
keeno - Crack

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So good of a map :P.. can't mod sorry!

Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~mod for request~~

  1. Letterbox during break may not very suit for this map, uncheck it please :>
  2. you should add SliderBorder to [colours] block due to the custom hitcircleoverlay.
  3. there's too little difference between hit300 & hit300k where your hit100k & hit300g have extra word within, so recommend to add something to hit300k.
  1. 00:00:920 (2,3) - (nazi) blanket it well?
  2. 00:06:081 (2) - the second reverse arrow is partly hidden by prev note.
  3. 00:49:952 (3) - finish at end is not heard well >_>
  4. 01:02:855 (2) - move the NC to here
reduce some linear pattern may make your map more confortable :>

  1. 00:05:758 (1,2) - a reverse slider here may better than current~
  2. 00:08:016 (4) - it's weird because the vocal is stop at prev red tick but not myself, i may choose to remove it~
  3. 00:13:178 (4) - make it symmetrical?
  4. 01:40:597 (1) - separate it into two sliders for vocal ? like this:

    control the length of a combo shorter than 6 (include) in E/N diffs because they're face to new players so short combo could make your map easy to play.

    1. Actually i don't like a diff with + or - in the name. Imo, it could be called Hard due to the triplets and stacks.
    2. 01:25:113 (1,2,3) - make it different a little for better flow ? like this -
    generally the diff is fine.

    1. 00:10:920 (1,2,3,4,5) - makek it curved? linear pattern is not suit for the music >.<
    2. 01:08:016 (1) - (nazi) make it symmetrical?
    3. 01:25:113 (7,8,9) - i'd like to increase the spacing here but not decrease because the music is "ready to enter kiai" so increasing spacing could make better sense, but decreased may break that. for instance, a square jump:
    4. 01:47:049 (1,3) - (nazi) symmetrical
    5. 01:56:081 (7) - finish here is weird
that's all, overall the quality is fine as a new mapper's work, but i hope you can make it more exquisite.

good luck with the rank :>

雖然很開心scor幫我mod,但基本上是有看沒有懂(就算懂所有單字好像也沒甚麼用),或許我明天應該再重新翻譯一次 :? ...(明明是很有用的mod... :cry: ) I will try my best orz


Sun Rainbow wrote:

Request from PM.
00:00:597 (1) - 这里我觉得不是必要的
00:05:758 (1) - ^
00:08:339 (3) - ^
00:10:920 (1) - ^
00:16:403 (2) - X:300 y:84 这样更好
上面的那些因为前面的节奏很柔美,这样放的话有点多余 保留一些刪一些

01:45:436 (4) -
01:57:049 (1) - 这里开始不用kiri直接一下烟花喷下就可以了
這兩個沒懂... [Normal]

00:05:758 (1,2) - 和easy一样
01:05:436 (1) - 这里开始13放whintle怎么样? 啊?

00:03:823 (9,10) - 这里重叠了别人看不到= = 移了


Thx for mods
Reisen Udongein
:lol: sorry for late ;( i was little bit busy

since it seems that you like blanket style, i'll focus on those :3 (also the others)


don't know why still kiai time is different on this diff.

- [Normal+] : Kiai #2: Starts on 01:36:403, ends on 02:09:307 - > 02:09:694

i really think soft-sliderslide,sliderslide2 is weird. since this song is really calm and silent, sliderslide with no sounds will be better.
if you want, use this.

