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[Ami's Easy]

pretty simple Easy and often the same rhythm also at parts which arent nearly similiar
blah blah jetzt deutsch :D

00:24:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - verglichen mit 00:14:008 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) ist das rhythmisch verschoben. das suckt. mach, dass die gleich werden
00:35:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - sollte der part nicht ruhiger sein als der davor?
00:56:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - der rhythmus pass hier zwar ziehmlich gut aber ein bisschen variation ist angesagt/täte ganz gut. vllt solche slider einfach benutzten . oder ein mix aus beidem wär auch nicht schlecht imo
01:21:341 (2,1) - andere rhythmus anstatt dieser slider wird sonst zu langweilig, z.b. 01:21:341 (2). und für 01:25:341 (1,2) -
01:35:008 (2,3,4) - die circles passen mM nach hier grade nicht
01:54:341 (3,1) - warum hier rhythmuswechsel? das macht das ganz auf etwas komische art und weise schwerer
02:07:024 (1,2) - sattdessen n slider weil hier die chance groß ist, den bpm-change zu verkacken
00:02:675 (3,4) - for me it would feel better if (4) would have the repeat and not (3). because its like (4) is on an offbeat if the bpm is halfed (which feels like it is since the diff is so slow)
00:09:341 (3) - this slider doesnt fit imo because the melody is very simple here and it just doesnt look well imo (does not fit to (1) and (2)). additionally while (2) is blanket to (1), (3) just goes against the wall with (2)
01:08:008 (2) - what about that? lookks better imo
[Hard Collab]
ar8 is so much needed, its 180bpm. change it pls~ i did plenty mistakes because of that odd reading
pls avoid any doublet/syncope rhythm such as 00:23:341 (2,3) - in a hard diff especially at high bpm. or anything where you end landing on your secondary finger - screw this. although it may be fine with those 01:00:008 (1,2,3) - where you get on the primary finger again, also it doesnt require so much "rhythm skill". also 01:29:341 (1,2,3) - dont use such triplet-placement which look like doublets
01:10:008 (3) - sample = normal and additions = soft for the sliderhead
01:11:341 (3) - ^
01:11:675 (4) - ^ plus sample = normal on slidertail
01:14:008 (3) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:15:175 (3) - normalsample on tail
01:15:675 (5) - normalsample on head and tail, softadditions on head
01:16:675 (4) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:18:008 (3) - normalsample
01:18:175 (4) - ^on tail (plus softadditions ofc)
01:19:175 (3) - ^on tail
01:19:508 (4) - ^on tail
01:19:841 (5) - ^
use the rhythm from 01:17:341 (1) to 01:19:841 (5) until 01:37:341
01:37:508 (3) - normalsample on tail
01:37:841 (4,5,6) - drumadditions, finish. on (5) normal sample
01:38:341 (7) - normalsample
01:38:508 (9) - drumadditions, finish
01:38:591 (10) - normalsample, softadditions, whistle
01:38:675 (1) - maybe~ softadditions
from 01:38:675 to 01:49:175 - just add always on the third beat a normalsample
00:23:008 (2,3,4) - normalsample on the tails
..ask me in-game for hitsound advise if you want. but i would really boost the hitsounds quite a bit now
01:00:008 (6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - would do it like that
01:01:341 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is quite confusing because on the tail of (3) is no sound from the music. actually he meolody in the music is identical at (01:01:341 to 01:01:59) with (01:01:841 to 01:01:841) so you should also use the same pattern maybe :?

in my opinion 00:55:341 to 00:55:341 and 01:38:675 to 01:49:341 (and ofc parts like 01:25:341 to 01:26:675) are the most intense parts so the volume/hitsounding and the distance snap should be like this
ding! 2 stars o/
Take my kudosu AH
Topic Starter

Ami wrote:

Take my kudosu AH
it's back zomfgfuozh
[Ami's Easy]

pretty simple Easy and often the same rhythm also at parts which arent nearly similiar
blah blah jetzt deutsch :D

00:24:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - verglichen mit 00:14:008 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) ist das rhythmisch verschoben.find ich nicht so gut, weil es nicht wirklich logisch ist. mach, dass die gleich werden
00:35:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - sollte der part nicht ruhiger sein als der davor?
00:56:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - der rhythmus passt hier zwar ziehmlich gut aber ein bisschen variation ist angesagt/täte ganz gut. Du verwendest fast die ganze easy durchweg diesen rhythmus (00:56:008 (1,2) ), aber diese stelle im lied ist ja nun wirklich mal anders. du könntest vllt auch mal solche slider benutzen
01:21:341 (2) - könnte mM nach auch zwei 1/1-slider zur abwechslung hier kommen.gleiches wenn dann natürlich auch hier 01:32:008 (2)
01:25:341 (1,2) - würde auch so etwa passen imo
01:35:008 (2,3,4,2) - von der intensität des songs sollte doch der repeatslider mit den 3 circles vertauscht werden. slider sind generell "relaxter" als circle.
01:54:341 (3,1) - warum hier rhythmuswechsel? hier hast du schon einen rhythmus ziehmlich anspruchsvollen rhythmus für easy-spieler gewaäht. und dann wenn man ihn so ungefähr verstanden hat, dann wechselst du hier einfach den rhythmus, obwohl doch der rhythmus im song noch der gleiche ist. ich denke hier sollte stattdessen wieder kommen
02:07:024 (1,2) - sattdessen ein slider, weil hier die chance groß ist, den bpm-change zu vermasseln
00:02:675 (3,4) - for me it would feel better if the repeat would be on (4) and not on (3) because the way it is now, (4) is like a slider stating on the offbeat
since the bpm feels like it is halved here.
00:09:341 (3) - this slider doesnt fit imo because the melody is very simple here and should be more like (1) and (2) so it fits to them. additionally while (2) is blanket to (1), (3) just goes against the wall with (2)
01:08:008 (2) - what about that? lookks better imo or
[Hard Collab]
i still feel the same, that the ar is too low for 180bpm, although you can maybe use sth like ar7.7 instead now.
pls avoid mixing doublet/syncope-rhythm with triplets/quintiplets-rhythm where you sometimes end on you secondary finger (hated this the most back then) and sometimes on your primary finger in a hard-diff, especially at this high bpm. i myself would count rhythm patterns like 01:00:008 (1,2,3) like "triplet-rhythm" where you get on the primary finger back again. also 01:29:341 (1,2,3) - dont use such triplet-placement which look like doublets. this just makes it more confusing to read.
01:00:675 (4,5) - oh please. in the music those beats do not even sound in any way similiar. change (5) to a circle
01:10:341 (4,5) - just really personal opiniion but i would rather like to see a slider here instead :o
01:10:008 (3) - sample = normal and additions = soft for the sliderhead
01:11:341 (3) - ^
01:11:675 (4) - ^ plus sample = normal on slidertail
01:14:008 (3) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:15:175 (3) - normalsample on tail
01:15:675 (5) - normalsample on head and tail, softadditions on head
01:16:675 (4) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:18:008 (3) - normalsample
01:18:175 (4) - ^on tail (plus softadditions ofc)
01:19:175 (3) - ^on tail
01:19:508 (4) - ^on tail
01:19:841 (5) - ^
use the rhythm from 01:17:341 (1) to 01:19:841 (5) until 01:37:341 forgot the meaning of this xD. actually you still should be careful with mixing "doublet-patterns" and "triplet-pattern" (if you dont understand what i mean just ask me in-game or via pm^^) here.
01:37:508 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - maybe think of a more intensed hitsounding here
from 01:38:675 to 01:49:175 - just always add a normalsample and hitsound=soft on the third beat.
additionally 01:41:175 (6) - 01:46:508 (4) - 01:48:008 (1) on sildertail - 01:48:675 (2) on head and tail - 01:49:008 (3) on head, repeat and tail add also normalsample.
[For My Alexa]
00:23:341 (3,4,5) - normalsample (on the tails for (3,4))
01:00:008 (6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - maybe do it like that
01:49:257 (16,17) - wowowo this jump :v
in my opinion 00:55:341 to 00:55:341 and 01:38:675 to 01:49:341 and 01:25:341 to 01:26:675 are the most intense parts so the volume/hitsounding and the distance snap should also fit to this

i would be grateful if you would allow me to edit the hitsounding a bit^^ (or sending my versions of them at least)
ding! 2 stars o/

here you go!
Topic Starter

phaZ wrote:

[Ami's Easy]

pretty simple Easy and often the same rhythm also at parts which arent nearly similiar
blah blah jetzt deutsch :D I fixed most here from what i could understand

