
Voting Open! | Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players 2019

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Halo semuanya, dan selamat datang di thread voting Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players 2019!

Seperti biasa, seiring dengan detik-detik menuju pergantian tahun baru yang akan segera menghampiri osu! Indonesia kembali menyelenggarakan pemungutan suara terbuka (open voting) untuk menentukan nama-nama pemain osu!standard terbaik di Indonesia selama setahun ke belakang dari sudut pandang para pemain osu! secara luas. Siapakah yang tahun ini sekiranya akan mendapatkan suara terbanyak?

Pemenang voting Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players tahun lalu adalah smh.


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Suara dapat diberikan melalui salah satu dari tiga jalur pemilihan sebagai berikut:

• dengan memberikan reply secara langsung di thread ini.
• dengan mengirimkan Forum PM kepada Skydiver.
• dengan mengirimkan Discord PM kepada Skydiver#9795.

Masing-masing pemilih hanya dibenarkan untuk menyuarakan suaranya melalui satu jalur pemilihan saja (apabila ada pemilih yang memberikan suaranya di lebih dari satu jalur pemilihan, panitia hanya akan menghitung suara pertama yang masuk sebagai suara yang sah).

Voting dilangsungkan dengan cara mengurutkan 10 pemain osu!standard terbaik versi kamu dengan urutan 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 (alasan tidak perlu dicantumkan). Contoh pembuatan post adalah sebagai berikut :

#1 - Pemain A
#2 - Pemain B
#3 - Pemain C
#4 - Pemain D
#5 - Pemain E
#6 - Pemain F
#7 - Pemain G
#8 - Pemain H
#9 - Pemain I
#10 - Pemain J

Pemungutan suara akan dibuka pada 16 Desember 2019 dan akan ditutup pada 13 Januari 2020.

b. Distribusi Poin

Distribusi poin yang berlaku pada ajang voting Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players tahun ini adalah sebagai berikut :

#1 - 20 poin
#2 - 18 poin
#3 - 16 poin
#4 - 14 poin
#5 - 12 poin
#6 - 10 poin
#7 - 8 poin
#8 - 6 poin
#9 - 4 poin
#10 - 2 poin

Pada akhir masa pemungutan suara, 15 pemain dengan akumulasi poin tertinggi dari keseluruhan jalur pemilihan akan ditampilkan dalam video Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players 2019 yang akan di-upload ke YouTube osuIndonesia kemudian.

Apabila dalam rangkaian keberjalanan pengambilan suara terdapat nominasi yang terdampak oleh pembatasan akun (account restriction) atau masalah-masalah lainnya, panitia berhak untuk mendiskualifikasi nominasi tersebut dari proses penghitungan suara ke depannya.

c. Syarat Keabsahan Suara

Suara yang masuk akan terlebih dahulu diverifikasi oleh panitia untuk menjaga kredibilitas voting Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players 2010. Suatu suara akan otomatis dianggap tidak sah apabila mengandung satu atau lebih unsur-unsur berikut :

• Memililh diri sendiri,
• Mencantumkan satu nama lebih dari satu kali (double vote),
• Mencantumkan nama yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan nominasi, dan/atau
• Memilih dengan jumlah pilihan yang kurang dari/lebih dari 10 nama.

Di samping itu, untuk mencegah terdapatnya suara dari pihak-pihak yang kurang diinginkan (i.e. terdapatnya multi-account yang khusus dibuat hanya untuk mendukung suatu kandidat tertentu), panitia juga menetapkan syarat-syarat keabsahan pemilih sebagai berikut :

• Umur account pemilih minimal 6 bulan, dan
• Pemilih memiliki play history > 750 untuk mode osu!standard sepanjang tahun 2019 per tanggal thread ini dibuat 16 Desember 2019.

Apabila terdapat pemilih-pemilih yang tidak memenuhi satu atau lebih syarat yang tertera di atas, suara dari pemilih tersebut akan otomatis dinyatakan tidak sah.


Pada voting Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players 2019 kali ini, masing-masing pemilih dibebaskan untuk memberikan suaranya kepada seluruh pemain osu!standard Indonesia yang memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut :

• Memiliki ppv2 > 7000,
• Aktif bermain mode osu!standard selama setahun ke belakang (dalam konteks memiliki play count di osu!standard >2000 sepanjang tahun 2019), dan
• Tidak sedang berada dalam kondisi Restricted.

