
nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on vendredi 20 juin 2014 at 01:57:10

Artist: nora2r
Title: B.B.K.K.B.K.K
Source: BMS
Tags: U.K. hardcore BOF2013 Let The Bass Kick BMS Of Fighters 2013 BBKKBKK
BPM: 170
Filesize: 15718kb
Play Time: 02:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (4,96 stars, 513 notes)
  2. Beginner (1,75 stars, 140 notes)
  3. Hyper (3,89 stars, 382 notes)
  4. Standard (2,26 stars, 193 notes)
Download: nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K
Download: nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

(map #10) ~~3rd Ranked~~
You can find a bonus taiko here: Made by Didou.

Thanks to all the modder who helped me rank this map. \o/
Thank you shARPII for being amazing and for having found the mp3.
Thank you Cherry Blossom for making me discover this music and giving me the motivation to rank it.
And thank you Krah for helping me rank it and nearly making me grave it. :P

RIP uminet
I wanna dedicate this map to umi, a really good friend who didn't leave osu! definitively yet, but i wanna be sure to pay him a proper hommage like he did :/ we'll miss u <3

Cherry Blossom
Let the bass kick !!! :D
Topic Starter

offset is 291.

1- 00:24:997 (1) - improve the angle on this, make it flow into the circle

Sounds good, looks good. Good map~

1- 01:21:115 (1) - also improve the angle on this, to make it flow into the next slider
2- 01:26:762 (1) - you can aim this a bit better too
3- 01:36:997 (3) - rotate this a bit counter-clockwise (you might have to move it a bit, but it'll be nice because it'll go right to the circles, in a perfect curve shape)
4- 01:42:644 (5) - Rotate this to have it blanket 01:43:703 (6) without having to move it (it's quite a distance but it still looks good

Also looks great~

1- 00:14:938 (6) - This slider could be rotated into going flowing into 7 perfectly
2- 01:18:644 (1) - ^
3- 01:19:350 (3) - ^
4- 01:24:291 (1) - ^

It's so good I feel ashamed of pointing out the small mediocre thing that *kind of* needs fixing :\

Another looks good, and I can't really point anything out (I don't mean there's nothing wrong, I'm a newbie at this and probably can't point out important mistakes, but it did look good)

Could be a better mod, but I hope it helps~
Topic Starter

Yuzu- wrote:


offset is 291. It's true that i could put the offset here but it wouldn't change the timing. I'll let it as it is now because it's a personal preference. I prefer having it at the first "powerful" beat rather than the first beat because for me it's easier to time the song this way.

1- 00:24:997 (1) - improve the angle on this, make it flow into the circle Actually the angle of this slider comes from the fact that it's supposed to blanket the slider before (00:23:585 (3)) netherless i agree with you, i try to slightly change it's angle without damaging the blanket.

Sounds good, looks good. Good map~

1- 01:21:115 (1) - also improve the angle on this, to make it flow into the next slider Fixed
2- 01:26:762 (1) - you can aim this a bit better too I curved slightly the slider.
3- 01:36:997 (3) - rotate this a bit counter-clockwise (you might have to move it a bit, but it'll be nice because it'll go right to the circles, in a perfect curve shape) That wasn't the pattern i had in mind but you're right, it's better.
4- 01:42:644 (5) - Rotate this to have it blanket 01:43:703 (6) without having to move it (it's quite a distance but it still looks good At this distance the blanket isn't really necessary and moving this note would kill my next pattern so i won't touch it.

Also looks great~

1- 00:14:938 (6) - This slider could be rotated into going flowing into 7 perfectly I think the flow is good enough like this.
2- 01:18:644 (1) - ^ Fixed
3- 01:19:350 (3) - ^ It's fine to me.
4- 01:24:291 (1) - ^ You're right for this one but i can't manage to modify it without breaking all the other pattern around so i'll let it until i find a better way to fix it.

It's so good I feel ashamed of pointing out the small mediocre thing that *kind of* needs fixing :\ Don't feel ashamed, details are pretty important in mapping too. But don't worry as you get better at modding you'll find more and more mistakes. ;)

Another looks good, and I can't really point anything out (I don't mean there's nothing wrong, I'm a newbie at this and probably can't point out important mistakes, but it did look good)

Could be a better mod, but I hope it helps~
Thank you for your mod :) Even if it's little it still helped me ;)
Cherry Blossom
Si t'as besoin de mod, je te la modderai dans les heures/jours qui viennent o/
je pourrais avoir un mod en retour ?
/me runs far away
Topic Starter
Si jamais tu me l'as modde et que je te moddes pas en retour ça serait connard de ma part. ^^' Fait comme tu veux, si tu me moddes et que tu as besoin de mod évidemment que je te moderais, je suis pas un connard (pas à ce point, pas comme -umi-! oh la la comme ça dénonce). Par contre t'attends pas à un mod de 2 pages comme j'avais l'habitude de faire, j'ai pas l'intention de replonger dans la folie.
Cherry Blossom

Awh yeah o/


  1. Ajoute BBKKBKK aux tags pour trouver la map plus facilement dans le jeu et sur le site, because la personne lazy aura la flemme de séparer chaques lettres avec les points.
  2. J'entends pas trop ton clap, utilise celui là plutôt, il vient de je sais plus qui, mais d'un BMS artist o/


  1. 00:22:174 (1,2,3) - J'aime pas trop le choix du pattern car le clap ici 00:23:938 est dodged alors qu'il vaut mieux qu'il soit joué, ou au moins entendu.
  2. 00:40:879 (4,2) - Overlap visible, fix moi ça.
  3. 01:08:056 (2,3,4) - *nazi* la note au centre des 2 sliders n'est pas vraiment au centre, tu vois un léger décalage.
  4. 01:20:409 (3) - Tu pourrais remplacer ça par 2 circles, pour ajouter de la diversité, parce que le beginner préfère jouer les circles plutot que les sliders.


  • A première vue, c'est pas vraiment une Normal, elle penche plutôt vers Hard.
  1. 00:11:232 et 00:11:585 - Pourquoi ignorer les strong beats et mapper sur du red tick ? Suivre les red ticks semble bizare car c'est contre intuitif pour le joueur, surtout quand c'est un Normal player.
    - Du début à 00:20:762 ^
  2. 00:26:938 (4,1,1,1) - Le joueur risque de presque rien comprendre à ce qui se passe, car à cause de l'ar il va sans doute prendre les stacked notes pour du 1/2.
  3. 01:07:350 à 01:15:821 - Laisse du mou au joueur avec des espacements de 1/1, avec seulement des espacements de 1/2 il va s'étouffer et il va sans doute se perdre dans le rythme.
  4. 01:52:527 (1,2,3,4,5) - Un peu compliqué à jouer car on alterne les sliders 1/1 et 1/2, je veux dire tu sais, comme les vers embrassés d'un poème, bah c'est pareil. Essaie ça, en + je trouve que ça suit mieux la mélodie derrière
  5. 01:55:350 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^


  1. 00:17:497 (3,4,5) - c'est dur à jouer ça pour une Hard imo, car le joueur se dira "spam" s'il n'a pas la technique pour jouer ce pattern, et la technique est dure à apprendre pour un Hard player.
    - 00:18:909 (3,4,5,6) - ça c'est plus facile à jouer que ^, car le 1/4 slider est en premier ce qui permet de bien introduire le triplet.
  2. 00:37:350 (5,6) - en terme de placement, il serait préférable que (4) (3) et (6) fassent un triangle équilatéral.
  3. 00:51:468 (5,1) - le flow est pas bon ici imo, faire ça pourrait l'améliorer imo :
  4. 01:35:585 (1,2,3,4,5) - t'es vraiment sadique avec les patterns toi !, déjà ceux d'avant sont bien complqués à jouer, et là t'en rajouter une couche, celle de trop ! pourquoi ne pas delete 01:35:850 (2) - et prolonger 01:35:585 (1) - ?
  5. Dans le dernier kiai, évite l'usage abusif de triplets pour ajouter de la densité, sur une Hard c'est.... pas trop envisageable quoi.
  6. 01:57:822 (3,4) - t'as pété les plombs ici ou quoi ? x) ce jump est beaucoup trop dure par rapport au reste, y compris les star pattern déjà >.>.


  1. 00:27:115 (1,1,1) - je les aurais vu plus loin par rapport à 00:26:938 (6) - , ce serait mieux, car le 1/4 est souvent utilisé pour introduire une note plus loin ou un pattern rappide.
  2. 01:33:821 (6) - ça me gêne de voir que le strong beat (sur le grand tick blanc) n'est pas joué, pourquoi pas faire ça à la place ?

Bref je crois que c'est tout que j'ai à dire, Go la rank srsly !!!! o/
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:


Awh yeah o/


  1. Ajoute BBKKBKK aux tags pour trouver la map plus facilement dans le jeu et sur le site, because la personne lazy aura la flemme de séparer chaques lettres avec les points. Fixed
  2. J'entends pas trop ton clap, utilise celui là plutôt, il vient de je sais plus qui, mais d'un BMS artist o/ Fixed


  1. 00:22:174 (1,2,3) - J'aime pas trop le choix du pattern car le clap ici 00:23:938 est dodged alors qu'il vaut mieux qu'il soit joué, ou au moins entendu. Perso, ça me dérange pas trop. Et je préfère varié un peu avec un slider 1/1 plutot que de n'avoir que des notes et des sliders 1/2 tout le temps.
  2. 00:40:879 (4,2) - Overlap visible, fix moi ça. Oui maître, Fixed
  3. 01:08:056 (2,3,4) - *nazi* la note au centre des 2 sliders n'est pas vraiment au centre, tu vois un léger décalage. Fixed
  4. 01:20:409 (3) - Tu pourrais remplacer ça par 2 circles, pour ajouter de la diversité, parce que le beginner préfère jouer les circles plutot que les sliders. Ils sont cons ces begin.... enfin, fixed.


  • A première vue, c'est pas vraiment une Normal, elle penche plutôt vers Hard. C'est fait un peu exprès pour pouvoir une hard légèrement plus dure et avoir à la fin un meilleur spread.
  1. 00:11:232 et 00:11:585 - Pourquoi ignorer les strong beats et mapper sur du red tick ? Suivre les red ticks semble bizare car c'est contre intuitif pour le joueur, surtout quand c'est un Normal player. Oui mais c'est parce que je ne suis pas les strong beat mais l'instru qu'il y a derrière. Perso, ça me semble assez intutif mais avant de tout remap cette partie là je vais voir ce que me disent les autres mappeurs masi je ne rejete pas encore ta suggestion.
    - Du début à 00:20:762 ^
  2. 00:26:938 (4,1,1,1) - Le joueur risque de presque rien comprendre à ce qui se passe, car à cause de l'ar il va sans doute prendre les stacked notes pour du 1/2. Fixed
  3. 01:07:350 à 01:15:821 - Laisse du mou au joueur avec des espacements de 1/1, avec seulement des espacements de 1/2 il va s'étouffer et il va sans doute se perdre dans le rythme.J'ai simplifié le début de cette partie parce que c'est vrai que c'est censé être une partie calme. J'ai quand même laissé la fin car elle m'a l'air moins confuse et la musique est plus intense.
  4. 01:52:527 (1,2,3,4,5) - Un peu compliqué à jouer car on alterne les sliders 1/1 et 1/2, je veux dire tu sais, comme les vers embrassés d'un poème, bah c'est pareil. Essaie ça, en + je trouve que ça suit mieux la mélodie derrière fixed
  5. 01:55:350 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ fixed


  1. 00:17:497 (3,4,5) - c'est dur à jouer ça pour une Hard imo, car le joueur se dira "spam" s'il n'a pas la technique pour jouer ce pattern, et la technique est dure à apprendre pour un Hard player.
    - 00:18:909 (3,4,5,6) - ça c'est plus facile à jouer que ^, car le 1/4 slider est en premier ce qui permet de bien introduire le triplet. ok j'ai changé le pattern de 00:17:497 (3,4,5) en celui de 00:18:909 (3,4,5,6)
  2. 00:37:350 (5,6) - en terme de placement, il serait préférable que (4) (3) et (6) fassent un triangle équilatéral. Mais ça fait un jump un peu trop dur alors je laisse le traingle isocèle.
  3. 00:51:468 (5,1) - le flow est pas bon ici imo, faire ça pourrait l'améliorer imo Je trouve que le flow est bon mais j'adore ton pattern donc j'ai quand même changé!:
  4. 01:35:585 (1,2,3,4,5) - t'es vraiment sadique avec les patterns toi !, déjà ceux d'avant sont bien complqués à jouer, et là t'en rajouter une couche, celle de trop ! pourquoi ne pas delete 01:35:850 (2) - et prolonger 01:35:585 (1) - ? J'ai fait differement et j'ai enormement simplifié ce pattern. Je déteste vraiment cette partie avec tout ces 3/4 et à l'avenir je crois que je vais essayer de trouver un meilleur rythme pour cette partie là....
  5. Dans le dernier kiai, évite l'usage abusif de triplets pour ajouter de la densité, sur une Hard c'est.... pas trop envisageable quoi. Bof, j'ai ai utilisé assez peu et ils sont assez espacés les uns des autres. De plus ont les entends assez facilement dans la musique donc ca ne m'a pas l'air problématique.
  6. 01:57:822 (3,4) - t'as pété les plombs ici ou quoi ? x) ce jump est beaucoup trop dure par rapport au reste, y compris les star pattern déjà >.>. Fixed. Mais bon c'est le dernier kiai alors je peux me lacher un peu. Je l'ai fait sur l'insane et la normal alors autant le faire sur la hard aussi!

