
Darren Korb & Ashley Barrett - We All Become

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, September 14, 2013 at 11:45:49 AM

Artist: Darren Korb & Ashley Barrett
Title: We All Become
Source: Transistor
Tags: supergiant games bastion
BPM: 170
Filesize: 2245kb
Play Time: 00:11
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.15 stars, 10 notes)
  2. Hard (4.74 stars, 116 notes)
  3. Insane (4.95 stars, 175 notes)
  4. Normal (3.47 stars, 65 notes)
Download: Darren Korb & Ashley Barrett - We All Become
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
From the upcoming game Transistor by Supergiant Games, the guys who brought us Bastion. This is a "Trailer Size" version of this song, full song to come out when the game does (early 2014).
Thanks for the mods!

Spoiler boxes:
00:00:556 (1,2) - blanket these.
00:00:556 (1,2) - and these
00:03:379 (1,2) - and these
00:07:438 (4) - off beat slider.. i guess it goes with the voice but i'd move it right and put a circle on the red tick here
00:07:438 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - fix all of these blankets. in desperate need pls, otherwise this is beautiful
00:11:850 (1,4) - blanket these if possible
00:13:085 (4) - off beat, and strange transition from instrumental to vocal
00:13:967 (5) - move this to blanket the slider before it from a distance-- looks like approximately x:368 y:52 but move it with the last slider
00:16:085 (4) - this slider is kinda awko
00:20:320 (1,2) - blanket IF POSSIBLE (but it may be hard here)
00:21:732 (1,2,3) - move these apart so they're not overlapping
00:24:379 (3) - off beat
00:25:967 (1,2) - maybe add a note between these
00:24:379 (3,2) - noticable overlap here but it isn't too big of an issue
00:28:791 (1) - curve this to blanket the spinner
00:29:850 (3,1) - fix blanket
00:32:320 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:33:644 (4) - make this repeat up to the next red tick where the 5 is, and remove the 5
00:36:026 (1) - off beat, try replacing this with two circles
00:39:203 (2) - this too
00:36:732 (3,4) - possibly blanket these
00:39:732 (4,1) - blanket these, and then leave the spacing between 1 and 2 how it is (basically just move the 1 to x:328 y:48)
00:43:614 (2) - ctrl G this
00:44:320 (1) - then ctrl G this
00:45:026 (2,1) - fix blanket
00:49:967 (1) - move this to blanket the spinner
00:51:379 (1,2) - fix blanket (or blanket them, i dunno if it was intended to be or not
00:51:732 (2,3) - here too
00:52:967 (2) - off beat
00:53:850 (5,1) - fix blanket
00:54:203 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:54:203 (1,4) - fix blanket
00:56:673 (4) - ctrl G this
00:55:967 (2,3,4) - possibly fix blankets if intended to be blankets, otherwise it's fine
00:00:556 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - spacing seems all over the place for this section, i'd recommend snapping it all
00:00:732 (2,4,2,4,2,4,2,4) - these are all off beat, try adding circles on the first red tick, removing the reverse arrow and moving them to white ticks
00:07:438 (1) - this is off beat too, and the reverse slider before it feels a little awkward
00:09:732 (4,5) - pls fix blanket :D
00:10:438 (2,4) - off beat sliders again
00:13:085 (1) - here too again
00:13:085 (1,2,3,4) - increase spacing a bit
00:14:850 (2,4,2,4) - more off beat sliders ;-;
00:17:497 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - these could be jumpy :D increase spacing
00:29:144 (2,4) - fix blanket (good way to do this is by reversing the 2, fixing and reversing again)
00:30:555 (3) - this would be prettier if it were curved
00:31:614 (1,2) - fix blanket again
00:34:791 (2,3) - CONSIDER blanketing these and moving the next combo around a little bit if you do
if you don't, then fix this blanket 00:35:320 (3,1) -
00:35:320 (3) - but this is off beat
00:37:438 (2,3) - fix blanket
00:38:850 (2,3) - blanket these if possible without screwing up spacing
00:39:026 (3,5) - i haven't been paying attention if there are more of these or not, but it would look nicer if you copied the 3 and reversed it to use for the 5 in this combo
00:40:438 (2,3) - fix blanket, slider is off beat but should be ok right here i guess
00:41:144 (4) - move this to x:220 y:156
00:48:555 (1) - spinner doesn't make much sense but it's alright if you want it
00:51:026 (6,1,2) - fix the blankets here-- (i really like how you mapped this here though)
00:56:320 (4) - rotate this about 48 degrees (ctrl+shift+R) and move to x:284 y:168 (so that the reverse arrow overlaps the slider end of the 1 in this combo)

