
Ayako Yoshitani - Koi no Orchestra (TV Size)

Total Posts
Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 1 września 2012 at 17:27:52

Artist: Ayako Yoshitani
Title: Koi no Orchestra (TV Size)
Source: Nazo no Kanojo X
Tags: op opening my mysterious girlfriend urabe mikoto
BPM: 136
Filesize: 9941kb
Play Time: 01:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy+ (2,09 stars, 72 notes)
  2. Hard (4,52 stars, 146 notes)
  3. Normal+ (3,96 stars, 117 notes)
  4. Yuuki Orchestra (4,97 stars, 209 notes)
Download: Ayako Yoshitani - Koi no Orchestra (TV Size)
Download: Ayako Yoshitani - Koi no Orchestra (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

My 1st beatmap.

Final Version - now i will apply a the amendment indicated by the users. If someone can mod, I was very glad and grateful.

Yuuki Katsuki - Yuuki Orchestra diff
Aunxfb mod
JudgeTheDude mod
Mikarunoel131 mod

Easy - improved
Normal - improved
Hard - improved
Insane (Yuuki Orchestra) - create by Yuuki Katsuki
Easy - (100%) - to reviews for players
Normal - (100%) - to reviews for players
Hard - (100%) - to reviews for players
Yuuki Orchestra - (100%) - to reviews for players
Skin - Done.
Very thanks for Yuuki Katsuki for creating Yuuki Orchestra map.
This is my first map, all opinions and suggestions are welcome.
Can i make a diff to this map ??
Please :3 ?

Guest Diff
Topic Starter
My Diff is done ^^
i sended it to you in a PM ~

hi, pyransc :oops:

  1. not same BPM and Offset
    you should set same BPM and Offset to all diff

    Uninherited timing sections must be the same in every difficulty of the mapset.
    That is, each section must have the same BPM and offset in each difficulty.
    Furthermore, there must not be extra or missing uninherited sections in any difficulty.
    A song's timing doesn't change between difficulties, so there's no sense in having different uninherited sections per difficulty.
    Ranking Criteria
  2. uncorrect Offset
    you should find correct one and re-snap all notes / timing points
if you fixed all, we can modding to your map :(

good luck :oops:
Topic Starter
OK I uniformity BMP and offset in each difficulty.
From:Fishball's NEWBIE modding queue

Sorry I took so long, there are plenty to fix @.@

-KIAI is different in all difficulties(And Hard has None O.o)Suggestion:make all map KIAI same as Yuuki Orchestra Diff
-not sure why you increased the slider tick in Hard and Yuuki Orchestra Diff
-please use distance snap to snap your notes
-It seems like you like to stick with white ticks, but you can also use red/blue ticks,as long as it fits the music

00:09:761 (1) - add finish
00:11:526 (3) - snap to 00:11:085
00:12:408 (4) - move slider to 00:11:526
00:12:850 - start one slider here, ends at
00:13:291 - add finish 00:13:291 ,add finish to second circle
00:17:261 (2) - snap to 00:16:820 ,add finish
00:17:482 - add slider here, ends here: 00:17:923
00:20:350 (1) - change this into one longer slider
00:23:438 (6) - Add NC(new combo), end slider at 00:24:100
00:24:761 (7) - snap to 00:24:541
00:25:203 (8) - delete circle
00:24:982 - add a spinner here, end spinner at 00:26:085
00:26:526 (1) - delete circle(or keep it if you wanted,a little hard for beginners imo(it comes right after the spinner)
00:27:629 - entend slider so the second circle is at 00:27:519
00:28:291 (3) - remove circle
00:28:732 (4) -snap to 00:28:511,ends slider at 00:29:173,add clap to second circle
00:29:614 (3) - add whistle
00:30:497 (5) - Add NC
00:30:497 (1) - add clap on second circle
00:31:820 (2) - add clap
00:33:144 (5) - add whistle
00:34:026 (1) - remove reverse(shorten slider on timeline)
00:35:129 - add circle
00:35:791 (2) - remove circle
00:35:570 - start a slider here,ends it here 00:36:673,add clap on second circle
00:37:556 (1) - stop slider here: 00:38:217
00:38:879 (2) - remove circle
00:38:658 - starts a short slider here with two reverse(eg:, ends it at 00:39:100
00:39:320 (3) - remove slider
00:39:761 - add a slider with one reverse,
00:44:614 (5) - remove slider
00:44:394 - start a short slider here with one reverse, it ends at 00:44:835
00:48:144 (1) ,00:49:908 (1) - add clap at second circle
00:50:791 (1) - add finish
00:54:541 (1) - end slider at 00:54:982,add finish at second circle
00:54:982 - KIAI starts here?(or follow Yuuki Orchestra's)
00:55:644 (2) - snap slider to 00:55:864(Maintain length)
00:57:850 (3) - delete circle
00:58:291 (4) - snap to 00:58:070
00:59:394 (1) - shorten slider so second circle be at 01:00:056, whole slidr ends at 01:00:717
01:01:379 (2) - delete circle
01:01:158 - start a slider here, ends slider at 01:02:261,add finish on second circle
01:02:703 (3) - remove reverse, stop slider at 01:03:364 ,NC
01:03:806 - add a short slider with 3 reverse here, whole slider ends at 01:04:688(consider splitting this)
01:04:908 (5) - remove circle
01:05:350 (6) - snap to 01:05:129
01:07:997 (1) - reduce this on timeline to 1 reverse
01:08:658 - add a slider here,end it 01:09:100
01:09:761 (3) - move slider to 01:09:982
01:13:291 (1) - move slider to 01:13:511 , ends slider at 01:14:173
01:14:173 (2) - move slider to 01:14:394, redue it one timeline to 1 reverse
01:15:938 (3) - remove circle
01:16:379 (1) - ebds slider at 01:17:482
01:17:703 (1) - start slider at 01:17:923, ends it at 01:18:585, and then add a reverse(so the whole thing ends at 01:19:247)
01:19:908 (1) - shorten slider so it ends at 01:20:570
01:21:232 (1) - start this slider at 01:21:011, end it at 01:21:673
01:22:445 (1) - start this at 01:22:114 , end at 01:25:644

00:09:761 (1) - add finish
00:10:423 - add circle
00:10:864 - add circle
^(Or turn the 2,3,4,5 into 2 short sliders,after adding the circles)
00:10:203 (2) - remove circle
00:11:967 (?) - delete circle
00:11:747 - add slider here, end it at 00:12:188
00:12:408 (8) - snap to 00:12:629,NC
00:12:850 (7) - extend it on timeline so it has one reverse,add finish on second circle
00:13:953 (3) - start at 00:14:173 , end at 00:14:614(with one reverse)
00:15:056 (4) - snap to 00:14:835
00:15:276 (5) - snap to 00:15:056
00:16:820 (2) - add finish to first circle
00:18:585 (4) - end slider at 00:18:806
00:19:026 - add circle
00:19:467 (6) - snap to 00:19:247
00:19:688 - add circle,NC
00:21:232 (1) - start at 00:21:453,reduce to 1 reverse
00:24:320 (5) - snap to 00:24:100
00:24:761 (6) - start at 00:24:541,remove reverse,so it ends at 00:24:982
00:25:203 - add a slider here,end the slider at 00:26:085
00:28:070 - add circle
00:28:291 (2) - remove circle
00:29:173 (6) - remove circle
00:29:173 - add a slider here, end it at 00:29:614,add clap to first circle
00:30:938 (3) - add clap
00:31:820 (5) - add clap
00:33:585 (2) - add clap
00:35:129 (6) - remove slider, add circle
00:35:570 - start a spinner here,end it at 00:36:673,add clap
00:37:114 (1) - move slider to 00:37:556
00:37:997 (2) - move slider to 00:38:217
00:39:320 (4) - delete slider
00:39:100 - start a slider here, end it at 00:39:761
00:40:203 - add circle
00:51:453 (1) - spinner ends at 00:53:879, add finish
00:54:982 (3) - add whistle
00:55:203 (4) - remove circle
00:55:644 (4) - move slider to 00:55:864
01:01:379 (3) - add one reverse(extend on timeline), add finish to last circle
01:03:585 (5) - slider start at 01:03:806
01:04:688 (6) - remove circle
01:05:791 - start a spinner here,end it at 01:08:438
01:08:438 (1) - remove slider
01:09:100 (2) - add finish
01:09:761 (3) - slider start at 01:09:982, maintain length
01:12:408 (5) - snap to 01:12:188
01:15:276 (7) - add finish?
01:17:261 (2) - move slider to 01:17:041
01:18:144 (1) - move slider to 01:17:923
01:19:026 (2) - move slider to 01:18:585,add one reverse
01:21:673 (1) - spinner end at 01:25:644, add finish

