
Hello to the osu! community

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So, I stumbled upon the game after hearing about it from a friend somewhere else, and it was more than I expected, especially for being free(at least, mostly).

Of course, I got distracted by two other sites, like I usually do, and I didn't do much. I just started playing osu! again, despite the fact that it's been sitting on my desktop for a while now. I've had an account for a few months now, but...this is my first post, so I guess I still count as a new member.

tl;dr I heard about the game, played it, stopped playing it, then started playing it again.

NovemberJoy wrote:

So, I stumbled upon the game after hearing about it from a friend somewhere else, and it was more than I expected, especially for being free(at least, mostly).

Of course, I got distracted by two other sites, like I usually do, and I didn't do much. I just started playing osu! again, despite the fact that it's been sitting on my desktop for a while now. I've had an account for a few months now, but...this is my first post, so I guess I still count as a new member.

tl;dr I heard about the game, played it, stopped playing it, then started playing it again.
Welcome to the forums :)

NovemberJoy wrote:

tl;dr I heard about the game, played it, stopped playing it, then started playing it again.
Cool, cool. Now wait a while and do it a few more times and you will catch up with everyone else here.
Welcome to the forum.
Hi there!
Welcome to the forums/community.
welcome :D
Oooh I have the same history haha. I started to play osu!, and after around 3 weeks I stopped. And then, after some months, I started to play it again and here I am.

Well, welcome to the forums!
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