
3oh!3 - Still Around

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 2:02:03 PM

Artist: 3oh!3
Title: Still Around
BPM: 74
Filesize: 4250kb
Play Time: 03:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. eeeasy (1.01 stars, 160 notes)
  2. Hard (4.03 stars, 321 notes)
  3. Normal (2.72 stars, 249 notes)
Download: 3oh!3 - Still Around
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Echo wrote:

There should not be any sections longer than 5-10 seconds that are blank.
02:09:22 is about 2-4 :P

hi, this is my first beatmap, I hope you like it
it's for rolled's 3OH!3 beatmapping project
ok, I did some stuff with the claps
FINALLY, moved to Pending
idk, added kiai time, tell me if it shouldn't be there, cause, yeah, ???
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WANT (to look at it, but busy.)

Rolled says to keep the "oh" uncapitalized, since we have two other ranked beatmaps with the artist as "3oh!3".
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OH oh
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uhh, nvm
thanks larto
All difficulties:
00:24:43 (x) - You can now inherit double time sections! What are you waiting for, do so! ;D
02:52:31 (x) - Maybe half the BPM from here again?

01:26:87 (7) - Seeing your pattern with the last sliders, add a clap on this slider's beginning.
02:24:84 (2,4) - Move 1 Level 3 grid to the right.
02:26:87 (3) - Move 2 level 3 grids up and 1 Level 3 grids to the right.
02:28:49 (7) - 1 Level 3 grid down and one to the left.
02:32:54 (4) - That slider sounds ugly with where the repeat is.
02:43:89 (1) - 1 Level 3 grid up.

01:49:77 (5) - I don't know, this slider is pretty much completely hidden by 3
01:59:50 (5) - Pretty far away from 4, still not far away enough for a jump.

And maybe this as the background?
Offset: 100 (maybe even higher, jesus h christo your offset was early)

I'm gonna say the majority of the map is fine, but MAN i hate your hitsounds. You put claps everywhere like spamming, and then where you expect the clap at the end of the phrase where there literally SOUNDS like there should be one? NO CLAP! This map makes my ears bleed, that is all.
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Offset: 105


01:55:24 (5) - Wrong spacing.
01:56:45 (7) - Make it 1/4 later.
01:56:86 (8) - Lovely finish hitsound :D I like it very much.
02:00:10 (6) - Make a finish on the beginning of the slider (?)
02:03:34 (6) - Same here (?)
02:09:22 (x) - Make this a break, it's way to long open now.


Put Overall (and mabye Drain Rate also) down by one.

00:09:21 (7) - Put it under slider (4) (?)
01:37:38 (5) - Make the place of the reverse arrow end on (4), it looks better.
01:56:44 (1) - 1/2 earliër.
01:56:64 (2) - 1/4 earliër.
02:42:25 (1) - Mabye a little 2big jump for a [Normal] map (?)

Very nice beatmap, hope it'll get ranked soon!
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02:53:61 (1) - what the hell eees theees eee!!!, should this be new combo, seriously, I don't understand why no BAT said this, you better check in with a BAT and find out if you're supposed to change this

oh, and, fix Gladi's problems, and then, add the Ultimate Storyboard
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00:15:10 (6) - Move this up a Grid level 3 tick.
01:13:88 (6,7,8) - Move farther from 5.
01:55:24 (6) - Move closer to 5.
02:15:51 (6) - Move this right a tick with Grid level 3, to make it the same as 1,2,3.
02:45:30 (3,4,5) - Intentional? If not, move closer to 2.

Nice Ultimate Storyboard! xD
Wizard Of Orz
01:31:32 (1) - move a bit further away from 4
01:54:63 (4) - looks a bit too close to the end of 3 and 5
02:08:01 (2) - too far from 3 and too close to 1

02:03:34 (6) - a bit close to the endpoint of 5
02:08:01 (6) - too far from 7
02:09:42 - there should be a break here :<
02:32:13 (3,1) - align with the reverse of 2
Topic Starter

supergarlic wrote:

02:09:42 - there should be a break here :<

Gladi wrote:

02:09:22 (x) - Make this a break, it's way to long open now.
oh, yeah, well

Echo wrote:

There should not be any sections longer than 5-10 seconds that are blank.
Timing seems ok to me (._.)


00:24:023 - Could add a note here.
00:27:267 (5) - Remove 1 reverse arrow then move 00:29:294 (6) back by 1 white tick (to 00:28:888) and add a reverse extra. Sounds better imo.
00:30:510 - Could add a note here (see 00:24:023).
00:36:996 - Could add a note here (see 00:24:023).
00:43:483 - Could add a note here (see 00:24:023).
01:15:915 - Could add a note here (see 00:24:023).
01:22:402 - Could add a note here (see 00:24:023).
01:35:375 - Could add a note here (see 00:24:023).
02:03:956 - This break is quite useless (only +- 1 sec long).
02:24:023 - Could add a note here (see 00:24:023).
02:36:794 - This break is quite useless (only +- 1 sec long).
03:05:780 - Storyboard picture says 3oh!e??

Quite a lot things which repeat.


