
Dancing Dolls - monochrome (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年8月29日 at 15:37:19

Artist: Dancing Dolls
Title: monochrome (TV Size)
Source: Soul Eater Not!
Tags: ソウルイーターノット! kz livetune
BPM: 132
Filesize: 3460kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.53 stars, 182 notes)
  2. Insane (3.53 stars, 264 notes)
  3. Normal (1.59 stars, 108 notes)
Download: Dancing Dolls - monochrome (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
monochrome #5
SBを使わないならWidescreen Supportのチェックをはずしましょう。

Rare's Modding
00:02:379 (1) - NCで逆にわかりづらくなると思うのでRemove NC
00:53:288 - これはちょっと間隔が長すぎるのでSpinnerでも入れてみたらどうでしょう。もし厳しいようなら01:26:015 - ここにSpinner欲しいです。

00:06:015 (1) - こっちのほうが流れがいいかな…?
01:23:970 (4,5,6) - こっちのほうが音に合ってると思います
01:26:015 - spinner欲しいです

00:37:265 (2) - 始点にaddtions-drumいれたほうがマッチすると思います。
00:58:743 (1,2) - 流れ悪いと思うので(1)の終点に(2)が来る形がいいなあとは思います
01:20:334 (1) - 始点にwhistle?


Sinch's Testplay
looks good

00:25:561 (4,5) - 合ってるとは思うけど少し狭めに見える

00:56:015 (7,8) - 3連打の方が曲と合っている気がします
Topic Starter

Rare wrote:

SBを使わないならWidescreen Supportのチェックをはずしましょう。 はい~

Rare's Modding
00:02:379 (1) - NCで逆にわかりづらくなると思うのでRemove NC Fixed!
00:53:288 - これはちょっと間隔が長すぎるのでSpinnerでも入れてみたらどうでしょう。もし厳しいようなら01:26:015 - ここにSpinner欲しいです。 全Diff統一で曲の最後にスピン入れました!

00:06:015 (1) - こっちのほうが流れがいいかな…? Fixed~~
01:23:970 (4,5,6) - こっちのほうが音に合ってると思います Fixed~~
01:26:015 - spinner欲しいです Fixed~~

00:37:265 (2) - 始点にaddtions-drumいれたほうがマッチすると思います。
00:58:743 (1,2) - 流れ悪いと思うので(1)の終点に(2)が来る形がいいなあとは思います 対角に配置しなおしてそれっぽくFixed
01:20:334 (1) - 始点にwhistle? 確かに・・・Fixed~


Sinch's Testplay
looks good

00:25:561 (4,5) - 合ってるとは思うけど少し狭めに見える DS保持しつつ4,5の感覚開けときました!

00:56:015 (7,8) - 3連打の方が曲と合っている気がします その通りでした・・・がいい配置が思いつかなかったのでとりあえず保留にします!
Modding and Testplay ありがとうございました!
Hi there, coming from your modding q (m4m)

  1. 00:24:197 (1) - curve this one a little bit more (just a tiny bit though)
  2. 00:25:106 (2) - curve this one a little bit as well, so that there's a better flow into 00:26:015 (3) - (right now it feels like it'd flow into 00:26:470 (4) - )
  3. 00:49:652 (1) - eventually let the end of this overlap with 00:47:379 (3) - ? simply move 00:47:379 (3) - to 48/162, no big change to the flow with this one
  4. 01:11:015 (5) - move to y245 for a better overlap with 01:12:379 (2) -
  5. 01:22:379 (1) - a little bit more curve?

  1. 00:17:379 (2) - move to 292/135
  2. 00:21:015 (2) - 192/259
  3. 00:22:834 (2) - 377/56
  4. 00:24:197 (1) - 56/239
  5. 00:30:106 (5) - 430/172
    Anyway, they appear pretty often, are they supposed to be like this? If so, I will stop listing them. If not, try to fix all of them even after my last point
  6. 00:27:834 (1) - Personally I'd place this a little bit further down so that 8 flows directly into it
  7. 00:35:106 (3) - ^

  1. 00:02:834 (3) - I'd curve this one a little bit more. 2 flows into 3, but 3 doesnt flow into 4 as nicely
  2. 00:17:379 (2) - overlap off by 1x
  3. 00:19:197 (2) - ^ 1y
    So ... is this intended? If so, dont do that :s It looks weird and I think a normal overlap does the job
    To check if the overlap's correct, you can ctrl+g a slider to check the tail (now head)'s coords. apply the same coods to the overlapping object
  4. 00:49:652 (1) - eventually rotate this one a bit so that it's not so touchy with 00:48:743 (9) - (but on the other hand, that'd destroy the overlap ...)
    rotating 00:48:743 (9) - instead might be an idea
  5. 01:25:788 (8) - no spinner here? you placed some here in the other diffs