Per 16 Desember 2019, berikut merupakan daftar nama-nama pemain osu!standard Indonesia tercatat memenuhi ketentuan-ketentuan di atas:

Hiyajo Sephina
Alice Pi
My Girl Ruri 96
Somay 287
Nox Fleuret
-Nao Tomori-
-Akiyama Nico-
Rayhan Hamil
- Teto -
Mouse Pad
Shiki Ichinose


Berikut terlampir jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang telah cukup sering ditanyakan kepada panitia voting Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players dari tahun ke tahun.

Q: Mengapa nama-nama nominasi Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players 2019 di atas didasari pada keaktifan dan pp masing-masing pemain alih-alih ditentukan secara khusus oleh panitia?
A: Hal ini sebenarnya sudah pernah didiskusikan sebelumnya pada thread voting di tahun 2017, di mana berdasarkan hasil survey yang dilakukan oleh panitia kala itu kedua persyaratan di atas sudah cukup mewakili jawaban dari pertanyaan "siapa-siapa sajakah yang kamu nilai sebagai pemain osu!standard terbaik di Indonesia tahun ini?".

Q: Kira-kira kapan video hasil votingnya akan dirilis di YouTube?
A: Soon™

Q: Apakah saya diperbolehkan untuk memilih pemain yang tadinya berada dalam status Restricted namun statusnya dicabut (appeal-nya diterima) di tengah-tengah keberlangsungan pemungutan suara?
A: Boleh, selama pemain yang kamu pilih tersebut memenuhi syarat-syarat nominasi yang tertera di atas (ppv2 > 7000 dan aktif bermain/memiliki playcount > 2000 di tahun 2019).

Q: Apakah panitia yang terlibat dan pemain dari luar Indonesia diperbolehkan untuk memberikan suaranya?
A: Boleh, dengan catatan panitia/pemain dari luar Indonesia tersebut memenuhi syarat keabsahan pemilih seperti yang tercantum di atas (di mana suara dari panitia tidak memiliki keistimewaan/bobot suara yang lebih dibanding suara dari pemilih non-panitia).


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Ascaveth ◈ Tama-desu ◈ gunadharika



Special Thanks

Rayhan Hamil
Sunohara Shun
#1 - Skydiver ~ He is (my opinion) the best tournament player of Indonesia. ( alt tab gamer )

#2 - -Reuto- ~ this guy? shakes from sugar rush but sets amazing scores

#3 - Reyuza ~ if he stays at his setup, he is going to zoom past us + wtf player

#4 - LoidKun ~ if he decides to farm, say goodbye to your rank + really good overall player

#5 - smh ~ i dont really know smh but there is one thing i know, he is a god

#6 - Rexeez ~ underranked for an amazing tournament player but this guy can hd alot of things

#7 - Fuma ~ this guy is more underranked for an amazing tournament player, dont know much about him except for his
tournaments tbh :(

#8 - Ascaveth ~ very pro csgo and masuk owc

#9 - Ganjo ~ 500pp pagi pagi dispec

#10 - Praxeology ~ i see him every map leaderboard lol
Topic Starter
1. smh: tournament master, farms when he wants to. the title 'washed up' and yet his title remains.

2. -Reuto-: dude's got something wrong with his cursor but kills it with 700pp+ plays

3. LoidKun: finally utilized his aim AND speed. 800pp soon

4. Reyuza: a few days of the year is what it takes to skip a level

5. gunadharika: LOL Rip my rank. in serious note, unbeatable farming skillset

6. Rexeez: slowly becoming more versatile.

7. Fuma: keeps title of best 4 digit for a few years

8. Gatyaa420: this guy is improving fast in tournaments. i love seeing it

9. Fre: contributed to so many things in the community and has unfathomable tournament skills. +1

10. Ascaveth: despite barely making the cut of 5k global rank, still manages to overwhelm players his rank with his tournament skill variety.
1. Skydiver : I think he has dethroned smh this year due to his outstanding ability in tournaments
2. smh : Old god
3. LoidKun : Classic speed demon
4. Rexeez : HD god and aspiring speed player
5. Reyuza : He just don't play that much, he is still a god
6. -Reuto- : Crazy good scores on flow aim
7. Fuma : The one and only 4 digit deranker
8. gunadharika : Meta abuser but still good i guess?
9. Ascaveth : He must be really good.
10. Fre : Read as Ulat Bulu
Tampaknya ini first time gw ikut nge vote owo tahun ini banyak player yang jago di indo jadi rada susah milihnya. But yeah ini listnya uwu

