
[Rule]Video Audio Track Must be Removed to Conserve Space

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I thought this was a rule or at least a guideline until I checked the Wiki and it's not anywhere on it.

Strict Version: Does not consider any useful purpose for keeping a video's audio track

If a beatmap contains a video, that video's audio must be removed to reduce filesize. Muting the audio does not count as removing the audio track.

Less Strict version:

If a beatmap contains a video, that video's audio track should be removed to reduce filesize unless insert x reason here. A muted audio track serves no purpose and must be removed.

I suggest the Strict version if there is no good reason to have a video with sound, and the less strict version if there is any reason for it. A side note on the less strict version: It would be nice to point out specifically what leaving the audio with the video is used for and make all other reasons unrankable.

Edit: Cleaned up the phrasing of both.
Uh, stupid question but, what can audio in a video possibly be used for? I thought the main reason for not allowing it was because it had no purpose?
If this really isn't on the wiki, then the strict version should be added since that's the current rule.
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I thought it was a rule as well. But apparently several rules never made it on the wiki from the forum. This must be one of them, because there's only two rules about video's and this isn't one of them.
Yeah i could swear this was there, guess this is one of those "Everyone knows it but we forgot to add" rules, although i think the wording could be a bit friendlier.
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I don't know if I can word it any better than that. I'm not entirely sure how the start of it should be phrased since there are only two rules based on video. It could just be A video's audio track must be removed to reduce filesize. Muting the audio does not count as removing the audio track.

TheVileOne wrote:

It would be nice to point out specifically what leaving the audio with the video is used for and make all other reasons unrankable.
I still would like to know what it is used for
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Makar wrote:

TheVileOne wrote:

It would be nice to point out specifically what leaving the audio with the video is used for and make all other reasons unrankable.
I still would like to know what it is used for
Beats me. I didn't think there was a purpose, but I didn't want to get yelled at by the forum audience if there was a reason that I didn't mention.
osu! don't even play a videos audio plus the audio only reduce the framerate
In that case just stick with the strict version lol
Not everyone can re-render videos accurately you know.

Ijah wrote:

Not everyone can re-render videos accurately you know.
ffmpeg -vn <filename>

and you're done!
pretty sure there are enough free programs or users that are more that willing to help in this matter too.

Ijah wrote:

Not everyone can re-render videos accurately you know.
Ask others, I usually do it in my I mod
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