Looks good to me, gl with your mapset! :3
from in-game chat

  1. Tagsの"ソウルイーターノット"を"ソウルイーターノット!"にしてもいいかも?

  • 特に問題ないと思います。キレイでした :D
  1. 00:17:379 (2) - スタックよりは離した方が・・・? けどそのあともスタック多いしスペーシングいじりだすと崩れそうなのでスルーでも結構です。
  2. 00:32:379 (4,5) - blanketキレイにしましょう!真ん中の点 x336 y260の終点 x400 y276くらいかな?
  3. 00:53:288 - 00:54:197 - ここまでスピン?ギュウギュウなのでスルーでも結構です
  4. 01:00:561 (5) - add NC
  5. 01:04:197 (1,2) - blanketになるように2番を配置してみては?
  6. 01:13:288 (6) - 00:58:743 (1) - ここと統一させるようにNCを入れましょう。
  7. 01:16:925 (5) -add NC
  8. 01:27:834 - Volume下げてもいいかもしれません。30~50%?
  1. 00:53:175 - Hardと同様にスピン?
  2. 00:59:197 (2) - 00:58:743 (1) - のコピペで。
  3. 01:05:788 (5) - add NC
  4. 01:11:470 (1) - 配置の提案。Ctrl+Gで反転させて以下のようにグルっとしたら何かいい感じに?好みの問題なのでスルーでも全然OKです。
  5. 01:13:743 (1) - remove NCで01:14:197 (1) - にadd NCした方が自然だと思います。
  6. 01:22:379 (1) - Ctrl+Gして01:22:834 (2) - も同様にCtrl+Gしてみるのもアリかも。
  7. 01:25:902 - スピン入れたほうがいいと思います。
Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:

Hi there, coming from your modding q (m4m)

  1. 00:24:197 (1) - curve this one a little bit more (just a tiny bit though)
  2. 00:25:106 (2) - curve this one a little bit as well, so that there's a better flow into 00:26:015 (3) - (right now it feels like it'd flow into 00:26:470 (4) - )
  3. 00:49:652 (1) - eventually let the end of this overlap with 00:47:379 (3) - ? simply move 00:47:379 (3) - to 48/162, no big change to the flow with this one
  4. 01:11:015 (5) - move to y245 for a better overlap with 01:12:379 (2) -
  5. 01:22:379 (1) - a little bit more curve?

All Fixed

  1. 00:17:379 (2) - move to 292/135
  2. 00:21:015 (2) - 192/259 keep it
  3. 00:22:834 (2) - 377/56
  4. 00:24:197 (1) - 56/239
  5. 00:30:106 (5) - 430/172
    Anyway, they appear pretty often, are they supposed to be like this? If so, I will stop listing them. If not, try to fix all of them even after my last point
  6. 00:27:834 (1) - Personally I'd place this a little bit further down so that 8 flows directly into it
  7. 00:35:106 (3) - ^

All Fixed

  1. 00:02:834 (3) - I'd curve this one a little bit more. 2 flows into 3, but 3 doesnt flow into 4 as nicely
  2. 00:17:379 (2) - overlap off by 1x
  3. 00:19:197 (2) - ^ 1y
    So ... is this intended? If so, dont do that :s It looks weird and I think a normal overlap does the job
    To check if the overlap's correct, you can ctrl+g a slider to check the tail (now head)'s coords. apply the same coods to the overlapping object
  4. 00:49:652 (1) - eventually rotate this one a bit so that it's not so touchy with 00:48:743 (9) - (but on the other hand, that'd destroy the overlap ...)
    rotating 00:48:743 (9) - instead might be an idea keep it ><
  5. 01:25:788 (8) - no spinner here? you placed some here in the other diffs

almost Fixed

Looks good to me, gl with your mapset! :3

thank you for finding my overlap mistake
I don't even know why i can't do so

thank you for modding 8-)
Topic Starter

iMage-- wrote:

from in-game chat

  1. Tagsの"ソウルイーターノット"を"ソウルイーターノット!"にしてもいいかも?


  • 特に問題ないと思います。キレイでした :D
  1. 00:17:379 (2) - スタックよりは離した方が・・・? けどそのあともスタック多いしスペーシングいじりだすと崩れそうなのでスルーでも結構です。 サビは同じ感じでいきたいのでスタックしたままで!
  2. 00:32:379 (4,5) - blanketキレイにしましょう!真ん中の点 x336 y260の終点 x400 y276くらいかな? Fixed
  3. 00:53:288 - 00:54:197 - ここまでスピン?ギュウギュウなのでスルーでも結構です
  4. 01:00:561 (5) - add NC Fixed
  5. 01:04:197 (1,2) - blanketになるように2番を配置してみては? Fixed
  6. 01:13:288 (6) - 00:58:743 (1) - ここと統一させるようにNCを入れましょう。 Fixed
  7. 01:16:925 (5) -add NC Fixed
  8. 01:27:834 - Volume下げてもいいかもしれません。30~50%?全Diff統一して20%にしました
  1. 00:53:175 - Hardと同様にスピン? ほい
  2. 00:59:197 (2) - 00:58:743 (1) - のコピペで。 Fixed
  3. 01:05:788 (5) - add NC Fixed
  4. 01:11:470 (1) - 配置の提案。Ctrl+Gで反転させて以下のようにグルっとしたら何かいい感じに?好みの問題なのでスルーでも全然OKです。 6の終点の方向を考えると良い提案なのですが、流れを時計周りに戻す意味でもこのままにしておきたいのでKeepします!
  5. 01:13:743 (1) - remove NCで01:14:197 (1) - にadd NCした方が自然だと思います。 たしかに・・・
  6. 01:22:379 (1) - Ctrl+Gして01:22:834 (2) - も同様にCtrl+Gしてみるのもアリかも。うう・・・いい感じだけど・・・こちらも流れを逆回しにしたいのでKeepで :(
  7. 01:25:902 - スピン入れたほうがいいと思います。color=#BF00FF]ほい![/color]
Good Luck~
Topic Starter
いまげさん☆ありがとです~! 8-)
Hey~ Modding queue


- 00:04:197 (5) - either delete the curve or curve it more. If it curves more, then it improves flow onto 6. if it's not a curve then it makes kind of a "T" shape
- 00:06:925 (2) - raise inversion point a bit. Like this:
- 00:09:652 (1) - appears way too late compared to the last note in order to overlap with 00:07:834 (3). But you missed a circle in 00:09:197, place it there and it should fix the situation a bit
- 00:31:470 (1) - Invert curve, or leave it as it is. I'd prefer you inverted it, though
- 00:41:925 (5) - A really wasted blanket. Make it happen
- 00:44:197 (2) - ^
- 00:54:425 - Start a spinner here, and finish it on 00:56:243. Maybe it's not ideal, but it's better than the circles
- 00:57:834 (2) - Same as what I said in 00:06:925 (2) but with the opposite direction


- 00:41:470 (6,7) - curve both maybe
- 00:43:288 (3) - ^

Looks fine ^w^


Nothing to say either

Good map, がんばって!!
from modding Q

  1. 00:04:197(5) you can blanket this better
  2. 00:18:743 ^ To the 2nd slider
  3. 00:20:561(1) place it better to make a great symmetrical pattern
  4. 00:27:834(3) make the slider straight
  5. 00:38:743(1) slider's end x:368 y:200
  6. 00:39:652
  7. 01:16:015 make a slight curve to the left to make a blanket
  1. 00:51:243(4) place it better so it can make a symmetrical pattern to the 00:50:334(2)
  2. 00:53:288 a spinner
  1. 00:53:288 a spinner
Topic Starter

Yuzu- wrote:

Hey~ Modding queue


- 00:04:197 (5) - either delete the curve or curve it more. If it curves more, then it improves flow onto 6. if it's not a curve then it makes kind of a "T" shape
change straight
- 00:06:925 (2) - raise inversion point a bit. Like this: GOOD !!!
- 00:09:652 (1) - appears way too late compared to the last note in order to overlap with 00:07:834 (3). But you missed a circle in 00:09:197, place it there and it should fix the situation a bit changed some rhythms
- 00:31:470 (1) - Invert curve, or leave it as it is. I'd prefer you inverted it, though invert
- 00:41:925 (5) - A really wasted blanket. Make it happen fixed
- 00:44:197 (2) - ^ fixed
- 00:54:425 - Start a spinner here, and finish it on 00:56:243. Maybe it's not ideal, but it's better than the circles I want the sound 00:56:470 (4) .so Keep it
- 00:57:834 (2) - Same as what I said in 00:06:925 (2) but with the opposite direction fixed


