
Rickie Kinnen - Frei wie der Wind

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Freitag, 11. September 2015 at 22:42:19

Artist: Rickie Kinnen
Title: Frei wie der Wind
Source: モンスターファーム
Tags: monster rancher farm opening 風がそよぐ場所 kaze ga soyogu basho
BPM: 118,7
Filesize: 3295kb
Play Time: 01:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,27 stars, 87 notes)
  2. Mocchi (2,76 stars, 228 notes)
  3. Normal (2,13 stars, 174 notes)
Download: Rickie Kinnen - Frei wie der Wind
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Lovely childhood memories..! >w<

wir sind dann frei wie der Wind. ♥

Hi, mod from #modreqs~

Any questions about this mod then let me know!

  1. Uh, if the song comes directly from the tv-show, then you might want to add "Monster Rancher" to the source instead of tags, because that's where the said song originates from.
  1. 00:19:822 (3,1) - This pattern looks bad because the two ends of each slider aren't the same distance apart
    Pretty solid easy diff, not much to complain about~
  1. 00:15:778 (5,1) - This overlap is a bit confusing, I suggest changing things round a bit so that a portion of the head isn't covered by the slider trail, because it's easy for newcomers to trip up on this.
  2. 00:42:063 (1,3) - imo this overlap looks really bad, you should fix this. It may also cause reading problems as well, especially for the newer players.
  3. 00:53:689 (3) - Why isn't there a clap here? This breaks the pattern you've been placing your claps in the timeline, making it sound inconsistent. It is important for hitsounds to be consistent so the player can keep a steady rhythm, so having a gap in the hitsounds like this can often startle the player, rhythm wise.
  4. 00:54:194 (5) - Add a clap at the end of this slider as well, again it breaks consistency.
  5. 01:07:336 (7) - Why isn't there a whistle here? It breaks consistency, making it sound bad rhythm wise.
  1. 00:28:667 (8,1) - Not a fan of the overlap here, the map would look a lot nicer without it.
  2. 00:33:469 (8) - Add a clap here, just because it's right after a repeat doesn't mean you can break consistency with your hitsounds.
  3. 00:49:139 (3) - Add a whistle to the start of this slider to keep consistency. The future notes have a whistle every 2 beats, so why doesn't this have a whistle? Adding a whistle here is necessary to keep the beat consistent.
  4. 00:58:238 (5,6) - Hm, you could shape (5) a bit better so that a larger portion of (6) is blanketed. Right now, it looks kinda bland.
  5. 01:05:820 (5) - Add a clap here to keep consistency.
  6. 01:07:336 (9) - See above, add a clap at the end of this slider.
  7. 01:08:600 (2) - Again, add a clap at the end of this slider.
  8. 01:18:457 (5,6) - This blanket could do with a bit of work. You should fix this by moving (6) to x:261 y:268. Good blankets, where the circle and slidertrail are parallel to each other will always look better than bad blankets, where they are not parallel.
  1. 00:58:238 (7) - Add a clap at the end of this slider, for the sake of keeping consistency with your clap pattern.
  2. 00:58:238 (7,9) - If you look closely, then you'll find that the white lines at the edge of the slidertrails are not perfectly parallel. You can fix this and make it look nicer by moving (9) to x:289 y:384. For the sake of your stack, you might want to move 01:00:007 (11) - to the appropriate place after doing this.
  3. 01:05:567 (5) - Again, you should add a clap at the end of this slider for consistency
  4. 01:06:831 (9) - ^
  5. 01:11:380 (8,1) - The end of (8) and the start of (1) aren't stacked properly. Examine their x:y coords and move them to a place where they are both perfectly stacked.
Overall, your map uses various shapes and patterns to keep your map flowing and looking well, but your hitsounds are very inconsistent. After applying this mod, I suggest going over them a few more times, because I might have missed some. Good luck!

  • ♬ Mocci ♬

  1. 00:58:238 (7,9) - Adjust it so it follows the (7)'s slider better.
  2. 01:04:051 (5,6,1) - Please use same spacing.

  • ♬ Feedback ♬

    Wow, cool map ^^

    The others diffs is ok. No problems
Topic Starter

Fluttershy03 wrote:

Hi, mod from #modreqs~ hi there!

Any questions about this mod then let me know!

  1. Uh, if the song comes directly from the tv-show, then you might want to add "Monster Rancher" to the source instead of tags, because that's where the said song originates from. whoos, moved from tags to source!
also: fixed all hitsounds issues in all diffs, so I won't reply in each line! //lazy

  1. 00:19:822 (3,1) - This pattern looks bad because the two ends of each slider aren't the same distance apart
    Pretty solid easy diff, not much to complain about~ I agree, fixed
  1. 00:15:778 (5,1) - This overlap is a bit confusing, I suggest changing things round a bit so that a portion of the head isn't covered by the slider trail, because it's easy for newcomers to trip up on this. okay
  2. 00:42:063 (1,3) - imo this overlap looks really bad, you should fix this. It may also cause reading problems as well, especially for the newer players.
    I like the overlap a lot and since therer is enough time to read the pattern it shouldn't cause any problems or confusion. but I'll see what other think about it and might change it later on
  3. 00:53:689 (3) - Why isn't there a clap here? This breaks the pattern you've been placing your claps in the timeline, making it sound inconsistent. It is important for hitsounds to be consistent so the player can keep a steady rhythm, so having a gap in the hitsounds like this can often startle the player, rhythm wise.
  4. 00:54:194 (5) - Add a clap at the end of this slider as well, again it breaks consistency.
  5. 01:07:336 (7) - Why isn't there a whistle here? It breaks consistency, making it sound bad rhythm wise.
  1. 00:28:667 (8,1) - Not a fan of the overlap here, the map would look a lot nicer without it. it's not visible while playing, 8 disappears the moment 1's end appears :b keepin it for now cause it'll ruin the flow if I change it ;-;
  2. 00:33:469 (8) - Add a clap here, just because it's right after a repeat doesn't mean you can break consistency with your hitsounds.
  3. 00:49:139 (3) - Add a whistle to the start of this slider to keep consistency. The future notes have a whistle every 2 beats, so why doesn't this have a whistle? Adding a whistle here is necessary to keep the beat consistent.
  4. 00:58:238 (5,6) - Hm, you could shape (5) a bit better so that a larger portion of (6) is blanketed. Right now, it looks kinda bland. refined it a little, might work a bit more on it later on. .o.
  5. 01:05:820 (5) - Add a clap here to keep consistency.
  6. 01:07:336 (9) - See above, add a clap at the end of this slider.
  7. 01:08:600 (2) - Again, add a clap at the end of this slider.
  8. 01:18:457 (5,6) - This blanket could do with a bit of work. You should fix this by moving (6) to x:261 y:268. Good blankets, where the circle and slidertrail are parallel to each other will always look better than bad blankets, where they are not parallel. fixed
  1. 00:58:238 (7) - Add a clap at the end of this slider, for the sake of keeping consistency with your clap pattern.
  2. 00:58:238 (7,9) - If you look closely, then you'll find that the white lines at the edge of the slidertrails are not perfectly parallel. You can fix this and make it look nicer by moving (9) to x:289 y:384. For the sake of your stack, you might want to move 01:00:007 (11) - to the appropriate place after doing this.
    yup, changed
  3. 01:05:567 (5) - Again, you should add a clap at the end of this slider for consistency
  4. 01:06:831 (9) - ^
  5. 01:11:380 (8,1) - The end of (8) and the start of (1) aren't stacked properly. Examine their x:y coords and move them to a place where they are both perfectly stacked. whoops, fixed
Overall, your map uses various shapes and patterns to keep your map flowing and looking well, but your hitsounds are very inconsistent. After applying this mod, I suggest going over them a few more times, because I might have missed some. Good luck!
thanks a lot for your mod! I'll make sure to check the hitsounds several more times, I really messed that up.. ;-;

-Tochi wrote:

  • ♬ Mocci ♬

  1. 00:58:238 (7,9) - Adjust it so it follows the (7)'s slider better. changed (again)
  2. 01:04:051 (5,6,1) - Please use same spacing. but it is the same spacing? .o.

  • ♬ Feedback ♬

    Wow, cool map ^^ Thanks :3

    The others diffs is ok. No problems

Thanks to both of you!
Hi, from #modqueue xD

  1. 00:25:129 (10,1,2) - Please respect HD players xD
  2. 00:49:645 (5,8) - Putting reverses under circle is unrankable, please change it. ;-;
  3. 00:52:678 - Missing clap? :v
  4. 00:53:689 - ^ They fit, so why not add them?
  5. 01:02:787 - 01:02:787 - Use Normal sampleset for additions when using claps, sounds strange. If you apply this, please do it in other diffs aswell.
  6. 01:05:314 (4,5) - Ctrl+G, rhytm will be as on 01:07:336 (11) -
  7. 01:23:006 (10,11) - Using this rhytm will be better.
  8. 01:28:061 (5) - Add clap?
  1. 00:14:767 (3,6) - Fix that stack?
  2. 00:55:331 (9) - This slider is starting on 1/4, it is strange for players that plays hards.
  3. 01:28:566 (5) - Mocci diff doesn't have this note.
  1. 00:19:822 (5) - Avoid using more than one reverse on normal and easy diffs.
  2. 00:35:239 - Why missing note? D:
  3. 01:10:369 (6,7) - Strange rhytm
  4. 01:26:544 (5) - As in hard. Probably you should just add this note in Mocci diff.
Easy is fine.

Good luck! :D
Topic Starter

Pappy wrote:

Hi, from #modqueue xD Hi there! :3

  1. 00:25:129 (10,1,2) - Please respect HD players xD
    I respect them. a lot tbh, but I don't wanna change a pattern that's fun to play for a mod that's optional.
    (and they know on the 2nd try where the circles are, so no problem with playing it, imo)
  2. 00:49:645 (5,8) - Putting reverses under circle is unrankable, please change it. ;-; whoops, fixed!
  3. 00:52:678 - Missing clap? :v yep, fixed
  4. 00:53:689 - ^ They fit, so why not add them? added!
  5. 01:02:787 - 01:02:787 - Use Normal sampleset for additions when using claps, sounds strange. If you apply this, please do it in other diffs aswell. okay
  6. 01:05:314 (4,5) - Ctrl+G, rhytm will be as on 01:07:336 (11) - okay
  7. 01:23:006 (10,11) - Using this rhytm will be better. changed
  8. 01:28:061 (5) - Add clap? done!
  1. 00:14:767 (3,6) - Fix that stack? yikes, sure
  2. 00:55:331 (9) - This slider is starting on 1/4, it is strange for players that plays hards. ye, changed that
  3. 01:28:566 (5) - Mocci diff doesn't have this note. added this in Mocci instead .. xD
  1. 00:19:822 (5) - Avoid using more than one reverse on normal and easy diffs. I think it's pretty standard for Normal to have more than 1 reverse. at least I've seen more than enough and I think the way it plays is matching the rhythm perfectly, so I'll keep it.
  2. 00:35:239 - Why missing note? D: added!
  3. 01:10:369 (6,7) - Strange rhytm changed
  4. 01:26:544 (5) - As in hard. Probably you should just add this note in Mocci diff. yep, changed that already owo
Easy is fine. yay! >w<

Good luck! :D
Thank you!

Thank youuu!
Hi! From my modding queue :)

01:30:588 to 01:36:654 - Why not map this part? There's no reason not to.
- Set slider tick rate to 2 (seems better to me)

01:03:293 (1) - Move to 01:03:040 (to match the vocals)
00:38:019 (1) -
01:12:391 (1,2,3) -

00:40:293 (6,7) - Make these a slider maybe?

00:43:074 (3) - End is unsnapped
00:43:579 (4) - ^
01:03:040 (1,2,3) - The hitsounds here feel really empty compared to the sections before and after it. Just using the Normal sampleset here would fix this.
00:37:766 (3,4,1) - Kinda bad flow, make 00:38:019 (1) a curve, like this:
01:18:457 (5,6) - Blanket can be improved

01:03:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same as in Hard, use the Normal sampleset here
00:19:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't think anti-jumps really fit here (They fit at 00:44:084 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4), but not here)
01:01:271 (3,4) - ^
00:25:129 (10,1,2) - This is unnecessarily hard to read, don't stack anything here

Nice map overall, good luck with it ^w^
Hi, from #modreq

You start mapping quite far into the song from what I saw, why not map more of it, intro needs love too :3

00:11:734 (1,1) - Why is there a NC then a NC? The music doesnt warrant any kind of double NC, remove?
00:26:898 (2,3) - They aren't 100% parallel move the 3rd slider down just a touch.
00:44:084 (1) - Start this on the downbeat, it sounds wierd having it on a red tick tbh and end it 00:46:865 (1) here so it is actually following the vocal
00:48:128 (1) - Remove whistle and add clap, the whistle sounds out of place for the beginning of a new verse, especially chorus with kiai, either clap or finish.
00:56:216 (1) - Remove clap on the reverse it sounds out of place on a red tick.
01:03:798 (2) - Add a note for better consistency
01:22:501 (1,2) - This looks ugly tbh why dont you blanket it?

