file size greatly. Though I would suggest mapping it all out. OK
  2. Offset seems to be around 2,550. I'll remap & check later
  3. Background should be 1366 x 768, you have 1365 x 768. Thanks, didn't notice that
  4. You have lots of NC problems here, you use them randomly and it's very awkward due to how NCs work in CtB. OK

Your difficulties are really similar, just a lot of different patterns so I'm going to suggest you follow my suggestions below that are based on the RAIN and apply them to the other difficulties where you see fit, but remember to keep the density lower as the difficulty goes down.
Your rhythm is too simple and off at points here, instead of focusing on patterns I'm going to help with your timeline. Only small suggestions and examples, lots of these problems repeat themselves so you can look out for them.
  1. 00:08:820 - 00:09:029 - You're missing out beats here, singular circles on each tick would fit well enough. I might do this in Rain, but I don't think its needed in lower diffs.
  2. 00:12:166 - ^^
  3. 00:18:440 (1,2) - 00:18:440 (1) - fits as a slider whilst 00:18:858 (2) - is an empty beat, remove it. OK
  4. 00:19:486 (2,1,2) - Feel a bit odd here, suggesting you remove these. I'll see if I can make it better, I don't really want to remove it. I'll try sliders later.
  5. 00:20:531 (2) - ^^ OK
  6. 00:23:459 (1,1) - Same as 00:18:440 (1,2) - OK
  7. 00:25:132 (1,2) - ^^ OK
  8. 00:27:224 (1) - Remove. Why? I'll take a look at this later.
  9. 00:39:562 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Replace these triplets with 1/4 repeating sliders? You lack slider usage and I think sliders would be a nice appropriate use for distancing reasons too. It would also add some variation in here. OK
  10. 00:41:863 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - This is way off and overmapped, it follows nothing and is really horrible to look at. Take a better look at this section and map it more thoroughly. I was just making a fancy stream :c OK
  11. 00:43:954 (1) - Awkward spinner, it doesn't feel right at all. Remove. OK
  12. 00:46:882 (1) - From here on it feels like awkward 1/1 slider spam that uses hitsounds to cover up its awkward flow, map to the backing beat.
    E.g. - 00:47:719 (1) - Could be 2 1/2 sliders, a 1/2 repeater and a circle etc. OK
    00:49:392 (1) - This could be a 1/4 pattern like
  13. 00:58:593 (2) - This is a hold, not a single. Replace with a slider. OK
  14. 00:59:012 (1,1,1) - These could all be 1/2 sliders. OK
    01:00:267 (1) - Suggesting the same as ]00:46:882 (1) - for these. OK
  15. 01:05:286 (1,1) - Really empty here, Your density is poor and needs to be fixed. Something like: OK
  16. 01:13:651 (1,2) - Both 1/2 sliders. OK
  17. 01:15:324 (1,2) - 1/2 sliders. OK
  18. 01:16:161 (1,2,3) - Maybe OK
  19. 01:24:944 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Never do this. This follows nothing and is just a heavily packed wonky stream that follows nothing. Take note of my previous suggestions and create a good flow for this.

Thats all for now, once you've sorted out some timeline problem's I'll take another look into the map and its patterns.

Call be back later!

Good luck with your map~
I think I need to learn how to use sliders better :X

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll use those sliders when I remap. I'm not too sure about the parts when you suggested to remove notes, but that's probably just my inexperience as a mapper.

Kurokami's Mod (Rain)

Kurokami wrote:

Let's get started. I'm not planning to mod this as of now since there is too many problems with it now. Since the mapset is not yet complete its better to tell you know what is wrong and should be changed at this early stage. (Some things maybe already mentioned by Riari.)

- The correct offset is 3385. Having notes before the first timeline is fine. Do not trust anyone who says other way ever. OK

- Delete the unused part of the mp3 please. Ask me if you can't do it. OK

- Even in CTB the new combo is useful ! Don't put a new combo every note. OK

- The Slider Velocity is really useful in CtB to create a nice spread. Please to not use the same (1,4) on all difficulties! Make some variation for example 1,0/1,2/1,4/1,6 for different levels. Sorry, I don't understand this, I'll PM you.

