
New Staff: Beatmap Moderation Team

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Not to badmouth the current Beatmap Approval Team, but a lot of quality maps are being flooded in a sea of crap and works in progress. There simply aren't enough people to review every map. I think I have a solution: Beatmap Moderation Team.

Of course, only a select few can become a BAT, and osu! is getting a bit too popular at the moment. So, what if less experienced users can help with the work? I know that currently everyone is encouraged to mod other maps, but that's all they can do.

I request a new group; the Beatmap Moderation Team. They would have the abilities to star promising maps and to graveyard utterly worthless ones. They are also responsible for basic modding, but they cannot bubble, approve, or rank. As such, the criteria for becoming one would be lower than a BAT, although they would have to at least be trusted to not abuse their powers.

I believe that this would benefit osu! greatly now and in the future, as the more (rankable) ranked beatmaps we have, the better.

What do you think?
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I request a new group; the Beatmap Moderation Team---> Sounds good.

They would have the abilities to star promising maps and to graveyard utterly worthless ones.---> You forgot this."Nuke"

but they cannot bubble---> I have an idea. If BMT member thinks the beatmap is able to be ranked, they can move it into "Pending beatmaps" I think there(Pending Beatmaps) are a lot of awful beatmaps. Submitting to Help Beatmap is added but most of new beatmappers is still uploading their beatmaps into Pending Beatmaps.

I'll arrange them. Because I'm not sure that you're able to understand my complicated sentences.

Level 1
Uploaded-Beatmaps,Beatmap help.

If BMT thinks the beatmap that uploaded in level 1 is able to be ranked, They can move it into pending beatmaps.

Level 2
Pending Beatmaps
BATs can rank these beatmaps.

Level 3
Ranked/Approved Beatmaps
Enjoy it :)

If BMT works nicely, BATs can approve them easily :)
And promote BMT to BAT who moves level 1 ----> level 2 properly.

Also, BMT's beatmap upload limit is 2-->3or4

half hour post :(

peppy wrote:

Personally I don't want to limit moderation abilities to a new team
No, that makes so many applicants. I think BAT+BMT=100(a number of peoples) is enough.
Everyone is a moderator. But they require some experiences to be a BMT. BMT is one of the official teams. They will make light of BMT if there is no limit of moderation ability.
Concerning miny's mentions, I have to note that Beatmap Help is a place to get help and work on your WIPs (or keep your maps away from ranking, like KC has done lol).

I do like the idea of a new group with less power than the BATs, though. Being able to nuke/flame/star maps, or move them down to help... I think it would definitely help out the BATs, as they themselves would be able to spend less time shuffling through failmaps. There'd also be an overall larger moderation force, which would help give the BATs a bit of a break (they do have a LOT to keep up with, after all), and also allow more maps receive the attention they need.

Another thing that would probably help out the BATs and mappers a lot would be if regular mappers modded from time to time, noted to the BATs what maps are worth their time, and give a hand to those mappers who could use some more work on their maps.
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Interesting idea: how about a separate section in Pending for maps that have a reply from the topic starter? (or the reverse - submitted maps with no reply go into a separate section until it gets a reply)
^The issue with that is that I once had a map. This map had quite a few posts, but no posts that were actually MODDING. This happens most often with collabs, but has happened to me without a collab. You see, even in Help, random people come in and post.

A better idea would be a place for maps without a BAT reply (and if the BAT's collabing [or just wants to post the lyrics to the song (yes this has happened before)], have a button that can say, "don't move to section for maps with a reply). That way, random people wouldn't come in and stuff.

As far as a group below BATs, that would work quite well if it was implemented right. As in, as Rolled said, everything but ranked, and I'd say not have full chat powers. Why? Because, well, someone with those powers is usually on now. Having 10 people with those powers on at once would be... eh. Only thing would probably be silencing, things like !kick and stuff not there. Or... oh forget it.

