
Image's edge isn't smooth

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You can see the image's edge is smoother in photoshop than in game.
During the gameplay there are some small lines on top and bottom, also the image's edge is not that smooth.
How to deal with this kind of problem? This also happen to my small ranking icons.
That happens because the invisible pixels around the image still have some colour values. And those can affect the image during anti-aliasing. Try using this with ImageMagick to solve this issue.
Topic Starter

Matt2e2 wrote:

That happens because the invisible pixels around the image still have some colour values. And those can affect the image during anti-aliasing. Try using this with ImageMagick to solve this issue.

The .bat file doesn't work(mainly those three commands inside the for loop), it says "magick" is not a command or an executable file

LennyCube wrote:

Matt2e2 wrote:

That happens because the invisible pixels around the image still have some colour values. And those can affect the image during anti-aliasing. Try using this with ImageMagick to solve this issue.

The .bat file doesn't work(mainly those three commands inside the for loop), it says "magick" is not a command or an executable file

You need to install magisk first before running the script.
Visit this magisk site and choose the "ImageMagick-[app version]-Q16-x64-dll.exe" one.

After that, create a directory and move the script and png files in the same place. Then, run the script

*or another trick by using drop shadow (if you're using PS):
Apply drop shadow to your sprite and set these values:
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 1%
Distance: 0px
Spread: 0%
Size: 64px or whatever

I don't know why but it honestly works for me
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