
Question About Mouse Grip Issue

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I use a Deathadder mouse, and I find that when I am playing at my top speed I end up gripping the mouse harder, and my little finger sort of curls under the edge of the bottom of my mouse. It doesn't exactly lift the mouse, or anything, but I normally have that finger gliding along the mat in contact with it, and the extra pressure from a tight grip causes me to press into the mouse where it touches the mat, since it is lifted from the mat a little bit by being on Teflon feet. After enough time, this becomes pretty painful, but I can't seem to find a way to grip the mouse and get as much control as I do when I hold it my normal way. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Did you get used to it? I've gotten so used to it that I sort of just don't even notice it, but I was wondering what others' experiences might have been.
When I used to play mouse, what I actually did was my thumb and ring finger were holding the mouse on the sides, my pointer and middle finger were on the buttons, and then my pinky was basically stationaly on the mousepad. Like I actually placed it there and I wouldn't move it unless I was taking a break or I accidentally touched/moved it with my mouse because I didn't position it correctly. Playing it differently seemed to make me lose stability and so I was like whatever and Kept playing like that. Though it's a little different from your problem because it didn't hurt lol.

But from what you're saying, it just seems more like a claw grip type issue and you are tensing up/panicking too much. Nothing much you can really do unless you perhaps change how you gripped the mouse or something.

Also, I have a similar sort of problem actually now with my tablet. I used a small area and I hold the pen as I would to write something. Now this could be a little weird too, but my ring finger is basically my mastermind behind all my stability in my tablet playing, and I place it down on the tablet and leave it there (similar to my pinky with my mouse) and it just gives me a lot of stability when playing; however, because of this, I end up putting a lot of pressure on it and it basically is now rubbing the tablet or something and is hurting a bit. I actually have a callus there too now lol, but I don't really care that much. WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER. So you could also be like me and just play through it.
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I use a total palm girp these days. I used to be more of a fingertip grip, but I found that as I got better, I actually just adjusted myself into palm grip. I've been using it for a while, but I only noticed this a few months ago when I finally became able to grip my mouse firmly enough to handle the speeds that I play at now. I think you're right about it being me tensing my muscles when I am trying to keep up, because it doesn't always happen. I hear you about the callus; haha, I am developing one of my own on my little finger. XD I probably will just keep playing the way that I play, because I think I'll eventually just learn to ease up more when I get nervous instead of tensing. I'm still curious to know if anyone else has had this happen to them, though.

That's a really interesting grip style, though. It sounds like you could only pull that off with a claw grip and a pretty high DPI, right? I couldn't imagine doing it, but there are so many ways to play this game, and I often feel like they're all meritorious.
I used to use pretty high DPI, and interestingly no, I did not claw grip that. I was okay at osu! back then but then I switched to tablet. Because I haven't played mouse in so long, once I tried it again, I didn't feel like I had the need to play like that anymore (Oddly enough, back then when I was using that style, playing without my pinky there was completely awkward and I would often over/undershoot things). Whenever I'm bored and play with mouse I actually hold it normally (my pinky is placed directly under my ring finger). It's also probably cuz mouse playing is now super casual stuff for me so I wasn't as into getting good scores with it as I had originally done with that other style. My DPI and sensitivity is also a lot lower too (it's funny actually, cuz when I play with my mouse too much and go back to tablet, I start overshooting things because my tablet area is more sensitive than my mouse, but I get used to my tablet area again after a while)

winber1 wrote:

my thumb and ring finger were holding the mouse on the sides, my pointer and middle finger were on the buttons, and then my pinky was basically stationaly on the mousepad.
Pretty much the style I use. I found out that palm grip (I use it for everything else though) hinders my movement and it feels like I don't really have total control over my movement. With the thumb and ring finger I have total control over my movement and even spinners become quite crazy when using those fingers to correct the movement when doing fast small circles (420-460 spins normally).
The only real way to improve your control is what you said--relaxing. As long as you have control of the mouse, you shouldn't need to tense too much.
Qpad 5000 or Mionix Naos 3200/5000 allow a very ergonomic palm grip with room for your pinky.
The Deathadder has a somewhat odd-shape from the center peak being a couple mm too high(around there, since it is molded off the IME 3.0) which causes a lot of grip issues that I've experienced over using the mouse for a good 3 - 4 years now.

Especially on osu! I tend to grip my thumb toward the back of the mouse, ring finger towards the front of the mouse, index/middle on buttons and pinky sits a couple cm behind my ring finger, which sometimes causes me to grip a little too hard and occasionally(albeit not long) makes my pinky slips towards the underside of the mouse.
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Kriers, I've actually been looking at pictures of the Mionix Naos, and I can definitely see what you mean about the grip. It looks like it'd be hard to end up with the problem that I have when using that mouse. I wish I could try holding one to see how it felt. I am seriously considering trying one for my next mouse, but not being able to give it a test run is putting me off of the idea. I imagine it'd be very weird adjusting to a different mouse.
I recently changed from a small mouse to a big mouse (i get used to it very quickly), i notice an increase from my gameplay performance, or it's just that weird placebo effect. I use claw grip because it doesn't make me move my wrist too much, though i rarely use my wrist to support my hand weight anymore.
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