Emotes like 8==B and ( o Y o ) should not be restricted if penis sliders are rankable.
Reportable offenses like being toxic, racism, or hate speech are all understandable, but emotes?
One thing all of the reportable offenses I listed (besides emotes) have in common is that they hurt someone in someway, that is why most people can understand why doing that can get you banned, but being banned for something as trivial as 8=B? Which group are we hurting by saying that? Sure you could argue that even kids play Osu, but then why is it that kids can play maps with alot more graphic depictions of penises? It's contradictory at the very least. I think the Osu team needs to see this and understand that NONE of the people in the chat lobby are going to be offended for putting some lines and letters together. The people that do report people for typing that, are the real trolls.