Change Slider tick rate back to 2?Btw,ADD KIAI
00:09:761 (2) - add finish
00:10:203 (3) - remove circle
00:10:423 (4) - remove reverse(shorten it on timeline)
00:11:085 - copy+paste the last slider here
00:11:967 (5) - snap circle to 00:11:747
00:12:188 - add circle
00:12:408 (7) - snap circle to 00:12:629
00:13:842 (6) - remove circle
00:16:820 (5) - add finish
00:22:997 (4) - NC
00:27:629 (2) - end slider at 00:28:070
00:28:732 (3) - snap circle at 00:28:511
00:29:173 - add circle
00:29:394 - add circle
00:29:614 - add circle
00:35:350 (5,6) - remove circles
00:34:688 (4) - increase slider lenght so the second circle is at 00:35:129(the whole thing stops at 00:35:570)
00:39:982 (4) - remove circle
00:40:203 (4) - NC
00:51:232 (1) - snap at 00:51:453
00:55:644 (3) - add finish
00:58:291 (7) - move slider to 00:58:511
01:02:041 - add circle
01:02:261 - add circle with finish
01:02:703 (1) - reduce one reverse
01:03:806 (1) - reduce to 3 circle,second circle at 01:04:247(whole thing ends at 01:04:688)
01:08:658 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I know this is pretty but I'm afraid this has to go, it doesn't follow distance snapping at all :o
01:09:761 (5) - add finish
01:12:188 (10) - NC
01:13:291 (1) - remove circle
01:14:614 (7) - remove circle
01:15:056 (8) - move slider to 01:15:276
01:16:379 (1) - slider ends here 01:17:041
01:17:703 (1) - move slider to 01:17:482
01:18:585 - add circle
01:19:467 - add circle
01:22:114 (1) - add finish

[Yuuki Orchestra]
Nothing I can spot.

Conclusion:It still need some work,go get more mods xD

Hope this helps, Good Luck :)
Topic Starter

Aunxfb wrote:

From:Fishball's NEWBIE modding queue

Sorry I took so long, there are plenty to fix @.@

-KIAI is different in all difficulties(And Hard has None O.o)Suggestion:make all map KIAI same as Yuuki Orchestra Diff
-not sure why you increased the slider tick in Hard and Yuuki Orchestra Diff
-please use distance snap to snap your notes
-It seems like you like to stick with white ticks, but you can also use red/blue ticks,as long as it fits the music

00:09:761 (1) - add finish
00:11:526 (3) - snap to 00:11:085
00:12:408 (4) - move slider to 00:11:526
00:12:850 - start one slider here, ends at
00:13:291 - add finish 00:13:291 ,add finish to second circle
00:17:261 (2) - snap to 00:16:820 ,add finish
00:17:482 - add slider here, ends here: 00:17:923
00:20:350 (1) - change this into one longer slider
00:23:438 (6) - Add NC(new combo), end slider at 00:24:100
00:24:761 (7) - snap to 00:24:541
00:25:203 (8) - delete circle
00:24:982 - add a spinner here, end spinner at 00:26:085
00:26:526 (1) - delete circle(or keep it if you wanted,a little hard for beginners imo(it comes right after the spinner)
00:27:629 - entend slider so the second circle is at 00:27:519
00:28:291 (3) - remove circle
00:28:732 (4) -snap to 00:28:511,ends slider at 00:29:173,add clap to second circle
00:29:614 (3) - add whistle
00:30:497 (5) - Add NC
00:30:497 (1) - add clap on second circle
00:31:820 (2) - add clap
00:33:144 (5) - add whistle
00:34:026 (1) - remove reverse(shorten slider on timeline)
00:35:129 - add circle
00:35:791 (2) - remove circle
00:35:570 - start a slider here,ends it here 00:36:673,add clap on second circle
00:37:556 (1) - stop slider here: 00:38:217
00:38:879 (2) - remove circle
00:38:658 - starts a short slider here with two reverse(eg:, ends it at 00:39:100
00:39:320 (3) - remove slider
00:39:761 - add a slider with one reverse,
00:44:614 (5) - remove slider
00:44:394 - start a short slider here with one reverse, it ends at 00:44:835
00:48:144 (1) ,00:49:908 (1) - add clap at second circle
00:50:791 (1) - add finish
00:54:541 (1) - end slider at 00:54:982,add finish at second circle
00:54:982 - KIAI starts here?(or follow Yuuki Orchestra's)
00:55:644 (2) - snap slider to 00:55:864(Maintain length)
00:57:850 (3) - delete circle
00:58:291 (4) - snap to 00:58:070
00:59:394 (1) - shorten slider so second circle be at 01:00:056, whole slidr ends at 01:00:717
01:01:379 (2) - delete circle
01:01:158 - start a slider here, ends slider at 01:02:261,add finish on second circle
01:02:703 (3) - remove reverse, stop slider at 01:03:364 ,NC
01:03:806 - add a short slider with 3 reverse here, whole slider ends at 01:04:688(consider splitting this)
01:04:908 (5) - remove circle
01:05:350 (6) - snap to 01:05:129
01:07:997 (1) - reduce this on timeline to 1 reverse
01:08:658 - add a slider here,end it 01:09:100
01:09:761 (3) - move slider to 01:09:982
01:13:291 (1) - move slider to 01:13:511 , ends slider at 01:14:173
01:14:173 (2) - move slider to 01:14:394, redue it one timeline to 1 reverse
01:15:938 (3) - remove circle
01:16:379 (1) - ebds slider at 01:17:482
01:17:703 (1) - start slider at 01:17:923, ends it at 01:18:585, and then add a reverse(so the whole thing ends at 01:19:247)
01:19:908 (1) - shorten slider so it ends at 01:20:570
01:21:232 (1) - start this slider at 01:21:011, end it at 01:21:673
01:22:445 (1) - start this at 01:22:114 , end at 01:25:644

