
Mago de Oz - Hasta que el cuerpo aguante

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Sir Minelli
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Pretty good for a first map. I'm not a mod but I can help a little :)

offset 32.750, that makes thing easier
then resnap all notes
00:49:945 (5) ; it's not following distance snap
I would do slider tick on 1 BUT, it messes all your slider up so you can better ask a mod for that and everything else. slider tick on 2 is not wrong or something, i only think it sounds better on 1.

I haven't checked everything but this is what i happened to find out, good luck ;)
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Thx for that!! i fixed already ;d


- Standing for what you believe in is right, even if you are standing alone -
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
There was some discussion in irc about the slider at the end, but I think it is playable, at least in theory. It's easy enough to follow along at that speed, and it doesn't seem to last much longer than the similar slider arts in the DS games.

The map itself isn't super great, but it shows a lot of promise. Keep working at it. I don't know if your timing is right or not, it seems fine, but in the second half of the song a lot of the beats don't seem to match up so well with the music, so just go through it and make sure everything is snapped as you intended.
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Thx alot Luigi.

i will work on it, i want it ranked.

its a great song which i like alot. and i know the Hispanics will love it as well.

thx for your support again.

(Thx to those who have tested the beatmap up to now as well)

-Standing for what you believe in is right, even if you are standing alone -

Offset: 23.350

Please place the Samplechanging timing section 1/1 before where it is now. If you click too early, you still get the soft sample with where the section is now.

00:28:68 (2,3) - Those are too close together. I suggest you put a beat on 00:29:31 and stack it with 3. Do the same with all the other spacing issues in that combo.

00:52:75 (1,1) - Those two just don't sound well. Please replace them with something more fitting


Good map so far.
Quite good but it needs constant spacing and some of the jumps are fine, I dislike your LONG sliders that cover over full lyrics,

The final slider may stay but personally I don't like it.


"Metroid would gives you a imaginary star if he could...."
00:32:74 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Wrong spacing; the grid placement is as if everything here is the same distance apart on the timeline, which it isn't.
Wizard Of Orz
i think the map sounds ok but spaced badly

some jumps are ok i guess but have some consistent spacing.
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Ty Garlic, i will be checking that out


- Standing for what you believe in is right, even if you are standing alone -
Distance snap is your friend. And Distance spacing also means you use the same everytime. (With a lot exceptions ofcourse) As more people already have said: Use it! I don't know if you have used so it. check this if you're lost : viewtopic.php?p=5696#p5696 :D

first of all: choose your distance! Hold alt and in the upper right a bar will appear wich can be used to change the distance snap. I think 0.7 is good for this.
Second: grid! upper toolbar - view - grid level - 3
third: grid snap on the right must be turned on.

00:24:620 (1); this note and the note before it are too close to each other. When distance snap is turned on, you can fix it easily. Try to reorder everything with distance snap.
Then at 00:26:809 there is this jump. Jumps are okay but if you place one, distance snap should be turned off. The you can move it freely again.
Try to move the circles with the snap and nothing will go wrong.
Blech, many grammatical errorz xD

All diffs:

00:31:18 (1) - That feels definitely too close
00:52:75 (1,1) - This here still feels out of place <<
01:11:51 (1) - Maybe "Reverse Selection", so it's not too close?

All in all, I don't think this difficulty is too nubfriendly

00:26:80 (1,1) - That jumps feels... weird somehow.
00:52:75 (1,1) - This here still feels out of place <<
01:51:22 (6) - Too far away from 5, even if you intend to make that pattern hard.

00:52:75 (1,1) - This here still feels out of place <<
01:49:97 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Pattern is hard to read... but I guess it's fine

Good job
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Ty Larto, that helped alot :)

- Standing for what you believe in is right, even if you are standing alone -
Wizard Of Orz
like lesjuh said, distance snap is your friend. Turn it on and move most of the notes around. the spacing turned a bit better but still changes way too much

Use Inherit D:

And, if you place timing sections which only change volume or sample, then place them NOT directly on an actual note. That way you can get the wrong sample/volume if you click too early. Put the sections like 1/4 or 1/2 earlier.

00:26:49 (3,4,5) - Compare the spacing between those notes with the spacing between 1 and 2. It's halfed here and can distract the player lots. Please space them further away from each other.
00:52:75 (1,1) - those sliders don't sound well D:
00:58:69 (1) - Too far away from last combo's end
00:59:94 (1) - ^
01:01:19 (1) - ^
01:29:02 (1) - Even for a jump, too far away.
01:51:22 (1) - Too far away from last combo.
01:52:15 (1) - ^... but here I wouldn't make the slider closer to the circles, better the other way round.

