本屆主題:Alternator (強雙)
Current theme:Alternator
介紹 Introduction
- 歡迎來到第二屆lu^3 Mapping Cup!
lu^3 Mapping Cup,簡稱LMC,是由Hey lululu舉辦的,osu Standard作圖主題比賽,本屆(第二屆)LMC(LMC2019)的主題為 Alternator (強雙),旨在通過作圖比賽的平台,鼓勵與支持Mapper對強雙圖的創作,為各位Mapper展示自己強雙圖的作品提供平台。
- Welcome to the 2nd lululu Cup Mapping Contest (LMC 2019)!
lululu Cup Mapping Contest (LMC) is a theme-based osu!standard mapping contest organized by Hey lululu. In this installment, the theme is "Alternator".
The objective of LMC is to encourage mappers to contribute unique creations to alternator-style maps as well as provide a platform for mappers to display their excellent skills.
The LMC Committe would like to express thanks for the support from people especially those who participated in the previous event of LMC 2018.
- 參賽者的提交時間不可以晚於提交截止日期;
- 參賽者不能提交無法讀取或未完成的譜面;
- 參賽者不能修改譜面中的Timing, Title, Artist, MP3, Source, Tags項目;
- 参赛者可自由為譜面添加背景、視頻、皮膚或Storyboard,但不記分;
- 参賽者必須獨立完成譜面,不能提交合作完成的譜面;
- 在比赛结果公布前,参赛者的編號和参赛譜面不能以任何形式被公開或傳播;参赛者不能向評委提供有助辨識谱面作者的信息;
- 本次請參照主題進行做圖,若未達成要求,將進行斟酌扣分;
- 參賽條件:
- 帳號創建半年以上;
- 至少上傳一張圖;
- 組委會將會審核個人Profile。
- 禁止使用小號参赛;
- 比賽组委會中主辦、協辦及評委不得参赛;
- 提交作品即代表参赛者同意並遵守以上所有規則;
- 如有任何爭議,組委會將保留最终决定權。
1. Participants must sumbit their entry before the deadline.
2. Participants should not submit beatmaps that are incomplete or broken.
3. Participants are not allowed to change "Timing, Title, Artist, MP3, Source and Tags" of the beatmap template.
4. Participants are allowed to add background, video, skin and stroyboard into the beatmap. However, these elements are not considered when judging. These element should subject to the community rules of osu!. Inappropriate elements will result in disqualification.
5. Collaboration is prohibited.
6. Submission are not allowed to be made public prior to the release of the contest result.
7. Beatmap submitted should reflect the theme of this installment of LMC: Alternator Style. This will be considered by Judges when scoring.
8. Eligibility to participate in this contest:
8.1 Account should be more than 6 months old.
8.2 At least 1 uploaded map.
8.3 Qualified through the background check of the committee.
9. Duplicate accounts are not allowed to participate in this contest.
10. Committee members (Contest host, co-hosts and judges) are not allowed to participate this contest.
11. All rights reserved.
- Parov Stelar - Libella Swing
- BPM:124
- 長度:4:03(暫定,詳細請見譜面製作規則)
- 下載網址(Download Links):puush / Google Drive / 百度密碼:rrsc
Song Information
Parov Stelar - Libella Swing, BPM: 124, Length: 4:03
*Contestants are free to choose one options: 1. Map the entire song. 2. Map the part from the beginning to 02:29:095
puush: https://puu.sh/DifLo/eb56ede793.osz
googledrive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bUaUrdTlYyKnzzquMjPCofuVUAXUbdby/view?usp=sharing
Baidu Netdisk: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16w28yZeBfi3ONVmrNE-Rtw code: rrsc
- 參賽者請通過給Regraz發送PM進行報名以及提交譜面(本屆比賽不設報名環節,參賽選手可以直接提交。):
複製以下範例並修改內容,不要修改格式 wrote:
標題:lululu Mapping Cup#2 第二次作品提交
https://puu.sh/DifLo/eb56ede793.osz解釋 wrote:
標題:lululu Mapping Cup#2 第X次作品提交
參賽作品網址)[URL] - 僅接受.osz格式文件的提交;
- 接受puush,百度網盤,Google雲端硬盤等連結的提交;
- 對於所有已提交譜面會有一個名單,名單更新可能會有延後;
- 每位參賽者會有3次提交機會,並以最後一次作有效的提交
- 參賽者名單將在提交作品過程中進行公開。
No registration needed.