1. Skydiver - god tournament player
2. Smh - damn banyak play dia yang bener" panas di leaderboard.
3. Reyuza - no doubt salah satu wonder player di indo dengan akurasi yang cukup wah.
4. Fuma - underrated tapi sebenernya punya kesan baik di berbagai turni yang dia ikutin
5. LoidKun - player yang staminanya gila gilaan tbh no objection
6. gunandharika - kemampuan DTnya buat gw cukup gila sih meskipun out of nowhere langsung bisa crawling naik ke leaderboard. Orang ini punya masa depan cerah kedepannya di osu
7. Ascaveth - skillnya diatas apa yang player di rank fia bisa lakukan mulai dari aim hingga tapping bener" underranked
8. Skitzor - aimnya dia bener" mulus no doubt akurasinya juga mayan gila sih dengan ngeliat beberapa play dia.
9. Shiv - HD player yang dulunya sempet jadi kandidat top 10 di mania. He's quite strong in accuracy with HD mod tbh.
10. Rinzler - no objection, ex t1 indo yang punya skill bagus di tapping ama aimnya.
1. Skydiver - ya
2. smh - ya
3. -Reuto- - ya
4. LoidKun - ya
5. Reyuza - ya
6. Rexeez - ya
7. gunadharika - ya
8. Fuma - ya
9. Skitzor - ya
10. Ascaveth - ya

honorable mention :
Crezz - sad
1) smh
2) Skydiver
3) LoidKun
4) Rexeez
5) Agouka
6) Reyuza
7) Fuma
8) -Reuto-
9) gunadharika
10) Alan-

1. gunadharika - Farmer mouse player konsisten, tapi accnya sedih bet. also good guy
2. -Reuto- - NICE SETUP BROOOOOOOO, tpi serius, sebenernya dia orangnya baik.
3. Skydiver - Orang yang gw admire di masa2 dia no.1 Indo, dulu di tahun 2014 juga hehe.
5. Ascaveth - WKAOKWOAKWOKAOWKOAWKOWKOAKWO ORGNYA GAMPANG BERGAUL. Also pretty good at any kind of map
6. Reyuza - Gw kira orgnya elit, sebenernya orangnya baik. makasih reyuza dikasi tuts cara dapet low ms di lepi gaming
7. Fuma - Very kind person, sadly ranknya segitu aja biar bisa masuk turney mana2 kwkwkwk
8. Daffy - Captain dari team "3some" di UCUP, orangnya ganteng beut, dah gitu baik, jago pula..
9. Takaichi - Orang yg secara tidak langsung menginspirasikan gw main HD
10. Celine - jago.
1. smh
2. Skydiver
3. Loidkun
4. -Reuto-
5. Praxeology
6. MOMO543959
7. Gatyaa420
8. Rexeez
9. Fuma
10. Ascaveth

Honorable mention
Puchiko (Restricted :( )
Crezz (He's unbanned right now XD)
Kichirou (Restricted :( )
1. Skydiver
2. Reyuza
3. Loidkun
4. smh
5. gunadharika
6. -Reuto-
7. Rexeez
8. Fuma
9. Mitsuru-
10. Alan-

11. Reishi

1). Skydiver
2). smh
3). -Reuto-
4). LoidKun
5). Reyuza
6). Rexeez
7). Fuma
8). Fre
9). Ascaveth
10). Alan-

honorable mentions :
- havick (good at anything especially making babies)

Nyoba vote tpi jarang liat aksi aksi gaming moment top player indo.... tpi gpp lah

1.LoidKun : I never spectate him anymore,but i still remembered his extremly good streaming ability
2.WeanNeuer : HR mod nya ngegas di segala jenis map
3.Praxeology : Always there on some tech or hard map with HD sticking like a glue
4.-TwiHD : rusty farmer with his beloved HD,also his tech skill worth to mentioned sometimes
5.Agouka : Idk what to say,only 1 unranked map and i already feel this guy is epic
6.Alan- : aim lemes tpi sekali nya di kasih stream map langsung godmode
7.Ganjo : maen map jump ajib banget aimnya
8.Alice Pi : Salah satu player yang klo godmod g bisa stop
9.-[Re_Origin]- : mesti dt dlu baru niat main ne orang
10.Somay 287 : skill hd hr nya ketinggian
1. Creamy Candy
2. lit120
3. DigitalHippo
4. pentil
5. Tix
5. Naellza
7. [SCP]Zero13
9. lunalovegood
10. semaphore
This is actually my first submission, I'm extremely biased because I'm Nomod main.

