
Mizutani Runa - Philosophyz (DJ Shimamura's Har...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2021年10月7日 at 22:02:24

Artist: Mizutani Runa
Title: Philosophyz (DJ Shimamura's Hardcore Remix)
Source: Rewrite
Tags: opening SUPER SHOT 4 visual art's key music compilation
BPM: 170
Filesize: 9602kb
Play Time: 05:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Marathon (4.94 stars, 1149 notes)
Download: Mizutani Runa - Philosophyz (DJ Shimamura's Hardcore Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
FOR APPROVAL Maybe remap and now aiming for rank F O R A P P R O V A L So the length is ready for rank
~ Remix song -- Philosophyz from SUPER SHOT COMPILATION 4 -- Best remix compilation ever ~
Original singer: 水谷瑠奈
Remixer: DJ Shimamura
mapped by iroseka Flower
Current condition:
Insane - done

Check the old version map here:
Sun Rainbow
EDIT:除掉傻逼留言 你懂的
-Baby Strawberry-

然后也不算 mod,稍微说一下吧,因为打的时候感觉没什么的大问题
设定方面来说OD略高,打的时候好多100 50.。。我觉得-1就够了
00:19:336 (3,4,5,6) - 像这种以后肯定会有人挑,不过我倒觉得无所谓
00:39:807 (3,4,5) - 然后这里我觉得这样会好点?【因为我不太喜欢遮】00:40:336 (5) - 是00:41:219 (3) - 的对称
01:35:219 (1,2) - 我不知道这样的你喜不喜欢
02:50:748 (2,4) - 我觉得这两个对调一下会好
04:03:631 (4) - 放在和3上下对称的位置?
04:03:807 (1) - 从这里04:03:719开始?

HIHI there there! o/

00:16:513 (5) - 这个NC感觉有点没必要,我宁可去掉然后让00:15:807 (3,4,5) - 看起来更对称些 :3
00:21:983 (15) - add a repeat.这样使节奏停在长白线上,不然直接开始转盘感觉很奇怪,转盘延后1/4即可
00:40:513 - ~00:43:160 - 感觉这段的whistle下的有点单调..
`例如说这样? x x xx xx x xx x?
00:41:395 (4,6) - add whistle
00:41:572 (5) - remove whistle
00:42:807 (6,8) - add whistle
00:42:983 (7) - remove whistle?
00:44:572 (8) - 和00:21:983一样的问题 要不然+一个repeat在最后一个slider 要不然再加一个单独的circle..
01:27:807 (1) - 这个拉成1/1的slider感觉更合bgm
01:29:219 (6) - 这里拆成一个3/4slider+circle? 这种感觉的
01:33:278 (6) - 感觉做成1/1slider更合一些:3
02:19:336 - 这里开始感觉好像2012啊LOL
02:21:807 (9) - 多余的note
02:24:631 (4) - ^
02:34:866 (8) - 删掉?
02:39:454 (3) - ^
02:39:454 (3) - 听起来这里像有一个音..感觉补上比较好 比如把02:40:336 (8) - 做成1/4slider?
02:43:248 - 这里也是,不过打起来也感觉不到什么..:p 只是建议吧。
02:47:748 (2,3,4,5) - 这种感觉更舒服
03:01:336 (7) - 开头+whistle?
03:01:689 (8) - finish
03:02:219 (1,2,3) - ^ as 04:59:395 (1,2,3) -
03:14:395 - 感觉这里+一个note再转盘比较好。。
03:27:983 (7) - add clap
03:39:277 (7) - ^
03:38:042 (9) - 尾+clap
04:40:513 (1) - 去掉NC 加在04:40:689 (2) - 上?

好图一张:p 加油o//
Topic Starter

Strawberry wrote:

