
Visual Settings support for Edit Mode

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +102
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I don't know if someone had something similar. I didn't find anything.

I just thought it would be useful to have some sort of fun spoiler type of thing in edit.

For example, sometimes the skin is annoying as hell to read, and it's just annoying to mod sometimes using that skin. Also, someway to enable default skin would be nice, just so we can see how things look in default (because sometimes people skin 300's out or do other stuff in their skin which makes things more visible, while others don't, and this can sometimes cause "mistakes" or at least some controversy over certain patterns).

Other times maybe the background or SB hard to see through so it would make it easier for the mapper/modder to disable them or dim them. It would just help to focus on the mapping/modding aspect of edit mode (similar to the design tab where you can disable the hitcircles and focus on the storyboard aspect of the map rather than having notes appearing everywhere.)

Furthermore, if osz2 is actually going to come out, then people can't just delete the skins or delete BG's/SB's to make modding/mapping easier.

I just thought this would be convenient to people who use edit often. Though I guess not completely necessary.
For example, sometimes the skin is annoying as hell to read, and it's just annoying to mod sometimes using that skin.
Tell them to use a less annoying skin in your mod post. The reason annoying skins are a thing is because modders don't gripe about them.

Not speaking for or against this feature, just wanted to say that.
Topic Starter
Well is there any thoughts about disabling Storyboards and such during edit? As far as I can tell, that thread only speaks of forcing default skin. Now if you guys disagree, feel free to deny this. To be honest forcing default skin is actually mostly my main concern, though I would like a few more options cuz it would be nice.

winber1 wrote:

Well is there any thoughts about disabling Storyboards and such during edit?
i swear i've seen this requested before, but can't remember which topic
I can only see mapping without storyboarding disabled leading to problems.
Mappers should always map in a way that most closely resembles what an (unconfigured) osuclient will see playing their map.
If there's some reason why the storyboard needs to be disabled in a particular situation to mod a map, you can remove it from the songs folder temporarily.
I will BUMP this, because noone is going to find it by searching. I think this would be most useful for testing purposes. Hell maybe you could add a default background dim to a map. You wouldn't have to deal with storyboarding one in. It would be cool if the mapper could have control over the dim through the design editor.
I support this because I believe that more options to customize your editing environment to your liking is better.

Also, Soaprman's suggestion to "Tell them to use a less annoying skin" is bad. Skin preference is subjective. Just because I hate anything other than the skin I'm currently using doesn't mean that I have the right to tell mappers not to use their skins. Similarly, I feel the mappers have no right to force their skin on me. Both the mapper and the player should always have the option to control visual options to suit their preference.
Rizumu Tenshi

TheVileOne wrote:

It would be cool if the mapper could have control over the dim through the design editor.
You saved me from another duplicate for the editor background dim. But by "design editor" you mean for the storyboard or the entire editor? I'd love the entire editor not just Design.

If this topic focuses on editor background dim, this genuine request could be fulfilled. Bobbias said Soaprman's request is bad and there's already the option to force the default skin in the editor, and no doubt a lot of people use the default skin, but for disabling the storyboard in the editor? mm201 is right, you can delete the SB temporarily, but with BG dim why would you delete the SB?

In one sentence: The request is all about all Visual Settings to be also available in the editor not just solo play and multiplayer play.

winber1 wrote:

Other times maybe the background or SB hard to see through so it would make it easier for the mapper/modder to disable them or dim them. It would just help to focus on the mapping/modding aspect of edit mode (similar to the design tab where you can disable the hitcircles and focus on the storyboard aspect of the map rather than having notes appearing everywhere.)
Well give the background dim option on editor testplay at least it is mappable/moddable on edit but on testplay i cant really test it i always go to normal song select menu play it as normal cause i cant play with full background dim. So uppp
Yes please
Why not. :o
Bump. You're already able to disable the video, so disable the skin or the storyboard by the same we as videos is quite realistic and possible. I support this idea. ;)
Also, a checkbox to effects such as hit300.png
Can be helpful about overlapping objects etc..
I for one like to use edit mode to analize and practice particularly difficult parts of a song.
And I am used to my own skin and playing on 100% bg dim. Current lack of visual settings features, especially bg dim makes it nearly impossible to play on my skin which is partially transparent and looks unreadable on light backgrounds.
Adding more options is always better. Please think of us players too! Edit mode shouldn't be held down by mapping philosophy... Nothing will explode. We won't suddenly have shittier maps. I promise.

I don't know if there is a thread for this but:
I can NOT use the beatmap testing option in editor because my cursor is strange and slow like I have a crazy few fps. like if I'm playing osu in window-mode!
I think this would be great

bumping this because I love the idea

I map with very bright backgrounds so being able to dim it would be amazing

I support
bumping because i still think this should be a feature :(
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