Stacked stars sounds nice. It's like you actually want people who aren't BATs to mod.... Nah, you wouldn't want such a thi- wait, you guys are serious, aren't you?
Another idea - a group of people dedicated to weeding out the bad maps (ie. don't mod) - i wouldn't mind doing this
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Topic Starter

Echo wrote:

Another idea - a group of people dedicated to weeding out the bad maps (ie. don't mod) - i wouldn't mind doing this
That was one of the main priorities I had in mind for the Beatmap Moderation Team. There really wouldn't be a need for an entirely different group right now, as the level of modding ability and common sense required to nuke maps and star them is similar. A new group would only be viable if there was a HUGE flood of terrible beatmaps, which may happen in the future, but should not be an issue with the addition of the BMT (BMT? That sounds terrible.).
I propose a name that isn't BMT for this group if one was made:


Just for the heck of it! Makes sense, doesn't it? Besides, that way this would appear in chat occasionally;

any bats or butts that can look at my map?
Aside from that,I'd say that if BUTTs were created, it would work if done right; mostly for those people who you aren't exactly sure of yet. If anything, it'd be better served as a 'test trial', as in, see if they're ready to be a BAT. If not, have them get more experience and prove themselves. Oh yeah, and have a way to punish BATs who pick on newbie BATs/BUTTs. We had an issue with that recently, and if BUTTs were implemented, something like this would be a wise idea. Or you could just yell at them .;P

peppy's reputation points idea would probably work better though; award those who mod (with effort involved), not reward (OR PUNISH) those who don't, and punish those who try and abuse it (ban + reset of points + be below those who didn't abuse it). For those who don't know, it's that modding gets you + rep, and puts you higher on a list to mod, so your map would get modded sooner. BATs can take away rep and ban you for a bit if you try and abuse this in a myriad of ways, and don't bother trying to be sneaky there; it would be freaking obvious. Remember, you'd be near the top of the list. ~

I'm fond of either idea, maybe both, but giving a huge motivation to mod is an excellent idea. But eh, I would like some BUTTs to be around to help. Good ol' BUTTs.
tldr: people, please stop submitting bad maps so the BATs can focus more on the good maps


WRONG: Can any BATs or BUTTs look at my map?

RIGHT: Can any ONE look at my map?

For a community to work, I think it's important that we encourage the community to...well, work. Everyone help everyone else out. BATs are just people with honed mapping skills/perception (and, of course, the authority to declare so), right?
Honestly, I think the addition of another team will ease up the approval process on maps. Sure, ordinary modders might be able to furnish maps that they mod, but it is still up to the BATs to put that star, bubble or heart that we love to see on our maps. Therefore, we'll still have to note a BAT about the progress of the map. That kind of process creates a bottleneck effect for the BATs whose modding queue will never be empty (considering that the osu! community keeps growing). On the part of mappers, it is very hard for them to find a BAT that will accept their modding requests, not to mention their awareness that their maps will not be starred, bubbled or ranked when that BAT mods. I've seen maps that were tossed around a couple of BATs before they could even be bubbled.

The addition of BMTs (or an equivalence of that suggestion) will definitely help ease up the process of map approvals. Since map ranking consists of two phases - the bubble goal and the heart goal - the presence of another team will increase the efficiency of the beatmap approval team by sharing a couple of their workload. May I remind you that there are thousands of maps that need bubbling, but only a couple of bubbled maps that need ranking. BATs will then have an easier time to approve maps if someone else that is very reliable will be able to bubble maps for them.

Of course, with that kind of power, the new team must have a great sense of responsibility in their own powers. I can foresee the possibility of more maps getting bubbled through this; the new team, like the BATs, must be able to distinguish a map that deserves getting a bubble from maps that still need a bit of fixing and the "hi-nuke-i-am-your-target" maps. They must function like BATs in terms of map modding, and give out constructive criticisms that will hopefully turn a map rankable.

That being said, I am really looking forward to seeing a new team of modders that will make the lives of both mappers and BATs easier with their presence. I'm saying this in advance to the upcoming osu! community meeting in fear that I might not be able to get in that meeting, so I hope this wall of text will help the staff decide on this matter.


@awp: True, BATs are just people with honed mapping skills/perception. They've been approved by a lot of people to govern over maps. That is also the reason why most people ask a BAT to mod; they already reference their credibility to mod as a good reason to choose them instead of ordinary modders. This becomes very stressful on the part of BATs, who are probably annoyed due to the already long modding queue they have.

vytalibus wrote:

May I remind you that there are thousands of maps that need bubbling, but only a couple of bubbled maps that need ranking.
I don't agree with this. A bubbled map indicates that the mod reckons the map is good for a rank. I think your concept of bubble is more similar to that of a star.
Ah, I see. My bad.
Also, JarJar, an intermediate level of the BAT has been suggested. These members will be given the ability to bubble, star, nuke, move.. basically everything but rank. Again, just because it's been discussed does not promise anything, just letting you know.
I'm still interested in this topic.....