1. smh : gelo
2. Skydiver : gelo
3. -Reuto- : impruvnya gelo
4. LoidKun : jack of all trades, gelo
5. Rexeez : hdnya gelo
6. gunadharika : hddtnya gelo + mouse player jadi makin gelo
7. Reyuza : comeback jadinya gelo
8. Alan- : skor2nya di map anehnya gelo
9. Praxeology : another hd gelo
10. Fre : nice coach

Honorable Mention:
1. Crezz - :(
2. Bang Dean - :(
3. Phizh - ewe
4. Fayn - SONF ngajak glood
5. Mitsuru- - udah bucin jadi gamasuk
6. nexa- - budak grafik desain
1) smh - one of the players i looked up to, allrounded gamer with his insane consistency
2) Skydiver - what the fuck you are a monster\
3) -Reuto- - this guy is amazin
4) Reyuza - reyuza
5) Rexeez - insane hd main
6) gunadharika - this guy improvement rate is fuckign insne hOW
7) Fuma - consistency god
8) LoidKun - fast
9) Gatyaa420 - old map enthusiast
10) Ascaveth - pance (aside from that what the fuck you're not 5k)

honorable mention(s):
fayn - derank mulu
Sunohara Shun
Voting yang agak biased karena gue selalu adore tournament player!
Top 10 Indonesia (Tournament) Players

  1. Skydiver - Aktif, Gigih, Niat. Salah satu player turnamen di Indo yang aktif banget di ranah turnamen dan hasil nya juga tidak main-main, you deserve this 1st place!
  2. smh - Pemain classic, title washed up tidak relevan untuk smh!
  3. Rexeez - Pemain yang gak kenal batasan! selalu mau buat improve dan keliatan tahun ini bisa overcome kelemahan HR-nya!
  4. Reyuza - Jarang muncul di-turnamen 2019 tapi performanya masih bisa dibilang salah satu player kelas atas.
  5. LoidKun - LoidKun favorit juru kunci top 5.
  6. Fuma
  7. Walfrid
  8. -Reuto-
  9. Ascaveth
  10. Takaichi

Honourable Mention

Kuro Fuyusaki - Sandbagger
Fayn - Sandbagger
MasterfulNote5 - Sandbagger
Calliope Mori
1. Fre: Best tournament host and coach, hope to play and work on more tournaments with you
2. Skydiver: Best overall player and fun streamer, much skill, very pro
3. Smh: "washed up" pro, one of the reasons i started playing osu.
4. Loidkun: fast boi, made me interested in playing old maps
5. Fuma: fnft pooler.
6. Takaichi: ricma carry.
7. Rzkadi: invited me to play ricma +rep
8. -Nao Tomori-: tourney teammate
9. Walfrid:"how is this guy not a deranker"
10. Celine: better than me

1. Skydiver : Balanced player
2. smh : also a balanced player
3. -Reuto- : Shakes a lot but still a good player
4. Reyuza : idk...
5. Loidkun : Speedy Boi
6. Fuma : Good tournament player
7. Rexeez : Also good tournament player
8. Praxeology : Good at technical things
9. Gunadharika : DT Aim Spook
10. Alan- : Karena dia Alan
Kuro Fuyusaki
1. smh - basically chocomint versi indo
2. Skydiver - prop prop here we go our jack of all trades std version boi
3. -Reuto- - bruh
4. Loidkun - tangan mesin jahit, aim robot
5. Reyuza - 凸(⊙▂⊙ )
6. Walfrid - tetek bengek
7. Rexeez - ilang momen
8. Fuma - vibing player
9. Rayhan Hamil - NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM
10. Genjitsu - look for the best all rounder mouse player aside him/her for me, i'll wait.

11. Skitzor - behold the consistency prodigy (pada zamannya)
12. sumippe - drrrrrrrrrrrttt
13. Gatyaa420 - underrated boomer
15. Ascaveth - player semau kamu