Oh and
00:20:320 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1) - I absolutely love this part.

Love the song, and would love to see it ranked!
Topic Starter

Metal509 wrote:

00:00:556 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - spacing seems all over the place for this section, i'd recommend snapping it all there's actually a very strict spacing pattern here
00:00:732 (2,4,2,4,2,4,2,4) - these are all off beat, try adding circles on the first red tick, removing the reverse arrow and moving them to white ticks don't really know what you mean by this, all of these sliders correspond with the music
00:07:438 (1) - this is off beat too, and the reverse slider before it feels a little awkward not really
00:09:732 (4,5) - pls fix blanket :D it's centered on the slider and the sliders are so short anyway that blankets don't really exist
00:10:438 (2,4) - off beat sliders again ^
00:13:085 (1) - here too again
00:13:085 (1,2,3,4) - increase spacing a bit these are fine for me, bigger spacing doesn't fit the music well and the slight overlap plays and looks fine
00:14:850 (2,4,2,4) - more off beat sliders ;-; don't think you know what this means
00:17:497 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - these could be jumpy :D increase spacing bigger jumps wouldn't fit the music well
00:29:144 (2,4) - fix blanket (good way to do this is by reversing the 2, fixing and reversing again) which shows that the blanket is already perfect
00:30:555 (3) - this would be prettier if it were curved it's fine the way it is now
00:31:614 (1,2) - fix blanket again fixed
00:34:791 (2,3) - CONSIDER blanketing these and moving the next combo around a little bit if you do
if you don't, then fix this blanket 00:35:320 (3,1) - i guess i'm fixing that next blanket
00:35:320 (3) - but this is off beatreally don't know what you mean by this at all
00:37:438 (2,3) - fix blanket fixed
00:38:850 (2,3) - blanket these if possible without screwing up spacing no thanks
00:39:026 (3,5) - i haven't been paying attention if there are more of these or not, but it would look nicer if you copied the 3 and reversed it to use for the 5 in this combo i don't see any problem the way it is now
00:40:438 (2,3) - fix blanket, slider is off beat but should be ok right here i guess fixed
00:41:144 (4) - move this to x:220 y:156 not to this. plays better this way
00:48:555 (1) - spinner doesn't make much sense but it's alright if you want it spinner fits the vocal then the buildup into the kiai
00:51:026 (6,1,2) - fix the blankets here-- (i really like how you mapped this here though) fixed these
00:56:320 (4) - rotate this about 48 degrees (ctrl+shift+R) and move to x:284 y:168 (so that the reverse arrow overlaps the slider end of the 1 in this combo) no to this, i think it's fine as is :o

Oh and
00:20:320 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1) - I absolutely love this part.