00:14:514 (2,3,4,5) - Why dont you make these into a square pattern like this?:
00:19:822 (5) - I personally dont agree with the double reverse, why not make it the same as the next slider for consistency and add a note instead?
00:42:063 (1,3) - Why are these overlapping it looks unpleasant x.x
00:46:106 (1,2,3,4) - Make these use the drum sounds, it sounds much better imo
00:50:150 (5) - NC? This part drags on for quite a bit in terms of combo
00:54:194 (1) - ^
00:58:238 (1) - ^
01:04:051 (2,2) - I'm not sure about this overlap tbh it looks a bit off.
01:06:325 (1) - ^^
01:10:369 (1) - ^ (a 10 note combo is quite abnormal in a normal difficulty)
01:22:501 (1) - ^ it starts on vocals so yeah :3

00:15:778 (1) - NC it is on the downbeat
00:19:822 (1) - ^ same reason
00:23:865 (1) - ^
00:27:909 (1) - ^
00:35:997 (1) - ^ and it fits into the next combo too :3
00:41:304 (1) - ^? you got a space inbetween so its only normal ;3
00:50:150 (1) - ^
00:54:952 (1) - ^ You're doing a buildup so a new part for a new part if that makes any sense x.x
00:54:952 (1,2,3,4) - This all sounds quite loud too, why not tone down the volume of notes a touch
01:06:325 (1) - ^^
01:10:369 (1) - ^
01:17:699 (3,4,5) - I dont like the flow here tbh it feels wierd when i playtested it, why not try a blanket with the 4th note

00:13:756 (1,2) - Remove the clap on the end of the slider and add it on note 2 it sounds better with the music
00:15:778 (1) - NC ;3 (back to new combos XD)
00:23:865 (1) - ^
00:41:304 (1) - ^ you got a space so make it a new combo yes?
00:47:117 (6,7,8,9) - Again with making these drum sounds, but remove the whistle at the beginning on slider 6
00:48:128 (1) - Make this a finish since it's the start of the chorus and kiai?
00:50:150 (1) - NC?
00:58:238 (1) - ^
01:06:325 (1) - ^
01:18:457 (1) - ^ it fits with the change in voice in the song
01:22:501 (1) - ^ the buildup has ended here

Nice map plays smooth and looks visually appealing

The reason so many NCs are recommended because long nc's dont give a player time to recover since when you start a nc you get a small health boost, and long parts without NC's looks bad imo
Topic Starter

ReallyFastCat wrote:

Hi! From my modding queue :) Hi! >w<

01:30:588 to 01:36:654 - Why not map this part? There's no reason not to.
because I want to start and end playtime with the vocals. :3
- Set slider tick rate to 2 (seems better to me)
I don't think STR 2 matches the slow pace of the song. It makes slider seem pretty crowded and I want to avoid that.

01:03:293 (1) - Move to 01:03:040 (to match the vocals)
I don't want to confuse beginners by changing between mapping red and white ticks, so I can't move it there.
However, I was a bit unhappy with the circle myself, so I removed it and made 01:02:282 (3) - a slider instead. completely ignoring the vocals. >w<
00:38:019 (1) - more than 1 reverse slider in Easy is a no-go for me, sorry .o.
01:12:391 (1,2,3) - split the slider up differently, cause I don't want sliderends on downbeats!

00:40:293 (6,7) - Make these a slider maybe? I like how the circles play, keeping them for now!

00:43:074 (3) - End is unsnapped
00:43:579 (4) - ^ aaah, both fixed, thanks!
01:03:040 (1,2,3) - The hitsounds here feel really empty compared to the sections before and after it. Just using the Normal sampleset here would fix this.
I don't feel like Normal sampleset matches this part well. also I want it to have a different sound than the Kiai.
so I just increased hitsound volume, so it doesn't sound as weak as before. :3
00:37:766 (3,4,1) - Kinda bad flow, make 00:38:019 (1) a curve, like this: okay
01:18:457 (5,6) - Blanket can be improved refined, hope it looks better now ~

01:03:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same as in Hard, use the Normal sampleset here same as in Hard, changed differently. :3
00:19:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't think anti-jumps really fit here (They fit at 00:44:084 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4), but not here)
I like them cause they emphasize the Idk-what-to-call-it-sound. there are no vocals here so focusing on that instead works pretty well, imo.
01:01:271 (3,4) - ^ changed them here
00:25:129 (10,1,2) - This is unnecessarily hard to read, don't stack anything here I don't think it's an issue if it's "hard to read" considering this is a Hard diff. and it's not even that hard to read, imo. if it's too much for some players there still is another Hard diff they can play. c:

Nice map overall, good luck with it ^w^
Thank you!

KyleDinny wrote:

Hi, from #modreq I am amzed by how many people actually look at modreqs.. Hellow! :3

You start mapping quite far into the song from what I saw, why not map more of it, intro needs love too :3
explained this in the previous mod. I might consider it later on when more people ask for it. but tbh I don't think it's necessary.

00:11:734 (1,1) - Why is there a NC then a NC? The music doesnt warrant any kind of double NC, remove? cause lyrics start there. :3
00:26:898 (2,3) - They aren't 100% parallel move the 3rd slider down just a touch. I think it should be parallel now..!
00:44:084 (1) - Start this on the downbeat, it sounds wierd having it on a red tick tbh and end it 00:46:865 (1) here so it is actually following the vocal okay
00:48:128 (1) - Remove whistle and add clap, the whistle sounds out of place for the beginning of a new verse, especially chorus with kiai, either clap or finish. added finish instead of clap
00:56:216 (1) - Remove clap on the reverse it sounds out of place on a red tick. whoops, removed. .. what the hell is wrong with me that I mess up so many hitsounds.. T_T
01:03:798 (2) - Add a note for better consistency changed in previous mod, should work better now :3
01:22:501 (1,2) - This looks ugly tbh why dont you blanket it? I like how it looks, don't have to have blankets everywhere. 'w'

00:14:514 (2,3,4,5) - Why dont you make these into a square pattern like this? yup, looks nice!
00:19:822 (5) - I personally dont agree with the double reverse, why not make it the same as the next slider for consistency and add a note instead?
I tried several patterns and found this to play the best, cause it's not always the same.
00:42:063 (1,3) - Why are these overlapping it looks unpleasant x.x I like how it looks :n
00:46:106 (1,2,3,4) - Make these use the drum sounds, it sounds much better imo nope, sorry. I don't like the hollow sound of drum sampleset
00:50:150 (5) - NC? This part drags on for quite a bit in terms of combo okay, fixed all NCs!
00:54:194 (1) - ^
00:58:238 (1) - ^
01:04:051 (2,2) - I'm not sure about this overlap tbh it looks a bit off. stacked them
01:06:325 (1) - ^^
01:10:369 (1) - ^ (a 10 note combo is quite abnormal in a normal difficulty)
01:22:501 (1) - ^ it starts on vocals so yeah :3

00:15:778 (1) - NC it is on the downbeat fixed all NCs
00:19:822 (1) - ^ same reason
00:23:865 (1) - ^
00:27:909 (1) - ^
00:35:997 (1) - ^ and it fits into the next combo too :3
00:41:304 (1) - ^? you got a space inbetween so its only normal ;3
00:50:150 (1) - ^
00:54:952 (1) - ^ You're doing a buildup so a new part for a new part if that makes any sense x.x
00:54:952 (1,2,3,4) - This all sounds quite loud too, why not tone down the volume of notes a touch okay
01:06:325 (1) - ^^
01:10:369 (1) - ^
01:17:699 (3,4,5) - I dont like the flow here tbh it feels wierd when i playtested it, why not try a blanket with the 4th note tried!

00:13:756 (1,2) - Remove the clap on the end of the slider and add it on note 2 it sounds better with the music omg I hate hitsounding. seriously. thanks!
00:15:778 (1) - NC ;3 (back to new combos XD) fixed all (I think)
00:23:865 (1) - ^
00:41:304 (1) - ^ you got a space so make it a new combo yes?
00:47:117 (6,7,8,9) - Again with making these drum sounds, but remove the whistle at the beginning on slider 6
keeping the soft samples, same reason as in Hard. '-'
00:48:128 (1) - Make this a finish since it's the start of the chorus and kiai? yup
00:50:150 (1) - NC?
00:58:238 (1) - ^
01:06:325 (1) - ^
01:18:457 (1) - ^ it fits with the change in voice in the song
01:22:501 (1) - ^ the buildup has ended here

Nice map plays smooth and looks visually appealing
Thank you!

The reason so many NCs are recommended because long nc's dont give a player time to recover since when you start a nc you get a small health boost, and long parts without NC's looks bad imo
I agree, but too short combos look bad too, imo. but it's still okay here so thanks for pointing it out!
Thanks, you two!
Hi, From my modding Queue /o/


- I think the Tick Rate 2 is better for this beatmap on all dificulties.
- I have problems with the volume of kiai time, is very abrupt, I recommend 55% in the first inherited point.


- 00:15:778 (3) - Eliminate the reverse arrow on the slider and add circle on 00:17:294 with hitsound clap.
- 00:18:305 (2) - Add circle with hitsound clap sound good in the song.


- I don't have troubles with this difficulty.


- 00:54:952 (3,4,5) - This part feels weird, stack 4 whit the 00:53:183 (4) and move 5 to X: 248, Y: 141.
(Make the slider 5 parallel with slider 3).
-00:58:238 (1) - Make this slider more wavy and blanket the end with the 00:58:996 (2).


- 00:13:124 (6,7) - I think this is wrong, I think first the circle and then the slider.
This pattern follows the rhythm better but it's more harder to play
- 01:09:358 (4) - Maybe, Blanket with 01:10:116 (5) - (?)
Good Luck with your beatmap /o/
Topic Starter

xChangJo wrote:

Hi, From my modding Queue /o/ Hi o/


- I think the Tick Rate 2 is better for this beatmap on all dificulties.
I still disagree with this, just as an example how that would look like:
compared to this: the first image looks totally overloaded and messy.

- I have problems with the volume of kiai time, is very abrupt, I recommend 55% in the first inherited point.
okay, but I'm only reducing it to 65% atm cause 55 seems incredibly low..


- 00:15:778 (3) - Eliminate the reverse arrow on the slider and add circle on 00:17:294 with hitsound clap. why? I like how it plays
- 00:18:305 (2) - Add circle with hitsound clap sound good in the song. okay


- I don't have troubles with this difficulty. yay \w/


- 00:54:952 (3,4,5) - This part feels weird, stack 4 whit the 00:53:183 (4) and move 5 to X: 248, Y: 141.
(Make the slider 5 parallel with slider 3). okay, but changed it slightly differently
-00:58:238 (1) - Make this slider more wavy and blanket the end with the 00:58:996 (2).
made it a little more wavy, but I don't wanna overdo it cause i like the shape ;-;


- 00:13:124 (6,7) - I think this is wrong, I think first the circle and then the slider.
This pattern follows the rhythm better but it's more harder to play
I like how it currently plays better, but I'll keep it in mind. might change in the future!
- 01:09:358 (4) - Maybe, Blanket with 01:10:116 (5) - (?) okay

Good Luck with your beatmap /o/ thank you! :3
thank you!
A Mystery
Hello! From my queue

Very clean mapset, I like it. The Hardv1 is my favorite diff.
Oh god, German...but no offense


00:13:124 (6) - I don't think this is a major problem, but the strong beat and where the stream should start imo is currently a slider end, which makes it a bit awkward to play (or at least to me)
00:17:294 (4) - Move this one pixel to the left so that the stack is perfect
00:19:063 (4) - If you move this one on 00:18:558 (3) - or stack it with 00:18:305 (2) - , and switch 00:18:558 (3,4) - on the timeline, the rhythm would make a bit more sense, no?
00:24:624 (4) - I think the position is rather weird, maybe you should move 00:24:624 (4) - to the middle of the square, unless you really want to keep the small jump.
00:25:887 (1) - rip hidden players? :(
00:50:150 (1) - I see the blanket, but it doesn't look very great atm, improve it a little bit :p
01:17:193 (2) - Again a strong beat on a slider end - not a major problem, but because of the chord change and voice it would make more sense if this was tappable.
01:27:303 (3) - Same, though it isn't as important here.


Just some nitpicking, nice diff!

00:46:612 (2) - One pixel to the left for perfect stack
00:40:041 (1) - Improve this blanket a little bit
01:00:765 (2) - 2 pixels to the right and 1 down for stack


00:19:822 (5) - I don't know if this is alright. It's not an Easy but even so the inconsistency of the return sliders there might cause confusion.
00:45:095 (7) - Same here. It might not, though, I'm not an expert
00:50:150 (1) - 1 pixel to the left
01:24:523 (1) - Hmm, Again something that might even cause more confusion. I think people will tap through because of the fact that all the stacks like that are 1/2, except for that one.


Very nice, nothing that I can mention :)

Good luck, have a star!
Topic Starter

A Mystery wrote:

Hello! From my queue Hellow!

Very clean mapset, I like it. The Hardv1 is my favorite diff. mine, too! QwQ
Oh god, German...but no offense
no worries, everyone reacts like that! xD


00:13:124 (6) - I don't think this is a major problem, but the strong beat and where the stream should start imo is currently a slider end, which makes it a bit awkward to play (or at least to me)
you're not the only one who said that. changed >:
00:17:294 (4) - Move this one pixel to the left so that the stack is perfect fixed
00:19:063 (4) - If you move this one on 00:18:558 (3) - or stack it with 00:18:305 (2) - , and switch 00:18:558 (3,4) - on the timeline, the rhythm would make a bit more sense, no? yup, sounds good
00:24:624 (4) - I think the position is rather weird, maybe you should move 00:24:624 (4) - to the middle of the square, unless you really want to keep the small jump.
I like how it plays and an anti-jump fits much less than a (super small) jump, imo.
00:25:887 (1) - rip hidden players? :(
yep, RIP \m/ (playing HD is their choice, not mine.)
00:50:150 (1) - I see the blanket, but it doesn't look very great atm, improve it a little bit :p refined !
01:17:193 (2) - Again a strong beat on a slider end - not a major problem, but because of the chord change and voice it would make more sense if this was tappable. changed
01:27:303 (3) - Same, though it isn't as important here. changed


Just some nitpicking, nice diff!
fixed all!

00:46:612 (2) - One pixel to the left for perfect stack
00:40:041 (1) - Improve this blanket a little bit
01:00:765 (2) - 2 pixels to the right and 1 down for stack


00:19:822 (5) - I don't know if this is alright. It's not an Easy but even so the inconsistency of the return sliders there might cause confusion.
I think it's pretty obvious and up til now no one who testplayed it had any problems understanding this.
00:45:095 (7) - Same here. It might not, though, I'm not an expert ^
00:50:150 (1) - 1 pixel to the left sure!
01:24:523 (1) - Hmm, Again something that might even cause more confusion. I think people will tap through because of the fact that all the stacks like that are 1/2, except for that one. changed this one owo


Very nice, nothing that I can mention :) Yay! >w<

Good luck, have a star!
thanks a lot! uwu
Thank you, I'll reply in detail once I'm home!


  1. Wow.
  1. 00:33:975 (1) - Balance out this slider. The first curve is more extreme than the second.
  2. 00:50:150 (2) - Link Move to x:310 y:34 for 1.10x distance to both head and tail of slider (1) and reblanket.
  1. 00:30:437 (2,3) - Not parallel, copy and scale one up to make these parallel.
  1. 00:28:415 (2,4) - Stack?
  2. 00:31:700 (4,2) - ^
  3. 00:58:238 (1) - The start and end of the slider should have the same amount of curve. It'd look nicer.
  4. 01:04:304 (1) - Rotate 1 degree around selection center.
  5. 01:18:457 (5,6) - Move (6) to x:261 y:271.
  1. 00:15:272 (5,1) - Is this supposed to be a double blanket or is this intentional placement?
  2. 00:33:975 (1) - Move to x:363.
  3. 00:36:250 (8,10,3,2) - Fix blanket between (8) and (10,3,2).
  4. 01:14:666 (5,8) - This blanket could be cleaner.
  5. 01:17:193 (2,3) - Was this intentional for them to be not stacked?
  6. 01:17:951 (4) - Move to x:214 y:168.
  7. 01:27:050 (2,3) - Can also be improved. Move (3) to x:280 y:209?
Topic Starter

Axarious wrote:

  1. Wow. ..? ;-; I know the song's awkward, I'm sorry.. x:
  1. 00:33:975 (1) - Balance out this slider. The first curve is more extreme than the second. should look a little better now
  2. 00:50:150 (2) - Link Move to x:310 y:34 for 1.10x distance to both head and tail of slider (1) and reblanket. ok
  1. 00:30:437 (2,3) - Not parallel, copy and scale one up to make these parallel. done
  1. 00:28:415 (2,4) - Stack? fixed
  2. 00:31:700 (4,2) - ^ fixed
  3. 00:58:238 (1) - The start and end of the slider should have the same amount of curve. It'd look nicer. the slider is perfectly symmetrical as it is, tho?
  4. 01:04:304 (1) - Rotate 1 degree around selection center. okay
  5. 01:18:457 (5,6) - Move (6) to x:261 y:271. why? when I do that it's too close to 5's head
  1. 00:15:272 (5,1) - Is this supposed to be a double blanket or is this intentional placement? was random, but blanketed now
  2. 00:33:975 (1) - Move to x:363. okay
  3. 00:36:250 (8,10,3,2) - Fix blanket between (8) and (10,3,2). fixed
  4. 01:14:666 (5,8) - This blanket could be cleaner. improved it
  5. 01:17:193 (2,3) - Was this intentional for them to be not stacked? they're autostacked anyway, so it doesn't really matter..
  6. 01:17:951 (4) - Move to x:214 y:168. kay
  7. 01:27:050 (2,3) - Can also be improved. Move (3) to x:280 y:209? that actually messes up the blanket. x:

Thank you!

Thanks for the mod!
Hi, from modding queue :

Uh German song, not the best i like, but i'll do with that. :>




Well, you should raise the HP and OD, it should be 2 for both, in this case the increasing along the main diff will be + 2.

00:19:822 : I think that by upping a bit this slider, the flow will be better, actually the line given between this and the previous slider are not on the continuous of the previous linear slider (ye strand words i did).
00:41:557 : You should down a bit his position, the flow would be better.
01:09:864 : The anti flow you give here is weird, maybe ctrl-h the previous slider could be an interesting solution, or rework this part too.
01:14:919 : The upper part of the slider touches the classical skin hp drain bar, you should down it a little.
01:24:523 : Interesting you didn't make a blanket with the previous slider (if yes, the slider will need a little rework for a better blanket.)

Good easy, nothing more to say, the flow is pretty good and the speed is quite enough good.


00:15:778 : Have you ever tried to finish the slider 1/2 earlier and add a circle at 00:16:789, it's quite good to hear.
00:16:283 : Maybe have a custom clap here?
00:19:882 : double reverse on slider is quite odd, i advise you to rework this slider in order to have just one reverse (or impair reverse but it's too much when it's 3 on a normal and it doesn't need 3 reverse here).
00:32:964 : Even if it's a slider, 1/4 is really depreciated on a normal diff.
00:36:502 : The antiflow is weird here, i advise you to make something like :
00:37:261 : why these finishes and NC?
00:43:074 : Mwé, this end is not entirely visible, not sure if i'm the only one who points out this.
00:45:095 : Also pair reverse but this one is more acceptable.
01:02:532 : Also 1/4 like the previous one mentioned. :<
01:02:913 : Useless timing section for normal diff, you should delete it.

Not so bad diff, objects are well used without over mapping.


00:15:778 : The blanket is not perfect. :<
00:17:042 : Maybe ctrl-g this and the next circle, the flow might be better.
00:50:024 : You can add a note here for vocals.
01:18:457 : Ye blanket. :<
01:28:314 : Their positions are so weird, i know you can do much better here.

Seems fine hard.


Why Mocchi instead of Insane?

00:19:822 : Well, ye, no, ye, no i really really dislike this short DS for (imo) nothing.
00:25:887 : Have you ever see this on auto mod? It's really confusing to read. You should move this (and maybe the next) circle(s).
00:27:404 : Ctrl-g this slider, the flow will be much much much better.
00:29:173 : I don't really like the stack with the first slider, but... 'kay.
00:37:261 : Why NC here?
00:46:865 : This curved stream has no reason to exist, i advise you to make a linear one.
01:21:237 : I advise you to down the reverse position to 432;238 , the flow with the 2 stream circle after will be better.
01:28:314 : You should stack it with the 2nd combo slider, the flow with the next circle will be much better.

I disliked some of the patterns but the hitsounds makes the Mocchi diff cool.

Gl hf for rank. :>
Topic Starter

Aldwych wrote:

Hi, from modding queue hi there! o/

Uh German song, not the best i like, but i'll do with that. :>
I know.. but the anime was so fun back in 199x, I just had to map the intro. :b




Well, you should raise the HP and OD, it should be 2 for both, in this case the increasing along the main diff will be + 2.
uh, okay.

00:19:822 : I think that by upping a bit this slider, the flow will be better, actually the line given between this and the previous slider are not on the continuous of the previous linear slider (ye strand words i did). changed
00:41:557 : You should down a bit his position, the flow would be better. okay
01:09:864 : The anti flow you give here is weird, maybe ctrl-h the previous slider could be an interesting solution, or rework this part too.
flipping it would be really awkward for the previous pattern and worsens the flow here, too, cause you have to move upwards for 01:10:369 (3,4) - . I agree that flow could be better, but I'll just end up with the same pattern everywhere, which is incredibly boring to play. no change
01:14:919 : The upper part of the slider touches the classical skin hp drain bar, you should down it a little.
uuh, I don't think I have to move it, cause the classical skin isn't the default one. and with the default one it looks like this:
01:24:523 : Interesting you didn't make a blanket with the previous slider (if yes, the slider will need a little rework for a better blanket.)
I don't intend to make a blanket here for the simple reason that it looks boring after a while. also, if I were to blanket the circle, I'd have to place the following circle either below the slider start, which is confusing for beginners, or really far to the right, which makes the flow awful.

Good easy, nothing more to say, the flow is pretty good and the speed is quite enough good. >w<


00:15:778 : Have you ever tried to finish the slider 1/2 earlier and add a circle at 00:16:789, it's quite good to hear.
Yes, I tried and I prefer the long slider. c:
00:16:283 : Maybe have a custom clap here? I don't think it's a good idea to hitsound sliderticks with claps etc, cause it confuses some players.
00:19:882 : double reverse on slider is quite odd, i advise you to rework this slider in order to have just one reverse (or impair reverse but it's too much when it's 3 on a normal and it doesn't need 3 reverse here).
how is it odd? I've seen plenty already. mentioned everyting else in beatmap description
00:32:964 : Even if it's a slider, 1/4 is really depreciated on a normal diff. I don't think 1/4 is a problem at all in Normal as long as it's not circles. c:
00:36:502 : The antiflow is weird here, i advise you to make something like I don't really agree that the flow is weird, but changed. differently, tho
00:37:261 : why these finishes and NC? emphasizing the vocals
00:43:074 : Mwé, this end is not entirely visible, not sure if i'm the only one who points out this. changed, since ppl keep complaining about it.
00:45:095 : Also pair reverse but this one is more acceptable. why, tho? it's not any different than the first one.
01:02:532 : Also 1/4 like the previous one mentioned. :< yep, same :n
01:02:913 : Useless timing section for normal diff, you should delete it. uhm, that's a bookmark. in case you mean the previous timing point - it's necessary cause it ends the kiai. the one after changes sampleset.

Not so bad diff, objects are well used without over mapping. thanks >w<


00:15:778 : The blanket is not perfect. :< now it is :3
00:17:042 : Maybe ctrl-g this and the next circle, the flow might be better. I like it better as it is. '-'
00:50:024 : You can add a note here for vocals. okay
01:18:457 : Ye blanket. :< changed
01:28:314 : Their positions are so weird, i know you can do much better here. changed pattern

Seems fine hard. >w<


Why Mocchi instead of Insane? I can't play Insanes, so I won't map Insanes, this is 2nd Hard diff. c:

00:19:822 : Well, ye, no, ye, no i really really dislike this short DS for (imo) nothing. explained that in some previous mod, too lazy to do so again. >: but I'll keep it.
00:25:887 : Have you ever see this on auto mod? It's really confusing to read. You should move this (and maybe the next) circle(s).
Yes, I've seen it on autoplay. I also played it myself and watched several other people play it. no problems
00:27:404 : Ctrl-g this slider, the flow will be much much much better.
changed, differently tho.
00:29:173 : I don't really like the stack with the first slider, but... 'kay. changed
00:37:261 : Why NC here? emphasizes vocals and prevents the combo from going to high
00:46:865 : This curved stream has no reason to exist, i advise you to make a linear one. okay
01:21:237 : I advise you to down the reverse position to 432;238 , the flow with the 2 stream circle after will be better.
but it wosens the previous flow
01:28:314 : You should stack it with the 2nd combo slider, the flow with the next circle will be much better. this is awesome. thanks!!