HIHI there there! o/

00:16:513 (5) - 这个NC感觉有点没必要,我宁可去掉然后让00:15:807 (3,4,5) - 看起来更对称些 :3【已去掉】
00:21:983 (15) - add a repeat.这样使节奏停在长白线上,不然直接开始转盘感觉很奇怪,转盘延后1/4即可【fixed】
00:40:513 - ~00:43:160 - 感觉这段的whistle下的有点单调..
`例如说这样? x x xx xx x xx x?
00:41:395 (4,6) - add whistle
00:41:572 (5) - remove whistle
00:42:807 (6,8) - add whistle
00:42:983 (7) - remove whistle?
00:44:572 (8) - 和00:21:983一样的问题 要不然+一个repeat在最后一个slider 要不然再加一个单独的circle..【^】
01:27:807 (1) - 这个拉成1/1的slider感觉更合bgm【换成了1/1→1/1→两个1/2间隔的note 感觉更舒服些】
01:29:219 (6) - 这里拆成一个3/4slider+circle? 这种感觉的 【fixed】
01:33:278 (6) - 感觉做成1/1slider更合一些:3【fixed】
02:19:336 - 这里开始感觉好像2012啊LOL【真是这样的话承蒙夸奖了><】
02:21:807 (9) - 多余的note【已删】
02:24:631 (4) - ^
02:34:866 (8) - 删掉?
02:39:454 (3) - ^【^^^】
02:39:454 (3) - 听起来这里像有一个音..感觉补上比较好 比如把02:40:336 (8) - 做成1/4slider?【fixed】
02:43:248 - 这里也是,不过打起来也感觉不到什么..:p 只是建议吧。【^】
02:47:748 (2,3,4,5) - 这种感觉更舒服【fixed】
03:01:336 (7) - 开头+whistle?【fixed】
03:01:689 (8) - finish【^】
03:02:219 (1,2,3) - ^ as 04:59:395 (1,2,3) - 【^】
03:14:395 - 感觉这里+一个note再转盘比较好。。【kept,这里声音突然减弱,再加note有些违和】
03:27:983 (7) - add clap【fixed】
03:39:277 (7) - ^
03:38:042 (9) - 尾+clap
04:40:513 (1) - 去掉NC 加在04:40:689 (2) - 上?【^^^】

好图一张:p 加油o//【谢 顺谢star ><】


  1. 00:37:346 (6,1) - 這裡進四方形的flow有點卡手 不過問題也不大
  2. 00:43:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 直接用1/4連打? 例如00:20:758 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) -
  3. 01:35:229 (1) - 我覺得可以像這樣跟好vocal
  4. 02:21:641 (6,7) - 我個人認為這個二連也是比較坑的 尤其相同距離下後面接個1/2 02:21:993 (8) -
  5. 02:35:935 - 這裡可以加circle 有鼓可以跟
  6. 05:23:582 (3) - 可以nc一下 分辨一下節奏
yo from my qe

I recognize that this is going to be hugely subjective, but I think it's worth hearing me out
02:24:993 (1) - maybe sv 1.10? I'm expecting a higher spacing here since these are heavily emphasized in the song
03:40:699 (5,2) - ~ x 384 y 256 for better flow?
05:19:699 (6) - for consistence...I prefer Ctrl+G to improve flow.It approaches your style and map more.
05:21:817 (2) -This looks uneven imo
(ノ・ω・)ノ Good luck, Flower!
Topic Starter

Rizia wrote:


Artist應該要加日文名? ok

  1. 00:37:346 (6,1) - 這裡進四方形的flow有點卡手 不過問題也不大 问题不大就不改了
  2. 00:43:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 直接用1/4連打? 例如00:20:758 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - 我觉得这段和其他的段落都不一样,所以用短滑条可能更有动感
  3. 01:35:229 (1) - 我覺得可以像這樣跟好vocal
  4. 02:21:641 (6,7) - 我個人認為這個二連也是比較坑的 尤其相同距離下後面接個1/2 02:21:993 (8) - 把前面那个note改成1.0xDS了
  5. 02:35:935 - 這裡可以加circle 有鼓可以跟 还是保持一致跟合成器吧
  6. 05:23:582 (3) - 可以nc一下 分辨一下節奏

SherryCherry wrote:

yo from my qe

I recognize that this is going to be hugely subjective, but I think it's worth hearing me out
02:24:993 (1) - maybe sv 1.10? I'm expecting a higher spacing here since these are heavily emphasized in the song I feel like keeping SV consistent in this section, while using repetitive pattern is already effective enough (as proven in many nightcore maps), so I would like to keep it
03:40:699 (5,2) - ~ x 384 y 256 for better flow? sure
05:19:699 (6) - for consistence...I prefer Ctrl+G to improve flow.It approaches your style and map more. cool
05:21:817 (2) -This looks uneven imo you're right. fixed
(ノ・ω・)ノ Good luck, Flower!

