
Horie Yui - Sweet & Sweet CHERRY

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I will help the normal diff
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hetaneko-chan wrote:

I will help the normal diff
Maybe, first time mapping so I might do all diffs so I can get more better :)
Offset: 9882
Only use 1 red line, make the other 2 inherit your timing and adjust the notes accordingly.

All 3 combo colours are way too similar, make them more different.
Welp lots of box mapping, if anything you're going to have to remap this whole difficulty, i suggest you try playing other maps and see how other mappers do it, try some curves with the notes, perhaps a few stacks on some triplets and what not, more use of sliders would be nice as well, speaking of which curve sliders look nicer than plain straight ones.
Needs more hitsounding, examples in Hard diff.

Hitsounding, your hitsounds are overpowering the song all the time, remember you can switch between soft and normal hitsounds and also alter hitsound volume. As an example after fixing the timing, make your first timing section soft hitsounds with 50% volume (Press F6 to bring the timing menu):

Notice how different it sounds? now go to this note: 00:09:874 (3) Select it and press the Finish button on the right

And play over that section again and you'll notice the difference, if you're still having trouble with hitsounds then feel free to call me back and i'll give you a hand.
00:21:997 (11,12,13,14,15,16) - This stream feels really unecessary and it feels like you're forcing yourself to follow the lyrics (the stack at the end is also pretty trippy midplay)
00:25:891 (6,7) - An example of slider use since you're following the lyrics there's a held note here you can turn these 2 into a single slider and feels better while playing.
00:31:805 (16,17) - Once again this stack needs to go, a regular spacing is enough to get the point across, anti-jumps will just make the player want to keep going due to the small AR, speaking of which i think AR 8 or 7 fits this map and difficulty better.
00:33:247 (2,3) - This is a bad stack because there's a slider directly below another slider, i suggest you simply put the other slider upside down or elsewhere.

Copy the same timing for hard in here to begin with, and also use only 1 red line, make the other 2 green lines.
00:00:066 (1,1) - For a normal these are way too close together, increase spacing distance or something. Try to avoid using blue ticks whenever possible.
00:20:835 (4) - Do not cover a slider repeat arrow with a hitcircle.
00:23:431 (1,3) - There's an inconsistency here on one part you used a repeat slider and other one you didn't choose one of the 2.
00:30:066 (6) - Same as 00:20:835 (4)
All the hitsounding suggestions from Hard, apply.

00:00:643 (2) - Use only 3 slider points to make this slider prettier. Like so
00:00:651 (2) - Or in either case this slider should probably not exist, and you can just use 1/1 notes throughout the whole intro, also do not use blue ticks at all on Easy.
00:07:566 (1,2) - Try to avoid covering (2) with your slider. Try this instead?
00:24:874 (2,3) - 3 is too close, move it further away from 2.
00:30:643 (3) - This flow backwards isn't a good idea, try rotating it around Like this?
00:44:201 (3) - This slider is also too close, move it further away.
00:46:797 (1,2) - Try to adjust it Like this?
01:09:874 (1) - Uh might as well just use a spinner xD
01:14:489 (1) - Reverse arrow is out of bounds.
01:18:527 (1) - Out of bounds too.
01:20:258 (3) - Feels too close to the previous note, move further away.

That should be it, if you need further help don't hesitate to PM me for a remod. Good Luck!
Friendly reminder you give kudosu only to mod posts.
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DakeDekaane wrote:

Friendly reminder you give kudosu only to mod posts.
Heheh, didnt know what kudosu was lol
Was like, huh whats this, then I looked on the wiki .-.
So i went along with the mapper to help him get used to the basic stuff, from this point you're on your own as it's your map, Good Luck! ^_^
No need to give me kudosu! as you already gave me some
20:53 Dunois: Hello~
20:53 Sakura: hi
20:54 Dunois: Could you help me with my map now eh
20:54 Dunois: ?
20:54 Sakura: Sure give me 2 mins
20:54 Dunois: `mmkay
20:57 Sakura: So let's see, i see you have fixed nothing apparently xD
20:57 Dunois: yeah lol
20:57 Dunois: I started with timing
20:57 Dunois: but then i dont really know
20:57 Dunois: i just started mapping so
20:57 Dunois: yeah lol
20:57 Dunois: thats why i needed your help
20:58 Dunois: i dont get anything
20:58 Sakura: ok let's see
20:58 *Sakura is editing [ Horie Yui - Sweet & Sweet CHERRY [Hard]]
21:00 Sakura: first of all open your map
21:00 Dunois: Hard?
21:00 Sakura: yeah
21:00 Dunois: Ok
21:00 Sakura: Press F6
21:00 Dunois: yep
21:00 Sakura: select the first timing and input the offset i told you in my mod
21:01 Dunois: so the first one on the list, then change the offset?
21:01 Sakura: yeah
21:01 Sakura: After that go to the audio tab
21:01 Dunois: ok
21:01 Sakura: and select soft, and then on the volume put 50%
21:01 Dunois: Located where?
21:02 Dunois: oh wait
21:02 Dunois: nvm lol
21:02 Sakura: while still on the timing setup panel
21:02 Dunois: mmkay
21:02 Sakura: select your 2nd timing section
21:02 Dunois: yeah
21:02 Sakura: and click "inherit previous timing"
21:03 Sakura: this makes a timing section to alter stuff like kiai or hitsounds without altering your BPM or offset
21:03 Dunois: Ok
21:03 Sakura: then go to audio and also put it as Soft and 50%
21:03 Dunois: yep
21:03 Sakura: then repeat for the 3rd timing section
21:04 Dunois: make it inherit previous timing?
21:04 Sakura: yeah
21:04 Sakura: and also audio soft and 50%
21:04 Dunois: and the audio
21:04 Dunois: mkay
21:04 Sakura: now time for some magic
21:05 Dunois: oooooh okay lol
21:05 Sakura: press ctrl+a to select all notes and move them a bit forward
21:05 Sakura: this will resnap them to their correct timing
21:05 Dunois: acually when i start the map, they seem timed correctly
21:05 Sakura: now play through your map in compose mode and see how it sounds
21:06 Sakura: you'll notice its not horribly loud anymore and the timing matches the music more now
21:06 Sakura: feel free to do any adjustments you feel necessary
21:06 Dunois: should i use a diffrent skin, cause my loud hitsound and soft hitsounds are the same lol
21:07 Sakura: you changed them in audio right?
21:07 Dunois: yyeah
21:07 Sakura: for all timing sections?
21:07 Dunois: i know that my hitsounds are all the same XD
21:07 Dunois: yeah
21:07 Sakura: im using default skin, it should sound fine
21:07 Dunois: k ill switch
21:08 Sakura: example of how it should look like on the timing panel
21:08 Sakura: Notice the columns that say Sample and Vol.
21:08 Dunois: yep
21:09 Sakura: make sure yours say the same
21:09 Dunois: yeah they do
21:09 Dunois: i just made me skin so that all hitsounds sound the same
21:09 Sakura: ok, now go through the map again in compose and see how it sounds
21:09 Dunois: yeah its the soft hitsounds
21:09 Sakura: make sure you're always mapping in default skin UNLESS you're using your own beatmap specific skin
21:09 Dunois: mkay
21:10 Sakura: next we need to do the same for the other difficulties so i'll teach you a little trick
21:10 Sakura: let's jump to Normal
21:10 Dunois: yep
21:10 Sakura: once again press F6
21:10 Dunois: yep
21:10 Dunois: o wait
21:10 Sakura: and adjust the 1st timing section only
21:10 Dunois: nvm
21:10 Dunois: okay
21:11 Dunois: yeah done
21:11 Dunois: the offset and audio?
21:11 Sakura: yeah
21:11 Sakura: now select the 2nd timing section and then hold ctrl and select the 3rd
21:11 Dunois: yeah done
21:12 Sakura: now go to audio set the audio and click "inherit previous timing"
21:12 Sakura: and you'll notice it'll change both at the same time
21:12 Dunois: yeah