Ah la la le monde du ranking... Va falloir que je réapprenne à faire des hards qui sont jouables, meh....


  1. 00:27:115 (1,1,1) - je les aurais vu plus loin par rapport à 00:26:938 (6) - , ce serait mieux, car le 1/4 est souvent utilisé pour introduire une note plus loin ou un pattern rappide. Justement, le principe de l'anti-jump c'est de mettre la note beaucoup plus proche. ;)
  2. 01:33:821 (6) - ça me gêne de voir que le strong beat (sur le grand tick blanc) n'est pas joué, pourquoi pas faire ça à la place ? Fixed

Bref je crois que c'est tout que j'ai à dire, Go la rank srsly !!!! o/
Whoah, merci pour le mod qui déchire. Ca me fait vraiment réfléchir sur certains trucs. J'aviserais selon l'avis des prochains moddeurs mais ouais j'envisage un peu de remap à certains endroits. Et merci aussi pour l'étoile ;)

rezoons wrote:

je suis pas un connard (pas à ce point, pas comme -umi-!)
Map des TV size et reviens me voir connard ! xD et c'est "Umi" pour ton information.
Topic Starter
J'en ai mappé 2: (c'est pas des full mapset mais bon quand on mappe des tv size on ne mappe qu'une diff et on demande des gd aux autres pour le reste donc c'est pareil!) et j'ai fait 4 GD:
alors ahahah Connard toi même! Et même si t'as changé ça reste -umi- pour moi! Surtout que si ça t’énerve que je t’appelle comme ça ça m'encourage encore plus!
Cherry Blossom
-Umi- Umi is everywhere !!!
Edit : 800 posts o/
From my modding queue.
Mods are just suggestions. Feel free to ignore if you don't like them.

  1. 00:13:350 (4) - Remove note? Sounds better imo
  2. 00:31:350 (2) - [Nazi] Move to x: 204 y: 136 for blanket by slider 3?
  3. 01:33:821 - Feels too empty without a note.
  4. 01:35:938 - ^
  1. 01:33:821 - NC here instead of 00:20:232 (1) -
  2. 01:17:762 (1) - imo adding a circle at 01:17:762 or 01:17:938 stacked on 01:18:644 (1) instead of a repeating slider for some sort of suspended flow would be better.
  3. 01:41:232 - 02:00:644 - Isn't the speed-up in this kiai a bit too surprising and difficult for a Normal?
  1. 00:35:585 (3,4,5,6) - imo making these objects more spaced is better.
  2. 00:41:232 (3,4,5,6) - ^ (I won't point out any similar cases anymore.)
  3. 01:31:879 (3,1,1) - Might be a bit confusing for a hard.
  4. 01:57:468 (2,3,4) - Jump might be too big for a hard?
  1. 00:26:938 (6,1) - Maybe make these two objects farther?
  2. 00:50:232 (8) - Stack with 00:50:938 (2) (Jump from circle 7 is a bit too much imo)
  3. 02:01:349 (5,6,7) - Make this curved instead of straight. Ruins the look of the stream imo.
I suck at modding o.o
Sorry, I couldn't find much to mod from your map.
Also, sorry if my mod isn't of any help.

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Eyenine wrote:

From my modding queue.
Mods are just suggestions. Feel free to ignore if you don't like them.

  1. 00:13:350 (4) - Remove note? Sounds better imo Well, that would be inconsistent with all the other similar note. Besides, having no notes here plays weird imo.
  2. 00:31:350 (2) - [Nazi] Move to x: 204 y: 136 for blanket by slider 3? No need for blanket because the slider and the note don't show up at the same time when playing so even if there were a blanket nobody would see it.
  3. 01:33:821 - Feels too empty without a note. Fixed
  4. 01:35:938 - ^ Fixed
  1. 01:33:821 - NC here instead of 00:20:232 (1) - These two objects are one minutes apart so i don't really understand but the NC on both seems good to me.
  2. 01:17:762 (1) - imo adding a circle at 01:17:762 or 01:17:938 stacked on 01:18:644 (1) instead of a repeating slider for some sort of suspended flow would be better. In the end, i deleted the slider. Whatever i tried to do, it felt weird.
  3. 01:41:232 - 02:00:644 - Isn't the speed-up in this kiai a bit too surprising and difficult for a Normal?Probably, but since i did the same thing in the hyper and in the another it's consistent. Besides, the music gets relly intense here so it's justified.
  1. 00:35:585 (3,4,5,6) - imo making these objects more spaced is better. These anti-jumps are done on purpose. I think it matches the music quite well.
  2. 00:41:232 (3,4,5,6) - ^ (I won't point out any similar cases anymore.)
  3. 01:31:879 (3,1,1) - Might be a bit confusing for a hard. I removed the first jump.
  4. 01:57:468 (2,3,4) - Jump might be too big for a hard? I simplified it.
  1. 00:26:938 (6,1) - Maybe make these two objects farther? Nope, i want an anti-jump here.
  2. 00:50:232 (8) - Stack with 00:50:938 (2) (Jump from circle 7 is a bit too much imo) I tested it and this jump seemed fine to me. Since the previous jump gets more and more intense it feels natural to finish by the biggest jump and si this jump is not surprising.
  3. 02:01:349 (5,6,7) - Make this curved instead of straight. Ruins the look of the stream imo. Oh yeah, didn't saw that one! Fixed!
I suck at modding o.o
Sorry, I couldn't find much to mod from your map.
Also, sorry if my mod isn't of any help.

Good luck~
As long as you helped me it's fine ^^ Thank you for your mod :D
Hello! Doing this for some M4M with my tv size map because you love these.

Maybe you could use custom circle colors for parts like 00:27:115 - , just a suggestion tho.

I don't think that using different slider velocities really fit in an Easy difficulty. But that should be up to you, I guess.
00:16:174 (2) - Use a new combo here like in you other diffs.
00:16:527 (1,3) - Try to make both sliderticks overlap with each other.
01:27:115 (1) - Looks better when symmetrical to the Y Axis

01:08:762 (4) - Use a new combo here to keep the consistency with the following new combos.

00:31:703 (5) - Would play way better if you CTRL + G this.

Really fun to play and had no mistakes for me to notice.

Couldn't find too much because your map is really good. Have a star for compensation.
01:40:174 (3,4,5) - Maybe bigger distance snap? A little bit confusing
00:53:232 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream is a little bit awkward :s. Take distance snap and make it more "shaped?".
01:34:350 (1,2,3,4) - Try to make this pattern in such a way that first slider starts in white point. Starting sliders in red points often make pattern confusing and easy to miss.
There is a problem, because there is a lot of places when sliders starts in red points. Try to make it starts in white.
Ready to rank!
Topic Starter

Haya wrote:

Hello! Doing this for some M4M with my tv size map because you love these.

Maybe you could use custom circle colors for parts like 00:27:115 - , just a suggestion tho. Well, i'm already using custom colors but if what you meant was that i should use a special color when you have a "bass kick" in the music well, i don't think it's really usefull.

I don't think that using different slider velocities really fit in an Easy difficulty. But that should be up to you, I guess. I use between x0.9 and x1.1. That's ok for an easy.
00:16:174 (2) - Use a new combo here like in you other diffs. Well the NC is supposed to show the anti-jump in the other diff but that's true there isn't any in the Standard so instead i removed the NC in the Standard.
00:16:527 (1,3) - Try to make both sliderticks overlap with each other. It's quite difficult. Besides, even if i managed to suceed it wouldn't be very useful because it's impossible to see it when playing.
01:27:115 (1) - Looks better when symmetrical to the Y Axis I never intended to make it symmetrical. I even curved it upward on purpose so i won't change it.

01:08:762 (4) - Use a new combo here to keep the consistency with the following new combos. Fixed

00:31:703 (5) - Would play way better if you CTRL + G this. I did something else to improve the flow.

Really fun to play and had no mistakes for me to notice.

Couldn't find too much because your map is really good. Have a star for compensation.
Thank you for the mod and the star. I'll take a look at your map tomorrow. But well since your mod was... how can i say it... "not really thorough"... don't expect a thorough mod from me.

LukerMaster wrote:

01:40:174 (3,4,5) - Maybe bigger distance snap? A little bit confusing It's x1.00 the same distance as the other notes. If i would put a higher DS here it would be confusing because the notes wouldn't look like 1/3. So i'll keep it this way.
00:53:232 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream is a little bit awkward :s. Take distance snap and make it more "shaped?". I tried to make a nicer shape.
01:34:350 (1,2,3,4) - Try to make this pattern in such a way that first slider starts in white point. Starting sliders in red points often make pattern confusing and easy to miss. No, not when there is a beat on the red tic. People play with the music, not following the tics so i make the rhythm with the music, not just the tics.
There is a problem, because there is a lot of places when sliders starts in red points. Try to make it starts in white. Nope for the same reason.
Ready to rank!
Thanks for the short mod.
Mod cadeau! :3

Offset : 10860 sonne bien mieux. Crois moi. :)


00:16:174 (2,1) - Déjà que tu m'engueulais dans le passé a causes de mes overlaps, et pour le coup je sais pas si celui ci passe ou non, dans le doute, je le cite.
01:07:350 (1,2) - ^
01:10:527 (5,1) - je doute :( surtout pour une easy
01:24:291 (1) - courbe le pour faire bkanket avec le précédent ?


01:11:056 (2,3,4) - ça fait bizzarre, essaie de les faire dans l'autre sens avec crtl+J puis pivotes les de quelques degrés
01:34:350 (2) - ça suit pas trop le rythme, faut la racourcir un peu puis rajouter des reverses jusqu'au tick rouge avant 01:35:585 (3) - (oublie pas de réajuster ton hitsound sur ce slider)


01:31:879 (3,1) - peut être un peu dur à jouer ça... je dis juste hein, mais moi perso j'ai du mal avec ça.
01:33:556 (4,5) - ^
01:37:527 (5,1) - ^
01:40:174 (3,4,5) - Si tu as moyen de faire une triplet sous forme de slider pour ce 1/3 ça aiderait :)
01:58:527 (3,6) - un petit overlap pour la route ^^


00:32:232 (1) - Ce spinner devrait etre de la même durée que la Another non ? :(
00:32:232 (1) - pour éviter cet overlap, tu peux descendre un peu le slider 2 pour faire ta blanket comme ça :
01:05:938 (1,3) - Pour éviter un vilain pas bô overlap : ?
01:40:174 (3,4,5) - Pareil que sur la diff Another, si tu as la possibilité de faire une tiplet en slider, hésites pas. :)
02:03:821 (1) - pousse cette note bien plus loin ou tu veux mais pas la peine de faire un stack aussi distant. ^^

Map sympa, pleine de vie, superbe à jouer, j'a bieni aimé la modder, même si j'ai pas forcément trouvé grand chose mais bon hein.. je moddes pas aussi souvent que toi. :)

Bonne chance pour la suite, et un gros GG :)/
Topic Starter

Lumina wrote:

Mod cadeau! :3

Offset : 10860 sonne bien mieux. Crois moi. :) Je te crois, malheureusement ce n'est pas ce que j'ai. J'ai refait plein de test et je trouve toujours 10880. Je sais que j'ai une marge d'erreur de 5ms mais pas 20.


00:16:174 (2,1) - Déjà que tu m'engueulais dans le passé a causes de mes overlaps, et pour le coup je sais pas si celui ci passe ou non, dans le doute, je le cite. Celui-çi passe parfaitement. Tes overlaps moches c'était différent. Je pense qu'un jour il faudra que je te fasse un cours pour différencier les bons et les mauvais overlap.
01:07:350 (1,2) - ^ Je l'ai corrigé d'une façon différente. Mais j'ai gardé l'overlap. Ici il est assez important à cause du fait que les joueurs d'easy c'est des gros noobs! Lorsqu'ils jouent un slider ils le joue toujours jusqu'au bout du coup il faut adapter le flow et regarde la différence:
De plus esthétiquement ça fait joli puisque l'overlap est cohérent, après tout il dirige le flow vers le slider suivant. Ca, c'est un bon overlap.
01:10:527 (5,1) - je doute :( surtout pour une easy Comme avant.
01:24:291 (1) - courbe le pour faire bkanket avec le précédent ? Je viens d'enchainer 4 sliders courbes et je veux éviter d'avoir une Easy trop répétitive.