I disliked some of the patterns but the hitsounds makes the Mocchi diff cool. I'm not completely satisfied with how the diff plays either, but I hope some more mods can fix that. Thank you! c:

Gl hf for rank. :>
Thanks! I doubt I can find BATs to look at it tho. haha. :D
Thanks & updated!

to future modders - no need to point out widescreen support. there is going to be a sb added, so it's enabled for a reason. c:

// edit - made some major changes in Mocchi diff, patterns look and flow a lot better now. yay :3
random mod from #modreqs


00:16:789 (3) - move this slider in this form
00:28:667 (1,3) - this overlap is strange, you can try something that does not need overlap
00:32:964 (1,2,3,4) - you can make a short stream of 5 circles
00:34:480 (2,5) - this overlap is necessary? you can stack
01:00:260 (1,2) - so strange to play, try this
01:03:798 (4,3,5) - stack
add a circle in 01:26:797 -
01:28:566 (5) - this circle is unecessary, the spin can start here


00:20:327 (2) - Ctrl + G
00:27:404 (5) - /\
00:35:997 (1,2) - hmmm, this overlap is a bit unecessary, the ar is 7, maybe this could disrupt the gameplay
00:37:766 (3,4,1) - the distance of this stream is a bit hard
01:06:073 (6,3) - just stack the slider
01:17:951 (4) - Ctrl + G
01:28:566 (5) - this circle is unecessary, the spin can start here

Nice map, good luck :)
Topic Starter

Tarrasky wrote:

random mod from #modreqs I really am amzed by modreqs.. QwQ


00:16:789 (3) - move this slider in this form why? I like the flow as it is better and the stack with the following objects
00:28:667 (1,3) - this overlap is strange, you can try something that does not need overlap changed
00:32:964 (1,2,3,4) - you can make a short stream of 5 circles
I could, but that doesn't match the melody cause there is no sound at 00:33:343 -
00:34:480 (2,5) - this overlap is necessary? you can stack okay
01:00:260 (1,2) - so strange to play, try this
I like how it plays. :n
01:03:798 (4,3,5) - stack I'd have to stack the objects differently for the next ~20 seconds then and all patterns get messed up. for a stack that's not even visible while playing I don't wanna change all of that. that messes up flow of some parts, too, and I'm quite happy with how it is
add a circle in 01:26:797 - why?
01:28:566 (5) - this circle is unecessary, the spin can start here I thik the beat is too strong to ignore it, so I won't start the spinner earlier.


00:20:327 (2) - Ctrl + G why?
00:27:404 (5) - /\ :n ?
00:35:997 (1,2) - hmmm, this overlap is a bit unecessary, the ar is 7, maybe this could disrupt the gameplay
tbh I just waited for someone to point it out, but I liked how it looked. >: changed
00:37:766 (3,4,1) - the distance of this stream is a bit hard whops, reduced spacing
01:06:073 (6,3) - just stack the slider not necessary, cause it's no visible while playing and also flows worse than atm
01:17:951 (4) - Ctrl + G doesn't play nice with 01:17:699 (3) -
01:28:566 (5) - this circle is unecessary, the spin can start here same as in Mocchi!

Nice map, good luck :) Thank you! :3
Thanks & updated!

skin added!
This song is so... catchy!! Aaaaaaa

Mod by Yuii-
Map posted at: SlowBurn x Yuii's Queue


General: Change AR to "3,0" / OD to "3,0" / HP to "3,0"

  1. 00:26:646 - Can you add a circle here?

  2. 00:27:657 - Same ^ ^

  3. 00:42:821 - Same ^ ^

  4. 00:47:876 - Same ^ ^

  5. 01:02:913 - 01:04:177 - Try mapping something.


General: Change CS to "3,0"

  1. 01:20:984 (2,3,4,5) - Can I suggest you this?


General: Nothing to say about this difficulty. Well mapped.


General: HP "8,0"? I think that's waaaay too much. Try "6,0".

  1. 00:32:964 (1) - I can't actually find any beat. Try deleting it.

Very good maps overall, it was hard to find mistakes! :D
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:

This song is so... catchy!! Aaaaaaa

Map posted at: SlowBurn x Yuii's Queue


General: Change AR to "3,0" / OD to "3,0" / HP to "3,0"
I don't think AR3 matches the song, neither does OD3
but I raised HP by 0.5

  1. 00:26:646 - Can you add a circle here? I'm avoiding tick changes in Easy cause they are too hard to read for beginners
  2. 00:27:657 - Same ^ ^ same goes for 1/2, it's too much to handle for them
  3. 00:42:821 - Same ^ ^ ^
  4. 00:47:876 - Same ^ ^ can't map this, because I want to keep the recovery time after the spinner as it is
  5. 01:02:913 - 01:04:177 - Try mapping something. I left this super small break here on purpose in Easy, cause there is no other break and beginners might need it. also I don't think a slider matches the music well and circles sound off.
General: Change CS to "3,0" why? 3.5 matches perfectly for the amount of objects on the screen and the set's spread is better balanced with 3.5.
  1. 01:20:984 (2,3,4,5) - Can I suggest you this? changed but replaced the last slider with two circles to emphasize the increasing volume :3
General: Nothing to say about this difficulty. Well mapped. Yay! >w<

General: HP "8,0"? I think that's waaaay too much. Try "6,0". I don't think it's too much, cause even if the set has two Hard diffs, one should still be noticeably harder than the other. reduced to 7 anyway
  1. 00:32:964 (1) - I can't actually find any beat. Try deleting it. but there is one >:
Very good maps overall, it was hard to find mistakes! :D

Thank you, gonna reply once I've fixed the map!

going to update when I'm done with SB ~

edit updated, SB isn't done yet, tho.. //lazy aah

Skin Dimensions

AiBAT bla bla:
  1. approachcircle.png's dimensions must be exactly 128x128 (currently 126x128).
  2. reversearrow.png's dimensions must be exactly 128x128 (currently 78x58).
  1. well i think you know that this diff name is not rankable :V
    A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty may use an appropriate custom difficulty name, unrelated to a username. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming.
  2. 00:19:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - about this pattern,there is actually nothing wrong but how it plays is a bit strage i mean is an insane right and it should test players with the harder dificulty but this one looks maximum as an hard+ i would suggest you to change this pattern in something more jumpy
  3. 00:26:898 (5,6,7) - the flow of this pattern is not the best one what about to change it to something like:
    are totally the same slider creating for 00:27:404 (6) - a bigger jump as there was before and changing 00:27:909 (7) - to the same slider but wich goes in a perfect distance for the next object and with 00:27:909 (7,8,1) - they create a triangle pattern \o3o/
  4. 01:17:446 (4) - ctrl+g for a amazing flow *-*
  5. 01:26:544 - use 35 - 40 % of volume for the last one the difference is really high
hope it helps >3< gl
Topic Starter

Lally wrote:


Skin Dimensions

AiBAT bla bla:
  1. approachcircle.png's dimensions must be exactly 128x128 (currently 126x128).
  2. reversearrow.png's dimensions must be exactly 128x128 (currently 78x58).
god, I wonder if I will remember to never use the dimensions from the default skin elements. feels like the 500th time this happens fff //hides in a corner and cries - fixed

  1. well i think you know that this diff name is not rankable :V
    A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty may use an appropriate custom difficulty name, unrelated to a username. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming.
    but the Ranking Criteria says right here that the name is rankable. It's the hardest difficulty and I can use a custom name for that one as long as it's unrelated to a username. the name's 'appropiate', too, cause it's the name of one of the main characters from the series, so I don't see how the name is not rankable.
  2. 00:19:822 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - about this pattern,there is actually nothing wrong but how it plays is a bit strage i mean is an insane right and it should test players with the harder dificulty but this one looks maximum as an hard+ i would suggest you to change this pattern in something more jumpy
    actually, as it says in the description and some previous mod: this is a Hard+, not an Insane.
    > no change for now, cause it plays fine and I like it 'w'
  3. 00:26:898 (5,6,7) - the flow of this pattern is not the best one what about to change it to something like:
    are totally the same slider creating for 00:27:404 (6) - a bigger jump as there was before and changing 00:27:909 (7) - to the same slider but wich goes in a perfect distance for the next object and with 00:27:909 (7,8,1) - they create a triangle pattern \o3o/
    changed, not exactly as suggested, but partly. flows better now :3
  4. 01:17:446 (4) - ctrl+g for a amazing flow *-* okay
  5. 01:26:544 - use 35 - 40 % of volume for the last one the difference is really high changed in all diffs!
hope it helps >3< gl
yep, it did! Thank you!
Thanks & updated!
Danke für die map, da kommen erinnerungen hoch :D tolle beatmap :)
Topic Starter

TimurOsu wrote:

Danke für die map, da kommen erinnerungen hoch :D tolle beatmap :)
Danke <3

Jaaah, die Erinneurngen.. QwQ
hab grad den Anime zum 500. mal durchgeguckt und omg. könnt gleich wieder von vorne anfangen! >w<
Ja <3
Hallo :3

Ich versuchs mal mit einem Mod :)

Nix gefunden ^_^

Würde eine Note hier 00:07:437 - nicht vielleicht gut passen? :o
Hier auch 01:14:160 - ich weiß du wolltest wahrscheinlich die Vocals belegen.. aber irgendwie fühlte sich das beim testen leer an.. als wenn was fehlt

Auch nix gefunden :)

Vielleicht hier ne Note einsetzen? 00:41:052 - für 3 Stars+ fühlt es sich doch recht leer an

Mehr hab ich nich gefundne, schaut alles wunderbar aus. Fühl dich frei den Mod zu ignorieren :)

Lang nich mehr dieses Lied gehört <3
Wünsch dir viel viel glück mit der Map! :)
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:

Hallo :3 Hi! :3

Ich versuchs mal mit einem Mod :)

Nix gefunden ^_^ yay >w<

Würde eine Note hier 00:07:437 - nicht vielleicht gut passen? :o jupp, hinzugefügt
Hier auch 01:14:160 - ich weiß du wolltest wahrscheinlich die Vocals belegen.. aber irgendwie fühlte sich das beim testen leer an.. als wenn was fehlt okay

Auch nix gefunden :) nochmal yay! *w*

Vielleicht hier ne Note einsetzen? 00:41:052 - für 3 Stars+ fühlt es sich doch recht leer an okay

Mehr hab ich nich gefundne, schaut alles wunderbar aus. Fühl dich frei den Mod zu ignorieren :)

Lang nich mehr dieses Lied gehört <3
Wünsch dir viel viel glück mit der Map! :)
Danke, brauch ich. 'w' <3
Thank you!
double post and cant delete it gg ppy
Hello! Timing check you asked.

no kds, I might mod it later :D
Topic Starter

Near wrote:

Hello! Timing check you asked.

no kds, I might mod it later :D
omg thanks! I'll change the timing with next update >w<
Oh deutscher Song, schön :D
Hallo >w<




00:03:141 (2) - Instead of adding a 1/1 rhythm, try to adding a 1/2 slider here, since it's more strong than the big white tick and you left a big empty space, this wouldn't be confusing to new players.

00:04:152 - It sounds soooo empty here, you didn't add any notes. You should do this to keep consistency and spread with the other diffs, but I really don't know how you can do this without breaking the flow plus spacing.

00:10:218 - Same thing here.

00:15:778 (3) - Instead of curving this way, try to curve the other way, it will improve the flow a lot. See an example:

00:54:699 (3) - I don't know if you will like but, what about curving this slider a bit to the left? It would improve the flow and, imo, the aesthetics.

00:58:238 (2) - You added a big slider here, would be great to continue the rhythm you did before with this slider 00:56:216 (1) - , try it and see if you like.

If you agreed with what I said above: 01:00:260 (1) - Move this note to x184 y180 and curve it a bit, 01:01:271 (2) - Move this to x228 y336 and 01:02:282 (3) - to x384 y280. ;

01:03:040 - You should really find a way to put a note here to emphasize the vocal, but I don't know if it's a good thing ;_;


I'm really not sure about this spread. On Easy you barely used all 1/1s and on Normal you use too much 1/2s. I'd recommend to rename this to Advanced and do a Normal with a lower SV, a lower spacing and less 1/2s.

00:33:975 (1) - What about changing this slider to 2 notes to put emphasis on the strong beat on this part?

00:39:788 (5) - What about a NC here? Since you started a new kind of pattern and followed a new rhythm.

00:46:612 (2,3) - Here, as you can hear, the strong beat is on the red tick *00:46:865 -* and there you ended the (2) slider. I would recommendo to delete the (2) and add a note there, and on the red tick you start the slider to put emphasis on this section of the song, examples: timeline ; editor / editor 2

00:57:480 (4) - Instead of adding this slider on the red beat, try to put it on the white tick, since there is no emphasis on the red tick, (and the vocal starts on the white) and add notes after the slider. Here's an example: timeline ; editor

01:06:325 (1) - Try doing here the same rhythm you did here 01:04:304 (1) - for consistency :D


00:12:239 (2) - Again with the ending slider on strong beats \:D/ If you wanna change it, you can add a repeat on this 00:11:734 (1) - slider, 00:12:745 (3) - delete this note and start this slider 00:12:492 (2) - on the red tick. See if you like And since the beat is stron on the red tick, wouldn't be a problem to have a jump there.

00:55:963 (6) - You should add a triplet here like you did on the first kiai to keep consistency. It's a good rhythm too and would be bad if you stop following it :c

I'll list now some triplets you should add: 00:57:985 (4) - 01:04:051 (3) - 01:06:073 (6) - .

