
Tantrum Desire - Reach VIP

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, 11 August, 2012 at 5:05:41 PM

Artist: Tantrum Desire
Title: Reach VIP
BPM: 175.02
Filesize: 4372kb
Play Time: 02:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard+ (4.72 stars, 291 notes)
  2. Normal* (3.41 stars, 149 notes)
  3. Superman (4.99 stars, 370 notes)
  4. ychao's Hard (4.87 stars, 307 notes)
Download: Tantrum Desire - Reach VIP
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


this shit is fully abandoned.
Mod requested from ychao so I'll do a "mod as I go" which I have no idea when it'll be finished as I'm currently helping ychao with his difficulty on just general placement, how to map a hard difficulty and what not to do with giving him an intro example.

First things first:

  1. The offset was incorrect with the correct offset being located at: 167
  2. Kiai highly advised recommendation; remove all of what you have set at current and replace with with kiai only being located between offsets: 87938 - 108509.
  3. I would highly recommend removing the attached video as the one supplied from a Liquicity Youtube rip is both very distracting and doesn't really fit the song anyhow.
  4. Remove or replace the current custom normal hitclap as it played and sounded awful during the few runs I ran in it.
[ychao's Hard]
WIP with plenty of remapping to be had.
  1. Part one of in-game modding -
Topic Starter
number 1, and 3 i will fix them but on number 4.. do I need to replace the custom into osu default hitsound?
but if I should change into other hit clap.... i really dont have any idea what kind of custom hit clap i should put LOL
Just realised that all the other diff's BPM is set to 175.02; I think standardising it to a round number (i.e. 175) would be preferable, not that it will affect much.

Thanks again to ampzz for the irc mod (and future ones to come :)), working on my GD atm.
Topic Starter

ychao wrote:

Just realised that all the other diff's BPM is set to 175.02; I think standardising it to a round number (i.e. 175) would be preferable, not that it will affect much.

Thanks again to ampzz for the irc mod (and future ones to come :)), working on my GD atm.

i use some software to calculate the BPM. and i have set it like that. at first i try to round the number but its still a bit off the beat tome. :?
but if i change it back.. to fix the note must be hard LOL.

but if there really a suggestion from any other modder i will try to fix it.
thx for the info ychao :D
Topic Starter
[ychao's Hard]
WIP with plenty of remapping to be had.
  1. Part one of in-game modding -
link is dead ._.

Z666ful wrote:

link is dead ._.
Gonna copypasta them here if baka hentai ampzz can't be arsed to keep them on his puush. :P
Part 1 of in-game modding
09:57 ychao: : morning o/
09:57 ampzz: : Sup
09:59 ychao: : Can I ask you about my diff so far before I copy the patterns for my 2nd 'chorus'?
09:59 ampzz: : Sure.
10:00 ychao: :
10:00 ampzz: : LOL hentai.
10:00 ampzz: : Obviously
10:01 ychao: : lol
10:03 ampzz: : go like this for the combo - (1) -
10:03 ampzz: : ...
10:03 ampzz: : 00:55:024 (1) - *
10:03 ampzz: : How you had it didn't match the metronome nor correct beat.
10:03 ychao: : ok
10:05 ampzz: : 01:04:624 (21) - no.
10:05 ampzz: : Just no.
10:05 ampzz: : It ruins the entire flow of the rhythm.
10:05 ychao: : map them out?
10:08 ychao: : wait you're talking about the return slider right? or the hitcircle no. 21?
10:08 ampzz: : Alright, first things first.
10:08 ampzz: : Finish up redoing the combos as described ^
10:09 ampzz: : Then send me the .osu
10:09 ychao: : ok working on them now
10:09 ampzz: : so I know what numbering you have
10:16 ychao: :
10:17 ampzz: : Doing tax atm, give me 5 mins
10:18 ychao: : ok sry to be abother
10:18 ampzz: : Bother?
10:18 ychao: : lol yes
10:18 ampzz: : Nonsense, this is so I can teach more people how to fucking map shit properly.
10:18 ychao: : glad you think that way hehe
10:38 ampzz: : Alright, that was an unnecessary waste of time.
10:38 ampzz: : FDucking idiots.
10:38 ychao: : lol
10:39 ampzz: : Hmmm
10:39 ampzz: : No constant circles made by the combos plz.
10:39 ampzz: : Looks and plays boringly.
10:39 ychao: : which part?
10:40 ampzz: : Go from mid left to top centre, then mid centre to bottom right, then mid right to top centre and finally mid centre to bottom left
10:40 ampzz: : 00:55:024 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
10:40 ampzz: : This
10:40 ychao: : oh
10:41 ampzz: : The more you form it early on the better an idea you'll have for later on.
10:41 ampzz: : IE. If the song has a similar combo formation you can repeat this sort of 'idea'.
10:41 ampzz: : With variations.
10:42 ampzz: : As a note
10:42 ychao: : yeah, hence why I am asking your advice/help ^^
10:42 ampzz: : You can stack these - 00:55:709 (3,4) -
10:42 ychao: : ok great
10:42 ampzz: : Since it's the same sound it works nicely.
10:44 ampzz: : 01:04:624 - Remove this repeat slider and replace with a spinner which ends on 01:05:652
10:45 ampzz: : So...
10:46 ychao: : ok
10:46 ampzz: : 01:15:938 (35,36) - Remove the repeat on (35), drag your (36) back to 01:16:281 and extend it to 01:16:624
10:47 ychao: : got it
10:48 ampzz: : Forgot to tell you
10:48 ampzz: : 01:09:252 (13) - Remove this.
10:48 ychao: : ok
10:48 ampzz: : It's fine to have an audio lull here as it matches.
10:48 ampzz: : 01:20:224 - Remove.
10:50 ampzz: : 01:17:652 (38) - Instead of what you currently have which sounds wrong
10:50 ampzz: : something like -
10:50 ampzz: : Is better.
10:51 ychao: : ah yes ok
10:51 ampzz: : Since it wont be a copy paste of previous
10:51 ychao: : mhmm
10:51 ampzz: : combo-ing like this
10:52 ychao: : ok
10:52 ampzz: : Suggestion for 01:10:624 (16) -
10:53 ampzz: : Change this to a slider lasting for 1 stanza (up until the next red)
10:53 ychao: : ok
10:53 ampzz: : then change the 01:11:138 - to another lengthy slider.
10:54 ychao: : to the white?
10:54 ampzz: : Correction on the 01:19:024 (40) - change this to a full length slider and remove the note on 01:19:538.
10:54 ampzz: : Yes.
10:55 ampzz: : Lengthy slider is my lazy version of saying 1/1
10:55 ampzz: : Well, dumber way.
10:55 ychao: : lol got it
10:55 ampzz: : 01:21:595 (45,46,47,48) - same as previous.
10:56 ampzz: : Remove all 4 and change to two 1/1 sliders.
10:58 ampzz: : Oh, I would advise jsut doing a random placement instead of trying to form anything as I'm going to tell you to liven these sliders and combos up
10:58 ampzz: : quite a bit.
10:58 ychao: : ok
10:58 ampzz: : Moving onto this audio section 01:22:624 (47) -
10:58 ampzz: : You want it to go like -
10:59 ampzz: : Which wraps the reverberating synthesized sound.
10:59 ychao: : mhmm
11:00 ampzz: : 01:24:852 (57) - since this is only a hard I would give this a change to a single circle.
11:00 ampzz: : The 1/1 gap is poerfectly fine as a normalfinish fills the void and sounds beautiful.