21:12 Sakura: now once again press ctrl+a and move the notes so they snap to the new timing
21:12 Dunois: what about the offset
21:13 Dunois: kk
21:13 Sakura: you should have already done that first xD
21:13 Dunois: oh okay
21:14 Sakura: then go again and do the same thing on Easy
21:14 Dunois: the notes are the same, but kiai time isnt the same
21:14 Dunois: its pushed back
21:14 Sakura: yeah we will get to that
21:14 Dunois: the notes are in time
21:14 Dunois: mkay
21:15 Sakura: so how to fix the kiai you may be wondering
21:15 Sakura: well i'll wait for you to fix Easy first i guess xD
21:15 Dunois: mkay
21:15 Dunois: fixed
21:16 Sakura: ok now open whichever difficulty you want, let's suppose Normal, and go to where the kiai starts
21:16 Dunois: mkay
21:16 Dunois: im there
21:16 Sakura: aand then make sure you position your cursor on the time that kiai is supposed to start
21:16 Sakura: in this case the large white tick
21:16 Sakura: then go back to F6
21:17 Sakura: select the 2nd timing section and click on "Use current time"
21:17 Dunois: it starts in the middle of a white and blue tick
21:17 Sakura: yeah just make sure you're at the end of your spinner
21:17 Sakura: which is where it usually starts
21:17 Dunois: but it got pushed back to like 10 secs ahead
21:17 Dunois: o wait
21:17 Dunois: lol woooops
21:18 Sakura: lol
21:18 Dunois: lool i get it now
21:18 Dunois: yep
21:18 Sakura: now go to the end of kiai and do the same thing, except this time select the 3rd timing section
21:18 Dunois: now how to fix where it ends lol
21:18 Dunois: ohh lol okay
21:19 Dunois: okei
21:19 Sakura: do this for all other difficulties and you should be done
21:19 Sakura: with the timing fix
21:19 Dunois: mkay
21:21 Sakura: now if people ever tell you for example that your offset needs +10 ms or something like that, there's an easy way to adjust all your lines and circles from F6
21:21 Dunois: Ok
21:21 Sakura: you open F6 select all timing sections and on the left, it asks you to move all offsets by a certain ammount, you input the ammount they tell you there
21:21 Sakura: and at the bottom you check where it says "snap to new timing"
21:22 Dunois: mkay
21:22 Sakura: Now next, you're missing a preview point, this is required if you want this mapset ranked
21:22 Dunois: preview point?
21:22 Sakura: go to the exact part of the song you like the most, for example the chorus or whichever one you prefer
21:23 Dunois: oooh i think i know what it means]
21:23 Sakura: more like... go to the part where it begins, your favorite part of the song
21:23 Sakura: then go to timing and click on "Set current position as prevew point"
21:23 Dunois: okey
21:23 Sakura: it's the last option
21:24 Sakura: do this for all difficulties and you're set
21:24 Dunois: i dont see it
21:24 Dunois: oh nevermind
21:24 Sakura: here
21:24 Dunois: i thought it was in f6
21:24 Sakura: oh lol xD
21:24 Sakura: yeah i should have said timing menu
21:25 Dunois: heh
21:25 Sakura: that should cover the basics
21:26 Dunois: okei
21:26 Sakura: once you're done feel free to update your map
21:26 Dunois: mkay
21:27 Sakura: So that i can check to make sure you didnt break anything xD
21:28 Sakura: let me know when you've updated your map
21:29 Sakura: you know what i mean by update right?
21:30 Dunois: yeah
21:30 Sakura: ok
21:31 Sakura: just asking because i dont see you submitting xD
21:31 Dunois: oh cause im fixing everything
21:32 Sakura: oh ok
21:32 Dunois: like changing it to what you said in the mod post lol
21:32 Dunois: or should i not?
21:32 Sakura: no that's fine dont worry
21:32 Dunois: mkay
21:32 Sakura: also i forgot to mention this before, but make sure the preview point on all difficulties is the exact same
21:33 Dunois: yeah i tried to make sure
21:37 Dunois: on hard
21:37 Dunois: uh
21:37 Dunois: is this okay 00:37:285 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
21:37 Dunois: the stack
21:37 Sakura: for starters it looks horrible xD
21:38 Sakura: an easy to way to stack the notes
21:38 Dunois: yeah lol XD
21:38 Sakura: hold alt and check the upper left corner it will say Distance Spacing
21:38 Dunois: hold alt
21:38 Dunois: lol yeah