Honourable Mention:
1. Fre - why u do dis to me
2. Fayn - papa can u not
3. MOMO543959 - wow, i actually rmb your nick, lmao
4. Phizh - i hate you for the touhou score
5. MasterfulNote5 - pretty much if you 4 digit can beat his unusual score, DM and ping me

biased versatility and personal score achievement
Aya Bunbunmaru
1) Skydiver: Ajarin gw how to be tourney god dong
2) smh: Ajarin gw stamina and consistency dong
3) -Reuto: Ajarin gw flow aim dong
4) Loidkun: Ajarin gw speed and stamina dong
5) Reyuza: Ajarin gw jump aim dong
6) Gunadharika: Ajarin gw singletap high bpm dong
7) Fuma: Ajarin gw consistency dong
8) Rexeez: Ajarin gw HD dong
9) Alan-: Ajarin gw tech maps sama aim control dong
10) Praxeology: Ajarin gw map variety consistency dong
1. Smh - bentar lagi jadi hacker handal
2. Walfrid - coolmethgemez
3. Braixen - furry kesayangan kita semua
4. liykun - mikel kowok
5. Kazumine- - dota ngethrow teros
6. Vvn - main lesehan gaming
7. Kurogemy - TEMENNYA ARTIS
8. Shiv - malang buta
9. Ascaveth - phances
10. Kirinagi - kafir

• Memiliki ppv2 > 7000,
• Aktif bermain mode osu!standard selama setahun ke belakang (dalam konteks memiliki play count di osu!standard >2000 sepanjang tahun 2019), dan
• Tidak sedang berada dalam kondisi Restricted.

tapi mousr sama aegishield kok masuk
1.smh (Cookiezi Indo)
2.Skydiver (idk pokoknya jago semua mod)
3.-Reuto- (improve cepet dan bisa masuk top 50)
5.Ascaveth (score di map tech bagus-bagus,pencapaian terbaik tahun ini bisa masuk roster OWC)
6.Reyuza (lagi ga ngefarm sih)
7.Rexeez (HD master)
8.Fuma (HD master v2)
9.Praxeology (HD MASTER v3)
10.Alan- (Tech&Stream God)

Honourable Mention:
Gunadharika (Improve di DT nya cepet,tapi untuk turni masih kurang,mungkin lain waktu bisa 1 tim lagi pas turni)
Vvn (HD master tapi udah sibuk gawe)
Velstadt (Guru stream q, dlu ngeliat dia main map stream sampe kagum)
Genjitsu (11 12 sama Ascaveth,udh jarang keliatan main karena udah bosen mungkin?salah satu mos player terbaik)
MOMO543959 (aimnya jago tp gabisa pake mod wkowkowk)
idk who to vote since im not really active in the community, as well as the tournament
nowadays i also kinda interested more in mapping soo..
but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1. Skydiver
the guy who introduced me to the community. im forever grateful, legend player, respect. back then i thought Skydiver is only a farmer-kinda-player and o boy i was wrong. a carry for tournament. i also remember when we first talk you thought me as a cheater LOL, that is a praise in some ways. also, he is the only guy to this date to visit my house awawa >//<. and, stay strong!

2. smh
amazing versatility. i always imagine he is the guy who is super calm when taking a tournament, and he does! at least thats what i get from him (lol) but he is really great tournament player.

3. Reyuza
also the guy who introduced me to the community too! thank you! very enjoyable to talk with, and also an amazing player. i always get impressed by how fast he can singletap, especially at his Get Jinxed score.

4. -Reuto-
unthinkable improvement. i remember how he struggles with Honesty, and fast forward for some months and suddenly fc Road of Resistance, Kroytz one. respect.

5. LoidKun
very friendlyyy! i was suprised when i found out he is younger than me cute loli. i also envious how this man can stream ridiculous high bpm.

6. Rexeez
also a friendly player! impressive hd skill, can singletap a pretty high bpm dt map (>240 i think?), great tournament player, consistent as hecc.

7. Fuma
okay, impressive player for his rank. thats it for Fuma. thank you for reading.
joke aside, enjoyable to talk! really tall, i was like at his shoulder or something LOL. if you ask me a question for tournament related stuff my first thought will be him.

8. Kirinagi
and also the guy who introduced me to the community, and to sum it up, Skydiver, Reyuza, and Kirinagi! thank you, you three..
a very friendly player, a versatile player, love how he play a hard and techy map! though he really doesnt play much nowadays. and also miss in an easy part, fc on a hard part <3 stay strong!

9. CubeixID200
amazing player for his rank! Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa, Toumei Elegy, and i also remember he beat me in my own map, Everlasting Memories.. an upcoming page 1.

10. Rayhan Hamil
though these days he is inactive, im always a fan of his impressive nomod skills. also a consistent tournament player, and also a high-ranked mania player! always laugh when i talk to him.