00:24:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - verglichen mit 00:14:008 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) ist das rhythmisch verschoben.find ich nicht so gut, weil es nicht wirklich logisch ist. mach, dass die gleich werden
00:35:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - sollte der part nicht ruhiger sein als der davor?
00:56:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - der rhythmus passt hier zwar ziehmlich gut aber ein bisschen variation ist angesagt/täte ganz gut. Du verwendest fast die ganze easy durchweg diesen rhythmus (00:56:008 (1,2) ), aber diese stelle im lied ist ja nun wirklich mal anders. du könntest vllt auch mal solche slider benutzen
01:21:341 (2) - könnte mM nach auch zwei 1/1-slider zur abwechslung hier kommen.gleiches wenn dann natürlich auch hier 01:32:008 (2)
01:25:341 (1,2) - würde auch so etwa passen imo
01:35:008 (2,3,4,2) - von der intensität des songs sollte doch der repeatslider mit den 3 circles vertauscht werden. slider sind generell "relaxter" als circle.
01:54:341 (3,1) - warum hier rhythmuswechsel? hier hast du schon einen rhythmus ziehmlich anspruchsvollen rhythmus für easy-spieler gewaäht. und dann wenn man ihn so ungefähr verstanden hat, dann wechselst du hier einfach den rhythmus, obwohl doch der rhythmus im song noch der gleiche ist. ich denke hier sollte stattdessen wieder kommen
02:07:024 (1,2) - sattdessen ein slider, weil hier die chance groß ist, den bpm-change zu vermasseln
00:02:675 (3,4) - for me it would feel better if the repeat would be on (4) and not on (3) because the way it is now, (4) is like a slider stating on the offbeat
since the bpm feels like it is halved here. Fixed
00:09:341 (3) - this slider doesnt fit imo because the melody is very simple here and should be more like (1) and (2) so it fits to them. additionally while (2) is blanket to (1), (3) just goes against the wall with (2) I like this sliderart tho :c It works fine together imo
01:08:008 (2) - what about that? lookks better imo or Fixed in a different way
[Hard Collab]
i still feel the same, that the ar is too low for 180bpm, although you can maybe use sth like ar7.7 instead now.
pls avoid mixing doublet/syncope-rhythm with triplets/quintiplets-rhythm where you sometimes end on you secondary finger (hated this the most back then) and sometimes on your primary finger in a hard-diff, especially at this high bpm. i myself would count rhythm patterns like 01:00:008 (1,2,3) like "triplet-rhythm" where you get on the primary finger back again. also 01:29:341 (1,2,3) - dont use such triplet-placement which look like doublets. this just makes it more confusing to read.
01:00:675 (4,5) - oh please. in the music those beats do not even sound in any way similiar. change (5) to a circle A slider works just fine here imo
01:10:341 (4,5) - just really personal opiniion but i would rather like to see a slider here instead :o I think this fits the music better
01:10:008 (3) - sample = normal and additions = soft for the sliderhead only doing this on the big whites :c it would break consistency with the rest
01:11:341 (3) - ^
01:11:675 (4) - ^ plus sample = normal on slidertail
01:14:008 (3) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:15:175 (3) - normalsample on tail
01:15:675 (5) - normalsample on head and tail, softadditions on head
01:16:675 (4) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:18:008 (3) - normalsample
01:18:175 (4) - ^on tail (plus softadditions ofc)
01:19:175 (3) - ^on tail
01:19:508 (4) - ^on tail
01:19:841 (5) - ^
use the rhythm from 01:17:341 (1) to 01:19:841 (5) until 01:37:341 forgot the meaning of this xD. actually you still should be careful with mixing "doublet-patterns" and "triplet-pattern" (if you dont understand what i mean just ask me in-game or via pm^^) here.
01:37:508 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - maybe think of a more intensed hitsounding here i think the finish does the job :c, would also break consistency
from 01:38:675 to 01:49:175 - just always add a normalsample and hitsound=soft on the third beat.
additionally 01:41:175 (6) - 01:46:508 (4) - 01:48:008 (1) on sildertail - 01:48:675 (2) on head and tail - 01:49:008 (3) on head, repeat and tail add also normalsample.
[For My Alexa]
00:23:341 (3,4,5) - normalsample (on the tails for (3,4)) Sounds cool
01:00:008 (6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - maybe do it like that
01:49:257 (16,17) - wowowo this jump :v
in my opinion 00:55:341 to 00:55:341 and 01:38:675 to 01:49:341 and 01:25:341 to 01:26:675 are the most intense parts so the volume/hitsounding and the distance snap should also fit to this i personally hate streams with varying spacing so i'd rather not

i would be grateful if you would allow me to edit the hitsounding a bit^^ (or sending my versions of them at least)
ding! 2 stars o/

here you go!
fixed, reply in the box, sorry for the long ass wait again :c
As requested


>01:17:341 (4) - NC
>01:21:341 (8) - NC
>01:37:341 (5) - Consider NC
>01:57:341 (9) - NC
>02:08:756 (1) - Shape can be improved imo

For My Alexa

>01:29:341 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - The curve on this could be better
>01:39:841 (14) - Blanket?

Good luck with the map ~
Topic Starter

ProfessionalBox wrote:

As requested


>01:17:341 (4) - NC wow was i drunk while putting NC's here? fixed them lol
>01:21:341 (8) - NC
>01:37:341 (5) - Consider NC
>01:57:341 (9) - NC
>02:08:756 (1) - Shape can be improved imo this is the right way to make a star slider :c can't be improved really

For My Alexa

>01:29:341 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - The curve on this could be better I don't see how, I think it works like this since it kind of blankets the previous stream
>01:39:841 (14) - Blanket? Actually made a triangle here instead, looks less messy and somewhat better than a blanket