Love the song, and would love to see it ranked!
00:00:556 (1,2) - blanket these.
00:00:556 (1,2) - and these
00:03:379 (1,2) - and thesenot intended to be
00:07:438 (4) - off beat slider.. i guess it goes with the voice but i'd move it right and put a circle on the red tick here it's there to match the vocals ^^
00:07:438 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - fix all of these blankets. in desperate need pls, otherwise this is beautiful fixed
00:11:850 (1,4) - blanket these if possible
00:13:085 (4) - off beat, and strange transition from instrumental to vocal keeping for consistency
00:13:967 (5) - move this to blanket the slider before it from a distance-- looks like approximately x:368 y:52 but move it with the last slider
00:16:085 (4) - this slider is kinda awko orz
00:20:320 (1,2) - blanket IF POSSIBLE (but it may be hard here)no on this, maintaining space and what not
00:21:732 (1,2,3) - move these apart so they're not overlapping but it's a pretty flower ;_;
00:24:379 (3) - off beat probably
00:25:967 (1,2) - maybe add a note between these don't think it's necessary
00:24:379 (3,2) - noticable overlap here but it isn't too big of an issue not sure what you're referring to here
00:28:791 (1) - curve this to blanket the spinner it's alright
00:29:850 (3,1) - fix blanket fixed
00:32:320 (3,4) - fix blanket not really a blanket here
00:33:644 (4) - make this repeat up to the next red tick where the 5 is, and remove the 5 i kinda like the way this plays for now
00:36:026 (1) - off beat, try replacing this with two circles I lke the short sliders here, I think they work
00:39:203 (2) - this too ^
00:36:732 (3,4) - possibly blanket these these are fine really
00:39:732 (4,1) - blanket these, and then leave the spacing between 1 and 2 how it is (basically just move the 1 to x:328 y:48) way the y are play fine for now
00:43:614 (2) - ctrl G this
00:44:320 (1) - then ctrl G this these are fine
00:45:026 (2,1) - fix blanket nothing to fix, this is a good blanket
00:49:967 (1) - move this to blanket the spinner
00:51:379 (1,2) - fix blanket (or blanket them, i dunno if it was intended to be or not they weren't really
00:51:732 (2,3) - here too
00:52:967 (2) - off beat orz
00:53:850 (5,1) - fix blanket
00:54:203 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:54:203 (1,4) - fix blanket not intended to be
00:56:673 (4) - ctrl G this 'm alright with them going the same way
00:55:967 (2,3,4) - possibly fix blankets if intended to be blankets, otherwise it's fine

thanks for the mod!
hi, so i edited my post to add one for the hard

sorry if my mod doesn't make sense lol legit first time modding

Topic Starter

Metal509 wrote:

hi, so i edited my post to add one for the hard

sorry if my mod doesn't make sense lol legit first time modding

It's alright. Mods are always helpful. At the very least I have something to thiink about and if I change anything from the mod then the mod has been a success. Cleaned up a couple things from it, so thanks!
Black - Suggestion
Blue - Highly recommended to fix
Red - Unrankable


Maybe just my opinion, but most of ranked beatmaps are using structure of artist like: Surname, First name (Like Kugimiya Rie, Horie Yui, Kitamura Eri), so I think your artist should follow this too so it would be like: Korb Darren & Barrett Ashley if we want to keep beatmaps not chaotical.
Also song name should be: We All Become (Short Ver.), because like this it'd mean it's full version and we're using "Short Ver." if it's not cutted by you, but it was released in game, opening, ending, official video etc.

00:43:614 (3) - Add clap (Additions: Normal/Soft) on notes like these? It's following music better.


I think CS+1 fits your style better, but this is probably something what players don't want to change, just advice.
00:06:203 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Use regular spacing to fix inconsistency, where is not song calling for this.
00:11:850 (1,2,3,1) - ^
00:13:614 (2,3,4) - I don't think overlaps are resonable for this part. Make distance between them.
00:18:908 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^

00:31:614 (1) - Move on 248;129 to make better blanket with previous slider and make flow with next slider.
00:38:850 (2) - Move on 452;222 to prevent flow break.


00:21:732 (1,2,3,4) - As I said on previous diff, overlaps are not reasonable for this song, make spaces between these.