01:08:347 (1) - Not sure if you did a good thing there, the slider is offbeat, starting on a red tick when the beat goes on the white tick. I'd recommend doing . Would be REALLY better.

01:17:193 (2,3) - A Ctrl + G on these two notes and after that another Ctrl + G on 01:17:447 (3) - would improve the flow and the rhythm, you know, starting sliders on a strong beat is always better than starting on weak beats and ending on strongs :p

If you agreed with what I said above: 01:17:951 (4) - Ctrl + G here too to improve the transition between this slider and 01:18:457 (5) - .

01:22:374 (6,1) - A bit nazi but, the spacing between these notes are a bit lower if you compare with the previous one.


00:17:547 (5) - Instead of stacking with 00:17:800 (1) - , what do you think about a mini-jump stacking with 00:16:789 (3) - ?

00:30:184 (2) - Don't overlap these sliders, do like what you did with others 1/4 sliders, increase the spacing a bit to make a jump, It will play much better than overlaping them.

00:51:161 (3) - A jump here with notes like you did before *00:49:139 (3,4,5,6,7) - * would be much better and more fun to play than a big slider, but you can keep it, it's just my opinion.

00:54:699 (3) - Movint this note to x112 y336 would make a better flow, and don't worry about the jump, it's an Insane after all.

00:57:985 (6) - Would be nice to find a way to put a triplet rhythm here like I mentioned on Hard. You can try a 1/4 slider c:

01:07:336 (4) - Since this beat is strong, try adding a larger jump, would be really good. My option is to Ctrl + Shift + R this slider, and rotate it -45º. After that, just stack the slider's end with 01:08:347 (1,2) -

Really good mapset and a beautiful song choice <3
Topic Starter

Mao wrote:

Oh deutscher Song, schön :D
find ich auch, osu brauch einfach mehr deutsch. :b


Near wrote:

Hallo >w< Guten Tag! :3 xD ...hi


me too. Q//w//Q I'd sing along all day if I had a nice voice... >__<


00:03:141 (2) - Instead of adding a 1/1 rhythm, try to adding a 1/2 slider here, since it's more strong than the big white tick and you left a big empty space, this wouldn't be confusing to new players.
00:04:152 - It sounds soooo empty here, you didn't add any notes. You should do this to keep consistency and spread with the other diffs, but I really don't know how you can do this without breaking the flow plus spacing.
00:10:218 - Same thing here.
I.. well 'fixed' these 3 things.. but I'm really uncomfortable with the mapped red tick at the beginning. it matches the melody, but imo it's just too hard for an Easy. maybe some other modders can help out, but atm I'll stick to this rhythm and hope it's fine.

00:15:778 (3) - Instead of curving this way, try to curve the other way, it will improve the flow a lot. See an example:
cause I changed up the previous pattern this flows better now and should play fine as it is. owo

00:54:699 (3) - I don't know if you will like but, what about curving this slider a bit to the left? It would improve the flow and, imo, the aesthetics.
ye, looks good!

00:58:238 (2) - You added a big slider here, would be great to continue the rhythm you did before with this slider 00:56:216 (1) - , try it and see if you like.
If you agreed with what I said above: 01:00:260 (1) - Move this note to x184 y180 and curve it a bit, 01:01:271 (2) - Move this to x228 y336 and 01:02:282 (3) - to x384 y280. ;
made some changes here, not exactly like you suggested, but I like how it plays now. owo

01:03:040 - You should really find a way to put a note here to emphasize the vocal, but I don't know if it's a good thing ;_;
I tried and didn't find anything matching. and by now I think it's a good place to put a short break. So players can relax a little between the kiais. :3


I'm really not sure about this spread. On Easy you barely used all 1/1s and on Normal you use too much 1/2s. I'd recommend to rename this to Advanced and do a Normal with a lower SV, a lower spacing and less 1/2s.

I'm not sure about that yet. I mean, I wouldn't mind mapping another diff, but imo the spread is fine. You can argue about the 1/4 I used (even tho I don't think they are hard to play or understand.. at least up til now no one missed or even broke combo at these parts..), but neither SV nor the spacing are an issue (imo).

00:33:975 (1) - What about changing this slider to 2 notes to put emphasis on the strong beat on this part?
yep, done

00:39:788 (5) - What about a NC here? Since you started a new kind of pattern and followed a new rhythm.
I didn't put the NC here, cause I don't really find it matching, I put one on the 3rd note after this and removed the next NC on the downbeat, tho. They follow the vocals that way and it looks fine to me now. '_'

00:46:612 (2,3) - Here, as you can hear, the strong beat is on the red tick *00:46:865 -* and there you ended the (2) slider. I would recommendo to delete the (2) and add a note there, and on the red tick you start the slider to put emphasis on this section of the song, examples: timeline ; editor / editor 2
changed, I used a reverse slider in the middle, tho, cause it souned so empty without the beat on the white tick ignored o_o

00:57:480 (4) - Instead of adding this slider on the red beat, try to put it on the white tick, since there is no emphasis on the red tick, (and the vocal starts on the white) and add notes after the slider. Here's an example: timeline ; editor
changed, I'm sure about the pattern, so I might change it in the future, but took the one from your example for now!

01:06:325 (1) - Try doing here the same rhythm you did here 01:04:304 (1) - for consistency :D
I prefer the current rhythm here over consistency .o.


00:12:239 (2) - Again with the ending slider on strong beats \:D/ If you wanna change it, you can add a repeat on this 00:11:734 (1) - slider, 00:12:745 (3) - delete this note and start this slider 00:12:492 (2) - on the red tick. See if you like And since the beat is stron on the red tick, wouldn't be a problem to have a jump there.

00:55:963 (6) - You should add a triplet here like you did on the first kiai to keep consistency. It's a good rhythm too and would be bad if you stop following it :c
I'll list now some triplets you should add: 00:57:985 (4) - 01:04:051 (3) - 01:06:073 (6) - .
added except for the third one you listed, because I don't think it matches there. .o.

01:08:347 (1) - Not sure if you did a good thing there, the slider is offbeat, starting on a red tick when the beat goes on the white tick. I'd recommend doing . Would be REALLY better.
Idk if I did what you suggested, but changed owo (where's the other part of the sentence..)

01:17:193 (2,3) - A Ctrl + G on these two notes and after that another Ctrl + G on 01:17:447 (3) - would improve the flow and the rhythm, you know, starting sliders on a strong beat is always better than starting on weak beats and ending on strongs :p
If you agreed with what I said above: 01:17:951 (4) - Ctrl + G here too to improve the transition between this slider and 01:18:457 (5) - .
since people complain about the pattern a lot I changed it up, differently tho. but it's definitely better now.

01:22:374 (6,1) - A bit nazi but, the spacing between these notes are a bit lower if you compare with the previous one.
oops. fixed xD


00:17:547 (5) - Instead of stacking with 00:17:800 (1) - , what do you think about a mini-jump stacking with 00:16:789 (3) - ?
but that'd result in an anti-jump actually.. .o. keeping it like it is for now

00:30:184 (2) - Don't overlap these sliders, do like what you did with others 1/4 sliders, increase the spacing a bit to make a jump, It will play much better than overlaping them.
nice idea! changed

00:51:161 (3) - A jump here with notes like you did before *00:49:139 (3,4,5,6,7) - * would be much better and more fun to play than a big slider, but you can keep it, it's just my opinion.
true, changed the slider to circles.

00:54:699 (3) - Movint this note to x112 y336 would make a better flow, and don't worry about the jump, it's an Insane after all.
I prefer the current pattern over yours. >-< also it's still not an Insane, it's a Hard+.. .__. it even says so in the description, why does everyone forget.. //criesjk

00:57:985 (6) - Would be nice to find a way to put a triplet rhythm here like I mentioned on Hard. You can try a 1/4 slider c:

01:07:336 (4) - Since this beat is strong, try adding a larger jump, would be really good. My option is to Ctrl + Shift + R this slider, and rotate it -45º. After that, just stack the slider's end with 01:08:347 (1,2) -
added a jump, differently tho!

Really good mapset and a beautiful song choice <3
Thank you for improving it a lot! QwQ <3
Thanks, Near! I'm halfway done with fixing everything, I'll edit the post later with replies! :3
seriously, thanks again! espceially for the timing, I hope it's 100% correct now cause omg.. I hate resnapping Timing Points... (and everything else..) x-x
hihi from my queue

sorry i got super lazy LOL orz

the SB at the beginning.... (and end) feels like my computer going crazy and about to explode >: Mainly because it doesnt really match with the music i guess, idk your call on what to do

timing sounds off but it seems like you still havent applied Near's points hm
A lot of short combos, I recommend you change NC pattern to once every 2 measures so you wouldnt have a NC pattern like 00:07:690 (1,2,1,1) - 1,2,1,1
00:07:690 (1) - maybe a whistle on the reverse?
00:56:216 (1) - this rhythm sounds off because i think the notes on the white ticks (esp. 00:57:227 -) are stronger than this one on the red tick
01:06:325 (3) - ^
01:08:347 (1,4) - this is easily symmetrical, so why not?
01:12:391 (1,2) - some copy paste and rotate 180 degrees would look a lot better!

nice easy w

00:01:625 (1) - 00:02:130 - sounds like a fairly large note you should map imo
00:07:437 (1) - just my 2 cents on the rhythm cuz i think the upbeats have more emphasis here
00:19:822 (5) - i wouldnt really recommend more than 1 reverses in normals, so consider splitting this into 2 1/2 sliders
00:39:788 (5,6,7) - this doesn't sound good because before you had a constant 1/2 rhythm going on then suddenly you go into straight 1/1's which means you stopped mapping the instruments even though they're still going, so it sounds empty
00:45:095 (7) - same as earlier
00:52:930 (2) - 00:57:480 (4) - remove clap on the end (or is this intentional o3o)
00:53:941 (4) - 01:01:018 (2) - usually i dont care about small misstacks like this but this one is reaaally off ><
01:03:040 (1) - the whistle doesnt really emphasize this note enough, u should have more of a percussion hitsound on this (also remove NC cuz it breaks consistency)

01:04:304 (1) - this is the same rhythm as 00:48:128 (1,2) - 00:50:150 (1,2) - 01:06:325 (1,2,3) - I hope you can be more consistent with your rhythms
^not just this actually, a couple others too

00:10:218 (2) - missing clap
00:36:250 (2) - why ignore the white tick in the middle of this slider?
00:47:876 (5,6,1) - 01:22:248 (5,6,1) - hm i think this might be a bit hard for hard (lol) consider stacking?
00:51:414 (4) - this isnt really following anything, not the vocals cuz vocals is on the blue tick..
00:54:952 (3,4,5) - hm looks tricky
01:23:006 (2) - follow vocals this way
01:28:693 (1) - spinner starts in such an awkward place imo, it'd be better if it was 01:28:440 - or 01:29:072 -


00:02:888 (6,7,8) - WOW that's a big triangle jump here; you should make them similar to 00:04:657 (4,5,6,7,1) - since its a similar rhythm
00:12:619 (4) - 1/4 jump like this? wow
00:12:745 (1,2) - 00:11:734 (1,2) - these 2 are the same rhythms but different spacing i think it's best to space the 2nd one out (makes the stream after easier to play imo)
00:25:887 (1,2) - kills your spacing because it was spaced out then you get this which is close together
00:29:931 (1,2) - same as above, space these out?
00:49:139 (3,4,5) - please nerf
00:52:172 (1,2) - um, overmapped?
01:28:693 (1) - same as hard

just the 1/4 patterns are tricky i guess, also be careful not to place kicksliders that don't end on anything in the music cuz that's overmapping

Good luck and have fun!!
Topic Starter

Gaia wrote:

hihi from my queue hi there! >w<

sorry i got super lazy LOL orz
no worries, I feel you. I just used puush being awkward as an excuse to take a break from modding.... :D now I feel bad about it..

the SB at the beginning.... (and end) feels like my computer going crazy and about to explode >: Mainly because it doesnt really match with the music i guess, idk your call on what to do
it's actually extremely simple.. I wanted a lyric storyboard, which turned out okay.. (you didn't see the updated version yet cause I only updated SB like 10 minutes ago..) but it was so weird to not use SB before and after the lyrics started/ended.. and since there are absolutely no wallpapers/backgrounds etc to be found on the internet, I decided to stick to the "the series is super old so I just use the broken TV theme".. eeer, yep. basically, that's the idea behind the SB. I agree that most people won't get it, but they don't have to, do they?

timing sounds off but it seems like you still havent applied Near's points hm
yep, it's fixed by now tho owo