Honorable Mention (this is just me mentioning my friend, love you always if you see this <3)

i dont know where to start, probably starting from how he is so friendly and very open, helped me in many ways. actually an impressive player imo, passed Hollow Wings' Deconstruction Star before i do! also, probably he is the most i met in real life. love you nohomo <3.

not eligible, but lets go with it.
a girl who i really respect for attitude. very enjoyable to talk with! smol i remember how i was so suprised hearing your voice, unthinkable. but ive grown with it so it doesnt really bother me much now '~' i also melt when it was first time i hear you sang a song. respect <3.

also not eligible, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
oh boy, i remember how fun it was when the four of us talk together in discord. after holiday is finished, we just kinda get seperated (lol) and busy with our own stuff. we all should hang out together! <3.

thank you, thank you for keep pushing me to map back then! maybe i wont be as a mapper as i am right now if i never talk you. i remember how i dont like to use blanket cause "mainstream" LOL and you just straight up proofing me that blanket is nice. i regret saying that.

o boy, his house is probably the one that makes me know a lot of connection to osu! indonesian players. aside that, big respect for the enthusiasm at tournament stuff, and making the community active. also a great tournament player!

the one that i probably took as rivals in mapping terms. also able to pull out amazing score, Jinsei wa Yume Darake and others. hoping that both of us have a ranked map in the future!

Satsuki - Desu
i love you nohomo, impressive nomod skill at his peak. also what an amazing and fun to talk with! always asking where is his Dan Dan map is, even though i havent continued it in a long time (lol). very knowledgeable with vn stuff.

thats all for me, sorry its so long. just want to express myself someday.
probably too long LOL sorry guys
1. smh
2. Skydiver
3. Reyuza
4. Loidkun
5. -reuto-
6. Rexeez
7. Alan-
8. Praxeology
9. Mitsuru-
10. Somay 287
1. smh
2. skydiver
3. gunadharika
4. loidkun
5. rexeez
6. fuma
7. fre
8. praxeology
9. celine
10. alan-

really want to vote for scub & lastecine but they havent met the reqs yet..
1. Skydiver
most noticeable improvement this year! especially on his game osu tournament performance, the man really popped off with that (near) top 8 finish!!
2. smh
This boy needs no more introduction.
3. LoidKun
makin taun makin autis, skor2 tambah ga ngotak dan consistency yang tetap kuadh semenjak mulai aktif turni last year
4. Reyuza
ga ngerti sumpah gimana ni anak masih bisa konsisten skillnya meski udh ga terlalu aktif kayak waktu2 primenya
5. Rexeez
popped off earlier this year, and im sure he could do better if he keeps on his pace
6. -Reuto-
a godly farm player and now improving on tournament consistency as well!
7. Walfrid
if you look at his top plays, you know why i voted him this high
8. Skitzor
consistency god, semua map farm nomod dibabat
9. Ascaveth
vance for owc 2020!!
10. Praxeology
sumpah kaget waktu pertama ngeliat namanya di irt, hdnya konsisten parahh (otw crezz v2)

honorable mentions to everyone else who made this a really wonderful year! :D
smol meng putih numpang nongol B3
(1) Skydiver
(2) smh
(3) Reyuza
(4) -Reuto-
(5) gunadharika
(6) Loidkun
(7) Ascaveth
(8) Mitsuru-
(9) Praxeology
(10) -[Re_Origin]-
me dead
1.Skydiver - Most respected tourney player for me, jangan dibodohin kegantengannya suka earrape di VC
2.Smh - Score2nya di map unconventional jaw-dropping!!
3.Loidkun - Kalo main casual ngememe, kalo turni ganas abis, Dedek emessh
4.Fre (dibaca Ulat Bulu) - Consistent player, Nice coach, also a very fun person ( guru turni 🙏 )
5.Rexeez - You don't want to face him on tourney 😱
6.Reyuza - Magically stronger after cumback (p.s Kang tablet)
7.Celine - Takut disunat otw pensi player (otw jadi top dog mapping), ngomong cupu tapi pas main Z o o m,
8.Shiv - Dhani Firdaus, K-pop niche slayer
9.Alan - Jutaan orang tidak menyadari bahwa kubing merupakan item limit breaker skill osu
10.Liykun - Reform Slayer (balikin pentab gua tolong please)

honourable mention :
1. Havick - Player yang jadi alesan suka latihan DT (boi u don't know how i admire ur playstyle), eccentric guy but you'll like him
2. Fuma - Salah skin player, klo skinnya bener turni/leaderboard di libas (udah beberapa kali ketemu tapi masih awkward gua-nya hahaha)
3. Fayn - kalo >rs pasti fc
4. Phizh - Dulu gua anggep rival, sekarang skillnya dah jauh diatas 😔
5. WeanNeuer - Aimnya semuluz paha Lucinta Luna,
"define your success through feelings, not numbers"