01:11:056 (2,3,4) - ça fait bizzarre, essaie de les faire dans l'autre sens avec crtl+J puis pivotes les de quelques degrés A vrai dire je trouve que ça donne un flow plutôt cool. Mais c'est vrai que c'est difficle à lire pour une normal, du coup j'ai changé le pattern.
01:34:350 (2) - ça suit pas trop le rythme, faut la racourcir un peu puis rajouter des reverses jusqu'au tick rouge avant 01:35:585 (3) - (oublie pas de réajuster ton hitsound sur ce slider) Ca suit les "bass" "kick", d'ailleurs c'est le rythme le plus "évident" je trouve, même s'il est loin d'être trivial. J'ai d'ailleurs utilisé le même dans les autres diffs.


01:31:879 (3,1) - peut être un peu dur à jouer ça... je dis juste hein, mais moi perso j'ai du mal avec ça. Des 1/4 slider jumps? C'est un pattern assez courant et qui colle pas mal à la situation. Crois-moi j'ai testé la map et je l'ai fait testé par plein d'autres monde et ça passe bien. Mais c'est vrai que c'est un pattern de insane+/extreme ça.
01:33:556 (4,5) - ^
01:37:527 (5,1) - ^
01:40:174 (3,4,5) - Si tu as moyen de faire une triplet sous forme de slider pour ce 1/3 ça aiderait :) A vrai dire j'utilise le spacing ici pour indiquer que c'est un triplet. J'ai déja vu ça utilisé dans différente map et je trouve que ça passe plutôt bien.
01:58:527 (3,6) - un petit overlap pour la route ^^ En effet, celui ça c'est un mauvais overlap! Malheureusement même s'il se voit dans l'éditeur il ne se voit pas du tout lorsqu'on joue la map donc c'est pas un problème.


00:32:232 (1) - Ce spinner devrait etre de la même durée que la Another non ? :( En effet, bien vu!
00:32:232 (1) - pour éviter cet overlap, tu peux descendre un peu le slider 2 pour faire ta blanket comme ça : Le problème c'est que ca fait un jump beaucoup trop gros. Je préfère donc laissé l'overlap mais avoir une map qui joue quand même bien.
01:05:938 (1,3) - Pour éviter un vilain pas bô overlap : ? J'ai changé differement.
01:40:174 (3,4,5) - Pareil que sur la diff Another, si tu as la possibilité de faire une tiplet en slider, hésites pas. :) Bon, cette fois j'ai changé parce que c'est vrai que le 1/3 pour une hard....
02:03:821 (1) - pousse cette note bien plus loin ou tu veux mais pas la peine de faire un stack aussi distant. ^^ Mais j'en fait tout le temps sur toutes mes diffs. C'est un pattern a moi. Quand il y a un moment ou la musique s'arete j'aime bien que la note juste avant et juste après l'arret de la musique soit stack. Ca donne un effet "la musique se met en pause du coup la map se met en pause (puisque le joueur ne doit pas bouger s'il veut avoir la note suivante)"

Map sympa, pleine de vie, superbe à jouer, j'a bieni aimé la modder, même si j'ai pas forcément trouvé grand chose mais bon hein.. je moddes pas aussi souvent que toi. :)

Bonne chance pour la suite, et un gros GG :)
Merci beaucoup pour ton mod. Je sais que j'ai refusé pas mal de truc mais je peux déja te dire que ton mod faisait bien plus d'effort que la plupart des autres moddeurs que j'ai eu. Tu remontes dans mon estime. D'ailleurs t'es maintenant plus haut qu'umi dans mon estime puisque tu m'as moddé! xD
Merci encore! <3
Cherry Blossom

rezoons wrote:


[notice]00:16:174 (2,1) - Déjà que tu m'engueulais dans le passé a causes de mes overlaps, et pour le coup je sais pas si celui ci passe ou non, dans le doute, je le cite. Celui-çi passe parfaitement. Tes overlaps moches c'était différent. Je pense qu'un jour il faudra que je te fasse un cours pour différencier les bons et les mauvais overlap.

Bref, je crois que le mapping tutorial n'est pas fini...
/me runs
Marked for puzzle game award~
Topic Starter
Map uploaded with a new better mp3 thanks to shARPII!
Coucou cap'tain Chirac!

Fast mod sur l'another, j'essayerai de voir la suite plus tard. Certaines choses sont juste mon avis et n'améliore peut être pas la map donc hésite pas à dodge si c'est merdique.
J'ai essayé de faire un mod surtout axé sur la façon de vivre la map c'est à dire que, pour moi, la base est déjà très bonne, mais essayer de trouver quelques petits détails qui feront se souvenir de la map ou de l'aimer encore plus :3


  1. 00:13:767 (5) - enlève le. Je m'explique pour ça => c'est peut être un peu trop répétitif sur le début. Je sais aussi que la musique est répétitive donc c'est correct ce que tu fais pour le moment mais je me disais que changer un peu pouvait éviter les joueurs no brain qui vont triple pendant tout le début sans réfléchir.
  2. 00:19:414 (7) - ^
  3. 01:17:737 (1) - Mettre à 5% c'est jamais une bonne idée, généralement tu te fais taper sur les doigts quand tu le fais en pleins milieu de la map. Perso je trouve que ça pourrait donner une autre envergure si tu met le début du slider en normal (no custom) 45% avec un clap et à 01:17:782 - un autre point où tu te met en soft custom 1 à 30%. Je trouve que ça passe plutôt bien comme ça.
  4. 01:29:737 (3,5) - clap sur ces deux cercles, ça rend super bien.
  5. 01:40:796 (4,5) - là on touche le gros problème de ta diff ^^ Les cercles sont même pas sur des ticks donc ça, ça passera très certainement pas. Essaye de refaire ce passage en remplaçant ces deux cercles par un début/fin de slider peut être. En plus 01:41:384 (3) - est super dur à accu donc bon, c'est peut être l'occasion de trouver une nouvelle idée ici ^^
  6. 02:01:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Au vu de tes derniers streams, je l'aurais pas fait vraiment comme ça. Si j'essaye de reprendre un peu le même style, j'aurais plutôt fait ça :
  7. 02:02:914 (1) - Whisle
Topic Starter

shARPII wrote:

Coucou cap'tain Chirac!

Fast mod sur l'another, j'essayerai de voir la suite plus tard. Pour info il m'a fallu une semaine pour mapper la another et j'ai fait le reste à l'arrache en 2 jours donc c'est peut-être pas une bonne idée de regarder le reste ^^' Certaines choses sont juste mon avis et n'améliore peut être pas la map donc hésite pas à dodge si c'est merdique.
J'ai essayé de faire un mod surtout axé sur la façon de vivre la map c'est à dire que, pour moi, la base est déjà très bonne, mais essayer de trouver quelques petits détails qui feront se souvenir de la map ou de l'aimer encore plus :3 Ah la la, j'ai besoin de plus de moddeurs qui réfléchissent comme toi. Beaucoup trop de monde croient que "modder" c'est "chercher les erreurs" alors que non. Le principe du modding c'est "d'améliorer une map". Chercher les erreurs n'est qu'une partie du moding! /me s'énerve tout seul!


  1. 00:13:767 (5) - enlève le. Je m'explique pour ça => c'est peut être un peu trop répétitif sur le début. Je sais aussi que la musique est répétitive donc c'est correct ce que tu fais pour le moment mais je me disais que changer un peu pouvait éviter les joueurs no brain qui vont triple pendant tout le début sans réfléchir. Je ne l'ai pas enlevé car je trouve que d'avoir 2 notes au lieu d'un triplet c'est meh. Même si a chanson est répétitif je ne veux pas just ignorer des 1/4... Surtout que je le fait déja à d'autres endroit. Néanmoins je suis d'acord avec toi sur le fait que c'est répétitif du coup j'ai changé certains triplets en slider 1/4 avec reverse.
  2. 00:19:414 (7) - ^
  3. 01:17:737 (1) - Mettre à 5% c'est jamais une bonne idée, généralement tu te fais taper sur les doigts quand tu le fais en pleins milieu de la map. Perso je trouve que ça pourrait donner une autre envergure si tu met le début du slider en normal (no custom) 45% avec un clap et à 01:17:782 - un autre point où tu te met en soft custom 1 à 30%. Je trouve que ça passe plutôt bien comme ça. Je suis pas trop sur pour le coup mais je vais te faire confiance. Fix dans toutes les diffs.
  4. 01:29:737 (3,5) - clap sur ces deux cercles, ça rend super bien. Ouaip, et j'ai aussi mis un clap sur le 1 et j'ai fait pareil dans les autres diffs.
  5. 01:40:796 (4,5) - là on touche le gros problème de ta diff ^^ Les cercles sont même pas sur des ticks donc ça, ça passera très certainement pas. Essaye de refaire ce passage en remplaçant ces deux cercles par un début/fin de slider peut être. En plus 01:41:384 (3) - est super dur à accu donc bon, c'est peut être l'occasion de trouver une nouvelle idée ici ^^ Les cercles sont sur les 1/3 donc si, ils sont sur des ticks. Perso je n'ai pas eu de problème avec ce pattern et je n'ai pas vu d'autres personnes avoir de problème avec ce personne. Je n'ai aussi aucune idée de comment le changer. Je prend note de ta remarque mais pour l'instant je ne change rien.
  6. 02:01:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Au vu de tes derniers streams, je l'aurais pas fait vraiment comme ça. Si j'essaye de reprendre un peu le même style, j'aurais plutôt fait ça :
    Voici mon algo secret de création de stream:

    Faire un slider au pif;
    Turn slider into stream;
    if (stream pas trop moche)
    -----keep it;
    else {
    -----symmetriser le slider;
    -----turn slider into stream;}
    end prog;

    Donc ouais, voilà pourquoi je suis le seul a faire mes streams comme je les fait ^^'
    Sinon je préfère garder mon slider. Je n'aime pas trop le "cercle" écrasé qu'il y a sur le tien. Je préfère un cercle plus net.

  7. 02:02:914 (1) - WhisleA vos orders capitaine (et dans les autres diffs aussi)
Merci pour ton mod. J'ai vraiment besoin de plus de mod comme ça. ^^
Hi there~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. There is an unsnapped object in Another, check & fix it by using Ctrl+Shift+A
  2. With an internal discuss, the Epilepsy warning is highly recommended to check since the video has quick strobing
  1. HP-1 since there're some big gaps
  2. 01:29:032 (1) - I may put a kick slider here but not only a note
  3. 01:40:679 (3,4,5) - recommend to emphasize the 1/3 here with NC spam
The work is solid but boring a little - lack of flexibility. And my concern is the break where i suppose it is not very satisfied.

  1. 00:44:032 - the blank here is weird.. at least i may choose 2 1/2 sliders around here
  2. 01:03:090 (2) - i suppose two notes here is better. also others
  3. 01:29:032 (5) - make a slider here?
  4. 01:43:149 (5,6,7) - i think the triplet here is inappropriate, a better rhythm is

    also 01:45:973 (5,6,7) - 01:48:796 (5,6,7) - 01:51:620 (5,6,7) - 01:54:443 (5,6,7) - 01:57:267 (5,6,7) - 02:00:090 (5,6,7) -
  1. 00:12:267 (2) - consider the drums, more or less it is weird to start a slider on red beat in a normal diff
  2. 01:09:090 (3) - i suppose it could be removed
  3. 01:10:502 (3) - ^
  1. 00:47:737 - add a note here?
  2. 01:41:384 (2) - could be removed
That's all~ call me back to recheck when you're ready, anyway i suppose you can look for several mods more before recheck :>

The hitsounds feel [to me] absolutely quiet [compared to the song]... would raise every section by [at least] 5% (i.e., 30 to 35, 40 to 45 etc.) ?
Would raise Slider Tick to 2? Because 1 feels so empty ><

To me is kinda perfect, no extra notes needed ─ including the one as pointed on the last mod before, because you're following correctly the voice ("gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-ghee? gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-ghee-gheez... " and so on) on the 1st Kiai. And... just a notice for previous and further mods: there's no such voice on 2nd Kiai).

♥ Everything is fine ─

01:29:032 (5) - Turn this note in a slider with a more enjoyable flow, like shown in the following image →
01:43:237 (6) - Consider removing this note. It has nothing to do with the music.
01:46:061 (6) - ^
01:48:796 (5,6,7) - Delete (5,6), put (7) in the big white tick and add a note here on 01:49:149 - at x:292 y:144. It fits better to the song's rhythm and also to the previous circular flow pattern. Image →
01:51:708 (6) - remove the note by the same reason on 01:43:237 (6)
01:54:532 (6) - ^
01:57:355 (6) - ^
02:00:179 (6) - ^

♥ Everyhting is fine. Although you would map the break with a few sliders and mighty 2 or 4 notes, creating a calmer-active place.