00:15:732 (2,3,4) - It's imo flow break, because you're changing the way not so naturally. Something like this could solve this problem.
Sorry for a short mod, but your map is too short to find a lot of things, but mainly it's kinda perfect beatmap and I won't spam you with thinks like: "NC, NC, NC, Move 1 grid up", when there are just few visible details which are afflicting the gameplay, so I've written just thinks I think are more important than details which you won't notice :D Good job, take a star and also good luck with rank!
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

Black - Suggestion
Blue - Highly recommended to fix
Red - Unrankable


Maybe just my opinion, but most of ranked beatmaps are using structure of artist like: Surname, First name (Like Kugimiya Rie, Horie Yui, Kitamura Eri), so I think your artist should follow this too so it would be like: Korb Darren & Barrett Ashley if we want to keep beatmaps not chaotical.
Also song name should be: We All Become (Short Ver.), because like this it'd mean it's full version and we're using "Short Ver." if it's not cutted by you, but it was released in game, opening, ending, official video etc.
the names should stay this way because they are Western names, where the normal style is to put the first name before the surname. Also, it wouldn't be following the current rules to make it (short ver.) because that is not part of the official title
00:43:614 (3) - Add clap (Additions: Normal/Soft) on notes like these? It's following music better. i like the soft drum hit for this


I think CS+1 fits your style better, but this is probably something what players don't want to change, just advice. yeah I like the look of CS4 better tbh
00:06:203 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Use regular spacing to fix inconsistency, where is not song calling for this.
00:11:850 (1,2,3,1) - ^ [these go along with the original starting pattern
00:13:614 (2,3,4) - I don't think overlaps are resonable for this part. Make distance between them. alright fix these
00:18:908 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^[/color] these look nice to me
00:31:614 (1) - Move on 248;129 to make better blanket with previous slider and make flow with next slider. it's this way for flow purposes
00:38:850 (2) - Move on 452;222 to prevent flow break. fixed


00:21:732 (1,2,3,4) - As I said on previous diff, overlaps are not reasonable for this song, make spaces between these. i like these


00:15:732 (2,3,4) - It's imo flow break, because you're changing the way not so naturally. Something like this could solve this problem.
fixed in a way

Sorry for a short mod, but your map is too short to find a lot of things, but mainly it's kinda perfect beatmap and I won't spam you with thinks like: "NC, NC, NC, Move 1 grid up", when there are just few visible details which are afflicting the gameplay, so I've written just thinks I think are more important than details which you won't notice :D Good job, take a star and also good luck with rank!
thanks for the mod!
Free mod (PM request)


  1. 00:08:673 (4,1,2) - Try this rythm instead :
  2. 00:14:673 (1,2,3,4) - Try or instead (follow the singer)
  3. 00:23:144 (1,2,3,4) - Mhmm you can do something better than 2009 old map style :p If you don't have any idea (just an example) =>

For me, this diff is Hard+ because of short sliders in this part (00:28:791 - to 00:42:908 -)

  1. 00:07:261 (3) - I don't think that this circle is useful, it follows nothing. Put (2)'s end here and delete (3)
  2. 00:36:026 (1) - It may be too difficult because you put a short slider just before this one and it may be confusing? (in DT, this is pretty hard and more difficult than insane). Try this instead =>

No problem for me, just a suggestion :

  1. 00:56:232 (3,4) - Put (3) => x: 248 / y: 132 ; (4) => x: 288 / y: 148 (I think the curve is better like that)
Good luck with this beatmap. <3
You should know:

those wrote:

What should be labeled with Short Ver.?
A Short Version is something that is featured in the source.
So it means even if it doesn't contain (Short Ver.) in official title, it should contain it in your beatmap because it was officially shortened. And it was, because it's from official trailer. So you're not right, it's following Ranking Criteria very well.

