ding! 2 stars o/[Ami's Easy]
pretty simple Easy and often the same rhythm also at parts which arent nearly similiar
blah blah jetzt deutsch
00:24:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - verglichen mit 00:14:008 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) ist das rhythmisch verschoben. das suckt. mach, dass die gleich werden
00:35:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - sollte der part nicht ruhiger sein als der davor?
00:56:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - der rhythmus pass hier zwar ziehmlich gut aber ein bisschen variation ist angesagt/täte ganz gut. vllt solche slider einfach benutzten
. oder ein mix aus beidem wär auch nicht schlecht imo
01:21:341 (2,1) - andere rhythmus anstatt dieser slider wird sonst zu langweilig, z.b.
01:21:341 (2). und für 01:25:341 (1,2) - 
01:35:008 (2,3,4) - die circles passen mM nach hier grade nicht
01:54:341 (3,1) - warum hier rhythmuswechsel? das macht das ganz auf etwas komische art und weise schwerer
02:07:024 (1,2) - sattdessen n slider weil hier die chance groß ist, den bpm-change zu verkacken
00:02:675 (3,4) - for me it would feel better if (4) would have the repeat and not (3). because its like (4) is on an offbeat if the bpm is halfed (which feels like it is since the diff is so slow)
00:09:341 (3) - this slider doesnt fit imo because the melody is very simple here and it just doesnt look well imo (does not fit to (1) and (2)). additionally while (2) is blanket to (1), (3) just goes against the wall with (2)
01:08:008 (2) - what about that? lookks better imo
[Hard Collab]
ar8 is so much needed, its 180bpm. change it pls~ i did plenty mistakes because of that odd reading
pls avoid any doublet/syncope rhythm such as 00:23:341 (2,3) - in a hard diff especially at high bpm. or anything where you end landing on your secondary finger - screw this. although it may be fine with those 01:00:008 (1,2,3) - where you get on the primary finger again, also it doesnt require so much "rhythm skill". also 01:29:341 (1,2,3) - dont use such triplet-placement which look like doublets
01:10:008 (3) - sample = normal and additions = soft for the sliderhead
01:11:341 (3) - ^
01:11:675 (4) - ^ plus sample = normal on slidertail
01:14:008 (3) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:15:175 (3) - normalsample on tail
01:15:675 (5) - normalsample on head and tail, softadditions on head
01:16:675 (4) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:18:008 (3) - normalsample
01:18:175 (4) - ^on tail (plus softadditions ofc)
01:19:175 (3) - ^on tail
01:19:508 (4) - ^on tail
01:19:841 (5) - ^
use the rhythm from 01:17:341 (1) to 01:19:841 (5) until 01:37:341
01:37:508 (3) - normalsample on tail
01:37:841 (4,5,6) - drumadditions, finish. on (5) normal sample
01:38:341 (7) - normalsample
01:38:508 (9) - drumadditions, finish
01:38:591 (10) - normalsample, softadditions, whistle
01:38:675 (1) - maybe~ softadditions
from 01:38:675 to 01:49:175 - just add always on the third beat a normalsample
00:23:008 (2,3,4) - normalsample on the tails
..ask me in-game for hitsound advise if you want. but i would really boost the hitsounds quite a bit now
01:00:008 (6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - would do it like that
01:01:341 (1,2,3,4,5) - this is quite confusing because on the tail of (3) is no sound from the music. actually he meolody in the music is identical at (01:01:341 to 01:01:59) with (01:01:841 to 01:01:841) so you should also use the same pattern maybe 
in my opinion 00:55:341 to 00:55:341 and 01:38:675 to 01:49:341 (and ofc parts like 01:25:341 to 01:26:675) are the most intense parts so the volume/hitsounding and the distance snap should be like this
pretty simple Easy and often the same rhythm also at parts which arent nearly similiar
blah blah jetzt deutsch

00:24:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - verglichen mit 00:14:008 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) ist das rhythmisch verschoben. das suckt. mach, dass die gleich werden
00:35:675 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - sollte der part nicht ruhiger sein als der davor?
00:56:008 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - der rhythmus pass hier zwar ziehmlich gut aber ein bisschen variation ist angesagt/täte ganz gut. vllt solche slider einfach benutzten
01:21:341 (2,1) - andere rhythmus anstatt dieser slider wird sonst zu langweilig, z.b.
01:35:008 (2,3,4) - die circles passen mM nach hier grade nicht
01:54:341 (3,1) - warum hier rhythmuswechsel? das macht das ganz auf etwas komische art und weise schwerer
02:07:024 (1,2) - sattdessen n slider weil hier die chance groß ist, den bpm-change zu verkacken
00:02:675 (3,4) - for me it would feel better if (4) would have the repeat and not (3). because its like (4) is on an offbeat if the bpm is halfed (which feels like it is since the diff is so slow)
00:09:341 (3) - this slider doesnt fit imo because the melody is very simple here and it just doesnt look well imo (does not fit to (1) and (2)). additionally while (2) is blanket to (1), (3) just goes against the wall with (2)
01:08:008 (2) - what about that? lookks better imo
[Hard Collab]
ar8 is so much needed, its 180bpm. change it pls~ i did plenty mistakes because of that odd reading
pls avoid any doublet/syncope rhythm such as 00:23:341 (2,3) - in a hard diff especially at high bpm. or anything where you end landing on your secondary finger - screw this. although it may be fine with those 01:00:008 (1,2,3) - where you get on the primary finger again, also it doesnt require so much "rhythm skill". also 01:29:341 (1,2,3) - dont use such triplet-placement which look like doublets
01:10:008 (3) - sample = normal and additions = soft for the sliderhead
01:11:341 (3) - ^
01:11:675 (4) - ^ plus sample = normal on slidertail
01:14:008 (3) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:15:175 (3) - normalsample on tail
01:15:675 (5) - normalsample on head and tail, softadditions on head
01:16:675 (4) - normalsample and softadditions on head
01:18:008 (3) - normalsample
01:18:175 (4) - ^on tail (plus softadditions ofc)
01:19:175 (3) - ^on tail
01:19:508 (4) - ^on tail
01:19:841 (5) - ^
use the rhythm from 01:17:341 (1) to 01:19:841 (5) until 01:37:341
01:37:508 (3) - normalsample on tail
01:37:841 (4,5,6) - drumadditions, finish. on (5) normal sample
01:38:341 (7) - normalsample
01:38:508 (9) - drumadditions, finish
01:38:591 (10) - normalsample, softadditions, whistle
01:38:675 (1) - maybe~ softadditions
from 01:38:675 to 01:49:175 - just add always on the third beat a normalsample
00:23:008 (2,3,4) - normalsample on the tails
..ask me in-game for hitsound advise if you want. but i would really boost the hitsounds quite a bit now
01:00:008 (6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3) - would do it like that

in my opinion 00:55:341 to 00:55:341 and 01:38:675 to 01:49:341 (and ofc parts like 01:25:341 to 01:26:675) are the most intense parts so the volume/hitsounding and the distance snap should be like this