00:09:761 (1) - add finish
00:10:423 - add circle
00:10:864 - add circle
^(Or turn the 2,3,4,5 into 2 short sliders,after adding the circles)
00:10:203 (2) - remove circle
00:11:967 (?) - delete circle
00:11:747 - add slider here, end it at 00:12:188
00:12:408 (8) - snap to 00:12:629,NC
00:12:850 (7) - extend it on timeline so it has one reverse,add finish on second circle
00:13:953 (3) - start at 00:14:173 , end at 00:14:614(with one reverse)
00:15:056 (4) - snap to 00:14:835
00:15:276 (5) - snap to 00:15:056
00:16:820 (2) - add finish to first circle
00:18:585 (4) - end slider at 00:18:806
00:19:026 - add circle
00:19:467 (6) - snap to 00:19:247
00:19:688 - add circle,NC
00:21:232 (1) - start at 00:21:453,reduce to 1 reverse
00:24:320 (5) - snap to 00:24:100
00:24:761 (6) - start at 00:24:541,remove reverse,so it ends at 00:24:982
00:25:203 - add a slider here,end the slider at 00:26:085
00:28:070 - add circle
00:28:291 (2) - remove circle
00:29:173 (6) - remove circle
00:29:173 - add a slider here, end it at 00:29:614,add clap to first circle
00:30:938 (3) - add clap
00:31:820 (5) - add clap
00:33:585 (2) - add clap
00:35:129 (6) - remove slider, add circle
00:35:570 - start a spinner here,end it at 00:36:673,add clap
00:37:114 (1) - move slider to 00:37:556
00:37:997 (2) - move slider to 00:38:217
00:39:320 (4) - delete slider
00:39:100 - start a slider here, end it at 00:39:761
00:40:203 - add circle
00:51:453 (1) - spinner ends at 00:53:879, add finish
00:54:982 (3) - add whistle
00:55:203 (4) - remove circle
00:55:644 (4) - move slider to 00:55:864
01:01:379 (3) - add one reverse(extend on timeline), add finish to last circle
01:03:585 (5) - slider start at 01:03:806
01:04:688 (6) - remove circle
01:05:791 - start a spinner here,end it at 01:08:438
01:08:438 (1) - remove slider
01:09:100 (2) - add finish
01:09:761 (3) - slider start at 01:09:982, maintain length
01:12:408 (5) - snap to 01:12:188
01:15:276 (7) - add finish?
01:17:261 (2) - move slider to 01:17:041
01:18:144 (1) - move slider to 01:17:923
01:19:026 (2) - move slider to 01:18:585,add one reverse
01:21:673 (1) - spinner end at 01:25:644, add finish

Change Slider tick rate back to 2?Btw,ADD KIAI
00:09:761 (2) - add finish
00:10:203 (3) - remove circle
00:10:423 (4) - remove reverse(shorten it on timeline)
00:11:085 - copy+paste the last slider here
00:11:967 (5) - snap circle to 00:11:747
00:12:188 - add circle
00:12:408 (7) - snap circle to 00:12:629
00:13:842 (6) - remove circle
00:16:820 (5) - add finish
00:22:997 (4) - NC
00:27:629 (2) - end slider at 00:28:070
00:28:732 (3) - snap circle at 00:28:511
00:29:173 - add circle
00:29:394 - add circle
00:29:614 - add circle
00:35:350 (5,6) - remove circles
00:34:688 (4) - increase slider lenght so the second circle is at 00:35:129(the whole thing stops at 00:35:570)
00:39:982 (4) - remove circle
00:40:203 (4) - NC
00:51:232 (1) - snap at 00:51:453
00:55:644 (3) - add finish
00:58:291 (7) - move slider to 00:58:511
01:02:041 - add circle
01:02:261 - add circle with finish
01:02:703 (1) - reduce one reverse
01:03:806 (1) - reduce to 3 circle,second circle at 01:04:247(whole thing ends at 01:04:688)
01:08:658 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I know this is pretty but I'm afraid this has to go, it doesn't follow distance snapping at all :o
01:09:761 (5) - add finish
01:12:188 (10) - NC
01:13:291 (1) - remove circle
01:14:614 (7) - remove circle
01:15:056 (8) - move slider to 01:15:276
01:16:379 (1) - slider ends here 01:17:041
01:17:703 (1) - move slider to 01:17:482
01:18:585 - add circle
01:19:467 - add circle
01:22:114 (1) - add finish

[Yuuki Orchestra]
Nothing I can spot.

Conclusion:It still need some work,go get more mods xD

Hope this helps, Good Luck :)

95% of these changes accepted and affixed.
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi, from my modding queue

01:15:276 - I think the Kiai Time should end here

Good luck for ranking ^^
Topic Starter

JudgeTheDude wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue

01:15:276 - I think the Kiai Time should end here

Good luck for ranking ^^
01:15:276 - This time in my opinion does not fit into the hard version, now I end Kiai Time on 01:16:269

Very thanks for your mod.
Here I am from ym modding queue ^^
I really wanne help you because can see that you like the song and do your best for this beatmap =)
Please follow my suggestions and try them befor you say you don`t wanne change some ^^


Delet the .osb file in your folder ^^
The kiai times are out of beat (maybe becasue your timeing chaned befor ) delet them ^^ Make them in every beatmap new.
I would set them like this : start it at 00:54:541 and let it end at 01:25:644 with audio 60 % =)
The hitsounds sometimes don´t fit the song . A good thing would be a rythem like this : Put a whistle at the white line bewteen to other white lines and at the long white lines when there is no finish already ^^ It makes a really good rythem for the song here =) the hitsounds sometimes seem way to loud for that quiet sweet song. May make audio to 50 % and by kiai to 60 %

When you did this all full submit =)


00:10:644 new combo
00:12:850 new combo ?
00:17:482 new combo
00:19:908 add finish there =) ?
00:32:703 add clap here to make it like befor ? or don`t use clap just make the claps to whistle ?
00:36:673 a clap sounds bad there , please delet it ^^ a whiste would fit the song percetly there =D
00:44:394 new combo
00:48:144 don`t use clap there , it just doesn`t fit the song, whistle sound way better
00:55:864 new combo
01:08:217 whistle there instead of the clap soun way better and fit the song ^^
01:22:114 let the spinner end here and let the next spinner start at 01:22:997 and end at 01:25.644 and ass afinish at the end

That is it for this Easy ^^


Overall Dificulty -2 ?

00:10:423 new combo there fits teh song =)
00:11:526 put combo 4 2 grid to the right x3
00:17:482 new combo like befor ^^
00:19:026 delet circle to follow the music ?
00:23:438 new combo
00:34:688 new combo and put combo 8 in line with 6^^
00:40:203 new combo and make it like this to avoid overlap with sldier 4 ^^
00:55:644 new combo use finish there ^^ At the combo befor would a whistle fit more tha a finish ^^
01:09:761 use finish here ^^ may make whistle at the one befor to follow the rythem from befor ?
01:15:276 put whistle there =)
01:14:394 combo 3, 4 , 5 Make them like this ^^ ?
01:16:379 jumps are not allowed in an normal Oo Make them like this
01:17:923 now make these and it will look great and is nice to play ^^ when you did these 2 it looks like this =D
Don`t forget to put a new combo at 01:19:688 afterwards and put it like spacing is ^^
01:21:673 add circle there ^^
the last spinner should start at 01:22:114 and end at 01:55:644 also add a finish in the spinner =D Then it fits at the end perect ^^

That is it for Normal =)


00:09:761 add finish instead of clap to follow the rythem
00:18:608 new combo
00:23:658 new combo
00:32:041 new combo
00:37:556 use whistle instead of all the claps there , they sound much better
00:55:644 new combo
01:02:261 delet circle to follow the music
01:11:306 new combo ? The combo 9 10 and 11 aren`t exactly where they should be. Put them exactly there were combo 1 2 and 3 were befor ^^
01:13:511 new combo
01:25:644 spinner end here ^^

That is it for Hard =)