A lot of short combos, I recommend you change NC pattern to once every 2 measures so you wouldnt have a NC pattern like 00:07:690 (1,2,1,1) - 1,2,1,1
Another modder pointed out that they are too long orz so I'll keep them short for now and get some NC pro to help me out here.
00:07:690 (1) - maybe a whistle on the reverse? added
00:56:216 (1) - this rhythm sounds off because i think the notes on the white ticks (esp. 00:57:227 -) are stronger than this one on the red tick
they sound fine to me and I just changed the pattern after this to match this, so overall it should give a better feeling by now!
01:06:325 (3) - ^
changed this, but it sounds a little off to me now. ._.
01:08:347 (1,4) - this is easily symmetrical, so why not?
changed this with previous mod, so there's no matching sliders anymore orz
01:12:391 (1,2) - some copy paste and rotate 180 degrees would look a lot better! fixed

nice easy w thank you >w<

00:01:625 (1) - 00:02:130 - sounds like a fairly large note you should map imo I like long sliders as a lead-in owo keeping it for now
00:07:437 (1) - just my 2 cents on the rhythm cuz i think the upbeats have more emphasis here
changed some things cause of prev mod, but alternated the rhythm again. should be better now
00:19:822 (5) - i wouldnt really recommend more than 1 reverses in normals, so consider splitting this into 2 1/2 sliders
//kindly points to the map's description
00:39:788 (5,6,7) - this doesn't sound good because before you had a constant 1/2 rhythm going on then suddenly you go into straight 1/1's which means you stopped mapping the instruments even though they're still going, so it sounds empty
saw this coming.. :c changed
00:45:095 (7) - same as earlier same, too
00:52:930 (2) - 00:57:480 (4) - remove clap on the end (or is this intentional o3o) ye, I noticed while fixing the pattern with prev mod. I don't know how this ended up with a clap, seriously. xD
00:53:941 (4) - 01:01:018 (2) - usually i dont care about small misstacks like this but this one is reaaally off >< how?
01:03:040 (1) - the whistle doesnt really emphasize this note enough, u should have more of a percussion hitsound on this (also remove NC cuz it breaks consistency)
changed the whistle to Normal-finish, but I disagree with the NC. the objects are mapped to the vocals and not to the beat like before, so they have a different combo colour. also it's consistent throughout diffs that way 'w'

01:04:304 (1) - this is the same rhythm as 00:48:128 (1,2) - 00:50:150 (1,2) - 01:06:325 (1,2,3) - I hope you can be more consistent with your rhythms
^not just this actually, a couple others too
I get what you're trying to say, but I don't think it's bad to alternate rhythms. because I'd end up with only one or two different rhythms if I map them the same all the time. It's much more fun to play if the rhythm stays the same but is emphasized differently here and there. :3

00:10:218 (2) - missing clap not anymore owo
00:36:250 (2) - why ignore the white tick in the middle of this slider? sounds fine to me as it is. o.o (not mapped)
00:47:876 (5,6,1) - 01:22:248 (5,6,1) - hm i think this might be a bit hard for hard (lol) consider stacking? flatly 'NO' from me. Sorry, but regularly spaced triplets are in no way too hard for Hard o_o
00:51:414 (4) - this isnt really following anything, not the vocals cuz vocals is on the blue tick..
but it plays incredibly boring if split up '-'
00:54:952 (3,4,5) - hm looks tricky tricky sounds perfect for Hard diff :3
01:23:006 (2) - follow vocals this way
01:28:693 (1) - spinner starts in such an awkward place imo, it'd be better if it was 01:28:440 - or 01:29:072 -
matches fine as it is, imo. cause the loudest beat is on the downbeat here, and the spinner follows directly after that.

Mochi!? Yes.

00:02:888 (6,7,8) - WOW that's a big triangle jump here; you should make them similar to 00:04:657 (4,5,6,7,1) - since its a similar rhythm
They don't really sound similar to me. o.o not at all. and I don't think the jump is too much, you can barely (if even) call it a jump if the spacing is reduced.
00:12:619 (4) - 1/4 jump like this? wow it's exactly the same spacing as before.. however, I reduced it cause of the changes made cause of the suggestion below
00:12:745 (1,2) - 00:11:734 (1,2) - these 2 are the same rhythms but different spacing i think it's best to space the 2nd one out (makes the stream after easier to play imo) ^
00:25:887 (1,2) - kills your spacing because it was spaced out then you get this which is close together it plays fine, tho
00:29:931 (1,2) - same as above, space these out? changed in prev mod \o/
00:49:139 (3,4,5) - please nerf ye, agree here. changed
00:52:172 (1,2) - um, overmapped? vocals
01:28:693 (1) - same as hard same here, too!

just the 1/4 patterns are tricky i guess, also be careful not to place kicksliders that don't end on anything in the music cuz that's overmapping
I'll try. :b

Good luck and have fun!! Thank you!
Thanks for modding!

& updated.
moving the mapset back to wip, cause I don't like how some parts of the diffs turned out. ~ gonna remap, yay!
don't forget to resnap this spinner 01:28:689 (1) -

Topic Starter

Near wrote:

don't forget to resnap this spinner 01:28:689 (1) -

omg, I suck. Thank you, will fix immediately!
seriously, how can I be so unbelievably stupid..?!
From my queue~

  1. it's Germany's OP? I think "Monster Rancher" is rather suitable for source
  2. tags suggetion:
    kaze ga soyogu basyo
  3. combocolor 5 and 6 are too similar to distinguish, imo
  1. 01:14:427 (3,4) - I prefer this fo following vocal
  1. 00:03:390 (3,1,2) - 1 slider is better. a little difficult
  2. 00:07:435 (5,1) - change to 1 slider for smoother playing
  3. 00:57:237 (3,4) - combine into 1 slider for following vocal
  4. 01:01:029 (2) - x:141 y:70
  5. 01:09:371 (3,4) - I prefer to combine into 1 slider
  1. 00:03:643 (1) - why not delete?
  2. 00:54:962 (3,4,5) - suggetion
  3. 01:03:051- normal-finish is more suitable in the same way as normal
  1. 00:12:617 (4,1,2,3) - too difficult compared to other part.
  2. 00:25:131 (6,2) - avoid stack on reverse arrow
  3. 00:54:962 (4,5) - not good flow
  4. 01:14:427 (4,5,6,7) - just a suggetion. 1/2 rhythm is a little boring
good skinning<3
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Thank you! Read the mod, will make some changes!
just not now, cause dead tired. gonna reply in detail then, too!


RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~ Hi owo

  1. it's Germany's OP? I think "Monster Rancher" is rather suitable for source
    I originally used that as source, but was told to change it, because the anime is japanese. I asked some people, but no one knows for sure, so I'll just keep it as it is for now.
  2. tags suggetion:
    kaze ga soyogu basyo
    omg I have been looking for the original's title and couldn't find it. THANK YOU!!
  3. combocolor 5 and 6 are too similar to distinguish, imo
    tbh I disagree that they are too similar, but I replaced one with a lighter tune anyway, cause why not.
  1. 01:14:427 (3,4) - I prefer this fo following vocal yep, sounds good
  1. 00:03:390 (3,1,2) - 1 slider is better. a little difficult I disagree. 3 circles aren't too difficult for Normal, imo
  2. 00:07:435 (5,1) - change to 1 slider for smoother playing
    circles sound better to me, tho
  3. 00:57:237 (3,4) - combine into 1 slider for following vocal okay
  4. 01:01:029 (2) - x:141 y:70 aah, thanks!
  5. 01:09:371 (3,4) - I prefer to combine into 1 slider okay
  1. 00:03:643 (1) - why not delete?
    why would I delete it, there's a beat?
  2. 00:54:962 (3,4,5) - suggetion prefer the current rhythm, it's more fun to play I think. owo
  3. 01:03:051- normal-finish is more suitable in the same way as normal
    yup, changed
  1. 00:12:617 (4,1,2,3) - too difficult compared to other part.
    compared to which other part? the previous, similar rhythm is spaced a little more and is actually a little harder to play, so I don't really know what you compare this to..? ;-;
  2. 00:25:131 (6,2) - avoid stack on reverse arrow
    why? plays fine and is pretty easy to read (unless HD is enabled)
  3. 00:54:962 (4,5) - not good flow flow looks (and plays) fine to me
  4. 01:14:427 (4,5,6,7) - just a suggetion. 1/2 rhythm is a little boring I don't wanna place hitobjects somewhere when there is no beat/vocal tho :/
good skinning<3 Thank you! >w<
~Good Luck~ and thanks again! :3

Im not really sure about the timing

00:14:513 (3,4) - Swap spots in timing
00:16:536 (2,3) - ^
00:57:237 (4,5) - ^

00:15:777 (1) - Maybe ctrl+h
00:22:603 (2,3) - Swap spots in timing
00:25:889 (1,2) - ^
00:36:002 (1,2) - ^
00:39:794 (5,1,2,3) - You could just do single notes on the red ticks
01:26:560 (1) - I think this should be a slider

00:19:822 (5) - I think using more than 1 repeat might be hard for new people since you cant tell how many times it repeats
00:39:794 (8,1,2) - I think you should remove 8 and 2 and move 1 to where 8 used to be and make it a 1/1 repeat so it suits the saying for Augenblick better
Topic Starter

Owntrolf wrote:

Im not really sure about the timing
I'm terrible at timing songs, but I think the timing Near provided is pretty accurate.

00:14:513 (3,4) - Swap spots in timing k
00:16:536 (2,3) - ^ k
00:57:237 (4,5) - ^ prefer current rhythm

00:15:777 (1) - Maybe ctrl+h flows bad, imo
00:22:603 (2,3) - Swap spots in timing matches the melody better as it is, imo
00:25:889 (1,2) - ^ okay
00:36:002 (1,2) - ^ doesn't match
00:39:794 (5,1,2,3) - You could just do single notes on the red ticks okay
01:26:560 (1) - I think this should be a slider why?

00:19:822 (5) - I think using more than 1 repeat might be hard for new people since you cant tell how many times it repeats
no change. look at the description for reason
00:39:794 (8,1,2) - I think you should remove 8 and 2 and move 1 to where 8 used to be and make it a 1/1 repeat so it suits the saying for Augenblick better I don't want to ignore the downbeat, tho. it's clearly audiable and should be mapped, imo
Thanks for your mod!

From my modding queue :D

00:01:621 (1,2,1,2,1) - Make straight
00:54:203 (2,3) - Blanket?
01:00:271 (1,2) - These don't look perfectly parallel
01:08:360 (1,4) - Same shape?
01:10:888 (4,1) - Blanket
01:22:516 (1,2) - ^
HP drain 2 and Approach rate 3

Just a few small problems. Good easy difficulty :D

This mode is so great I could not find ANYTHING. There are only 2 AI mod problems. Amazing job here. :)

00:48:136 (1,2,3) - Make same shape
00:51:422 (4) - The end of this blanket is too close.
01:13:163 (2,3) - Fix this up a bit
01:19:989 (8,1) - This aren't perfectly parallel
01:25:549 (4) - The end of this blanket is too close.
Whenever I play this map, ALL the stacks are slightly deliberately unstacked by the computer. I think it's a stack leniency problem in the song setup

Nearly perfect. Great job :D

00:18:305 (2,5) - Stack perfectly
00:30:440 (4,5) - Blanket?
00:31:198 (6,1) - Stack perfectly
00:37:266 (5,1) - ^
00:43:080 (3,5) - ^
00:54:203 (1,2) - Make these the same shape
00:59:765 (4,1,2) - Make this more even. 2 Is close to 4 than 1
01:00:018 (5,3) - Stack perfectly
01:03:810 (4,3) - Stack?
01:05:074 (1) - This blanket is a bit uneven.
01:07:349 (4,6) - Big stacking problem
01:11:394 (8,2) - Stack?
01:19:989 (4) - Curve more
01:24:538 (1,5) - Stack perfectly

Very great difficulty. Just a few stacking problems and very minor things. Good job 8-)

Wow. Just wow. This mapset blew me away. This map deserves my kudosu. Very great job here. ;) Good luck on your map. I hope it gets ranked.
Topic Starter

Xelasto wrote:

From my modding queue :D

00:01:621 (1,2,1,2,1) - Make straight I like the curve ;-;
00:54:203 (2,3) - Blanket? might be confusing for beginners here
01:00:271 (1,2) - These don't look perfectly parallel fixed
01:08:360 (1,4) - Same shape? looks good as it is, imo
01:10:888 (4,1) - Blanket confusing as well
01:22:516 (1,2) - ^ isn't intended to be a blanket because it flows awful
HP drain 2 and Approach rate 3 lowered HP Drain, but kept AR2, because it plays perfectly fine

Just a few small problems. Good easy difficulty :D
This mode is so great I could not find ANYTHING. There are only 2 AI mod problems. Amazing job here. :)
whoops, stacking mistakes. fixed
00:48:136 (1,2,3) - Make same shape changed
00:51:422 (4) - The end of this blanket is too close. fixed
01:13:163 (2,3) - Fix this up a bit prefer axial symmetry here
01:19:989 (8,1) - This aren't perfectly parallel fixed
01:25:549 (4) - The end of this blanket is too close. fixed
Whenever I play this map, ALL the stacks are slightly deliberately unstacked by the computer. I think it's a stack leniency problem in the song setup
I didn't change Stack Leniency, should be fine as it is. maybe it just draws more attention, cause the circles have a clearer visible outline than the default circles?