I don't want to force you to anything, but I want to make this map follow these Rules.
Anyway, if this won't be rankable, BAT will surely notice this so I don't need to say this.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

You should know:

those wrote:

What should be labeled with Short Ver.?
A Short Version is something that is featured in the source.
So it means even if it doesn't contain (Short Ver.) in official title, it should contain it in your beatmap because it was officially shortened. And it was, because it's from official trailer. So you're not right, it's following Ranking Criteria very well.

I don't want to force you to anything, but I want to make this map follow these Rules.
Anyway, if this won't be rankable, BAT will surely notice this so I don't need to say this.
From the official ranking criteria:

Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source.

Unless you can find a place where Supergiant Games labels this version as a "Short Ver." then I can't include that.

As far as I can tell, this is the most official source for information on the song, and they just label it as "We All Become". Because of that the title for the beatmap set must be the same.
Topic Starter

shARPII wrote:

Free mod (PM request)


  1. 00:08:673 (4,1,2) - Try this rythm instead : think the current rhythm is fine
  2. 00:14:673 (1,2,3,4) - Try or instead (follow the singer) fixed
  3. 00:23:144 (1,2,3,4) - Mhmm you can do something better than 2009 old map style :p If you don't have any idea (just an example) => i really think this is okay, I like the slider going down the middle like that, and there aren't many other options when I'm sticking with uniform spacing

For me, this diff is Hard+ because of short sliders in this part (00:28:791 - to 00:42:908 -) i don't think they're really that hard, but we'll see

  1. 00:07:261 (3) - I don't think that this circle is useful, it follows nothing. Put (2)'s end here and delete (3) fixed
  2. 00:36:026 (1) - It may be too difficult because you put a short slider just before this one and it may be confusing? (in DT, this is pretty hard and more difficult than insane). Try this instead => i'll just make it a circle

No problem for me, just a suggestion :

  1. 00:56:232 (3,4) - Put (3) => x: 248 / y: 132 ; (4) => x: 288 / y: 148 (I think the curve is better like that) did some adjustments to make the curve better, mainly moving that whole part to avoid overlap with 00:55:614 (1) -
Good luck with this beatmap. <3
Thanks mang
Request from ~splorg~ modding queue.


  • 00:06:203 (1) - I'm not sure why you would make such a slider like that on a place like that, the music is pretty straight forward.
    00:46:438 (2,3) - Inconsistent spacing, I don't see any reason why you should use such a spacing.
    00:52:791 (1) - Looks pretty much like a blanket gone wrong, just use an approach circle and make an arc/blanket out of the curve.


  • 00:29:850 (3) - Looks fine as it is, but you could make a blanket out of this.
    00:47:850 (4) - I don't think this spacing here is necessary. It's not like it's a perfect place to put a jump and neither did you use one at 00:46:438 (2,3) - Well, decrease it to 1,39x


  • 00:00:732 (2) - Could as well coat this around (1)

Map looks pretty cool. Good luck.
Topic Starter

Ayu wrote:

Request from ~splorg~ modding queue.


  • 00:06:203 (1) - I'm not sure why you would make such a slider like that on a place like that, the music is pretty straight forward. fineeeee
    00:46:438 (2,3) - Inconsistent spacing, I don't see any reason why you should use such a spacing. fixed
    00:52:791 (1) - Looks pretty much like a blanket gone wrong, just use an approach circle and make an arc/blanket out of the curve. it was never meant to be a blanket, just a differently shaped slider


  • 00:29:850 (3) - Looks fine as it is, but you could make a blanket out of this. fixed
    00:47:850 (4) - I don't think this spacing here is necessary. It's not like it's a perfect place to put a jump and neither did you use one at 00:46:438 (2,3) - Well, decrease it to 1,39x it's there for the symmetry. I think the time spacing is fine where it is easy enough to hit too.


  • 00:00:732 (2) - Could as well coat this around (1) moved completely to be more in line with the rest of the section

Map looks pretty cool. Good luck.
Thanks for the mod!
Mod request from our queue
Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

Additional notes:
I cannot mod another game modes.
Please reply to my mods, I always looking forward to the replies so I could improve better.
If you think one or more points on my mod is unclear, feel free to ask about it.