11:00 ychao: : ok
11:03 ampzz: : 01:29:309 - Remove beat.
11:04 ychao: : 1:32:052- ?
11:04 ampzz: : No, that makes sense.
11:04 ychao: : ok
11:05 ampzz: : Wait, we can jsut hitsound null the beat there
11:05 ampzz: : so put it back.
11:05 ychao: : ok
11:05 ampzz: : Actualkly, better idea.
11:06 ampzz: : Change it to a 1/1 slider.
11:06 ychao: : ok
11:07 ychao: : done
11:07 ampzz: : 01:32:224 - change this to a 1/2 repeat slider. that goes from red to red.
11:08 ampzz: : 01:33:424 - Remove beat and increase previous slider length to its white tick.
11:08 ampzz: : 01:35:995 - Remove this.
11:09 ampzz: : 01:36:167 - 1/1 slider.
11:09 ampzz: : 01:36:681 - 1/1 slider.
11:09 ampzz: : 01:37:195 - Spinner until 01:38:567
11:10 ychao: : ok
11:10 ampzz: : Then continue on.
11:10 ychao: : ok at least the pattern is decent now
11:10 ampzz: : Sound better?
11:10 ychao: : hell yes
11:11 ampzz: : Just play through it a few times and it matches synth/bass and drum hits.
11:11 ychao: : how about the audio section 02:11:824- ?
11:12 ychao: : I should match the synth, yes?
11:12 ampzz: : Yep.
11:12 ampzz: : Would be some amazing slider fun.
11:13 ychao: : oooh yes
11:13 ampzz: : Also as a pre-lead up to this
11:13 ampzz: : Have your combos end at 02:08:738 with a small break until it.
11:14 ychao: : ok
11:16 ampzz: : But yes, will be hounding for fun combos.
11:20 ampzz: : Also between the two end points I bookmarked
11:20 ampzz: : have a spinner
11:21 ychao: : ok
11:21 ampzz: : Same for 01:48:509 to next bookmark
11:21 ychao: : getting my mapping patterns straight first before perfecting the combos
11:22 ampzz: : Correction, it's on the red tick at 01:48:681
11:22 ampzz: : Which leads you to start mapping from 01:50:224
11:23 ychao: : great
11:23 ychao: : thx so much <3
11:23 ampzz: : Hards you can get away with spinner spam otherwise it's constant 1/2 map everywhere
Part 2
11:01 ychao: : u busy atm?
11:01 ampzz: : Hmm, not particularly.
11:01 ampzz: : Multi-tasking like a boss.
11:02 ychao: : lol
11:02 ychao: : care to check my diff?
11:02 ychao: : or shall i ask later?
11:02 ampzz: : Sure
11:03 ychao: :
11:03 ampzz: : /np that song plz
11:04 *ychao is editing (Tantrum Desire - Reach VIP)[]
11:07 ychao: : feels a little like a normal diff in some parts though XD
11:08 ampzz: : 00:43:024 (3) -
11:08 ampzz: : Remove repeat
11:09 ampzz: : Add slider start 00:43:367 - lasting until 00:43:709 -
11:09 ychao: : can i just silent that repeat?
11:09 ampzz: : Co-ordinates are:
11:09 ampzz: : No
11:09 ampzz: : it sounds shit.
11:09 ychao: : ok
11:09 ampzz: : Start point - x:276 y:136
11:09 ampzz: : Mid point - x:316 y:56
11:10 ampzz: : End point - x:404 y:60
11:10 ampzz: : Have this slider repeat.
11:10 ychao: : ok
11:11 ampzz: : 01:11:824 - Remove circle
11:11 ampzz: : 01:11:138 (17) - Repeat on this slider.
11:12 ychao: : how to check mid point coordinate?
11:12 ampzz: : 18Top right hand corner under the beat snap divisor.
11:12 ychao: : it shows the same values whether i click on the start/mid/end slider
11:13 ampzz: : Eh?
11:13 ampzz: : You just hover over the point
11:13 ampzz: : Can't select point nodes.
11:13 ychao: : ah ok lol
11:14 ychao: : i normally just click on those circles/sliders
11:14 ampzz: : Nope.
11:14 ampzz: : When I state 'point' that means all the slider node points.
11:14 ampzz: : Continuing on.
11:14 ampzz: : 01:12:167 (18) - x:388 y:180
11:15 ampzz: : 01:12:338 (19) - x:336 y:120
11:16 ampzz: : 01:23:138 (49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57) - why did you fuck this section up for?
11:16 ampzz: : It was better how you had it before.
11:16 ampzz: : Much better.
11:16 ampzz: : Now it's all just clustered and yuck.
11:17 ampzz: : I would've told you if it was messy/needed remapping when I went through it last time.
11:17 ychao: : lol ok
11:17 ampzz: : Now I will tell you to remap this entire area.
11:17 ychao: : =.=
11:18 ychao: : let's see if i recall my old mappings ^^
11:18 ampzz: : 01:43:881 (9,10) - No.
11:18 ampzz: : Offbeat sliders should rarely be used.
11:18 ampzz: : If at all.
11:19 ampzz: : Listen to how poorly it sounds at 100%
11:19 ampzz: : Then, remove one of the sliders
11:20 ampzz: : add a circle at the start and end.
11:20 ampzz: : Listen to how it sounds then.