- The usage of HP8 is not recommended even on the hardest difficulties. Please use 7 only if possible. OK. (hp8 did seem a bit hard)

- First of all, you mostly only used circles which makes the it boring playwise. Seeing just fruits and catching them can't be called, I'm too used to my skin where the fruits are all just squares I mean yes, this is a fruit catching game mode but still you have two different tool to work with, circle and slider tool. Its highly recommended to constantly change them when the rhythm allow it. OK As for an example 00:09:447 (1,2,3,1,1,2,3) here you can leave (1,2,3) as a circle but you can change (1,1,2,3) to 2 1/2 slider to add some difference and make the player see the difference in the rhythm. And two circle or one slider plays really differently, some mapper just don't want to admit it but this is the truth. The distance between the head of the slider and the tail is predictable, you know how to move to catch both by just looking at it however if you see two circle without knowing the music itself you need to guess how the timeline looks like. Until the distance between the two note becomes HDash you can't know what is the real distance between them without looking at them in the editor. Thats why putting just circles is a bad idea. OK Of course they are really important sometimes. When at (for example 1/2) distance both tick has a really strong beat, the usage of two circle is better since you can't add jump to catch the slider's tail and it has a little add-on to the rhythm itself as you just catch it casually while on the other hand you can add nice jumps to two circle or slider head. So then again whenever you place two note you need to decide which tool would fit better there, two circle or maybe an 1/2 slider would be better? Please, go through on both difficulty once again, and correct the timeline a little. OK

- The second problem is the usage of 1/8s on both difficulty. While they are fit nicely to the song I'm not recommend to use them under Rain, well even on Rain is questionable. Its really hard to add some pattern to them as its really easy to miss just one fruit just by a little mistake. Therefore in these cases 1/8 repeat slider is currently the only acceptable note since that can be called "hold" note. Although as the song is the same, I recommend you to just use spinner on all difficulty as it makes them consistent a little more. Using 1/8 under Rain is not even allowed. OK, didn't know that, thanks. I'll see what I can do on remap.

- Your slider usage is questionable as well as they goes through on important beats and leaves them unmapped, which in CtB plays really awkward. OK (still learning how to slider :c) The section after 00:46:882 or 01:00:267 on Rain for example. I'm not saying you should remove them, but having constant 1/1 horizontal sliders on harder levels is just weird OK. As for a deeper example, 01:00:267 (1) at here there are two strong drums at 01:00:685 and 01:01:521 which plays a bit weird as a tick in a slider or I can mention 00:47:719 (1) as both red tick is really important in the music. Please do not use sliders which skips important beats ever. OK

- Now a little about the used patterns. Well, I can't really say anything about it as you mostly just used circles BUT do not use the same patterns over and over OK. Its really annoying and boring to play it. We are not living in 2007 where kirby's maps were so nice to play with. We also have high variety of usable patterns in CtB though we have the limit of heights as it doesn't matter Where can I find these? ranked rain maps?. There is a beatmap which isn't ranked because of the same pattern usage on ALL difficulty. Please do not do this ever. However its fine if the song is for example 3-4 minutes long, but on a short one you can vary them. OK

I think you should re-do your difficulties from scratch to make them even better than before. OK You need to make the timeline consistent and not just throwing circles/sliders here and there. OK They should be a clean and somehow predictable. You need to make patterns here and there as well since mapping ctb is not just about having vertical and horizontal slider/circle mixes. OK You already used a lot of pattern but they needs to be organized and you can also vary the distances between two identical pattern.

If you keep these in mind, this map can be ranked sooner than you think. Good luck for now. I hope so too lol
Thanks for mod ;D (Will remap)
Topic Starter
Remapping complete :D, moved back to Pending

Fix List:
Background - original image was 1920x1080 which osu! scaled incorrectly into 1365x768
MP3 Shortened
Correct BPM & Offset for new MP3
Map density is increased dramatically in Rain

Katy-xD wrote:

I think I need to learn how to use sliders better :X
Yep. This should be the first step. :P But don't worry, the first always hard. :3 You can take a look at already ranked mapset to get some ideas for patterns and stuff.