Please directly submit your entry by forum PM Regraz with title:
lululu Mapping Cup#2 #NUMBER-th Submission
(link of map)
For example:
lululu Mapping Cup#2 1st Submission
Accept puush / Baidu Netdisk (Private Links) / Google Drive and other cloud services.
Each contestant has a maximum of 3 oppoturnities to submit. The latest submission will be deemed the only valid submission.
- 參賽者須將譜面作者改為參賽者ID,例如“Hey lululu”;
- 参赛者只需完成一個難度,如果提交多個難度,會以最高難度為準;
- 允許使用自訂音效;
- 允許使用自訂Combo顏色;
- 允許使用難度名:(Easy/Normal/Hard/Insane/Expert/Extra);
- 參賽選手可以選擇全部完成譜面或是只完成部分長度,需完成00:00~02:29;
- 譜面須符合本屆比賽強雙主題。
When Beatmapping
1. Participants are required to change the Creator in the Song Setup into their osu! account name.
2. One and only one difficulty is required to complete. If multiple difficulties are submitted, only the difficulty with the highest star difficulty is regarded valid.
3. Custom hitsounds are allowed.
4. Custom Combo Colors are allowed.
5. Participants are required to choose one difficulty name from the following: Easy/Normal/Hard/Insane/Expert/Extra. Other difficulty names (for example, Light Insane) are not allowed.
6. You can just map from 00:00 to 2:29 or entire song depends on yourself.
- 每位評委會獨立地為譜面進行評分;
- 譜面均為暱名,評委無法得知對應的參賽者ID;
- 作圖須符合本屆比賽強雙的主題,否則評委將酌情扣分;
- 評委會依據一致性、可玩性、創新性及個人喜好對譜面進行評分:
一致性分 (Consistency Score) (10分):譜面的音軌跟隨、排列風格、音效使用是否一致?
可玩性分 (Playability Score) (10分):譜面的排列是否適合玩家遊玩、符合歌曲?
創新性分 (Innovation Score) (10分):譜面是否運用了獨特少見的風格?
三個分數之和為譜面的原始得分; - 評委給一張譜面的標準得分,為標準偏差標準化後的原始得分,即:
S* = (S - S(平均))/SD
S*為標準得分,S為原始得分,S(平均)為該評委打出的原始得分的平均數,SD為該評委給分的標準偏差; - 評分結束後,組委將會公布評分表和所有參賽者譜面;其中評分表包括參賽者ID與對應的參賽者編號、評分;
- 對於每首比賽歌曲,參賽者的排名按照分數的降序進行。
When Judges review:
1. Each judge reviews individually.
2. Submissions will be anonymized before sending to judges for review.
3. Judges will review from the three aspects: Consistency, Playability and Innovation. 10 points for each. The theme of this installment of LMC - Alternator Style will be considered by Judges when scoring.
4. Sum of the points from the three aspects will be the original points of a beatmap. To eliminate the influence of personal preference of judges, original points will be standardized/normalized with the formula: S* = (S - S(avg))/SD.
5. All submissions will be made public after the release of the result.
- 評分完後,組委將寄送評語PM給各個選手,可供選手參考
- When score is over, the committee will send the comment PM to each player for the player's reference.
第一名:osu! supporter tag 4個月、個人頁面徽章
第二名:osu! supporter tag 2個月
第三名:osu! supporter tag 1個月
First place: osu! supporter tag 4 months、Profile Badge
Second place: osu! supporter tag 2 months
Third place: osu! supporter tag 1 months
暫定賽程 Schedule (subject to change)
- 03/30~04/06 比賽預告、歌曲提名 Songs Nomination
- 04/07~04/21 選曲投票:通過官網以及Discord群進行投票 Songs Vote (via thread and discord)
- 04/22~06/01 接受報名,比賽正式開始 Registration and Submission
- 06/02~06/21 評委審圖 Judging
- 06/22 結果公布 Result Announcement
LMC 2019 組委會 Committee
Discord 服務器 Server
本屆LMC將設立Discord服務器: https://discord.gg/VtCSUFE 若因不可抗力因素無法連接至Discord,請關注論壇,相關信息及通知將同步更新。
Discord: https://discord.gg/VtCSUFE It is recommended to join the discord of LMC to get updates on this contest.
2019年06月01日 晚上11時59分59秒 UCT+8
2019/06/01/ PM. 11:59:59 UCT+8