Good luck with the map ~
thanksss :3
13:52 Asphyxia: are you sure about the
13:52 Asphyxia: ''For my Alexa'' diff name
13:53 Kyshiro: yes
13:53 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [For My Alexa]]
13:53 Kyshiro: in the rules it clearly says the extra diff can have a different name
13:53 Asphyxia: kk I wanna play LoL today so Im gonna mod it here
13:53 Asphyxia: and now
13:53 Kyshiro: or more like the hardest diff can
13:54 Kyshiro: wait
13:54 Kyshiro: let me apply this other mod firsst
14:36 Asphyxia: let's go with diff settings first
14:36 Asphyxia: + 1 hp on hard? would be kinda cool
14:37 Asphyxia: or do you think it'd be too hard
14:37 Kyshiro: wouldnt work
14:37 Kyshiro: i have to keep the HP low due to the slow parts
14:37 Kyshiro: extra = hp6
14:37 Kyshiro: insane hp5.7
14:37 Kyshiro: hard 5
14:37 Kyshiro: the other mapsets also use 6 for their extra's
14:38 Kyshiro: it makes sense else it'd be impossible with hr i guess
14:38 Asphyxia: you also could try Insane with Od 7,5
14:38 Asphyxia: and Extra with 8,5
14:38 Kyshiro: yeah, i was abotu to say that tbh LOL
14:38 Kyshiro: fixd
14:38 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [For My Alexa]]
14:38 Asphyxia: oh ye lemme test
14:38 Kyshiro: hard od7 maybe?
14:39 Kyshiro: actually no, 6 or 6,5
14:39 Asphyxia: 6,5 could work
14:39 Asphyxia: the jump from 4 -> 6,5 isn't too big
14:39 Kyshiro: yeah
14:39 Kyshiro: 7 would be
14:42 Asphyxia: 00:09:341 (1) -
14:42 Asphyxia: Consider either removing this from this diff + Hard diff
14:42 Asphyxia: or then add it in Insane
14:42 Asphyxia: currently it's inconsistent
14:43 Kyshiro: hmm
14:43 Asphyxia: or then you could turn the slider in hard into a note
14:46 Asphyxia: 00:17:341 (1) - Head, missed a normal sampleset?
14:46 Kyshiro: yeah and a whistle on the nxt on e
14:46 Kyshiro: fixed
14:47 Asphyxia: 01:02:341 (6) -
14:48 Asphyxia: You might wanna keep this snapped the same way 01:02:925 (2,5) - are
14:48 Kyshiro: more overlapping?
14:48 Kyshiro: yeah
14:49 Asphyxia: 01:11:675 (7) - This would probably sound and play a bit better if it was 2 notes instead of a slider
14:49 Asphyxia: considering how strong the both beats are
14:49 Asphyxia: yet I'm fine with the current one
14:49 Asphyxia: your choice
14:50 Kyshiro: hmm
14:50 Kyshiro: yeah
14:50 Kyshiro: and stack 8 on the slider then
14:50 Kyshiro: better i think
14:50 Asphyxia: ya sure
14:51 Asphyxia: 01:32:675 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This would look so cool if it was blanketed with 01:32:341 (2) - but it's probably too hard to re-arrange
14:51 Kyshiro: i'd rather not do that yea
14:52 Kyshiro: do you have suggestions here?
14:52 Kyshiro: 01:30:675 (1,2,3,4,5) -
14:52 Kyshiro: i kinda hate how this plays tbh lol
14:52 Asphyxia: I don't but uhg
14:53 Kyshiro: ok did something different
14:54 Asphyxia: kkk
14:54 Kyshiro: better i guess
14:55 Asphyxia: 01:50:675 (1) - Certainly not a fan of this rhythm, sure it brings variation but 1/2 slider follows the music so much better
14:55 Asphyxia: and you could have your variation by removing 1/1 sliders, and making them notes instead
14:55 Asphyxia: would add some challenge
14:55 Asphyxia: but prob just me
14:55 Kyshiro: hmm
14:55 Kyshiro: idk i'd rather keep 1/1 for a change here
14:55 Asphyxia: it'd be an easy fix too, you only have 2 1/1 sliders
14:56 Kyshiro: theres another 1/1 slider later on
14:56 Kyshiro: it follows the strong beats at least
14:56 Asphyxia: nothing else in that then
14:56 Kyshiro: okay
14:57 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [Insane]]
14:57 Asphyxia: 00:09:341 (7) - NC? Was NC'd at extra too
14:57 Kyshiro: sure
14:59 Asphyxia: 00:34:008 (6) - When you listen this several times, it leaves this weird, unnecessary sound at the end
14:59 Asphyxia: personally, I would consider adding a note at the stanza but you could kinda, shorten this by 1/8 or something
14:59 Asphyxia: prob just me again
14:59 Kyshiro: fixing hitsounds a bit too in the meanwhile
14:59 Asphyxia: it gives a nicer effect if you ask me
14:59 Kyshiro: hmm
15:00 Kyshiro: idk..
15:00 Kyshiro: i really really hate notes right after 1/8 sliders
15:01 Kyshiro: didnt do it in the extra either
15:01 Asphyxia: 01:26:925 (2,3,4) - Not really a fan of these rhythms either, kinda feels weird that you introduced them here and not in extra whatsoever
15:01 Asphyxia: but I guess they fit so
15:01 Asphyxia: eh
15:02 Kyshiro: its easier than the extra in fact
15:02 Kyshiro: should i use a 1/4 slider instead?
15:02 Asphyxia: 01:40:675 (3,4) - I mean this fits, but when I listened the other one at 50%
15:02 Asphyxia: it was kinda, meh
15:03 Kyshiro: hmm
15:05 Asphyxia: 01:49:341 (1) - Also, here you didn't introduce 1/1 sliders at all, so now it's kind of weird to have ones in extra
15:05 Asphyxia: yeah sure, variation but considering it's the hardest
15:05 Asphyxia: just doesn't feel natural for me
15:05 Kyshiro: god
15:05 Kyshiro: its cause the extra was mapped months earlier
15:05 Kyshiro: LOL
15:05 Kyshiro: i'll fix them in the extra
15:05 Asphyxia: goooood boy
15:07 Kyshiro: ok done
15:09 Asphyxia: 00:55:341 -
15:09 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [Hard Collab]]
15:10 Asphyxia: 00:55:341 (6) - NC
15:10 Kyshiro: oshit
15:10 Kyshiro: done
15:10 Asphyxia: Hard feels good, but the only thing I hate about it is that it's so clustered
15:10 Kyshiro: no way to fix that other than remapping lol..
15:11 Kyshiro: i dont know
15:11 Kyshiro: it plays fine, and afaik no problems with reading
15:11 Asphyxia: 01:57:341 (5) -
15:11 Asphyxia: NC
15:11 Kyshiro: such nazimod
15:12 Kyshiro: done lolol
15:12 Asphyxia: also do you wanna like
15:13 Asphyxia: remove the unnecessary green lines in other diffs
15:13 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [Normal]]
15:13 Asphyxia: 00:05:008 (1) - Spacing error
15:13 Kyshiro: thats like
15:13 Kyshiro: no problem
15:13 Kyshiro: there's almost a full stanza in between
15:14 Kyshiro: the note appears like after you finished that slider
15:14 Asphyxia: no but then again, giving it the spacing it deserves wouldn't be a problem either
15:14 Kyshiro: it is
15:14 Kyshiro: how to rearrange
15:14 Asphyxia: ez
15:14 Asphyxia:
15:14 Asphyxia: but with correct blanket
15:14 Kyshiro: thats ugly as fuck
15:14 Kyshiro: lol.
15:14 Kyshiro: hm
15:15 Asphyxia: and considering your style kinda, rolls between the blankets
15:15 Asphyxia: in that sense it'd work
15:15 Asphyxia: in
15:15 Asphyxia: between
15:15 Asphyxia: same
15:15 Kyshiro: yeah ok yuoure right
15:15 Kyshiro: fixed
15:15 Asphyxia: thing
15:17 Asphyxia: 01:36:008 (1) -
15:17 Asphyxia: This finish + normal sampleset sounds so off
15:17 Asphyxia: prob a mistake
15:18 Kyshiro: its not
15:18 Kyshiro: but yeah it does kinda i guess
15:18 Kyshiro: it fits on the sliders
15:18 Kyshiro: hmm
15:18 Kyshiro: how about
15:19 Kyshiro: normal sampleset without finish
15:19 Asphyxia: yeah but like
15:19 Asphyxia: 01:37:341 -
15:19 Asphyxia: wait
15:19 Asphyxia: well keep it, for consistency
15:20 Asphyxia: without finish it'd sound way too, weak
15:20 Kyshiro: hm
15:20 Kyshiro: with finish?
15:20 Asphyxia: just keep it, better that way
15:20 Kyshiro: okay
15:20 Asphyxia: 02:11:756 -
15:21 Kyshiro: hm
15:21 Asphyxia: reeminder
15:21 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [Ami's Easy]]
15:21 Kyshiro: okok
15:21 Asphyxia: 00:38:675 (3) - Well, NC here would follow 00:36:008 (1,2) - this pattern
15:22 Kyshiro: yeah
15:22 Kyshiro: fixed
15:24 Asphyxia: 01:50:508 (2) - Even though I really like the idea behind these rhythms (red tick sliders) I kinda feel it's hard for newbies.
15:24 Kyshiro: hmm
15:24 Kyshiro: but its red tick over and over
15:24 Kyshiro: if they played 2 of them, they'll get it
15:26 Asphyxia: 01:57:341 (3) - NC?
15:26 Kyshiro: yes
15:26 Kyshiro: 02:02:675 (1,2) - switched nc here
15:27 Asphyxia: kk that's all I guess

Get 2-3 mods for Insane and call me back~
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

