EGTS2021 LR9: (gekiowata) vs (Six b0xes)
ThePooN created the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
gekiowata joined the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
gekiowata left the match
wandinfo joined the match
gekiowata joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
wandinfo left the match
wandinfo joined the match
the match was disbanded