  1. Your combo colour is unaltered, which means the combo colours will be taken from the defined default combo colours from player's skin.ini. Sometimes these could conflict, so at least set a combo colour here to prevent such thing
  2. Volume transition from before kiai to kiai is too wide. Make the volume on kiai 50~60% insted
  1. 00:07:614 (3) - Move the red anchor right above the slider tick to make it a perfect slider kink?
  2. 00:25:967 (1) - Why already another spinner? This part is mappable imo, adding too much spinner sucks :l
  3. 00:35:144 (3) - You miss the drum sound thingy on slider end
  1. 00:17:320 - Add note here?
  2. 00:20:320 (1) - I don't see any reason to NC here
  3. 00:22:438 (3,4) - spacing mang
  1. nothign to mod mang
short song ≈ short mod

good stuff mang
Topic Starter

inverness wrote:

Mod request from our queue
Red is unrankable and must be fixed.
Pink is you should apply this to any similar notes/parts/patterns/whatever it was stated on it.
Mods with question marks (?) are only suggestion/opinion. You're free to choose whether you're going to apply it or not.

Additional notes:
I cannot mod another game modes.
Please reply to my mods, I always looking forward to the replies so I could improve better.
If you think one or more points on my mod is unclear, feel free to ask about it.

  1. Your combo colour is unaltered, which means the combo colours will be taken from the defined default combo colours from player's skin.ini. Sometimes these could conflict, so at least set a combo colour here to prevent such thing huehuehue
  2. Volume transition from before kiai to kiai is too wide. Make the volume on kiai 50~60% insted makin 65 cuz fuck da plice
  1. 00:07:614 (3) - Move the red anchor right above the slider tick to make it a perfect slider kink? fixed
  2. 00:25:967 (1) - Why already another spinner? This part is mappable imo, adding too much spinner sucks :l shortening spinner and mapping a bit more of that part, I still like having the spinner there, and the other spinner is fine I think
  3. 00:35:144 (3) - You miss the drum sound thingy on slider end normalhit~
  1. 00:17:320 - Add note here? sure
  2. 00:20:320 (1) - I don't see any reason to NC here seems consistent to me
  3. 00:22:438 (3,4) - spacing mang intentional for dem stax
  1. nothign to mod mang
short song ≈ short mod

good stuff mang

Thanks for the mod bro~
The mp3 file is long than the map. The end of the song is just sound.

00:07:438 (3) - Move to the right to four grid and one to the up because it's kind of far from 00:06:908 (2)

Sorry if it's just two things. Good Luck and star!
Shohei Ohtani
Kawaii Trailer Size >333<

As people said, you can probably cut out and fade the end of the mp3. It's not like, insanely large, but still.

AR -1
00:13:967 (3) - Turn off grid snap and place this directly between (2) and (4)
00:23:144 (1) - Lower the 2nd midpoint to make this curve deeper
00:53:497 (4) - Add drum hitsounds here
00:55:967 (2) - Add clap on beginning of slider

00:06:908 (2) - Add whistle on end of slider
00:12:908 (3) - Add whistle
00:15:732 (3,4) - Is this a mistake? If it's not then it's like really bad
00:27:379 (1) - This could probably be a slider
00:34:967 (2) - Lower this a few grids so the pattern can be even

00:01:967 (1) - Remove NC
00:04:791 (1) - ^
00:00:556 (1,1,1,1) - Add whistle on end of slider
00:17:497 (1) - Seems like a really random slider o-o. Especially ending on tick2 like that

Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

The mp3 file is long than the map. The end of the song is just sound. gonna leave it for da full expe]ence

00:07:438 (3) - Move to the right to four grid and one to the up because it's kind of far from 00:06:908 (2) fixed

Sorry if it's just two things. Good Luck and star!