Yuuki Orchestra

Don`t use slider tickrate three it sounds bad and doesn`t fit teh song . Use slider tickrate 2
There are many overlaps wich do not look so fine. Try to avoid overlaps between the combo

00:11:526 new combo
00:15:276 the spinner there is way to long and that doesn`t fit the song or the rythem and seems to be set to avoid work...
If you want a spinner there make it not longer than this . It sounds good when it starts at 00:15:717 and end with an added finish at 00:16:620 Please add mo notes afterwards.
00:36:232 you forgot to add the claps in rythem like befor ^^ please add them
00:37:776 new combo
01:02:041 new combo
01:07:335 new combo
01:08:659 delet new combo
01:09:761 add new combo
01:10:864 delet new combo

This it it =D

I wish you good luck with the song x3 :)
Topic Starter

Mikarunoel131 wrote:

Here I am from ym modding queue ^^
I really wanne help you because can see that you like the song and do your best for this beatmap =)
Please follow my suggestions and try them befor you say you don`t wanne change some ^^


Delet the .osb file in your folder ^^ - done
The kiai times are out of beat (maybe becasue your timeing chaned befor ) delet them ^^ Make them in every beatmap new.
I would set them like this : start it at 00:54:541 and let it end at 01:25:644 with audio 60 % =) - done
The hitsounds sometimes don´t fit the song . A good thing would be a rythem like this : Put a whistle at the white line bewteen to other white lines and at the long white lines when there is no finish already - done, but I do not know if I understood you well^^ It makes a really good rythem for the song here =) the hitsounds sometimes seem way to loud for that quiet sweet song. May make audio to 50 % and by kiai to 60 % - done

When you did this all full submit =)


00:10:644 new combo - done
00:12:850 new combo ? ^
00:17:482 new combo ^
00:19:908 add finish there =) ? ^
00:32:703 add clap here to make it like befor ? or don`t use clap just make the claps to whistle ? ^ I add clap
00:36:673 a clap sounds bad there , please delet it ^^ a whiste would fit the song percetly there =D - done
00:44:394 new combo - done
00:48:144 don`t use clap there , it just doesn`t fit the song, whistle sound way better - done
00:55:864 new combo- done
01:08:217 whistle there instead of the clap soun way better and fit the song ^^- done
01:22:114 let the spinner end here and let the next spinner start at 01:22:997 and end at 01:25.644 and ass afinish at the end - done

That is it for this Easy ^^


Overall Dificulty -2 ? - done

00:10:423 new combo there fits teh song =) - done
00:11:526 put combo 4 2 grid to the right x3 - done
00:17:482 new combo like befor ^^ - done
00:19:026 delet circle to follow the music ? - done
00:23:438 new combo - done
00:34:688 new combo and put combo 8 in line with 6^^ - done
00:40:203 new combo and make it like this to avoid overlap with sldier 4 ^^ - done
00:55:644 new combo use finish there ^^ At the combo befor would a whistle fit more tha a finish ^^ - done
01:09:761 use finish here ^^ may make whistle at the one befor to follow the rythem from befor ? - done
01:15:276 put whistle there =) - done
01:14:394 combo 3, 4 , 5 Make them like this ^^ ? - done
01:16:379 jumps are not allowed in an normal Oo Make them like this - done
01:17:923 now make these and it will look great and is nice to play ^^ when you did these 2 it looks like this =D - done
Don`t forget to put a new combo at 01:19:688 afterwards and put it like spacing is ^^ - done
01:21:673 add circle there ^^ - done
the last spinner should start at 01:22:114 and end at 01:55:644 also add a finish in the spinner =D Then it fits at the end perect ^^ - done, I end spinner at 01:25.644,

That is it for Normal =)


00:09:761 add finish instead of clap to follow the rythem - done
00:18:608 new combo - done
00:23:658 new combo - done
00:32:041 new combo - done
00:37:556 use whistle instead of all the claps there , they sound much better - done
00:55:644 new combo - done
01:02:261 delet circle to follow the music - done
01:11:306 new combo ? The combo 9 10 and 11 aren`t exactly where they should be. Put them exactly there were combo 1 2 and 3 were befor ^^ - done
01:13:511 new combo - done
01:25:644 spinner end here ^^ - done

That is it for Hard =)

Yuuki Orchestra

I write to Yuuki Katsuki. He will refer to this mod.

Don`t use slider tickrate three it sounds bad and doesn`t fit teh song . Use slider tickrate 2
There are many overlaps wich do not look so fine. Try to avoid overlaps between the combo

00:11:526 new combo
00:15:276 the spinner there is way to long and that doesn`t fit the song or the rythem and seems to be set to avoid work...
If you want a spinner there make it not longer than this . It sounds good when it starts at 00:15:717 and end with an added finish at 00:16:620 Please add mo notes afterwards.
00:36:232 you forgot to add the claps in rythem like befor ^^ please add them
00:37:776 new combo
01:02:041 new combo
01:07:335 new combo
01:08:659 delet new combo
01:09:761 add new combo
01:10:864 delet new combo

This it it =D

I wish you good luck with the song x3 :)
Very thanks for your help. I had a problem with hitsound in this map :) Your remarks helped me a lot.
Thank you x3 You are a nice beatmapper x3 Have fun ^^
duruduru ~ (?)

my diff is moded and i added new things and remaped the intro ^^

i sended the diff to pyransc in a pm... so... i hope it's all ok and the map get ranked owo !!
It's mod4mod

●Video in FLV?Hm...i think video must me in format AVI.
●No preview point is set, please set the preview pt.
●Off Letterbox during breaks in Setup - > Srotyboarding

00:47:041 (4) - maybe delete this note and add slider
00:48:144 (1,1,1) - nc spam? i do not think you need. you just do nc here 00:48:144 (1) - and remove here 00:49:026 (1,1) -
00:48:144 (1) - remove clap, add finish on slider start 00:49:908 (1) - remove clap on slider star. 00:50:791 (1) - remove finish on spinner end. so. sounds so much better.
00:58:511 (3) - make it a double slider
01:03:806 (2,3) - hard for easy.
01:12:408 (5) - add clap. it's so perfect balance with the 01:08:879 (2) -
01:19:908 (1) - maybe end here 01:22:556 -

00:10:864 (3,4,5) - trouble with distance. fix it
00:16:820 (2,1) - too close for such a distance in the music.
00:21:453 (1,2,3) - trouble with distance. fix it
00:25:203 (4) - ugly slider
00:30:276 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - is currently har for the normal. players will be in trouble.
i think that here 00:35:129 - should be add spinner and end here 00:36:894 -
00:48:144 (1,1,1,1) - nc spam again...o.o'
01:04:688 (4,5) - distance trouble
01:21:673 (4) - delete note. add note here 01:21:453 -

00:10:644 (4) - x:248 y:168
00:11:747 (5) - x:220 :232
00:25:203 - add spinner here. end 00:26:526 -
01:22:114 (1) - start spinner here 01:21:894 - and end here 01:21:894 (1) -

Yuuki Orchestra
00:24:982 (1) - start here 00:24:761 - end here 00:24:761 (1) -
00:42:630 (2,4,5) - whistle
00:44:835 (2) - clap. and this 00:45:717 (5) -

this is all ^______________^
good luck ^_^
From the queue! :D
My modding is not good sorry :(

@Nagisawa: Video in FLV?Hm...i think video must me in format AVI. [FLV is fine, AVI usually has bigger memory also, so FLV will reduce the size of the file]

TAGS - no need to write Nazo no Kanojo X because it's in the source :)
Also no need to write Koi no Orchestra because it's the title.
Also. no need to write Ayako Yoshitani because it's the artist :)

BG Image - The maximum dimension of the background image allowed is 1024x768. Your BGImage has 1365x767
For comboburst 1.. "This game is for all ages." < you can ignore this.

