
[ENDED] hallowatcher's OWC 2019 pickem challenge

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hallowatcher presents

OWC 2019 pick'em challenge

GZ to AIice for taking first place!

What is pickem?
hallowatcher's pickem is a website made for osu! tournaments where osu players can predict the matches in their favorite tournaments. This year, it's OWC 2019.

How does the point system work?
Qualifiers: 1 point per right pick
Knockout stage: 2 points per right pick, 1 point per right score

The points are multiplied (2x) for the finals and grand finals stages

How do I join this pickem?
To join, simply open the page and log in through osu!. Once logged in, click on the "Join tournament" button in the pickem page and get to picking! If the pickem hasn't started yet, the pick page will be greyed out and inaccessible.

What are the rewards?
  1. pickem leaderboard title
  2. pickem leaderboard color
  3. 1st: osu! official profile badge
  4. 1st: 4 months of osu!supporter
  5. 2nd: 2 months of osu!supporter
  6. 3rd: 1 month of osu!supporter

2018 winner

is it possible to get notifications when a new round opens?
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camellirite wrote:

is it possible to get notifications when a new round opens?

Join the discord for that, I will be announcing every round there.

There is no other way to do so unless you have a suggestion
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bump, pickems open this Sunday/Monday as soon as Qualifier teams are known!
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Pickems are live with the qualifier stage!!

Make sure to spread the word

Also, double check your picks went through by refreshing since ive had to restart the server a few times

Good luck and have fun
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Last chance to get your qualifier pickems locked in! They will be closed in about 6 hours
502 bad gateway!!! I can't pick :(
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the site died once the matches locked, but its back up now

sadly you're too late already :(

Here are the stats for qualifiers

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Reminder to get your picks in for RO16!

If the site is dead or is showing you errors, join the discord for instructions to get to the backup server

Good luck!
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Reminder to get your picks in for QF!

They lock later today. Potential matches will be locked around 30 minutes prior to the match.

Good luck!
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The pickem has ended! A whopping 3247 users participated. Here's a screenshot of the top 10 users

The badge request has been made and the supporter prizes have been given out. Expect to see you all for the future pickems!
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