Good luck!
─ with the new blood that's coming soon!
Because a full blood transfusion is required to avoid the Death visit and the bullying of the Léz ;)
Uso.'. mene mene teqel parsim

Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~

red - must be fixed
blue - highly recommend to consider
black - only suggestions

  1. There is an unsnapped object in Another, check & fix it by using Ctrl+Shift+A woops, fixed!
  2. With an internal discuss, the Epilepsy warning is highly recommended to check since the video has quick strobingI actually hesitated about it but yeah, fixed.
  1. HP-1 since there're some big gaps fixed.
  2. 01:29:032 (1) - I may put a kick slider here but not only a note i disgaree here. There is no music from 01:29:032 to 01:29:384 so i don't want any object palced here. That sounds too weird imo.
  3. 01:40:679 (3,4,5) - recommend to emphasize the 1/3 here with NC spamI don't like using NC spam for pattern other than anti-jump. I emphasized it by putting a NC at the start of the 1/3, i think it's enough to properly emphasize them.
The work is solid but boring a little - lack of flexibility. And my concern is the break where i suppose it is not very satisfied. Actually i only map trying to be as fun as possible and i usually don't care about solidity so the fact that you tell me that is...yeah, it makes me sad. I really would like to know more precisely what i did wrong because i really want to get better. Besides, i don't really understand what you meant about "lack of flexibilty". This is actually the first time i heard it so i don't really know what it means :o. Also i'm not sure what you meant by "the break is not very satisfied" too. The break is at the middle of the song and is 5 seconds long. Seems ok to me for a 2min song.

  1. 00:44:032 - the blank here is weird.. at least i may choose 2 1/2 sliders around here I agree this time. I put a slider on the first but kept the rest using a similar rhythm as the another.
  2. 01:03:090 (2) - i suppose two notes here is better. also others I agree that it fits the rhythm better but i still prefer using a 1/2 slider because i want this part to be relaxing. That's why i think having a 1/2 slider + a note in here feels better than 3 notes. I did the same thing in the another.
  3. 01:29:032 (5) - make a slider here? No, for the same reason as in the another. I don't want anything if there is no music. That's why i agreed to put one at 00:44:032 but not here.
  4. 01:43:149 (5,6,7) - i think the triplet here is inappropriate, a better rhythm is

    also 01:45:973 (5,6,7) - 01:48:796 (5,6,7) - 01:51:620 (5,6,7) - 01:54:443 (5,6,7) - 01:57:267 (5,6,7) - 02:00:090 (5,6,7) - I really had trouble for the rythm because of all the triplet of the song but you're right. Your rhythm fits well better. I try to find a compromise fixing the triplet issue without needing me to remap the WHOLE last kiai. I did something like this:

    It will also be easier for players since the triplet is not after a jump. Netherless i didn't used your NC because in this part i use NC to emphasize the different jumps. Your NC fits the music better i agree but i prefer emphasing the jump rather than the music here.
  1. 00:12:267 (2) - consider the drums, more or less it is weird to start a slider on red beat in a normal diff Problem is, there is not that much rythm to exploit in the drum. Or maybe it's just me. I have a lot of trouble trying to concentrate on the drum in this music so maybe i can't hear it. I went with the most natural rythm that came to my mind. I had the same issue with my last ranked map.
  2. 01:09:090 (3) - i suppose it could be removed Actually this part always bugged me but you're absolutely right. It's WAY better now that it's removed!
  3. 01:10:502 (3) - ^^
  1. 00:47:737 - add a note here? No, for the same reason i didn't put any at 00:36:443 and 00:42:090. I follow the vocals here. I figured that's what the beginner would hear in this part. Besides i don't want a too high note density either. Even if we are in the kiai this is still supposed to be an easy diff.
  2. 01:41:384 (2) - could be removed yeah. I guess it's probably a little too confusing for beginners.
That's all~ call me back to recheck when you're ready, anyway i suppose you can look for several mods more before recheck :>
Thank you for your mod! Now i feel like my map is bad... :o

Alarido wrote:


The hitsounds feel [to me] absolutely quiet [compared to the song]... would raise every section by [at least] 5% (i.e., 30 to 35, 40 to 45 etc.) ? fixed.
Would raise Slider Tick to 2? Because 1 feels so empty >< yeah. I raised it but only in the hyper and another. If feels a little too much on the beginner and advanced imo.

To me is kinda perfect, no extra notes needed ─ including the one as pointed on the last mod before, because you're following correctly the voice ("gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-ghee? gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-gheez-ghee-gheez... " and so on) on the 1st Kiai. And... just a notice for previous and further mods: there's no such voice on 2nd Kiai). Don't worry, i didn't put any extra note ^^

♥ Everything is fine ─

01:29:032 (5) - Turn this note in a slider with a more enjoyable flow, like shown in the following image → Nope. I know it's just me and a lot of mapper don't do the same but i don't like putting object when there is no music. It feels too weird to me.
01:43:237 (6) - Consider removing this note. It has nothing to do with the music.yeah, i changed the triplet because it didn't fits well.
01:46:061 (6) - ^ ^
01:48:796 (5,6,7) - Delete (5,6), put (7) in the big white tick and add a note here on 01:49:149 - at x:292 y:144. It fits better to the song's rhythm and also to the previous circular flow pattern. Image → Actually the last mod made me change the rhythm here so there is no issue here anymore.
01:51:708 (6) - remove the note by the same reason on 01:43:237 (6) Fixed
01:54:532 (6) - ^ ^
01:57:355 (6) - ^ ^
02:00:179 (6) - ^ ^

♥ Everyhting is fine. Although you would map the break with a few sliders and mighty 2 or 4 notes, creating a calmer-active place.yeah, but i still wanted a small break allowing the player to recover after the big stream 00:53:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

Good luck!
─ with the new blood that's coming soon!
Because a full blood transfusion is required to avoid the Death visit and the bullying of the Léz ;)
Uso.'. mene mene teqel parsim I have no idea what you just said. But i like blood!

Thank you for your mod :D



  1. I like this song, a lot


  1. fun, some of the etnas aren't that fun, I'll try to suggest what i can find here:
  2. 00:24:796 (7,8) - might consider swapping these on the timeline (don't even move them anywhere), i think that plays more nicely
  3. 00:32:032 (8) - might move this one down a bit for better flow ?
  4. 00:32:914 (1) - the sounds this spinner is mapping maybe start on the blue tick in 00:32:826 -
  5. 00:50:473 - sounds quite strong, might consider mapping it?
  6. 00:56:561 (1) - map this break pls D: the song is so short it doesn't really require one and the stream before is also one stanza away, so having a break there isn't really necessary and i would be pretty happy if you mapped this one :D
  7. 01:16:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream shape may not be 100% fitting the sounds it's mapping, i'd suggest using a higher spacing here because you do that in the stream starting there (which doesn't have sounds that strong btw) as well 02:01:502 (1) - ... I would even suggest a stream with increasing distance snap in it (that would be awesomely fitting the sounds there, imo)
  8. 01:29:384 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - might consider NC spamming here, i think it's quite appropriate since you do things like 00:16:326 (1,1,1) - , 00:27:620 (1,1,1) - , 01:32:561 (1,1,1) - , 01:38:208 (1,1,1) - (or at least nc at 01:29:737 (3,5) - D: D:)
  9. 01:35:120 (3) - might move this one so it's really only touching the border of 01:35:384 (4) - like the 01:34:855 (2) - does?
  10. 01:55:679 (8) - might consider sth like that for this one?


  1. ehh dunno what to do with this, just gonna point out what i think to be done
  2. 00:36:090 (3,4,5,6) - & 00:41:737 (3,4,5,6) - & 00:47:384 (3,4,5,6) - if these weren't in the kiai, i'd say they're fine, but because this is Kiai, they seem to be kind of anti-climatic, might consider using something less *stopping* like 00:43:149 (3,4,5,6) - ?
  3. 01:30:443 (1) - might rotate this slider in order to line up with the circles 01:29:384 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - before better?
  4. 01:36:090 (1) - should be something similar to 01:34:855 (1,2) - to consistently map the vocals ?
  5. 01:47:384 (1) - might make this one more edgy in order to blanket the 01:47:737 (2) - better?


  1. I don't know how to mod these, I'll trust your object placement here, But i do think the Slider velo is quite high for a normal diff, IDK?
  2. 00:16:679 (2) - any reason to not NC this like in the Hyper / Another?
  3. 00:27:973 (2) - ^ D:
  4. 00:54:796 (4) - might move this one a bit for symmetry ?
  5. 00:56:914 - might use the same break time as on the hyper here? Looks kind of lazy lol
  6. 01:32:561 (1,2) - these could confuse beginners at this low AR because 01:30:443 (1,2) - don't have the same amounts of repeats, so i'd suggest making these a slider ? (I think 01:38:208 (1,2) - should be fine because the 2 repeat sliders are the same length before)
  7. 01:56:208 (2) - might do sth like this for the blanket here:


  1. ... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh
  2. 00:16:326 (1,2) - see Standard also the combos in an easy are usually really short so i wouldn't mind having these NCs there
  3. 00:29:737 (3) - slider form is weird compared to your other sliders there, it may be blanketing the long ago disappeared 00:28:326 (1) - , but it isn't really blanketing the soon to come 00:31:855 (2) -

I am absolutely no help for most other things than Insane diffs...
GL with that map and thanks for your mod!


Okoratu wrote:

Thank you for noticing me, senpai <3
+ Yeah, the song is nice owo
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:



  1. I like this song, a lot Me too <3


  1. fun, some of the etnas aren't that fun, I'll try to suggest what i can find here: Thank you ^^ (and i learn a new mapping term, yay!)
  2. 00:24:796 (7,8) - might consider swapping these on the timeline (don't even move them anywhere), i think that plays more nicely Actually i use this kind of flow a lot in all of my maps. Idk, i like it, i also use the same thing at 00:30:178 (5,6,7,8,9,10) .
  3. 00:32:032 (8) - might move this one down a bit for better flow ? Yup, you're totally right.
  4. 00:32:914 (1) - the sounds this spinner is mapping maybe start on the blue tick in 00:32:826 - I slowed down the song and it's really hard to tell. I made different test while playing and starting to the white tick was the one that felt the most natural, so no change.
  5. 00:50:473 - sounds quite strong, might consider mapping it? Idk. I had to slow down the song and raise the volume of my headphones to hear it. ^^'. I rekon there is something here but i don't think it's worth mapping it. Maybe if other tell me to do it.
  6. 00:56:561 (1) - map this break pls D: the song is so short it doesn't really require one and the stream before is also one stanza away, so having a break there isn't really necessary and i would be pretty happy if you mapped this one :D Ok, you win. Since you're not the only one telling me this i'll do it.
  7. 01:16:326 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream shape may not be 100% fitting the sounds it's mapping, i'd suggest using a higher spacing here because you do that in the stream starting there (which doesn't have sounds that strong btw) as well 02:01:502 (1) - ... I would even suggest a stream with increasing distance snap in it (that would be awesomely fitting the sounds there, imo) Yeah, you're right. I changed the stream. I also completly agree with the stream with increasing spacing but the problem is that i have no idea how to map them. Actually i'm not used to map stream, that's one of my first map when i experiment this and i don't won't to try this sort of advanced things yet. I'll stick to a constant spacing stream but you're right, a stream with increasing spacing would be pretty good.
  8. 01:29:384 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - might consider NC spamming here, i think it's quite appropriate since you do things like 00:16:326 (1,1,1) - , 00:27:620 (1,1,1) - , 01:32:561 (1,1,1) - , 01:38:208 (1,1,1) - (or at least nc at 01:29:737 (3,5) - D: D:) Actually, i don't like Nc spamming. The other you pointed out where just to emphasize the anti-jump and making them more readable. But here it's not useful because compared to the others there is a 1/1 gap of void before the pattern letting the player see and anticipate the anti-jump. In the other case the anti-jump appear in the middle of the map like a surprise hence the NC in these cases but not here.
  9. 01:35:120 (3) - might move this one so it's really only touching the border of 01:35:384 (4) - like the 01:34:855 (2) - does? Yeah, i can even avoid the overlap entirely actually by moving them further!
  10. 01:55:679 (8) - might consider sth like that for this one? Pretty NICE!!!!


