
[STQ] OSU!TN Tournament #1

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OSU!TN Tournament #1

The first OSU!Standard 1V1 Tunisians-only tournament.
Discord Link|Spreadsheet|Mappools|Signup

This is a 1V1 Team 5 rounds OSU!Standard tournament for osu! tunisian players only.
Score V2 will be used so we can accurately determine the winner
Luck will choose who picks the map
You are able to join regardless of your global rank
There will be only one winner who will be the tunisian champion!

  1. Each one of the two players will have to roll, the winner will pick a map along with the mod from the mappool provided. If the player wins a roll twice in a row, the other player will get to pick.
  2. The winner will be the one with the highest score despite failing (even if you failed the map, your score will be counted).
  3. Any disrespect towards the staff or the participants will result in an immediate disqualification.
  4. Restricted players are not permitted to join for the safety of this tournament.

Start of Registration : 13.07.2019
End of Registration : 25.07.2019 at 23:00 UTC +1
Start of the tournament : 28.07.2019 at 21:00 UTC+1
End of the tournament : Depends on the amount of players

Keep in mind, some of the dates above are subject to change.

Since there will be no limit to the participant's global rank, the average SR will be between 5.4-5.6. The maps lenght will be between 2-4m, the mapsheet will be released at 21.07.2019.

For the prizes we currently don't have anything, however this may change in the future.

Got any questions? Contact me through discord : jah#2600, or send me a forum PM.
Looking for staffs btw, hit me up if you're interested.
Violet Shade
Let's Get this bread
3asba 3la azokek
1 TrickSusanoo
Eli aaamel tournament hedha mch rajel
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1 TrickSusanoo wrote:

Eli aaamel tournament hedha mch rajel

ija prv ato nwarik chkoun mech rajel :>
1 TrickSusanoo

LegendofWarior wrote:

1 TrickSusanoo wrote:

Eli aaamel tournament hedha mch rajel

ija prv ato nwarik chkoun mech rajel :>

lele rajel sahbi HH
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