Does not promise anything, just letting you know
Was it denied? :(
Sir Minelli

minyeob wrote:

Was it denied? :(
I'm guessing we just need to wait for the community meeting.
I thought it was more or less replaced with the current system where any user can star a map? Though my chronology may be wrong
I think this would still have its merits, it would be great if there were more bubble poppers out there.. *looks at pending list and sighs*

'course you could also just "hire" more BATs, but I'm sure everyone knows about this option anyway.

Or really just anything to encourage more ranking/bubble pops :P
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blame lartoe. he is not doing his usual stuffs now.. just kidding lartortle.

edit: every bat tends not to mod like the way the first time they started modding stuffs after a period of time anyways. except for one.

James wrote:

blame lartoe.

You wrote my name with an e ;_;

Larto wrote:

James wrote:

blame lartoe.

You wrote my name with an e ;_;
Here I'll fix James' typo.

James wrote:

blame tarol.
jk larto ilu
i think a lesser BMT would be a good addition. anything to make beatmap rankage faster is fine with me, but just a little idea;

maybe stars from people with a certain number of ranked maps give more priority than people under a certain amount of ranked maps. whatever that amount of ranked maps would be would be up to BATs/Admin.

might not work as well now that BAT stars only give 2 priority, but hell, its an idea to possibly think about
Card N'FoRcE
I know that this thread is really old, but i couldn't help but having this idea floating in my mind.

I seriously think that a BMT could be a great addition to the actual system, but i'd like to underline something:

Instead of making it a separate team i think it would fit better as a sub-team. In other words, BMT will simply be allowed to star maps, but not allowed to bubble/rank. This can helps both users and BAT, since users will be able to choose between BAT and BMT to get the star if they think their map is ready to have one (and this will get BAT "beatmaps load" lighter).

BMT can be made up of trusted modders recommended by one or more members from BAT (or in another way, i dunno) and i think it can be useful also before nominating someone a member of BAT (if someone is nominated from the staff to be a future member of BAT, he can be a BMT member first to become more experienced)

Saying this in a few words, instead of having Users -> BMT (modders allowed to star) -> BAT (modders allowed to bubble/rank) as it was suggested before, i think something like Users -> [BMT (allowed to star) + BAT (allowed to star/bubble/rank)] would be better.

What do you think?
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peppy mentioned modding reputation awhile back. I'd like to see it implemented

The way I see it, reputation should depend on the combination of kudosu rankings and mapper rankings. When someone mods a map, they can nominate it for BAT attention if they want. The total amount of reputation going towards the nomination multiplied by the priority multiplier ( x1 for 8 stars, x1.1 for 13, x1.2 for 18, etc) will determine where that map is on the BAT queue. Mappers can nominate their own maps.

When a BAT mods a nominated map, they can say either "yes this was ready for BAT attention" or "no this was not ready." If it was ready, then the reputations of the nominators get a small boost; if it wasn't, their reputation decreases.

If a person has no ranked maps and no kudosu, their reputation is 0. Less spam that way.


Saturos-fangirl wrote:

peppy mentioned modding reputation awhile back. I'd like to see it implemented

The way I see it, reputation should depend on the combination of kudosu rankings and mapper rankings. When someone mods a map, they can nominate it for BAT attention if they want. The total amount of reputation going towards the nomination multiplied by the priority multiplier ( x1 for 8 stars, x1.1 for 13, x1.2 for 18, etc) will determine where that map is on the BAT queue. Mappers can nominate their own maps.

When a BAT mods a nominated map, they can say either "yes this was ready for BAT attention" or "no this was not ready." If it was ready, then the reputations of the nominators get a small boost; if it wasn't, their reputation decreases.

If a person has no ranked maps and no kudosu, their reputation is 0. Less spam that way.

That's a great idea. Kudosu should help on priority of the map, and then, the user will gain lotzof kudosu for spend them at the map.

[bad english lolz]

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

i think it can be useful also before nominating someone a member of BAT (if someone is nominated from the staff to be a future member of BAT, he can be a BMT member first to become more experienced)
For the record, I've proposed and wanted something similar to this for like half a year or more.
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