  1. ehh dunno what to do with this, just gonna point out what i think to be done As a modder you perfectly have the right to say "you should remap everything" you know!
  2. 00:36:090 (3,4,5,6) - & 00:41:737 (3,4,5,6) - & 00:47:384 (3,4,5,6) - if these weren't in the kiai, i'd say they're fine, but because this is Kiai, they seem to be kind of anti-climatic, might consider using something less *stopping* like 00:43:149 (3,4,5,6) - ? Actually that's done on purpose, that's how i hear the song. Each part where i use these that's because i hear it in the song. It's hard to describe since it's a feeling but in these part the song feels less intense and i emphasize it with a smaller spacing just like i emphasize part where the song "feels" very intense with a higher spacing.
  3. 01:30:443 (1) - might rotate this slider in order to line up with the circles 01:29:384 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - before better? Fixed.
  4. 01:36:090 (1) - should be something similar to 01:34:855 (1,2) - to consistently map the vocals ? Fixed
  5. 01:47:384 (1) - might make this one more edgy in order to blanket the 01:47:737 (2) - better? Actually i prefer what i did because the corner is pretty round so having a curved slider blanket better than a sharp slider imo.


  1. I don't know how to mod these, I'll trust your object placement here, But i do think the Slider velo is quite high for a normal diff, IDK? NEVER trust me. But the SV of the easy is x1.00 and the SV of the hard is x1.60 so a SV of x1.3 should be ok. I agree that it's slightly harder than usual normal diff but i mapped it in order to have a good diff spread and since the hard is harder than usual hard so i made a normal harder than usual normal.
  2. 00:16:679 (2) - any reason to not NC this like in the Hyper / Another? Because in these diff the NC were here to emphasize the anti-jump but since there aren't any here i didn't put any. It might confused beginners more than anything else.
  3. 00:27:973 (2) - ^ D: ^ XO
  4. 00:54:796 (4) - might move this one a bit for symmetry ? Fixed
  5. 00:56:914 - might use the same break time as on the hyper here? Looks kind of lazy lol You have no idea how lazy i am! But for once if i did that that wasn't by lazyness but just because, well, this is is harder than a normal so i put a longer break to allow player to rest after the kiai which is pretty difficult (for a normal)
  6. 01:32:561 (1,2) - these could confuse beginners at this low AR because 01:30:443 (1,2) - don't have the same amounts of repeats, so i'd suggest making these a slider ? (I think 01:38:208 (1,2) - should be fine because the 2 repeat sliders are the same length before) Wait a minute.... ALL THIS PART IS SHITMAPPED! Well, i remapped everything, i made evertything easier to play and especially to read. And about what you pointed out i fixed it by changing the number of repeat on the slider instead of changing the stack.
  7. 01:56:208 (2) - might do sth like this for the blanket here: Fixed


  1. ... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh That's exactly the spirit of my map! I see you start getting it ^^
  2. 00:16:326 (1,2) - see Standard also the combos in an easy are usually really short so i wouldn't mind having these NCs there Same as in the Standard. I don't like NC spam that's why i try to avoiding that. I agree that different diff have to have some sort of consistency between NC because most of NC are made based on the song but when NC are made because of pattern then it's different. But you're right that some of my combo are too long in this diff so i recheked everything and add some NC in my diff.
  3. 00:29:737 (3) - slider form is weird compared to your other sliders there, it may be blanketing the long ago disappeared 00:28:326 (1) - , but it isn't really blanketing the soon to come 00:31:855 (2) - You're right. But actually, the blanket i made and the one you pointed ot are nearly impossible to see while playing. But i still fixed it because, well, i can and it makes the map least rushed more polished. :p

I am absolutely no help for most other things than Insane diffs...
GL with that map and thanks for your mod!

Thank you for your very helpful mod :). That's definitively the mod that made me remap the most of my map :p
m4m via ur queue o3o

  1. Ur music bitrate is 128 at the moment, maybe you can try getting it up to 192? (which is the osu! max)
  1. 00:17:208 (2) - ur missing a really big guitar sound on the blue tick that i wish you could map out, you can maybe try something like this instead, which i think fits nicely
  2. 00:18:620 (2) - ^
  3. 00:20:032 (4) - ^
  4. 00:29:032 (7,8) - this has about 2.8 spacing while the rest of your 1/4 jumps have 2.5. make spacing consistent for these slider jumps?
  5. 00:30:795 (9,10) - nazi but move this entire thing to around 444|260 for more consistent spacing
  6. 00:32:032 (8,9) - this antijump feels a bit weird. since (9) is on a stronger beat, so it makes no sense to make the jump less
  7. 00:49:679 (2,3) - ^
  8. 01:16:149 (6,1) - ^
  9. 00:39:973 (2,3) - move this to 420|192 so the distance between (1,2,3) is a bit more consistent. and i mean distance not spacing. here's a picture to show what i mean cuz i cant explain it well lol
  10. 00:40:679 (4,2) - this overlap does not look too nice space out?
  11. 01:51:267 (6,3) - ^
  12. 00:42:090 (6,7,1) - spacing is a bit inconsistent
  13. 00:46:149 (4,5) - i think you can stack these o-o?
  14. 01:30:973 (3,5) - this slight overlap doesn't look well planned, space out?
  15. 01:31:855 (1,2) - nazi but blanket better lol, i don't think it's hard to fix this anyway
  16. 01:40:326 (1,2,1) - make spacing consistent since these 1/4 jumps are very weird to play if they're not
  17. 01:58:149 (6,7,8) - ^
  18. 01:55:326 (6,7,8) - ^
  19. 00:32:914 (1) - this spinner may be a bit short but this is more of a preferal thing i guess
  20. 00:36:443 (5) - missing whistle i think?
  21. 00:42:090 (6) - ^
  22. 01:42:443 (4,6) - these are touching, space out slightly?
  1. 00:24:443 (3,5) - just slightly too close, move (5) 1 grid down for the pattern to be more even
  2. 00:15:620 (3,1) - i think you should slightly unstack like you did 00:27:267 (4,1) - since stack leniency will fk up your pattern for 00:16:326 (1,1,1) -. it will also provide some consistency ^o^
    01:29:032 (5,1) - ^ same idea here. stack leniency will fk with ur patterns ;w;
  3. 00:31:855 (4,5,1) - it might feel better to play if you made the spacing consistent here especially because (1) should be a more emphasized beat
    you can try moving (1) to around 228|276
  4. 00:36:090 (3,4,5,6,1) - these antijumps felt really awkward to play since they slowed down the flow while the music didn't feel like it hit a slow part.
  5. 00:41:737 (3,4,5,6,1) - ^
    and some other parts too ^
  6. 00:48:796 (3,2) - u could stack xD? cuz why not o3o, it would make it look neater
  7. 00:51:973 (5) - move this 1 up and 1 left for a better blanket :D?
  8. 00:54:090 (5,6,7) - i just thought maybe if u NC each of these it would look kinda cool lol, and maybe more readable
  9. 02:01:855 (5,6,7) - ^
    another issue i just found is here. 01:18:267 (1,2,3,4,5) - so maybe i am just a noob but since the spacing is so similar to what you had here 01:16:326 (1,2,3,4) - i mistook this pattern for a stream ;w;, but i'm also not really sure what you can do with it. maybe play around with some of the spacing a bit.
  1. 00:20:737 (7) - remove the NC, isn't very consistent. the NC will make sense if it was at the tail but with how sliders work that doesn't really work out lol. so just remove the NC
  2. 00:27:973 (2,1) - it makes more sense to space this out since it is not a part of the 2 note pattern "base-kick"
  3. 01:41:208 (4,1) - might be a bit confusing to read since the slider head is hidden
  4. 01:44:561 (1,6) - why not stack xD?
  5. 02:01:502 - add circle and move slider back o3o? i don't think it is very hard tbh since you're going to hold it down anyways. besides, your normal is pretty hard already xD
  1. 00:43:855 (3) - add finish?
  2. 01:34:679 (3) - ^at end
  3. 01:24:090 (4,2) - overlap does not look too nice
  4. 00:33:620 (2) - NC like u did in normal diff?
From your m4m queue~~~
choo choo

Hmm overall I would say the hitsounds are a bit quiet, I would raise the volume a bit.
  1. 00:37:502 (2,3) - , 00:38:208 (1) - , 00:38:914 (2,3) - I recommend you ctrl+g these objects so that the flow from each of the sliders is not disrupted. Overall, the flow should improve.
  1. 00:27:620 (1,2,1) - circles are not exactly stacked with slider here. Barely noticeable, but the slider has an x and y value greater than the circles by 1 each.
  1. 00:49:149 (5,6) - consider ctrl+g to improve the flow here. I find that the flow from the two objects 00:49:326 (6,1) - feels rather awkward. If you do ctrl+g, then 00:48:796 (3,4,5,6) - will be a similar pattern as both pairs of hit circles go from top to bottom, which matches the music.
  2. 00:48:796 (3,2) - consider stacking these to make it look neater.
  3. 00:56:561 (1) - hm I think this is an awkward place to put the hit circle. Even though you stacked it under the tail of 00:54:796 (7) - , I feel that you should still place this hit circle somewhere else. Maybe try putting it in the center of the playfield, or on the opposite side of the playfield around x 452 y 328 (I think this works best as the distance created between the circle and previous slider matches the pause between the two objects).
  4. 01:03:443 (3,1) - right now the flow between these objects is a bit weird, I recommend ctrl+g on 01:03:090 (2) - to make the flow better. I put a diagram below depicting the flow before and after this change. Of course, you can also test it out in game.
  5. 01:04:502 (2) - this slider here is fine, but just in case, you can try to ctrl+g to see if flow improves. Otherwise it is fine as it is.
  6. 01:19:855 (4,5) - not a bit deal, but these are not perfectly stacked. If you want to fix it you can just go to 01:20:208 - and place the hit circle directly on the end since it should snap (as opposed to placing the hit circle somewhere and moving it to under the slider tail).
    other non-perfectly stacked things
    01:26:914 (4,5,6) -
    01:43:149 (5,6,7) -
    01:45:973 (5,6,7) -
    01:49:855 (4,1) -
  7. 02:04:326 (1) - same suggestion as 00:56:561 (1) - . I think it will create more emphasis if you put the hit circle elsewhere, preferably somewhere away from 02:02:914 (1) - . You can try somewhere in the top left quadrant.
  1. 00:39:620 (1,2,3) - consider making the space between each slider the same (not distance spacing). The space between the first two sliders is greater than between the second and third sliders.
    Not a big deal, but it's nice to make this change so things look consistent.
  2. 00:40:326 (3,4) - flow here is awkward. If you were aiming for a similar slider motion to match the music in this part (the music sound effect thing is the same for 00:40:326 - and 00:40:679 - ) then you can try deleting 00:40:679 (4) - , then copying 00:40:326 (3) - and ctrl+h, ctrl+j. This will improve the flow.
    If you do not like this then you can try ctrl+g at 00:40:679 (4) - .
  3. 00:47:737 (5,6) - try ctrl+g, I feel that the current flow at 00:47:914 (6,1) - could be improved. If you ctrl+g 00:47:737 (5,6) - , then I think the flow will be better.
  4. 00:57:973 (1,2,3,1) - flow can be better here, here is one suggestion: 00:58:679 (2) - ctrl+g, stack 00:59:208 (3) - with the tail of 00:57:973 (1) - , and ctrl+g 00:59:384 (1) - . I think this makes the flow much better~
  5. 01:43:855 (4,5,6) - ehh this spacing looks really awkward, I'd reduce it to around 0.6x distance snap. You used the same distance snap as 00:53:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , but that section has a slower slider velocity so the notes are closer together. Anyway I'd try to make the spacing look the same as 00:53:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - . Same suggestion with 01:46:679 (4,5,6) - , 01:49:502 (4,5,6) - , 01:52:326 (4,5,6) - , 01:55:149 (4,5,6) - , 01:57:973 (4,5,6) - , 02:00:796 (4,5,6) -
  6. 01:44:561 (1,2,3) - flow can be improved, try rotating it left once (ctrl+<)
    The flow is better this way but I'll admit that the way you have it now looks better. I'd try to make the flow better somehow, though.
  7. 01:50:032 (8) - I recommend you rotate this a bit counter-clockwise to improve flow. Also as a side note, whenever you have messed up slider points like in this slider, you can ctrl+g to fix it, then ctrl+g it back to get the original shape, but with centered slider points. Hooray \o/
  8. 02:04:326 (1) - same as suggestions from hyper difficulty, I would try to place this somewhere else away from the previous hit circle for emphasis. However, since the previous hit circle is close to the center, I think that you can place this a little under the previous hit circle, maybe around x 212 y 216

Have fun mapping!
m4m from your queue, and remember, all what i say here is only suggestion, so it's up to you to follow it or not, and don't forget to reply and please say the reason why you don't follow my suggestion :)

