
I challenge you! [EX Edition]

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Riddle me this, riddle me that,

who's afraid of wubbzy

The challenge: knock me out of top 100 for this map: [Musty's Ridiculous]
You will get zero months of supporter(!!) and absolutely no reward whatsoever except for the satisfaction of defeating this map.
You can't cheat by posting replays of Auto that were edited in MS Paint because your success will be tested by the osu scores. My rank shows #90 right now, get this to show less than #99 and you win. (this means at least 10 people have to be able to do this)

Also you don't need to use Hidden but if you want to be cool like Uan and ShadowSoul go ahead and use it.
Post replays/scoreboards in this thread for laffs.
Also I have more than 30% from max possible score on this, so you can't HalfTime. gl hf

wow wow wubbzy, wubbzy wubbzy wow wow
the fun never ends
I'm afraid of wubbzy because he ate my parents

count me out
I gave up. I can't handle wubbzy, he's way too scary.

Aqo wrote:

Also you don't need to use Hidden but if you want to be cool like Uan and ShadowSoul go ahead and use it.
So I am not cool 'cause I got 1x 100? D:
Gotta SS dat shit. :>
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Tom you're cool too <3 sorry for mentioning only the SSers lol

and omg MillhioreF, I forgot about the possibility of Easy. This is actually cool as hell and your replays blew my mind. Very very awesome play! How can you read this

Rank moved down to #91, only 9 more brave challengers to go~ if Tom posts an HD SS replay I'll reduce the requirement from under #99 to under #98 so that his (new) play would count as a challenge defeater as well.
I dunno if this is the right place but... AAAAAEEERGH

After a hour of playing this map.
how can i participate if i'm already rank 67

edit: oh nvm i just played for the lulz and got #45 now ok. yea, so idk.
not as good as nomod~ i'm good at osu! but only with big circles >< so i use easy!
Not too good score but I did the job

i go for SS
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Down to #94, grats ktgster, darkmiz and especially ReVeNg3r for FC score :) Good luck on SS that would be cool, the sliders here love to break
I'll count in Tom's HR play because that's hard as hell and just wow. why you not post F2 replay :<
I guess I'll count winber1's play too for improving his score and getting S, altho my intention was getting new people who still didn't clear this to get it, but improving old plays is nice too.
Please post replays though guys

So right now only 4 more people need to be brave enough to step up to this challenge
I'm sitting at #82 right now. I don't know how to check (or if it's even possible) for scores below #50, so I'll just assume you were knocked down. Interesting song...

Aqo wrote:

I'll count in Tom's HR play because that's hard as hell and just wow. why you not post F2 replay :<
There you go. Didn't think someone would be interested in it. :p
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jamu: it's in. sitting on #95 right now.

Just 3 more challengers~! would be nice if more tried tho, to actually get it to #100 or lower
~~~ Challenge completed.

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Holy shit
Just checked the replay.. yeah this is just about as crazy as it gets Tom you're the proest
All of your top rank plays are mindblowing

rank on this dropped down to #101. that play was so powerful that it pushed down several hits; challenge got crushed
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