CDFA wrote:

Kawaii Trailer Size >333<

As people said, you can probably cut out and fade the end of the mp3. It's not like, insanely large, but still. deciding to leave just for the lulz (and because i like the noise for the score screen

AR -1 alright, i had it at 8 originally but i kind of wanted like 8.5 but w/e fixed yo
00:13:967 (3) - Turn off grid snap and place this directly between (2) and (4) twas but a misclick (dat 1.65)
00:23:144 (1) - Lower the 2nd midpoint to make this curve deeper moved a bit
00:53:497 (4) - Add drum hitsounds here oops
00:55:967 (2) - Add clap on beginning of slider fixed

00:06:908 (2) - Add whistle on end of slider fixed
00:12:908 (3) - Add whistle fixed
00:15:732 (3,4) - Is this a mistake? If it's not then it's like really bad are you kidding that's the best mapping i've ever done in my life
00:27:379 (1) - This could probably be a slider i suppose, but i'll leave for now for consistency between diffs
00:34:967 (2) - Lower this a few grids so the pattern can be even fixed i think

00:01:967 (1) - Remove NC
00:04:791 (1) - ^ oops, remnants of original comboing
00:00:556 (1,1,1,1) - Add whistle on end of slider
00:17:497 (1) - Seems like a really random slider o-o. Especially ending on tick2 like that k

guess I'll try for m4m >w< haven't done this in a while so bear with me, all suggestions

I'd suggest AR -1

00:14:320 (4,1) - remove whistle from 4 and move to head of 1
00:14:673 (1) - red node to x:80 y:72, I think it looks a bit more symmetrical
00:50:673 (2) - I'd put this on x:412 y:268, with the other point on x:464 y:328, I think it looks smoother, since it curves well


A little odd. I'd say one thing that stuck out was when the drum track comes in, so 00:28:791 - 00:42:555 range, it felt surprisingly fast and a little tricky, even after playing the insane. I'd suggest bringing down the distance spacing on some of this section. I'll point out a couple specifics as I go along

00:06:908 (2,3) - This spacing right here doesn't suggest that (3) will come in as soon as it does. Like, later on at 00:12:555 (2,3,4) - you do a much better job of leading the player to the note on the red tick. Try to replicate that feeling in the first.
00:33:379 (3,4,5,6) - Because of how you have these staged, the player has to take a pretty sharp curve all the way around through (5,6), and I think this could be done a little more intuitively with less strict adherence to the spacing.
00:41:144 (3,1,2) - A similar thing happens here, where the swing out for (1) feels very quick

The quicker pace in the kiai makes sense cause, well, it's the kiai :o it also feels smoother though, so draw on that section a bit


Really liked the diff, flows quite well and good to play

00:10:085 (5,1,2) - spacing here can probably be evened out, just to look nice
00:22:791 (5,1) - I feel like there should be a jump here, perhaps move (5) down a bit and do a ctrl+g so that the large bass note here has some good impact
00:39:732 (6,1) - A little bit of re-adjusting here, I think this looks better
00:39:732 (6) - x:108 y:260, x:124 y:224, x:124 y:188
00:40:085 (1) - x:232 y:156, x:256 y:192, x:284 y:288

Think that's all I got, good luck!

what i realize first here is that the SV is really high for a easiest diff in your mapset, consider adding easy
00:11:850 (1) - Is fine, but i think you can improve the blanket more here
00:48:555 (1) - The curve here can be made better, currently it's a bit too the left. Try balancing them for better

00:07:438 (3) - Spacing is really confusing here, i'd make it closer for better recognition on the 1/2 beat
00:11:673 (5,1) - ^
00:11:850 (1) - Ehh why don't stack at 00:10:438 (3) -
00:52:085 (3) - Why don't continue using 30 degree rotation here?
00:52:967 (2) - ctrl + g for better flow