  1. In general, i don't think overlapping the circle into slider is a good idea for easy diff, so you should change the pattern like 00:16:679 (2,1) - and 00:19:502 (4,2) - and 01:11:032 (2,1) -
  2. 00:19:502 (4) - 96|240 for better flow?
  3. 00:26:914 (3,1,2) - why don't you make it more circular?
  4. 00:27:973 (2,3) - stack these?
  5. 00:45:620 (1,2,3,4) - why don't you make these pattern into like this or like this?
  6. 01:41:737 (1,4) - try to change this pattern so you can stack the end of 4 into the beginning of 1or you can make these into circular
  7. 01:50:561 (1) - 108|132 for better flow
  1. 00:20:737 (1,1,1) - i think something like this is for hard, not for normal
  2. 01:24:443 (4,3) - stack these?
  3. 01:28:326 (3,4,1) - make this into like this? and don't forget to change the pattern after that
  1. 01:14:032 (2,3) - change the angle of 2 so it follow 1 pattern and make 3 blanket 1's end properly
  2. can't find anything else for Hyper
    01:42:090 (2,3,4,5) - love this pattern <3
ok, i won't mod the Another diff, because insane,another, extreme and so on is not really my thing
Good luck~

edit: ah,i see that you've closed your m4m queue, so can i have the ticket for modding?
Heyo~ voila ma réponse du M4M.
Also dsl du retard je suis lent ^^'

- General :
  1. Je ne sais pas si c'est utile de remettre BMS en tag sachant qu'il est déjà dans source.
- Another :
  1. 00:20:032 (4)- Je l'aurais peut être stack avec 00:18:973 (3)-
  2. 01:48:796 (1,2,3)- Que pense tu de bouger cs 3 la pour que la queue du silder (3) stack avec 01:47:384 (1)- ?
- Hypers :
  1. 00:15:443 (2,3)- Je trouve pas cet overlap super beau. Je changerais bien le slider (2) en 2 circles du coup.
  2. 00:42:267 (6,1)- Pareil je trouve l'overlap moyen et ça casse le flow. Je verrais bien quelque chose comme ça : (je change l'ordre des circle pour le pattern en étoile pour que le spacing soit cohérent bien sur).
  3. 00:48:796 (3,2)- Stack les (et rechange très légèrement le blanket si tu le fait).
  4. 01:26:914 (4,5,6)- Nazi stack si je me trompe pas de nom XD
  5. 01:45:973 (5,6,7)- ^
  6. 01:48:796 (5,6,7)- ^
  7. 01:51:620 (5,6,7)- ^
  8. 01:57:267 (5,6,7)- ^
  9. 02:00:090 (5,6,7)- ^
- Standard :
  1. 00:11:385 (1,2)- Tu peux améliorer ce blanket.
  2. 00:12:267 (2,3)- Je sais pas si ce genre d'overlap est bon (même remarque pour les autres similaire dans la diff comme 00:31:149 (1,2)- ).
  3. 01:22:679 (3,1)- Blanket un brin améliorable.
- Beginner :
  1. 00:12:796 (3,4)- Le blanket peut être très légèrement mieux.
  2. 00:16:679 (2,1)- Overlap.
  3. 00:17:032 (1,3)- ^ (tu les aimes hein ? ^^)
  4. 01:07:855 (1,2)- ^
  5. 01:11:032 (2,1)- ^
  6. 01:12:796 (1)- Que pense tu de le placer comme cela ? Je trouve que le flow est bien mieux.
  7. 01:32:914 (3)- Il est pratiquement sur la barre de vie. Pense peut être à le rabaisser un peu.

Voila c'est tout ce que j'ai pu repéré. C'est vraiment cool à par les overlaps.
Si t'as la moindre question, #french ou PM ^^, en esperant que ça ta aidé :)
Good luck.
Topic Starter
I FINALLY have time to start fixing all this. :)

Kibbleru wrote:

m4m via ur queue o3o

  1. Ur music bitrate is 128 at the moment, maybe you can try getting it up to 192? (which is the osu! max) I don't know this stuff xD The first mp3 was 192kbps and the sounds had a lower quality than this one so i don't know if bitrate is really that important.
  1. 00:17:208 (2) - ur missing a really big guitar sound on the blue tick that i wish you could map out, you can maybe try something like this instead, which i think fits nicely I'm aware of that but i just didn't wanted to overwhelmed the first part of the song with more 1/4 than there actually is.
  2. 00:18:620 (2) - ^
  3. 00:20:032 (4) - ^
  4. 00:29:032 (7,8) - this has about 2.8 spacing while the rest of your 1/4 jumps have 2.5. make spacing consistent for these slider jumps? actually i made the spacing consistant towards slider head (because people only stay on slider head while 1/4 slider jumping)
  5. 00:30:795 (9,10) - nazi but move this entire thing to around 444|260 for more consistent spacing Fixed.
  6. 00:32:032 (8,9) - this antijump feels a bit weird. since (9) is on a stronger beat, so it makes no sense to make the jump less But this is not an anti-jump. If you meant why this jump is smaller than the others that's because i took a little bit of liberty with spacing in order to have a better pattern.
  7. 00:49:679 (2,3) - ^ ^
  8. 01:16:149 (6,1) - ^ ^
  9. 00:39:973 (2,3) - move this to 420|192 so the distance between (1,2,3) is a bit more consistent. and i mean distance not spacing. here's a picture to show what i mean cuz i cant explain it well lol Fixed
  10. 00:40:679 (4,2) - this overlap does not look too nice space out? It's done on purpose. I kinda like it.
  11. 01:51:267 (6,3) - ^ Fixed
  12. 00:42:090 (6,7,1) - spacing is a bit inconsistent Same as 00:32:032.
  13. 00:46:149 (4,5) - i think you can stack these o-o? Nope. Because of the way i hear the song i can only stack 3-4 or 5-6.
  14. 01:30:973 (3,5) - this slight overlap doesn't look well planned, space out? Fixed.
  15. 01:31:855 (1,2) - nazi but blanket better lol, i don't think it's hard to fix this anyway Fixed
  16. 01:40:326 (1,2,1) - make spacing consistent since these 1/4 jumps are very weird to play if they're not Fixed... I think.
  17. 01:58:149 (6,7,8) - ^ Same as 00:29:032.
  18. 01:55:326 (6,7,8) - ^ ^
  19. 00:32:914 (1) - this spinner may be a bit short but this is more of a preferal thing i guess Automod gets 2000 so i guess it's good. As long as it follows the song.
  20. 00:36:443 (5) - missing whistle i think? You're right.
  21. 00:42:090 (6) - ^ ^
  22. 01:42:443 (4,6) - these are touching, space out slightly? Fixed
  1. 00:24:443 (3,5) - just slightly too close, move (5) 1 grid down for the pattern to be more even Fixed
  2. 00:15:620 (3,1) - i think you should slightly unstack like you did 00:27:267 (4,1) - since stack leniency will fk up your pattern for 00:16:326 (1,1,1) -. it will also provide some consistency ^o^ You're absolutely right, fixed!
    01:29:032 (5,1) - ^ same idea here. stack leniency will fk with ur patterns ;w; Nope, they are 1 beat apart and since i put stack leniancy to 4 there is no issue.
  3. 00:31:855 (4,5,1) - it might feel better to play if you made the spacing consistent here especially because (1) should be a more emphasized beat
    you can try moving (1) to around 228|276 Good idea, fixed.
  4. 00:36:090 (3,4,5,6,1) - these antijumps felt really awkward to play since they slowed down the flow while the music didn't feel like it hit a slow part. This part always bugs me. When i mapped the insane that sounded like "jump" and when i mapped the hard two months later that sounded like "anti-jump" and now i have trouble trying to hear. In the end i kept the logic of each diff but i won't make them consistent. I guess both can be heard.
  5. 00:41:737 (3,4,5,6,1) - ^ ^
    and some other parts too ^ ^
  6. 00:48:796 (3,2) - u could stack xD? cuz why not o3o, it would make it look neater Can't really be seen while playing but why not.
  7. 00:51:973 (5) - move this 1 up and 1 left for a better blanket :D? Fixed
  8. 00:54:090 (5,6,7) - i just thought maybe if u NC each of these it would look kinda cool lol, and maybe more readable I think they are perfectly readable and i don't usually like NC spam but i can kinsa see your point and that could be a nice HP refill after the hard kiai... I'll put them for the moment. I don't know if i'll keep it but i'll try.
  9. 02:01:855 (5,6,7) - ^ ^
    another issue i just found is here. 01:18:267 (1,2,3,4,5) - so maybe i am just a noob but since the spacing is so similar to what you had here 01:16:326 (1,2,3,4) - i mistook this pattern for a stream ;w;, but i'm also not really sure what you can do with it. maybe play around with some of the spacing a bit.Well, the music is a good indcator and the appraoch rate too. Maybe it's just me more used to play with AR7~8 but i find it more readable that the other anti-jump of the diff actually ^^'
  1. 00:20:737 (7) - remove the NC, isn't very consistent. the NC will make sense if it was at the tail but with how sliders work that doesn't really work out lol. so just remove the NC Fixed the NCs around here.
  2. 00:27:973 (2,1) - it makes more sense to space this out since it is not a part of the 2 note pattern "base-kick" Actually i prefer the stack to emphasize the "bass kick". You can see it at the "standard" version of the anti-jump.
  3. 01:41:208 (4,1) - might be a bit confusing to read since the slider head is hidden Fixed. I kept the stack but with a tail instead of a slider tail.
  4. 01:44:561 (1,6) - why not stack xD? That's useless since the stack can't be seen while playing but yeah why not.
  5. 02:01:502 - add circle and move slider back o3o? i don't think it is very hard tbh since you're going to hold it down anyways. besides, your normal is pretty hard already xD I don't way because i see this note as the "beginning" of last part and not the "end" of this one. It's... hard to explain, i know what you mean and i do it in some case just this is not one of this case here.
  1. 00:43:855 (3) - add finish? Yup, you're right. Fixed and in the others diffs too.
  2. 01:34:679 (3) - ^at end ^
  3. 01:24:090 (4,2) - overlap does not look too nice It's unseeable while playing so it's not a bother imo.
  4. 00:33:620 (2) - NC like u did in normal diff? Fixed in the Normal diff instead :P
Very useful mod. Thank you very much :)

pkmnyab wrote:

From your m4m queue~~~
choo choo

Hmm overall I would say the hitsounds are a bit quiet, I would raise the volume a bit. Raised it in some part.
  1. 00:37:502 (2,3) - , 00:38:208 (1) - , 00:38:914 (2,3) - I recommend you ctrl+g these objects so that the flow from each of the sliders is not disrupted. Overall, the flow should improve.I cahnged the pattern here based on your suggestion.
  1. 00:27:620 (1,2,1) - circles are not exactly stacked with slider here. Barely noticeable, but the slider has an x and y value greater than the circles by 1 each. Fixed
  1. 00:49:149 (5,6) - consider ctrl+g to improve the flow here. I find that the flow from the two objects 00:49:326 (6,1) - feels rather awkward. If you do ctrl+g, then 00:48:796 (3,4,5,6) - will be a similar pattern as both pairs of hit circles go from top to bottom, which matches the music. I think CTR+G makes the flow even worse and the pair of notes is enought to emphasize the music without nedding to put them top to bottom but i agree for the flow and tried changing their position to improve it.
  2. 00:48:796 (3,2) - consider stacking these to make it look neater. It's barely seeable while playing but why not. Fixed.
  3. 00:56:561 (1) - hm I think this is an awkward place to put the hit circle. Even though you stacked it under the tail of 00:54:796 (7) - , I feel that you should still place this hit circle somewhere else. Maybe try putting it in the center of the playfield, or on the opposite side of the playfield around x 452 y 328 (I think this works best as the distance created between the circle and previous slider matches the pause between the two objects). Actually that's part of my mapping style. When music stops (for a short amount of time) i want the player to stop that's while i usually stack the note just before and the note right after the music stops.
  4. 01:03:443 (3,1) - right now the flow between these objects is a bit weird, I recommend ctrl+g on 01:03:090 (2) - to make the flow better. I put a diagram below depicting the flow before and after this change. Of course, you can also test it out in game. I fixed it but another way because this is the quiet part so i don't put jump except on the very strong beats.
  5. 01:04:502 (2) - this slider here is fine, but just in case, you can try to ctrl+g to see if flow improves. Otherwise it is fine as it is. Nope for the same reason as ^. I don't want jump here.
  6. 01:19:855 (4,5) - not a bit deal, but these are not perfectly stacked. If you want to fix it you can just go to 01:20:208 - and place the hit circle directly on the end since it should snap (as opposed to placing the hit circle somewhere and moving it to under the slider tail). Actually i used that but for some reason the editor always change. Anyway since stack leniancy still apply to them i guess the editor still consider them stacked so in the end i don't need to move them.
    other non-perfectly stacked things
    01:26:914 (4,5,6) -
    01:43:149 (5,6,7) -
    01:45:973 (5,6,7) -
    01:49:855 (4,1) -
  7. 02:04:326 (1) - same suggestion as 00:56:561 (1) - . I think it will create more emphasis if you put the hit circle elsewhere, preferably somewhere away from 02:02:914 (1) - . You can try somewhere in the top left quadrant.Same
  1. 00:39:620 (1,2,3) - consider making the space between each slider the same (not distance spacing). The space between the first two sliders is greater than between the second and third sliders.
    Not a big deal, but it's nice to make this change so things look consistent. Yup, fixed.
  2. 00:40:326 (3,4) - flow here is awkward. If you were aiming for a similar slider motion to match the music in this part (the music sound effect thing is the same for 00:40:326 - and 00:40:679 - ) then you can try deleting 00:40:679 (4) - , then copying 00:40:326 (3) - and ctrl+h, ctrl+j. This will improve the flow.
    If you do not like this then you can try ctrl+g at 00:40:679 (4) - . You're right. Fixed.
  3. 00:47:737 (5,6) - try ctrl+g, I feel that the current flow at 00:47:914 (6,1) - could be improved. If you ctrl+g 00:47:737 (5,6) - , then I think the flow will be better. Yeah, this is not a pattern i usually use but why not.
  4. 00:57:973 (1,2,3,1) - flow can be better here, here is one suggestion: 00:58:679 (2) - ctrl+g, stack 00:59:208 (3) - with the tail of 00:57:973 (1) - , and ctrl+g 00:59:384 (1) - . I think this makes the flow much better~ I hope nvody would saw this but yeah, i have to fix it.
  5. 01:43:855 (4,5,6) - ehh this spacing looks really awkward, I'd reduce it to around 0.6x distance snap. You used the same distance snap as 00:53:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , but that section has a slower slider velocity so the notes are closer together. Anyway I'd try to make the spacing look the same as 00:53:737 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - . Same suggestion with 01:46:679 (4,5,6) - , 01:49:502 (4,5,6) - , 01:52:326 (4,5,6) - , 01:55:149 (4,5,6) - , 01:57:973 (4,5,6) - , 02:00:796 (4,5,6) - The last kiai is supposed to be WAY more intense than the first one (look at my other diff) that's why the spacing is higher.
  6. 01:44:561 (1,2,3) - flow can be improved, try rotating it left once (ctrl+<)
    The flow is better this way but I'll admit that the way you have it now looks better. I'd try to make the flow better somehow, though. Actually i find that what i did flows better ^^'
  7. 01:50:032 (8) - I recommend you rotate this a bit counter-clockwise to improve flow. Also as a side note, whenever you have messed up slider points like in this slider, you can ctrl+g to fix it, then ctrl+g it back to get the original shape, but with centered slider points. Hooray \o/ I don't think there is a flow issue here but i didn't know this tip about the double CTRL+G. Thanks for it!
  8. 02:04:326 (1) - same as suggestions from hyper difficulty, I would try to place this somewhere else away from the previous hit circle for emphasis. However, since the previous hit circle is close to the center, I think that you can place this a little under the previous hit circle, maybe around x 212 y 216
    Same as in the hard diff

