
Hall of Performance Plays x Profile Addition [added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +2
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I just had the best idea, it really is.
Let players pick for themselves a top 5 plays of their own that would display on their profiles. This will be imho the best indication of a player's performance. Everybody can pick whatever plays he had that he feels are his most impressive ones, and that will give people a good idea of what kind of player it is from looking at his profile.

This will solve all of those DT vs FL discussions and all of that other stuff... because then you'll be able to clearly see exactly what each player does for his rank. And nothing has to be automatized for this, just add a right-click menu in-game that lets you click on a scoreboard replay you have on the left side pane and choose "Add this to your Hall of Top Plays". If your HoTP is full you'll have to remove items from it through the site to be able to add stuff again ingame.

Visual example:
Since all scores are already being saved in history, it doesn't need to be limited to top 500 scores. Let the player pick whatever he wants. If he feels a B score on some hard map with rank 700 is more impressive than a top 50 rank on an easy map with mods, this would let him pick on his own what to show based on his own judgement.

Ok first of all, it won't solve any of the DT vs. FL issues. This really has nothing to do with that and they were mainly complaining about score multipliers anyways and how it wasn't balanced.

Anyways, interesting idea. It would be pretty cool to instantly see someone's top plays. It really gives a clearer understanding of what people can do. Out of curiosity's sake I would support, but to be honest I don't think it really solves much at all. It may clear up some of the mysteries shrouding certain high pp players and why they are there, but it certainly won't solve much imo. People already generally know who are the real pros.
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Well this is mostly aiming to be interesting for the mid ranks and not for the top 50 that everybody knows already (since their top plays already show publically), to let you see if a player is good at Normals or Hards or specifically Hidden or HR or whatever. This would also motivate people to actually try to get better plays, so that they'd be able to display them, over just grinding easy maps with mods which is what's going on right now due to PP rewarding a lot more for that over average ranks in much harder maps.
[peppy] Add ability to see top contributing pp scores from profile (Top Ranks).

^I guess this got implemented now... not in the way that we can select our "best ranks/scores" by ourself but that they're shown and selected by the pp o.o
If not, correct me please >.<
I'm guessing this has been added now.
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[added] !? no...
While this is very /similar/ to what I asked for, there is one huge difference:

This topic's suggestion is about a profile listing where players can choose their own 5 (or any predetermined number) top scores.

The current system chooses automatically the top-pp-giving scores.

There's a big difference between the two. The whole point for this suggestion was to let players choose their own idea of what style of plays they want to show off instead of letting the system choose for them. afaik everybody is currently unsatisfied with the [Hard]s with mods showing on their list and would prefer to pick actual hard plays they find more impressive.
automatic is better.
Topic Starter
better in what way? It's a completely different thing and used for completely different purposes. The current display is more useful for players to check their own profiles and know where their PP comes from. My suggestion was intended to be more aimed at users who look at other players' profiles wanting to find out what they're capable of.
The latter is especially important for unapproved submitted maps, which is impossible completely with an automated system that goes by ranking.
First of all, the one thing I don't like about a good portion of this community is the amount of elistism that's floating around. Most of the people that frequent these forums are super top-tier players, so since that's all they see in the forums, they act as if the elite players are the only people that play this game with no consideration for the often unspoken 99% of the players that play this game. I'd like to see a more encourging environment, rather than people telling me I suck for not being to fc chipscape (slight exaggertion, but you get the point). I myself like to observe the improvement of others and to congratulate them on any personal achievement, even if it's them passing their first [normal] map.

I'm sorry, but I'm tired of people putting down requests just because it won't benefit them directly.

Now back on topic, I like the new top performance thing, it let's me know where my pp is coming from. But that wasn't the purpose of the original request. This feature request was made so users could show off what THEY thought was impressive and what represents their skill and play style appropriately. It would encourage users to play and improve so they can showcase scores on their profile and it would also encourage friendly competition. It would also give users who visit their profile an idea of how capable their skill is. Sure all the pros can just look at the top 40 leaderboards to compare scores, but not everyone is top 40 in the world.

Now sure the top performance does show a few plays I'm a little proud of, but I wouldn't consider most those my best. Like I have a B rank or two on some high level hards when I'd rather have other scores to show. I wouldn't consider myself as a super casual player but I wouldn't consider myself world tier either since I only have a pp rank of ~11000, but I'd consider myself fairly decent though, it's enough to impress friends that come over to my house to play with me so I couldn't care less if a elite player thought my scores were garbage. Talking about garbage scores, everyone has their own skill set so someone might feel accomplished with a certain score even though others wouldn't find it impressive. For example, I can't do stream for life of me, I still have trouble even passing some [hard] maps that are really streamy especially with high bpms so I get super excited even when I pass a streamy [hard] map. And I also might want to post things that showcase my strengths as well, like jumps, so I'd like to showcase my Cirno's Perfect Math Class [tag4] pass which I'm proud of as well as a few other passes/fc's on jumpy insanes. I'd post my pass on the Osu jump compilation (the one with the pony song at the end) but there is a small ~stream~ section in the 2nd to last song I keep failing at, lol. I'd also rather have my pass on can't defeat airman (by blue dragon) instead when I do pass it (still having trouble with the last 10th of the song or so) Looking at my current top performance scores, it wouldn't seem like I was capable of passing such maps.

I'm not saying I want the top performance thing to go away, I think it has it's own purpose and niche in osu, I'd just like to see this hall of scores thing as well. Although I'd want to call it something else like [Username]'s Achievement Wall or something, idk if that sounds lame or not though Dx
hmm.. a place for you to put whatever you want on your profile. isn't that the user page?
but you want another one? cool
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