
Image of the Menu Button Background

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Hello and thank you for your time.
Here is my (relatively small) problem. As you can see if you clicl the link down below, there isn't the image of the beatmap on the menu button background but just its title. I was wondering how I could make that image appear again.
My guess is that it comes from a line in the Skin.ini but is it actually ?
Any help is welcome :)

Here is a link to the image sorry I couldn't upload it here...
This is probably because you have the "Version" line set wrong. Depending on what value you have it set on, it will do different things. The line is only there for compatability with more older skins and NOT for the skin's release version. You can set it to any of the versions that support thumbnails (2.2+) and the images should appear.
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Thank you very much! I wouldn't have guessed that on my own. Much loves! :D
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