Deactivate 'Letterbox during breaks' since you uses SB? it's not cover the SB but, i think remove this is better

i feel something weird on diff's name.. normal and normal+ xP just saying


SliderMultiplier:0.999999999999999 - > 1


00:00:920 (1) - move second dot 1 grid down, 1 grid right for the better blanket. also , how about add a whistle on the 00:00:920 - ?
00:06:081 (2) - make this slider little but curvy to left? it flows better and looks good. also add a whistle on the 00:07:372 - ?
00:13:823 (4) - move the last dot 1 grid left for the better blanket
00:45:436 (5) - move the second dot 1 grid up and 3rd dot 1grid down and 1 grid right
00:55:113 (4,5) - i think some curves here will be better like this. '4' is blanket slider to 00:52:532 (2) - .
if you want to get codes, here they are.
01:18:984 (1,2) - i think this shape is little bit weird.. maybe try this?
and for the right spacing, these notes (01:23:178 (1,2) - )should be also moved.
so i suggest you something like this for the better shape and flow.
01:31:242 (1) - the last dot should be move 2 grids right and 2 grids up for the better blanket to 01:33:178 (2,3) - .
01:36:403 (1) - try like this : (One spot is deleted cuz it makes blanket too weird)
01:45:436 (4) - move 2nd spot and the last spot 1 grid left.


00:00:598 (1) - add a whistle on 00:00:920 - ?
00:03:500 (6) - add a whistle on 00:03:823 - ?
00:05:758 (1) - add a whistle on 00:06:081 - ?
00:08:501 (4,5) - i highly suggest to move this somewhere not to be blinded by 00:06:404 (2) - .
let me give you some alternative choice here.
00:13:178 (4) - add a whistle on the head?
00:14:145 (5) - add a whistle on 00:14:469 - ?
00:15:436 (7) - add a whistle on the tail?
00:18:016 (2) - ^
00:19:952 (5,1,2,3) - you don't need to force your map to have these kinds of square pattern so.. just let them flow well like this.
00:50:919 (2) - add a clap on 00:51:081 - *just suggestion*
00:51:887 (4) - according to your patterns of finish before, this note should not have finish. remove this and add a finish on 00:52:210 (1) - 's tail.
01:38:016 (6) - make this little bit curvy to left for the better appearance?
01:40:597 (1,2) - sudden spacing change is highly not suggested in normal diff :P
01:51:887 (7) - move this to x:384 y:264
01:56:081 (1) - add a finish here since the song has a cymbals sound there.
02:07:372 - how about add a note here stacked to 02:05:436 (3) - with NC , finish? and spinner starts to 02:07:694 - . so that kiai timee nds not on the middle of the spinner.


HP-1 since it's bit harsh to newbie players.
00:00:598 ~ 00:19:629 - plz add some default soft-whistle according to the melody. no sounds seems not good as i told above.
00:48:339 (2) - 1 grid right for the better blanket?
00:51:887 (6) - same as 'normal'.
01:01:565 (8) - don't know why finish exists here. better remove this?
01:09:952 (3,4,5) - how about arranging like this?
01:23:178 (1,2,3,4,5) - make this much better pentagon with 'Create polygon circles'? Ctrl + Shift + D.
01:37:371 (3) - move second spot 3 grids right.
01:38:984 (1) - perfectly stack this to '5' is better.
01:45:436 (4) - add a finish on 01:45:759 - .
01:59:307 (6) - NC?
02:05:114 (6) - ^
02:07:372 - same suggestion as 'Normal'.


00:20:599 (1,2,3) - make this curvy here?
00:51:888 - same suggsetion as 'Normal'.
01:25:113 (7) - NC?
01:30:274 (1) - DNC and 01:31:242 (4) - NC here.
01:45:436 (4) - same suggestion as 'Normal'.
02:06:726 (5) - NC?

i'm really surprised that this map is your first beatmap. this is really well-done!
good luck :D i hope my mod can help you!

EDIT : oh btw, about the lyrics above, osu! beatmap uploader can't read japanese character so it always becomes '?????' :3 just put it later when this is bubbled or ranked.

Hi, Azure

My mod from your request

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. Kiai time in Normal+ diff end on 02:07:694, because it's different from other diffs.