Edit: Please do not make 3 post after each other, just keep everything in one.You can scroll down at the reply screen to quote another post into the reply field at the same position as the cursor is at.
Topic Starter
_Re's Platter Mod
Difficulty reduction mod & smooth increase

--- Spacing adjustments:
00:02:787 (1,2,3,4) - move pattern left (1 at x:424)
00:03:623 (5) - move x:248
00:03:832 (6) - change to x:344, y:192 - x:456, y:192
00:04:877 (2) - move x:72
00:07:178 (6) - move 2nd point - x:128, y:192
00:08:014 (1) - move x:0
00:08:223 (2) - move x:336
00:09:478 (1,2,3,4,5) - move pattern left (1 at x:248)
00:11:360 (1) - move x:4
00:11:569 (2) - move x:308
00:09:478 (1) - move x: :) 272
00:10:105 (3) - move x:188
00:12:824 (1,2,3,4,5) - move pattern right (1 at x:480)
00:13:869 (6) - flip horizontal (ctr+h) and move x:80
00:15:961 (1) - move x:148
00:18:470 (1) - move x:176
00:18:888 (2) - move x:324
00:19:725 (4) - move x:360
00:20:143 (1) - move x:216
00:20:561 (2) - move x:104
00:21:398 (4) - move x:212
00:21:816 (1) - move x:512
00:22:234 (2) - move x:440
00:23:071 (4) - move x:512
00:47:328 (2) - move x:224 - remove hdash
----- new pattern at 01:00:294 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -----
01:00:294 (1) - x:512
01:00:712 (2) - x:360
01:01:130 (3) - x:280
01:01:235 (4) - x:232
01:01:339 (5) - x:280
01:01:444 (6) - x:232
01:01:549 (7) - x:0
Stream patterns are used later on so this pattern should be modified
--- modified pattern
01:01:967 (1) - use 01:00:294 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) pattern with horizontal flip - with variations:
01:01:967 (1) - move x:76
01:02:385 (2) - move x:144
--- variation
01:08:240 (7) - move x:192
01:08:450 (8) - move x:100
--- variation
01:09:495 (3,4,5,6,7) - horizontal flip, move pattern (3 at x:400)
01:09:913 (7) - move x:332
01:10:122 (8) - move x:276
--- spacing adjust
01:12:423 (2) - move x:64
01:12:841 (3) - move x:456
01:13:259 (4) - move x:0
01:13:677 (1) - move x:212
01:14:096 (2) - move x:432
01:14:932 (5,6) - move left (5 at x:320) - remove HDash
01:16:814 (6) - move x:88 - reflect off spacing used 01:16:187 (3,4) -
01:17:442 (2) - move x:208
01:19:951 (5) - move x:304 - jump too hard
01:20:160 (6) - move x:368
01:20:369 (1) - delete , 01:21:206 - delete, 01:22:879 - delete - can't copy pattern from other difficulty
01:20:369 (1) - add (flat) slider x:512, x:408 & NC
01:20:788 (2) - dupe ^ start x:300
01:21:206 (3) - add repeat slider, x:96, y:192 to x:16, y:124 (repeat 1)
01:21:833 (4) - add note x:164
01:22:042 (1) - flip horizontal, move x:236
01:22:460 (2) - move x:412
01:22:879 (3) - add (flat) repeat slider, x:328 to x:212
01:23:715 (1) - remove note
01:23:506 (1) - add (flat) repeat slider, x:412 to x:476
01:24:133 (2) - move x:200
01:24:552 (3) - move end point to x:184, y:48

Katy-xD wrote:

_Re's Platter
Difficulty reduction mod & smooth increase

--- Spacing adjustments:
Moved 00:02:787 (1,2,3,4) - move pattern left (1 at x:424)
Moved 00:03:623 (5) - move x:248
Moved 00:03:832 (6) - change to x:344, y:192 - x:456, y:192
Moved 00:04:877 (2) - move x:72
Moved 00:07:178 (6) - move 2nd point - x:128, y:192
Moved 00:08:014 (1) - move x:0
Moved 00:08:223 (2) - move x:336
Moved 00:09:478 (1,2,3,4,5) - move pattern left (1 at x:248)
Moved 00:11:360 (1) - move x:4
Moved 00:11:569 (2) - move x:308
Moved 00:09:478 (1) - move x: :) 272
Moved 00:10:105 (3) - move x:188
Moved 00:12:824 (1,2,3,4,5) - move pattern right (1 at x:480)
Moved 00:13:869 (6) - flip horizontal (ctr+h) and move x:80
Moved 00:15:961 (1) - move x:148
Moved 00:18:470 (1) - move x:176
Moved 00:18:888 (2) - move x:324
Moved 00:19:725 (4) - move x:360
Moved 00:20:143 (1) - move x:216
Moved 00:20:561 (2) - move x:104
Moved 00:21:398 (4) - move x:212
Moved 00:21:816 (1) - move x:512
Moved 00:22:234 (2) - move x:440
Moved 00:23:071 (4) - move x:512
Moved (HDash Removed) 00:47:328 (2) - move x:224 - remove hdash
Added ----- new pattern at 01:00:294 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -----
01:00:294 (1) - x:512
01:00:712 (2) - x:360
01:01:130 (3) - x:280
01:01:235 (4) - x:232
01:01:339 (5) - x:280
01:01:444 (6) - x:232
01:01:549 (7) - x:0
Stream patterns are used later on so this pattern should be modified
Modified --- modified pattern
01:01:967 (1) - use 01:00:294 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) pattern with horizontal flip - with variations:
01:01:967 (1) - move x:76
01:02:385 (2) - move x:144
--- variation
01:08:240 (7) - move x:192
01:08:450 (8) - move x:100
--- variation
01:09:495 (3,4,5,6,7) - horizontal flip, move pattern (3 at x:400)
01:09:913 (7) - move x:332
01:10:122 (8) - move x:276
--- spacing adjust
Moved 01:12:423 (2) - move x:64
Moved 01:12:841 (3) - move x:456
Moved 01:13:259 (4) - move x:0
Moved 01:13:677 (1) - move x:212
Moved 01:14:096 (2) - move x:432
Moved (HDash Removed) 01:14:932 (5,6) - move left (5 at x:320) - remove HDash
Moved 01:16:814 (6) - move x:88 - reflect off spacing used 01:16:187 (3,4) -
Moved01:17:442 (2) - move x:208
Moved 01:19:951 (5) - move x:304 - jump too hard easy
Moved 01:20:160 (6) - move x:368
Done, Done and Done 01:20:369 (1) - delete , 01:21:206 - delete, 01:22:879 - delete - can't copy pattern from other difficulty
Moved 01:20:369 (1) - add (flat) slider x:512, x:408 & NC
Moved 01:20:788 (2) - dupe ^ start x:300
Moved 01:21:206 (3) - add repeat slider, x:96, y:192 to x:16, y:124 (repeat 1)
Moved 01:21:833 (4) - add note x:164
Moved 01:22:042 (1) - flip horizontal, move x:236
Moved 01:22:460 (2) - move x:412
Moved 01:22:879 (3) - add (flat) repeat slider, x:328 to x:212
Moved 01:23:715 (1) - remove note
Moved 01:23:506 (1) - add (flat) repeat slider, x:412 to x:476
Moved 01:24:133 (2) - move x:200
Moved 01:24:552 (3) - move end point to x:184, y:48

^ Beatmap with changes
Hi Katy :3

00:01:322 - Here the first spinner should start (in my opinion)
00:00:695 (1,1) - dunno if the 1/2 betwen spinner and note is fine
00:04:668 (1) - maybe use triplet here
00:07:178 (6) - and here 00:08:014 (1) - and here or add 1/2 slider at 00:07:596 - and note here 00:08:432 -
00:11:360 (1) - I think that triplet fits here too
00:14:706 (1) - Same
00:36:873 (6,1) - last note before the spinne is kinda close
00:36:873 (6) - delete note and move the spinner here
01:23:506 (5,1) - this too hard for a cup ;w;

00:01:322 - Here the first spinner should start (in my opinion)
00:46:074 (1) - slider is too fast, change the SV to 1,7 or 1,8
01:25:388 (4) - use reverse arrow
01:26:643 - add note

00:01:322 - Here the first spinner should start (in my opinion)
00:08:014 (1) - move a bit away from the wall pls
00:36:873 (1) - replace spinner with notes
00:56:530 (1) - move a bit away from the wall pls
01:26:957 (6,7) - strange jump move 01:27:061 (7) - to left side (1/4 jump should be avoided in platter)