Check AIMod (Ctrl + Shift + A) to avoid the spacing infringements that you make :)
00:38:658 (2) - Too much repeat arrows. Too hard for easy diff players to play.
00:44:394 (1,2,3) - nazi. Make slider 3 similar to slider 1 and 2? You can copy-paste it.
01:03:806 (2) - Too much repeat arrows. Too hard for easy diff players to play.

Consistent spacing with using distance snap, all time please.
And also check AIMod.
00:31:820 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5) - Too hard for normal players. Reduce it so that it would be much simpler

Oh god.. CS-1. Too small imo.
Sorry I could not test-play this.

[Yuuki Orchestra]
Can't mod insane..

Good luck with mapping :D
Topic Starter

Nagisawa wrote:

It's mod4mod

●Video in FLV?Hm...i think video must me in format AVI.
●No preview point is set, please set the preview pt. done
●Off Letterbox during breaks in Setup - > Srotyboarding done

00:47:041 (4) - maybe delete this note and add slider done
00:48:144 (1,1,1) - nc spam? i do not think you need. you just do nc here 00:48:144 (1) - and remove here 00:49:026 (1,1) - done
00:48:144 (1) - remove clap, add finish on slider start 00:49:908 (1) - remove clap on slider star. 00:50:791 (1) - remove finish on spinner end. so. sounds so much better. done
00:58:511 (3) - make it a double slider done
01:03:806 (2,3) - hard for easy. I don't think so, this is not to hard
01:12:408 (5) - add clap. it's so perfect balance with the 01:08:879 (2) - done
01:19:908 (1) - maybe end here 01:22:556 - done

00:10:864 (3,4,5) - trouble with distance. fix it done
00:16:820 (2,1) - too close for such a distance in the music. done
00:21:453 (1,2,3) - trouble with distance. fix it done
00:25:203 (4) - ugly slider done
00:30:276 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - is currently har for the normal. players will be in trouble.
i think that here 00:35:129 - should be add spinner and end here 00:36:894 - I dont like t many spinner in the map
00:48:144 (1,1,1,1) - nc spam again...o.o' done
01:04:688 (4,5) - distance trouble done
01:21:673 (4) - delete note. add note here 01:21:453 - nope

00:10:644 (4) - x:248 y:168 done
00:11:747 (5) - x:220 :232 done
00:25:203 - add spinner here. end 00:26:526 - done
01:22:114 (1) - start spinner here 01:21:894 - and end here 01:21:894 (1) - nope

Yuuki Orchestra
00:24:982 (1) - start here 00:24:761 - end here 00:24:761 (1) -
00:42:630 (2,4,5) - whistle done
00:44:835 (2) - clap. and this 00:45:717 (5) - done

this is all ^______________^
good luck ^_^

Thanks for your mods.

I mod your map tomorrow ok.
Topic Starter

Akashi_S wrote:

From the queue! :D
My modding is not good sorry :(

@Nagisawa: Video in FLV?Hm...i think video must me in format AVI. [FLV is fine, AVI usually has bigger memory also, so FLV will reduce the size of the file]

TAGS - no need to write Nazo no Kanojo X because it's in the source :)
Also no need to write Koi no Orchestra because it's the title.
Also. no need to write Ayako Yoshitani because it's the artist :) done

BG Image - The maximum dimension of the background image allowed is 1024x768. Your BGImage has 1365x767 done
For comboburst 1.. "This game is for all ages." < you can ignore this.

Check AIMod (Ctrl + Shift + A) to avoid the spacing infringements that you make :)
00:38:658 (2) - Too much repeat arrows. Too hard for easy diff players to play. nope, is ok i think
00:44:394 (1,2,3) - nazi. Make slider 3 similar to slider 1 and 2? You can copy-paste it. done
01:03:806 (2) - Too much repeat arrows. Too hard for easy diff players to play. done

Consistent spacing with using distance snap, all time please.
And also check AIMod.
00:31:820 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5) - Too hard for normal players. Reduce it so that it would be much simpler mm... it's ok i think, if someone else write the same i will change this.

Oh god.. CS-1. Too small imo. its ok in my opinion.
Sorry I could not test-play this.

[Yuuki Orchestra]
Can't mod insane..

Good luck with mapping :D

Thanks for your mod.
20120410210114_original.jpg is 1365x767, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768. if you want you can use this

also need

comboburst.png's dimensions must not be larger than 500x767 (currently 543x750).
comboburst.png's dimensions must not be larger than 500x767 (currently 530x750).

Inconsistency in combo colours:

- [Easy] :
Combo1 : 255,150,0
Combo2 : 236,245,44
Combo3 : 23,186,221
Combo4 : 214,90,31

- [Hard] :
Combo1 : 255,150,0
Combo2 : 236,245,44
Combo3 : 107,181,64
Combo4 : 214,90,31

- [Normal] :
Combo1 : 255,150,0
Combo2 : 236,245,44
Combo3 : 107,181,64
Combo4 : 214,90,31

Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:
- [Easy] : 0
- [Hard] : 0
- [Normal] : 0
- [Yuuki Orchestra] : 3000

Inconsistency in LetterboxInBreaks:
- [Easy] : 1
- [Hard] : 1
- [Normal] : 0
- [Yuuki Orchestra] : 1

Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections:

- [Easy]
Red timing sections at:
00:09:761, BPM of 136.000

- [Hard]
Red timing sections at:
00:09:761, BPM of 136.000

- [Normal]
Red timing sections at:
00:09:761, BPM of 136.000

- [Yuuki Orchestra]
Red timing sections at:
00:09:762, BPM of 136.000 ←

Spinner New Combo
00:26:967 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner.
00:19:908 (3) - Add NC.
00:20:350 (1) - Remove NC.
00:23:438 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:308 y:40}, move node #3 to {x:208 y:104}.
00:35:570 (3) - Move node #3 to {x:348 y:88}, move node #4 to {x:348 y:88}, move node #6 to {x:212 y:124}.
00:37:556 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:104 y:336}.
00:39:761 (3) - Move node #2 to {x:56 y:168}.

01:02:261 - add note
01:10:865 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
01:20:571 (1) - Unsnapped circle.

00:32:262 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
00:34:027 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
00:34:468 (5) - Unsnapped circle.

[Yuuki Orchestra]
00:12:703 (1) - Unsnapped slider (repeat).
00:12:703 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:54:210 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:30:630 - snap to 00:30:607

Topic Starter

eLtigreXXx wrote:

20120410210114_original.jpg is 1365x767, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768. if you want you can use this

also need

comboburst.png's dimensions must not be larger than 500x767 (currently 543x750).
comboburst.png's dimensions must not be larger than 500x767 (currently 530x750).