Have fun mapping!
Another very usefull mod. Thank you very much :)

K4zuya K wrote:

m4m from your queue, and remember, all what i say here is only suggestion, so it's up to you to follow it or not, and don't forget to reply and please say the reason why you don't follow my suggestion :)

  1. In general, i don't think overlapping the circle into slider is a good idea for easy diff, so you should change the pattern like 00:16:679 (2,1) - and 00:19:502 (4,2) - and 01:11:032 (2,1) - The second one is not an overlap. Others one are perfectly readable, even for an easy diff.
  2. 00:19:502 (4) - 96|240 for better flow? Flow is ok here.
  3. 00:26:914 (3,1,2) - why don't you make it more circular? Because i want 00:27:620 (1,2,1) to be straight in order to emphasize these notes.
  4. 00:27:973 (2,3) - stack these? Useless, it would kill the flow and the unstack isn't even visible while playing.
  5. 00:45:620 (1,2,3,4) - why don't you make these pattern into like this or like this? Yeah, why not.
  6. 01:41:737 (1,4) - try to change this pattern so you can stack the end of 4 into the beginning of 1or you can make these into circular That would be useless since the stack is unseeable while playing.
  7. 01:50:561 (1) - 108|132 for better flow Flow is good here imo.
  1. 00:20:737 (1,1,1) - i think something like this is for hard, not for normal You mean, anti-jump people have 2 beats to see coming? 1/2 anti-jump are hard pattern, 1/1 anti-jump are arguable but 2/1 anti-jump are perfectly fine.
  2. 01:24:443 (4,3) - stack these? Useless because unseeable while playing.
  3. 01:28:326 (3,4,1) - make this into like this? and don't forget to change the pattern after that
It would screw all my following patterns. Besides the flow is not that bad here.

  1. 01:14:032 (2,3) - change the angle of 2 so it follow 1 pattern and make 3 blanket 1's end properly Fixed
  2. can't find anything else for Hyper
    01:42:090 (2,3,4,5) - love this pattern <3
ok, i won't mod the Another diff, because insane,another, extreme and so on is not really my thing
Good luck~

Nozhomi wrote:

Heyo~ voila ma réponse du M4M.
Also dsl du retard je suis lent ^^' J'aurais été tout aussi long pour y répondre xD

- General :
  1. Je ne sais pas si c'est utile de remettre BMS en tag sachant qu'il est déjà dans source. Je trouvais que juste mettre "Of Fighters" ça faisait naze xD Au fond même si c'est redondant c'est pas trop grave.
- Another :
  1. 00:20:032 (4)- Je l'aurais peut être stack avec 00:18:973 (3)- Mais qu'est-ce que vous avez tous avec les stacks xD Ces deux objets n’apparaissent même pas en même temps sur l'écran alors ça sert a rien de stack.
  2. 01:48:796 (1,2,3)- Que pense tu de bouger cs 3 la pour que la queue du silder (3) stack avec 01:47:384 (1)- ?^
- Hypers :
  1. 00:15:443 (2,3)- Je trouve pas cet overlap super beau. Je changerais bien le slider (2) en 2 circles du coup. J'ai essayé de l'améliorer mais je préfère laisser le slider afin de prévenir les joueurs que j'ai l'intention d'utiliser ce genre de pattern par la suite. :P
  2. 00:42:267 (6,1)- Pareil je trouve l'overlap moyen et ça casse le flow. Je verrais bien quelque chose comme ça : (je change l'ordre des circle pour le pattern en étoile pour que le spacing soit cohérent bien sur). A vrai dire c'est un pattern que j'utilise souvent (surtout dans la normal) et que j'aime bien mais bon le flow suivant le pattern est chelou dons je l'ai quand même modifié.
  3. 00:48:796 (3,2)- Stack les (et rechange très légèrement le blanket si tu le fait). meh..... ok.
  4. 01:26:914 (4,5,6)- Nazi stack si je me trompe pas de nom XD A vrai dire c'est l'éditeur qui fait ça quand j'essaye de les stacks. J'y peux rien. Mais vu que le stack leniancy apparait bien quand je joue du coup c'est pas un problème.
  5. 01:45:973 (5,6,7)- ^
  6. 01:48:796 (5,6,7)- ^
  7. 01:51:620 (5,6,7)- ^
  8. 01:57:267 (5,6,7)- ^
  9. 02:00:090 (5,6,7)- ^
- Standard :
  1. 00:11:385 (1,2)- Tu peux améliorer ce blanket. Fixed.
  2. 00:12:267 (2,3)- Je sais pas si ce genre d'overlap est bon (même remarque pour les autres similaire dans la diff comme 00:31:149 (1,2)- ). S'il n'était pas bon j'en aurais pas fait toutes les 10 notes dans la diff ^^'
  3. 01:22:679 (3,1)- Blanket un brin améliorable.Blanket à l'arrache FTW!!!! Fixed.
- Beginner :
  1. 00:12:796 (3,4)- Le blanket peut être très légèrement mieux. Celle-là je trouve pas.
  2. 00:16:679 (2,1)- Overlap.
  3. 00:17:032 (1,3)- ^ (tu les aimes hein ? ^^) Ben... Oui. Du coup c'est pas comme ça que tu vas me convaincre de les enlever xD
  4. 01:07:855 (1,2)- ^
  5. 01:11:032 (2,1)- ^
  6. 01:12:796 (1)- Que pense tu de le placer comme cela ? Je trouve que le flow est bien mieux. Difficil d'voir un flow correct avec la note d'avant et d'après mais j'ai essayé.
  7. 01:32:914 (3)- Il est pratiquement sur la barre de vie. Pense peut être à le rabaisser un peu.Il est CARREMENT sur la barre de vie!

Voila c'est tout ce que j'ai pu repéré. C'est vraiment cool à par les overlaps. Mais j'aime mes overlaps :(
Si t'as la moindre question, #french ou PM ^^, en esperant que ça ta aidé :)
Good luck.
To K4zuya K: i'll mod your map this week-end. Sorry again for the wait.
T'as pas mappé ça? C'est impossible, omg.

Gabe uses Starshower.
Topic Starter
Ça fait quand même 3 mois que je l'ai mappée. xD

Starshower is very effective.
Rezoons uses ThankYouVeryMuch.

J'ai aussi besoin d"un appeau à Bat au cas ou tu en es en réserve.
From my queue~

  1. remove "Display epilepsy warning"
  1. 00:19:502 (4,2) - avoid overlap
  2. 00:32:561 (1,2) - hard to find rhythm for easy. how about adding spinner?
  3. 01:24:796 (1,4) - avoid overlap
  4. 01:55:150 (4) - I prefer to stack slider's head on 01:53:737 (2) - instead of blanketting
  1. 00:11:385 (1) - normal curved slider is a little difficult to find rhythm. I suggest to add red point on slider tick such as the following.
  2. 00:12:796 (3) - ^
  3. 00:14:208 (1) - ^
  4. 00:15:620 (4) - ^
  5. 00:18:443 (4) - ^
  6. 02:00:620- add a note?
  1. 00:37:502 (3,4,6) - regular triangle is better
  2. 00:39:090 (4,5) - I prefer to exchange their positions
  1. 00:42:796 (2) - stack slider's end on 00:41:737 (4,7) -
  2. 01:52:326 (4,7) - this stack is so confusing because of high SV
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Hi :),

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. remove "Display epilepsy warning" Have you seen the video during the last kiai? There are lots of flashy stuffs. :p
  1. 00:19:502 (4,2) - avoid overlap You can't see it while playing.
  2. 00:32:561 (1,2) - hard to find rhythm for easy. how about adding spinner? There isn't enough room to put one.
  3. 01:24:796 (1,4) - avoid overlap You can't see it while playing.
  4. 01:55:150 (4) - I prefer to stack slider's head on 01:53:737 (2) - instead of blanketting I think i can do both. :D
  1. 00:11:385 (1) - normal curved slider is a little difficult to find rhythm. I suggest to add red point on slider tick such as the following. I never do that. I don't say that's a bad idea it's just that i use these kind of slider but without any meaning whatsoever in the rythm. So it would be weird having slider whose shape follow rythm sometimes and not other times. In order to apply your suggestion and still be consistant i would have to remap 50% of my map. ^^'
  2. 00:12:796 (3) - ^
  3. 00:14:208 (1) - ^
  4. 00:15:620 (4) - ^
  5. 00:18:443 (4) - ^
  6. 02:00:620- add a note?That would be inconsistant with 01:57:267 (5,6,7) - 01:54:443 (5,6,7) - 01:51:620 (5,6,7) - etc.
  1. 00:37:502 (3,4,6) - regular triangle is better yeah, but it would make a jump too huge that's why i took an isocele triangle.
  2. 00:39:090 (4,5) - I prefer to exchange their positions Yeah, good idea. That's better!
  1. 00:42:796 (2) - stack slider's end on 00:41:737 (4,7) - yeah, why not.
  2. 01:52:326 (4,7) - this stack is so confusing because of high SV I made it test by some people and nobody had any problem. And i don't see why the high SV makes it unreadable. With AR9 the one beat difference between the two notes stacked are fairly visible.
~Good Luck~
Thank you for the mod.

