
Turn off all forced sound effect on beatmaps

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +3
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Certain maps like (Camellia - Diastrophism) (Camellia - Chirality)

have loud sounds that can't be turned off unless you delete the sound files from the map folder. This is extremely disruptive to gameplay and really sucks to have beatmap sounds turned off and get ear blasted to hell and back when random screeching or thunder noises start playing. Also why have a button saying 'Disable beatmap hitsounds' if certain hitsounds still play? Doesn't make sense and needs to be taken care of.
"Disable beatmap hitsounds" don't work because thoses aren't hitsounds, thoses are difficulty specific storyboards. You should either redirect your request to be able to disable this type of sb, ask to merge this type of sb with "Disable storyboard" or ask to add a rule in rc
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