00:50:172 - Quite useless break (only +- 1 sec long).
00:52:807 - Add finish sound.
00:54:429 - Add finish sound (see 00:52:807).
00:56:659 - Add clap sound.
01:10:240 - Add clap sound at the slider-end.
01:12:267 - Add clap sound (see 00:56:659).
01:13:888 - Add clap sound (see 00:56:659).
01:14:496 - Quite useless break (only +- 1 sec long).
01:41:456 - Add clap sound (see 00:56:659).
02:03:956 - Quite useless break (only +- 1 sec long).
03:05:780 - Storyboard picture says 3oh!e??

Again quite a lot things which repeat.


Maybe add 1 more break (could use a break from Easy/Normal).
03:05:780 - Storyboard picture says 3oh!e??

Very nice map, starred, can't wait till its ranked :]
You might want to move the timing section from 157,336 to 158,973, just to accomodate the last of the notes in the chorus. Just my suggestion.

00:09:22 (3) - Too near for my liking.

01:37:40 (5) - Issues with (4) covering the end part. Considering that this is a Normal difficulty, this might confuse a lot of players.
02:42:26 (1) - Too far for my liking.

01:03:34 (1) - Ugly slider.
01:16:32 (3) - I have a personal issue with this hitcircle being covered by (1)'s score explosion sprite.

I tried to nazi, but this map's so polished. You get a star.
00:09:22 (3,4) - Feels a bit awkward. My suggestion would be to try mapping this bit to the piano. Specifically, would move 3 forward 1/4 and 4 back 1/4. Just how I would do it though, it's not really 'wrong' as it is now.

00:39:02 (5) - I myself would shorten this to last a total of 8 beats, but that's just me, and you don't have to if you don't want.
01:01:52 (7) - Would suggest lengthening 1/2.
01:09:02 (3,4,5) - Spacing's a bit uneven here.
01:17:94 (1,2,3,4,5) - Likewise.
02:31:72 (2,3,4) - Bit uneven as well.
02:52:40 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Spacing between 2 and 3.

00:21:79 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Feels kinda overmapped right here...
~2:09-2:13 - So long as this is intentional drain time, that's fine.
02:58:88 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Feels kind of funny. Would personally say to delete 8 and move 7 back 1/4.

For the most part, really nice map. Oh, and don't take my nitpicking at the spacing too seriously, though I did point out mostly just the spots where it was really noticeable and seemed kind of odd. This gets a star since it's nice and clean and fun. ;)
hmmm wow this map is "still around" pending
00:09:63 (4) - id make this 1/4 longer
00:27:26 (5) - end with a finish
00:28:88 (6) - ^
00:30:91 (1) - ^
00:32:53 (4) - move the finish on the 3rd hit to the last hit
00:34:15 (5) - maybe finish last two hits, maybe just last hit
00:36:59 (1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,...2) - needs hitsounds somewhere in here
00:55:24 (2) - line this up vertically with 1
01:02:13 (5) - line this up horizontally with 4
01:21:18 (6) - finish the end
01:29:29 (1) - ^
01:37:40 (1) - this would be a fine place to end your map, since its so...boring >> and this is before you get into unintuitive rhythms
02:01:32 (1) - line this up under 5
02:03:34 (2) - line this up above 1
02:35:37 (4) - add a break
03:03:34 (1) - line this up with the previous note

00:09:22 (7) - imperfect stacking
00:09:63 (8) - line this up with 7
00:16:32 (1) - finish
00:26:05 (4,5,6) - add finishes like eeeasy
00:30:91 (1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - add hitsounds, and maybe a note one beat after 10 with a finish
00:57:26 (4) - finish end for consistancy
01:05:37 (1) - partly hidden
01:14:29 (8) - insert break
01:37:40 (5) - imperfect stacking
01:41:45 (1) - partly hidden
01:50:78 (5) - add a break
01:53:41 (3) - line this up with 1 and 2
01:56:86 (3) - finish
01:59:49 (1) - line up under 4
02:03:75 (8) - insert break
02:22:80 (1) - line this up with 3
02:26:45 (2,3) - claps for consistancy
02:28:07 (6,7) - ^
02:42:26 (1) - kinda weird being both off-horizontal and jumping
02:45:51 (4) - hitsound this
02:55:24 (7) - ^

00:02:13 (3) - hitsound the end
00:29:29 (9) - aaaaa dont change hitsounds in the middle of the combo when you have a pattern going like that
00:37:40 (6) - new combo
00:49:56 (5) - move the clap to the start
01:10:24 (6) - line this up with 5
01:17:13 (5) - imperfect stacking
01:24:83 (2,3,4) - hitcircles on top of sliders is ugly
01:32:53 (2) - improper stacking
01:34:96 (6) - ^
01:38:21 (3) - ^
01:53:21 (2,3) - move 3 out from under 2
02:06:59 (4,5,6,7) - hitsound this
02:08:21 (7) - add a break
02:13:07 (1,2,3,4) - clean up your claps into a consistant beat
02:32:13 (3,1) - improper stacking
02:32:53 (1,1) - slider overlap is ugly
02:40:64 (9) - new combo
02:41:86 (12,13) - ugly
02:55:64 (4) - line this up above 3
03:01:52 (7) - start this 1/4 later

generally kinda slow and unstimulating but have a star anyways
Really really good map imo. I enjoyed the spacing especially. Bubbled

Also starred for priority.
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