  1. 00:00:920 (1) - Slider isn't beautiful. Put according to this code in notepad be better.
  2. 00:08:339 (3) - Remove circle, it's rather hard for Easy diff.
  3. 00:44:145 (3,1) - Stack it.
  4. 01:10:597 (2) - Move 3rd point of slider to up 1 grid.
  5. 01:16:403 (3,4,5,6) - Don't stack, because it's Easy diff. May lead to new players surprise with what's hidden.


  1. 00:08:501 (4,5) - Spacing is too close, Please increase the spacing.
  2. 01:40:597 (1,2) - Spacing is too close. Please increase the spacing.
  3. 01:47:049 (1,2,3) - Spacing is different. Please fix it.
  4. 01:52:210 (1) - Move last point to left 2 grids and up 1 grid.


  1. 00:55:758 (6,7) - Spacing is too far, Please reduce the spacing.


  1. 00:11:726 (4,5) - Move (4) to down and right 1 grid, and move (5) to right 1 grid. It's problem on spacing.
  2. 00:20:919 (3) - Use 3 circles instead of slider. Hope that you will know on the rhythm of song here.
  3. 00:45:919 (3,4) - Stack them. (Move to x:89 y:129)
  4. 00:54:145 (6) - Stack as slider end of (4). (Move it to up 1 grid)
  5. 01:11:726 (4) - The reason as 00:11:726 (4,5). Move to down 1 grid.

That's all that I can find them.

Good luck~
Topic Starter
all fix QAQ Thanks all!!!!!
Hi from my modding queue


Yeah, I like your hard, but there are some unnecessary things which I recommend you to fix.
You're using multiple distance snap. Is it bad? Not really, but you're using it quite randomly, so let's look at it.

Starting part is slow and pretty calm, but you're using high spacing and low spacing too (I think only 1/4 notes - stream spacing)
00:03:178 (6,7,8) - Look how you did this, you used 0,6 snap for this, this is perfect and it flows nicely.
00:05:758 (2,3,4) - Yeah, you used stacking, this is nice too and flows nicely.

But look on this 00:07:049 (5,6,7) - This is totally unnecessary change of distance snap. Use 0,6 like before. Instruments didn't change, speed didn't change,
song didn't change something, so this is unnecessary and it need be fixed.
00:08:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
00:13:500 (8,9,1) - ^
00:17:371 (2,3,4) - ^
This ^ part(1) was very calm so use snap 0,6 for 1/4 notes.
00:20:113 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - And look on this. Instruments changed and it is more lively, so use higher snap (let's say 0,7)
00:43:500 (4,5,6) - There is low snap so use 0,7 on this too.
00:49:952 (1,2,3) - ^
00:52:210 (1,2,3) - ^
00:54:790 (7,8,1) - ^
00:58:661 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
01:09:629 (4,5,6,7,1) - ^
01:11:565 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
This ^ part(2) was calm, but bit lively than before, so use snap 0,7 for 1/4 notes.
01:30:274 (3,4,5) - Very good, used snap 0,8 and it flows better, because it's kiai time and it's the most significant part of the map.
01:32:855 (4,5,6) - Use the snap like before - 0,8.
01:34:145 (1,2,3) - ^
01:35:436 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^
01:38:017 (4,5,6) - ^
01:50:597 (3,4,5) - ^
01:55:113 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:59:952 (7,8,9) - ^
02:00:920 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:02:532 (1,2,3) - ^
This ^ part(3) contains kiai time, how I said it's the most significant part of the map. So there use 0,8 snap for 1/4 notes.
02:06:726 (1,2,3,4,5) - Stack this or use snap 0,7 like in part(2) because music becomes similar to part(2).

Yeah.. set offset on 275 I don't think that -offset is still allowed.
I hope that you understand how to use multiple snaping now. It's very nice stuff, but you must know how to use it. I think it will help you so much,
because it looks better and there will not be some unnecessary things and you will need less of mods.

Other snaps, new comboes and shapes are beautiful and flows nicely.


