
It doesn't seem to be installing

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[deleted user]
Aye a little help on this one: I just got osu!, and i'm trying to install it on my computer - a vista machine. I run the updater that was downloaded, but nothing seems to be happening. It seems to be forever searching for updates....Is there anything i should do?
It's probably something to do with Internet Explorer. Look in this thread:

If that doesn't work, try disabling firewall, etc.
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[deleted user]
Yeah i read that thread....I doubt it's internet explorer - i have no firewall installed, and all settings are default. I doubt my ports are blocked as bit torrent works fine...
The thread also tells you the location of the basic files required to play osu!, although you will miss out on a lot of functionality. Check your user account has permissions setup correctly, and try letting osume.exe run as administrator (you can set this by right clicking on it and going into properties) before downloading the files separately.
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