13:52 Asphyxia: are you sure about the
13:52 Asphyxia: ''For my Alexa'' diff name
13:53 Kyshiro: yes
13:53 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [For My Alexa]]
13:53 Kyshiro: in the rules it clearly says the extra diff can have a different name
13:53 Asphyxia: kk I wanna play LoL today so Im gonna mod it here
13:53 Asphyxia: and now
13:53 Kyshiro: or more like the hardest diff can
13:54 Kyshiro: wait
13:54 Kyshiro: let me apply this other mod firsst
14:36 Asphyxia: let's go with diff settings first
14:36 Asphyxia: + 1 hp on hard? would be kinda cool
14:37 Asphyxia: or do you think it'd be too hard
14:37 Kyshiro: wouldnt work
14:37 Kyshiro: i have to keep the HP low due to the slow parts
14:37 Kyshiro: extra = hp6
14:37 Kyshiro: insane hp5.7
14:37 Kyshiro: hard 5
14:37 Kyshiro: the other mapsets also use 6 for their extra's
14:38 Kyshiro: it makes sense else it'd be impossible with hr i guess
14:38 Asphyxia: you also could try Insane with Od 7,5
14:38 Asphyxia: and Extra with 8,5
14:38 Kyshiro: yeah, i was abotu to say that tbh LOL
14:38 Kyshiro: fixd
14:38 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [For My Alexa]]
14:38 Asphyxia: oh ye lemme test
14:38 Kyshiro: hard od7 maybe?
14:39 Kyshiro: actually no, 6 or 6,5
14:39 Asphyxia: 6,5 could work
14:39 Asphyxia: the jump from 4 -> 6,5 isn't too big
14:39 Kyshiro: yeah
14:39 Kyshiro: 7 would be
14:42 Asphyxia: 00:09:341 (1) -
14:42 Asphyxia: Consider either removing this from this diff + Hard diff
14:42 Asphyxia: or then add it in Insane
14:42 Asphyxia: currently it's inconsistent
14:43 Kyshiro: hmm
14:43 Asphyxia: or then you could turn the slider in hard into a note
14:46 Asphyxia: 00:17:341 (1) - Head, missed a normal sampleset?
14:46 Kyshiro: yeah and a whistle on the nxt on e
14:46 Kyshiro: fixed
14:47 Asphyxia: 01:02:341 (6) -
14:48 Asphyxia: You might wanna keep this snapped the same way 01:02:925 (2,5) - are
14:48 Kyshiro: more overlapping?
14:48 Kyshiro: yeah
14:49 Asphyxia: 01:11:675 (7) - This would probably sound and play a bit better if it was 2 notes instead of a slider
14:49 Asphyxia: considering how strong the both beats are
14:49 Asphyxia: yet I'm fine with the current one
14:49 Asphyxia: your choice
14:50 Kyshiro: hmm
14:50 Kyshiro: yeah
14:50 Kyshiro: and stack 8 on the slider then
14:50 Kyshiro: better i think
14:50 Asphyxia: ya sure
14:51 Asphyxia: 01:32:675 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This would look so cool if it was blanketed with 01:32:341 (2) - but it's probably too hard to re-arrange
14:51 Kyshiro: i'd rather not do that yea
14:52 Kyshiro: do you have suggestions here?
14:52 Kyshiro: 01:30:675 (1,2,3,4,5) -
14:52 Kyshiro: i kinda hate how this plays tbh lol
14:52 Asphyxia: I don't but uhg
14:53 Kyshiro: ok did something different
14:54 Asphyxia: kkk
14:54 Kyshiro: better i guess
14:55 Asphyxia: 01:50:675 (1) - Certainly not a fan of this rhythm, sure it brings variation but 1/2 slider follows the music so much better
14:55 Asphyxia: and you could have your variation by removing 1/1 sliders, and making them notes instead
14:55 Asphyxia: would add some challenge
14:55 Asphyxia: but prob just me
14:55 Kyshiro: hmm
14:55 Kyshiro: idk i'd rather keep 1/1 for a change here
14:55 Asphyxia: it'd be an easy fix too, you only have 2 1/1 sliders
14:56 Kyshiro: theres another 1/1 slider later on
14:56 Kyshiro: it follows the strong beats at least
14:56 Asphyxia: nothing else in that then
14:56 Kyshiro: okay
14:57 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [Insane]]
14:57 Asphyxia: 00:09:341 (7) - NC? Was NC'd at extra too
14:57 Kyshiro: sure
14:59 Asphyxia: 00:34:008 (6) - When you listen this several times, it leaves this weird, unnecessary sound at the end
14:59 Asphyxia: personally, I would consider adding a note at the stanza but you could kinda, shorten this by 1/8 or something
14:59 Asphyxia: prob just me again
14:59 Kyshiro: fixing hitsounds a bit too in the meanwhile
14:59 Asphyxia: it gives a nicer effect if you ask me
14:59 Kyshiro: hmm
15:00 Kyshiro: idk..
15:00 Kyshiro: i really really hate notes right after 1/8 sliders
15:01 Kyshiro: didnt do it in the extra either
15:01 Asphyxia: 01:26:925 (2,3,4) - Not really a fan of these rhythms either, kinda feels weird that you introduced them here and not in extra whatsoever
15:01 Asphyxia: but I guess they fit so
15:01 Asphyxia: eh
15:02 Kyshiro: its easier than the extra in fact
15:02 Kyshiro: should i use a 1/4 slider instead?
15:02 Asphyxia: 01:40:675 (3,4) - I mean this fits, but when I listened the other one at 50%
15:02 Asphyxia: it was kinda, meh
15:03 Kyshiro: hmm
15:05 Asphyxia: 01:49:341 (1) - Also, here you didn't introduce 1/1 sliders at all, so now it's kind of weird to have ones in extra
15:05 Asphyxia: yeah sure, variation but considering it's the hardest
15:05 Asphyxia: just doesn't feel natural for me
15:05 Kyshiro: god
15:05 Kyshiro: its cause the extra was mapped months earlier
15:05 Kyshiro: LOL
15:05 Kyshiro: i'll fix them in the extra
15:05 Asphyxia: goooood boy
15:07 Kyshiro: ok done
15:09 Asphyxia: 00:55:341 -
15:09 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [Hard Collab]]
15:10 Asphyxia: 00:55:341 (6) - NC
15:10 Kyshiro: oshit
15:10 Kyshiro: done
15:10 Asphyxia: Hard feels good, but the only thing I hate about it is that it's so clustered
15:10 Kyshiro: no way to fix that other than remapping lol..
15:11 Kyshiro: i dont know
15:11 Kyshiro: it plays fine, and afaik no problems with reading
15:11 Asphyxia: 01:57:341 (5) -
15:11 Asphyxia: NC
15:11 Kyshiro: such nazimod
15:12 Kyshiro: done lolol
15:12 Asphyxia: also do you wanna like
15:13 Asphyxia: remove the unnecessary green lines in other diffs
15:13 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [Normal]]
15:13 Asphyxia: 00:05:008 (1) - Spacing error
15:13 Kyshiro: thats like
15:13 Kyshiro: no problem
15:13 Kyshiro: there's almost a full stanza in between
15:14 Kyshiro: the note appears like after you finished that slider
15:14 Asphyxia: no but then again, giving it the spacing it deserves wouldn't be a problem either
15:14 Kyshiro: it is
15:14 Kyshiro: how to rearrange
15:14 Asphyxia: ez
15:14 Asphyxia:
15:14 Asphyxia: but with correct blanket
15:14 Kyshiro: thats ugly as fuck
15:14 Kyshiro: lol.
15:14 Kyshiro: hm
15:15 Asphyxia: and considering your style kinda, rolls between the blankets
15:15 Asphyxia: in that sense it'd work
15:15 Asphyxia: in
15:15 Asphyxia: between
15:15 Asphyxia: same
15:15 Kyshiro: yeah ok yuoure right
15:15 Kyshiro: fixed
15:15 Asphyxia: thing
15:17 Asphyxia: 01:36:008 (1) -
15:17 Asphyxia: This finish + normal sampleset sounds so off
15:17 Asphyxia: prob a mistake
15:18 Kyshiro: its not
15:18 Kyshiro: but yeah it does kinda i guess
15:18 Kyshiro: it fits on the sliders
15:18 Kyshiro: hmm
15:18 Kyshiro: how about
15:19 Kyshiro: normal sampleset without finish
15:19 Asphyxia: yeah but like
15:19 Asphyxia: 01:37:341 -
15:19 Asphyxia: wait
15:19 Asphyxia: well keep it, for consistency
15:20 Asphyxia: without finish it'd sound way too, weak
15:20 Kyshiro: hm
15:20 Kyshiro: with finish?
15:20 Asphyxia: just keep it, better that way
15:20 Kyshiro: okay
15:20 Asphyxia: 02:11:756 -
15:21 Kyshiro: hm
15:21 Asphyxia: reeminder
15:21 *Asphyxia is editing [ Cres - End Time [Ami's Easy]]
15:21 Kyshiro: okok
15:21 Asphyxia: 00:38:675 (3) - Well, NC here would follow 00:36:008 (1,2) - this pattern
15:22 Kyshiro: yeah
15:22 Kyshiro: fixed
15:24 Asphyxia: 01:50:508 (2) - Even though I really like the idea behind these rhythms (red tick sliders) I kinda feel it's hard for newbies.
15:24 Kyshiro: hmm
15:24 Kyshiro: but its red tick over and over
15:24 Kyshiro: if they played 2 of them, they'll get it
15:26 Asphyxia: 01:57:341 (3) - NC?
15:26 Kyshiro: yes
15:26 Kyshiro: 02:02:675 (1,2) - switched nc here
15:27 Asphyxia: kk that's all I guess

Get 2-3 mods for Insane and call me back~

Small IRC mod by request
2014-11-01 14:35 Kyshiro: haelo
2014-11-01 14:36 Stefan: sup
2014-11-01 14:37 Kyshiro: i was wondering if you had some spare time to mod 1 short difficulty :c
2014-11-01 14:38 Stefan: As long it's no TBB-4D-HW-Difficulty then I guess I can help
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: nope its not lolo
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: it's an insane which i added later, needs a few detailed mods
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: ACTION is listening to [ Cres - End Time]
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: this set
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: just the insane diff
2014-11-01 15:02 Stefan: 00:25:008 (5) - I wish this could be placed to have a curve going outside instead of inside.
2014-11-01 15:02 Stefan:
2014-11-01 15:03 Stefan: But nicer ofc lol
2014-11-01 15:03 Stefan: Just to explain via screenshot
2014-11-01 15:04 Kyshiro: oh yeah sure
2014-11-01 15:06 Stefan: 00:57:675 (2) - should be moved to x:40,y:148 because that looks a bit inconsistent
2014-11-01 15:06 Stefan: about spacing
2014-11-01 15:06 Kyshiro: such nazi
2014-11-01 15:06 Kyshiro: fixed
2014-11-01 15:06 Kyshiro: hue
2014-11-01 15:07 Stefan: pls
2014-11-01 15:09 Stefan: 01:06:675 (5) - idk if anyone has mentioned but that should be NC at all
2014-11-01 15:10 Kyshiro: oshiet
2014-11-01 15:10 Kyshiro: fixd
2014-11-01 15:12 Stefan: 01:30:675 (1) - I can't hear 1/4 beat here out
2014-11-01 15:12 Stefan: idk, the feedback bouncing back at 1/4 is really weird to me
2014-11-01 15:14 Kyshiro: uh
2014-11-01 15:14 Kyshiro: you mean 3/4?
2014-11-01 15:14 Stefan: yes
2014-11-01 15:14 Stefan: sorry
2014-11-01 15:14 Kyshiro: idk it fits imo, there's pretty much beats on every tick here
2014-11-01 15:15 Stefan: I think it's not really significant
2014-11-01 15:15 Stefan: while playing or hearing
2014-11-01 15:16 Kyshiro: well might jst be me
2014-11-01 15:16 Kyshiro: but i love 3/4
2014-11-01 15:16 Kyshiro: might be a bad thing, but im kinda sure it fits here :c
2014-11-01 15:16 Stefan: Okay.
2014-11-01 15:17 Stefan: 01:50:008 (3,4,5,6) - squares ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014-11-01 15:17 Kyshiro: nogarD
2014-11-01 15:17 Kyshiro: inb4 ''OH MY GOD NOGARD IS DRAGON BACKWARDS!!!11111''
2014-11-01 15:17 Stefan: lol
2014-11-01 15:18 Stefan: I can't do shit with the position of (3) tbh
2014-11-01 15:18 Stefan: that worked better to play for me
2014-11-01 15:18 Stefan: so you may try out
2014-11-01 15:18 Stefan: (inb4 omg sckrub l3p)
2014-11-01 15:19 Kyshiro: that's kind of
2014-11-01 15:19 Kyshiro: an awkward flow
2014-11-01 15:19 Kyshiro: dunno
2014-11-01 15:19 Stefan: ye, don't mind if you think so
2014-11-01 15:20 Stefan: That's just me having an awful feeling for such thigns in Standard
2014-11-01 15:20 Kyshiro: i think it plays better this way
2014-11-01 15:20 Kyshiro: lol nah its fine
2014-11-01 15:20 Stefan: welp, everything else looks good (to me)
2014-11-01 15:22 Stefan: At all this Difficulty looks seriously fine, I don't know much about Standard but I have seen really bad Insane Difficulties and being able to judge this with 70k says something
2014-11-01 15:22 Stefan: :O
2014-11-01 15:22 Stefan: *:P
2014-11-01 15:22 Kyshiro: lololol
2014-11-01 15:22 Kyshiro: ok thanks hue
2014-11-01 15:22 Kyshiro: post 4 free kudos and viagra
2014-11-01 15:23 Stefan: alright ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ

Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

Small IRC mod by request
2014-11-01 14:35 Kyshiro: haelo
2014-11-01 14:36 Stefan: sup
2014-11-01 14:37 Kyshiro: i was wondering if you had some spare time to mod 1 short difficulty :c
2014-11-01 14:38 Stefan: As long it's no TBB-4D-HW-Difficulty then I guess I can help
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: nope its not lolo
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: it's an insane which i added later, needs a few detailed mods
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: ACTION is listening to [ Cres - End Time]
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: this set
2014-11-01 14:39 Kyshiro: just the insane diff
2014-11-01 15:02 Stefan: 00:25:008 (5) - I wish this could be placed to have a curve going outside instead of inside.
2014-11-01 15:02 Stefan:
2014-11-01 15:03 Stefan: But nicer ofc lol
2014-11-01 15:03 Stefan: Just to explain via screenshot
2014-11-01 15:04 Kyshiro: oh yeah sure
2014-11-01 15:06 Stefan: 00:57:675 (2) - should be moved to x:40,y:148 because that looks a bit inconsistent
2014-11-01 15:06 Stefan: about spacing
2014-11-01 15:06 Kyshiro: such nazi
2014-11-01 15:06 Kyshiro: fixed
2014-11-01 15:06 Kyshiro: hue
2014-11-01 15:07 Stefan: pls
2014-11-01 15:09 Stefan: 01:06:675 (5) - idk if anyone has mentioned but that should be NC at all
2014-11-01 15:10 Kyshiro: oshiet
2014-11-01 15:10 Kyshiro: fixd
2014-11-01 15:12 Stefan: 01:30:675 (1) - I can't hear 1/4 beat here out
2014-11-01 15:12 Stefan: idk, the feedback bouncing back at 1/4 is really weird to me
2014-11-01 15:14 Kyshiro: uh
2014-11-01 15:14 Kyshiro: you mean 3/4?
2014-11-01 15:14 Stefan: yes
2014-11-01 15:14 Stefan: sorry
2014-11-01 15:14 Kyshiro: idk it fits imo, there's pretty much beats on every tick here
2014-11-01 15:15 Stefan: I think it's not really significant
2014-11-01 15:15 Stefan: while playing or hearing
2014-11-01 15:16 Kyshiro: well might jst be me
2014-11-01 15:16 Kyshiro: but i love 3/4
2014-11-01 15:16 Kyshiro: might be a bad thing, but im kinda sure it fits here :c
2014-11-01 15:16 Stefan: Okay.
2014-11-01 15:17 Stefan: 01:50:008 (3,4,5,6) - squares ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014-11-01 15:17 Kyshiro: nogarD
2014-11-01 15:17 Kyshiro: inb4 ''OH MY GOD NOGARD IS DRAGON BACKWARDS!!!11111''
2014-11-01 15:17 Stefan: lol
2014-11-01 15:18 Stefan: I can't do shit with the position of (3) tbh
2014-11-01 15:18 Stefan: that worked better to play for me
2014-11-01 15:18 Stefan: so you may try out
2014-11-01 15:18 Stefan: (inb4 omg sckrub l3p)
2014-11-01 15:19 Kyshiro: that's kind of
2014-11-01 15:19 Kyshiro: an awkward flow
2014-11-01 15:19 Kyshiro: dunno
2014-11-01 15:19 Stefan: ye, don't mind if you think so
2014-11-01 15:20 Stefan: That's just me having an awful feeling for such thigns in Standard
2014-11-01 15:20 Kyshiro: i think it plays better this way
2014-11-01 15:20 Kyshiro: lol nah its fine
2014-11-01 15:20 Stefan: welp, everything else looks good (to me)
2014-11-01 15:22 Stefan: At all this Difficulty looks seriously fine, I don't know much about Standard but I have seen really bad Insane Difficulties and being able to judge this with 70k says something
2014-11-01 15:22 Stefan: :O
2014-11-01 15:22 Stefan: *:P
2014-11-01 15:22 Kyshiro: lololol
2014-11-01 15:22 Kyshiro: ok thanks hue
2014-11-01 15:22 Kyshiro: post 4 free kudos and viagra
2014-11-01 15:23 Stefan: alright ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ

Did a few minor changes via IRC

  1. Minor rhythm improvements
  2. Removed useless green lines

IRC log
18:54 Kyshiro: haelo
18:54 -Bakari-: hey o/
18:54 Kyshiro: um i have kind of a big favor to ask :c
18:55 -Bakari-: I was going to ask you for a mod, lol
18:55 Kyshiro: i have this map i made for someone, which i want to rank on a specific date
18:55 Kyshiro: oh well, lets make that a m4m? lolol
18:55 -Bakari-: yeah, sure
18:55 Kyshiro: ok uhm the thing is
18:55 -Bakari-: just, aren't you a bit afraid of speedranking? D:
18:55 Kyshiro: asphyxia will bubble the map
18:55 Kyshiro: and i want the map to be ranked on the 4th
18:55 Kyshiro: nah im not
18:56 Kyshiro: why?
18:56 -Bakari-: oh well, last time we gor something speedranked Loctav was mad
18:56 Kyshiro: are you speedranking stuff? lolol
18:56 Kyshiro: oh this isn't a speedrank
18:56 -Bakari-: let me see the map :D
18:56 Kyshiro: submitted 7 jan 2014
18:56 *Kyshiro is listening to [ Cres - End Time]
18:56 Kyshiro: :3
18:57 Kyshiro: just need a mod or 2 more on the insane since that's a fairly new diff
18:58 -Bakari-: oookaay, let's see
19:01 *-Bakari- is editing [ Cres - End Time [Insane]]
19:01 -Bakari-: come on, 00:06:675 (5,6) - finish them 1/1 earlier.
19:02 Kyshiro: nuu :c
19:02 Kyshiro: i used this
19:02 Kyshiro: all over the mapset
19:02 Kyshiro: LOL
19:02 Kyshiro: literally every diff
19:02 -Bakari-: do it in every diff, then \:D/
19:03 Kyshiro: i really don't want to fix that though :c i love the slow parts this way
19:03 Kyshiro: if i make them start and end on beats it's even less to map there
19:07 -Bakari-: 00:40:675 - do we need that green line? :D
19:07 -Bakari-: 00:43:341 - 00:44:675 - ^
19:07 Kyshiro: hm nope lolol
19:07 -Bakari-: kdspls, kthxbye.
19:08 Kyshiro: LOL
19:08 Kyshiro: ok
19:08 Kyshiro: its not even necessary to delete those tho
19:08 Kyshiro: but i will ok
19:08 -Bakari-: well, it's "recommended" to do so
19:08 -Bakari-: 00:53:341 (5) - meh, a slider here would do great. + you could NC it
19:09 Kyshiro: hm
19:09 Kyshiro: made a slider yeah
19:09 Kyshiro: i dont think NC is fitting tho
19:10 Kyshiro: but oh might as well
19:10 Kyshiro: i had combo
19:10 Kyshiro: combo's of 2 earlier in the map too *
19:11 -Bakari-: 00:59:008 - this stuff was kinda "mappded" in the hardest diff
19:11 -Bakari-: and it breaks polarity here
19:11 -Bakari-: aasdada, just put a circle here and we'll be cool.
19:12 Kyshiro: okok
19:12 -Bakari-: 01:00:925 - and probably here, I expected something here because of music
19:13 Kyshiro: there's not even a sound there D:
19:13 Kyshiro: ..right..?
19:14 Kyshiro: there isnt o-o
19:14 -Bakari-: then there's something wrong with my earphones O_O
19:15 Kyshiro: lemme put on my headset
19:15 Kyshiro: using shitty speakers
19:15 Kyshiro: there really isnt D:
19:15 -Bakari-: nvm, I'm dumb lol
19:15 -Bakari-: tv was playing in the other room and it tricked me
19:16 Kyshiro: loool ok
19:17 -Bakari-: 01:15:091 (4,5,6,7,8) - are you sure that it is readable?
19:17 -Bakari-: aftre hitting a couple of doubles, triplets might be unexpected
19:17 Kyshiro: hmm
19:18 Kyshiro: i could change the doubles into 1/4 sliders
19:18 -Bakari-: that'd be great
19:18 Kyshiro: mfw not enough space to do that
19:18 Kyshiro: damnit osu why are you so small
19:19 Kyshiro: okay fixed lolol
19:20 -Bakari-: isn't 01:47:341 (3,4,5,6) - that a bit too easy for the kiai?
19:21 Kyshiro: hmm well, its that or nonstop 1/4 lolol
19:22 Kyshiro: i dunno i think it fits fine, it had to be easier than the extra
19:22 -Bakari-: I thought about repeated 1/4 sliders
19:22 -Bakari-: but meh, either way it is great
19:23 -Bakari-: what did you expect me to mod? D: it's a great diff
19:24 Kyshiro: well it needed mods :c can't really rank something with just 1 mod on it
19:24 Kyshiro: would get loctav up my ass
19:24 Kyshiro: again
19:25 -Bakari-: should I post the log? :D
19:26 Kyshiro: yeah, go ahead :3
19:26 Kyshiro: now with stefan's mod too, i think assfix will be able to rank

Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Did a few minor changes via IRC

  1. Minor rhythm improvements
  2. Removed useless green lines

IRC log
18:54 Kyshiro: haelo
18:54 -Bakari-: hey o/
18:54 Kyshiro: um i have kind of a big favor to ask :c
18:55 -Bakari-: I was going to ask you for a mod, lol
18:55 Kyshiro: i have this map i made for someone, which i want to rank on a specific date
18:55 Kyshiro: oh well, lets make that a m4m? lolol
18:55 -Bakari-: yeah, sure
18:55 Kyshiro: ok uhm the thing is
18:55 -Bakari-: just, aren't you a bit afraid of speedranking? D:
18:55 Kyshiro: asphyxia will bubble the map
18:55 Kyshiro: and i want the map to be ranked on the 4th
18:55 Kyshiro: nah im not
18:56 Kyshiro: why?
18:56 -Bakari-: oh well, last time we gor something speedranked Loctav was mad
18:56 Kyshiro: are you speedranking stuff? lolol
18:56 Kyshiro: oh this isn't a speedrank
18:56 -Bakari-: let me see the map :D
18:56 Kyshiro: submitted 7 jan 2014
18:56 *Kyshiro is listening to [ Cres - End Time]
18:56 Kyshiro: :3
18:57 Kyshiro: just need a mod or 2 more on the insane since that's a fairly new diff
18:58 -Bakari-: oookaay, let's see
19:01 *-Bakari- is editing [ Cres - End Time [Insane]]
19:01 -Bakari-: come on, 00:06:675 (5,6) - finish them 1/1 earlier.
19:02 Kyshiro: nuu :c
19:02 Kyshiro: i used this
19:02 Kyshiro: all over the mapset
19:02 Kyshiro: LOL
19:02 Kyshiro: literally every diff
19:02 -Bakari-: do it in every diff, then \:D/
19:03 Kyshiro: i really don't want to fix that though :c i love the slow parts this way
19:03 Kyshiro: if i make them start and end on beats it's even less to map there
19:07 -Bakari-: 00:40:675 - do we need that green line? :D
19:07 -Bakari-: 00:43:341 - 00:44:675 - ^
19:07 Kyshiro: hm nope lolol
19:07 -Bakari-: kdspls, kthxbye.
19:08 Kyshiro: LOL
19:08 Kyshiro: ok
19:08 Kyshiro: its not even necessary to delete those tho
19:08 Kyshiro: but i will ok
19:08 -Bakari-: well, it's "recommended" to do so
19:08 -Bakari-: 00:53:341 (5) - meh, a slider here would do great. + you could NC it
19:09 Kyshiro: hm
19:09 Kyshiro: made a slider yeah
19:09 Kyshiro: i dont think NC is fitting tho
19:10 Kyshiro: but oh might as well
19:10 Kyshiro: i had combo
19:10 Kyshiro: combo's of 2 earlier in the map too *
19:11 -Bakari-: 00:59:008 - this stuff was kinda "mappded" in the hardest diff
19:11 -Bakari-: and it breaks polarity here
19:11 -Bakari-: aasdada, just put a circle here and we'll be cool.
19:12 Kyshiro: okok
19:12 -Bakari-: 01:00:925 - and probably here, I expected something here because of music
19:13 Kyshiro: there's not even a sound there D:
19:13 Kyshiro: ..right..?
19:14 Kyshiro: there isnt o-o
19:14 -Bakari-: then there's something wrong with my earphones O_O
19:15 Kyshiro: lemme put on my headset
19:15 Kyshiro: using shitty speakers
19:15 Kyshiro: there really isnt D:
19:15 -Bakari-: nvm, I'm dumb lol
19:15 -Bakari-: tv was playing in the other room and it tricked me
19:16 Kyshiro: loool ok
19:17 -Bakari-: 01:15:091 (4,5,6,7,8) - are you sure that it is readable?
19:17 -Bakari-: aftre hitting a couple of doubles, triplets might be unexpected
19:17 Kyshiro: hmm
19:18 Kyshiro: i could change the doubles into 1/4 sliders
19:18 -Bakari-: that'd be great
19:18 Kyshiro: mfw not enough space to do that
19:18 Kyshiro: damnit osu why are you so small
19:19 Kyshiro: okay fixed lolol
19:20 -Bakari-: isn't 01:47:341 (3,4,5,6) - that a bit too easy for the kiai?
19:21 Kyshiro: hmm well, its that or nonstop 1/4 lolol
19:22 Kyshiro: i dunno i think it fits fine, it had to be easier than the extra
19:22 -Bakari-: I thought about repeated 1/4 sliders
19:22 -Bakari-: but meh, either way it is great
19:23 -Bakari-: what did you expect me to mod? D: it's a great diff
19:24 Kyshiro: well it needed mods :c can't really rank something with just 1 mod on it
19:24 Kyshiro: would get loctav up my ass
19:24 Kyshiro: again
19:25 -Bakari-: should I post the log? :D
19:26 Kyshiro: yeah, go ahead :3
19:26 Kyshiro: now with stefan's mod too, i think assfix will be able to bubble

Re-check here, remove for and my from the tags, they're unnecessary.
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

Re-check here, remove for and my from the tags, they're unnecessary.
After some discussion in-game, we fixed couple more things and it's definitely ready now!


Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

After some discussion in-game, we fixed couple more things and it's definitely ready now!


Popped due to mappers requests, poke me again when you want this rolling again.

M4M ~


  1. There is has only 1342 ms of audio lead-in, so would be ideal if you consider to add 1500/2000 ms or something.
Ami's Easy

  1. 00:10:341 - Consider to add an break here because the lapse of time between the end and start of the next note is quite long.
  2. 01:42:675 (2) - What do you think about using CTRL + G in this slider to improve the flow? you should try it.
  3. 02:03:675 (1,2,3) - This rhythm is kinda confusing but I guess it's fine also use the correct spacing for these notes.
  4. 02:07:024 (1) - Same as above.

  1. 00:05:008 (1) - Spacing?
  2. 00:37:008 (2,4) - ^ 02:04:563 (4) - ^
  3. 00:12:008 - Same thing that I've mentioned in easy.
  4. 00:40:008 (1) - Missing whistle on the head of the slider.
Hard Collab

  1. 00:09:341 (3) - What do you think about moving this circle to X:336 Y:364? it would be nice imo.
  2. 01:08:008 (1) - just a suggestion but I think it flows better if you do CTRL + G in this slider.
  3. 01:58:675 (1) - I think it would sound a lot better if you use a normal sampleset instead of soft.

  1. 00:11:841 (1,1) - This actually is unrankable, you know it doesn't have a enough time after one spinner so would be nice if you consider removing that circle.
  2. 00:37:008 (3) - What about to add one NC here? because this is quite long in comparison to the others.
For My Alexa

  1. 00:11:841 (1,1) - Same thing about the spinner.
  2. 02:08:756 (1) - ♥

    Suggestions by priti:

    I got some hitsounding suggestions for Extra:

    1. 00:56:008 (1) - 00:57:341 (1) - 00:58:675 (7) - 01:00:008 (6) - etc should have drum finishes, Kiai should have a normal-hitnormal every white tick or atleast a drum-hitnormal.
    2. 01:37:341 (1,2,3,4) - Should be 1/8 according to the drums in the song.
    3. 01:43:341 (9,12,13) - Drum sounds like this need some sort of hitsounding like, the ones that go off the main drum beat 01:54:675 - All normal bcuz drumbeat.
    I haven't nothing to say here because I like how it is now...
Call me back when you're done to apply the changes.
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

M4M ~


  1. There is has only 1342 ms of audio lead-in, so would be ideal if you consider to add 1500/2000 ms or something.
Ami's Easy

  1. 00:10:341 - Consider to add an break here because the lapse of time between the end and start of the next note is quite long.
  2. 01:42:675 (2) - What do you think about using CTRL + G in this slider to improve the flow? you should try it.
  3. 02:03:675 (1,2,3) - This rhythm is kinda confusing but I guess it's fine also use the correct spacing for these notes.
  4. 02:07:024 (1) - Same as above.

