video of the eyecandy skin because I can not be arsed to take screenshots
Both of these have been requested loads of times, so here they are. Originally a collab of me and a friend of mine, but as he literally didn't do shit else then just give it screenies and post it under his name, and also quit, I'll take it over and update it.
The eyecandy skin is pretty much just a skin that gets rid of nearly all the competative and score related elements, just to play with some fancy glowy eyecandy and enjoy what the game actually is meant to be. I wouldn't suggest the skin if you're into playing like c00k13z1 or whoever.
The boatskin (imaginative name eh) is pretty much the same skin but with all necessary elements made simple and stylish myriad pro everywhere
Both of these can be dowloaded from here:
Alternatively and separately from:
eyecandy skin
I'll upload "osu!skin" files of each once I can be arsed to change the right out horrible score screen or whatever the heck its called. Enjoy and whatnot.
Q. When will you fix the score screen?
A. When I can be arsed to.
Q. I can't see the reverse arrow herp derp why u no change?
A. Because fuck you, check both skin folders. There is massive and ugly red one for you retards who can't look at approach circles.