00:01:438 (4,2) - Improve the blanket here for better
00:40:085 (1,3) - ^

lol yes don't cut the mp3 unless you're forced, that noise on score screen is epic xD
anyway, sorry for short mod, take this star for awesomeness o/
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

guess I'll try for m4m >w< haven't done this in a while so bear with me, all suggestions

I'd suggest AR -1 i think ar4 fits a song like this pretty w

00:14:320 (4,1) - remove whistle from 4 and move to head of 1 no for consistency
00:14:673 (1) - red node to x:80 y:72, I think it looks a bit more symmetrical fixed
00:50:673 (2) - I'd put this on x:412 y:268, with the other point on x:464 y:328, I think it looks smoother, since it curves well the way i have it flows better from 1 and has reverse flow with the next slider


A little odd. I'd say one thing that stuck out was when the drum track comes in, so 00:28:791 - 00:42:555 range, it felt surprisingly fast and a little tricky, even after playing the insane. I'd suggest bringing down the distance spacing on some of this section. I'll point out a couple specifics as I go along

00:06:908 (2,3) - This spacing right here doesn't suggest that (3) will come in as soon as it does. Like, later on at 00:12:555 (2,3,4) - you do a much better job of leading the player to the note on the red tick. Try to replicate that feeling in the first. oops, that was a mistake, fixed now
00:33:379 (3,4,5,6) - Because of how you have these staged, the player has to take a pretty sharp curve all the way around through (5,6), and I think this could be done a little more intuitively with less strict adherence to the spacing. i'm just getting rid of those short sliders which i think will help
00:41:144 (3,1,2) - A similar thing happens here, where the swing out for (1) feels very quick i actually think this one is fine

The quicker pace in the kiai makes sense cause, well, it's the kiai :o it also feels smoother though, so draw on that section a bit


Really liked the diff, flows quite well and good to play

00:10:085 (5,1,2) - spacing here can probably be evened out, just to look nice i kind of like it this way because the spacing differences account for differences in mappin gideas
00:22:791 (5,1) - I feel like there should be a jump here, perhaps move (5) down a bit and do a ctrl+g so that the large bass note here has some good impact good idea
00:39:732 (6,1) - A little bit of re-adjusting here, I think this looks better
00:39:732 (6) - x:108 y:260, x:124 y:224, x:124 y:188
00:40:085 (1) - x:232 y:156, x:256 y:192, x:284 y:288

Think that's all I got, good luck!

AnreFM wrote:


what i realize first here is that the SV is really high for a easiest diff in your mapset, consider adding easy yeah i probably will
00:11:850 (1) - Is fine, but i think you can improve the blanket more here fixed
00:48:555 (1) - The curve here can be made better, currently it's a bit too the left. Try balancing them for better adjusted

00:07:438 (3) - Spacing is really confusing here, i'd make it closer for better recognition on the 1/2 beat fixed
00:11:673 (5,1) - ^ this one is fine
00:11:850 (1) - Ehh why don't stack at 00:10:438 (3) - no reason to
00:52:085 (3) - Why don't continue using 30 degree rotation here? don't really know actually
00:52:967 (2) - ctrl + g for better flow nah, the pattern is this way for a reason

00:01:438 (4,2) - Improve the blanket here for better not really a blanket part
00:40:085 (1,3) - ^ fixed

lol yes don't cut the mp3 unless you're forced, that noise on score screen is epic xD
anyway, sorry for short mod, take this star for awesomeness o/
Thanks guys, moving this back to WIP until I either remap the Normal or make an Easy diff.
Topic Starter
mapping an Easy diff. This will be back to pending soon.
Absolutely love this map, hope you finish Easy and get approved fast.

I only have one complaint, but that's more of a personal thing - using spinners as a transition (On normal and hard) when a really small pause would be much more effective and would fit the flow of the map much better IMO. The last spinner is fine.
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