Let's say true - distance snap is a bit bugged. You can place notes further or farther to previous note,
so when placing notes hold the circle or slider and move it farther from previous note.
e.g. 00:00:597 (1,2) - 00:00:920 (2) is near (bad)
00:02:210 (4,5) - 00:03:178 (5) is far (nice!)
00:07:210 (5,6) - Also same problem like Hard, but in Normal I recommend to use only one snap.
00:15:113 (3,4) - This looks bit uneven. Try CTRL+SHIFT+R (-25 - selection centre)
00:55:436 (5) - Maybe new combo here since it's on similar part on the same note (exactly on previous note, but it's in slider there, so adding simple on next)
01:00:597 (5) - ^

This is mapped quite better.




Fine too.

I recommend you very lot to fix your multiple spacing in hard how I said, everything'll be correct if you do it and it'll improve your map a lot.
Please call me for recheck (PM or ingame). If you will not understand something tell me it too.
Topic Starter

dragonxcz wrote:

Hi from my modding queue

Yeah, I like your hard, but there are some unnecessary things which I recommend you to fix.
You're using multiple distance snap. Is it bad? Not really, but you're using it quite randomly, so let's look at it.

Starting part is slow and pretty calm, but you're using high spacing and low spacing too (I think only 1/4 notes - stream spacing)
00:03:178 (6,7,8) - Look how you did this, you used 0,6 snap for this, this is perfect and it flows nicely.
00:05:758 (2,3,4) - Yeah, you used stacking, this is nice too and flows nicely.

But look on this 00:07:049 (5,6,7) - This is totally unnecessary change of distance snap. Use 0,6 like before. Instruments didn't change, speed didn't change,
song didn't change something, so this is unnecessary and it need be fixed.
00:08:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
00:13:500 (8,9,1) - ^
00:17:371 (2,3,4) - ^
This ^ part(1) was very calm so use snap 0,6 for 1/4 notes.
00:20:113 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - And look on this. Instruments changed and it is more lively, so use higher snap (let's say 0,7)
00:43:500 (4,5,6) - There is low snap so use 0,7 on this too.
00:49:952 (1,2,3) - ^
00:52:210 (1,2,3) - ^
00:54:790 (7,8,1) - ^
00:58:661 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
01:09:629 (4,5,6,7,1) - ^
01:11:565 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
This ^ part(2) was calm, but bit lively than before, so use snap 0,7 for 1/4 notes.
01:30:274 (3,4,5) - Very good, used snap 0,8 and it flows better, because it's kiai time and it's the most significant part of the map.
01:32:855 (4,5,6) - Use the snap like before - 0,8.
01:34:145 (1,2,3) - ^
01:35:436 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^
01:38:017 (4,5,6) - ^
01:50:597 (3,4,5) - ^
01:55:113 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:59:952 (7,8,9) - ^
02:00:920 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:02:532 (1,2,3) - ^
This ^ part(3) contains kiai time, how I said it's the most significant part of the map. So there use 0,8 snap for 1/4 notes.
02:06:726 (1,2,3,4,5) - Stack this or use snap 0,7 like in part(2) because music becomes similar to part(2).

Yeah.. set offset on 275 I don't think that -offset is still allowed.
I hope that you understand how to use multiple snaping now. It's very nice stuff, but you must know how to use it. I think it will help you so much,
because it looks better and there will not be some unnecessary things and you will need less of mods.

Other snaps, new comboes and shapes are beautiful and flows nicely.


Let's say true - distance snap is a bit bugged. You can place notes further or farther to previous note,
so when placing notes hold the circle or slider and move it farther from previous note.
e.g. 00:00:597 (1,2) - 00:00:920 (2) is near (bad)
00:02:210 (4,5) - 00:03:178 (5) is far (nice!)
00:07:210 (5,6) - Also same problem like Hard, but in Normal I recommend to use only one snap.
00:15:113 (3,4) - This looks bit uneven. Try CTRL+SHIFT+R (-25 - selection centre)
00:55:436 (5) - Maybe new combo here since it's on similar part on the same note (exactly on previous note, but it's in slider there, so adding simple on next)
01:00:597 (5) - ^

This is mapped quite better.