  1. 00:05:008 (1) - Spacing?
  2. 00:37:008 (2,4) - ^ 02:04:563 (4) - ^ Fixed this partly cause there's barely anything mappable here, fixed a bit to make it consistent
  3. 00:12:008 - Same thing that I've mentioned in easy.
  4. 00:40:008 (1) - Missing whistle on the head of the slider.
Hard Collab

  1. 00:09:341 (3) - What do you think about moving this circle to X:336 Y:364? it would be nice imo. I prefer to keep the blanket :c
  2. 01:08:008 (1) - just a suggestion but I think it flows better if you do CTRL + G in this slider. It would, but I prefer the way this plays atm
  3. 01:58:675 (1) - I think it would sound a lot better if you use a normal sampleset instead of soft.

  1. 00:11:841 (1,1) - This actually is unrankable, you know it doesn't have a enough time after one spinner so would be nice if you consider removing that circle. Should be fine for an insane
  2. 00:37:008 (3) - What about to add one NC here? because this is quite long in comparison to the others.
For My Alexa

  1. 00:11:841 (1,1) - Same thing about the spinner. Same as before
  2. 02:08:756 (1) - ♥

    Suggestions by priti:

    I got some hitsounding suggestions for Extra:

    1. 00:56:008 (1) - 00:57:341 (1) - 00:58:675 (7) - 01:00:008 (6) - etc should have drum finishes, Kiai should have a normal-hitnormal every white tick or atleast a drum-hitnormal. Added the drum finishes
    2. 01:37:341 (1,2,3,4) - Should be 1/8 according to the drums in the song. but im following the piano :c
    3. 01:43:341 (9,12,13) - Drum sounds like this need some sort of hitsounding like, the ones that go off the main drum beat fixed 01:54:675 - All normal bcuz drumbeat. kind of like the build up here to the end instead of putting normal on everything, wouldnt feel as special
    I haven't nothing to say here because I like how it is now...
Call me back when you're done to apply the changes.
Thanks guys :3
Qualified ~
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

Qualified ~
thanksss :3
are the diff name is rankable ? ಠ_ಠ
the hardest diff can be ranked with any name

anyways, congratulations kyshiro and ami, great mapset o/
this diff name got accepted. what.
The hardest diff name can not be anything, it must relate to the song. This one doesn't..
oh, lol

I thought when a mapset was ranked with a diffname [cancer] anything was allowed >_>

but I saw now it got unranked.
Topic Starter
Oh please. Do you really want this unranked for the diff name? the rule is that the hardest diffname can be custom. And it is related, I mapped this song for Alexa, which makes it related.

I asked multiple people and no one had a problem with it whatsoever
Alexa = Ami

They worked together on this set.

They both have a relationship.

Classifies as rankable Difficulty name.

EDIT: Please stop shouting "hurrrdurr dif namu not rankiburr". Add something productive - and with sense behind - or don't post at all.
what is this diff name?
BAN plz
congratzz !!
Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

Alexa = Ami

They worked together on this set.

They both have a relationship.

Classifies as rankable Difficulty name.

EDIT: Please stop shouting "hurrrdurr dif namu not rankiburr". Add something productive - and with sense behind - or don't post at all.

Kyshiro wrote:

Oh please. Do you really want this unranked for the diff name? the rule is that the hardest diffname can be custom. And it is related, I mapped this song for Alexa, which makes it related.

I asked multiple people and no one had a problem with it whatsoever
it's happened before with one where the guy named his diff name "cancer", but it's reasonable for that because that can be offensive to others

it got unranked for a short time because people wanted the name changed

this one's debatable but i don't think it should be unranked for something as small as a non-offensive difficulty name :D

Stefan wrote:

Alexa = Ami

They worked together on this set.

They both have a relationship.

Classifies as rankable Difficulty name.

EDIT: Please stop shouting "hurrrdurr dif namu not rankiburr". Add something productive - and with sense behind - or don't post at all.

Kyshiro wrote:

Oh please. Do you really want this unranked for the diff name? the rule is that the hardest diffname can be custom. And it is related, I mapped this song for Alexa, which makes it related.

I asked multiple people and no one had a problem with it whatsoever

>>It can't be a username, or anything related to a username.

Unless you think the "For My" part indicates exactly what the difficulty is...

The reason "xxx's Hard" is acceptable is because it says two things. Who made it, and what the difficulty is supposed to be. In this case, you've literally just put someones name there. Someone unrelated to the map. Something unrelated to the map. You're in a relationship, good on you, but what does that have to do with the map? Or with the song?

I hate to be that guy, but this is fucking retarded.
Topic Starter
@TBLKitten, that had to chance cause it was offensive.

@Lach, the hardest diff of a mapset can have a custom name, doesn't necessarily have to contain a name

Guys please. It's a game, stop taking this so serious, everyone understands that it's harder than the insane specially now with the fixed star rating. No don't come to me complaining the star rating still sucks, it's accurate enough to indicate what is what.

Kyshiro wrote:

@Lach, the hardest diff of a mapset can have a custom name, doesn't necessarily have to contain a name
That's my point. It can have a custom name, it can't contain only a username. Or name of a player. It has to be related to something.
Topic Starter

Lach wrote:

Kyshiro wrote:

@Lach, the hardest diff of a mapset can have a custom name, doesn't necessarily have to contain a name
That's my point. It can have a custom name, it can't contain only a username. Or name of a player. It has to be related to something.
Explained this like 3x now, it's related because I mapped this specifically for her making it related to the map, the rule with the usernames was cause people were calling their diffs ''Kyshiro'' or ''0108'' This is something completely different

Kyshiro wrote:

Lach wrote:

That's my point. It can have a custom name, it can't contain only a username. Or name of a player. It has to be related to something.
Explained this like 3x now, it's related because I mapped this specifically for her making it related to the map, the rule with the usernames was cause people were calling their diffs ''Kyshiro'' or ''0108'' This is something completely different
It still doesn't make it any different. It's still a name of someone, it does not indicate the difficulty, it does not represent something to do with the song.

It doesn't make any difference.
Topic Starter

Kyshiro wrote:

Lach wrote:

Explained this like 3x now, it's related because I mapped this specifically for her making it related to the map, the rule with the usernames was cause people were calling their diffs ''Kyshiro'' or ''0108'' This is something completely different
It still doesn't make it any different. It's still a name of someone, it does not indicate the difficulty, it does not represent something to do with the song.

It doesn't make any difference.
It's. A. Game.

custom names barely ever indicate a difficulty anyway

I'd appreciate if people could stop complaining on the forum and just talk to me in game.
Cherry Blossom
Sacrilege on a BMS map.
I don't really think the diff name is rankable, no exceptions ?
I sincerely congratulate you on being together for a whole ten months. But I don't think you understand the point I'm trying to get across here. Your difficulty name makes no sense, and you and I both know that you know this. And you're trying to get away with it for no reason other than the fact that you named it after your (girl)friend, and that makes it okay to disregard a rule set in place to stop wanko like this.
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Sacrilege on a BMS map.
I don't really think the diff name is rankable, no exceptions ?
For what exact reason? the ''name rule'' was for diffnames called ''nameofmapper'' which then would be the diff that mapper made. this is completely different
About the point "unrelated to a username.": this actually could mean anything. would be unrankable because the "ovic" is the 2nd half of my 2nd name. Which is unlogical and extremely stupid. If the user Ami used "Alexa" in her current or previous name (see the case about Skystar) then that probably would fit into the criteria to be "related to the username".

just saying
Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

About the point "unrelated to a username.": this actually could mean anything. would be unrankable because the "ovic" is the 2nd half of my 2nd name. Which is unlogical and extremely stupid. If the user Ami used "Alexa" in her current or previous name (see the case about Skystar) then that probably would fit into the criteria to be "related to the username".

just saying
Funfact, alexa is also just half of her name
Ok let's avoid a drama here.

I cleaned some stuff which wasn't needed without killing the main discussion.
To be clear, you guys have the right to give your opinion, but not by trashtalking people and being rude.

QAT are doing their job and they'll unrank it if it's needed (because of this or not, that's not really my job to decide)
Nevertheless, I'm still here to avoid this kind of "bad discussion" happen.

I reopen this but I warn you that every post which doesn't make sense / agressive without any kind of argument will be deleted followed by a silence of the user.

Thank you and be nice, it's just a game.

PS: If you need something / I did something wrong for you, feel free to poke me in game (and not posting here)
Cherry Blossom
So, clarify this "supposed" rule because people are confused lol.
I personally don't agree with this diff name, it's like "back to our old times, YEAH, i can name my diff "STAY COCONUT MILK RAINBOW DASH" but this is still related to the song", lol. Changing already changed rule does not even have sense. but well, it's not the place to talk about rules here. So, i will shut up myself, and see what will happen.
Let's close the drama and go play god damn it
Nowhere in this mapset is the name Alexa related to any sort of username on osu!. Also, the Ranking Criteria explicitely says that the difficulty name must be appropriate. Well, "appropriate" isn't specified, so it doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be related to the song. I don't see why this difficulty name is an issue.
In my opinion this diff name should be kept the way it is. This is meant as a sweet gesture and it is in no way an offensive or inappropriate name for a difficulty. Things like these make the osu! community better :)
Hello. Unfortunately, I have to unrank your map for the reason many users have pointed out already: inappropriate difficulty name ("For My Alexa"). It could work better if the name indicated difficulty in any way or wasn't only a tribute or dedication to the person, mentioning nothing but her name. You may use a storyboard to show your devotion, but difficulty name is a no-no.