00:52:75 (1,1) - those sliders don't sound well D:
01:12:76 (1,2,3,4) - I usually don't mod SFXes too much but... place some hitsounds here.
01:52:15 (1) -Too far away from last combo, but here I wouldn't make the slider closer to the circles, better the other way round.

00:47:75 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - That pattern looks a bit uneven. Try to make it prettier ;P
00:52:75 (1,1) - those sliders don't sound well D:
01:12:76 (1,2,3,4) - I usually don't mod SFXes too much but... place some hitsounds here.
01:42:77 (3,1) - !!!!! The beginning of that spinner is EXACTLY where the slider ends. OVERLAPS ARE BAD! Please make the spinner start 1/4, even 1/8 later. Both is okay, a long as you don't overlap!

We're getting somewhere! ;D
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Love u <3

- Standing for what you believe in is right, even if you are standing alone -
Hurr Durr, I'm gonna go as nazi as I can just not to be save </3

00:32:12 (5,1) - space them further away from each other
00:36:18 (4,1) - space them a tad closer
00:52:75 (1,1) - I still don't like those sliders, but... meh, they aren't THAT bad.
01:01:19 (4) - New Combo?
01:41:84 (1) - I'd like this slider to be totally vertical.
01:43:71 (1) - Aaaaah, That spinner begins EXACTLY where a slider ends. That's bad. Make the slider begin a bit later. Even 1/8 will do it.
01:52:16 (1) - Slider too close to last combo.

00:52:75 (1,1) - Sliders still are ugh, but you know it's fine </3
01:50:90 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - Oh god. Not only that this pattern is ugly, the last slider also is way too far away from the last hitcircle </3

You didn't inherit the second Timing section here.
00:27:12 (5,1) - Too close to each other
01:28:86 (8,1) - That's a big jump, even for a jump. Jump.
01:34:65 (2) - Would you mind placing that a bit more to the right so it fits into the pattern you made
01:51:84 (6,1) - Too far away from each other

Fix that plz.
Offset sounds like 23,382

[All Difficulties]
I know people like the stupid last slider and all, but this is stupid. You start it on a beat with nil for music. At least start it on a point with emphasis so it doesn't sound retarded.

00:45:26 (1,2,1,2) - jump is a bit much
01:14:18 (1) - extend this til the next 2 white ticks... ends in a wierd spot
01:47:79 (1) - jump is also pretty harsh, but not so bad i guess

A lot of the jumps on this difficulty are pretty rough. There are more jumps on this difficulty than insane, and it seems like you just ignored distance snapping for many combos.

01:14:01 (1) - extend this like Insane
01:49:65 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - weird spacing

01:10:26 (1,1,1,1) - really? you're doing this on normal?
01:14:018 - even though this spinner is more acceptable than the others, i would still extend it
01:31:52 (3,1) - pretty confusing, usually we make patterns flow by ending sliders in the direction you need to go... especially on lower difficulties
Fine I guess~
But the timing sections here differ from what you have on all the other difficulties? Please make them the same here.

01:57:787 (x) - Place a note here.

01:57:787 (x) - Place a note here.

01:57:787 (x) - Place a note here.

Almost there....

BLAHBLAH after some section and fixing and stuff and yes i am tired

ignore larto's bubble let someone else bubble+rank it.

1:52:468(6) Looks ugly.(In my opinion) Watch the screenshot below.

34:933(2) Make farther from(1).
Yes, this has no problem. But compare with 32:749(1) ~34:308(2) <I mean compare the spacing with these beats>
You don't have to fix this. This is just a suggestion.

1:41:843(2) Move up a bit. Am I too picky? sorry :(


Nice job~

Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Wow thx for the free modding minyeob =) i will correct that ;d

Thx for helping~

- Standing for what you believe in is right, even if you are standing alone -
Looks good to me <3
Topic Starter
Sir Minelli
Ty Matty :3


- Standing for what you believe in is right, even if you are standing alone -
Personally don't really like the ending slider... but oh well, it is nice to attempt slider arts. XD

Whoa... the spacing here is... well... it fluctuates wildly.

I don't see anything technically wrong though. Consider this ranked. XD
Detective Tuesday
The G Clef at the end was really impressive, I surely wasn't expecting it...

You will now notice that the scoreboard for Normal is literally ASSSSS =P. Nobody beat that >>
Dios Santo, tío esta genial este mapa.
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