Nearly perfect. Great job :D

00:18:305 (2,5) - Stack perfectly fixed all stacks xD
00:30:440 (4,5) - Blanket? I prefer the current flow over a blanket
00:31:198 (6,1) - Stack perfectly
00:37:266 (5,1) - ^
00:43:080 (3,5) - ^
00:54:203 (1,2) - Make these the same shape fixed
00:59:765 (4,1,2) - Make this more even. 2 Is close to 4 than 1 tried '_'
01:00:018 (5,3) - Stack perfectly
01:03:810 (4,3) - Stack?
01:05:074 (1) - This blanket is a bit uneven. fixed
01:07:349 (4,6) - Big stacking problem
01:11:394 (8,2) - Stack? plays weird
01:19:989 (4) - Curve more changed
01:24:538 (1,5) - Stack perfectly

Very great difficulty. Just a few stacking problems and very minor things. Good job 8-)

Wow. Just wow. This mapset blew me away. This map deserves my kudosu. Very great job here. ;) Good luck on your map. I hope it gets ranked.
Thanks a lot! >w< I hope so, too.. someday.. '_'
Thanks! I'm at school right now, fixing this when I get home! :3

Hey Squirrel, from Lexia's queue :3

:idea: General

* I personally feel that the first offset should be around 1637. My computer has been acting weird lately, so you should get this checked with more people.


* Hmm.. the default clap doesn't really fit with the song imo ;_; Try this?
* 00:11:733 (1) - I can hear a cymbal here in the song, consider adding a finish+whistle?
* 00:12:491 - Optional here, but there's also one here.
* 00:13:249 (3) - ^
* 00:13:629 (6) - This is basically the same sound as (5), add clap?
* 00:33:979 (1) - Not really sure about the finish here, on every other similar beat that is only different in pitch you didn't add one at all (00:31:957 (1) - 00:36:002 (1) - )
* 00:37:266 (5) - 00:37:771 (7) - Well, you already have a drum finish on (6), and if you compare the sounds of (5,6) you can definitely here a large difference. I'd just use an 'Auto'-whistle here to keep your pattern going. It's more a personal prefence though...
* 01:22:516 (1) - No whistle along with the finish like every other one ;w;? I'd add it. The music's fading out slowly, but those vocals are really strong.
* 01:26:560 (1) - ^
* 01:28:564 (1) - ^ (Hard does have a whistle, Insane doesn't - might want to check that out as well)
* 01:28:689 (1) - Depending on what you did above, you should add either a finish or a finish + whistle on the spinner end. There's a really strong cymbal sound there o_o


* 00:27:912 (3) - Despite this being on the downbeat, it does skip quite a lot of strong sounds and the downbeat here is really soft. I'd have a circle for the downbeat, and put a repeat slider afterwards to catch the clap in the song, but also have a nice effect with the other instruments. Here, try it out if you like ^^
* 00:38:024 (1) - I find this rather weird, because the repeat is after the strong vocals 'war' and the clap on the white tick. Shorten the slider and add a circle at 00:39:541 -?
This way you can emphasize all the vocal notes + claps much better imo.
* 01:10:888 (4) - This slider kinda blocks the deep vocal note 'führt' on the white tick. Try this? Again, you can now also make the clap clickable owo


* 00:19:822 (5,6,7) - 00:44:091 (1,2,3) - I read the map description I promise, but I think it's quite confusing to have a double repeat - cicle - and then a single repeat. I'd much rather have two times a double repeat, or just some 1/2 slider spam ( it's not hard to read, just a bit confusing owo /me runs)
* 00:26:395 (2,3) - Turn this into a slider instead? Would play nicer, rather than a (boring) stack ;) Just like you did at 00:30:440 (2) -
* 00:52:939 (2) - Remove clap on the slider end? Sounds spammed (only this diff has it)
* 01:02:546 (6) - I'd remove the clap here. This is the only diff where you actually mapped this sound, but it's doesn't really deserve a clap in my point of view. This sound is rather quiet, and aseeing that you generally didn't put any hitsounds on the red tick, I wouldn't do that here either.


* 00:03:643 (1) - I'd stack this one on (2) instead, like 00:02:126 (3,4) - . I'd have some space in between when going from a normal note to the downbeat.
* 00:30:946 (3) - You already had a quite a long slider before this, and since the vocals are quite strong on every 1/2 tick here - I'd consider splitting this up into circles or a slider + circle. You'd also make the clap clickable, which is currently on the slider end.
* 00:36:254 (2) - I'd really make the clap on 00:36:507 (3) - clickable, and if not at least still emphasized by a slider end or repeat preferabally. I don't really recommend skipping strong clap sounds like that one.

* 00:37:771 (3,4,1) - What I noticed is that these notes are very squished in, and it might not be visually appealing to some (not to me ;_;), so I recommend you to use the spacing at 00:47:883 (5,6,1) -
* 00:44:091 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - That's quite a lot of single tapping, and considering you used stacks here makes it even more complicated. I recommend you to have slider + 2 circles, and then again slider + 2 circles to simplify this.
* 00:48:136 (1) - Missing finish (this diff only)
* 00:54:962 (3,4,5) - I find this pattern rather complicated - especially for a hard diff. Consider tweaking this rhythm a bit?
* 01:00:018 (4,1) - Woah, this jump is huge compared to the rest of your mapset! I highly recommend you to reduce spacing here.
* 01:24:032 (4) - Missing clap (this diff only)

Not Insane

* 00:17:800 (1,2) - Is this sudden distance change intentional? Why not just keep 1.2?
* 00:30:314 (3) - I don't hear anything in the song itself, and the triplet here plays a bit unnatural for me. Considering removing this note?
* 00:56:226 (1,2,3,4,5) - I find this rhythm rather strange. You can perfectly follow all the vocal notes + claps here with just some CTRL+G magic here and there, it's now offbeat and it doesn't really sound good imo ;w;
* 01:02:293 (6,1) - It might be the hardest diff, but I find this just really large compared to the rest of the mapset. Consider tweaking the curve a bit to tone the DS down a little.
* 01:18:219 (6) - I don't really like that it's placed so close to (4), since it creates a very linear flow, while (4) has a large curve. It made the pattern a bit awkward for me, so try placing it at around (264,192)?

New placement

Cool map! Don't trust my timing though, I'm terrible at it - I just felt that some claps were a bit off >_>

Good luck o/
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:

Hey Squirrel, from Lexia's queue :3 hi there! >w<

:idea: General

* I personally feel that the first offset should be around 1637. My computer has been acting weird lately, so you should get this checked with more people.
will do that, I'll just keep it as it is for now, cause I don't wanna re-snap everything 5 times. //lazy '__'


* Hmm.. the default clap doesn't really fit with the song imo ;_; Try this?
I prefer the default clap over the one you posted, but I'll try to find another. (can't promise I will find one, but I'll try!)
* 00:11:733 (1) - I can hear a cymbal here in the song, consider adding a finish+whistle?
I think whistle is enough, cause it's not that loud. with whistle + finish it's too much, imo
* 00:12:491 - Optional here, but there's also one here. same here
* 00:13:249 (3) - ^ and here
* 00:13:629 (6) - This is basically the same sound as (5), add clap?there's one on 3 and 5, another one and it sounds overused, imo. :c
* 00:33:979 (1) - Not really sure about the finish here, on every other similar beat that is only different in pitch you didn't add one at all (00:31:957 (1) - 00:36:002 (1) - ) yep, removed
* 00:37:266 (5) - 00:37:771 (7) - Well, you already have a drum finish on (6), and if you compare the sounds of (5,6) you can definitely here a large difference. I'd just use an 'Auto'-whistle here to keep your pattern going. It's more a personal prefence though... just made all of them auto, cause Idk why I chnged them to drum in the first place.
* 01:22:516 (1) - No whistle along with the finish like every other one ;w;? I'd add it. The music's fading out slowly, but those vocals are really strong. added!
* 01:26:560 (1) - ^ here, too!
* 01:28:564 (1) - ^ (Hard does have a whistle, Insane doesn't - might want to check that out as well) went with whistle + finish
* 01:28:689 (1) - Depending on what you did above, you should add either a finish or a finish + whistle on the spinner end. There's a really strong cymbal sound there o_o okay. '_' (I don't like hitsounds on spinners, but seems like others do.)


* 00:27:912 (3) - Despite this being on the downbeat, it does skip quite a lot of strong sounds and the downbeat here is really soft. I'd have a circle for the downbeat, and put a repeat slider afterwards to catch the clap in the song, but also have a nice effect with the other instruments. changed
* 00:38:024 (1) - I find this rather weird, because the repeat is after the strong vocals 'war' and the clap on the white tick. Shorten the slider and add a circle at 00:39:541 -? aah, second time that's suggested, changed
This way you can emphasize all the vocal notes + claps much better imo.
* 01:10:888 (4) - This slider kinda blocks the deep vocal note 'führt' on the white tick. Try this? Again, you can now also make the clap clickable owo changed, but switched objects around, cause that sounds better to me


* 00:19:822 (5,6,7) - 00:44:091 (1,2,3) - I read the map description I promise, but I think it's quite confusing to have a double repeat - cicle - and then a single repeat. I'd much rather have two times a double repeat, or just some 1/2 slider spam ( it's not hard to read, just a bit confusing owo /me runs)Thanks for reading it!! I think you're the second one to do that. <3 I still don't think it's an issue, tho. stacks are confusing, too. for any other kind of overlap goes the same, on the next level are probably jumps/anti-jumps and short streams and so on. and as far as I've seen the reverses aren't much more confusing than a stack - making them totally acceptable for a Normal diff. plus, I feel like the rhythm matches perfectly fine, or rather better than 1/2 slider spam or anything else. I tried that in the beginning and wasn't comfortable with the rhythm until I tried the double reverse. :n
* 00:26:395 (2,3) - Turn this into a slider instead? Would play nicer, rather than a (boring) stack ;) Just like you did at 00:30:440 (2) - I liked the stack but there was an awesome oppurtunity (I somehow missed up til now) to make it symmetrical to 6, I did that.
* 00:52:939 (2) - Remove clap on the slider end? Sounds spammed (only this diff has it) fixed |:
* 01:02:546 (6) - I'd remove the clap here. This is the only diff where you actually mapped this sound, but it's doesn't really deserve a clap in my point of view. This sound is rather quiet, and aseeing that you generally didn't put any hitsounds on the red tick, I wouldn't do that here either. it was a whistel, but yes, removed! xD


* 00:03:643 (1) - I'd stack this one on (2) instead, like 00:02:126 (3,4) - . I'd have some space in between when going from a normal note to the downbeat. yup plays good
* 00:30:946 (3) - You already had a quite a long slider before this, and since the vocals are quite strong on every 1/2 tick here - I'd consider splitting this up into circles or a slider + circle. You'd also make the clap clickable, which is currently on the slider end. okay
* 00:36:254 (2) - I'd really make the clap on 00:36:507 (3) - clickable, and if not at least still emphasized by a slider end or repeat preferabally. I don't really recommend skipping strong clap sounds like that one. changed
* 00:37:771 (3,4,1) - What I noticed is that these notes are very squished in, and it might not be visually appealing to some (not to me ;_;), so I recommend you to use the spacing at 00:47:883 (5,6,1) - yep, spaced them with 1.0
* 00:44:091 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - That's quite a lot of single tapping, and considering you used stacks here makes it even more complicated. I recommend you to have slider + 2 circles, and then again slider + 2 circles to simplify this. I don't really think stacking them makes it more complicated. '__' except for 4 and 2, but they have a different colour so that should help clarify the order of objects. Also I like the amount of circles, they emphasize the beats very well. (and they're outweighing any other instrument/rhythm, so that's why I want to stick to that.)
* 00:48:136 (1) - Missing finish (this diff only) added
* 00:54:962 (3,4,5) - I find this pattern rather complicated - especially for a hard diff. Consider tweaking this rhythm a bit? rhythm is perfectly fine for Hard, imo.
* 01:00:018 (4,1) - Woah, this jump is huge compared to the rest of your mapset! I highly recommend you to reduce spacing here. I disagree with that it's too huge, but since I changed something about the previous pattern I changed this to normal spacing, too.
* 01:24:032 (4) - Missing clap (this diff only) added

Not Insane

I love you for reading the desciption, really. ;__;
* 00:17:800 (1,2) - Is this sudden distance change intentional? Why not just keep 1.2? whoops forgot to fix that after adjusting the previous pattern Dx
* 00:30:314 (3) - I don't hear anything in the song itself, and the triplet here plays a bit unnatural for me. Considering removing this note? was suggested by prev modder and I like how it plays, so I'll keep it for now.
* 00:56:226 (1,2,3,4,5) - I find this rhythm rather strange. You can perfectly follow all the vocal notes + claps here with just some CTRL+G magic here and there, it's now offbeat and it doesn't really sound good imo ;w; sounds fine to me x:
* 01:02:293 (6,1) - It might be the hardest diff, but I find this just really large compared to the rest of the mapset. Consider tweaking the curve a bit to tone the DS down a little. done
* 01:18:219 (6) - I don't really like that it's placed so close to (4), since it creates a very linear flow, while (4) has a large curve. It made the pattern a bit awkward for me, so try placing it at around (264,192)? placed it somewhere else, I made a really super stupid mistake here. Ill bury myself for not noticing this earlier. .__.

