
[osu!catch] RC Cleanup

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Seeing some of the latest discussion regarding the osu!catch Ranking Criteria, I took on the work of doing a small cleanup of the Ranking Criteria. The following proposals are the result of a draft I discussed with Ascendance. An important note when reading this proposal is that striked red text represents removals, whereas italic green text represents additions.

Without further ado, let's move to the proposed changes!

Changes regarding definitions and minor wording changes

  1. Fruit: A large object representing represented by a hitcircle, slider head, tail or repeat.
  2. Drop: A medium-sized object representing represented by a slider tick.
  3. Droplet: A small object representing a slider body. Missing these will reduce your accuracy, but unlike fruits and drops the above, will not result in a combo break.
  4. Active object: An object that must be caught in order to maintain combo, namely fruits and drops.
  5. Walk: Any distance spacing between two objects where no dash is needed to catch both.
  6. Jump Dash: A spacing between two objects that requires the use of the dash key to catch both.
  7. Hyperjump: A more exaggerated spacing which cannot be caught by normal dashing. During play, hyperdash will be triggered between the two objects, characterised by a coloured outline on the first object.
  8. Hyperdash: Objects generated when the spacing between two active objects is too far apart to be caught by normal dashing. During play, this is characterized by a coloured outline on the first object. The term is also used to describe the movement between the two objects.
  9. Trigger distance: The minimum spacing between two active objects at which a hyperdash is generated between them.
  10. Edge dash: A very large spacing between two active objects where the required Trigger Distance is not reached, and as such, a hyperjump hyperdash is not generated. The first object must be caught with the edge of the plate in order to catch the second object at all.
  11. Basic dash/hyperdash: Any dash or hyperdash whose time between fruits active objects is at least twice the time required to allow dashes or hyperdashes, respectively. As an example, a hyperdash between objects separated by 250 ms in a Platter classifies as a basic hyperdash.

General Rules
  1. Your map must theoretically be possible to SS. This means it must be possible to catch absolutely all fruits, including drops and droplets.
  2. Each map must use at least two different combo colours which must not blend in with the map's background/storyboard/video. This is so hit objects are always visible to the player.

General Guidelines
  1. Dashes and hyperdashes should not be used when the destination of the dash or hyperdash hyperjump is located near the left or right border of the play field. This creates an uncomfortable movement as the catcher is forcibly stopped upon reaching the border of the playfield. Try to leave at least 16 osu!pixels of space between the end point of the dash/hyperdashhyperjump and the border of the play field, respectively namely at x:16 or x:496.

Skinning Rules
  1. Custom fruits objects must include all necessary elements and be coloured in a scale of grey colours. This is to ensure that your images are clearly defined and of acceptable quality. The needed elements can be found at Skinning/osu!catch. Additionally, it is recommendable to use transparent elements for the overlays.

Specific changes to rules and guidelines related to dashes, edge dashes and hyperdashes
I wanted to give these changes a separate section, in order to better explain the reasoning behind them.

(General) Edge dashes combined with hyperdashes
The following rule should be removed: "Edge dashes must not be used in direct conjunction with hyperjumps. This is because such patterns require especially precise movement and force an unreasonable restriction on accuracy required to catch them.

Currently, this rule conflicts with recent approved changes to Overdose difficulties ( Thinking about ways to deal with this, I noticed that edge dashes are already regulated in the criteria of each difficulty. Edge dashes are explicitly prohibited in Cup, Salad and Platter difficulties, their combined usage with hyperdashes is explicitly prohibited in Rain difficulties, and the recently approved Overdose guideline already regulates them. Therefore, this general rule is redundant and can be removed.

(Salad) Consecutive higher-snapped dashes
The following rule should be removed: "Higher-snapped dashes of different beat snap must not be used between consecutive fruits.".

This is because there is another rule that says that "If higher-snapped dashes are used, they must be used singularly (not in conjunction with other dashes)." The first rule is already covered by the second one.

(Platter) Basic hyperdash strength
A recent proposal ( changed the rule regarding hyperdash strength after higher-snapped hyperdashes to a guideline, mainly due to the difficulty (or rather, tediousness) of measuring every single HDash for compliance with the rule. However, the rule that regulates the same thing, but for basic hyperdashes, wasn't changed.

Therefore, the proposal is that the same is done for the following rule:
"Basic hyperdashes may be used in conjunction with antiflow patterns. If used, the spacing must should not exceed a distance snap of 1.2 times the trigger distance if followed by a walkable movement, or 1.1 times the trigger distance if followed by a basic dash."

(Rain) Consecutive higher-snapped hyperdashes
Similarly to the Salad change, the following rule should be removed: "Higher-snapped hyperdashes of different beat snap (1/2, 1/4, etc.) must not be used between consecutive fruits.".

This is also because there's another rule forbidding any type of consecutive higher-snapped hyperdashes, so this rule is already covered by the other one.

Changes relating to the order in which rules and guidelines appear
The Ranking Criteria has been updated as discussion happens, which has made the order in which certain rules and guidelines appear rather awkward to follow. Just to give an example, the current guideline regulating overall hyperdash strength in Platters comes after the guideline regulating the strength for hyperdashes followed by antiflow patterns. It is obvious that the latter is a more general guideline, and should therefore be read first.

Since listing such order changes in this forum post would make this even lengthier, I have prepared a Google Document assuming all the proposed changes go through (so it's basically a preview of a finalized Ranking Criteria), and in which order changes are indicated in blue. You can find said document here:

Discussion Deadline
Discussion will be initially open until Monday 5th of August at 4:00 UTC. Depending on the discussion that takes places, this deadline may be extended.
Please get all of your questions on the thread! Even though a lot of this is just cleanup and rewording, there’s a lot to take in and we’d prefer to address it before we push these changes. For amendments to rules rather than their wordings, you’ll still need to make a separate proposal.
seems gud

Edge dash: A very large spacing between two active objects where the required Trigger Distance is not reached, and as such, a hyperjump is not generated. The first object must be caught with the edge of the plate in order to catch the second object at all.

General Guidelines:

Dashes and hyperdashes should not be used when the destination of the jump or hyperjump is located near the left or right border of the play field.

Weren't we changing jumps and hyperjumps to dashes and hyperdashes because the former were deprecated?

(Rain) Consecutive higher-snapped hyperdashes

"Higher-snapped hyperdashes of different beat snap (1/2, 1/4, etc.) must not be used between consecutive fruits.".

Could we please add this example either in image form or adding "a 1/4 hdash followed by a 1/2 hdash right after, for example" somewhere for clarification and a better understanding of what it entails?

Because if I weren't an experienced mapper already, I'd honestly be confused by it and I'd be lead to think it means either what happens on the screenshot, or that two consecutive 1/2 hdashes (for example) can't be used in a rain diff, which... has already been done before no problems and is really misleading otherwise.

Not sure if I'm making my point clear here, but eh might as well try I guess. If this needs a separate proposal, please tell me.
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Fixed the jump/hyperjump stuff
seems good, i agree
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