Fine too.

I recommend you very lot to fix your multiple spacing in hard how I said, everything'll be correct if you do it and it'll improve your map a lot.
Please call me for recheck (PM or ingame). If you will not understand something tell me it too.

Mods are very helpful and useful ;)
Thank you very much!!
all you suggestions had fixed!!
Thanks again!
Uhm... we can't say suggestions, because this helps to make flow better. But we must not discuss about this, now it looks pretty nice. Star~
from my queue
hi, Azure :oops:
thx for request and sorry for late... :(

  1. kiai time is different only Normal+
  1. OD-1. OD7 is "Insane"
  2. 00:07:855 (7,1) - uhm... i think it will be much better if you do this~
  3. 01:08:984 (3) - sounds much better for me~
  4. 01:14:146 (3) - ^
  5. 01:23:340 - add note
  6. 01:35:283 - ^
  7. 01:45:275 - ^
  8. 01:51:887 (6) - remove finish, it's doesn't follow the music
  9. 02:06:403 (4) - add finish
  10. 02:07:371 (5) - remove clap
  1. 00:51:887 (6) - change to 1/2 slider
  2. 01:01:565 (4) - ^
  3. 01:08:985 - add clap on slider tick
  4. 01:11:565 (2) - uhm... how about this?
  5. 01:14:145 (2) - ^
  6. 01:24:791 - add note?
i think this diff is "Hard"

  1. DR-1 and OD-1
  2. 00:08:501 (4,5,6) - this section is hard to play for beginners, can you change this?
  3. 01:25:758 (2) - stack on 01:26:081 (1) -
  4. 02:07:372 - raise up volume (i think 60% is better)
i thought that there were many circles on the whole
pls replace some of them with a few sliders

  1. your slider multiplier is 0.999999999999999 must be 1.00
  2. DR-1
  3. 00:05:759 (1) - i think stack is not so good. gives confusion to beginners
  4. 00:10:920 (1) - ^
  5. 00:41:887 (1) - ^
  6. 00:52:210 (1) - ^
that's all

good luck :oops:
oh My new baetmap :)
Please Fix Beatmap me ><
Topic Starter

Buccakazu wrote:

oh My new baetmap :)
Please Fix Beatmap me ><
Topic Starter
all codes were fixed :o
Thanks sunshy's teaching...
Red - Recommended
Blue - Suggestion
Green - Comments

- Good SB!~
- Great Map
- Nice Song :D
- Some parts have different spacing, unless it's suppose to be that way, you might want to fix it.

01:57:694 (2) - Move < by One Grid
Nicely done!~

Nicely done, no errors to me :3

01:24:791 (6) - Move it to x:192 y:172

00:50:597 (3,4) - The space between this two hitcircles are a little far away from each other, it's up to you if you want it that way :3
01:10:597 (1) - Move it to x:96 y:20

Overall, Awesomely done!~

And sorry for the long wait for my mod... and i hope my modding will help you on your way to a ranked map! I also want a ranked map XD
Topic Starter

DJNightmare wrote:

Red - Recommended
Blue - Suggestion
Green - Comments

- Good SB!~
- Great Map
- Nice Song :D
- Some parts have different spacing, unless it's suppose to be that way, you might want to fix it.