Inconsistency in combo colours:

- [Easy] :
Combo1 : 255,150,0
Combo2 : 236,245,44
Combo3 : 23,186,221
Combo4 : 214,90,31

- [Hard] :
Combo1 : 255,150,0
Combo2 : 236,245,44
Combo3 : 107,181,64
Combo4 : 214,90,31

- [Normal] :
Combo1 : 255,150,0
Combo2 : 236,245,44
Combo3 : 107,181,64
Combo4 : 214,90,31

Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:
- [Easy] : 0
- [Hard] : 0
- [Normal] : 0
- [Yuuki Orchestra] : 3000

Inconsistency in LetterboxInBreaks:
- [Easy] : 1
- [Hard] : 1
- [Normal] : 0
- [Yuuki Orchestra] : 1

Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections:

- [Easy]
Red timing sections at:
00:09:761, BPM of 136.000

- [Hard]
Red timing sections at:
00:09:761, BPM of 136.000

- [Normal]
Red timing sections at:
00:09:761, BPM of 136.000

- [Yuuki Orchestra]
Red timing sections at:
00:09:762, BPM of 136.000 ←

Spinner New Combo
00:26:967 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner.
00:19:908 (3) - Add NC.
00:20:350 (1) - Remove NC.
00:23:438 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:308 y:40}, move node #3 to {x:208 y:104}.
00:35:570 (3) - Move node #3 to {x:348 y:88}, move node #4 to {x:348 y:88}, move node #6 to {x:212 y:124}.
00:37:556 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:104 y:336}.
00:39:761 (3) - Move node #2 to {x:56 y:168}.

01:02:261 - add note
01:10:865 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
01:20:571 (1) - Unsnapped circle.

00:32:262 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
00:34:027 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
00:34:468 (5) - Unsnapped circle.

[Yuuki Orchestra]
00:12:703 (1) - Unsnapped slider (repeat).
00:12:703 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:54:210 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:30:630 - snap to 00:30:607


done all. thx for your mod.
Irie Miyuki
Just some suggestions :3

I'm not good at modding and i'm trying to give my suggestions.
If u don't like, plz skip it, and sorry for my poor english.

awesome skins. really cool.

[Yuuki Orchestra]
00:11:525 (6) - finish at 00:11:746
00:12:738 (1) - reduce a return
01:17:702 ( - add a note
try to add some hitsounds during 00:09:761 ~ 00:30:496

01:09:541 (1) - remove the note
01:09:761 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - maybe it's hard for some players, but if u want, it'ok.

Open AiMod and it has a lot of spacing should be fixed.
00:10:644 (2,3) -
00:10:864 (3,4) -
and you can fix it quickly. 7 mistakes in it.

the same as normal. it's hard for new players and plz fix it.

if u think it helps u, please mod this and if u don't want to mod all the diffs, u can choose the diffs u like :)
Topic Starter

Irie Miyuki wrote:

Just some suggestions :3

I'm not good at modding and i'm trying to give my suggestions.
If u don't like, plz skip it, and sorry for my poor english.

awesome skins. really cool. Thanks

[Yuuki Orchestra]
00:11:525 (6) - finish at 00:11:746 ok
00:12:738 (1) - reduce a return ok
01:17:702 ( - add a note nope. It's ok now
try to add some hitsounds during 00:09:761 ~ 00:30:496

01:09:541 (1) - remove the note I think thats is matter of taste
01:09:761 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - maybe it's hard for some players, but if u want, it'ok. It's ok i think

Open AiMod and it has a lot of spacing should be fixed. I know, but this very frustrating becouse I use distance snap but anyway AiMod show me specing warring. I must ask someone more experienced then me about this.
00:10:644 (2,3) -
00:10:864 (3,4) -
and you can fix it quickly. 7 mistakes in it. I must think about it, becouse AiMod forces me to set objects very close to each other. I do not like it

the same as normal. it's hard for new players and plz fix it.

if u think it helps u, please mod this and if u don't want to mod all the diffs, u can choose the diffs u like :)
Thx for mods. I go mod your map now ;)
Hi pyransc, mod from your queue to M4M.

Your BG size is 1024x575 then it isn't 4:3. You should use one 1024x768 or 800x600.
There are some missing skin files. To complete the skin you must add approachcircle.png and spinner-osu.png
You must change the format of "spinner-background.jpg" in .png or it doens't work for the skin.
Remove letterbox during breaks in the hard diff
You added 2 times "opening" in the Normal's Tags. Remove one
Add "Op" in the tags?
The correct offset is 9.320, fix it.

00:30:497 (1) - Remove whistle on this slider. It sounds so bad.
00:30:497 (1) - Still here, add finish on the slider's start
00:34:026 (1) - If you see in play mode this slider is asymmetric. I fixed it for you:
00:35:570 (3) - Remove whistle, too loud..
00:38:658 (2) - Remove a repeat
00:43:511 (4) - Move this slider to x:232 y:304 and move the central slider's point to x:296 y:288 to improve the shape and the blanket with 00:43:070 (3)
00:44:394 (1) - Always to improve the blanket with 00:43:511 (4), move this slider to x:336 y:112 and the second waypoint to x:385 y:114
00:50:791 (1) - This spinner follows.. nothing. Use this rhythm instead:

01:12:408 (5,6) - Select them and move to x:152 y:92 to improve the blanket with 01:11:085 (4)
01:16:379 (1) - Remove this bad finish..
01:19:908 (1) - ^

AR +1 is better
00:16:820 (2,1) - Why this huge jump? This is a normal, just use distance snap to map it
00:30:497 (2) - There is a finish in the song, add it on this circle too?
00:41:085 Add circle with finish
00:42:188 (1) - Fix the spacing using distance snap moving it further from the previous circle
00:55:203 (4) - Finish
00:55:644 (1) - Remove finish

Circle size +1 please..
00:19:908 (1) - Finish on the start sounds very good here
00:27:629 (2) - I would CTRL + R this
00:38:879 (3) - Remove this bad whistle..
00:44:614 (2,3) - Wrong and confusing spacing. Move the 00:45:276 (3) further from (2)
00:55:203 (2) - Finish
00:55:644 (1) - Remove finish
01:21:232 (2) - New combo

[Yuuki Orchestra]
00:11:525 (6) - Reduce by 1/4
00:30:496 (8) - Finish
00:41:084 (6) - ^ on the head
00:45:055 (3) - Finish
00:45:937 (6) - ^
00:54:209 (1) - Unsnapped slider's end
Yay random spacing here ._. Why didn't you use distance snap? :\

That's all, good luck
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Hi pyransc, mod from your queue to M4M.

Your BG size is 1024x575 then it isn't 4:3. You should use one 1024x768 or 800x600.
There are some missing skin files. To complete the skin you must add approachcircle.png and spinner-osu.png
You must change the format of "spinner-background.jpg" in .png or it doens't work for the skin.
Remove letterbox during breaks in the hard diff
You added 2 times "opening" in the Normal's Tags. Remove one
Add "Op" in the tags?
The correct offset is 9.320, fix it.
done all
00:30:497 (1) - Remove whistle on this slider. It sounds so bad.done
00:30:497 (1) - Still here, add finish on the slider's startdone
00:34:026 (1) - If you see in play mode this slider is asymmetric. I fixed it for you:
00:35:570 (3) - Remove whistle, too loud..done
00:38:658 (2) - Remove a repeatdone
00:43:511 (4) - Move this slider to x:232 y:304 and move the central slider's point to x:296 y:288 to improve the shape and the blanket with 00:43:070 done(3)
00:44:394 (1) - Always to improve the blanket with 00:43:511 (4), move this slider to x:336 y:112 and the second waypoint to x:385 y:114 done
00:50:791 (1) - This spinner follows.. nothing. Use this rhythm instead:done

01:12:408 (5,6) - Select them and move to x:152 y:92 to improve the blanket with 01:11:085 (4)done
01:16:379 (1) - Remove this bad finish..done
01:19:908 (1) - ^done

