
smoogi Project Collection

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Please note: I am not supporting any of the following programs. I have been notified numerous times that the osu! BPM Changer and AR11 Maker don't work and there are no current plans to fix them. I have removed most download links whose projects only remain here to serve as resources for future projects.


A couple of months ago I deleted my forum posts containing my previous projects because there was an issue of the management of a few situations which caused my retaliation. I won't go into depth, but I think my b**ching should probably come to an end.
To everyone saddened, disgusted, or repulsed by the disappearance of my projects and the direction I took regarding this matter, I'm sorry. I know several people used the programs and I handed out the programs manually on request during this period of time.
This is my attempt at regaining the community's trust that I threw away.

I had planned for a long time (since the start of my deletion) that I would consolidate my re-released projects into one forum thread to not cloud the development forums with my programs and minimize the length of my posts.

All my projects will henceforth be released in this thread.

osu! Input Delay Remover

Borderless Windowed mode in osu! has some input lag issues. This program applies Microsoft's workaround detailed at .
I wanted to release this a long time ago but never found the time/motivation to build a program, so Avail took up the challenge and built it! I am releasing this application with his permission.

This application requires Administrator privileges to work properly (Right click -> Run As Administrator).

Download: osu!InputDelayRemover


osu! Replay Analyzer (preview)

What fun would it be without first releasing preview of a project Dukambe and I have taken up for the past couple of months now? Keep in mind this is not a finished product - it's not even alpha yet and there's at least a couple more weeks of coding I want to put in before I release it, so I won't open source it just yet.

So why release a preview? To grab some feedback (mostly ideas) and invoke interest, so don't hesitate to give me your criticisms and ideas - at the very least they'll be added to our issues so we can work on them soon :-).
Expect unexpected results.

Current Version: --- (16072014)


Special Thanks
Dukambe - Co-Founder? Co-Developer? Many commits were pushed :3

Interested in helping out? If you have Git and C# experience, PM me.

osu! AR11 Maker

  1. Decreases song tempo by 33.33%, inverse of the DT tempo gain.
  2. Recalculates beatmap bpm and hitobject timing to reflect this change.


osu! Replay API

This is for the developers out there itching to dip their hands into osu!'s replays. Allows you to load and save replays.


osu! Beatmap API

Yes, I am aware of the existence of the osu! SDK. Unfortunately, for the purposes of the osu! Replay Analyzer and a few other project, the osu! SDK was insufficient. This is a (mostly) complete Beatmap API supporting up to V12 and lazy V13 maps (osu! mode only). The goal is to completely emulate the osu! SDK (and yes, I have used it for TP calculation for o!RA with only minor required changes).
Allows you to load and save beatmaps without classifying your program as an osu! plugin.


osu! Beatmap BPM Changer

Many requested this to be re-released again, so here it is. I haven't worked on it, so .ogg song support is not currently implemented. Changes the BPM of the beatmap and song.

Extra Short Information
Just in case you couldn't follow the video, here's the most important thing you need to know:

When you input the BPM, you may input it as a function of the original BPM. For example:
If your original BPM is 200 and you wanted to change it to 300, you could input:

Which will be translated as new bpm = original bpm + 100.
Or, if you wanted to halve the BPM, you could input:

Which will be translated as new bpm = original bpm / 2

This is not required, however you may experience unexpected results with multi-bpm maps using a flat BPM value.



