15:55 imoutosan: Hi hi~ may I ask for a testplay?
15:55 Kodora: hello, sure!
15:55 imoutosan: thx> <
15:55 *imoutosan is listening to [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/362479 Tsukiko - Haruka Kanata]
15:56 Kodora: 3.5 min to download
15:56 Kodora: ;w;
15:56 imoutosan: ;w; vedio is too big
15:57 imoutosan: I'm going to find someone help me with it
15:58 Kodora: i can reduse filesize for you if you want
15:58 Kodora: :3
16:00 imoutosan: thx
I think I'd ask some friends first
16:06 Kodora: awesome song! <3
16:06 imoutosan: but bad map ._.
16:07 Kodora: It's not bad actually, just need some work
16:08 Kodora: CS is kinda huge and doesn't fit overral slow pace of map. I'd reduse to 4
16:08 imoutosan: ._. cs4 too hard imo
16:09 Kodora: it isn't too hard
16:10 Kodora: actually smaller circle size works very well with calm & relaxing songs
16:10 imoutosan: calm? ....
16:11 Kodora: Yeah, it should fit overral slow tempo
16:13 imoutosan: lol
16:13 imoutosan: actually I don't think the song is calm, I'll ask more prople about this
16:14 Kodora: 00:06:890 (1) - it's more aestetical thing, but better don't use "cornered" sliders at calm and relaxing parts
16:14 Kodora: it simple doesn't fit as for me
16:15 Kodora: try to use something like simple wave slider :3
16:15 imoutosan: ...ok
16:16 imoutosan: and the followings?
16:17 Kodora: Yeah
16:18 imoutosan: all fixed
16:22 Kodora: you should be more careful with 1/4 jumps
16:22 Kodora: 140 BPM 1/4 is really pretty harsh
16:22 Kodora: Map isn't bad; some parts are just not balanced well
16:23 Kodora: 00:38:573 (1,2,3) - as example
16:23 imoutosan: I asked some mapper ._. They said the jumps are ok now
16:24 Kodora: 1/4 is very hard to hit here, and such stacking unser slidertail is very tricky even with nomod
16:24 Kodora: try to stack 00:38:894 (2) - at the top of 00:39:001 (3) -
16:24 imoutosan: well this is quite easy for mouse player like me > <
16:24 Kodora: that would be much easier to hit
16:24 Kodora: it is easy, but tricky to see
16:24 imoutosan: stacking at the head breaks the flow imo
16:26 Kodora: 00:47:358 (3,1) - сovering reversearrows by hitbursts is unrankable :<
16:28 imoutosan: I'm planning to remap this part :< it looks bad
16:28 Kodora: 00:57:216 (6,7,1) - This part is really flow-breaking
16:29 Kodora: The problem is: last note (1) looks like 1/2 instead of 1/4 and people will misread it at the first try
16:29 imoutosan: I got no idea
It's hard to follow the rhythm here
16:30 Kodora: I even know where you got that idea, bur please consider that HW's map had lower bpm; it's incredible hard to hit it in this case
16:31 imoutosan: lol which map of HW? I didn't know he has parts like this
16:32 Kodora: Selisi's recent ranked map with HW's Extra XD
16:32 Kodora: anyway
16:32 Kodora:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1796388 i think you can do cool replacement with sliders for example
16:32 Kodora: i can give code if you want :3
16:33 imoutosan: maybe, I'll consider
16:33 imoutosan: nono I can do it myself > <
16:34 Kodora: 01:01:930 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - linear part here doesn't fit your previous mapping and looks flow-breaking for me :<
16:34 Kodora: i think you can slighty curve this stream - more smooth stream would looks more natural at this part
16:35 Kodora: 01:02:358 (5,9) - unrankable hidden repeat again :<
16:35 imoutosan: I just copied one part of AHO :< It seems fine with normal skin
16:36 imoutosan: and there is already no flow in the former > <
16:38 Kodora: Well, AHO's maps may be old and get ranked before this rule got amendment
16:40 imoutosan: The rule isn't very reasonable :< I want to keep it unless the worst situation
16:40 Kodora: you know there is so many unreasonable rules but we need to follow them x.x
16:42 imoutosan: Taken notes. I'll just ensure these issues to some bat
16:43 imoutosan: (if I could find one
16:44 Kodora: 01:32:573 (1,2,3) - due to stack leniency this part looks quite messy while playing :<
16:45 Kodora:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1796427 try to stack it like this, so it will looks better
16:45 imoutosan: yeah quite silly :< thx
16:47 Kodora: 01:39:430 (1,2,3) - Same
16:47 Kodora: well, i guess you can fix rest by yourself XD
16:47 imoutosan: lol yes
16:48 Kodora: that's all probably XD map seems quite good, i'm just afraid of some 1/4 jumps and spacing like 02:15:430 (1,2,3,4,5) -
16:49 Kodora: damn this song so amazing ;w; would ask for gd but mapset seems full ;w;
16:49 imoutosan: I wish ._.
16:49 imoutosan: lol I have to have dinner > < my mom is going to be mad
16:51 Kodora: 02:34:311 - green line is unsnapped and this one should be fixed
16:51 Kodora: since it should appear at this note
16:51 Kodora: 02:44:765 (1) - wrongly snapped note
16:52 Kodora: 02:45:971 (4) - ^
16:53 Kodora: 02:47:226 (8) - ^
17:14 imoutosan: all fixed > < sry for absence
17:16 Kodora: did you cut this mp3?
17:17 imoutosan: nope
17:17 imoutosan: short ver is already 3min
17:17 Kodora: ah i see
17:18 Kodora: well, good luck :3
17:18 imoutosan: thx :3
17:18 imoutosan: may you post to the thread as irc mod?
17:19 Kodora: sure :3