On another note:
  1. 00:57:675 (2) - mapped to no sound and should appear 1/4 earlier
This is my last warning.
Refer to this post : p/3478346
The mapper himself asked to stop the spam here, so please do.

It's time for the rerank (if he wants to), so just keep this thread clean.
Combo colour 3 blends with the background. I'd also like to mod the map before it moves any further to rank
wow I didnt know naming a diff by someone's name or a specific name that has zero relevance to the song is rankable nowadays
*need to be careful
Just to clear something up from the unrank post:

If you dedicate a diff or mapset to someone, use the MAP DESCRIPTION or make a StoryBoard. If the map is a Collab just name it Collab. If you want to include "Alexa" in the diff name at least use something creative that relates to the song OR the diff. But I doubt the nature of the song and the intention of your diff name fit each other...

We don't discourage creative difficulty names but to show your affection by naming the highest diff of your set is completely out of control.
Shohei Ohtani
I swear to god this discussion has happened like 5 times like

one day our lord and savoir jesus will come down and give judgement on what the rule actually fucking is like
Topic Starter

p3n wrote:

Just to clear something up from the unrank post:

If you dedicate a diff or mapset to someone, use the MAP DESCRIPTION or make a StoryBoard. If the map is a Collab just name it Collab. If you want to include "Alexa" in the diff name at least use something creative that relates to the song OR the diff. But I doubt the nature of the song and the intention of your diff name fit each other...

We don't discourage creative difficulty names but to show your affection by naming the highest diff of your set is completely out of control.
Extra For My Alexandra indicates the difficulty and what i wanted it to be, so both sides should be happy now i hope >_>

also fixed the note on insane
all of this just makes me laugh.
osu! in a nutshell

Hula wrote:

all of this just makes me laugh.
3rd combocolor still blends with the background and it can be a reason for new unqualification, make it brighter please.
[Extra For My Alexandra]
00:23:008 (2) - consider replacing it with two circles because of strong beat here 00:23:175 -, it feels not that good rhythmically because with slider end you're lefting start of the musical changes unclickable
00:24:008 (7) - NC should be here because of obvious reasons
00:26:342 (4) - again it feels much better as two circles because of strong beat
00:29:008 (4) - same here
01:07:175 (3) - it feels really off because you skips strong beat at the white tick it should be mapped
01:08:508 (3) - something like this will be more closer to music
01:11:342 (5,6) - well, i can hear 1/4s here, what's about triplet?
02:04:001 (1,2) - not a big fan of these because of unclickable downbeat, this will be more enjoyable to play tho

[Hard Collab]
00:32:008 (5) - should be NCed
orz my bad... anyways good luck Kyshiro.
I hate to keep doing this, but I honestly don't think the new difficulty name is very good, either. I understand that you wish to dedicate this to someone for something. But why? I feel the reason you provided isn't a big milestone to begin with. It's as if you're doing it just because you were forced to compromise. But rather than being creative, you did the opposite and just tacked a word on to the start to make it suddenly "rankable" without putting much thought into it.

I say this knowing that this post is likely to get wastelanded, but I'd just like to reiterate, "there's a certain irony in dedicating a song called end time to the person you love."

I'm honestly not doing this to be a dick(anymore), but rather, I'm curious of your logic behind this ordeal.
Topic Starter

EvilElvis wrote:

3rd combocolor still blends with the background and it can be a reason for new unqualification, make it brighter please.

[Extra For My Alexandra]
00:23:008 (2) - consider replacing it with two circles because of strong beat here 00:23:175 -, it feels not that good rhythmically because with slider end you're lefting start of the musical changes unclickable
00:24:008 (7) - NC should be here because of obvious reasons Talked about this, decided not to
00:26:342 (4) - again it feels much better as two circles because of strong beat
00:29:008 (4) - same here
01:07:175 (3) - it feels really off because you skips strong beat at the white tick it should be mapped
01:08:508 (3) - something like this will be more closer to music I really can't hear a tripple in the music here
01:11:342 (5,6) - well, i can hear 1/4s here, what's about triplet?
02:04:001 (1,2) - not a big fan of these because of unclickable downbeat, this will be more enjoyable to play tho I understand this, and I think so too, but this is bound to cause 100's since the timing is changing a lot here, which is why i'd rather keep it this way

[Hard Collab]
00:32:008 (5) - should be NCed
Fixed all except the things I pointed out, thanks a lot
Here we go
Topic Starter
Popped cause I had to fix some hitsounds
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

And the other diffs are not for her? Apart of all affection, this diff naming remains being stupid.

also subscribing 8-)

Loctav wrote:

And the other diffs are not for her? Apart of all affection, this diff naming remains being stupid.
Loctav you have to remember this is Kyshiro. The bringer of calamity....

Gratz though
however i still don't get it, why do you have to show your affection in a difficulty? take her out, show her/him affection, not naming a difficulty after her/him

i drop my case though, it's up to the bats not me :oops:

Sulker wrote:

Loctav wrote:

And the other diffs are not for her? Apart of all affection, this diff naming remains being stupid.
Loctav you have to remember this is Kyshiro. The bringer of calamity....

Gratz though
You mean the bringer of weird maps with either weird content or weird diff names?

Loctav wrote:

You mean the bringer of weird maps with either weird content or weird diff names?
Pretty much sums him up
Congrats for qualification!
Disappointed that it was reranked so quickly without a second thought, but whatever.

Loctav wrote:

And the other diffs are not for her?
flawless victory
Easy for Irreversible, Normal for Kyubey, Hard for myself, Insane for peppy, Extra for Alexa.
Topic Starter

Loctav wrote:

And the other diffs are not for her? Apart of all affection, this diff naming remains being stupid.
Would be weird to name all diffs like this, and apart from that, I made the extra diff first, which was a present for her, which wasnt even supposed to be uploaded, later decided to make a full mapset out of it. Hope that kind of clears it up a bit. It has a special meaning behind it

Kyshiro wrote:

Loctav wrote:

And the other diffs are not for her? Apart of all affection, this diff naming remains being stupid.
Would be weird to name all diffs like this, and apart from that, I made the extra diff first, which was a present for her, which wasnt even supposed to be uploaded, later decided to make a full mapset out of it. Hope that kind of clears it up a bit. It has a special meaning behind it
dude just take her out to dinner or something

why is it so needed to absolutely have this difficulty named after your girlfriend plus make several pages long of discussion?

Kyshiro wrote:

Loctav wrote:

And the other diffs are not for her? Apart of all affection, this diff naming remains being stupid.
Would be weird to name all diffs like this, and apart from that, I made the extra diff first, which was a present for her, which wasnt even supposed to be uploaded, later decided to make a full mapset out of it. Hope that kind of clears it up a bit. It has a special meaning behind it

The diff name slot is there to creatively relate to the song, the source or elements of it. This usage of custom difficulty names is not intended by the game design and therefore is a pile of crap. Like p3n said, you can put a fancy storyboard or bake her a cake instead, but the difficulty name is not the field in the metadata, where you put this message.

I probably will get someone to unqualify it.
Who gives a fck
The map is cool
The diff name does indicate the difficulty
No problems

Almost all my maps are love songs dedicated to someone. I don't have anything of the sort. How about putting your love and affection to somewhere that won't stir the bucket up?

Or rather, putting it somewhere that matters.
Shohei Ohtani
jesus christ stop the presses we can have shit maps that get through no problem but oh god if a diff name isn't named properly everyone stop what they're doing, this is the most important issue

CDFA wrote:

jesus christ stop the presses we can have shit maps that get through no problem but oh god if a diff name isn't named properly everyone stop what they're doing, this is the most important issue
Wasn't the diff name rule added because the star system sucked anyway? Really makes me laugh how enforced it is when the system now accurately shows difficulty

This situation is hilarious.
Ehh I see what CDFA's getting at, considering how the current star rating system does a pretty darn good job at sorting maps by difficulty already, the names start to lose relevance at determining how difficult a map truly is.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Azer who said like the same thing, damn
Oh, come on. If we have a hard time to kick down the questionable unqualifications that require a quite difficult reasoning already, I do not know why we should hesitate to do the easy ones.
Shit, seems like I cant play this extra, 'cuz it isn't for me :cry:
Topic Starter

Didn't feel like rewriting it
easy or...unnecessary?
I like how "Alextra" or something like that would probably have been accepted no problem
is this map just got unranked?
Since no one is really available to press the buttons, I'll do it on my own.

Please consider, that this diff name is not appropriate and neither related to the song, song theme, source, artist, title, origin or anything that involves the song you mapped (Unless, you wish her death or the end of the world, which I highly doubt)

I appreciate all your affection, but the difficulty name is not the suitable place to express your gift.

[Extra for Alexandra]

Rename to Extra.
You see, this is what happens when I don't use osu! for a day.

  • *I got here from twitter
Topic Starter
Kaguya Hourain
Oh please.
well i agree the diff name has no relevance to the song but why cant the mapper have something special engraved for their loved ones...
Storyboard, Creator's words, just to name a few examples.

Kibbleru wrote:

well i agree the diff name has no relevance to the song but why cant the mapper have something special engraved for their loved ones...
The beatmap description is still offering its service.
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