1. Reyuza
I had a huge respect for this guy, even though he might not be the best player on paper. cuz he's the kinda guy who will get along with everyone. He treats us, the low-life, good for nothing, 5 digits player with respects that no one on the indonesian top 10 would probably ever will. he is the definition of a top level player supposed to be imo.

i barely notice him until OWC this year, but oh god....

3. smh
i used to looked up to this guy. 'used to'. That's it.

4. gunadharika
you know, i used to singletap 250-270bpm effortlessly, but as the time pass, and the more i played this game, singletapping is not the best option to play high bpm song. unless u saw this guy play.

5. LoidKun
if it wasnt for his godlike speed, he wouldn't be at top 5 on my list.

6. Rexeez
one of the OG of the Indonesian prodigy. i always looked up at this guy. overall good best HD player i've known, and some say he's doing pretty well on OWC this year. He's the kinda guy that i wanted to be. and the guy who i wanted to get along the most

7. Lampshade
as fellow anti-DT player, gotta put her him on top 10 ;o

8. Herbayse
same as #1....

9. Daffy
Daveeeee, i used to get along well with this guywell he probably forget 'bout me or he doesn't recognize me cuz i'm on a different account that time rofl

10. Itsakareru
Lemiii, why r u joined the dark side

I've never actually participate on these things, for 5 years i've been interact with many people. some of them probably didn't make it on this list yet they deserve it. that's probably i don't like you or i didn't know you better. either way, most of people won't give a shit about this list. for once, i want to make this list seriously.
1) alice pi = autism
2) agouka = god at dt and hr
3) ascaveth = vans vibe 8)
4) Skydiver = jago bngt ;w;
5) Aizu = god at accuracy owo
6) -Nao Tomori- = carry turni ;w;
7) Lampshade = god at HR and Cofident mapper~
8) smh = LUCA so good ngl
9) Fre = AIM EXIST and u forgot another E in your name
10) CubeixID200 = jago (kangen multi lgi)

Yang ga termasuk tpi gw pgn vote aja :3 (Honorable)

11) seox = kembarain pais accnya
12) shiena = jago bandori
13) fayn = this player so quiet but he have hidden talent
14) MOMO543959 = passing 5 min map with FL (bruh)
7.Alice Pi
10.Mouse Pad
7.Alice Pi
10.Mouse Pad
(1) -[Re_Origin]- : my cuttie collab >.<
(2) Gunadharika : Pro Dt Mouse Player
(3) -Reuto- : i don't know how he got that 800pp record
(4) SkyDiver : i watch his stream :) good player tbh
(5) Smh : God
(6) Reyuza : How you get that Blade dance Dt?
(7) Agouka : (Random)
(8) Alan- : (Random) :'(
(9) LoidKun : (Random)
(10) Ascaventh : (Random)
Time for my vote.....

1.) Skydiver: He passed all his weakness such as Fast Streaming above 250 (Speed Genetics unlocked!) and Low AR, but he's mostly known for his Tournament skills and DT Skills, some of you may look at him as a dt/hr farmer, but the map he plays ain't a joke

2.) smh : Old school godlike player, pretty good at LOW AR and Old maps, i wouldn't say "pretty good" but a "god" not too much to type about this guy, but his flow is crazy and has an all-round skills

3.) Rexeez : I'm actually getting scared of his tournament skills, day by day his skills are getting crazier, he even SLAPPED HardRock mod like it's nothing, his notable scores that i mostly respect are IRONY HDDT FC and his MarrianE HDHR FC

4.) Reyuza : Everyone knows he's known as a DT god because of his fast aim and single-tap, he's not only a dt player but also top-classed international tournament player

5.) Walfrid : Insane Low AR HD and accuracy, almost all-rounded player!!!!