21:38 Sakura: set that to 0.0x
21:38 Sakura: then activate distance snap and grid snap
21:38 Dunois: oh mkay
21:38 Sakura: then put all the notes
21:38 Sakura: it'll automatically snap them at the same position as the previous one
21:39 Sakura: once you're done just set it back to 1.0x
21:39 Dunois: oh okay
21:39 Dunois: acually i might just change te stack
21:40 Dunois: the*
21:40 Sakura: sounds like a better idea yes
21:49 Dunois: yep updated
21:49 Dunois: only hard tho
21:52 Sakura: 01:14:201 (3,4) - stacks like this (called anti-jumps) are really annoying to hit because the timing for the stack is different than the stream/triplet
21:52 Dunois: mkay
21:53 Dunois: fixed
22:04 Dunois: so
22:04 Dunois: ?
22:05 Sakura: did u update all your diffs yet
22:05 Dunois: oh
22:05 Dunois: brb
22:05 Dunois: might take a bit
22:08 Dunois: For normal, I dont get 00:23:431 (1,3) by what do you mean inconsistency
22:08 Dunois: 00:23:431 (1,3)
22:09 Sakura: it means that you did 2 different things for something similar
22:09 Dunois: ...
22:09 Dunois: oh wait
22:26 Dunois: Yeah im done updating
22:26 Sakura: lol first time playing with keyboard
22:27 Dunois: wow you play mouse only?
22:27 Sakura: yeah
22:27 Sakura: normally yes
22:28 Dunois: wow
22:28 *Sakura is playing [ Horie Yui - Sweet & Sweet CHERRY [Hard]]
22:28 Sakura: this will be mouse only
22:30 Sakura: well map has improved, but still has box mapping that that'll take a while to fi
22:30 Sakura: *fix
22:31 Sakura: so let's get into hitsounding
22:31 Sakura: here's a suggestion
22:31 Sakura: open Hard
22:32 Dunois: oh sorry im playing a map atm .-.
22:32 Dunois: brb orz
22:35 Dunois: okay bac
22:35 Dunois: kk
22:36 Sakura: ok so
22:36 Sakura: let's try some simple hitsounding to get you started
22:36 Dunois: mkay
22:36 Sakura: 00:00:643 (4) - select this slider
22:36 Dunois: yeeeeeeah
22:37 Sakura: click on the head of the slider
22:37 Dunois: the starting point of the slider?
22:37 Sakura: just the head, not necessarily the slider point
22:37 Dunois: mkay
22:37 Sakura: you'll notice the circle that represents the head turns red
22:37 Dunois: yep
22:38 Sakura: now on the right side
22:38 Sakura: you see some icons that say Whistle, Finish, Clap
22:38 Sakura: Click on Clap and you'll notice it darkens
22:38 Sakura: 00:01:797 (7) - then go to this slider
22:38 Dunois: yeah
22:39 Sakura: click on the head and click on clap as well
22:39 Dunois: yep
22:39 Sakura: now
22:39 Sakura: 00:02:951 (9) - check this slider
22:39 Sakura: click on the head with another clap
22:39 Sakura: then click on the end and another clap
22:40 Dunois: mkay
22:40 Sakura: 00:05:258 (4) - Another clap on the head here
22:40 Sakura: 00:06:412 (7) - clap here too
22:41 Dunois: kk
22:41 Sakura: 00:07:566 (1) - clap at the end
22:41 Sakura: 00:09:874 (3) - Finish here
22:41 Sakura: then play over that part and notice how now it sounds better
22:41 Dunois: which end
22:41 Dunois: both heads?
22:42 Sakura: you can put hitsounds on the head, tail or any of the repeats, so if i say end it means the tail
22:42 Dunois: tail?
22:42 Sakura: this one
22:43 Dunois: oh
22:43 Sakura: if you did everything right, go back to the start of the song and let it go in compose mode, and you'll notice it sounds nicer
22:44 Dunois: yep
22:44 Sakura: i just gave you a starting point, from there on, feel free to use hitsounds to make the whole map sound nicer ^_^
22:45 Sakura: just like how you feel where to put the notes as a mapper based on the song
22:45 Sakura: you should be able to feel where to put your hitsounds
22:45 Dunois: yeah
22:45 Sakura: obviously that's not easy for new mappers but it's better to try so you get used to it
22:45 Sakura: feel free to experiment until you're happy with it, and in the worst case if there's errors modders will help you fix them so they sound better
22:46 Dunois: yeah
22:46 Sakura: but yeah, you're on your own for now regarding hitsounds because that's mostly based on what YOU the mapper feels from the song, they probably wont sound good at the start, but you'll get used to it
22:47 Dunois: mkay
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