- 00:41:470 (6,7) - curve both maybe
- 00:43:288 (3) - ^

Looks fine ^w^

All fixed


Nothing to say either

Good map, がんばって!!
thank you nice mod !!!!
Topic Starter

Celizavia wrote:

from modding Q

  1. 00:04:197(5) you can blanket this better
  2. 00:18:743 ^ To the 2nd slider
  3. 00:20:561(1) place it better to make a great symmetrical pattern
  4. 00:27:834(3) make the slider straight
  5. 00:38:743(1) slider's end x:368 y:200
  6. 00:39:652
  7. 01:16:015 make a slight curve to the left to make a blanket changed a little

    Comment = Fixed

  1. 00:51:243(4) place it better so it can make a symmetrical pattern to the 00:50:334(2) i dont want to use symmetrical pattern here
  2. 00:53:288 a spinner I think there is no need for too short
  1. 00:53:288 a spinner same as hard
thank you for mod 8-)
from in-game chatfrom pm request

  1. 00:34:197 (3,4,5,6) - the jump too big here. i think use a smaller jump will be better. for example
  2. 00:37:379 miss a drum there , try this
  3. 00:59:197 (2,4) - kinda overlap?
  4. 01:23:288 (3,4,5) - use same distance?

  1. 00:07:834 (5,6) - miss a vocal there 00:08:515 maybe try this
  2. 00:10:561 (3) - a little kind opvermap, try this
  3. 00:11:470 (6,7) - need change this because miss some vocal and overmap some vocal, try this
  4. 00:27:834 (1) - try this?
  5. 00:32:379 (4) - try this?
  6. 00:39:652 (3) - try this?(ctrl+g 3 and copy 00:41:015 (5) - as 4
  7. 01:03:970 (4,1) - try this?

beautiful map! and i like this song too
gogogo pandiar sama i give you a little star , rank this (`・ω・)
Topic Starter

Mei wrote:

from in-game chatfrom pm request

  1. 00:34:197 (3,4,5,6) - the jump too big here. i think use a smaller jump will be better. for example i know the jump is a little big but i like it pattern :(

  2. 00:37:379 miss a drum there , try this 00:37:265 (2) has drum sounds. and i want to use start of the slider in this point

  3. 00:59:197 (2,4) - kinda overlap? yes but maybe no problem because insane

  4. 01:23:288 (3,4,5) - use same distance? OK~ use1.3DS(correctly1.28)

  1. 00:07:834 (5,6) - miss a vocal there 00:08:515 maybe try this OK~

  2. 00:10:561 (3) - a little kind opvermap, try this it's all ds1.2 maybe no problem

  3. 00:11:470 (6,7) - need change this because miss some vocal and overmap some vocal, try this i thinks it cover back music

  4. 00:27:834 (1) - try this?too under imao. keep it ><
  5. 00:32:379 (4) - try this?nice idea but I prefer now
  6. 00:39:652 (3) - try this?(ctrl+g 3 and copy 00:41:015 (5) - as 4 also i prefer now ><
  7. 01:03:970 (4,1) - try this? nice! arrange based on it

beautiful map! and i like this song too
gogogo pandiar sama i give you a little star , rank this (`・ω・)
thank you for mod and star Mei sama ~! 8-)

  1. 00:09:197 - 00:12:834 - サークル置いたほうが良いと思います
  2. 00:41:470 (4) - ここもスライダーにしたほうが自分は好きです。 こんな感じ、56は適当ですが
  3. 01:17:834 (4) - 折り返しなくして01:18:743 - ここノート置いたほうが良いと思います

  1. 00:06:697 (2) - ここのwhistleをはずして00:06:925 - ここにつける
  2. 00:12:379 - add whistle
  3. 00:47:606 (4) - delete whistle?
nice diff!!

  1. 00:42:152 (7) - このwhistleを00:42:379 - こっちにつけましょう
HardとInsaneのwhistleのパターンが良くわかりませんでした >:(
Topic Starter

maaagic wrote:


  1. 00:09:197 - 00:12:834 - サークル置いたほうが良いと思います
  2. 00:41:470 (4) - ここもスライダーにしたほうが自分は好きです。 こんな感じ、56は適当ですが
  3. 01:17:834 (4) - 折り返しなくして01:18:743 - ここノート置いたほうが良いと思います

  1. 00:06:697 (2) - ここのwhistleをはずして00:06:925 - ここにつける
  2. 00:12:379 - add whistle
  3. 00:47:606 (4) - delete whistle?
nice diff!!

  1. 00:42:152 (7) - このwhistleを00:42:379 - こっちにつけましょう
HardとInsaneのwhistleのパターンが良くわかりませんでした >:(
一応all fixedですが、Hard Insaneのサビ以外の部分のwhistleは削除しました
This modding thread has been migrated to the new "modding discussions" system. Please make sure to re-post any existing (and unresolved) efforts to the new system as required.
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