Cool map! Don't trust my timing though, I'm terrible at it - I just felt that some claps were a bit off >_>
no worries, I'll get someone to check it.. or two people at best.. xD but they're all kind of busy, I was told. orz

Good luck o/ Thanks! <3
Aside from the first second when the song has static too the static feels just off to me, The background, music and lyric images is at a decent quality so they doesn't really stick right to me when you the effects that trying to look really static (....I don't remember TV having that bad quality year 2000.... Your choice though.)

Aaanyways. you layer a lot of the images on top on each other so the SB load adds up a lot and briefly becomes +5.00x load. Try to keep so that when you have one image covering up you remove the others under it.
You can also remove the background (t/55177) to then just have them during the parts when it supposed to. Then you add it during the parts it should be up(Most of the map). If the background is disabled the default color will be black, you you can use that instead of black.png.
The most noticeable time when it's an issue is on the end where it's 4.0x SB load on something that should take 0.1x

Also I suggest you remove the transparency on the lyric images.

It seems odd to me to have a Japanese source when this is with no doubt not the Japanese opening. Having what name that is used in Germany would make much more sense imo.
Topic Starter
Thanks, Xgor!
I'll (try to) fix all of what you've mentioned when I find the motivation to get back to the mapset! 'w'

SB: removed everything except for the lyrics for now ~
still have to remove transparency on the lyrics, will do that later.

source: everyone's saying something different. one of the first modders recommended to use the german source, the others said it should be the original (japanese) title, now some want me to change it back and I absolutely don't have a clue about what to do. I've asked several people and no one can give a clear answer, so I'll think about that when I start looking for BNs. x:

removed most of transparency of lyrics. have some left at the top, but I can't really cut it off, because I need an anchor to position all of them correctly. orz
Gib mir KD damit ich dir SP geben kann q_______q
Topic Starter

FlobuFlobs wrote:

Gib mir KD damit ich dir SP geben kann q_______q
Pick 2-3 Circle raus, die ich verschieben soll, damit ich dir KD geben kann! ;w; xD
Hello Squirrel! <3 Sorry for being so late, I know you asked me for a mod long time ago, but I couldn't make myself back to mod. Finally I can try to help! ;3

First of all - I must confess I find German language sort of scary. XD But this song sounds so cute and nice. I like it. ;w;

  1. 00:38:024 (1) - How about using finish hitsound at the very head of this slider? I am 100% there is a crash so you could emphasize it with a finish instead of a whistle.
  2. 00:42:069 (1) - Well I think a whistle is enough here, but just my opinion.
  1. 00:11:733 (1) - Don't you think it'd be cool to hitsound the head of this slider with a finish? xD
  1. Maybe AR8.3? I think AR8 is a little bit too slow for me now.
  2. 00:53:698 (5) - If I well remember, hiding notes under reversing arrows is unrankable. At least that was what Sieg told me last time at my mapset. Maybe try to contact with any BN who could confirm if it's rankable because I'm not sure. ;_;
  3. 01:15:439 (8) - This slider is touching HP bar which is an unrankable issue. Just lower it a bit and everything should be correct.
That's all from me. Really cute song and mapset. I am glad to see you map better and better and I think we can get another ranked maps by you soon. ;)

Good luck and love from Krfawy!

Love! <3
Topic Starter
Aaaah, thank youuu. <3
I kinda stopped working on this for a while, now I'm motivated to get back to it,... on the weekend. uxu

Love <333

edit - I love distracting myself from homework.
fixed everything from Krfawy's mod, except for

Krfawy wrote:

00:53:698 (5) - If I well remember, hiding notes under reversing arrows is unrankable. At least that was what Sieg told me last time at my mapset. Maybe try to contact with any BN who could confirm if it's rankable because I'm not sure. ;_;
becauuuse I think it should be rankable as it is. didn't confirm that yet, but as far as I know it's only unrankable if the reverse arrow is hidden. circles should be fine. ;w; I'll ask someone... someday!

Thank you again. ♥
When I redownloaded the MP3 file didn't work owo

00:48:515 - For me it feels really wierd here to not follow voice. Same for the coming sections with same rhythm in voice.

00:49:906 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - This part sounds really wierd because you followed different instruments (voice is also instrument) and switched rapidly between them. What I mean is:
00:49:906 (5,6,1) - you followed voice here, then 00:50:158 (1,2) - switched out from voice between here and switched again here 00:50:664 (2,3,4) - to follow voice again. 00:51:422 (4) - This slider feels awkward to skip the drum here 00:51:675 - due to that.
00:54:962 (3,4,5) - Questionable pattern here for players who are not able to play Insane well, since it's a Hard difficulty I suggest change pattern.
01:21:245 (3,4) - Fix blanket.
00:07:941 (2,4) - Fix blanket?
00:12:491 (3,5) - Fix blanket.
00:17:294 (4,1) - Blanket can be improved.
00:21:718 (6,1) - ^
00:31:957 (1,3) - ^
00:38:782 (3,4) - Fix blanket
00:43:080 (3,1,2) - Fix blanket?
00:52:686 - Clap.
01:17:208 (2,3) - Blanket can be improved.
01:17:208 (2,4) - ^
01:21:245 (3,4) - Fix blanket.

I think Easy and Normal are ready to go. No need to say anything about them.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Moecho wrote:

When I redownloaded the MP3 file didn't work owo oh, that's weird. D: cause I never exchanged it or anything.. I'll force some people to dl it and see if they encounter the same problem!

00:48:515 - For me it feels really wierd here to not follow voice. Same for the coming sections with same rhythm in voice.
hmmh. to me it feels weird to follow voice instead of beat, cause beat's more dominant. I don't really know how to change that without some suggestions ;w;

00:49:906 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - This part sounds really wierd because you followed different instruments (voice is also instrument) and switched rapidly between them. What I mean is:
00:49:906 (5,6,1) - you followed voice here, then 00:50:158 (1,2) - switched out from voice between here and switched again here 00:50:664 (2,3,4) - to follow voice again. 00:51:422 (4) - This slider feels awkward to skip the drum here 00:51:675 - due to that.
it doesn't sound weird to me, but I changed the part up slightly. hope it's better now 'w'
00:54:962 (3,4,5) - Questionable pattern here for players who are not able to play Insane well, since it's a Hard difficulty I suggest change pattern.
aaalright, changed
01:21:245 (3,4) - Fix blanket.
00:07:941 (2,4) - Fix blanket?
00:12:491 (3,5) - Fix blanket.
00:17:294 (4,1) - Blanket can be improved.
00:21:718 (6,1) - ^
00:31:957 (1,3) - ^
00:38:782 (3,4) - Fix blanket
00:43:080 (3,1,2) - Fix blanket?
00:52:686 - Clap. added
01:17:208 (2,3) - Blanket can be improved.
01:17:208 (2,4) - ^
01:21:245 (3,4) - Fix blanket.
tried to fix blankets, but I don't care that much about them tbh. '__' they're barely noticeable while playing..

I think Easy and Normal are ready to go. No need to say anything about them.

Good luck! Thank youuu!
Thank you! :3 I'll reply later the day, just woke up. .o.

The memories are strong.... still don't know how it ends. ;A;
Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

The memories are strong.... still don't know how it ends. ;A;
You should totally watch til the end! (it's on youtube.. ~ >w<)
hey, you asked me to look at your timing!

while the song is kinda variable, i'd consider it acceptable to just not mess with all of those minor offbeat things and use this

118.67 caused the beginning stuff to be super early, while it got more in time later on due to early offset
the 115 and 120 points were almost untouched from the original timing since they work to catch that shift thing pretty well
the 119.75bpm point made things too early at the end
the stuff during the spinner was unnecessary cuz... well you dont click during a spinner lol. tiny millisecond changes are like overkill there

timing will never be perfect cuz the song is pretty lol, so just choosing something and running it through the qat (by ranking it, not just asking one of them) would work. if anything about it is unrankable, they'll tell you why
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

hey, you asked me to look at your timing!

while the song is kinda variable, i'd consider it acceptable to just not mess with all of those minor offbeat things and use this

118.67 caused the beginning stuff to be super early, while it got more in time later on due to early offset
the 115 and 120 points were almost untouched from the original timing since they work to catch that shift thing pretty well
the 119.75bpm point made things too early at the end
the stuff during the spinner was unnecessary cuz... well you dont click during a spinner lol. tiny millisecond changes are like overkill there

timing will never be perfect cuz the song is pretty lol, so just choosing something and running it through the qat (by ranking it, not just asking one of them) would work. if anything about it is unrankable, they'll tell you why
aah, thank you a lot!! OwO
I'll apply the changes asap, thank youuu! //happily running in circles

applied timing 2 days ago.. haha. Thanks again, pishi! You're a lifesaver!
Es gibt keinen Grund dafür, aber hier ist eine Blase. (>o3o)>
19:56 Krfawy: MEOWO o3o
19:57 Squirrel: o/
19:58 Krfawy: I see your beatmap is almost ready for my bubblerino so do you have time to delete 6 timelines, 3 storyboard warnings and to fix one slider maybe XD
19:58 *Krfawy is listening to [ Rickie Kinnen - Frei wie der Wind]
19:58 Squirrel: uuh, sure
19:58 Squirrel: gimme a minute xD
19:58 Krfawy: no problemo \w/
19:58 Krfawy: take your timerino XD
20:00 Squirrel: alright o3o
20:00 Krfawy: OKerino
20:00 *Krfawy is editing [ Rickie Kinnen - Frei wie der Wind [Easy]]
20:01 Krfawy: firstly I'll be glad if you remove 'Display epilepsy warning'
20:01 Squirrel: Why does thisorino remind me of dinosaurs? o3o
20:01 Krfawy: there's no storyboard anymore
20:01 Squirrel: Oh sure
20:01 Squirrel: I forgot completely
20:01 Krfawy: I'd say those two words are similar o3o
20:01 Krfawy: so that's why Krfawy the BN is here my dear :3
20:01 Krfawy: XD
20:01 Squirrel: <3
20:02 Squirrel: okay, epilepsy wraning and widescreen sup are goneee
20:02 Squirrel: warning*
20:02 Squirrel: orz
20:02 Krfawy: okay
20:02 Krfawy: now timing sections are doubled in two moments in the whole mapset
20:02 Squirrel: they are? D:
20:03 Krfawy: [ selected those]
20:03 Krfawy: they are red and green ones but they work as 1.00x sv
20:03 Krfawy: so it counts as a doubled line
20:03 Squirrel: ooh, you're right
20:04 Squirrel: I must've forgotten to delete them after the timing change x-x
20:04 Krfawy: don't worry darling there are BNs and QATs who forget about things like that
20:04 Krfawy: so you're not alone \o3o/
20:04 Squirrel: I'm kinda glad about that.. o3o
20:05 Squirrel: deleted all of them >w<
20:05 Squirrel: stupid timelines
20:05 Krfawy: gut \o3o/
20:05 Krfawy: nao
20:05 Krfawy: 00:48:147 (1) - this slider is not snapped properly D:
20:05 Krfawy: look at AiBot
20:05 Krfawy: AiMod*
20:06 Krfawy: but if you copy and rotate 00:48:653 (2) - this one for example everything should be fine I believe \o3o/
20:06 Squirrel: okay that's weird, but fixed now o3o
20:06 Krfawy: o gut
20:06 Krfawy: update please
20:06 Squirrel: >w<
20:06 Squirrel: okay
20:07 Squirrel: Uuupdated
20:08 Krfawy: you didn't unset the warning in EZ XD
20:08 Squirrel: D: I did
20:08 Squirrel: wait
20:08 Krfawy: and in Normal D:
20:08 Krfawy: you only unset widescreen support
20:08 Krfawy: XD
20:08 Krfawy: oh and in Mocchi too XDDD
20:09 Squirrel: it says it's unticked .o.
20:09 Squirrel:
20:09 Krfawy: hm
20:09 Krfawy: let me redownload again
20:09 Squirrel: I can update again. too o3o
20:10 Krfawy: oh wait it works nao
20:10 Krfawy: o3o
20:10 Squirrel: that's weird. ono
20:10 Krfawy: how to say 'This beatmap is too cute for me so I'm leaving a bubble. (>o3o)>' in German
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Thank you, lovely blonde. <3
A Mystery
holy jesus cow this map still exists
Topic Starter
Of course it does. :)

had to change some skin elements.~
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