6.) Skitzor : I love how he still keep a good combo while voice-talking with his friends on discord, and he keeps improving his own old scores like FUNKY SUMMER BEACH, from nomod to HDHR FC and other stuff, his multiplayer skill is admirable, plus he can play with mouse too, and still dominates his tablet scores sometimes

7.) Agouka : He had a few months break, then as soon as he came back, he improved alot like from 4/10 to 7/10, Admirable guy cuz he's cool

8.) -Reuto- : He's almost good on all things like Flow, Jump and speed, i'm surprised he's improving his tournament skills

9.) My Girl Ruri 96 : he/she?? idk, but this player has a crazy accuracy on hidden hardrock, this player plays marathon map or long map with HDHR Mods Equipped, but still able to keep a godlike accuracy, amazing

10.) CubeixID200 : Considering that he's the most nicest guy i know in the community, he's also almost well-known because of that, despite his dumb chokes, he's actually a good player who has a courage on improving anything that is hard for him, he may farms alot of hddt maps (lol, blame me cuz i told him to do so) but he actually has a good consistency, but the only thing he lacks on is his luck, damn

Honorable Mention:

Gtw pen tulis apa :)
Top 15 Indonesian osu!standard Players of 2019
  1. Skydiver
  2. smh
  3. Reyuza
  4. Rexeez
  5. gunadharika
  6. Fuma
  7. Walfrid
  8. Gatyaa420
  9. Fre
  10. sumippe
1. Skydiver (pogchamp)
2. gunadharika (gesek-gesek mouse aja dapet pp)
3. Praxeology (Memiliki satu rahasia bagaimana caranya menjadi top leaderboard with HD)
4. LoidKun (stream itu gampang)
5. Mitsuru- (acc 98 itu jelek)
6. Liykun (gua ga farm, pp yang dateng)
7. Caviar- (fc=hoki)
8. -Reuto- (gua jago apa adanya)
9. Aizu- (HDHR? HD aja bro)
10. Somay 287 (DT tanpa HD itu esset)
1. smh
2. Skydiver
3. LoidKun
4. Rexeez
5. Reyuza
6. -Reuto-
7. Walfrid
8. Fuma
9. Celine
10. Skitzor
#1 - Shiv
#2 - smh
#3 - Ascaveth
#4 - Rinzler
#5 - Celine
#6 - Vvn
#7 - Gatyaa420
#8 - sumippe
#9 - liykun
#10 - dika312
1. Gunadharika: Improve very fast, but still Gunaccdharika!
2. -Reuto- : Good player, the skillset is on another level.
3. Skydiver : Tourney God.
4. smh : Very c00lz, cant compare his consistency to other!
5. LoidKun : Keyboard destroyaa.
6. liykun : kocheng oren's carry neverforget, Dukun Tidur.
7. Gatyaa420 : Old School will remember, the legend!
8. Fre : Ulat Buluuu.
9. Cubeixid200: Adyatma Za Kotak.
10.ShovelKun : "Ini jumpnya Kecil banget" -kangsekop
1. smh

2. Skydiver

3. LoidKun

4. -Reuto-

5. Reyuza

6. gunadharika

7. Rexeez

8. Fuma

9. Ascaveth

10. Fre
1. Skydiver (definitely best player right now for me)
2. smh (amazing skill and speed from the beginning until now)
3. Reyuza (better in playing high AR)
4. gunadharika (i just heard that he has a lot of nice scores)
5. Loidkun (so many freaking crazy scores :v)
6. Rexeez (many technical maps that is hard to FC, he's been able to)
7. Skitzor (many good scores recently that I've been seeing in FB)
8. Fuma
9. WeanNeuer
10. Ascaveth (technical God bro)

that's it right..?

Kirinagi wrote:

vote tidak sah karena "Landegre-" tidak terdaftar di list, player terkait tidak memiliki "recent" playcount yang cukup di tahun 2019 sehingga tidak memenuhi syarat untuk masuk ke dalam list, silahkan mengedit vote untuk bisa diproses ^_^
gua nolep.
-Nao Tomori-
1.Skydiver :
no comment.

2.Smh :

3.-Reuto- :
this guy real insane

4.Reyuza :
"gbs aim"

5.Loidkun :
laptop speed demon

6.Rexeez :
idk but i love rexeez HD

7.Fuma :

8.Ascaveth :
coz he's pance and loveable <3

9.Alan- :
hmmmmmm noticeable

10.Fre :
ULAT BULU~ best host

Braixen - best furry osuIndo
  1. smh
  2. Skydiver
  3. -Reuto-
  4. Reyuza
  5. Rayhan Hamil
  6. Praxeology
  7. Rexeez
  8. Fuma
  9. Celine
  10. -Nao Tomori-

tbh gw random pick doang kecuali top 5.
Gonna change my name to Minomel now lmao.
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