11:20 ychao: : which one should I remove?
11:21 ampzz: : It'll require remapping anyhow as this section should at least try to make a pattern
11:21 ampzz: : Just use it as a placeholder change for now.
11:22 ampzz: : You can even just have it go circle on 01:43:881 - with a repeat slider on the white afterwards.
11:22 ychao: : got it
11:22 ampzz: : 01:47:138 (18,19,20,21,22) -
11:22 ampzz: : Listen to this in 100%
11:22 ampzz: : It sounds poor, right?
11:22 ampzz: : (Yes, I am being very harsh)
11:23 ychao: : harsh is good, i expect nothing less lol
11:23 ampzz: : Remove the circle on 18
11:23 ampzz: : Drag sliders so the start is on the white tick
11:23 ampzz: : Repeat end 21
11:23 ampzz: : Just do these randomly for now.
11:24 ampzz: : I'm marking what needs changing, then you can make it nicer afterwards.
11:24 ychao: : ok
11:24 ampzz: : Changing how I had the sound change
11:25 ampzz: : F6 at the end of kiai
11:25 ampzz: : Change to Normal 60%
11:25 ampzz: : 01:48:681 - Add inherited point here with Soft 75%
11:26 ampzz: : [F6 > Green +]
11:26 ychao: : mhmm
11:26 ampzz: : Meant to grill you on this
11:26 ampzz: : 01:59:824 (30) -
11:26 ampzz: : + something earlier..
11:27 ampzz: : 01:15:938 (31) -
11:27 ampzz: : Lazy as fk mapping.
11:27 ychao: : haha
11:27 ampzz: : Should be 2 circles and a 1/1 slider.
11:28 ampzz: : 1/1 slider means going from white to white.
11:28 ampzz: : Or you can do 2 1/2 sliders.
11:29 ampzz: : Place it randomly as that and have a listen to it.
11:29 ychao: : circle, circle, slider? or slider, circle, circle?
11:29 ychao: : ok
11:30 ampzz: : Either works.Ah right
11:30 ampzz: : ...
11:30 ampzz: : Fuck you osu
11:31 ampzz: : 01:33:081 (76,77) - Stuff like this is messy as heck.
11:31 ampzz: : Overlapsonly work if they're right through the middle of a slider on a hard.
11:31 ychao: : ok
11:31 ychao: : hmm yeah i see it
11:33 ampzz: : 01:37:195 (1) - change position to
11:33 ampzz: : 01:37:538 -
11:33 ampzz: : Shorten it to 01:38:567 -
11:34 ampzz: : 01:37:195 - Add circle.
11:34 ychao: : ok
11:35 ampzz: : 02:05:138 (42,44) - Messy overlaps.
11:35 ampzz: : As the hitburst blocks being able to see 42.
11:35 ychao: : ah yes
11:35 ampzz: : 02:06:510 (45,46,47,48,49,50,51,1,2,3,4,5) - Remap.
11:35 ychao: : ok
11:37 ychao: : just to be sure my old mapping here was better?
11:37 ampzz: : Yes.
11:37 ampzz: : For this set of audio anyhow.
11:37 ychao: : Roger that, thank goodness I still have that old map lol
11:41 ampzz: : Alright, going to be honest with you about your end.
11:41 ychao: : ok
11:41 ampzz: : It's painful.
11:41 ampzz: : Doesn't follow one or the other in both audio segments.
11:41 ychao: : hmm
11:41 ampzz: : If you're after that dominant synth sound.
11:42 ampzz: : I'll SS how it goes.
11:42 ampzz: : Going to be a few parts.
11:42 ampzz: :
11:42 ampzz: :
11:43 ampzz: : Just check timeline up top
11:43 ychao: : ok
11:43 ampzz: :
11:44 ychao: : beat snap divisor 1/2?
11:44 ampzz: : I have it like that to skip along
11:44 ampzz: :
11:45 ampzz: : Easier to skip larger sections or keep consistent 1/2 snap jumps alternating between them.
11:45 ampzz: : So, that's how it should all go
11:45 ychao: : ok amending
11:45 ampzz: : just randomly place stuff for now until you can make it look clean.
11:45 ampzz: : Give up on the horrible straight sliders.
11:45 ychao: : lol
11:45 ampzz: : I loathe styles that just use straight+angled sliders.
11:45 ychao: : curved is better?
11:45 ampzz: : Shows no imagination at all.
11:46 ampzz: : I mix them.
11:46 ychao: : i just cba to perfect them lol
11:46 ampzz: : Make them messy and give it to a slider faggot like myself to make them better.
11:46 ychao: : i get really annnoyed with imperfect curves
11:46 ychao: : kk
11:47 ychao: : gf's gonna beat me up with that last statement
11:47 ampzz: : I would much rather see someone attempt to make an interesting combination of sliders than see the same shit over and over.
11:47 ychao: : okok point taken
11:49 ampzz: : Work on all of this, make the kiai look more interesting since it's supposed to be the 'intense' part of a song and link me again.
11:49 ychao: : ok
11:50 ychao: : ty <3
Edit: SB in the making. Will attempt to hitsound my diff as well. :)
Don't abandon me please.
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