AR +1 is betterdone
00:16:820 (2,1) - Why this huge jump? This is a normal, just use distance snap to map itdone
00:30:497 (2) - There is a finish in the song, add it on this circle too?done
00:41:085 Add circle with finishdone
00:42:188 (1) - Fix the spacing using distance snap moving it further from the previous circledone
00:55:203 (4) - Finishdone
00:55:644 (1) - Remove finishdone

Circle size +1 please.. done
00:19:908 (1) - Finish on the start sounds very good heredone
00:27:629 (2) - I would CTRL + R thisdone
00:38:879 (3) - Remove this bad whistle..done
00:44:614 (2,3) - Wrong and confusing spacing. Move the 00:45:276 (3) further from (2)done
00:55:203 (2) - Finishdone
00:55:644 (1) - Remove finishdone
01:21:232 (2) - New combodone

[Yuuki Orchestra]
00:11:525 (6) - Reduce by 1/4done
00:30:496 (8) - Finishdone
00:41:084 (6) - ^ on the headdone
00:45:055 (3) - Finishdone
00:45:937 (6) - ^done
00:54:209 (1) - Unsnapped slider's enddone
Yay random spacing here ._. Why didn't you use distance snap? :\

That's all, good luck
Thx for mod
Hi from my mod Q~~

• If you use circle skin you should add SliderBorder after colors in file .osu
• Background should have size 1024x768 or 800x600
• you should add file spinner-osu.png, approachcircle.png and fail-background.png
• spinner-background.jpg and pause-overlay.png should have size 800x600

Yuuki Orchestra

00:11:525 - prolong this slider to white tick
00:17:260 - add note here, sounds better
00:24:319 - ^
00:32:481 - better replace on 2 sliders 1/2 more playable and better follow the music

Looks ugly ;w; Try make more symmetric in sliders and pattern, now it's bad~~


blah put circle size 5~ It's better
OD -1

00:18:144(7,1) - overmapped, try this
00:37:556(1,2) - make this sliders identical and symmertry
00:47:041 - better replace on 2 sliders 1/2 more playable and better follow the music
00:48:144(1,2) - looks better
00:53:438 - 00:54:320 - put spinner here
01:02:703 - remove 1 repeat and add note
01:16:379 -remove whistle and add finish


00:11:526(4,5) - overmapped


Slider velocity should be 1.0 - 1.2 ~~ correct it~

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:

Hi from my mod Q~~

• If you use circle skin you should add SliderBorder after colors in file .osu done
• Background should have size 1024x768 or 800x600 done
• you should add file spinner-osu.png, approachcircle.png and fail-background.png done
• spinner-background.jpg and pause-overlay.png should have size 800x600 can be 1023x692

Yuuki Orchestra

00:11:525 - prolong this slider to white tick done
00:17:260 - add note here, sounds better done
00:24:319 - ^ done
00:32:481 - better replace on 2 sliders 1/2 more playable and better follow the music done

Looks ugly ;w; Try make more symmetric in sliders and pattern, now it's bad~~


blah put circle size 5~ It's better 4
OD -1 done

00:18:144(7,1) - overmapped, try this done
00:37:556(1,2) - make this sliders identical and symmertry done
00:47:041 - better replace on 2 sliders 1/2 more playable and better follow the music done
00:48:144(1,2) - looks better done
00:53:438 - 00:54:320 - put spinner here done
01:02:703 - remove 1 repeat and add note done
01:16:379 -remove whistle and add finish done


00:11:526(4,5) - overmapped done


Slider velocity should be 1.0 - 1.2 ~~ correct it~ done

Good luck~
Thx for mod
Possible M4M~

Custom claps would fit better. The regular claps sounds weird imo

[Yuuki Orchestra]
Approach Rate 7? D: (Increase it by 1 please)
00:09:320 - add a note here, feels empty
00:12:738 (1) - Start the slider at 00:12:628 instead
00:19:688 - this timing section is 1ms off, please correct it and fix the slider. And why is the calm part faster?
01:17:040 (2,3) - evil anti-jump

oh god, that circle size. Please use the same as [Yuuki Orchestra] D:
00:37:555 (1,1,2) - stack these properly?
00:42:187 (1,2,3,4,5) - whistles?
01:20:349 (1,1,1,1,1) - remove new combos? looks unnecessary to me

The objects are kinda crowded and would not fit with the current approach rate. Consider increasing it by 1?
00:09:320 - add a note here
00:42:187 (1,2,3,4,5) - whistles?
00:46:158 (1,2) - remove one repeat and give (2) a fair spacing
00:54:540 (1,2,3,4) - avoid having 4 stacking objects in a row, especially right after a spinner

Approach Rate 3-4 would fit better imo
00:09:320 - add a note here please
00:46:158 (3,4) - this looks kinda tricky imo
00:51:452 (1) - end the slider at 00:53:217
00:54:540 (1,1) - that's a really big jump for being an [Easy]. I reccomend you making a horizontal flip on 00:55:864 (1,2,3)
I want to know to know who did the skinning because it would be amazing if it was a real skin for Osu! I would line up to get it XD
Topic Starter

Saten wrote:

Possible M4M~

Custom claps would fit better. The regular claps sounds weird imo

[Yuuki Orchestra]
Approach Rate 7? D: (Increase it by 1 please) done
00:09:320 - add a note here, feels empty done
00:12:738 (1) - Start the slider at 00:12:628 instead done
00:19:688 - this timing section is 1ms off, please correct it and fix the slider. And why is the calm part faster?
01:17:040 (2,3) - evil anti-jump done

oh god, that circle size. Please use the same as [Yuuki Orchestra] D: -1
00:37:555 (1,1,2) - stack these properly?done
00:42:187 (1,2,3,4,5) - whistles?done
01:20:349 (1,1,1,1,1) - remove new combos? looks unnecessary to medone

The objects are kinda crowded and would not fit with the current approach rate. Consider increasing it by 1?done
00:09:320 - add a note heredone
00:42:187 (1,2,3,4,5) - whistles?done
00:46:158 (1,2) - remove one repeat and give (2) a fair spacingdone
00:54:540 (1,2,3,4) - avoid having 4 stacking objects in a row, especially right after a spinnerdone

Approach Rate 3-4 would fit better imodone
00:09:320 - add a note here pleasedone
00:46:158 (3,4) - this looks kinda tricky imodone
00:51:452 (1) - end the slider at 00:53:217 done
00:54:540 (1,1) - that's a really big jump for being an [Easy]. I reccomend you making a horizontal flip on 00:55:864 (1,2,3)done
Very thx.

abraham_misaki124 wrote:

I want to know to know who did the skinning because it would be amazing if it was a real skin for Osu! I would line up to get it XD
I did this skin. If I had some time maybe will do full Osu! Skin on the basis of this beatmap skin
from your M4M reqs

00:24:981- this is too short, it's hard for beginning
00:59:393 (1,2,3)- Please check your distance of note
well, This is very Hard for easy, (this is can call "Normal")

00:33:143 (1)- Remove New combo

01:17:481 (1)- Remove New combo

[Yuuki Orchestra]
00:11:525 (7)- Newcombo
00:12:628 (1)- Remove New combo
00:17:261 (1)- Move this note to center ?
00:18:584 (4)- New combo
00:44:834 (2)- Remove Clap
00:45:717 (5)- Remove Clap
00:54:209 (1)- Remove New combo
00:54:540 (2)- New combo
from 01:16:378 to end - Where's the hit sound ! O [] O
01:20:349 (3)- this is not Distanse with (2) please edit

That's all I can find
Good luck =w=)//
Hi~ from your forum M4M req

My Mod is not good :?
I hope help your Map
Let's go~ :)