  1. 00:33:973 (1,2) - maybe straight slider is better, and also 00:35:384 (1,2) -
  2. 00:43:326 (4,5) - ctrl+g?
  3. 01:00:090 (2,3) - still not looks good o_o
  4. 01:14:914 (1) - also straight slider is recommended
  5. 01:30:443 (1,2) - about the beat around here:
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:


  1. 00:33:973 (1,2) - maybe straight slider is better, and also 00:35:384 (1,2) - I know my shapes are a little bit random but i think i understand what you did there. I don't really like turning the first ones into sliders but i did it with 00:35:384 (1,2).
  2. 00:43:326 (4,5) - ctrl+g? The stack is here to emphasize the notes repeting in the song. But actually, it alos works with CTRL+G, even better i would say. And i already used this pattern at 00:38:208 (1,2,3,4) so yeah, good idea. Fixed!
  3. 01:00:090 (2,3) - still not looks good o_o Now it's less ugly :p
  4. 01:14:914 (1) - also straight slider is recommended For pattern consistancy and better flow? Ok. Sounds good to me.
  5. 01:30:443 (1,2) - about the beat around here: Actually this issue is not just here but on other parts as well. So i had to remap 01:30:443 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) a little bit with this new rythm. But thank you for pointing it out, i totally didn't see it.
Thank you for the recheck :)
It's not uploaded yet because the bss doesn't work for the moment. As soon as it's fixed and i can upload my map i'll poke you ;)

Edit: Update Done!
Topic Starter
Yay !!! Thank you very much <3
omg!!!!! :3
Keep going! :)

AR is way too high for this, please go down to 2.5, if not less.
00:21:267 (1) - Remove NC, to keep consistency with the patterns before, otherwise this is really a small combo, quite unneccessary. It's okay to emphasize the bass kick, but not this.
00:38:208 (1) - Remove NC again to keep consistency? Weird ncing you got there.
00:45:620 (1,2,3) - I guess that part flows reaaally bad. The slider goes to the left, the circle is on the right, and 3 is a quite weird overlap too - you should replace those three things quickly. 00:47:032 (4) - Avoid that stack too, if you're at it! Beginner diffs shouldn't stick to stacks and stuff.
01:34:679 (3) - Rotate by -60° because 1) super cool blanket 2) flow will actually improve because you follow 01:33:267 (1,2) - these two better.
01:42:796 (3) - A really bad idea you've used here, you shouldn't ignore this downbeat.. It should be emphasized with a clickable action, that's why you should rearrange these a bit (so you have a circle at the big white tick) >< The rhythm will become better imo.
01:48:443 (3) - ^
02:00:797 (4) - Well.. if you like it. I don't think it's the best option to finish of the map, maybe come up with a more spectacular slider? XD up to you, i don't mind.

Rest is okay. Maybe go over your NC again.


00:21:973 (1) - That antijump is a big no from my side, because come on, it's a normal. In a hard it's already "questionable" (although it's fine), but it's certainly not really good in a normal - I've heard normal players quite often "wtf there are two 1 i don't know what to do". You know, they might not know that editor exists so they can check it.
01:38:914 (1,2) - Way too hidden, no further explanation needed (although it looks nice). You should move it away from there tho.

The map is okay for me - the difficulty is meh. I don't think normal player will really enjoy this, it seems rather frustating. But oh well, who am I to judge that, that's my point of view. Try to get rid off the points above at least, maybe you can lower the diff itself a bit too.


Increase HP and OD a bit? Would fit the spread, I guess.
00:48:796 (3,4,5,6) - Please avoid this kind of flow, it's horrible to play in a hard diff because making a circle movement (or square thing you know), that's quite difficult, hm.. quite personal but maybe you could avoid this with a zig-zag pattern or such. (There is nothing wrong with it tho, you can leave it)
00:54:090 (1,1,1) - Remove NC spam, keep it for insane if you want it somewhere.
02:01:855 (1,1,1,1) - Same here, you should use it in insane to make it a bit more fancy, but I think it's better to stay on a normal level in a .. "hard" diff.

Where we come to the next point; this is definitely not a "hard" diff.. especially not the second kiai.
I like the diff itself.


00:19:855 (3,4,5) - Please don't ignore the downbeats again here; they are definitely stronger than the red ticks, so try this rhythm ?

Heh, I like it, i love 1/4 jumps

[Difficulty spread]

Okay.. so as I've told you ingame, the spread is really not too good.

Beginner: is okay
Normal: well, "acceptable"
Hyper: That's almost insane
Another: Would be the extra then

Something between Normal / Hyper is missing in my opinion. So my suggestion is following: You map a new "Hyper", rename the current "Hyper > Another", rename the current "Another > ?? something higher idk". But you can also make the new Another a bit harder then, to make the spread even better, you know what I mean? It would be great if you do that, I can't force you tho, but I guess it'd be the best thing in that case. Feel free to suggest something, so we can find something we both agree on!

Let me know when you decided.
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Irreversible wrote:


AR is way too high for this, please go down to 2.5, if not less. Yeah, you're right. Fixed
00:21:267 (1) - Remove NC, to keep consistency with the patterns before, otherwise this is really a small combo, quite unneccessary. It's okay to emphasize the bass kick, but not this. well, the music change here so i put a NC. I don't emphasize the pattern, just the music which change.
00:38:208 (1) - Remove NC again to keep consistency? Weird ncing you got there. Yeah, you're right for this one.
00:45:620 (1,2,3) - I guess that part flows reaaally bad. The slider goes to the left, the circle is on the right, and 3 is a quite weird overlap too - you should replace those three things quickly. The overlap isn't seeable when playing... Well, now it is with the new AR. Anyway, fixed.
00:47:032 (4) - Avoid that stack too, if you're at it! Beginner diffs shouldn't stick to stacks and stuff. Come on! it's a 4-beat stack. It's not like thay can't anticipate it. Besides, if Easy have no stacks how are beginner players supposed to learn how to read them.
01:34:679 (3) - Rotate by -60° because 1) super cool blanket 2) flow will actually improve because you follow 01:33:267 (1,2) - these two better. Another blanket, yay! Fixed! :p
01:42:796 (3) - A really bad idea you've used here, you shouldn't ignore this downbeat.. It should be emphasized with a clickable action, that's why you should rearrange these a bit (so you have a circle at the big white tick) >< The rhythm will become better imo. Fixed
01:48:443 (3) - ^ Fixed
02:00:797 (4) - Well.. if you like it. I don't think it's the best option to finish of the map, maybe come up with a more spectacular slider? XD up to you, i don't mind. Yeah, when i made the map i ran out of idea like 2:00:796 minutes ago. That's why you have a lame ending. I try something else.

Rest is okay. Maybe go over your NC again. I changed another NC on the map.


00:21:973 (1) - That antijump is a big no from my side, because come on, it's a normal. In a hard it's already "questionable" (although it's fine), but it's certainly not really good in a normal - I've heard normal players quite often "wtf there are two 1 i don't know what to do". You know, they might not know that editor exists so they can check it. no need for the editor to see it. They have 2 beats to anticipate it, there is also the music that suddendly goes really quiet which hint the pattern. You now, if you never introduce them to that kind of pattern then they will never learn. But yeah, apparently i don't have the choice so i stacked everything.
01:38:914 (1,2) - Way too hidden, no further explanation needed (although it looks nice). You should move it away from there tho. Come on! Look at . When playing, 01:37:502 (3) isn't appearing anymore before hitting 2 so they have the time to see it without any problem. The editor show always more that what you really see while playing.

The map is okay for me - the difficulty is meh. I don't think normal player will really enjoy this, it seems rather frustating. But oh well, who am I to judge that, that's my point of view. Try to get rid off the points above at least, maybe you can lower the diff itself a bit too. normal players will probably don't enjoy it because it was never made for normal player. You can call it a normal+ if you want but that's definitely the diff i wanted to make, something between normal and hard. You know, if every mapper always make "normal" the same diffiulty and "hard" the same difficulty too it gets ridiculous because normal players don't get "in-between" type of difficulty in order to train more progressively. I remember when i was just a normal player i was always frustrated that most of the normal where too easy for me and most of the hard too hard. When i heard this song i knew that i could make an interesting "in-between" difficulty and that's what i did. I knew some people wouldn't like it but... actually you're the first one complaining. I'm really happy to see that it didn't received that many negative feedbacks!


Increase HP and OD a bit? Would fit the spread, I guess. OD increased. Another already have a low HP so i let a low HP for this one too.
00:48:796 (3,4,5,6) - Please avoid this kind of flow, it's horrible to play in a hard diff because making a circle movement (or square thing you know), that's quite difficult, hm.. quite personal but maybe you could avoid this with a zig-zag pattern or such. (There is nothing wrong with it tho, you can leave it) I think it fits better the music than zig-zags.
00:54:090 (1,1,1) - Remove NC spam, keep it for insane if you want it somewhere. Well, it's a hp refill. The kiais are quite difficults and i'm not THAT sadistic.
02:01:855 (1,1,1,1) - Same here, you should use it in insane to make it a bit more fancy, but I think it's better to stay on a normal level in a .. "hard" diff.Nope, and i won't do it in the insane because they don't need hp refill.

Where we come to the next point; this is definitely not a "hard" diff.. especially not the second kiai. Nope, same idea with the normal. The last kiai of the normal is not "normal-like". And the last kiai of the insane is not "insane-like". The music gets really intense so i raise the difficuly. That way players can feel the music while playing.
I like the diff itself. Come on! I rushed it because nobody wanted to do a GD! As a bat you're supposed to see that!


00:19:855 (3,4,5) - Please don't ignore the downbeats again here; they are definitely stronger than the red ticks, so try this rhythm ? Well, even if i agree with you, when i hear the song that's the rhythm that comes to me instinctively. So when i try your rhythm it feels weird to me. idk, maybe it's me the problem but i have trouble feeling it.

Heh, I like it, i love 1/4 jumps Me too ^^ That's why i put as many as possible in it!

[Difficulty spread]

Okay.. so as I've told you ingame, the spread is really not too good.

Beginner: is okay
Normal: well, "acceptable"
Hyper: That's almost insane
Another: Would be the extra then

Something between Normal / Hyper is missing in my opinion. So my suggestion is following: You map a new "Hyper", rename the current "Hyper > Another", rename the current "Another > ?? something higher idk". But you can also make the new Another a bit harder then, to make the spread even better, you know what I mean? It would be great if you do that, I can't force you tho, but I guess it'd be the best thing in that case. Feel free to suggest something, so we can find something we both agree on!

Let me know when you decided.
Thank you for your mod ^^

So, about the spread, i have the spread i wanted from the beggining. It's exactly the spread i wanted to have. It's a Easy/Normal+/Hard+/Insane+. I like playing with this kind of spread and that's one of the rare song that allowed me to use it. that's why i did it. It's not really usual difficulties so it allows me to try new stuff and "in-between" patterns and it also allows me more liberty in the mapping to do nice stuff (like, the last kiai of nearly every diff). I know it won't please everybody. Actually i'm really surprised you're the only one so far that doesn't like it, that's way better than i expected. I don't say you're wrong, hey, my first ranked map was originally a ENH mapset but a bat told me my spread was bad and i had to remap another diff and it turns out the diff i mapped after was the best in the mapset so yeah, sometimes it's a good thing. But in this case, i just don't agree.

I know you don't like the spread at all and i know you don't want it ranked and i understand perfectly. There is A LOT of map i see ranked and i say to myself "if i was a BAT i would have never rank THAT!" so i understand perfectly what you think.But i already worked a lot on the map and i want to move on. I don't intend to make/ask for another diff and look for mod.

So, basically you have 3 possibilities (well, maybe more but i didn't really thought about anything else)
1)You rank it.
That's best-case-scenario (for me). I know it won't happen but that's still a possibilty. In mathematics we call this an event "almost surely" unrealizable.... It sounds way better in French. xD

2)You rebubble it.
In this case i will look for other bats. It' obvious not everybody thinks like you, so i will eventually find someone that will actually rank it. I still have 1.5 months left before quitting the game.

3)You refuse to rebubble it
In this case i will let the map go to graveyard (like 95% of my maps). I'm mapping stuff for myself but i'm ranking for others. I already worked a lot on this map and i'm tired of it. Tired of the song, tired of the map, i just want to move on. My most popular map is unranked so guess what i think about ranking. I tried to rank this originally for one of my friend Cherry Blossom and the only thing that pushed me to not drop out was to see so many of my friend wanting to see it ranked. In the end, that will be more their loss than mine. And we will all do what we do every time in this kind of situation: blame krah. Because let's be honnest, it's totally krah's fault. :P

So yeah, i tried to make my answer as sincere as possible. Now i let you choose the future of my map. :P

P.S. It's 2 A.M. so i'm going to bed!
Irreversible, asking mappers to map another difficulty since 2014.

rezoons wrote:

1)You rank it.

2)You rebubble it.
In Irre we trust! :3
whatever :oops:
Cherry Blossom

rezoons wrote:

I tried to rank this originally for one of my friend Cherry Blossom

inb4 same issue with that map
but well, i hope nobody will care about this issue /me hides
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

inb4 same issue with that map
but well, i hope nobody will care about this issue /me hides[/color]
apparently spread is shit. So yeah, exactly the same issue :p

rezoons wrote:

Cherry Blossom wrote:

inb4 same issue with that map
but well, i hope nobody will care about this issue /me hides[/color]
apparently spread is shit. So yeah, exactly the same issue :p

Gabe wrote:

Irreversible, asking mappers to map another difficulty since 2014.
GG Loctav! (et gratz Rez' ^^)
Maintenant c'est le retour de chirac plz!

Zayzay Rez :p
Rezoons <3
Gratz! :3
LOL Gratz Rezoons :)
Another awesome set from the France mappers <3

Gratz Rezoons ^^
oh gratz rezoonet ! allez enchaine maintenant :3
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