thank you~
  1. 00:15:111 (1) - 这个看起来弯的太不柔和了吧..感觉不太美观
  2. 00:26:405 (1,2) - 时间轴上交换位置来给这里 00:26:229 (6,1) - 个跳? 同时也让 00:27:111 (2,1) - 不显得太近
  3. 00:31:699 (4,1,2) - 考虑前面几个滑条的整体间距我觉得4->1这里不太顺手,00:33:111 (7,8,1) - 这里忽然间距变小也是,个人建议对跳的部分12 34 56 78分别ctrlg可以解决
  4. 02:38:758 (1,2) - 02:50:052 (1,2) - 05:21:111 (5,6) - 05:32:405 (4,5) - 感觉这种地方用两个1/4滑条很带感啊,可以和其他单点区别开来
  5. 02:40:699 (9,1,2) - 读图陷阱感觉nc加在那个2上可能分辨得更加清楚一些?前面连续1/2的节奏当成一整套
  6. 03:11:582 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 04:12:288 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1) - 可以统一一下nc方案...这里是一样的吧,其实这里也可以跟人声nc ko no u ta, ka ga ya ki这样

  1. 00:23:935 (1,2) - 改成三点滑条包一下?
  2. 00:33:111 (7,8,1) - 试试看00:32:052 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 一对对NC 然后这边间距就可以大一点,现在这个ds不对啊
  3. 01:23:229 (3,4) - 略难看
  4. 01:31:346 (13) - NC
  5. 03:51:111 (17) - 04:48:993 (5) - NC
  6. 03:55:876 (5,6,7,1) - 直线flow稍微突兀的感觉,可以改下
  7. 00:15:111 (1) - 重新拉一下
  8. 02:40:699 (9,1,2) - 诡异DS
  9. 05:33:288 (3,5) - 读图可以考虑NC什么的

我那个图就从Insane Lunatic摸就行了
from 2012 xXdD
花花,Hi NM(Forum req)


  1. 00:17:317 - 这里加个圈圈打的舒服点
  2. 00:43:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 感觉不是太好,可以把短滑条分开来跳,或者重做成连打
  3. 01:23:229 (3,4) - 这两个滑条过度节奏怪怪的(01:23:935 - 建议填这里)
  4. 01:27:817 (1) - ↑(01:27:993 - )
  5. 01:55:170 - 建议这样单独出来
  6. 01:56:935 - 这里加个圈,同样会打的舒服点
  7. 如果和前面一样跟人声NC的话,建议这个NC 02:03:641 (1) - ,02:04:170 (9) - NC
  8. 02:32:052 (1) - 这个可能放的不太准 移到x:416 y:112 看看
  9. 03:31:346 (2) - 骨架红点下移一点
  10. 03:36:817 (7) - 这个圈下移一点 x:244 y:156
  11. 03:39:817 (13) - 按道理应该NC在这个
  12. 03:51:111 (1) - ↑
  13. 03:56:405 (1,2) - 同样,如果要人声NC,就在大白线NC就好了
  14. 04:08:052 (3) - 建议NC在这里
  15. 04:10:523 (1) - 如果要把这个人声NC出来的话,建议把这个04:10:876 (4) - 也NC一下,不然的话04:10:523 (1,2,3) - 不要NC
  16. 04:42:288 (2) - 包好 同时改动这个位置04:42:641 (3) -
  17. 04:43:346 (6) - NC
  18. 04:50:405 - 后面的kiai部分NC有点乱,建议看看
  19. 04:51:464 (3,4,3,4) - 这里节奏不对人声,你看改不改成这样 05:02:935 (3,4,5,8) -
  20. 05:28:170 (4) - 下移一点包好
  21. 05:33:288 (3,4,5,6) - 不建议这样放,放两倍DS
  22. 05:39:641 (4) - 红线放圈圈,滑条拉去大白线NC
  23. 05:42:464 (3) - ↑
  24. 05:45:288 (4) - 换成圈

good luck!
Topic Starter

_MiaoFUuU_ wrote:

花花,Hi NM(Forum req)