01:57:694 (2) - Move < by One Grid
Nicely done!~

Nicely done, no errors to me :3

01:24:791 (6) - Move it to x:192 y:172

00:50:597 (3,4) - The space between this two hitcircles are a little far away from each other, it's up to you if you want it that way :3
01:10:597 (1) - Move it to x:96 y:20

Overall, Awesomely done!~

And sorry for the long wait for my mod... and i hope my modding will help you on your way to a ranked map! I also want a ranked map XD

all fix~
Danke! :)
plz have a habit:you had better do the node in slider's end circle center


AR-1 except Normal+


00:21:565 (1) - add whistle


00:08:501 (4) - 2 overlap notes instead?
01:49:630 (3) - how about this slider?i think it need to adjust


00:18:178 (4) - it is not fit this music


00:13:823 (1) - add whistle
00:14:145 (2) - remove whistle
00:17:371 (2) - use slider repeat?
00:17:694 (3) - this slider not fit this music
02:05:758 (1,2,3,4) - clap

Topic Starter

-[NYAN]- wrote:

plz have a habit:you had better do the node in slider's end circle center


AR-1 except Normal+ fix


00:21:565 (1) - add whistle add


00:08:501 (4) - 2 overlap notes instead? 不想那麼難w
01:49:630 (3) - how about this slider?i think it need to adjust ??


00:18:178 (4) - it is not fit this music fit vocal 0_0


00:13:823 (1) - add whistle add
00:14:145 (2) - remove whistle fix
00:17:371 (2) - use slider repeat? fix
00:17:694 (3) - this slider not fit this music fit vocal 0_0
02:05:758 (1,2,3,4) - clap add


from here

you need to add sliderborder in .osu files
use Vocaloid as source, and composer's name as astist, put Hatsune Miku to tags

HD-1, it's too high now

01:02:210 (2,3,1,2) - spacing too huge here, use 1.4x plz
02:03:178 (4) - this slider can blanket better

00:17:371 (2) - change to a slider end at 00:17:533 - ? fit vocal better. and if you changed, plz delete 00:17:694 (3) -
00:57:694 (1) - this slider can blanket better
01:12:855 (4,1) - why jump here? don't fit the song imo, also it's kinda confusing to read/play
01:23:178 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - this spacing is not a Normal+ diff now, its totally a Hard. also I don't think huge spacing here fit the song
01:31:887 (3,4) - same as 01:12:855 (4,1) -
01:35:758 (6,7,8,9) - change to 2 sliders or this is really hard to play as a Normal+ diff
01:38:984 (1) - this slider can blanket better

00:17:371 (2) - change direction on this slider plz, it's now hard to read how many time it repeat, really confusing
00:18:178 (4,1) - better not to jump too huge, or it's kinda hard to read 1 is start at a blue line
00:42:049 - add a note here? sound nice

Normal+ and Hard need some more works, they can be better
pay attention to slider blanket in that 2 diffs(I didn't point out in my modding, you should check and fix them by yourself)
that's all for now
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from here

you need to add sliderborder in .osu files fix,thank you
use Vocaloid as source, and composer's name as astist, put Hatsune Miku to tags fix~

HD-1, it's too high now

01:02:210 (2,3,1,2) - spacing too huge here, use 1.4x plz
02:03:178 (4) - this slider can blanket better

00:17:371 (2) - change to a slider end at 00:17:533 - ? fit vocal better. and if you changed, plz delete 00:17:694 (3) -
00:57:694 (1) - this slider can blanket better
01:12:855 (4,1) - why jump here? don't fit the song imo, also it's kinda confusing to read/play
01:23:178 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - this spacing is not a Normal+ diff now, its totally a Hard. also I don't think huge spacing here fit the song
01:31:887 (3,4) - same as 01:12:855 (4,1) -
01:35:758 (6,7,8,9) - change to 2 sliders or this is really hard to play as a Normal+ diff
01:38:984 (1) - this slider can blanket better

00:17:371 (2) - change direction on this slider plz, it's now hard to read how many time it repeat, really confusing
00:18:178 (4,1) - better not to jump too huge, or it's kinda hard to read 1 is start at a blue line
00:42:049 - add a note here? sound nice

Normal+ and Hard need some more works, they can be better
pay attention to slider blanket in that 2 diffs(I didn't point out in my modding, you should check and fix them by yourself)
that's all for now
thank you for mod :)