If you have any program requests, let me know however I cannot guarantee that I'll work on them before 02/07/2014, at which point my time is going to be taken up by the replay analyzer (so make the requests small please :-) ).
I want to fix up my previous projects slightly before re-releasing them, but the post will be bumped when/if that happens. Do not expect a new forum post with every update I release, only for new projects (or project release transitions).
Cool stuff.
Really nice smoogi, keep the hard work ^^, sad to see the twitch relay app gone tho, but understandable, it needed you online the whole time.
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I'm working on a way to bring the twitch relay back up. I liked managing it and felt it fit perfectly with other bots, so it's definitely on my todo list to improve.
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A few people requested it, so I've updated and re-added the previous AR11 Maker.
See OP.
thank you
I love this so far! /w\
It's a great project
I loved the replay analyzer, It woud be nice if you put how much hits was early and late on a specific time variation, like this: I accept +10ms hits and -10ms hits, the program grabs how much hits was >+10 and <-10 and show ^^

sry, my english is bad but hope you understood :P
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The replay analyzer has been put on hold for now until I decide what to do with it at a later time. The rest of the team is also inactive, so if anyone wants to join the team and continue development feel free to PM me - maybe we can arrange something :).

smoogipooo wrote:

The replay analyzer has been put on hold for now until I decide what to do with it at a later time. The rest of the team is also inactive, so if anyone wants to join the team and continue development feel free to PM me - maybe we can arrange something :).
pls add support HR mod to replay analyzer before drop it(Y mirroring map).
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Here you go:

This is the last version I will release for now.
Can't seem to get the BPM changer to work.
I have .NET 4.5 installed, and tried running as admin and with other service packs.

Error I'm getting:
"[Path]\osu!BPM Changer.exe is not a valid Win32 application."
Seems like it was compiled incorrectly. Here's a rebuilt version from the source code:

MillhioreF wrote:

Seems like it was compiled incorrectly. Here's a rebuilt version from the source code:
Yep that works, thank you very much! :)
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Thanks to MillhioreF for providing a temporary solution while I was away <3. I've fixed the one in the OP.
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Added an Input Delay Remover. I'm interested to know how this works for other people (especially those with lower-end systems), because I've been using it for ~1 year now and Avail noticed a massive improvement after using it.
Really cool stuff.
This delay remover is limited to Windows 8? Since the source is aiming at 8?

Also, is this limited to mouse? Does it support other input device such as tablet and keyboard?

If not so, is this remover available for windowed other than borderless?
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The fix is limited to Windows 8 but the program is compiled for compatibility from Windows Vista.

This affects only mouse input so it might also affect tablet input.

This fix is targeted at all windowed modes, borderless or not.
Is it compatible with d3d antilag?

PS: I can't access osu until September:(
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I'm not sure - I don't use nor have ever used D3D antilag. Why don't you try it out for yourself? The program gives you an option to revert the changes.
Seems to work fine with the D3D hook, probably because DirectX and the registry hack aren't related, but that's just an assumption.

I've been testing it out a bit and I can say it has noticeably improved input lag (for me) for mostly mouse and slightly for my tablet.
Hey Smoogi, I keep getting this error message everytime I try to save on the BPM changer.

"Please make sure the beatmap is not selected in the Osu! menu and try again."

I did not have osu! running at the time, any idea for a fix? Thanks!
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I've pushed an update that should fix this issue. :)
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I've been wanting to do this for a while now since I probably won't ever continue development on the replay analyzer - I've open sourced it in-case people want to look at it or continue development in my stead. See OP for link.
Hey Smoogi, everytime I tried to play a Map changed with the BPM Changer, osu! crashed ( :( ) and this was in the Details:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at #Ci.#Mi.Draw()
at #ui.#ti.#nX()
at #Og.#Qg.Draw()
at #rb.#xb.#Hs()
at #rb.#xb.#Ss(Object , EventArgs )
at #rb.#Bb.#dt()
at #rb.#Sb.#tv(Object , EventArgs )
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(Int32 dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
at #rb.#Sb.Run()
at #rb.#xb.Run()
at #Og.#Vo.#gvb(String , Boolean )

Have you any idea for a fix? Thanks in advance! :) (sorry for my bad english :( )
why am i getting a error when i enter in the download link to the input lag remover? it says: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it.
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@H3lyA: Fixed. I restructured my download repositories a while back and this broke.
i dont understand why it doesnt work, i already exit osu and it still doesnt work [url][url]
nice dude !
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