
Osu Military Tournament?

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This might already be a thing, but is there a tournament for Osu Players that are veterans or currently in the military? If not, there should be, it'd be sick af. :3
how are they going to play in the military.
is there a tournament for Osu Players that are veterans or currently in the military


there should be


it'd be sick af


Fairy Bread
please consider the demographics of the osu community, alongside the demographics of the people in the military.
Do they still get to join the tournament if they served the IDF? (Israel Defense Forces)
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youi wrote:

how are they going to play in the military.

Idk, maybe theyre reserves.

ill onion wrote:

please consider the demographics of the osu community, alongside the demographics of the people in the military.

I'd imagine there'd be more koreans since they have mandatory service, but then again idk how many people there are in Korea who still play Osu post-military service.
Data Bytten
im still 50/50 on this thread being a terrible joke

the demographic of the osu! community is generally teenage, with some falling later or earlier. mandatory military service starts at or around 18, which is where i'd assume most players would come from. as a result, you have an incredibly low turnout.

i think it's pretty clear why recruiting players who are currently serving in the military is a bad idea, so i won't elaborate. really in bad taste, though.

also, why military? there's no reason to put together an osu! tournament based on occupation. there's nothing connecting those players.

all in all don't host this it will be a mess and bad and don't do it
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