
Greeting Osuthians

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Heya folks, been playing Osu on and off for quite a while and figured its time to say hello to the forums! I've been on and off for a couple years now, always end up coming back for more though after I get bored of whatever other game I decided to give a try!

Besides the general introduction I do have a question for some of you Osusters out there. I've been doing some let's plays on youtube lately, kind of a thing I've been enjoying, and I've been considering trying to combine my enjoyment of let's playing with my enjoyment of Osu, but I've had a couple reservations about trying such a thing. First off I'm not terribly worried about the technical stuff, I'm already pretty confident recording and uploading videos, so I'm not really concerned about that :)

First off, should I be worried about any copyright infringement on certain songs? I know some are obviously using music video's and such, and I don't want to start off on the wrong foot for something like that.

Secondly, I'm a bit concerned about *Let's Playing" while trying to also focus on Osu, I like to talk to the audience while I'm playing about whats going on and the such, and I'm not 100% how that will work out while playing a game like this, I'm also not a huge fan of silent gameplay videos, I like to try and keep some connection between let's player and audience. So the question is, does it sound like a feasible idea? Or perhaps any suggestions on how to make it work? (or examples if you know someone who's successfully done this before)

And finally, if you were to watch a let's play of someone playing Osu, how would you want it formatted? Each song is fairly short compared to what I usually upload, so if I filled 15 minutes up with whatever gameplay I had would that seem fair, or would simply one song a time make more sense? Also, I'm no *pro* osuther, and I'm also expecting to be playing worse while trying to speak :P so whats your take on failed runs? In the more "normal" games I play I would just keep recording for most deaths unless they got to be rather repetitive heh heh.

Anyway greetings to all the Osu forumsters out there and thanks for any suggestions ahead of time :)
Yup, I got copyright infringements on some of my videos. Not sure about "let's playing", never done that.

Also welcome~!
Long intro~
Welcome to the forums :>
Welcome to the forums!
Welcome to osu! Hope you enjoy it!
welcome :D
Welcome c:
Oh god it's so long, so long... I'll just put a generic "welcome" No one will ever know the difference bwahahaha!
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