
*Insert awesome subject line here*

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Hey all names W0of


Well~ alot of my mates have been playing Osu! and I thought i'd jump in and play too. I guess i'm alright for now considering i can oly play with a mouse xD I won't be playing with a tablet until i can draw on it (I'm an average artist and I tried to draw on a tablet, first time btw, and I failed miserably) so yeah.

Um well yeah, a bit more about me? I'm an artist, into my music, like mucking around with mates, into gaming, anime and manga ^^ and yeah...Oh and I hope to make some friends while i'm here and meet new people.

(P.s, I couldn't think of a better subject line T^T sorry)
Hi! I'm still new, too. Hope we can get along. Feel free to add me as your friend.

If you're an artist, then you can try to participate at osu! 2012 T-shirt Design Contest.

As for the *awesome subject line*, you can use something like "W0of!", "H3ll0, W0of h3re!", or anything you can think of. I'm not good at making lines. xD

and before I forgot, welcome to osu!
Welcome to osu! Hope to play with you sometime and hope you're enjoying your time here~
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Hey thanks for the reply _RemiliaScarlet_ ^^ and I too hope we can get along /adds as friend
Oh~ i don't think i'll enter :P I wouldn't have a clue of what to design xD
Haha, yes that could have worked too, I guess we both can't think up good subject lines :P
and thanks for the welcome ^^

and thankyou too Hetaliafangirl99 for the welcome ^^ I am enjoying my stay here and I hope i get to play with you sometime aswell
Welcome to the forum, W0of. Feel free to add me to play some rounds or chat.
Since I bought my tablet, I never tried to draw with it, but I did make some cool smudge tags :D

Welcome to Osu forums, you don't really need to know how to draw to play Osu with a tablet, but I guess if you want to do that, there's nothing wrong with that. Have fun!
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Thankyou Aoriki and sCam for the welcomes ^^ Will do that Aoriki(:
Oh~ yeah sCam ^^ I just got my first SS with a mouse ^^ (Took me 9o+ tries but i got there!)
K a Y e
Welcome W0of :3 Mouse only players FTW \:D/
Why hello there, person with a username not dissimilar to the english onomatopoeia of a canine's vocal sounds. I hope you enjoy your stay in this lukewarm corner of the internet~
Welcome to Osu! I'm Xierra, and I'm new to Osu forums too! I'm not an insane player. I can only play till hard ;)
I hope you meet many friends here, and I hope to meet you to play some rounds. Good luck! :D
welcome to the forums! hope we can play in multi sometime!
Welcome to the community. :)
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Haha, yes KaYe, mouse FTW ^^ and thanks for the welcome
Hello to you too Kinrinjin7, I hope we can play together sometime
Thanks for the welcome Static Noise Bird
Hey Kael!
Haha, hello Azure_Kite ^^ I hope I enjoy my stay too
Ah~ Hello Xierra then ^^ Thankyou and good luck to you aswell
Okay Strikercups, thanks for the welcome and i looks forward to multi'ng with you
Thanks Vizzy ^^
welcome to osu! c:
Welcome to osu! Enjoy Your Stay here! (:
Btw. you can add me as your friend ^^

Add me if you want ^^
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