  1. 00:17:317 - 这里加个圈圈打的舒服点 比较偏向于只用1/2在这里
  2. 00:43:346 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 感觉不是太好,可以把短滑条分开来跳,或者重做成连打 之前有人也这么说,干脆改成连打好了
  3. 01:23:229 (3,4) - 这两个滑条过度节奏怪怪的(01:23:935 - 建议填这里)
  4. 01:27:817 (1) - ↑(01:27:993 - )
  5. 01:55:170 - 建议这样单独出来
  6. 01:56:935 - 这里加个圈,同样会打的舒服点 同上
  7. 如果和前面一样跟人声NC的话,建议这个NC 02:03:641 (1) - ,02:04:170 (9) - NC 我的逻辑是人声单独抽出来一个combo,其他的nc
  8. 02:32:052 (1) - 这个可能放的不太准 移到x:416 y:112 看看
  9. 03:31:346 (2) - 骨架红点下移一点
  10. 03:36:817 (7) - 这个圈下移一点 x:244 y:156
  11. 03:39:817 (13) - 按道理应该NC在这个 我认为这里是一个整体,和1/1滑条一样,所以下一个再nc。下同
  12. 03:51:111 (1) - ↑
  13. 03:56:405 (1,2) - 同样,如果要人声NC,就在大白线NC就好了
  14. 04:08:052 (3) - 建议NC在这里 同上
  15. 04:10:523 (1) - 如果要把这个人声NC出来的话,建议把这个04:10:876 (4) - 也NC一下,不然的话04:10:523 (1,2,3) - 不要NC 理由同上
  16. 04:42:288 (2) - 包好 同时改动这个位置04:42:641 (3) - 直接改了5
  17. 04:43:346 (6) - NC
  18. 04:50:405 - 后面的kiai部分NC有点乱,建议看看
  19. 04:51:464 (3,4,3,4) - 这里节奏不对人声,你看改不改成这样 05:02:935 (3,4,5,8) -
  20. 05:28:170 (4) - 下移一点包好
  21. 05:33:288 (3,4,5,6) - 不建议这样放,放两倍DS 这样可以容易的读出来,没有改的必要
  22. 05:39:641 (4) - 红线放圈圈,滑条拉去大白线NC 我的逻辑就是koi koi放在一个nc的最后,所以不改。下同
  23. 05:42:464 (3) - ↑
  24. 05:45:288 (4) - 换成圈

good luck!
Bubbled #1
metadata if someone need it :
-- Please add a sliderborder. You are using a custom hitcircle overlay, and a white slider border is needed for a full skin experience.
01:18:641 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 01:29:935 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 03:27:111 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - While music wasn't containing any clear beats this section, using such streams didn't felt to be fitting with the song. Overmapped issue.
01:33:817 (1,2) - 01:36:464 (4,5,6) - Not as severe as above, but I believe this rhythms could get removed to fit the song better / emphasis the vocals better.
01:45:464 ~ 02:05:052 - This section is having a fast sv concept / wide spacing concept as the kiai section. While the vocals are likely to be the one from the chorus, there is a difference in the instrument's intensity. Much weaker, or at least different but I could not see any major difference in your mapping. Structure issue.
01:53:935 (1,2,3) - Can this have more difference in spacing to discern the rhythms better?
05:10:523 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The music is pretty weaker than the kiais,, it was quite hard to understand why it was having a bigger spacing.
05:21:111 (5) - 05:32:405 (4) - Consider new combo please because at the previous section of 02:38:758 (1) - 02:50:052 (1) - you were using it.

While I do consider the overall quality to be high enough, some usage of them didn't really fit with this song and I have to disagree this map being ranked in the currrent design. If you made a change, just let me know. If you disagree with me, you can just found 3 extra BN who agree with the current beatmap design.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

-- Please add a sliderborder. You are using a custom hitcircle overlay, and a white slider border is needed for a full skin experience.
01:18:641 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 01:29:935 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 03:27:111 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - While music wasn't containing any clear beats this section, using such streams didn't felt to be fitting with the song. Overmapped issue. doubted it's a hard line to put streams in non streams. the first two seemed off so i tried some more patterns more lively. the last one contains an audible stream in the music so it should cound as legit.
01:33:817 (1,2) - 01:36:464 (4,5,6) - Not as severe as above, but I believe this rhythms could get removed to fit the song better / emphasis the vocals better. I'd say it covers the music well. The point is not whether it "distorted" the music, but does it sound "natrual". In my opinion the pattern did this job well.
01:45:464 ~ 02:05:052 - This section is having a fast sv concept / wide spacing concept as the kiai section. While the vocals are likely to be the one from the chorus, there is a difference in the instrument's intensity. Much weaker, or at least different but I could not see any major difference in your mapping. Structure issue. This section is filled with quick 1/2 piano sound, that's why I was convinced this part should be quick.
01:53:935 (1,2,3) - Can this have more difference in spacing to discern the rhythms better? added a 1/2 to fulfill this
05:10:523 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The music is pretty weaker than the kiais,, it was quite hard to understand why it was having a bigger spacing. the pitch continues to rise. That's why I use increasingly higher spacing
05:21:111 (5) - 05:32:405 (4) - Consider new combo please because at the previous section of 02:38:758 (1) - 02:50:052 (1) - you were using it.

While I do consider the overall quality to be high enough, some usage of them didn't really fit with this song and I have to disagree this map being ranked in the currrent design. If you made a change, just let me know. If you disagree with me, you can just found 3 extra BN who agree with the current beatmap design.
Sorry for the late reply. I have considered about the ideas posed in the post, and I do agree some of them. If you have time I would appreciate more discussion on the design problem. Thanks
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