osu!taiko RC wrote:
If you plan on using a Futsuu as the lowest difficulty of a mapset, it has to abide by the following rules and guidelines:
Proposal wrote:
If you plan on using a Futsuu as the lowest difficulty of a mapset and the drain time of each difficulty is lower than 3:30, it has to abide by the following rules and guidelines:
With a 3:30+ map, the RC permits the mapper to use Muzukashii as the lowest difficulty, without any restrictions beyond the regular Muzukashii rules/guidelines. But if the mapper decides to add a Futsuu, then it seems inconsistent to me that they would need to follow additional restrictions.
Edit: As pointed out by Seriawa Haruki, this proposal can also apply to equivalent cases in other game modes.
osu! RC wrote:
If you use a Normal difficulty as the lowest difficulty of your beatmapset, it should follow these guidelines in addition to the ones above
Proposal wrote:
If you use a Normal difficulty as the lowest difficulty of your beatmapset and the drain time of each difficulty is lower than 3:30, it should follow these guidelines in addition to the ones above
osu!mania RC wrote:
If Normal is the lowest difficulty of a beatmap set, it has to abide by these additional rules:
Proposal wrote:
If Normal is the lowest difficulty of a beatmap set and the drain time of each difficulty is lower than 3:30, it has to abide by these additional rules:
osu!mania RC wrote:
If Hard is the lowest difficulty of a beatmap set, it has to abide by these additional guidelines:
Proposal wrote:
If Hard is the lowest difficulty of a beatmap set and the drain time of each difficulty is lower than 4:15, it has to abide by these additional guidelines: