
[STD] Nimble Tournament 25 50k-100k [CLOSED]

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Welcome to the first Nimble Tournament!

This is an osu!standard 1v1 and 2v2 tournament for people in the rank range of 50k-100k!
This will be a fast tournament over in a few hours for both brackets at different dates.
1v1 brackets will have unlimited players.
2v2 brackets will have 16 teams consisting of 2 members each team with no sub players on their team
1v1 will be using Head2Head scorev2.
2v2 will be using TeamVS scorev2.
This tourney is intended to have:
1v1 brackets: RO32 (BO5), RO16(BO5), QuaterFinals(BO5), Semi-Finals(BO7), Finals(BO7)
2v2 brackets: RO16 (BO5), QuarterFinals(BO5), Semi-Finals(BO7), Finals(BO7)
Players/Teams will self-ref in RO32 and RO16 and Quarters. Semi-Finals and Grand Finals will be streamed and referee'd.

General Match Rules

There will be no warmups at RO32, RO16, QF.
Only 1 ban per player/team.
If your match is not posted to #match-results that match is voided
and you will need to redo the match.
In Freemod maps, players need to pick at least one mod.
Teams must have 1 player to pick at least one mod
Only HR/HD/EZ/SO are allowed at freemod maps.
Contact admins for more questions about matches.


Registrations will end for both brackets at October 19(Saturday UTC+0).
1v1 Bracket Schedules:
It will start at 15:00 UTC+0 October 19(Saturday).
Everything should end at 20:00 UTC+0 October 19(Saturday).
Note: This is just the estimated times the earlier the better.

2v2 Bracket Schedules:
RO16 will start at 15:00 UTC+0 October 20(Sunday).
QF will start at 16:00 UTC+0 October 20(Sunday).
SF1/2 will start at 17:00-18:00 UTC+0 October 20(Sunday).
Finals will start at 19:00 UTC+0 October 20(Sunday).
Note: This is just the estimated times the earlier the better.


is sponsoring 1 month each for the winners of 1v1 and 2v2


Host: Sinaeb | Rianolinon

Admins: ANuko

Referees: Sinaeb

Mappool Selectors: Setizia | loler123903 | dblade

Streamers/Commentators: Rianolinon | KorewaSmug

Players are able to register for both brakets.
For 1v1 brackets:
Be sure that you are available on 15:00 to 20:00 UTC+0 in October 19.
Register by joining the discord server and answering this forum to say you want to participate in 1v1.
Do NOT rank up further than 48k. You have been warned.
1v1 has unlimited players so join all you want :D

For 2v2 brackets:
Be sure that you are available on 15:00 to 20:00 UTC+0 in October 20.
Register your team by joining the discord server and answering this forum saying you want to participate in 2v2 with your teammate name in it.
A 2k extra rank range has been allowed as a buffer for anyone who wishes to overrank. Do NOT rank up further than 48k. You have been warned.

We will lockdown ranks once mappool is released, once that happens you can overrank and still be able to play.
Note: Any other info such as procedures and announcements will be on the discord server so be sure to join :)
2nd Note: Winners that have won 2 times in a bracket will not be able to register for that bracket.
(ex. Sinaeb won 2 1v1 brackets but didn't win 2v2 brackets that means he can only join 2v2s now and not 1v1)
3rd Note: We have the right to take you out of the tournament if we find you suspicious.

This tourney's mappool will consists of 4NMs, 2HDs, 2HRs, 2DTs, 3FMs, 1TB all in the range of 3.9* - 4.7*
The mappool will be the same for both brackets.
Mappool will be shown on the tournament sheets.
I want to participate in 1v1
I want to participate in 1v1
I want to participate in 1v1

Also, the discord server link does not work
I want to join the 1v1 brackets
I want to do 1v1
Me and my teammate would like to join 2v2. His username is Esquivalience. Our team name would like to be Redemption Prodigies.
I want to join the 1v1 brackets
I want to participate in 1v1.
i want to participate in 1v1


i want to participate in 2v2 @KorewaSmug
i want to participate in 1v1
Stupid Idiot

I want to participate in 1v1

I want to participate in 1v1

Stupid Idiot wrote:


I want to participate in 1v1
I want to participate in 1v1
I want to participate in 1v1
I want to participate in 1v1
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