
Silent onlny on public channels [invalid]

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Is it a good Idea?

I don't think so.
I don't have mind
Total votes: 8
This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
Topic Starter
I think that silence on Private Messages and rooms like #lobby, #multiplayer or #BanchoBot should be exclueded. Why? Because, when I don't exacly know why I has been silented I want to tock with moderator, but how I discovered today it is impossible. #lobby, #multiplayer and #BanchoBot are both useful and necessary for playing on multiplayer. When the player spamms on PMs, so then Moderator should silent him or her on PM and public rooms, but I think that on #multiplayer and #BanchoBot player must be silenced at last when it's necessary.
What about if someone is spamming someone in PM / in #lobby room / #multilpayer room?
And btw you can't talk in #banchobot roflmao
inb4 trash, cause this request is non-sense.
you can talk in #banchobot. but really only for commands.
also no. if your silenced then your silenced. it kinda seems silly to let people keep talking. as Marcin said above, what if the person was silenced for spamming in #<user>, #lobby or #multiplayer.
If your are getting silenced then just wait it out and ask someone when its over. also for what its worth, link NSWF images in #polish is a good way to earn a silence. nice job >_>
Haters gonna hate
Just don't get silenced :P
You clearly know what you've been silenced for and on top of that you tried to evade it with multiaccount. Coming up with weird excuses won't help you even a bit. If someone bothers you in pm or multiplayer room, simply ignore/kick them, 'cause there's almost no need for taking any actions regarding that matter unless it's repeat offender. What can you do? Wait it out as it has already been stated, you're not banned from whole Bancho network, so you still can play the game in competitive way (not even mentioning osu! is not the only game you have to play).

The best solution? Do not get silenced at all. This whill help you with "achieving" that.
Requesting [invalid] tag for this thread, please.
The auto-silence in private channels is already almost twice more lenient than in public channels, there's no need for this, Denied.
Archangel Tirael
You can save a log of correspondence on the channel for which you drowned, and then present it to moderator on the end of time of silence. If you were punished unfairly, then you will be removed mark the box that you violated instilled behavior ... I guess ... ;)
Topic Starter

Slawek725 wrote:

[...]I think that on #multiplayer and #BanchoBot player must be silenced at last when it's necessary.
I didn't say that I've been silenced wrongfully. You did right, but i don't knew what's the NSFW, finaly Nekoyan has transalted it to me, so thanks to her, but we had to tock on messenger, because i couldn't write to her.
Btw. Galkan, I'm not attacking you or trying to revoke my silence or smthing else. I just hit on this idea, so I wrote this request.
I'm trying :D Try to be good boy - level hard 8-)

Slawek725 wrote:


Slawek725 wrote:

[...]I think that on #multiplayer and #BanchoBot player must be silenced at last when it's necessary.
I didn't say that I've been silenced wrongfully. You did right, but i don't knew what's the NSFW, finaly Nekoyan has transalted it to me, so thanks to her, but we had to tock on messenger, because i couldn't write to her.
Btw. Galkan, I'm not attacking you or trying to revoke my silence or smthing else. I just hit on this idea, so I wrote this request.
I'm trying :D Try to be good boy - level hard 8-)
You think that someone will make advanced silence system, just to make you happy? The answer is no, and no1 complains about this except YOU.
BTW <polish> Chyba normalne jest ze wysylanie nsfw aka linkow do np. porno jest zabronione, logika się kłania.
Topic Starter
Marcin did I ordered to do this You, peppy or some 1 else? It's only an idea, not at all... I think you have to practice reading comprehension.

BTW. <polish> Dziwne, dlatego, że ja wrzuciłem linka na tym forum ze skinem ecchi, żadnego porno, nic w ten deseń. Bo była rozmowa o skinach ecchi, ktoś tam robił skina i wrzucił screena dla zainteresowanych, a nekoś strasznie chciała, ale ten ktoś nie chciał wrzucić, więc wrzuciłem linka z forum osu!, tylko w takim razie, skoro to było na forum to czemu dostałem sajlensa? :confused:
BTW. Weird, i took the link to the thread with ecchi skin, no porno or something like that. We was tocking about ecchi skins, some1 was making one and gave us a screenshoot, neko wanted it, but he didn't want give it to her, so I took link to the thread to osu! forum. So why I've benn silanced when this thread was at osu! forum? :confused:

I can't speak for another 5 hours :cry:
Oh, this it this thread: [+18!]
This isn't the place to discuss your silence.
this feature request isn't needed at all. please refrain from continuing this unless you have something useful to add to this topic that might overlook the all ready denied verdict
[01:02.47] <Slawek725> h t t p : / / o s u . p p y . s h / s s / 4 1 7 1 7 5
I'm done here.
That's proof enough for me, also locking, this thread isnt going anywhere.
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