  1. 00:21:242 (3) - Try 60%-80% volume, now it sounds too quiet

  1. Why not rename this diff to "Hard" and rename your Hard to "Insane"? Normal+ looked odd :/
  2. 00:21:243 (3) - Slider end finish, raise volume to 60%-80%
  3. 01:46:727 (1,2) - Exchange NC

  1. 00:21:243 (5) - Finish, 60%-80% volume
  2. 01:12:210 (6) - Remove whistle, add whistle to 01:12:532 (8) slider start
  3. 01:45:759 (5) - Reverse point, add finish
Send me a forum PM for recheck when you have reply
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:


  1. 00:21:242 (3) - Try 60%-80% volume, now it sounds too quiet


  1. Why not rename this diff to "Hard" and rename your Hard to "Insane"? Normal+ looked odd :/ ok
  2. 00:21:243 (3) - Slider end finish, raise volume to 60%-80% fix
  3. 01:46:727 (1,2) - Exchange NC


  1. 00:21:243 (5) - Finish, 60%-80% volume fix
  2. 01:12:210 (6) - Remove whistle, add whistle to 01:12:532 (8) slider start fix
  3. 01:45:759 (5) - Reverse point, add finish

Send me a forum PM for recheck when you have reply
Thank you very much!!!
gratz for bubble~ :)
看成kueeo (手熊思
Topic Starter
sunshy、Scorpiour、mintong89 ありがとう~~!! :)
Random mod for you!

Your folder has two .osb files! You need to delete one.

00:07:856 (1,2) - New combo should start on 2 not 1. Follows the downbeat. (And sorta helps the overlap become more readable.)
00:57:694 (4) - New combo here, follows the downbeat and vocals! Then remove combo from 00:59:468 (1) - and add combo to 01:00:274 (4) - .

01:15:758 (6) - New combo here, again on the downbeat. Then remove from 01:16:726 (1) - and add to 01:18:662 (5) - .
01:56:403 (1,2) - Remove combo from 1 and add it to 2. Or you can keep the new combo on 1 but 2 will still need a combo.
02:01:565 (1,2) - Remove combo from 1 and add it to 2.

01:18:661 (5) - new combo here? Combo feels pretty long.

Sorry for it just being combo mods! That is all that's wrong with this map to me.

Look this over and call me back.
Topic Starter

MMzz wrote:

Random mod for you!

Thank you :lol:

Your folder has two .osb files! You need to delete one.


00:07:856 (1,2) - New combo should start on 2 not 1. Follows the downbeat. (And sorta helps the overlap become more readable.)
00:57:694 (4) - New combo here, follows the downbeat and vocals! Then remove combo from 00:59:468 (1) - and add combo to 01:00:274 (4) - .

01:15:758 (6) - New combo here, again on the downbeat. Then remove from 01:16:726 (1) - and add to 01:18:662 (5) - .
01:56:403 (1,2) - Remove combo from 1 and add it to 2. Or you can keep the new combo on 1 but 2 will still need a combo.
02:01:565 (1,2) - Remove combo from 1 and add it to 2.

01:18:661 (5) - new combo here? Combo feels pretty long.

Sorry for it just being combo mods! That is all that's wrong with this map to me.

Look this over and call me back.
all fix, thank you for mods :D
Oh wait.
Source should be "Vocaloid" or "VOCALOID" and not "vocaloid".
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Oh wait.
Source should be "Vocaloid" or "VOCALOID" and not "vocaloid".
fix, Thank you :oops:
Congratulation ~
Congrats on rank! >w<
congratz :3 sweet song ^^
Whew, congratz ~:3
Yuji Tokaji
Gratz Azure :D
congrats to first rank~~~
osu! needs more Vocaloid Append !
Congrats! \:D/
Oh, I still rememberthis song~~~
Congrats :3

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Topic Starter
Thanks for everyone :D

ok 很正點
[Kirisaki rei]
ilove this map thank you!!! you are the best! :)
I love your map... Love the song, and Love Miku
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