All suggestions↓↓


00:15:937 add circle?
00:23:437(1,2,1) this rhythm?
00:29:172(2) change finish at end
00:30:496(1) remove finish
00:34:025(1) change whistle
00:35:128(2) change finish
00:35:569(3) change whistle at end
01:00:275(2) move like blanket from (1)
01:00:717(3) spacing


00:12:187(5) remove clap at end
00:14:172(3) remove clap at start
00:15:055(5) remove clap
00:15:496 add sircle? then, add clap
00:16:378(1) add clap
00:17:481(1) move 00:17:261 then add clap at start
00:18:143(2) add clap (when you change 00:17:481)
00:18:584(3) extend this slider at 00:19:025 then, add clap at end
00:19:246(4) move 00:19:467
00:19:687(1) remove this sircle? (when you change 00:19:246)
00:21:452(1) move 00:21:452
00:28:069(2) move 00:28:290
00:30:275(1) move 00:30:055
00:36:011 fill this rhythm? then, add NC


00:23:878(2) remove sircle
00:30:055 add sircle
00:33:143(4) change finish at end
00:35:790 add sircle
00:37:114(5) add finish
00:40:864(4) remove finish and add sircle at 00:41:084 then, add finish
00:50:790(4) add sircle and finish
00:54:540(1) I think this slider is far from center
I suggestion remove spin and fill something or (1) move near center
01:21:231(6) this slider parallel to (3,4)

[Yuuki Orchestra]


00:22:114(5) spacing
00:36:231(1) add clap
00:37:230(3) add clap
00:49:467(5) this slider parallel to (3,4)
01:08:658(4) NC

Good luck~ ;)
Topic Starter

bestz2541 wrote:

from your M4M reqs

00:24:981- this is too short, it's hard for beginning
00:59:393 (1,2,3)- Please check your distance of note done
well, This is very Hard for easy, (this is can call "Normal")

00:33:143 (1)- Remove New combo nope

01:17:481 (1)- Remove New combo done

[Yuuki Orchestra]
00:11:525 (7)- Newcombo done
00:12:628 (1)- Remove New combo done
00:17:261 (1)- Move this note to center ? remap
00:18:584 (4)- New combo done
00:44:834 (2)- Remove Clap nope i like this
00:45:717 (5)- Remove Clap ^
00:54:209 (1)- Remove New combo done
00:54:540 (2)- New combo done
from 01:16:378 to end - Where's the hit sound ! O [] O done
01:20:349 (3)- this is not Distanse with (2) please edit done

That's all I can find
Good luck =w=)//

FreeSky wrote:

Hi~ from your forum M4M req

My Mod is not good :?
I hope help your Map
Let's go~ :)

All suggestions↓↓


00:15:937 add circle? done
00:23:437(1,2,1) this rhythm? hmm nope
00:29:172(2) change finish at end nope
00:30:496(1) remove finish nope
00:34:025(1) change whistle done
00:35:128(2) change finish done
00:35:569(3) change whistle at end done
01:00:275(2) move like blanket from (1)
01:00:717(3) spacing


00:12:187(5) remove clap at end done
00:14:172(3) remove clap at start ^
00:15:055(5) remove clap ^
00:15:496 add sircle? then, add clap nope
00:16:378(1) add clap nope
00:17:481(1) move 00:17:261 then add clap at start nope
00:18:143(2) add clap (when you change 00:17:481) nope
00:18:584(3) extend this slider at 00:19:025 then, add clap at end nope
00:19:246(4) move 00:19:467 nope
00:19:687(1) remove this sircle? (when you change 00:19:246) nope
00:21:452(1) move 00:21:452 nope
00:28:069(2) move 00:28:290 nope
00:30:275(1) move 00:30:055 nope
00:36:011 fill this rhythm? then, add NC done


00:23:878(2) remove sircle nope
00:30:055 add sircle nope
00:33:143(4) change finish at end done
00:35:790 add sircle nope
00:37:114(5) add finish nope
00:40:864(4) remove finish and add sircle at 00:41:084 then, add finish nope
00:50:790(4) add sircle and finish nope
00:54:540(1) I think this slider is far from center nope
I suggestion remove spin and fill something or (1) move near center
01:21:231(6) this slider parallel to (3,4) done

[Yuuki Orchestra]

OD+1? done

00:22:114(5) spacing done
00:36:231(1) add clap nope
00:37:230(3) add clap nope
00:49:467(5) this slider parallel to (3,4) done
01:08:658(4) NC done

Good luck~ ;)

Thanks for your hard work
pyransc what you did to my diff ;w; ??
that's not mine :c
Topic Starter
I change only distance snap in some place. Notes are the same. Sorry if its problem for You. Ofcourse you can change everything you want in your diff and send me.
R e v i v e
Hi from modding queue :D


- Can you change your diffs "Easy+" & "Normal+" > Easy & Normal ?


00:14:172 (3) - End of slider add whistle.
00:29:172 (2) - Maybe add green timing here with Normal sound 50 % then change to soft sound at 00:29:283 (X) -
00:30:496 (1) - I recommend you remove whistle from reverse arrow.
00:35:569 (3) - End of slider clap.
00:37:555 (1) - Start of slider finish and end slider whistle.
00:39:761 (3) - It's look ugly, so I suggest you change slider shape.
00:54:540 (1) - End of slider add whistle.
00:55:864 (1) - ^
00:58:511 (3) - ^
01:00:717 (3) - Whistle.
01:01:158 (4) - Start of slider add whistle.
01:14:393 (2) - Add whistle at reverse arrow.


00:14:172 (3) - Maybe change like this ?
00:15:055 (5) - Whistle.
00:29:172 (6) - Same Easy


00:30:717 (3) - Swap clap to end slider.
00:31:599 (6) - ^


00:12:628 (1) - Remove one repeat (for rhythm this song.)
00:56:746 (4) - Hard to read this note ._.
01:14:393 (7) - It's a bit confuse to read way of slider.
01:22:555 (2) - Remove clap & finish then add whistle.

Good Luck ^^"
Topic Starter

R e v i v e wrote:

Hi from modding queue :D


- Can you change your diffs "Easy+" & "Normal+" > Easy & Normal ? Some people say this is to hard, so I added +


00:14:172 (3) - End of slider add whistle.ok
00:29:172 (2) - Maybe add green timing here with Normal sound 50 % then change to soft sound at 00:29:283 (X) - nope
00:30:496 (1) - I recommend you remove whistle from reverse arrow.ok
00:35:569 (3) - End of slider clap.ok
00:37:555 (1) - Start of slider finish and end slider whistle. nope
00:39:761 (3) - It's look ugly, so I suggest you change slider shape.ok
00:54:540 (1) - End of slider add whistle.ok
00:55:864 (1) - ^ok
00:58:511 (3) - ^ok
01:00:717 (3) - Whistle.ok
01:01:158 (4) - Start of slider add whistle.ok
01:14:393 (2) - Add whistle at reverse arrow.ok


00:14:172 (3) - Maybe change like this ?
00:15:055 (5) - Whistle.ok
00:29:172 (6) - Same Easynope


00:30:717 (3) - Swap clap to end slider.nope
00:31:599 (6) - ^nope


00:12:628 (1) - Remove one repeat (for rhythm this song.)
00:56:746 (4) - Hard to read this note ._.
01:14:393 (7) - It's a bit confuse to read way of slider.
01:22:555 (2) - Remove clap & finish then add whistle.

Good Luck ^^"
you said that if i want to mod my diff again...

Here is it, remaked and modded, i think it's complete...
:) >:( falta mas papih :v
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