00:01:322 - Here the first spinner should start (in my opinion)
00:04:668 (1,2) - reduce the distance
00:37:918 (5,6,7,8,9) - move to left side and make Hdash here
00:39:173 (4,5,6) - ctrl + G and move 00:39:173 (4) - to x:88 and 00:39:278 (5) - move to x:72
00:39:591 (7,8,9,10,11) - move to right side (x:344) and make Hdash between 00:39:382 (6,7) -
00:40:218 (1) - move to x:224
00:40:532 (2,3) - move to x:416
00:40:846 (4,5,6) - move to x:208
00:41:891 (1) - move to x:176
00:43:564 (1) - move to x:288
00:44:819 - you can add spinner here

That is all
Good luck!
Topic Starter

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

Hi Katy :3

00:01:322 - Here the first spinner should start (in my opinion) No thanks, spinner will be too short
00:00:695 (1,1) - dunno if the 1/2 betwen spinner and note is fine No, thats usually only for visibility issues
00:04:668 (1) - maybe use triplet here 00:05:086 (2) - added note
00:07:178 (6) - and here 00:08:014 (1) - and here or add 1/2 slider at 00:07:596 - and note here 00:08:432 - nope
00:11:360 (1) - I think that triplet fits here too nope
00:14:706 (1) - Same nope
00:36:873 (6,1) - last note before the spinne is kinda close fixed
00:36:873 (6) - delete note and move the spinner here fixed
01:23:506 (5,1) - this too hard for a cup ;w; ? nope

00:01:322 - Here the first spinner should start (in my opinion) same reason, nope
00:46:074 (1) - slider is too fast, change the SV to 1,7 or 1,8 fixed - same sv
01:25:388 (4) - use reverse arrow done
01:26:643 - add note nope

00:01:322 - Here the first spinner should start (in my opinion) nope
00:08:014 (1) - move a bit away from the wall pls nope
00:36:873 (1) - replace spinner with notes nope, this is low difficulty
00:56:530 (1) - move a bit away from the wall pls nope >:P
01:26:957 (6,7) - strange jump move 01:27:061 (7) - to left side (1/4 jump should be avoided in platter) changed to a wierder pattern bu t no jump xD (I'll wait for _Reanimated to look at it)

00:01:322 - Here the first spinner should start (in my opinion) nope
00:04:668 (1,2) - reduce the distance nope
00:37:918 (5,6,7,8,9) - move to left side and make Hdash here I had something like that originally, but the HDash before and after stream was too hard
00:39:173 (4,5,6) - ctrl + G and move 00:39:173 (4) - to x:88 and 00:39:278 (5) - move to x:72
00:39:591 (7,8,9,10,11) - move to right side (x:344) and make Hdash between 00:39:382 (6,7) -
00:40:218 (1) - move to x:224
00:40:532 (2,3) - move to x:416
00:40:846 (4,5,6) - move to x:208
00:41:891 (1) - move to x:176
00:43:564 (1) - move to x:288 Not changing this pattern sorry, it was designed to be easy ^^^
00:44:819 - you can add spinner here Nope, already removed on previous mod: 00:43:954 (1) - Awkward spinner, it doesn't feel right at all. Remove.

That is all
Good luck!
Thanks for mod, shot a kudosu :D

I'm a bit busy now so :c
I suggest you to put spinner a bit later because of no sound background for it

And platter is HARD diff not low lol

You should't apply the changes on platter without _Reanimated permision.
Topic Starter

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

I suggest you to put spinner a bit later because of no sound background for it

And platter is HARD diff not low lol

You should't apply the changes on platter without _Reanimated permision.
I have it
"cup salad platter rain" delete from tags pls
Topic Starter

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

"cup salad platter rain" delete from tags pls
I search for those tags, I don't see how they are useless. I'll remove them if its not allowed, but I think its ok for now.

Katy-xD wrote:

BoberOfDarkness wrote:

"cup salad platter rain" delete from tags pls
I search for those tags, I don't see how they are useless. I'll remove them if its not allowed, but I think its ok for now.

They are annoying. For example when you search for platter only and it shows whole mapset.
Topic Starter
(my reply was deleted / didn't post)

Made tags difficulty independent.
Nice map! :)

On the platter 00:30:181 (1) - 00:30:599 (2) - The jumps seemed oddly spaced to me. Might just be me, but other than that great map!
Map discontinued.
#rip :c

Forked to new beatmap.
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